5 Pages Essay Samples

An analysis of joshua johnson’s all about eve essay sample

It is a story of a young girl's rise to fame due to her strong love and ambition to star in movies. Eve knows that in order to become a movie star she must model her own life around that of Margo's.

Andrew johnson and the radical republicans politics essay

In the wake of reconstruction era, the radical republican were determined to dethrone him from the presidency through the same process of voting as they were the majority in congress. In the wake of impeachment of the president, the radical republicans opposed the process of reconstruction on the South.

Umami taste and receptors: essay

They are basically epithelial cells that are connected to sensory neurons and the signal is sent to the brain for perception of the taste. The receptors for sour taste recognize the protons from acids which lead to depolarization of cell by closing its potassium channels and this results in release of serotonin into the synapse β†’

Economic aspect of commercial aviation

The present growth of use of the internet in selling and distributing tickets as well as the establishment of low cost airlines in the market has had a significant effect on the price and operations of majority of commercial airlines. The cost per seat in the legacy airlines has been on the increase since the β†’

β€˜among earth. he says maude gonne, his

The first stanza of the poem is set in a classroom where William, a member of the Senate, has gone to evaluate the new school curriculum. To further show how worthless life is, William Yeats looks into the works of great men of the world.

Q1 the begening, i can say this book

It is important to recall that the daemon is programmed by Sobol to initiate upon hisdeath which takes place at the beginning of the story. Eventhose with the knowledge of computer science to grasp what the Daemon is tendto still attribute the events it triggers to the Daemon itself, as if it weresomething to be β†’

Editorial: modelling, simulating and forecasting regional climate and weather

Editorial on the Research Topic Modelling, Simulating and Forecasting Regional Climate and Weather Originally, climatology was a regional science and the global climate merely something put together from the real and challenging findings the regional climate analyses. Historically, this was in particular of importance, when the issue was the regional manifestation, say in terms of β†’

Commentary: does the coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic call for a new model of older people care?

00311 In their recent Frontiers in Public Health article, Palombi et al.elegantly described the fragility of public health services around the globe and characterized gaps in epidemic preparedness, in particular those within the older people care system that have limited formal and informal support networks. A Case Study of the Successful Partnership Between Public Health β†’

A love found, lost and regained in the notebook by nicholas sparks

The reason why it is a story of tragedy can be listed as follows: the literary devices that Nicholas Sparks uses, which foil a sorrow atmosphere; pitiful secondary characters and the health issues Noah and Allie have when they are aged. Some advocates suggest that the " day and night" metaphor, which appeared towards the β†’

Intuition in organizational behavior persuasive

In other words planning is the organizational process of creating and maintaining a plan; and the psychological process of thinking about the activities required to create a desired future on some scale. E-business is using the Internet to facilitate the effective and efficient management of every aspect of a business.

Liberalism: cultural encounters and cultural exemptions

Cultural Encounters and Cultural Exemptions, Jon Pike, peg 91-116) Liberal philosophers should support cultural exemption and promote autonomy and not fail to recognize cultural identities and differences when that cultural exemption is not oppressing individual or having a negative impact on the wider society and also that it is not going against the law of β†’

Strategies to measure poverty

In the UK, it is " the most common measure of poverty", and a household is said to be in poverty if its income, after taxes, is less than 60% of the UK median for that year". On the other hand, it could be argued that this weapon can be used in a positive way β†’

Defense mechanisms in one flew over the cuckoo’s nest

Harding needs the ward, and voluntarily resides there because he is aware of his lack of leadership and control living with his wife in the outside world. While Bromden has hallucinations of the fogged ward, Harding uses his intellect and Billy Bibbit speaks with a stutter.

Goal line technology

Keeping he precepts promotes not only the peace of mind of the cultivator, which is internal, but also peace in the community, which is external. To refrain from the use of garlands, perfumes, ointments, and from things that tend to beautify and adorn.9.

Advertising on children should be prohibited

Thus, it is important to illustrate the effect of advertising on children and the reasons that lead to the conclusion that advertising on children exploits them and affects them negatively in the modern society. The extent of the conveyance of children advertisements is depicted through the strategy that advertisers use to gain the young population.

Pleasantville analysis essay

In this city, everyone follows the same routine everyday, everyone looks the same, because they are all black and white, and the pages of the books are blank, because books are a symbolism of knowledge and the people in Pleasantville are not allowed to know ones more than others. Pleasantville's citizens' development as people, and β†’

Free consumerism essay sample

Opponents of a consumerist culture call for a different way of living, moderates call for sustained consumerism while proponents talk about the benefits of a consumerist society and advocate for the continuation of such a system. A consumerist culture has also ensured that there is a plethora of products in the market spoiling the consumer β†’

Child pornography on the internet 13819

The law prohibits the use of a minor in the making of pornography, the transport of a child across state lines, the taking of a pornographic picture of a minor, and the production and circulation of materials advertising child pornography. It also prohibits the transfer, sale, purchase, and receipt of minors when the purpose of β†’

Sydney s.

In studying religion from a sociological perspective, one is looking at religion as a social institution and looking to answer questions such as: What effect does this particular institution have on the lives of its followers, how does this influence the upbringing of its followers, how does this religion affect the choices people make in β†’

Cory ng edsa reaction

The problem in this story is when Bella becomes pregnant with Edward's child during honey moon and once Edward tells her they will get rid of it she calls Rosalie for help. They realise that saying Bella's baby is unsafe to the world of vampires and keeping it a secret would be a perfect oportunity β†’

Quiz econ

What happens to the demand for Brand A Plain potato chips? a) As the price of A rises demand A falls so that demand for B rises. The demand curve for B shifts to the right b)As the price of A rises, demand for A falls due to the law of demand.

Complex human character of a main hero in the lady and the pet dog

A prime example of this in the Lady and the Pet Dog is in the way Dmitri views women. A good example of this in the Lady and the Pet Dog is a scene nearing the end of the work.

Friendship in the novel “never let me go” by kazuo ishiguro

The first two parts of the book are about their time at Hailsham and The Cottages that they move to when they become teenagers, where you can follow a series of boarding school memories and memories from their teens. It is recommended for those who are stubborn and aware of their desire to get through β†’

Critical analysis of “a sunrise on the veld” by doris lessing

This story enfolds in its narrative the transformation of a young boy's belief in his superiority over the world to his understanding of how vulnerable he is and how similar he is to the other inhabitants of the veld. Deluded by his euphoria over his belief that he is a usurper upon the forces on β†’

Position of fe line and is curve analysis

The employees choose to work when the organizations offer high wages to them and on the other hand organizations have a preference to hire employees while the wage rate is low, the labor market equilibrium is to balance out the contradictory needs of employees and organizations and find out the wage rate and the employment β†’

Introduction to psycholog

Four theories of human development will be taken into consideration and they are Freud's psychosexual stages, Erikson's psychosocial stages, Piaget's Cognitive stages, and Vygotsky's sociocultural stages. These theories by famed psychologists Freud, Erikson, Piaget and Vygotsky, have made their unique places in the understanding of human development.

Indeed, a huge country inhabited by different religious

A community may, thus, be a part of the wider community, and, in fact, " all community is a question of degree". Family is a community of blood and it is the smallest of all.

Media culture and communication

Every chance to condemn the Japanese and their ideologies were used in the course of the film. Much of the film is devoted to the life of the average Japanese, Japanese religion and the part religion played in the rise of Hirohito as the Emperor of Japan.

Pure economic loss negligence

According to Lord Devlin's formulation, a duty of care arose only when there existed a relationship " Equivalent To Contract"[1], between the claimant and the defendant, an application of the general conception of proximity, between the two parties. Here the court held that if a professional person in the course of his business imparted advice, β†’

The yanomamo and the fierce anthropologist

The Fierce Anthropologists The controversy revolving the tribe of the Yanomamo and the professionals linked to anthropology has caught the world's attention. His 1968 volume Yanomamo: The Fierce People made the tribe famous due to good writing and extensive interaction with one of the most isolated people on the planet.

Memorandum for a paperless office

A paperless office is a working ecosystem in which the workers eliminated the use of papers or reduce the percentage use of papers in their daily operations. The cost of recycling the used papers is also great encouraging many companies to dispose of the papers in the open environment.

How important were financial problems of the crown essay

The financial problems included the weakness of the tax system, the poor harvests during the 1780s and the war debt accumulated from the wars France fought during the 18th Century. The tax system was centred on the comfort of the nobility, rather than the revenue of the Crown: the 1st and 2nd Estates were exempt β†’

Duties of the front office tourism essay

However, the two chief sections are the housing industry besides called the hotel industry and the nutrient and drink industry besides called the eating house industry. Compare the responsibilities of the front office of a roadside budget motel and a halfway metropolis luxury hotel; they are the same responsibilities in roadside budget motel and metropolis β†’

Hughes and plath

Discuss and Compare Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes and their poems in relation to Parenthood. In this poem parenthood is related to by a Mother addressing and in awe of her new born child and coming to terms with the creation and the mixture of feelings that may occur when confronted with a new situation.

Microbial pathogen identification methods health and social care essay

This literature review looks at papers that have a significant importance in the identification methods and the use of new technologies in the process of rapid identification method. From this paper I have consider insufficient sensitivity, presence of PCR inhibitors in blood, and the difficulty of setting up an assay in my study.

Contrary to the large variety

Although vegetation cover is only one of many parameters that can be monitored and used for grassland management in Iran, vegetation cover is the most frequently used indicator in remote sensing to measure grassland production and level of pasture degradation because it strongly reflects the ecological value of grasslands, especially in the highland such as β†’

Designer babies- has genetic engineering gone too far?

At first it may seem that the negatives of genetic engineering may outweigh the positives, but if one looks closely, a number of benefits that can be achieved by scientists wishing to study and advance this study. 9 million children each year are born with a serious birth defect and the unlocking of gene editing β†’

ο»Ώcase study: anxiety answer sheet essay sample

Tina's symptoms match all four of the criteria in the DSM-IV checklist for generalized anxiety disorder. The second criteria of having difficulty controlling the worry is exhibited in Tina's own admission that she worries sll the time and this causes her to smoke, eat and drink excessively to deal with the worry.

Political dynasty essay sample

Up to now, many are aspiring to serve the country especially when an established persona is a member of a political dynasty. In addition to that, there are some biased activities within the government by the existence of the political dynasties.

N. j. ask – state assessment of students

Each activity measures and mirrors a different aspect of the job performance in those activities and observed by evaluators who are trained to be fair and objective. This is what the grade 5 students are taught to do, sufficient and effective for their level.

The by visible representations, or otherwise. the existence

The section requires the proof of a deliberate or malicious intention on the part of the accused to outrage the religious feelings of any class of Indian citizens only, and not others. The existence of this section in the Indian Penal Code is partly because of the upheaval caused by the decision of the Lahore β†’

The β€˜great gatsby’ can be regarded as a social satire and an observation of the american dream essay sample

Gatsby and the Wilsons do not belong in the distinguished society; and when Gatsby shows off his affluence and extravagant parties, he is attempting to enter Tom and Daisy's world but is still ostracized by the people around him and is unsuccessful in upgrading himself to the level of society in East Egg. Jay Gatsby β†’

Editorial: the developments of hybrid surgical strategies for congenital heart disease

Editorial on the Research Topic The Developments of Hybrid Surgical Strategies for Congenital Heart Disease Over the last few decades, we have witnessed a significant improvement in the outcomes of congenital cardiac surgery and a huge expansion in interventional cardiology techniques for the treatment of congenital heart disease. The purpose of this research topic is β†’

Analysis of fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury

Eventually they made a rule that if they read or own a book the firemen will come to their house and burn them, their books, and their house. With a book people get to imagine the characters and how they talk or sound.

Individualism and collectivism in society

This sense of community first; is intended to ensure the success of the whole as opposed to allowance for the achievement of some individuals. Individualism is rooted in the ideology that each person's life belongs to the individual and the actions, decisions, values, and judgements are to remain within their control as long as through β†’

Total quality management assignment management essay

Gap analysis is a self assessment practice by an organization directly or through some consultant to match its current Quality Management System with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 and to find the opportunities to improve the deficiencies in future. The gap analysis shows the current status of QMS implementation and the gap yet to β†’

The origins of the modern world history essay

Chapter 3 Empires, States, and the New World, 1500- 1775 " Where previously there had been several " worlds" in the world-the Chinese world, the Indian Ocean world, the Mediterranean world, and the Americas, as yet unknown to Europeans, Asians, or Europeans-after 1500 two new links drew the entire globe into a single world for β†’

Leaf disc experiment to investigate rate of photosynthesis

In this experiment, the effect of light intensity on rate of photosynthesis was investigated by recording the time taken for the leaf discs to float at the surface of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution in the beaker. This is due to the higher light intensity when the distance of the lamp bulb to the bottom of β†’

Editorial: bridging reading aloud and speech production

The Editorial on the Research Topic Bridging Reading Aloud and Speech Production The study of how people can speak or read started from the beginning of the modern era of psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics and continues to this day. Altogether, the articles offer a solid scaffold for the challenge of bridging reading aloud and speech production.

Cruelties of the giant sea insect

David Foster Wallace truly catches the power of pathos in his article " Consider the Lobster" and applies it in a way that is persuading to the reader. David Foster Wallace truly catches the power of sentiment in his article " Consider the Lobster," and utilizes it in a way that is unbelievably persuading to β†’

Use of spectrophotometry in enzyme kinetics

The rate of the catalysed reaction or the activity of the enzyme can be determined by measuring either the decrease in substrate concentration or the increase in product concentration as a function of the reaction time. The development of an enzymatic reaction is monitored by the alteration in absorbance as a function of time due β†’

Monarchy in shakespeare’s king lear and richard

Theme of Monarchy in Shakespeare's King Lear and Richard The 17th Century concept of absolute monarchy is overtly featured in both in King Lear and King Richard II. The king's folly is outright even to Earl of Kent.

Inclusive growth

Regardless of the spectres of its high profile failures localising production and maintenance of resources such as energy can help promote inclusive growth and alleviate some of the strain on a highly centralised system of governance. This poses a conundrum; the booming economy and wealth of India are largely to do to the liberalisation of β†’

Poverty in the dominican republic essay

I have experienced the beautiful developing tourism in the Dominican Republic and have also seen the horrible living conditions of the local families. There are many things that affect a person and poverty is just one of the big ones.

Life path of nawazuddin siddiqui – one of the most famous indian actors

And for Nawazuddin to work in films there was something similar in the eyes of his family and the villagers. And even this happened to Nawazuddin Siddiqui after struggled for 12-13 years he got a chance in the movie Peepli Live.

Rna world theory: summary and analysis

The structure of RNA nucleotides is very similar to that of DNA nucleotides, with the main difference being that the ribose sugar backbone in RNA has a hydroxyl group that DNA does not. The strongest evidence for the RNA World Hypothesis is the fact that the ribosome, a large molecular complex that assembles proteins, is β†’

External environmental analysis

As part of the review of the Five Forces Analysis, one of the key points of the analysis is that bargaining power of suppliers is quite low as the nature of supplies is generic and easily available. PEST Analysis of California Pizza KitchenA PEST analysis is the external environment analysis in which the political, economic, β†’

He send off and the drum essay

In the opening stanzas of the drum the poets mention the sounds and tones which follow the soldiers. The alliteration used in the phrase " grimly gay" in the send off alerts the readers the forced gaiety of the men and ambiguity of their supposed adventure is not everything that is thought to be at β†’

The palace of versailles and contemporary art: takashi murakami

Looking back at the 400 years of history at the Palace of Versailles it was once a home for the French royalfamily, a center for political power and today is a symbol of absolute monarchy. The Palace is a piece of art on its own and does not need to have these controversial exhibits constantly β†’

How successful were the liberal governments of 1896 to 1915 in dealing with the problems they faced?

In the period 1896 1915, the condition of Italy was relatively in a terrible state in many ways with various political, economic and social problems that hindered the country's progress. This clearly meant that the Liberal Government's aim was to maximise their support for a sustained period of time.

Links to theory through observation.

As the other child was more knowledgeable on size and mathematical language he was blew to provoke adaptation in child As' original schema allowing him to assimilate and accommodate this new information also showing evidence Of Piglets developmental theory. As in first observation, regarding the FEES, child B is achieving several milestones within the seven β†’

Education and its effect on life

In add-on, deficient support of schools along with quality instructors that are retiring are some of the jobs we encounter in the instruction system. These pedagogues are genuinely valuable to our community since they supply our kids with the information and the know-how that they can work with to better their fate and the fate β†’

Research and findings

Some of his furniture is a re-work of initial ideas like the combination of a part of a chair and that of a steel material. They also employed the use of aluminum and steel in their furniture.

Religion of the native americans

Native Americans Native American spirituality in general is not regarded as a " religion" in the full meaning of this word. Often the cause of a disease is considered to be an imbalance between spiritual, physical, mental aspects of a personality; Indian medicine is a medicine of spirit that restores order in a human β†’

7 ways to keep hackers from destroying your startup

Founders should never be forced to scramble to change access for all personnel each time an individual departs, particularly in the case of a disgruntled employee - or soon to be ex-employee - who has access to your proprietary and critical IT, IP and other key data. Two-factor authentication is exactly what it sounds like β†’

Politics in australian media

Consequences of this will be discussed in this essay biased political information with minimal diversity being provided to the public, and damage to the Australian democracy due to the deteriorating ' watchdog' function of the media. As the concentration of media ownership in Australia continues to become more intense, this role of the media is β†’

The salvation of education: mixing traditional and technological methods

Colleges can welcome more students and instructors are discovering new methods of teaching to get their lessons across to the students in the most effective way; which results in a better understanding for the students. Broeckelman-Post the " Introductory Communication Course Director, Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and a Senior Scholar in the β†’

Water pollution in bangladesh assignment

The environment, economic growth and development of Bangladesh are all highly influenced by water its regional and seasonal availability, and the quality of surface and groundwater. In terms of quality, the surface water of the country is unprotected from untreated industrial effluents and municipal wastewater, runoff pollution from chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and Oil and β†’

Unauthorized immigration to the united states

In the article entitled " Unauthorized Immigration to the United States" by Thomas Espenshade, it is brought to our attention the amount of illegal immigration taking place in the US and what are the affects of the formal on the US labor force and the US economy. The easiest point to argue is that it β†’

In what ways does golding present the boys decline into savagery essay

Ralph and Piggy join in with the ritual, because they feel a kind of security. In the end there is no element of civilisation left and the descent to savagery is complete.

Methods of observation. level 3 diploma in children and young peoples workforce

This method can be used as proof of evidence in case conferences and staff meetings to see how serious the problem is and how the staff can help the situation Time Sample Time sample is a series of written records throughout a period of time. If you want to discover if a child is able β†’

Editing in the shining essay

The camera then cuts to a close-up of the model of the maze, and the audience sees what appears to be miniature versions of Wendy and Danny exploring the many corridors of the hedge maze. Through the use of parallel editing in the scene, the audience assumes that Wendy and Danny are going through the β†’

Identities contrasted

In the essays " Shooting Dad and " On Being a Cripple , the authors Sarah Vowell and Nancy Mairs, both share their individual identities and how they came to not only accept it, but also comprehend and make the best of it. She describes so honestly and amazingly how her view of the world β†’

The respiratory system

The Respiratory System STRUCTURAL PLAN Basic plan of respiratory system would be similar to an inverted tree if it were hollow; leaves of the tree would be comparable to alveoli, with the microscopic sacs enclosed by networks of capillaries Passive transport process of diffusion is responsible for the exchange of gases that occur during respiration. β†’

Why education is important to me?

That's you I know college is important to me because I want children to succeed and dream the most spontaneous dream. That's the joy of being an educator but to get there I have to get a college degree to teach.

Playing billy beane

Beane, as a player was not so great, but as the A's manager at the sidelines, he started a revolution. With the A's doing much with less, it is safe to assume that Beane as general manager has been successful in building.

Domain bacteria

They contain a cell envelope comprising of a capsule, the cell wall and a plasma lemma or plasma membrane and a cytoplasmic region, which contains the cell genome, ribosomes and various cell inclusions. They are in a Kingdom of their own because biochemically, they are nearly as different from bacteria as they are from eukaryotes.

Essay on compare and contrast essay

The best e-reader for he or she to buy will be the Amazon Kindle price starting at $79, the Kindle Touch $99-$189, and the Nook Touch $99. That is the question he or she will need to answer for themselves.

Minority nursing men in nursing sociology essay

Even with more male nurses growing, the nurse position is still viewed as a " female job" Nurses are traditionally and mostly female; of the 2. The idea of nursing being only a " female's job" has given way to the believe that anybody can be a nurse.

Realist and constructivist approaches to social problems

The realist approach to social problems assumes that such problems have short term and also long term causes that are actually found ingrained into the social structures of modern societies.[1] The starting point of the realist approach to social problems stress that the underlying social causes of such problems as crime, illegal drug taking, and β†’

Analysis of hi fi sector marketing essay

Music plays an important role in our daily life, with the development of technology people buying and listening habits change, many digital music devices appear such as Apple's iPod or Sony' Mp3 player which are all threat the hi-fi sector, how and where to compete become the most important issue to the hi-fi manufacturers. What's β†’

The bad advice

The Prince, written by Machiavelli, explores the complicated world of leaders and in the end comes to its main argument that says, "...it is much more safe to be feared than to be loved, when you have to choose between the two". Instead of using his fist, Gandhi would use his calm personality and persuasive β†’

Dsm-iv evaluation

The objective of DSM-IV is to impart clear descriptions of diagnostic categories in order to enable clinicians and investigators to diagnose, communicate about, study and treat people with a variety of mental disorders; however, the clinical and scientific considerations involved in the categorization of such mental disorders may not totally be pertinent to legal judgments β†’

The measurement of destination image tourism essay

The image of a destination is often related to individual's perceptions of a place and what the tourist experience may be like and it " consists, therefore, of the subjective interpretation of reality made by the tourist". The destination image does not really exist, as it is the mental projection of the destination's identity and β†’

Key consumer behavior issue marketing essay

So basically this article is relevant to be selected since it is related with theory of consumer nature of attitudes and also changing the cognitive component of attitudes through the way Jet Star advertise in social media. Apparently in this case based on the nature and consumer relationship with the product, Jet Star is using β†’

The lesser and greater antilles history essay

The Tainos ultimately settled in the Greater Antilles and the Kalinagos settled on the smaller islands of the Lesser Antilles. They organized the daily activities and were responsible for the storage of surplus commodities, which they kept in buildings constructed for this purpose and redistributed among the villagers as needed.

Manifest destiny assignment

From the early 1 sass and well into the latter half of the 19th century the ideals of expansion was brought forth following the nations affirmation and newfound resolution" which allowed the IIS to expand, annexing Texas and absorbing the Oregon territory and California into its sphere of influence and eventually into a fellow state. β†’

The seven storey mountain by thomas merton essay

Free will for Merton provided the opportunity for him to experience the loneliness of life without God, and then experience the true peace of life with God. In order to end the feeling of isolation and loneliness, man needed to simply change his behavior and submit his will to God.

Studying dynamic and structure of power as seen by weber and gaventa, in appalachia community

To understand the structure of power and powerlessness in the community of Appalachia, one has to first consider what power is. The culture of silence emerges from the lack of involvement due to acceptance of the order and exclusion from speaking up, a result of the application of the dimensions of power.

Happy ever after

The first story in the Grimm fairy tales is called " The Frog Prince" It is about a little girl who drops a golden ball down a well, and while she is sitting next to the well, a frog comes up to her and offers to get the ball back for her if she will β†’

Classical and operant conditioning case study assignment

This tested the hypothesis that rewarding good posture and punishing bad posture is an effective way to Improve the girl's posture. If she managed to have good posture for the majority of the hour, she received a check mark for the hour.

Peoms that convey death essay

She includes the metaphor for the water as " troubled surface" which could show that not only the child is affected from the almost death but also the nature is affected by the near death which shows that possible the child may have been better off dead because she was " thrashed for almost drowning". β†’

Wilfred owen

Owen does this to highlight the heartless and unforgiving nature of war and the discerning way it still haunts the persona even after the experience is over." White eyes writhing in his face...like the devil's sick of sin the dying man is described as though the observer is unmoved. Owen has incorporated this into the β†’

Good essay about other

Toward the end of the twentieth century, the lack of availability of landfill space was cited as one reason for the unhealthy practices of disposing of waste in the US. Due to the unethical practices in disposal of garbage and packaging waste, environmental concerns have only multiplied.

Inbound logistics in sta travel company

This is because of customer is able to download their brochures in PDF format or request online through the website, choose their insurance because there are optional holiday travels insurance and so on.it is a threshold resources for the company because it is a simple requirement to increase the sales due to the rapidly growth β†’