5 Pages Essay Samples

Human relations theory essay

Human relations theory is normally thought of as having its roots in the Hawthorne Studies conducted in the 1920s and 1930s at the Hawthorne works of the Western Electric Company, near Chicago in the United States. Apparently, it was the fact that something ' unusual' was happening and that the workers felt that they were β†’

Transition metals

Transition Metals 1a) The d-orbitals of a free transition metal atom or ion are degenerate However, when transition metals form coordination complexes, the d-orbitals of the metal interact with the electron cloud of the ligands in such a manner that the d-orbitals become non-degenerate The way in which the orbitals are split into different energy β†’

Intellectual property rights: copyright and patent

A patent is an exclusive right ranted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem. A copyright is a form of protection grounded in the U.S.

Prejudice in to kill a mockingbird and goin’ someplace special

In To Kill A Mockingbird, one of the main characters who experience prejudice and is isolated from the rest of Maycomb is Arthur Radley. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus is the wise, moral character and at the end of the novel, we see that through all of Atticus' teaching, Scout has learnt how to β†’

Kretchmar’s five types of dualism

He states that there are two types of substance, the matter which the essential property is spatially extended and the mind which is the essential property that do the thinking. While the connection between the mind and the body is very difficult to explain, but through scientific experiments and personal experience the body and the β†’

Rehabilitation of offenders in british criminal justice system criminology essay

The modern day criminal justice system in Britain is geared at the rehabilitation of offenders so the prison system is not only a means of incarceration to remove the offender from posing any danger to the public, but also a vehicle for preparing the offender for release and re-integration into society. It is clear in β†’

Why is primark clothing unsustainable?

This business report is intended to know about the social and environmental impacts of the Fashion and Textile industry to this world and the sustainability challenges in this industry. Being high turnover also means that keeping track of items can be difficult and if Primark do not know the origins of the stock, it is β†’

Themes of incidents in the life of a slave girl and the souls of black folk

In The Life of a Slave Girl, sexuality is a major theme that affected a large number of slave women, while in The Souls of Black Folk, the main topic is humanity and its influence on the black men in the society. In conclusion, according to the reports on the experience of slaves, slavery is β†’

Churchill’s leadership essay sample

Churchill's personal style of management was important to the success of the wartime coalition government; however this is not the only reason for such success. He was deputy Prime Minister in 1942-5 and did much to ensure the efficiency of the coalition.

A compensation system for eastern europe

TheoryThe agency system reflects the differences in the goals between the government and the directors of the plants/factories. On the other side, the goal of the government was to get the planned numbers.

Bureaucracy and gender segregation

Right from her aspirations of being a manager and the need to improve the financial status of their family, it is noticeable that she has been inclined to venture into paid work. Durkheim observed that the division of labor contributed to social cohesion at work.

Tort law

Tort Law Evaluate and discuss the potential liability of the various parties in the scenario involving but not limited to Bobby, ACE Sports, the nurse, the surgeon and City General. A tort law refers to a branch of study that deals with injuries/loss sustained by the plaintiff as a result of either intentional or unintentional β†’

Soren chemicals essay

This theory is supported by the fact that, a survey among the pool service professionals and specialty retailers who had made enquiries about Coracle revealed that only 30% of the respondents recalled receiving the Coracle materials that Soren Chemical had sent in response to their inquiries. This way there is more incentive for the distributors β†’

Themes of brideshead revisited

The topic of religion is very common in the novel and relates to each of the characters. In the epilogue Charles returns to Brideshead on military business and is delighted to find that the chapel is still unchanged from the last time he saw it.

The galapagos islands

The Galapagos IslandsThe Galapagos Islands which are located in the Pacific Ocean from the Ecuadorian coastline in South America, are considered a living museum and showcase of evolution because of the diverse life forms that inhabit these nineteen islands and the surrounding marine. It is known that the introduced species pose a threat to the β†’

Book review: man’s search for meaning (victor frankl)

Positive affect and the experience of meaning in life.J.Pers.Soc. The Brain and the Meaning of Life.

The awakening of the american spirit in rip van winkle by washington irving

Irving lets his main character take on that role in his story so that it might be easier for the American people to understand." The opening paragraph of RVW establishes the theme of the national " British" family breakup " while the country was yet a province of Great Britain": the Kaatskill Mountains " are β†’

How did china resist western influences?

However, the British smuggled opium into China, the Chinese found out that people would get addicted to opium, so the Chinese banned smoking opium and led to the Opium War. All the unequal treaties made China more vulnerable and caused Chinese people to distrust the government and therefore had a lot of riots.

How is wage determined in india

Government of India formulated industrial policy resolution in 1948 where the government has mentioned two items which have bearing on wages: Statutory fixation of minimum wages Promotion of fair wages To achieve the 1st objective, the minimum wages act of 1948 was passed to lay down certain norms and procedures for determination and fixation of β†’

Stigma in the media assignment

The majority of those with mental illnesses are regular people who just happen to have biological and chemical dysfunctions of the brain. As nurses we should be advocates for vulnerable individuals who have to cope with both their illness and the daily effects of stigma.

Alias grace: point of view, characterization and title

The effectiveness of point of view Throughout the novel, Margaret Atwood effectively uses different points of view to give the reader a better understanding of the main character, Grace Marks. Characterization of Grace Marks and her reliability as a narrator The characterization of Grace Marks plays a significant role in the reader's ability to determine β†’

Economic and more political

A further part of the answer lies in the political economy of the local state. Local political economy and the coherence of institutional aims provide a partial answer for the promotion of FED in China.

The italian renaissance

In the five classes that the society had, at the top were the hierarchies, who were the old nobility and the merchant class that had traditionally ruled the cities. Below them were the less wealthy merchants and trades people and below them, were the poor and destitute that was made up of one fourth to β†’

“the cherry orchard”: liberation leads to different paths

He even becomes something of a financial advisor to his former mistress, Madame Ranevsky, when he tells her and Gayef repeatedly to sell pieces of the orchard and set up villas for the rising middle class to move onto: " You know your cherry orchard is going to be sold to pay the mortgage...if only β†’


In order to address this problem, Karl Popper analyzed the scientific method and determined that in order for something to truly follow the scientific method, it had to be able to be falsifiable. When one establishes a hypothesis one needs to consider that it must be in a form that is able be disproved, and β†’


After the first fifteen minutes, the potato cube in solution A, showed a change of 5% in weight, after thirty minutes a -9% change, after forty-five minutes -11% change, after sixty minutes -12% change, and after seventy five minutes showed a change of -13%. After seventy five minutes the potato cube had reached a weight β†’

What is cystic fibrosis?

Normally, the gene regulates the passage of chloride ions in and out of the cell, but when mutated as in the case of CF patients the chloride ions cannot move throughout the cell membrane because the CFTR does not open. A normal CFTR allows water to follow chloride through the duct and out of the β†’

On to plump his veins in his forearm

This is due to a combination of situations such as political instability, widespread corruption, and the ideal mixture of climate, soil, and terrain to cultivate opium poppy, the plant from which the drug is made. According to the Annual Report of 2015 of the Narcotics Control Bureau, The Heroin seizures in India depicted a decreasing β†’

Saving sourdi essay sample

Nea decided in that moment that she needed to do something drastic in order to complete her rescue mission, so she took a pairing knife and stabbed the man in his arm with the intentions of killing him. This is apparent when Nea believed that Sourdi was in danger in the restaurant, at the cornfield, β†’

Forces in international business

For Japan, McDonald's is a symbol of this fantastic culture, and brings in many customers because of this." From the perspective of the ' civilizing process' McDonald's...[has]...helped to create an entirely new concept of manners." says Watson. This is another political pressure that concerns McDonald's as they attempt to meet the cultural standards for the β†’

The thirty years of war and the civil war history essay

The gash of the Catholic religion, as a consequence of the restoration, put Europe in a position of spiritual confusion and chaos.[2]The steady increase in bigotry and spiritual sectionalism that concurred with the totaling of brand religions and yet new multiplicity is the main grounds of the Thirty Years War. This conflict gave rise to β†’

Definitions of crime: social and ideological constructs

The social construct of crime is extremely significant within the victimised actor model that purposes that criminal behaviour only manifests because those with power and authority define certain activities, typically those engaged in by the poor and powerless as criminal, while those of the powerful are ignored. Livingstone argues that the media make a significant β†’

Rhetorical analysis of “shooting an elephant” by george orwell essay sample

For the reader to figure out how Orwell uses the tone of his narration to appeal to the reader, its important to examine how early on in the essay Orwell establishes a candid and blunt tone towards the Burmans, Natives, and the British based on imperialism. In " Shooting an Elephant," Orwell appears to be β†’

Tok essay β€œthere are no absolute distinctions between what is true and what is false”. discuss this claim

The correspondence theory is the idea that something is true as long as it corresponds with the way things factually are.[1] This theory is the recursive definition of truth, which reduces the factual ambiguity of a sentence, a colloquial example of a sentence with such characteristics is " snow is white if and only if β†’

Metabical: case analysis

Barbara Print, senior director of marketing for SSP, needs to analyze the market radically in order to decide the pricing and packaging strategy and forecast the demand for the product before it is launched. This approach enabled Print to conclude that Metabolic would be able to capture 10% of the consumers in the first year β†’

Oppression: muslim women in canada

Islamic women are the focus here, women who follow their religion by wearing the Hijab and women who feel it's not necessary to cover one self to be a good Muslim. This form of oppression is different than that of the Islamic woman as these women do have a choice in what theyre doing.

Generally, border guard helped a member of

Corruption often undermines national and international efforts to prevent and control the crime of migrants, just as it affects the response to other forms of transnational crime such as trafficking in persons, in firearms, and in narcotics. In a European country, a border guard helped a member of an organized crime group fabricate a false β†’

Tupelo’s dilemma1

The management style of the VP can be said to be quite remarkable, because he applied the techniques of Lateral thinking of trying to increase the sales and consequently increase the profit margin on the HDTV's. Suppose that the number of HDTV sets sold in 2007 is projected to be 4% more than the number β†’

The rosetta stone

It is only natural that they are threatened by this request of the stone being back to Cairo, as it poses to be a problem for the museum to lose its tourists. Furthermore, their response is that these artifacts that are showcased do not necessarily have to be in the country of their birth in β†’

Complementing predictive coding

Predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science by Clark, A. Extending the predictive coding framework by complementarity thus necessitates a " distribution of explanatory weight" between the predictive coding framework and " approaches that explore or uncover the more idiosyncratic or evolutionary path-dependent features of the human mind, and the complex transformative β†’

Don’t look up, look out

Once heard the difference between a historian and a Christian is that the historian looks for Jesus of Nazareth the man who lived and died nearly two millennia ago, and Christian looks for the Christ who continues to live among us. This is why the resurrection accounts of the Gospels and the account of the β†’

Good research methodology: deductive research approach essay example

Research methodology implies the process of collecting information relevant to a field of study for the purpose of deducing conclusions and decision making. Employees will be provided with the questionnaires and required to answer the questions that will be related to the purpose of the study.

Prevention of nozzle clogging in continuous casting of steel

Another thing to consider is the life of the tundish is often limited to the life of the nozzle due to clogging. The most effective way to prevent, or at least lessen, nozzle clogging in the continuous casting of steels is to modify the inclusions in the steel to a liquid rather than a solid β†’

How does counselling differ from other helping skills

The British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy define counselling as ' taking place when a counsellor sees a client in a private and confidential setting to explore a difficulty the client is having, distress they may be experiencing or perhaps their dissatisfaction with life, or loss of a sense of direction or purpose. Counselling is β†’

Can oral history be trusted

It can also be said that " tricks that the memory can play, to efforts at rationalization & self-justification that all of us make, even if only subconsciously, or to the terrible telescoping of time which aninterviewoften encourages and which runs counter to the very essence of history" 2 This can also happen with age, β†’

Co–occurring disorders and their impact on addiction

This is not what one would want to do because it is a temporary fix at best, and it leaves the client looking for and wanting the same effects that brought them to the point of abusing the substance in the first place. The need for a precise assessment of the disorder and a timely β†’

Effectiveness of interventions for emotional eating

The proposal expected to see a change in the behaviour of the pupils in terms of emotional eating and that pupils have a better chance of noticing these eating behaviours. The impact in this proposal is to prevent eating disorders.

Economic consequences

Cash flows, financial liquidity of assets, stock of cash and the structure of the balance sheet of a firm influences investments. Appropriate investments will have to be made to handle the new government issues so that the firm is not taken to court and penalized in the form of fines.

It increasingly becoming popular in the national

It is pretty amazing how community service has continued to develop and become an issue of debate in our schools and the community. One of the reasons is because President Clinton has been explaining the importance of volunteering to the community by the American students and the public.

Case study skagen global marketing holl assignment

After a Danish colleague sends them a few of his sample corporate watches to sell in the United States, Charlotte and Henries embark on their dream of starting their own business and begin working in the world of watches. 1991 The Sorts design a few sample corporate watches and exhibit them at the New York β†’

The philosophy of morality

This is a derived idea from the argument of Immanuel Kant in his work, An Answer to the Question: " What is Enlightenment?" This restriction is the reason why humans behave as they are: they need a harmoniousenvironmentwithin themselves as a pursuit of individual community of well-being, freedom and safety. To Kant, this principle of β†’

Literary analysis of my bondage and my freedom

Douglass describes details of the places he lived throughout his life and the things he experienced both as a slave and as a free man. The setting during the early parts of Douglass' life is mainly beneficial to his growth, but a constant undertone of anxiety taints his memory of this time.

Comic realism of chaucer in “the prologue to the canterbury tales”

True to this idea, Chaucer is basically a realist and is interested in people and things around him and the atmosphere and activities of England in the fourteenth century. Chesterton to comment that the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales is the " first novel in history" and human characters here are not taken up in β†’

A time of respite from something

For some people a vacation might be a chance to relax, while to others, a vacation might mean to leave their professional work for a while, only to do another different kind of work. One way of relaxing that has become popular amongst the people of today's society is to take a vacation.

Nilaparavata lugens (stal) genetic divergence analysis

The key characters of the family are the presence of a movable spur at the base of the hind tarsi. The COI sequence of N.lugens showed considerable variations with the related species.

Cultural differences in business assignment

In the article, " Managing Cultural Diversity In A Global World" by Edward Burman, he explains that " Cultural training is essential to avoid potential conflict, and to improve the disastrous failure rate of joint ventures in the recent past. So the percentage of expatriates at American-based companies who are American has gone down." I β†’

There is no running from judgment essay sample

A mission to find not only who I was as a person and as me, but also I was on the pursuit of happiness to also be okay with whomever the person I discover may be. I have the excessive amounts of evil high school estrogen and drama to thank for that.

Frank stellas unflinching desire to create art art essay

Galenson and Weinberg in the article Age and the Quality of Work, look at how Stella ' s work was to be interpreted and mentions Stella ' s work as an progress upon past Formalist creative persons. One of the most problematic facets of Stella ' s work is that of its connexion to the β†’

4-phenylbutyric acid c10h12o2 structure

3 cm 3 Polarizability 18.5 0. 0 dyne/cm Molar Volume 149.9 3.

A world of critical thinkers

It enumerates the characterisitics of a critical thinker and the instances whhere this form of thinking can be applied. A company exists to provide services and products for the consumption of the people.

Why should cannabis be considered doping in sports?

The World Anti-Doping Agency included cannabis in its Prohibited List in 2004, claiming that cannabis may improve performance in some sports and is an illegal drug in most countries; however, the inclusion of a substance in the Code is complex, requiring intense debate among delegates and the fulfillment of specific criteria. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full β†’

Solving major global issues by founding a system on ethical principles in simon blackburn’s book

When hundreds of thousands of innocent lives were being violently taken by the hands of angry men wielding deadly machetes, the UN refused to acknowledge the extremity of the situation as it was unfolding. America, along with the other nations part of the UN, should have intervened as soon as the chaos broke out in β†’

An importance of self identification

His theories mainly have to do with the dynamic of the western culture that came about and how blind we are to see the control that others have over us. They started off at the top, and they stay at the top, using their wealth to dictate the way society works, how individuals act, and β†’

First council of nicaea and jehovah s witnesses

Moreover, the Son can have no direct knowledge of the Father since the Son is finite and of a different order of existence, Brown, and Heresies. The other definition of Arianism is that, Arianism is the idea that Jesus Christ is not equal to the Father by nature, but He is the first creation of β†’

Voltaire candide assignment

I loved the way the story ended, with each and every one of them, learning to live with what they have and that what little they have is enough, especially after what they had all been through. I was so thankful at the end that she was a fairy and that she lived in a β†’

Trimethyl phosphite c3h9o3p structure

0 C at 760 mmHg Flash Point 27.8 0. 0 C Molar Refractivity Polarizability Surface Tension Molar Volume Experimental data Predicted ACD/Labs Predicted EPISuite Predicted ChemAxon Experimental Physico-chemical Properties

Livoria persuasive essay

The steady growth in revenue and income has developed a strong financial fundamental for Livoria to expand the business in Canada. It is critical for Livoria to stay competitive in the industry.

Ict analysis and evaluation report

It is quite likely that when the parents of our present pupils were at school the only example of the product of modern technology they have used was a simple calculator. In that case it is easy to assess pupils on the basis of the level of difficulty achieved.

Historical investigation paper essay

The Reign of terror had aspects of being justified but of course was not completely right, it was justified because they needed to resolve to violence to get their point across, because they were in desperate times and needed to resolve to drastic measures in order to get what they wanted, and the king needed β†’


It was assumed that the mechanism involved in nanoparticles production by fungi was due to cell wall sugars that could reduce the metal ions and because they have the high cell wall binding capacity, metal uptake and secrete more amounts of proteins lead to the higher productivity of nanoparticles. Shelar and Chavan, showed that Bacillus β†’

The origin of the confucianism

This gives the reader a richer and clearer view of how Confucianism functioned in the past and of what it means in the present". Another aspect from the book states, " In the light of this expansion of the understanding of religion, more and more western scholars tend to think of Confucianism in terms of β†’

The major criticisms of sutherlands differential theory criminology essay

Glueck asked, " Has anyone actually counted the number of violation of law, and demonstrated that in the predelinquency experience of the vast majority of delinquents and criminals, the former exceed the latter?" Additionally, there seemed to be a shortage of reason in Sutherland's theory to explain acts of deviance that are not learned or β†’

Waiting for godot – samuel beckett “nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes” analysis

It represents one of the most important movements of the twentieth century and is an example of the so-called " Theatre of the Absurd", which had subsequently inspired numerous plays that were based on the idea of an illogical universe. The plot of the play is fairly simple and is, in fact, purely a development β†’

Commentary: teacher candidates’ responses to examining personal privilege: nuanced understandings of the discourse of individualism in critical multicultural education

The first aspect is the definition of meritocracy and the principles that sustain its concept. Then, the essence of meritocracy is the value of merit, and productivity is one way to attribute value to something hence produced and, for extension, to someone.

Benefits of cultivating trust

To gain will power, the individual with a chronic illness must trust in themselves that they can get through their painful issues. Since trust is a feeling that can be found in oneself, it can be utilized at the will of the possessor.

The 8 key elements of a business model marketing essay

Nowadays, many housewives venture into the market due to the urbanization and modernization in the Middle East and UAE in particular to help their husbands to overcome the life difficulties which start to appear in the last century and increases every day. 05 For our project we included the 8 Key Elements of a Business β†’

Sport and social class

In the Middle Ages the difference between the rich and poor in the sport continued to grow. They were from the working classes and were paid fees to play for their counties and their country.

The raven argumentative essay

He opens the door and stares into only darkness and then starts dreaming about the unattainable and murmurs, " Lenore"." Lenore" is reiterated back to the man and the poem has begun to fully disclose a sense of the agony and heartsickness experienced by the narrator. In this poem, the protagonist is mourning for his β†’

The bais in the curriculum

It in a sense expresses the graving they have for their community to change for the best but they do not think they are worthy and smart enough to encounter the act of being a leader and making a change because of the color of their skin. Some people think just because you tell a β†’

Obesity epidemic solution essay sample

According to Brody, he claims that, when women entered the workforce, the food industry grew and produced stocks of food containing rich in sugar, salt and fat that people are expected to desire. In agreement with the National Institute of Health stating that, " obesity is the next major epidemiologic challenge facing today's doctors, with β†’

Which of richard iii, henry vii and henry viii was the most effective monarch? essay sample

So eventually Richards's only evidence of effective Monarchy was the reason for his loss in the Battle Of Bosworth and through all of this Richard had a very unstable reign through the hatred he received from the rumours from the Princes in the Tower, which shows that overall, Richard was not a very effective Monarch β†’

Determination of the relative atomic mass of lithium essay sample

002547 mol c) Finding the number of moles of LiOH: To find the number of moles of HCl, we use the mole ratio found in the equation above: Mole ratio LiOH: HCl = 1: 1 Therefore the number of moles of LiOH = 0. 32 3 Therefore maximum percentage error of the Burette in method β†’

The devil wears prada

The only problem was Miranda was a ruthless, cold-hearted person, and she expected people to bend over backwards and cater to her left and right. It was not until the end of the movie that Andy realized Miranda had changed her, and she was not even the same person any more.

Pestel analysis of the steel industry economics essay

The private sector in the steel industry contributes approximately 2/3rd of the total market of the steel. Asian countries are in the lead with the production of the steel, china is the top producer among the Asian countries which are contributing high a supply of the steel in the international market.

Capital one financial corporation

It has also acquired a home equity roughage company In ten Capital One is the fifth largest credit card provider in the United States and one of the largest issuers of Mastered and Visa credit cards. Capital One is the United Kingdom's seventh largest credit card issuer, and among the top ten of the same β†’

Education: the key to solving poverty

In order for the standards of living to increase in impoverished areas the promotion and levels of education must also increase. This is in part due to the continuos poverty cycle, and the only way for it to be broken is by providing students with a better education.

Illustrating the dimensions of mcdonaldization: the case of uniqlo

Predictability The standardisation of McDonald's ensures the same layout, the same decoration of its restaurant, and also the identical taste of its food. Customers need to choose the suitable style for themselves and also select the fittest size among the number of clothes.

Surviving super bowl sunday parties with diabetes

Make this your motto for the night: " If you do not like it, do not eat it". The last tip for this portion would be to pack your own food as there is a huge chance that, that party you are going to will not have even a pinch of healthy in it.

A beautiful relationship of father and daughter

When I was eight years old, my father sent me to school, and I had a fight with my father that day. I suffered with my mother because I had to live with my mother and she is not like my father.

How to manage negativity within the medical aesthetics

The movement in the present day is to hire less than sufficient staff and work to the maximum. References Barbuceanu, M.& Fox, M.

Care plan and interventions for suicidal patient

In line with the codes of conduct for the Nursing and Midwifery Council, the author has sought and received voluntary and informed consent from the client whom the author will, for the purpose of confidentiality, be referred to under the pseudonym Alice Azonto. The author and the nursing team provided Alice with vital information to β†’

Culture shock

To illustrate, the norms in a culture decide how to greet people, how to dress, how to and when to accept and refuse invitations, and what is a joke and what is an insult. On the other hand, a commoner who goes to a foreign culture and lives there for a considerable period of time, β†’

The merchant of venice by william shakespeare

Shylock's reaction to the news of his daughter's flight is an uncensored fit of pure, yet eloquent, rage and it is as this point in the play that he delivers his famous ' Hath not a Jew' soliloquy. Therefore, I would say that in the end, and overall, it is the anti-Semitic culture in which β†’

Informative speech outline argumentative essay

Thesis Statement The four steps in preparing for a job interview are researching the company, analyzing and preparing yourself, anticipating questions and answers, and preparing everything you need the night before the interview.II. You will also be able to find out whether the company and the companycultureare a good fit for you.B.

Unforgettable experience analysis

Instructions: Read the following stories in ' A Sense of Belonging' and write a response to the question related to each story. Later on, Eckels steps off the pathway and kills a butterfly inadvertently causing the future to change, and causing a different president to be elected with the chain reaction.- Comment on the relative β†’