5 Pages Essay Samples

How does edward morgan forster represent the english character essay sample

However when in ' The Story of a Panic,' they experience first hand the true power and beauty of nature they become frightened of the god of nature Pan, this is because Pan breaks down the hierarchical class structure that the middle class English base their lives on. There is a strong contrast between the β†’

Net present value and correct answer

Selected Answer: One advantage of the NPV over the IRR is that NPV assumes that cash flows will be reinvested at the WACC, whereas IRR assumes that cash flows are reinvested at the IRR. Correct Answer: One advantage of the NPV over the IRR is that NPV assumes that cash flows will be reinvested at β†’

Cognition and emotion

It is necessary for one to adapt to the cultures and beliefs of a place that he or she visits. It makes it easy tto compare the benefits that a given culture may have and also the flaws in their beliefs.

Is google making us stupid analysis essay

" Is Google Making Us Stupid" In " Is Google Making Us Stupid," Nicholas Carr discusses over the question about the cause and effect of how Internet impacts our thinking, reading, writing habits, and how our brains react to adapt to the " new-media rule". Ultimately, the argument made by Carr in his article is β†’

Conclusion cults

In most cases cults are defined in such a way that they are viewed and identified as problematic groups and if we were to do away with the problematic concern the attributes and the characteristics of cultic groups would not be in existence. The strength of the cults is that they are able to lure β†’

Black nationalism assignment

An examination of the roots of these movements and of the beliefs, strategies, and goals of each will show how they were connected and how they influence the appearance, behavior, and attitudes of Dee/Wangero. She was feeling good and would not change her ways and style and she wanted them to " make something of β†’

Study on the motor theory of speech perception

One main claim of this theory is that speech is " special", which bridges the gap between acoustic data and linguistic levels, " Special" in the sense that perception of sounds of processing. However this theory is one of the main and wide used theories of speech perception.

Timex case anaylsis

The advertising campaign featured different attempts to destroy Timex watches that failed to stop the Timex from ticking. The dripping watch was proudly displayed as the second hand swept past the face of the watch.

Influences on achievement of funding goals

Lowe The purpose of the following dissertation, A content analysis of Kickstarter: The influence of framing and rewarding motivations on campaign success was to examine the implications of message framing in determining the success or failure of Kickstarter campaigns. A content analysis of Kickstarter: The influence of framing and rewarding motivations on campaign success.

Case study: bbc limited

The Anderson who together hold 90% of the company shares are concerned that the company Is In need of further capital but because of family difference, the Anderson are not willing to Inject additional funds so long as the Browns are shareholders in the company. Can remove you Bee and Bob Brown by ordinary resolution β†’

Realism: survival and war

This obviously says that, realism, as the language expounding the accumulation of power and the answer to the prevalence of conflict and war, shows and proves that states become more selfish and aggressive as they feel threatened or alarmed and overpowered causing, ironically, the birth of war, chaos, and annihilation. Focusing on the key assumptions β†’


Family: The Primary Social Group That Teaches Socialization The family is the first social group that one comes into contact with and from which the individual learns the basic values of living in a family orientated society. Some research shows that in many respects, the mass media, and in particular television and movies, present a β†’

Krishna’s development as god in mahabharata

Krishna's is a very utilitarian perspective as he also states in one of his sermons to Arjuna during the war; he says that means do not matter till the end is good. He acknowledges Krishna as the creator and tells them that he is the creator and destroyer of the world.

Thesis essay

The early nineteenth century was an era of tremendous growth and change for the new nation. Inside all of this land was the mouth of the Mississippi River, New Orleans.

The somme

After the week was up they would advance on the enemy lines under the cover of a creeping barrage of artillery fire and sweep away the few remaining German troops. The artillery fire was largely ineffective and instead of destroying the barbed wire and sending the Germans packing it had only thrown the wire up β†’

American government ch 10

The technological change that brought about the decline of the partisan press was theinvention of the high-speed rotary press. Agenda-setting is an action that falls under which of the major roles played by the press? signalingWhich of the following is one of the two major advantages of journalists in covering the political game and strategic β†’

Political they passed such laws which injected

This peculiar discriminatory caste system in India led to the growth of only a section of the society dominating the rest of the populace by depriving them of economic opportunities and equal privileges. This facilitated of the maintenance of caste distinctions and preservation as well as continuation of perpetual poverty and servile position of the β†’

How rebecca reflects and subverts the conventions of the romance genre assignment

The conventions that Rebecca reflects of the romantic genre are those of the characteristics of the hero and heroine. The gothic genre is also found in the novel, with the spirit of Rebecca haunting Maxim and the narrator's marriage.

Rizal’s retraction letter essay

And then the third text appeared in El Imparcial on the day after Rizal's execution; it is the short formula of the retraction. Senator Rafael Palma, a former President of the University of the Philippines and a prominent Mason, argued that a retraction is not in keeping with Rizal's character and mature beliefs.

Meaning of happiness by socrates

The goodness and virtue are much more than the ones who think that the acquisition of fame, power or wealth is the key to happiness. Having the virtue in life, gives people a true concept of happiness that is well beyond wealth, fame or and any goods.


He must avenge himself in cold blood, ensuring that the victim would know he delivered the fatal blow, and escape unpunished. Montresor's plan was simple enough: let Fortunato accompany him to the underground wine vaults and there, through treachery and deceit, chain him to the wall and entomb him alive. He had β†’

Business ethical practice

The inability of the company to advocate for proper leadership designs may lead to the failure of the company operations in the global arena. Abiding by the laws of the country makes up a business ethical practice exercised ZTE Corporation. Press. Verstraeten, J.. Business ethics: Broadening the perspectives .

The intertextual relation between tell me how it ends: an essay in forty questions by valeria luiselli and “home” by warsan shire.

The reader is the space on which all the quotations that make up the writing are inscribed without any of them being lost; a text's unity lies not in its origin but in its destination...the birth of the reader must be at the cost of the death of the Author". The reader is the one β†’

Quality assurance audit research

Rather, client acquiescence is affected by client concern through the effects on client identification by the importance of the client. 12 Acquiescence of Client 0.

Microcontroller based high power factor electronic ballast

The proposed topology is based on the integration of the buck and playback converters, the former providing power factor correction and the latter controlling lamp power. Is the generation of standing pressure waves in the plasma, resulting in lighting arc fluctuation that can cause light flicker or even arc extinction [2], [3].

The underground railroad by colson whitehead: rebellion and endurance

To a slave, absconding the plantation or their masters would be but a distant dream and furthermore, " To escape the boundary of the plantation would be to escape the fundamental principles of your life: impossible". Slaves had not an iota of the rights that whites had, and in addition, there were no laws for β†’

Acute inflammation 2nd degree burn case study biology essay

She is determined to have a second degree burn because of the severity of the erythema and blistering, but the lack of charring and discoloration does not indicate a third degree burn. The prognosis for burns depends primarily on the age of the patient and the surface area of the wound.

Writing styles of choy and trimble

The methods that Trimble refers to in his text Writing with Style, clearly illustrate his strengths of writing and should be considered to use when writing. It is clearly seen that with the mixture of both the writing style of Choy and Trimble, this essay is in fact a great piece of work.

Case study of best buys inc expansion

The report highlights the main strategic issues raised followed by recommendations. PESTEL Framework The PESTEL framework is devised to understand the strategic issues underpinning the business from external sources (Johnson, Scholes & Whittington, 2008) Figure A-1: PESTEL Analysis PEST Factor Key Points Implications for BBI POLITICAL (Opportunity for BBI to β†’

The american anti slavery society history essay

The article named " African Slavery in America" written in 1775 by Thomas Paine was seemed to be the first one, which advocated abolishing slavery and giving the freedom to the slaves in the United States of America. Elizabeth Cady Stanton is definitely important and significant in the history of women's rights and independence.

“first death in nova scotia”: a reading of elizabeth bishop

This is how Bishop emphasizes the idea of death being a new thing to the speaker and how hard it is for her to explain what she sees. This confusion is made so the reader would get a sense of what it is like to being the speaker, and what is happening in the speaker's β†’

Positive and negative reinforcement education essay

They also will be the kinds of books that children will want to come back to, will find comfort in and, as developing readers, will feel safe in their company. Through guided reading, the teacher demonstrated that pleasure that can be gained from reading and Kress suggests that this requires teachers to know β†’

Designing a reward system

Through the reward system that the management aspect of the organization communicate their encouragement and appreciation towards the good performance level of the people in the group in the interest of developing a high enthusiasm and interest values in the human resource group. Normally, people who work in a human service organization β†’

Financial ratio calculations | profitability calculations

Sometimes, ratio analysis can predict future bankruptcy of a business. As we can see the performance of Systems Integrated PLC is related to the areas of profitability, efficiency and liquidity. First of all, the profitability of a company is clearly shown through the Return on Capital Employed ratio and the gross profit percentage, β†’

Work motivation

As for Elizabeth Pederson, her needs directly reflect stage 4 and stage 5 of Maslow's model. The issue here is that Lisa Bohm offered monetary and fringe benefits to satisfy her motivational work needs but in reality, Elizabeth is seeking increased responsibility, achievement, personal growth and fulfillment. McClelland's theory does not β†’

A reflection on goodbye, children and the butterfly’s tongue

This also includes an end to security and education that the children needed and enjoyed in the boarding school since the school's reputation had been tainted and, thus, closed." Goodbye, children" means farewell to a sheltered-life and hello to the reality of war. The Butterfly's Tongue, on the other hand, is also symbolic. His being β†’

Project integration management interview management essay

He recommends that the correct tools be available to the Project Manager to facilitate the communication process between the Project Manager and between the team members. Project Integration Management As the ninth area of knowledge within the PMBOK, successful Project Integration Management is determined by all the other elements of the project. The Project β†’

The drive for building a strong global brand marketing essay

Positioning the brand in the eyes and minds of their customers IKEA is knows for creating the stories before opening a new store at a location. To avail this offer people were started waiting in the queue a week before the opening of the store at another instance before the opening of its β†’

Reactive arthritis: causes, features and treatments

The definition was later modified since nucleic acids and bacterial antigens were found in the inflamed joints. Etiology Ae tiology Reactive arthritis follows an infection in the urogenital tract or gastrointestinal tract. The venereal form follows recent sexual contact, whereas the dysentric β†’

Capital structure, management of working capital and investment appraisal

While the flirt two parts of the report analysis Apple's activities, the last part of the report is related to the given scenario. The aim Is to justify the financing decision for a Eng term. The second part of the report evaluates the performance of Apple's working capital management practices.

The baba” (hosseini, 82). by saying this, amir

An internally afflicted man, Amir seeks to redeem himself and reach atonement for his past sins. Amir progresses from an adolescent, who is a coward, into a sympathetic and compassionate adult through his perspective and choice to change the past, the setting that he currently is in, and his friendship and guilty conscience moral to β†’

Bhavnath temple assignment

Therefore the government also had the task of resettlement of the villagers and providing new sources of livelihood, thus adding direct cost to the cost of constructing the dam. But the government was determined about the feasibility of the project. This would also respect the religious sentiments of the villagers. Also, the government would be β†’

Meli marine essay

Moreover, in most cases of macroeconomic downturns, countries such as Asia in 1990s will resort to export-push policies to stimulate the economy and a race to affordable transport options; these could enlarge the volume of outgoing freight flows. Tit-for-Tat Strategy against Competitors' Cascading: On a macro level, an expansion move to Asia-NA route will be β†’

Deer of providencia essay

The narrator went on to say that the meat was very good, and was surprised by the tenderness of the meat. The three men were surprised by how our narrator was able to watch the " awful" event earlier that day without making an expression. Why did she not run in to save the deer β†’


For example, in the poem " Changed", a part in the story where Kristina was facing troubles with her addiction and is trying to get healthy again, the text is written in the shape of a Cross. Also, in this poem, the longest line is the horizontal line crossing the Cross, which says " If β†’

Organization behavior essay

The is true due to the fact that tasks will be divided in a certain way, however this is enough for the team to be able to deliver its top performance because there must be certain elements that is needed to improve the efficiency of teamwork. Personally, I agree with him in this point because β†’

Character valor and dignity

It is written as seen through the eyes of Officer Robert Gould Shaw and shows the valor and courage of a group of soldiers fighting against their own superior's racism to achieve their desire to serve heir country. I will reflect on the ethics and virtues of this film and compare the characters β†’

The exist for events to plan and

Designing the degree of compatibility in relation to other event categories that an event company offers is hence an important variant between event firms. The degree of attention and care taken in servicing the client varies dramatically as the event company grows. This in turn would mean that in spite of a growth in the β†’

History and functions of regional trade blocs economics essay

A regional trade bloc is referred to the agreement between the governments or even a part of the organizations where the trade barriers including the non tariff and tariffs barrier are eliminated between the states which are participating in the states. The member sates who are advocating the free trade is opposed to the β†’

Punishment vs rehabilitation

Deterrence of Crime Deterrence theory if one commits a crime the benefit should outweigh the crime itself, if not the individual will think twice before committing another crime. The theory does not explain criminal behavior, to prevent crime from occurring the law will show through punishment, but the punishment should outweigh the potential crime. Punishment β†’

Analysis of much ado about nothing by william shakespeare

This essay will analyse some of the techniques including tone, character-specific dialogue, dramatic irony, soliloquy, and symbolism that has been used by the author to construct the characters of the play including Benedick, Beatrice, and Don John. Tone is one of the major techniques used by Shakespeare in this play, to show audience the type β†’

John steinbecks portrayal of alcoholics

He received the Nobel Prize in literature in 1962. In my view, he is one of the top ten American novelists, not just because he was a great storyteller but because he dealt with important concepts and universal themes". Steinbeck's reputation as both a person and a writer has been considered on β†’

A vietnam country review history essay

The capital of Vietnam is Hanoi, it is located in the north and is the second largest city in Vietnam, as the capital of Vietnam for almost a thousand years now, and Hanoi is considered to be one of the cultural centres of Vietnam, where most of the Vietnamese dynasties had left behind their imprint. β†’

Psychosocial crises that shape personality

Of the many theories and models of personality, Erik Erikson has proposed a psychosocial theory which accounts for social influences on the development of an individual's personality. For example, Erikson identified that the development of mistrust may lead to tendencies such as social detachment. The second psychosocial crisis occurs between ages one and three, and β†’

Responsiveness vs efficiency in supply chain management

A firms ability to satisfy customer requirements in a timely manner is referred to as Responsiveness, while efficiency is a firm's ability to deliver goods in accordance with the customer's expectations with least wastage in terms of raw materials, labour and cost. While choosing what supply chain process is to be used, the choice β†’

Gary dessler human resource management essay sample

We provide copy of Computer General Knowledge Questions And Answers in digital format, so the resources that you find are reliable. We provide copy of I Drive Safely Quiz Answers in digital format, so the resources that you find are reliable.

Customer relationship management essays example

The method is a good way of capturing the interest of the customers due to the quality of the after-sale of the products offered by the college hence is a good way of increasing the number of customers and increasing the devotedness to the institution. KIC has created opportunities for the customers to make well β†’

Samsung as an example of high quality customer service

While this may have nothing to do with Samsung, it is now likely that this customer will take it out on the representative from the Samsung helpline as they try to resolve their problem. While this is a hypothetical situation, I know firsthand that it is a fairly common one which people will often regret β†’

Case study on hr department respect

An organization's human resource department demands that the manager should research on the effective and attractive programs that would facilitate the development of the company A good reputation starts by changing the leadership skills of the manager. This would provide the human resource group with relevant information that would improve the general image β†’

Civil law case essay example

Business Law II This case was located from the Lexis Nexis website. The case originated from the District Trial Court, to Missouri Court of Appeals and then the State Supreme Court. ISSUE: The issue in this case is whether or not the attorney Devereux of The Bar Plan had been appointed β†’

Conflict management essays examples

This too is again a serious issue that needs to be nipped in the bud before it blossoms into a major conflict. Having identified the different conflicts possible within an organization, the better ways of controlling or preventing conflicts within organizations is to have a common goal for all the stakeholders within and outside the β†’

Organizational leadership assignment

A few members of the leadership team think that this is the perfect time to go public, while some feel that the company is not ready yet, and by going public would be a big mistake. Some of the players in this scenario are Don Russ who is the Chief Executive Officer of β†’

Business letter

We would like you to send us a catalogue and pricelist, and possibly some samples of the goods that you are principally interested in selling, so that we can study the sales possibility in our market. Gentlemen and Ladies: From the recent insure of International Business, we learn that you are in the market for β†’

In modern society, large corporations and educational systems

On the other hand, Marxasserts that it is " the state of formation of the civil society". The film Office Spaceprovides a perfect example of controlled employees that are not allowed toexcel in their profession, as they are not given the opportunity to show thepotential they have to offer the company. An example bureaucracy in β†’

Evaluation of agencys public personnel administration part 2 research paper

This allows the organization to enhance the efficiency of these functional groups. The strengths of a functional organizational design include: - The organization is able to maximize the economies of scale that results from specialization. - There is little duplication of duties and efforts and this boosts the agency's efficiency especially where functional skills are paramount. - Employees β†’

Budget management analysis

Benchmarking gathers information of the performances and processes from similar organizations and compares the data to help with making improvements. Various strategies are used to control budgets; managers and the chief financial officer of most healthcare organizations have the tools needed to manage the budget. Expense Results The expense reports show the difference β†’

Individual project 3 essay example

The procedures and guidelines aim at protecting and safeguarding these organizations which submits their proposals for contemplation and consideration regardless of whether it is a competitive or non-competitive proposal. This is aided by filling of the bid protests with the GAO (Government Accountability Office) which is responsible for hearing protests with inclusion of the contracting β†’

Management of oil, gas exploration and production waste

In order to achieve this, however, it is necessary for the different types of waste management strategies to be identified so that it can be determined how these relate to environmental responsibility. Research Questions What are the different types of waste management strategies and how do these relate to environmental responsibility? Are particular types β†’

Implementing strategy and managing change: uk fire and rescue

The change should be communicated to all stakeholders and the objective measures which are put in place to measure the effectiveness of change should be clearly explained to the members of the organization. Change management is a systematic process and by adhering to a recognized process, the effectiveness of the change program can be increased.

Crisis management in hospitality industry

There is a need for different strategies and realization of those strategies through different practices in the industry of hospitality. A special attention should be paid to the developing countries and the sector of hospitality in their territories.

Pfeffer derived hr practices management essay

He is the author or co-author of about thirteen books and all of them are focused on the relation between the human resources and the employer like people's power in the organization, advantages of the people with the organization and vice versa. Selectivity can be done by choosing the deservedness, desire to succeed and the β†’

Why i want to join management information systems (mis) program

To this end, I look forward to pursuing a Master in Information Systems Management at the Texas A&M University. A successful Systems Analyst, has a perfect blend of analytical and communication skills, creativity and spirit of teamwork. This has not only incorporated in me the ability to work in a flexible way that β†’

My future plans essay examples

I deem it fit to focus and nurture my career for the brilliant opportunities ahead in the construction industry. I also intend to gradually to incorporate and test some of the concepts learned in class in my construction scene in order to internalize and appreciate the essence of this course even further.

The modern-time management essay sample

This management guideline is necessary and is viewed as the oil to influence the motor of an association between employees and managers to move quickly. Command Unity Unity of command shows that a single employee is supposed to be given orders by one manager and should answer to that particular manager. The manager is β†’

Key project management responsibilities assignment

S Limit is an engineer, he has a deep understanding of all the technical aspects of the project and the processes involved and could help the specialists to make a balanced decision.2. Personal qualities ( responsibility, goal oriented behavior, enthusiasm, previous experience, etc,) As the project Is very complex and takes considerable amount of time, β†’

Business law assignment

The receipt is nothing but Just a proof of Samuels transaction but knowing that Samuel is a tourist, Benson has taken the opportunity to cheat him to sign on the receipt to act as a Business Law By unruly As what was discussed under the rule of law, we can see that Samuel did enter β†’

Term paper on management

Simply put, leadership entails the process of setting a vision or direction to guide a group and it is the responsibility of the leader to spearhead the realization of that vision. Similarly, management involves the process of controlling resources within a given based on a given set of established values. A true military leader should β†’

Political risk assessment and management

Political risk can lead to deprivation of these firms': o Assets o Ability to execute contracts o Ability to repay loans The above and any other effects on the firm eventually create a serious effect on the firm's balance sheet. The assessment of political risk is β†’

Managing changes in organizations

However, the joint consultation between workers and managers could be the solution for surviving the recession, as sources and knowledge are combined, and a group of decision-makers is more unlikely to overlook important issues. For instance, the example of Apple Inc.shows that autocratic management can work very well in an organisation. However, this is only β†’

Communication project

If you have any questions regarding the completion of this questionnaire please contact: Mohammed Abrar Khan 2 SISTERS FOOD GROUP COMPANY INFORMATION QUESTIONNAIRE Firmly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Firmly disagree 1. The fact that the language used by most customers is not my first language makes communication ineffective β†’

It system description and specifications essay

The new system will enable our web site with a characteristic of ' click-to-talk '. This will let to protagonists to snap and speak with Red Cross ' s corporate partnership squad. The new CRM system will finally increase the efficiency of Red Cross in its fundraising and stakeholder battle attempts and straight assist to β†’

Free research paper on pain management decision-making for nurses

Pain management is the essential aspect of the nursing practice because pain is one of the most common experiences in hospitalized patients. All patients are entitled to pain management and there should be no discrimination between terminally ill patients and other patients when administering analgesics. However, the knowledge and attitudes of nurses towards pain β†’

Types of leaders assignment

Also, be sure to step in from time to time to cover the grunt work and to show employees that you are still part of the team. And even though you may have a pool of employees to delegate to, they may not yet have the skills to handle that type of work.

Changing role of cto

In a time when digital transformation has become a sought-after change across industries, CTOs tend to be responsible for a large fraction of a company's human resources and budget that is used to execute a company's transformation (following the strategies I outlined in a previous article: absorb/adapt/acquire/attack). Thus a CTO role needs to remain responsible β†’

Evaluation of a business code of ethics

The following paragraphs will provide more information into the utilitarianism system between management, employees, and the board of directors. Utilitarianism and First Energy's employees strive to maximize the happiness of all employees. This ethical system by itself, whereas formed in good intentions, is not efficient enough to run a business properly.

Decision making report examples

One conclusion that has been drawn from the discussion is that the thinking styles play an important role in the process of decision making since decisions are mainly considered to be a product of the thinking. Decision making is a cognitive process that leads one to selection of an option β†’

Discourse analysis the adaptive behavior of music firms a music industry feedback model essay

This is accomplished through a variety of techniques which are intended to lend him credibility, while still providing the audience with as much information as they require to understand the concepts that he is attempting to convey. This approach is seen very easily in his manner of addressing the audience; β†’

Cost allocation

Predetermined overhead rate= Estimated overhead/Estimated allocation base One-stage allocation system Single cost pool Entire manufacturing overhead * Single allocation base / cost driver-Direct materials cost/ Direct labor hours/ Direct labor cost/ Machine hours/ etc.* Predetermined Overhead Rate or Burden rate = Total manufacturing overhead / X * Where X = Total Direct materials cost or β†’

Working capital management and financial performance

According to , financial performance of a firm relates to its motive to maximize profit both to shareholders and on assets. Working Capital Management and Financial Performance The subject of working capital management and financial performance has received significant attention from scholars in the various areas of business and strategic management. These evidences β†’

Evaluation and management of patients with cardio-pulmonary

As to the validity of the instruments, all the aspect of the variables and the measures will be explored so as to achieve maximum validity. Interviewwith a Researcher A friend of this author referred him to a University Professor who has had considerable experience in research. That way, β†’

Operations management essay sample

The essence of operations management is value-added, or the degree to which the value of all outputs of an operation exceed the value of its inputs.6. List the basic sources of variation Four Sources of Variation: Variety of goods or services being offered| The greater the variety of goods and services offered, the greater β†’

Good essay about how to discipline employees

The manager, after trying to discipline the employee, will feel inclined to get rid of the employee. The employee must be made to feel important, that he/she means a lot to the organization, and that is the reason why it is so necessary for the employee to correct his/her behavior.

International management essay sample

From this statement and Hofstede research the following variables which categorises this are: Hofstede research found the average or mean for countries used in his research is 51. Relating this back to the report countries this means that Japan with a rating of 54 and Spain with a rating of 57 β†’

Business law assignment

Invitation to treat is defined as " statements or actions that are not sufficient to amount to an offer as they are not made with the intention to create legal relations and are merely intended to draw the customer Into negotiations", by Rush J and Outlet M. Additionally, there Is no proof of Boris contacting β†’

Flexible budget essay sample

Advantages of a flexible budget over to a static budget The distinct difference between a flexible and static budget is that a flexible budget projects budget data for various levels of activity, whereas the static budget is a projection of budget data at one level of activity. A static budget remains at one β†’

Performance development plan

This development plan will also allow me to determine how myleadershipstyle will impact the success of the team and give me the ability to adapt to different behavioral styles by reviewing each individual DISC Platinum Rule - Behavioral Style Assessment. Personal and Individual Team Characteristics Personal β†’