5 Pages Essay Samples

Misuse of electricity essay sample

* Be sure to turn off lights when you leave a room.* Turn off machines when you leave a room.* When you go away on a trip, be sure to unplug these same machines because they have stand-by functions that consume electricity even when they are turned off.* Fill your dishwasher efficiently and limit the β†’

Social studies sba essay sample

Hugh's High School is a traditional high school located in the county of Surrey, Jamaica, and consists of about 12 acres of land from the city of Kingston. As a result of this it has lead the researcher to conduct a survey to assess the problem students have in obeying the school rules.

Scholarship case essay sample

Although I am well financially covered, I would be taking a loan to take care of the expenses for my Master's program as I do not want to burden my parents financially. With the support of my peers and mentors, I have decided to pursue my dream of doing research in energy efficiency of utilities.

Attachment style and relationships

According to Sternberg's model of love, the three components, passion, intimacy, and commitment, form the vertices of a triangle. The intimacy and passion and commitment make-up the element of consummate love.

Training programmes at tesco

The training refers to the process of learning, acquisition of knowledge and skills in order for a person to perform a specific task or job according to the requirements. The training and development program is based on the idea to provide excellent services to the customers and perform all the relevant tasks inside or outside β†’

The society of captives

Given exposure to a particular environmental demand or constraint, psychological structures associated with health protecting personality characteristics presumably operate so as to decrease the probability of a stress appraisal and, under the same conditions, health damaging attributes would be expected to increase the probability of a stress appraisal. This construct was developed as a means β†’

Business studies case study extended response essay sample

Examples of businesses that demonstrate an understanding of these influences and are able to use this understanding to contribute to business success include Qantas, Nike, McDonalds and Jack Daniels. Legal Regulation: Legal regulation refers to the laws and regulations imposed on business that directly affect the management of key business functions.

Leadership and financial goal setting of top smes – dissertation example

The link between leadership and financial goal setting of top SMEs The Key Concept The key concept of this dissertation is to find the link between leadership and financial goal setting of top SMEs in the UK. Thus, at the end of this study, the proponent will achieve concrete information about the role of leadership β†’

Proposal eye clinic system

For example, this system cannot store the information of the patients and the diagnosis of the doctors. The users of the system are people who want to search, add, update, clear and delete the staff information, product information, patient information.

British novelist john fowles history essay

Though most agree that the amount of advances made during the Renaissance in all areas cannot be paralleled to the social and cultural improvements set forth in the middle Ages, many historians today point out that a lot of the negative social factors that are known to be associated by the medieval times poverty, warfare, β†’

Miguel chico

This is one of the factors that lead some of his family members to believe that he is a homosexual. In addition, according to the author, Miguel Grande is seen as having failed in raising Miguel Chico to be the man he ought to be in the sense that he refused to acknowledge that Miguel β†’

Black decker case marketing assignment

The perception that all B tools are for house shores and the misuses of the consumer tools in the Job site, are really taking a toll on the company. The weaknesses re the biggest concern due to the fact that the brand is being associated with the consumer segment.

Peugeot 206 advert

In scene ten, the man reverses the ambassador into a wall, again the recoil from the impact can be seen, and this time it is echoed in the boot of the car which crumples behind the impact at which the car collides with the wall. In scene fifteen the man begins to hammer the car β†’

Case brief summary: marbury v. madison

Marbury applied directly to the Supreme Court of the United States for a writ of mandamus to compel Jefferson's Secretary of State, James Madison, to deliver the commissions. The Judiciary Act of 1789 had granted the Supreme Court original jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus "...to any courts appointed, or persons holding office, under the β†’


I remembered how fun it was and began to think about that house the most. Everyday I would try to persuade my parents to move to that house because I thought it was the best.


The MPI will contain the nucleus about a patient such as name, address, phone number, date of birth, gender, race, social security number, and the unique patient identification number. Each time a patient visits a facility within the healthcare organization the registration system within the facility will look to the MPI for the patient information.

Effects of cramming for examinations education essay

For example, in the early systems of Japan and Hong Kong, learning was viewed as a process to attain knowledge and then an assessment of the knowledge. The goal of education and learning is in complete contrast to the outcomes produced by cramming practice.

Justin you to browse millions of files from

Lime Group LLC, the relation to the Copyright Law enacted in 1976 from the textbook " Mass Media Revolution Second Edition", by J. The Lime Group was found reliable for widespread copyright infringement of artist's work and Wood said that the damages were " staggering"." The RIAA said LimeWire has cost the music industry hundreds β†’

What will be left when you’re gone?

If they get a C on a test is it going to be the end of the world? They cast shadows over the path you follow and you begin to lose sight of the castles in the sky.

Thomas green essay

Frank Davis uses his formal power to dictate Green, and in response, Green shows characteristics of defensive behaviors. Some recommendations Thomas Green and Frank Davis should take are setting a structured organization and providing a better use of power tactics.

Russel williams media

The amount of information provided to the public has caused a controversy as to what is appropriate and ethical to share in concern of the victims directly involved in the case. The information provided as well as the photos is a necessary approach in order to inform the public of the severity of the situation.

The symbol of the roman body politic

The incompletion of the body in the first act can be labelled as the defining factor in the events of the play and the cause of the eventual crumble of the empire, furthered by the continual severing of body parts and bloodshed. The frequent dismembering of body parts is a figurative maintenance of the disintegration β†’

A report on a coffee shop sport essay

Similarly, the sample will selected on the basis of their ability to provide vital data that relates to our industry and directly may impact our business entry strategy or our ability to compete. Our data presentation will be done on 5th Week as per the schedule of activities.

Advantages of semi-structured interviews

The respondents especially in the top and middle managerial were hardly in the office and therefore it was easier to interview them at the time of their convenience. 3 Design of Interview questions The questions in the interview questionnaire were designed based on the relevance of each and every one of them to meet the β†’

Democracy in america assignment

At this time is when the colonists and Native Americans decide to unite against the Bequests, starting the Peugeot War in 1637. Americans continue to judge themselves as British, and the English do not respect them.

Search strategy using relevant databases to identify an article on evidenced based practice in the healthcare setting essay

The purpose of this essay is to depict an appropriate hunt scheme by specifying databases and the grounds for taking the a peculiar 1 for this assignment. This means that the job is the diabetes, the intercession is the standard intervention, for illustration, modulate the insulin by medical specialty, the comparing is the alternate intervention, β†’

Compare and contrast functionalism and marxism essay sample essay

Therefore every portion of the establishments of society.such as: the household.instruction.the media and the economic system.must be studied in great item if one is to to the full understand it. One may therefore conclude that the map is the part of the establishment to the care and endurance of the society.in a positive or negative β†’

“into the wild” by krakauer

Krakauer tells McCandless' story in " Into the Wild", where he looks at his family, his life before the trip, the lives and demise of similar adventurers, as well as, the outcome of his body's discovery. The audience has to depend on Krakauer's side of the story that happened to McCandless since he is dead β†’

Marketing and coffee-mate assignment

How would the promotion of Coffee-Mate change with the benefits promoted and the competition targeted? The promotion would need to be shaped so that they would focus on the core benefits that the Coffee-Mate offers.

Assess and workplace as a learning environment essay sample

Making sure a clinical setting is a learning environment is a key role of the mentor, according to research. Students are introduced to the team and allocated a mentor and a co- mentor, working together to ensure continuity of guidance and support.

Synthesis paper essay

Students would then have to deal with the fact they do not have they basic necessities of survival to improve themselves and higher their education. The aid these students receive only cover college expenses and not even all of it, they then have to worry about supporting themselves outside of school in order to properly β†’

Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase (fbpase) deficiency

The patient was advised avoidance of fasting and restriction of fructose and glucose in diet. On follow-up, she was found to have normal growth and development for her age with normalization of her metabolic parameters and a decrease in the size of her hepatomegaly.


The focus of the play is on the preciousness of art. The play presents a panorama of stories within a story and the way Martin uses these stories to support his 2 philosophy is really effective.' The writer and writer's brother' is the most autobiographical of all where parents pose to be violent in order β†’

Why did israel win the first arab-israeli war

Despite the fact that there is a vast array of sources, especially with the opening of the Israeli and foreign archives, they are all immeasurably biased and all tend to have opposing opinions one nearly every aspect of both the Arab-Israeli conflict and War. A number of outstanding leaders and officials helped in guiding Israel β†’

Childhood, compliance, and conflict: the characterization of noboru in the sailor who fell from grace with the sea

Though the execution of such absurd and extreme measures would advert to a sense of heightened loyalty and honor with which these boys must have preached and practiced the pillars of their nihilistic mindset, Mishima constantly attributes the protagonist of this novel, Noboru, with behavioral traits and characteristics which depict him as a boy whose β†’

Voting for the wrong reason essay

Now I know GOD does not want us to be with the same sex and we have to deal with our maker on our own, GOD does not want us to judge each other so we should not worry who is gay or not. I feel that this was not the time for us to β†’

Customer service narrative flashcard

Companies that are customer focused often like to ensure that the following things are achieved and addressed to make sure the customer experience is positive. Customer service is a competitive tool and can make the difference to the customer experience.

Damages to mammalian neural activity treatment

Utilizing Prokaryotic Channels, Organic Biometric Neurons and Mammalian Target of Rapamycin to Reverse and Repair Damages to Mammalian Neural activity Stephen Shay Introduction One of the most detrimental conditions that a patient can acquire is damage to the nervous system. Utilizing these tools; engineered prokaryotic channels to increase tissue excitability, organic electronic biomimetic neurons to β†’

Economic development of the philippines assignment

This has reduced the competitiveness of the Philippines' agricultural industry, and reduced the quality of life of poor rural farmers. These economic shocks have caused the poverty incidence rate to rise as people lost their livelihoods, and consequently reduced their quality of life.) These contagions due to the integration of the economies of the world β†’

Aggression in dementia

This is an issue that needs to be managed well with good leadership and guidance from management and nursing staff and the input from all relevant members of the multidisciplinary team charged with caring for individuals who show signs of aggressive behaviour and this is critical in making this achievable and protecting patients and residents β†’

Factors that influence the exchange rate economics essay

The exchange rate reflects the position of the national economy in the background of the world economy. In addition, the jump in the US inflation should reduce the British demand for US goods and therefore reduce the supply of pounds for sale.

Cultural differences

Unlike the USA which is made up of several states, the terrain of Egypt is made of dessert which is divided by the Nile River into two unequal parts, the valley and delta which are the main areas of habitation. The freedom to exercise the choice of religion is incorporated in the US constitution's first β†’

Four distinct stages, planning, design, construction and completion

A resource program is based on the undertaking program; utilizing the elaborate design and specification, with cognition of building stuffs, equipment and work force; it forecasts the labor, equipment and stuffs required for each activity and undertaking. The likeliness of a hazard happening can be assessed and the hazards can be prioritised harmonizing to impact β†’

When of trades, traders and issuers. figure 3:

While about half of the sovereign bonds in the sampleare zero coupon bonds, most corporate bonds are floating rate bonds. So, when analyzing the trading on relativeterms, normalized by the relative number of bonds in each category, the primesovereign bonds are the most actively traded followed by the medium andspeculative grades of financial and corporate β†’

A case study paper for psychopathology

Recent interest in the topic of social phobia is leading to a greater understanding of the disorder as a biophysically phenomenon. The behavioral component of CB seeks to help people become more comfortable with the situations that frighten them".' A key element of this component is exposure, in which people confront the things they fear.

Analysis and discussion

He conducted research on shaping behavior through positive and negative reinforcement and demonstrated operant conditioning, a behavior modification technique which he developed in contrast with classical conditioning.[1]Operant conditioning is defined as the use of consequences to modify the occurrence and form of behavior" and is distinguished from Pavlovian conditioning in that the former deals with β†’

Informal essay

The second difference between my Chinese writing and English writing is the method of organizing compositions. From my personal experiences of learning and writing in English, I can see what an influential rolecultureplays in writing in a second language.

What is cohort study: types, study design and examples

The design of a cohort study is the best of the results of a scientific method for learning risk factors. After the collection of information, the subjects are observed at a certain time, on the fact that scientists reveal the connection between the way of life and the development of the disease.

Theological (christian) formation

The term is used to define an implicit or explicit set of rules that molds a person's perspectives, affects the way he sees and shapes his view of the world In a Christian life, all Christian must come to a point where they have to make a decision between what is and what seems to β†’

Shaquille t. sailsman

Haile Selassie I is regarded by Rastafarians as the God of the black race. According to www.iconn.org, the holy herb, or known to most as marijuana or ganja, is used in all major Rastafarian celebrations to enhance feelings of peace and community, aid meditation and inspire religious visions.

Is the women’s national basketball association disappearing?

Right after the WNBA season ends, the Russian league starts, and when the Russian league ends, the WNBA season begins." The maximum WNBA salary is $109, 000, while in Russia, the median American salary is $350, 000". The rationale behind a player's choice to play overseas rather than in the WNBA and not both is β†’

Occupational health and safety management systems (ohsms)

An Occupational Health and Safety Management System may be defined as " a series of processes which provide a framework, for managing occupational health and safety responsibilities so that they become more efficient and more integrated into overall business operations, around which good performance can be established and maintained and which will support the development β†’

Authentic music assignment

Truly authentic music is that which is not influenced by anything but the musician, and is created to express whatever the musician wishes, as does the artist Billy Joel. Truly authentic music is that which is not influenced by anything but the musician, and is created to express whatever the musician wishes, as does the β†’

Scarlet letter:bewilderment at essay

It applies to Arthur Dimmesdale in a literal way; he clearly is not the man that he appears to be, and the guilt that goes along with such deception consumes him and, in the end, is the cause for his demise. Both Hester and Arthur struggled with the question of whether or not what they β†’

The effectiveness of the hedging strategy finance essay

The effectiveness of the hedging strategy is measured by computing the risk reduction being achieved by the hedging portfolio compared to the unhedged portfolio. In hedging performance measurement, the estimation process is closely related to model the behaviour of the return in both spot and futures markets.

Asia in the ww11 essays examples

The next scene in the book is in 1938, during this time, the boy and the family had moved to Korea where he joins school and learns new routines such as bowing his head towards the location of Japanese emperor in Tokyo. The book captures good moments throughout the life of the boy, the occupation β†’

Bodega dreams and the bais in the curriculum.

It in a sense expresses the graving they have for their community to change for the best but they do not think they are worthy and smart enough to encounter the act of being a leader and making a change because of the color of their skin. Some people think just because you tell a β†’

Cognitive factors and leadership assignment

Very quickly, she gained an understanding of the aviation industry in general and was able to employ this knowledge to assist err in reconciling inventory and performing thorough audits of the company assets. This is an attribute that Margo feels she has developed extensively over the course of her career and one which she must β†’

Marketing and activity assignment

Part 2 Discuss the following question: Compare and contrast the marketing concept and the societal marketing concept. 1 Describe a marketing information system and discuss the real value of marketing research and marketing information.

This identify involuntary commitment. involuntary commitment is

Moreover according to Henwood many individuals' human rights areinfringed upon because of the involuntary commitment law." Involuntary civil commitment walks the fineline between an individual's liberty and the need for unwelcomed treatment". Many of the stakeholders today are more concerned with the quality of life for most individualswho are involuntarily committed.

Confidence in third world countries

The debt place of developing states became peculiarly upseting when as Stambuli comments it became clear that there was a lifting disparity of external liability and the capableness of states to serve their debt. In acknowledgment of the significance of reliable economic information, the Bank Group is taking a programme to better informations quality, aggregation, β†’

Classification of laws

Classification of Laws An important method of classifying law is according to the system in which it is created.common law Rules of law created by the courts through judicial decisions. Private law is traditionally separated into the law of contracts, the law of torts, and the law of property.

Smuckers case study

Vertical Integration- With acquisitions becoming a necessity of staying in the processed foods playing field these companies need to integrate any way that they can in order to stay competitive in the growing market. It is imperative for their survival that they try to gain a cost advantage over their competitors in order to maintain β†’

Prisons and jails

The number of staff in such a prison is higher than that in the Minimum Security Prison. The ratio of staff and the inmate is higher than that in the low security prisons.In U.

Framing crew

The third and the final task undertaken by the contractor is to lay the foundation of the house, the tasks to be carried out under this depend on the type of foundation, but the main tasks include; digging holes and trenches for the foundation, pouring concrete into the trenches, which is then left to dry β†’

No exit character analysis

Will: To reach her desire and ultimate goal, Inez tried to get closer to Estelle through her actions and her smooth way of talking to her and flirting with her. Unit 9 Garcin: Inez enters the room and Garcin looks at her trying to figure out who she is.

The boeing 7e7

44% for the commercial division of Boeing, the project is feasible and profitable. The demand in the market was for cheaper and more efficient planes, and that ideology needed to be part of Boeing's development strategy plus this is why Boeing is contemplating the launch of 7E7 project.

Report on data due diligence

The important thing is the perpetuity of the variance or the existence of disparity; 4) It would be irresponsible for the researcher to conduct multiple statistical tests when only one or two is required to establish the validity of any given hypothesis; 5) The researcher should always consider the normality of any given data set. β†’

The concept of contrapasso and its representation

When Dante and Virgil arrive in the third circle of Hell, it is raining, as this is the always the weather that accompanies the punishment of the gluttons. In these few short lines, Dante is able to convey the disgusting atmosphere of this circle to emphasize the idea of the misery of Hell.

The best laid incentive plan

Diagnosis of the problem The main problem in the case is the shortcomings in the performance measurement systems and the need to develop a performance measurement system that meets both organizational and individual needs. Employee feedback can be taken in developing these metrics and they should be aware of the criteria and understand the performance β†’

Idea of perfection

Paper One Commentary The Idea of Perfection, by Kate Grenville This extract from Kate Grenville's ' The Idea of Perfection' explores the idea of heritage and the need to preserve cultural landmarks. Kate Grenville uses sounds in this extract to contrast the initial calm tone, to that of a progressively harsher one.

In what way did post war prosperity bring social change to britain 1951-1964 persuasive essay

Britain encouraged immigrants to come to the " mother land" to help recover from the ravages of war however this caused racial tension between the immigrants and the British, the tension was more apparent as the lack of housing became a problem as did the competition for jobs. Excluded from much of the social and β†’

Seven ancient wonders of the world

According to the wonders of the ancient world, the pyramid of Khufu is the only pyramid included in the list of the wonders. It was built in honor of the savior gods.

Pollution of power in a tale of two cities

Whether it be the power of a single monarch or that of a democratic board of officials, authority always induces change in both the lives of those under rule and even the life of the one in power. Centered on the cast of the Manettes, Evremondes, and those touched by either the kind hand of β†’


People can learn a lot of things about her life and that it was not always easy to be where she is today but somehow she got through all the hard times. People around the world can look up to Beyonce and learn a lot of things from her, like what steps she took to β†’

Western civilization essay sample

The protestant reformation, the Renaissance and religious wars have a lot of significance, purpose, as well as function in the society and the entire world. The 16th century reformation, helped in reforming the practices and beliefs of the Catholic Church.

Regions and regionalism in global politics

Asia Regional Economic Organization TheEconomic Cooperation Organization The success of the ECO is dependent on their member states, whilst the status and power of the ECO is improving their member states are struggling economically as they lack the basic and correct geographical factors like appropriate infrastructures, sustainable land, and economic factors like poor intra-regional trade β†’

Rhetorical analysis of now we can begin

Eastman, who was a mother and wife at the time, was a Feminist and strongly believed that the fight for equality for women did not end with winning the right to vote. Eastman also mentions feminism a lot in the speech, like in the second paragraph," But the true feminist, no matter how far to β†’

Have job on security because of all

It is located in this position because the " Gila River to the east, the fast-moving Colorado River to the north, the town of Yuma to the west, and the barren, harsh, desert to the south would certainly discourage escape".. Throughout the years, the prison was noticed to not be effective, helped a lot the β†’

Symbolism starts her difficult journey in a

Therefore, the major aim of the paper is to explore the mythological symbols and other elements in Eudora welty's short stories. Phoenix Jackson, as a character is the epitome of what the phoenix symbolizes, hope security and a promise for the future.

Tom jones and the wisdom of discernment

The reader is cued in to the idea that this person may not entirely have things figured out, as the scene is introduced with Partridge being " one of the most superstitious of men" and the reader is told he is a believer in " omens". In many ways, the novel is Tom's journey from β†’

Contributing factors for the domestic violence sociology essay

It has been criticized for its portrayal of violence in movies, television and printed form resulting in the desensitization of people with regard to their tolerance of violence.on the other hand the media has also been used a modern communication tool in increasing public awareness of domestic violence and increasing support for ongoing research, funding β†’

Acid rain causes, history, and effects

Crystal Mullen Acid rain is a form of rain that consists of droplets of that are abnormally acidic due to the pollution in the air particularly the extreme amounts of nitrogen and sulfur released by cars and industrial factories. The electric and coal burning based gases that form acid rain were first introduced in large β†’

How far do you agree that nothing is as it seems in twelfth night

This convention of comedy is used throughout " Twelfth Night" in order to create humour for an audience of this time, as the facade of the individual characters and their feelings, leads to the confusion and chaos which, makes this play so humorous. However Olivia still falls in love with ' him' which conforms to β†’

Effects of poverty on children

The novel and article " What Does it Mean to Be Poor in America" by Federmen and Garner the shows that poverty causes children to grow up with poor living conditions. According to the novel and modern sources, children living in a poor environment are faced with disadvantages created by poverty.

Marketing research for drawstring trash bags in brazil

The company headquartered in the town of Tres Rios, Rio de Jeneiro is one of Brazil's largest manufacturers of plastic bags and packaging. Since Ad-lider is not advertising about its product so the company is not being able to build the brand of the company or its product in the market.

Save tigers essay sample

The Bengal tiger The Indochinese Tiger The Malayan Tiger The Sumatran Tiger The Siberian tiger The South China tiger EXTINCT SPECIES The Bali tiger The Caspian tiger The Javan tiger Colour variations White tigers Formed by the intermixing of various subspecies and genes of various tigers Golden tiger Maltese tiger which is blue or slate β†’

Conceptualizing a business analysis flashcard

The company uses ArmorGrip technology that is designed to hold the clothes in place and prevents movement of the clothes on the body. Mission, Vision, and Values Statements The company has a vision to be the most advanced sports apparel company in the world.

Scientific inquiry of bacon and descartes essay sample essay

Francis Bacon promoted the usage of inductive research with the end of profiting world.and Rene Descartes promoted the usage of mathematics in scientific apprehension. Examples of this type of enquiry in New Atlantis are Bacon's description of the usage of minerals in medical specialty and his treatment of the usage of scientific discipline in making β†’

International law

The following essay is divided into the following sections: Introduction Definitions Positivism Realism International law Conclusion List of works cited Law is a concept of governance that involves the stipulation and establishment of rules and regulations that are enforced to shape politics, economics, and society. In this premise, it suggests that positivism disregards the rule β†’

Importance of experts opinions in search for knowledge philosophy essay

To answer the question of ' how important are the opinions of experts in the search of knowledge' I will carry out an in depth analysis of three main aspects. I believe that an analysis of these three dimensions, extended by an examples of my everyday life and based on specific areas of knowledge, will β†’

Feminism as expressed through chicana literature

She draws this conclusion because in the Spanish language when one is addressing a group of people, the male ending of the word is used. She is desperately trying to tell these women that they do have power and that they should speak out, riot, oppose the injustices that they face on a daily basis.

Presidential form of government assignment

One of the factors for the underdevelopment despite vast human and natural resources Is the system of governance that the country chose after Independence where members of parliament elect the prime minister to head the cabinet. So caste has become a dividing factor in India and the political parties are compelled to keep the caste β†’

The raven by edgar allan poe

Grip one of the characters in the story of ' The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe was a loquacious Raven that Dickens admired in one of his stories. Fate is also a big part in the works of Dickens and Poe.

History of secrecy about sexuality and sex. this

The movie Kinsley directed by Bill Condom has perceived a mixed appraisal among the viewers and critics, but still it provoked a lot of discussion concerning the concept of sexuality and sexual relations and their connection to moral and ethics. Social Psychology and the Study of Sexual Behavior.

A journey through time

I said, " I wish I was able to travel back in time." The next thing I knew I was sitting outside on a beaten up old porch, wearing the same clothes, the same dark, brisk winter night, and still seeing the trees blowing in the gentle breeze. The next thing I heard was a β†’