5 Pages Essay Samples

Individual reflection : handling difficult conversation

This turned out to be a good idea as my aunt was able to relay my opinion concerning the company and its improvements and she helped to straightening out a lot of things also. Using my aunt as an intermediary between my mother and I was effective as it was able to β†’

Communication on the internet

Communicationon the Internet Communication before the discovery of internet is only imparted through auditory means, body languages and manual writing. However, man as rational and creative beings always seek ways to make something more beneficial to them even if it is immoral. Communication seems β†’

Cultural issues in esl

English is harder to learn when you are placed in that situation, for it is hard to get used to the culture at the same feeling the pressure of studies and socialization. English is the easiest to learn yet we still have issues with it being a second language.

Example of essay on nursing

Communication: Aminta Parra In organizations and corporations, especially those involving various departments and that have different personnel running and attending to different areas, communication is one of the most essential aspects to put into consideration, and effective communication is achieved in cases whereby all the departments understand the roles that they need to β†’

The impact of european union’s gdpr on social media marketing

It has really a valid and compliance frame built to protect the privacy and statistics legal rights of EU taxpayers and taxpayers however just one using a international advantage and also the capability to have an effect on companies running in most business. With topics regarding solitude, information preservation, and also the people awareness β†’

How business leaders communicate with their employees research paper example

The business leaders have used the technology as a vital communication tool aimed at rationalizing the communication flow in the business. The most effective form is a combination of formal and informal modes of communication. Business leaders are initiating cultural norms that promote and enhance a conversational mode of communication in all levels of the β†’

The growth of international advertising and marketing

In reality, even China had started out growing positively as a leading producer in the international, however the fine of the goods is still being perceived as probable low. However, the perceptions of client in the direction of product's usa of foundation has modified from one to different new practical view. In short, COO is β†’

My wish: to speak english fluently essays examples

I still wish I could speak more fluently so my friends would not have to point out my mistakes or help me. Another reason I wish I could speak more fluently in English is because I think it would be easier to get along with peers. Many people here are nice and they try to β†’

Free social penetration theory essay example

The same is because some information may be disclosed, thinking that it would lead to the growth of the relationship but end up tearing it apart. When used effectively, self-disclosure is helpful in reducing uncertainties in a relationship. That way, it is possible to predict the behavior of the other person when they act in β†’

Knowing your audience paper & communication release

Our first priority is to borrow a large enough hole to be able to communicate with them and get them any supplies they need for survival. We are unsure of what caused the collapse; however I can guarantee you that we will do a full investigation on the cause. We do not β†’

Influence of human relations model on overall performance of a company group

Accordingly, if workers get appropriate consideration and are supported to cooperate, they recognize their work has importance, and they are excited to be very productive which results in high-quality work and thereby helps in organizations growth. The accompanying human relations administration hypothesis rudiments ended up clear amid human connection considers: Singular consideration and acknowledgment line β†’

Rude people

The best method for dealing with rude people is to adjust your reaction to them. After all, you may not be able to change the behavior of others, but you do have control over how you react to that behavior. If you are reading this article and think that you might fall into the category β†’

Use of allegory to represent deception in the jewelry short story

Guy De Maupassant's short story, The Jewelry is not only is a realistic fiction, but truly questions the nature of deception, whether it is always beneficial to know the truth, and whether if living with lies actually contributes to people's happiness. Lantin is a man who seems to take everything at face value, and β†’

Communication and personality in negotiation

To better understand the concept of negotiation, the roles ofcommunicationandpersonalityin negotiation and how they contributed to or detracted from the negotiation is analyzed. For example, a scenario is used further into this paper demonstrating these roles in the area of sales, using the different processes of negotiation in a win- win situation. However, negotiation is β†’

Life changing technology

It is a great feeling knowing that even though I do not get to see them for most of the time, I still have the chance to keep in touch through phone calls and text messages. When I moved to the United States, I had no idea what was going on since I was only β†’

Communications and information technology and legislation

Mary takes each play area that she recommends and explains the benefits of using these for the children's learning and development. Using her experience she explains that the sand area works very well in her classroom, she goes on to explain that sand areas are excellent for small group play and that it encourages the β†’

Essay about scheduling system

The examination scheduling system purposed is to facilitate the preparation of examination schedules to reduce manual involvement and the amount of time taken to prepare examination schedules. This system is made possible with the creation of a database that collects information pertaining to the examination schedules such as lecturers' preferences of invigilation β†’

Art and its impact on humanity

The different purposes of art may be grouped according to those that are non-motivated, and those that are motivated. Non-motivated functions of art The non-motivated purposes of art are those that are integral tobeing human, transcend the individual, or do not fulfill a specific external purpose. Art allows the individual to express things toward the β†’


Therefore, verbal communication is one way for people to communicate face-to-face and some of the keys component of verbal communication are sound, words, speaking and language. To identify the overcome barriers to communication Verbal communication is important in sharing and understanding thoughts and ideas.

Essay on people behavior in different situation

However, its implementation has been differently viewed and applied, especially, considering the fact that the freedom of expression and communication has led to various outcomes and impacts in different countries and states, whereby in most of the cases have led to incitement of the majority (the greater and the minor majority, alike).

Cryptography best practices and resource portfolio business plan example

With the use of a PKI, users are assured of the quality of information that is electronically sent and received, as well as the source and destination of the said information. It should be noted that these functions are facilitated by public key cryptography, which is a mathematical technique that uses 2 related cryptographic keys β†’

Euthanasia: pro and contra

The act of killing was to represent active euthanasia and the act of watching was to represent passive euthanasia. The fact of the matter is that the means by which euthanasia has been instated to be used.

Family gets together essay examples

In family gatherings, various groups of family members develop specific friendship among themselves depending on their cultural grouping.E.g., My two cousins of the same age are more close to each other than to the other family members. My family gathering is of essence in relation to introducing new family members. The women married are often β†’

“but what do you mean?” rhetorical analysis essay sample

Many of the conversational rituals common among woman are designed to take the other person's feelings into account, while many of the conversational rituals common among men are to have the advantage while woman automatically often have the disadvantage".Tannen wants everyone to realize that " there is no " right" way to talk but styled β†’

Example of term paper on islamic women in american culture

There are several differences between Islam and American women. The most topical issue is the role of women in Islam culture. The second generation of Islamic women is significantly different from the first one in behavior and obedience to the rules.

The oral communication course – about the main in brief

Lastly, the Product evaluation was employed to determine the problems encountered by the students in learning the subject as well as their objective assessment of the overall delivery of the course. Respondents of the Study The study was conducted in Region IV-A which comprises of 5 provinces. The population of the study was comprised β†’

Example of term paper on wernickes aphasia

The damage could result from the following: Area that are vital to language processing, cerebral infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage and Seizure and head trauma. Applied Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology The affected area termed Wernicke's area is a region of the cerebral cortex which is involve in written and spoken language. The Diagnosis of Aphasia.

Example of health care communication methods essay

Being in a position to connect to a healthcare professional or doctor by instant messaging provides an easy and quick way to access healthcare in many areas. It is the responsibility of the nursing home to respect the rights of the residents affected by the implementation of the new polices following the purchase of the β†’

Role of technology in todays society essay

This is due to the overwhelming information in the internet like countless medical websites which lead people to wonder if they have the same disease or not. The most drastic negative role of technology is that it has almost completely banished the idea of ' personal.' Technology was meant to bring mankind closer and keep β†’

Devices to aid speaking and listening report examples

The device is controlled by a series of buttons and switches (a single switch in the most simplest of cases) and works on the basis of the user telling the software what it is they want to say and the computer saying it for them, albeit in a robotic voice. c. Similar to the previous β†’

Example of quantum computer and security research paper

So far only approaches to the creation of their architecture are developed. The creation of quantum physics is considered one of the major scientific achievements of the XX century. Quantum technology in general is a technology that is based on the manipulation of complex quantum systems at the level of their individual components, and not β†’

Intercultural experience

The differences between the language spoken in the American culture and Hipic culture is in the American culture the most spoken language is English while in the Hipic culture the most spoken language is Spanish otherwise known to those of the culture as Epol Mexicano, meaningMexicanSpanish. When it comes to values there β†’

How can an understanding of non verbal communication make business communication more effective

This shows the person that you are not tensed. The other aspect to remember is to lean forward in your chair, but not to close where you are in the individuals face. As in conclusion nonverbal communication is much more important when it comes to business field.

Jordan frazier

There is a need to update the curriculum because of the drastic change in writing styles and ways of communication in the workplace. Importance of documents to readers: Professional writing is an essential part of efficient communication in the workplace and to clients.

Communication in health and social care

One of this is one to one communication and this is only a conversation between two people expressing and giving information to each other. This type of communication is verbal as we speak or talk through our mouths and express ourselves by talking or speaking. With regards of my work placement at Mapledown School, they β†’

Are sniffer dogs engaged in communication?

The Communication Process During the Drug Detection In the case of using sniffer dogs at an airport, the participants would be the sniffer dogs and the Customs Officers. Whilst the dogs are able to express themselves and the officers understand the message, the goal of communication is achieved the finding of drugs.

Argumentative essay on how has technology changed communication practices

This article focuses on the ways in which the telephone has changed communication in the last ten years. History of the telephone The history of the telephone dates back to the late 19 th century. Advancements in technology that have led to the lowered cost of the mobile β†’

The importance of body language

This is to show that special someone that the person is engaged in the conversation and is happy to be around them. Taking into account the relationship between people, the culture, and the genders, we can speculate a lot of different things simply by looking at the meta-communication that is being exchanged, but the things β†’

Good example of origins of communication theory research paper

The sender develops the information and conveys it, even if the receiver is not aware of the intention. The process of communication is considered effective when the recipient understands the message that originated from the sender. The origin is related to the introductions of information theory during the 1920s.

The wife unmasked

To prepare the way for the convergence of his themes, where everything and everyone emanate from and return to a central focus in the Wife of Bath, a General Prologue begins the tales with a representation of the biblical creation story in its hierarchical progression. While Eve is not mentioned in the prologue to the β†’

Macbeth’s influences

In the play the three witches, Lady Macbeth and his own thoughts and feelings, influence Macbeth. Macbeth is the king.

Gloucester’s character dynamics

Both have made critical and constant errors in judgment that caused their downfall, and they both must realize their errors before their deaths. In the first scene in the first act, we are presented with Lear's misguided dependence on artifice and flattery that catapults the action of the play and leads to both his positive β†’

Reflecting the storyteller (canterbury tales)

The Miller, a rough and rude man, demonstrates Chaucer's technique when he tells a tale of crude subject." The Pardoner's Tale" demonstrates this as well. Chaucer goes on and makes the Miller to come across as a rude and loud." His mouth would open out / Like a great furnace, and he would sing and β†’

Balance of good and evil in wuthering heights by emily bronte

Even though his character is in a broad point of view dull he does exemplify qualities of true honest love for the older Catherine. This unconditional love towards her later in the book creates friction with three of the main characters as him and Heathcliff bash heads more than once for the β†’

The parent-child relationship as portrayed in shakespearean classic, hamlet

The majority of the themes and symbols made use of in this play can be observed to follow some Elizabethan tradition and standard, which makes them more interesting to scrutinize. Nevertheless, apart from this, the fascinating and seemingly distinct characteristic of the author likewise provides the styles and the plot rather a more interesting look. β†’

Appropriating shakespeare’s romeo and juliet

He takes what we value about the text: the themes, evocative language and poetry, the timeless storyline and humor, and places it in a context which is accessible and appealing to the audience of today. Luhrmann most likely chose this new medium because of its ability to reach the widest range of audiences whether they β†’

The theme of revenge in shakesphere’s book hamlet.

As a means of revenge, Shakespeare forces the characters in the play to continuously recall their treasonous nature by overwhelming them with religious imagery and by employing Hamlet as his blunt and candid emissary. Shakespeare initiates his revenge by sending Hamlet off to caustically rebuke his own mother and plague her with reminders of her β†’

George hardwell

When he goes to sleep, the animals of the farm hold a meeting in the barn to hear a speech from a boar named Old Major. The animals find a gun and say that they will shoot it twice a year, once on the anniversary of the battle of cowshed and the anniversary of the β†’

Romeo and juliet theme essay

Romeo and Julietis a classic play by William Shakespeare about a pair of star-crossed lovers whose passion eventually drives them to their unfortunate deaths. Key themes in Romeo and Juliet: Historical time vs present Light and dark Fate and free will Love Death Youth against age β†’

A personification of the spirit english literature essay

This notion was one that stayed yet, in the minds and beliefs of many people even in the renaissance period, therefore making Faustus nothing close to a hero. While the renaissance reader, giving in to his fears and inhibitions would not fully connect with Faustus at every level, a person of this era most definitely β†’

“animal farm”: compare and contrast

Napoleon, however, had used his knowledge to write a fake letter said to be written by Snowball to have agreed to be a secret agent to the Foxwood Farm. Napoleon knew that the other animals could not read very well and so by making his letter, no one could prove the letter β†’

β€˜all’s cheerless, dark and deadly’

King Lear is a dark play, with the near triumph of the malcontent Edmund, the intense sufferings of Lear and Gloucester, and the seeming lack of justice at the piece's conclusion. The relentless devotion of Kent augments the cruelty of Goneril and Regan, and the despair of Act V can only be reached from the β†’

The background of americas realism english literature essay

Whether it was in the new culture of the country, or an in depth look into the industrial cities, these works of new writings, represented a modern outlook of the things that were changing in the world, it was an attempt at defining what was real. Although not every story contains the specific vernacular used β†’

Analysis of scene 5 act 1 of macbeth

When Lady Macbeth starts talking she keeps on repeating the same thing over and over again begging for the damned spot to get off her hands. The spot was the left over blood marks and smell of the murder that all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. This β†’

Ambition in macbeth by william shakespeare

The witches tempted Macbeth with their prophecies, which made Macbeth s heart and mind slowly filled with ambition and his huger for power. The witches predicted, at the beginning of the play, that Macbeth would soon become the Thane of Cawdor and eventually the outright King. That certain someone is Malcolm, the son of Duncan.

Religious language and concepts in romeo and juliet

William Shakespeare employs Christian language and concepts in the play Romeo and Juliet to not only effectively conveys the gravity of love but also to provide metaphorical undertones to the play's conclusion. Both of these statements allow Shakespeare to describe the transcendence of love, and logically the only way to describe the transcendence of love β†’

Analyze the lord of the flies essay

Jack's relationship with the rest of the island is the same as the relationship he has with Piggy. He fails to kill the animal. This was because of the " enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh," and another factor of it was the, " unbearable blood." Jack'sfailureto acquire β†’

Chaucer’s optimal hero

Through exploration of the lifestyles of the clergy, Chaucer distinguishes the truly ideal, pious servants from secular and self-centered men. Chaucer introduces several members of the clergy in The Prologue but the Parson stands out as a clergyman who is true to his duty, possessing a generous heart. Chaucer clearly indicates that the Friar's actions β†’

Revenge comes with a price

Hamlet's hesitance to revenge his father is the most detailed revenge in the play of all the characters. Hamlet then informs his uncle that the name of the play is " The Mouse-trap" to deepen his uncle's thoughts on this matter, which is Hamlet's way of showing that he knows what happen, but at the β†’

Brave new world analysis english literature

He is loyal to society and reinforces its artificial lifestyle as he " explains how the hatchery functions and how the average citizens are supposed to act". Brave New World is full of characters who do everything they can to avoid facing the truth about their own situations. The very will to search for truth β†’

Oppression in the perceived form of success english literature essay

Eventually, out of the enduring injustice of racial intolerance in this country came the rise of civil rights leaders with the common goal of freedom from the oppressor. His age and inexperience cripple his ability to realize the he is seen as nothing more than a manipulated pawn in the grand scheme.

Pardoner’s tale

" But let me briefly make my purpose plain; I preach for nothing but for greed of grain and use the same old text, as bold as brass, the root of evil is desire".In the narrative poem " Pardoner's Tale" the author Geoffrey Chaucer warns his audience the dangers of evil, greed, and desire. β†’

The contrast of love and violence in romeo and juliet

The contrast introduces the audience to the theory that love can be violent, and in the midst of violence, there can be love. The juxtaposition of the two elements helps move along the thematic tension of the two houses, the Capulets and the Montagues. Mercutio and Tybalt end up in a sword fight, and Romeo β†’

Edgar allen poes the raven english literature essay

In ' The Raven' by Edgar Allen Poe, the narrator is distressed by the loss of his great love, Lenora and in order to deal with his loss, he consumes alcohol as a coping tactic which the reader sees as the raven, however, after the initial respite of security wanes away, he is left with β†’

Macbeth greed

They planted the seed of evil in Macbeth's head that grew to dominate his mind. But it was Macbeth who made the choices that determined his fate. Macbeth's downfall was planned by the weird sisters, but it was Macbeth's own free will that lead him to it. The three witches called the weird sisters are β†’

Hamlet as a tragic hero

The downfall of the hero in a tragedy should not be, however, caused by an external force such as a higher power, whether in the form of gods, fate or even society; it should be the result of an action or lack of action carried out by the hero. Finally, the hero must achieve a β†’

Power struggle in wuthering heights

As a result of the want to move up in the social class, We take a closer look at just how greedy and depressed certain characters get. Owing to his low social status, Emily Bronte shows how Heathcliff is in some way related to Animals. Heathcliff struggles to fit in the new status and world, β†’

The unenslaved self: feminist enlightenment in jane eyre

This example heightens the metaphor to a physical level: Rochester's treatment of Jane as a sexual slave is likened to the physical act of preying upon her. The final evolution of the metaphor is Jane's realization that she is a naturally free woman- not a slave.

Analysis of the rewriting gertrude talks back english literature essay

The story starts with a reference to the name of the listener of her soliloquy, Hamlet:" I always thought it was a mistake, calling you Hamlet. In a way, she is denying the power of Hamlet to judge her.

The connections in shakespeare’s

Over the course of the years, all through society, the job of guardians in life is to be the parental figures and defenders of their youngsters, while the job of youngsters is to regard their folks and offer back to them when the two youngsters and guardians become more seasoned. King Lear and Gloucester β†’

Anne bronte feminist literary criticism english literature essay

Agnes Grey is every woman whose fate is to suffer the oppression of the society. At the same time, she is not blind to the fact that women are oppressed in all societies.

To thine own self be true essay sample

Daily, we make decisions to questions like, " How are you?" We respond with the obligatory " fine" or " great" or with a truthful five minute description of all our aches and pains, both mental and physical. Constantly society dictates, " Good people do not tell lies", but day in and day out β†’

Hamlet: revenge or scruples?

Hamlet would suffer in the eyes of the people if he were to murder Claudius, the reigning king, and claim his motive was the words of a ghost. This is a time when Claudius's image has been tarnished and the people may be suspicious of him in connection to the death of King Hamlet.

Lady macbeth, an honoured hostess and a fiend-like queen

By the end of this tragedy she has nothing to live for, is riddled with guilt and has lost all sanity. At the opening of the play the audience see how fervent her hunger for power and status is when she summons evil spirits; " Fill me from the crown to the β†’

Billy elliot directed by stephen deadly

Dancing is shown from the beginning of the film to the end, but he does not realize this in the beginning because he was so caught up in what his father wanted and theirfamilytradition than for what he wanted for himself. The idea of persevering in following our dreams Is worth learning about β†’

What is a monster? are we monsters? are humans monsters?

Although Beowulf is seen a deviant God-sent savior by the people of Heorot and Hrothgar, he is not exempt from the equivalence of humanistic flaws in the natural world. Through the use of many parallels between the characters of Beowulf representing monsters and the natural world humans, the reader is left questioning what it is β†’

Moral changes critical thinking

Fundamental Truth: he is the head of the Superhero Alliance and chairs the meetings. The Imprinter: he is a strong, upstanding hero who represents the ability to stand by your morals and make the right decision without changing who you are for anybody.

Journal 8

The black slaves were not seen as equal to the whites, and they were considered a fraction of human beings. They were however not right, and the people had to fight so that they could be abolished.

Example of middle-class sensibility in the bigamist and high noon. term paper

- The Bigamist As the American middle class of the 1950's went, The Bigamist is one of the few movies that typify the post war middle class sensibility in the country. This may hold true to the American middle class in general, though in the context of The Bigamist, one

The worst hard time by timothy egan

In his book, Egan critically examines the origin and the consequences of the Dust Bowl. The white settler drove out the Native Americans who were nomads and later drove out the others from their homestead and began to grow crops by clearing the prairie grasses The clearing of the prairie grass was the beginning of β†’

The that it would be wiser and

Bicameralism, in the framers eyes, would allow the Senate, ruled by aristocrats, to have a veto on policy, and they would be elected by the state legislature to ensure this. The House, on the other hand, was to be elected by popular vote, and they were seen to be impulsive and unpredictable, which for the β†’

Conflict within the mind

The most apparent conflict in the story is the inter-personal conflict between Thomas Builds-the-Fire and Victor. Before the physical incident occurred between 2 Victor and Thomas Builds-the-Fire, they would often see other on the reservation but due to Victor's insecurity on how others would view him, he decided to befriend Thomas Builds-the-Fire.

7 to roughly 840 minutes of sun, no

7 Ways You Get UV Exposure Without Even Realizing ItMost of us are aware of the perils in long-term sun exposure and most of us will apply SPF when expecting to spend prolonged periods outside in the sun. But many of us are not aware of the incidental exposure that occur every day from β†’

Obasan internment camps transfer of values

How the Japanese Internment Camps Disrupted the Transfer of Values One of the darkest periods in Canadian history strongly revolves around the Second World War and the internment of Canadian-Japanese citizens." Obasan," a novel by Joy Kogawa, explores the internment of Canadian citizens of Japanese descent through Naomi Nakane, a thirty-six year old schoolteacher, β†’

Economy of the united states before during and after world war ii

From the get go the war was marketed to the common people, proven by the use of popular movie stars in the promotion of War fund-raising and compliance with governmnet measures. One thing I would like to correct from what is stated above is the idea that minorities gained rights as a result of the β†’

Different cultures between saudi arabia and united states

There have been many instances in which I encountered stereotypes, mostly presented to the American public through various media types, which have limited Americans from realizing or seeking to comprehend more about my culture and heritage. As Thomas Sowell points out " one of the obstacles to understanding what behavioral β†’

Canadian firearms safety course

Its mandate is to provide dedicated management and expertise needed to implement and to administer a firearms safety education and awareness program in a positive, proactive and professional manner in order to instill in the general public a continuing sense of responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others." 10 Myths about Gun β†’

Chapter 11 study guide

National Defense Act- Military preparedness program that was created before entering the war that increased the size of the National Guard and the army.6. Militarism was a factor of the start of the war.

America is in the heart critique essay

To add to his pitiful state, many times he is beaten and assaulted because of thediscriminationthe Americans have toward the Filipinos. Ultimately Carlos and his companions develop a sense of activism, and fought for the Filipinos and their rights in Filipino labor and rights movements. In the succeeding events of his life, β†’

Wilding as a term: too conditional and vague essay samples

In order to explain, the author provides information on the term's origin: a history of wilding even before the term was coined, describing the life of the immoral tribe Ik in Africa and the development of American wilding. Wilding as a behavioral term is too broad because there is no clear distinction of where the β†’

War powers act of 1973

The Influence of the War Powers Act of 1973 The United States of America holds the position in the world as a nation in which foreign policy is focused and debated as a matter of embittered public outrage and controversy. This is because the limitation of the Presidents ability for continued deployment of U.S.forces placed β†’

Presence of circulating micro organisms bloodstream biology essay

The presence of go arounding micro- beings in the blood stream is either portion of the natural history of a disease or a contemplation of serious uncontrolled infection. Since blood stream infections have a important impact on the morbidity and mortality of patients, accurate and rapid blood civilization informations have an of import function β†’

Example of essay on moral panic and the kony 2012 phenomenon

Such was the case with " Kony 2012" the video created to shed light on the actions of Joseph Kony." Kony 2012" became a viral video, spreading across the United States and around the world faster than Invisible Children, the charity that created the film, could ever have imagined. The " Kony 2012" film was β†’

Crimes adulthood. crimes against children is deserving of

Crimes against children are diverse in their approach, method, and long-term implications. Child abuse is dynamic, where the abuse maybe physical, emotional, or various forms that disturb the child in a complexway. The literature demonstrates the implications of child abuse and how thoseimpacted are going to be disturbed moving forward in their lives, transitioningfrom β†’

Week 9 essay

By embracing the differences through our diverse society, I have learned new concepts of living, new ways to thinking, and new ways to understand things that are different than my everyday life. When you become exposed to different ways to live, and see how other cultures carry on then you are no longer closed to β†’

Civil war, edward l. ayers

The eyes of the world were on America as the Civil War was played out; both sides, the North and South, appealed to the world. American Civil War, Emancipation, and Reconstruction on the World Stage.