5 Pages Essay Samples

Is ge global research developing a portable solar-powered ultrasound device?

Some of these documents may be related to research and development, non-human medical imaging, or be counted more than once in different categories for the same imaging modality nonetheless, the fact that GE was willing and agreed to pay SonoSite, Inc."$21 million and make ongoing royalty payments on US sales and production of hand-carried ultrasound →

Dream job cricketer

Practice sessions in nets, Fitness Camps Responsible to: Team Principal Location: As per calendar year of Board in different countries/continents Salary: As per Board Policy Length of Contract: One year Purpose of Role: Primary: To BAT for team and score runs as per the conditions and nature of the game, Ready to accept any Batting →

Case closed: a short story

She new she would needmotivationif she was going to continue with her work. Sighing and reluctantly getting up again, she walked across the room to the phone and clearing her sore throat she picked it up".

The mind body problem a reaction paper philosophy essay

The crux of the mind-body problem is that humans have a subjective experience of an inner life or consciousness that seems removed from the physical world. Given the complexity of the mind- body problem, I expected that both dualism and monism would have limitations, and the challenge for me would be to choose a position →

Authority-responsibility relationships

An organization is a group of individuals that are broken down into different levels of authority and segments based on specialty for the intention of achieving the goals and objectives that have been set by the organization. As a management innovator HP introduced the radical notion of flexible work hours and removed time clocks as →

The imposing of goods and services tax economics essay

Tax on sellers will increase the cost of production and hence decrease the supply of goods and services. Price control consists of two acts which is the ceiling price, the maximum price charged to the consumers and floor price, the minimum price producers sell.

Criminal procedure policy essay sample

The due process model and the crime control model are the two models of criminal justice. The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments ensure that with the Crime Control Model and the Due Process Model the rights of the citizens are upheld by the State and Federal Government.

Negligence and tort law

The Elements of a Negligence Action A typical formula for evaluating negligence requires that a plaintiff prove the following four factors by a " preponderance of the evidence": The defendant owed a duty to the plaintiff; The defendant violated that duty; As a result of the defendant's violation of that duty, the plaintiff suffered injury; →

The exclusionary rule evaluation law constitutional administrative essay

The first part of the doctrine occurs when evidence in the case been illegally obtained by law enforcement officials; however, it possible that the evidences in question found in a legitimate area and was not illegally connected by the search. However, the United States Supreme Court ruled that any evidence obtained during the search in →

Seven deadly sins: personification essay

Sometime later, in the late 1500s, Edmund Spenser wrote a book entitled The Faerie Queene and in Book 1, Canto 4, Spenser discusses the Seven Deadly Sins as the two characters, Redcrosse and Duessa, embark on their journey to the sinful House of Pride. Spenser chooses to portray Lucifera as the sin of pride because →

Nike: a powerhouse essay

The vivid example of management team's diligence and vigilance was that they were able to regain the first place in the market very quickly during harsh competition with Rebook. Moreover, I think that it will help Nikkei to ensure harmony and pleasant atmosphere in the workplace.

Editorial: topological soft matter

The behavior of many soft materials relies on vector fields, such as the nematic director in liquid crystals, velocity in fluids or in active particles, deformation in soft solids, or the orientation of fibers. A new open question in soft matter is to understand the role that topological defects have in the organization of active →

Are people with anorexia or obesity deviant?

Many women become victims to anorexia due to society and the media creating the " perfect" body for people.this is mentioned in the functionalist theory which looks at society. According to McLorg and Taub, as a part of developing the deviant identity, people experience both primary and secondary deviance.

Ronald takaki, strangers from a different shore essay sample

However, says Takaki, American society was not yet willing to accept Asian success; " the very success of the Japanese in enterprise further aroused waves of exclusionist agitation, and their very withdrawal into their self-contained ethnic communities [much as the Chinese had done] reinforced hostile claims of their unassimilability and their condition as ' strangers'". →

Raising awareness on the manifestation of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer Is known as the silent killer, because it is a challenge trying to detect this cancer due to minimum symptoms in earlier stages, which makes it hard to catch before it is able to metastasize to other parts of the female body." Unfortunately, early ovarian cancer is hard to detect and there are →

Ovarian cysts signs and symptoms

The doctor suspected that the sudden weight gain was brought on by the start of taking the birth control pills. It is important that women get checked out by their doctor if they are experiencing any of the harmful symptoms ovarian cysts can cause.

Zero subsidies for sugar and flour in malaysia

After the gorvenment decide to remove the subsidy of sugar and flour, the local international food industry MASCELLENT RESOURES Sdn Bhd was trouble in competition's disadvantage due to cannot extend the market with the lower prices. Producer has to increase the price of bread in order to maintain their profits and cost to operate the →

Newspaper and electronic communications media assignment

As the future of Bhutan lies in the hands of our people, it is our responsibility to make sure that the future well-being of our country is secure in the hands of the Butane's people and that [they] can successfully shoulder this sacred responsibility with complete loyalty and dedication." His Majesty King Jimmie Single Wingback. →

Economics case study essay sample

The first essay describes the ' Financial System of Canada' and specifically explains the three main functions of the financial systems of Canada. For an efficient operation and safe promotion of Canada's financial system, the financial markets, other agencies and specially the Bank of Canada work together on various key elements of financial systems and →

Review of related literature

The concepts and studies included in this chapter provided the researcher with proper perspective in the formulation of the study objectives and the organization of the conduct of the study. However, Al HedayaAlkhalifia was limited to the teaching the children of rich people and the owners of the important centers in the country and then →

Haroun and the sea of stories: salman rushdie’s use of allegory

Salman Rushdie's Haroun and the Sea of Stories tells a fictional tale of a young protagonist named Haroun who travels to the Sea of Stories to help his father gain back his skill of storytelling. Thus, Haroun and the Sea of Stories is formatted as a children's book to demonstrate the bond between Rushdie and →

Patient information system

To make the system that can easily dispense an accurate and monitor the record status of the patient personal information and the medicines to know how many available stocks and the status of it for the patient to avoid issue. Only the doctor and registered staff can have the access to the information of the →

Flash back essay

One thriller convention that we discovered was to film just the underneath feet of my self in the car when the gang is following LLT to the orchard club this causes the audience to use their imagination as to what might happen next where he is going. We wanted to use this as it builds →

Beyond the circulating renin–angiotensin aldosterone system

The activation of the classical renin angiotensin aldosterone system is known to be involved in the regulation of blood volume and blood pressure and plays an important role in cardiovascular pathology including hypertension and heart failure. New frontiers in the intrarenal renin-angiotensin system: a critical review of classical and new paradigms.

Confidence assessment criteria in evidence-based medicine (ebm)

The judgment of the degree of heterogeneity depends on the likeness of point estimates, the degree of overlap of confidence intervals, and statistical criteria including tests of heterogeneity. GRADE guidelines: 5.rating the quality of evidence publication bias.

War for independence

I will explain some of the reasons colonists rebelled against the new reform programs, the roles African Americans played during the American Revolution, how the patriots achieved the unity needed to wage the War for Independence, and the impact the American Revolution had on the Native Americans. The patriots achieved the unity they needed to →

Business contracts

Liability of the Manufacturer Goods, not of merchantable quality The sale of goods Act2 stipulates that where the goods are available by the depiction from the seller who handles such goods, whether he is a manufacturer or not; he has an implied condition placed on him that the goods should be of merchantable quality. The →

Assertiveness communication situations

The trick is to be able to harness that instinct and apply it to a " win-win" situation reducing unnecessary conflict. If you do not have the art of assertiveness down maybe it would be wise to look in the mirror and truly identify yourself.

Print journalismassignment assignment

Discuss with reference to the debate in the media about the future of newspapers, quality and independent Journalism. One would pay a sum of money at the beginning of the year and he/she would be guaranteed to have a newspaper delivered on the doorstep every time a new handout was published.

Religious skepticism among a large portion of the youth

Another idea that does not appeal to many people is the idea of renunciation and raying, surrendering yourself " as in Hinduism or Buddhism for example. The very reason people decide not to be religious is because they think that religion dictates.

The dangers and benefits of emotion in 19th century american literature

The Dangers and Benefits of Emotion in 19th Century American Literatureby, Katie SkalskiNovember 8, 2004 Many of the popular texts found in 19th century American literature represent emotion, the effects of which can be perceived as both beneficial and dangerous to individuals and communities. Both texts present the effects of emotion and illustrate the 19th →

The romanticism of a bum named neal cassady

He was a little older than them and was able to personally describe what the beat generation was like from the point of view of an outside insider. He defined the beat generation as " a generation of extremes.[but] no desire to shatter the ' square' society in which he lives, only to elude it".

Depression: risk for suicide among post-secondary students

There has been evidence that depression can cause suicide, and, in some cases, depression can be cause by failed suicide." Depression is not the same as sadness, or upset, it is defined as a triggered heavy emotion that caused by a great loss, stress, or major life change. Suicide is increasing and the main cause →

Ineffective breathing pattern: nanda-i, nic, & noc

Ineffective Breathing Pattern: NANDA-I, NIC, & NOC NANDA International, Inc, the Nursing Interventions Classification and the Nursing Outcomes Classification together provide a set of terminology to afford comprehensive, research-based, standardized classifications of nursing diagnoses, nursing interventions and nursing-sensitive patient outcomes. In a textbook situation, referring to the nursing standard terminologies of NANDA-I, NIC, and NOC →

Krispy kreme essay sample

The task for the student is to evaluate the implications of those announcements and to assess the financial health of the company. This case is intended to be introductory as it can provide a first exercise in financial statement analysis and lay the foundation for two important financial themes: the concept of financial health, and →

Case study: rich manufacturing

There are two primary reasons why firms use cost-plus pricing in their supply contracts: one, the market price of the product by the supplying firm, as input to a company's production is hard to determine and reliance on differences in market prices will result in abrupt changes in the customer-firm's cost structure; two, because the →

Writing assignment 4

These learning can be further found inculcated in the story of Joshua as versed in Joshua 2 of New International Version, the God has been said to vow to the Israelites to save them and their army and guarantee their victory if they obeyed His instructions. QUESTION 2 In the story crossing the Jordan River, →

Event management argumentative essay

The vision of the Federation is ' to promote a unique, friendly, world class Games and to develop sport for the benefit of the people, the nations and territories of the Commonwealth and thereby strengthen the Commonwealth'. For better understanding of the term, this essay will provide the marketing strategy used and the destination image →

Comparison and contrast

The evil mother, Silver Tree is the queen and thinks she is the fairest and most beautiful woman in the world. The stepmother was so envious of Snow White? s beauty that she hired a huntsman to kill her and to bring back her lungs and liver as a keepsake.

Imc and customer satisfaction

Advertising through the Internet is a unique and fruitful advertising strategy, as it will help the company reach specific objectives in terms of specific types of customers and market share. This advertising strategy is in line with the aforementioned marketing goal because the company will be able to reach a sizable customer base, and at →

Blue archipelago berhad (bab) shrimp aquaculture

As BAB, they applied 100% no antibiotics and hormones to the shrimp. They also establish monitoring centre to monitor the condition of their shrimp farm and the activities performed by their workers.

Voodoo love case

This report determines the economic feasibility of " Voodoo Love" based on the net present value of its cash flows and the internal rate of return over the 5 year period. Inventory buffer required for the start of the production in Year 1 is assumed to be purchased at the end of Year 0 on →

Argumentative- affirmative action assignment

The first candidate graduated from a prestigious and highly academic university, had years of work experience in the field, and in the mind of the employer, had the potential to make a positive impact on the company's performance. Affirmative action is a product of the civil rights era, that time from the late 1950s through →

Apple performance evaluation

Apple is one of the well recognised IT brands in the world. 7% as compared to 2011 and 2010 respectively, due to the increase in operating profit.

Neuroscience and human nature: review of the altruistic brain

Nevertheless, neuroscience has matured as a field of research and its practitioners are now ready and able to interpret the consequences of their research for our understanding of the individual as well as society as a whole. For step 3, the author relies on the cross-excitation of neurons to argue that representations of the " →

Behaviorism in psychology essay sample

His theory was based on and around the opinion that reinforcement was the key element of learning, and the reinforcement could be anything from a verbal praise to a reward, as long as that reinforcement strengthened the desired response.B. His theory was a trademark in the field of psychology.

Article reviews

The article would promote managers of the competing companies worldwide to think about coming up with better strategies to weaken the opponent collaboration at its inception and over take their opponent in the business race. The details presented in the article are such that a foreign investor for domestic companies in Zimbabwe needs to act →

Iago’s soliloquies essay

Try also to demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which Shakespeare uses the soliloquies to present a character Of all the characters in Othello, Iago is the most complex and intriguing to the audience. By allowing the audience an insight into Iago's thought process regarding the ' web' he weaves, Shakespeare is able to →

Religion and drug use theology religion essay

Given these longstanding connections between religion and substance use, and the important roles of religious and spiritual perspective in shaping our moral understanding of addiction, researchers have long been fascinated in the relationship between religion, and drug use problems in populations. Social control theorist assumes that bonds to a religious organization and to others who →

Beowulf is a christian hero religion essay

Yes, it is true that even Satan himself believes in God's existence and that He is the " Ruler of the Earth". This proves that Beowulf's belief in and of God goes further than that of the demons and that he truly is a child of God.

Cloning research paper

Cloning humans is a bad idea and the world does not need to waste its money on this science. Reproductive cloning is the technique which is intended to produce a duplicate of the donor.

Determinants of intra-industry trade

Menon found that in Malaysia and Singapore there was more than 60 percent of the growth in the intra-ASEAN trade in the period of 1986 and 1991 was because of the intra-industry trade growth. Thorpe and Zhang and Hirschberg, Sheldon and Dayton, identified that there is a positive relationship between economy size and the intra-industry →

Learning accomplishment profile- three

That is now the Learning Accomplishment Profile- Three for the 3rd edition and this is an on-going appraisal tool. In decision the Learning Accomplishment Profile seems to be a really elaborate appraisal tool for immature kids, easy to administrate with step-by measure instructions and list of activities to assist you with administrating.

The southern government, that the confederates had

The time period after the civil war where the south was readmitted to the union, rebuilt and reformed by the north was called the reconstruction era. In attempt to aid the south in their troubles and readmit them into the union, the north began the reconstruction of the south.

Cultural diffusion

Two examples of cultural diffusion are: the intermarriage of Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castile in the country of Spain, and also, the scientific revolution which occurred all throughout Europe. The change in thought started to occur in the beginnings of the scientific revolution.

Whats the future for students education essay

The intellectual model of the mind stated that the real intellegent consist of capacity of deductive reasoning and knowledge of the classics, what we come to think as academic ability. Education is modeled based on the interest of industrialization and in the image of it.

Desorption ionization methods essay

Several authors were characterized proanthocynidins in both plants and non-plants foods by the application of MALDI-TOF MS in term different mode of detection and mass species. However, in the application of non-food plants, unlike application in food plants, Hedqvist, et al.was reported the Lotus corniculatus have presented B-type procyanidins and prodelphinidins by the application in →

An inter-organizational information system

The role of IT is significant as described in the paper because the mjor advantage of IT is the process of business transaction among stakeholders in the form of different acitivties like order processing, sale/purchase and the transfer of funds. The model is comprised of four levels and the focus of the model is on →

Generation y

Greg Sellnow is of the view that most of generation Y kids significantly rely on the cash that their parents have given them, this makes them be of the view that they have an entitlement to their parents' belongings. Parents of generation Y kids emphasize on the satisfaction of the esteem of their kids rather →

Innovation and globalization

Globalization Globalization as a term refers to the continual process of integration and interdependence among the people, countries and systems of the world in an effort to pool together to achieve progress and better efficiency as well as to share resources and skills to the betterment of humanity. Innovation plays a role in globalization in →

Ethics and religion

He currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies and has served on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal and Advances in International Comparative Management Journal. Given the above, we investigate the relationships between multiple dimensions of religion and ethics.

Design and build a construction construction essay

This document is discuss about the project, design and functional components, Project delivery system, Project schedule, and create the summary, cast evaluation, work break down structure, project risks and other discussion and recommendation for the project. The project estimation like Budget cost estimations, Time estimation, for the whole project and also work estimation such as →

Design and testing of a steam powered racing boat

The boiler is made of aluminium, with a volume of 0. The diameter of the straws is 6 x10^-3 m, with a length of 0.15 m.

What do you understand by politics politics essay

Therefore because there is not a single definition of politics the purpose of this essay is to use political concepts to further elaborate the term politics and give the reader a better understanding. POLITICS AS POWER: Power in a political analysis is usually " thought of as a relationship which is the ability to influence →

Robust realism as a religion

Moral realism is similar to the Christian and Catholic religions to make it easier to distinguish the differences. Killoren seeks to define and establish the notion of moral realism as a faith.

Analysis of symbolism in “the yellow wallpaper”

Then, the anonymous protagonist in the story has resigned to her fate as a woman in her contemporary society. The beauty of the place is comparable to the attractiveness of the womenfolk.

Directness of americans

The directness, the openness and the honesty of Americans, began in the early days and has evolved into the actions and thoughts we have today. The Puritans were very direct with The Indians in saying that their religion is the only one that should be followed and they should be against the church of England.

Ambulances’ by philip larkin essay

By close examination of the ambulance and its literal movement it is possible to gain a greater understanding of how the ambulance serves as a metaphor of death and the idea that it is ubiquitous; it is indiscriminate; it is inevitable. Larkin develops the evocation of the ambulance's movement through the description of the patient →

Study on the biomedical model and biopsychosocial model

During my first clinical placement, I had the opportunity to observe and note the implementation of the biopsychosocial model by the physiotherapist in the treatment of patients in a private hospital. When the patient first entered the centre Mr X, who is the physiotherapist responsible greet Mr K with smile on his face and introduce →

The early twentieth century: paradox?

The early twentieth century, marked by Cubism's birth and the Great Depression's end, was the definitive turning point from traditional Arts to modern Commerce, from past to present. The Human Condition, a literal snapshot of the impossible, merged the image with the object and played with reality and fantasy.

The periodic table of elements

The Periodic Table of Elements is used as a way of displaying all the known chemical elements; it is accepted and used all over the world. The number of an elements outer shell will be equal to the number of the period it's in.

Searle and the robot reply philosophy essay

This seemed to be a proof of that the man acted like a machine no difference in how a device would deal with the same task, and thus devices cannot have the real intelligence, or the strong intelligence in the true sense of the word " comprehension", since they do not have to think to →

Monitor the purification of igg from serum biology essay

The first purification method used is ammonium sulphate precipitation in order to divide the serum proteins into fractions depending on the concentration of the ammonium sulfate needed to precipitate them. Ouchterlony Double Diffusion, in this technique the antigen and antibody are allowed to migrate towards each other in a gel and a line of precipitation →

Student assignment

I ever saw a movie which has name " Facing the Giants", the film mentioned a lot of thing about motivation and leadership that helped the football team to be a Champion of state. Besides, I could not forget to mention the second theories that I based on to analyze, understand and learn a coach →

Child exposure to domestic violence

The significant of substance data, the fundamental components of the crime and criminological theories or speculations that best clarifies the event of the crime will be uncovered. In the video, it was clarified the number of these children that are presented to abusive behavior at home.

Quant assignment essay sample

2% Vitamin C 12 mg per 100 g ' 12% 10 mg per 100 g ' 10% Q 1) Determine the amount of potatoes and green beans Maria should purchase each week for the casserole to minimize the ingredient costs while meeting nutritional, taste, and demand requirements. 2% Vitamin C 12 mg per 100 g →

Attitudes of multidisciplinary teams to the introduction of the edinburg depression scale

In the modern world where healthcare delivery is moving towards a disciplinary team structure, the attitudes of the team to the use of scales to measure depression is important to the outcome. H2: Attitudes towards the use of EDS in the measurement of post-partum depression in Saudi Arabia are negative.

Mate selection essay sample

A data analysis sheet was eventually compiled using the evaluations collected from willing subjects, and it provided the author of this survey with evidence enough to come to a conclusion about mate selection in the given age group. Method of Data collection: A total of twenty individuals, 10 Males and 10 Females, were requested to →

Police officer essay sample

Whether they are in the office or on the street.officers must be able to work with diverse groups of people.in the section and the community.to be able to render services and cod information. It is a necessity to hold the capableness to manage and dispatch a piece.to profile felons.and to condition psychologically.

Culture and traditions in my country fiji

People will stand on an island in Fiji known as Taveuni and a straight line is drawn and where you can stand on one side of it and say, that you are in the present or future i.e.either today or tomorrow and yesterday and today. There a number of processes and many activities that must →

Commentary: gaba depolarizes immature neurons and inhibits network activity in the neonatal neocortex in vivo

A commentary on GABA depolarizes immature neurons and inhibits network activity in the neonatal neocortex in vivo by Kirmse, K, Kummer, M, Kovalchuk, Y, Witte, O. In vitro damage and metabolic insult: The ketone body and the traumatic explanation of the GABA sequence have been infirmed by many expert groups and not confirmed by a →

Roland barthes and kiese laymon: can the author truly ‘die’ in a memoir?

Devoted to the concept of text, or ecriture, French theorist Roland Barthes departs from academic criticism's emphasis on the author in his essay " The Death of the Author" and reorients his focus on the construction and content of the written work itself. However, the application of his concept to Kiese Laymon's memoir Heavy calls →

Groundwater contamination

Like water, the issue of groundwater contamination cannot be pinpointed to the exact location it began, unless one has testing equipment set up to trace the source of pollution, the typical way that a community finds out that their water is contaminated is when it begins to affect the people or crops who use the →

Hansson private label case essay sample

Under this situation, the subject of this report is to evaluate the potential investment of expanding production capacity at Hansson Private Label and make a recommendation to Tucker Hansson. However, the competition of this kind of products is fierce and the current capacity of HPL is getting close to full.

Writing and south african education assignment

Write an argumentative essay in which you address the following statement by answering the two questions that follow: While the Fractionation of South African education affords the social engineer with the opportunity to challenge the legacy of the apartheid system, it simultaneously calls for the unearthing, promoting and codification if indigenous knowledge systems in order →

Challenges and prospects for the asean economic community economics essay

The commitments so far made include, to name just a few, the ASEAN Free Trade Area of 1992; the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services of 1995; the ASEAN Agreement on Customs and the ASEAN Customs Vision 2020 of 1997; the Framework Agreement on the ASEAN Investment Area and the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Mutual Recognition →

This family. for lilia’s family, dinner together

Pirzada that he had reunited with his family and all of them were well, Lilia's family commemorates the occasion with food. Pirzada, his daughters, and Lilia.Mr.

Community policing defined

Community policing aims to decentralize, de-formalize, despecialize, and delayerize the policing tactics used in dealing with day-to-day crimes within the community to make the civilians feel more connected with the police. Community policing and POP allows the community to be its primary caretaker against crime through public criticism of police procedure.

Both saving and destroying: water imagery in moby dick

The deification of Bulkington is evidence of a redeeming imagery of water, as an ascension resulting from a death in the ocean depicts water as a path of redemption and glory. The damning quality of water imagery is seen in the image of a weaver God that is death disguised as life.

An underrated power source

The various conveniences of nuclear energy as a power source outweigh the disadvantages and contribute to creating an efficient method of power with a reliable fuel source. Along with the positive principles of nuclear radiation and operating efficiency, a contributing factor to the benefits of nuclear energy has economic advantages that come with using it →

Comparison between utilitarianism and idealism essay sample

The way to get from the level of the " is" to the level of the " ought" of the Philosophers in these theories are the two bests. In this essay, it will be shown that the two theories are not so different in their relation between the level of the " is" and the →

Adhd and medication essay

I can understand why teachers would be for medicating children because in the short term, it helps to control the out-of-control behaviors and helps the children focus while in the classroom. As Foltz helps to show, there are other methods to treat the disorder, as opposed to merely suppressing the emotions and behaviors of the →

The importance of space exploration advancement

The possibility of finding new resources and life in space, overpopulationon planet earth and finding a new source of fuel are just a few of many reasons to encourage space exploration. NASA believes that in the process of space exploration, they will discover a new source of fuel to replace oil.

Government as an enabler and regulator economics essay

The Government through the better use of its resources and oversight has to guard the consumers from the exploitation of market power. First, the private businesses have to assiduously and honestly apportion a part of their profits to the Government in shape of direct and indirect taxes.

Freedom in bioinformatics

More importantly, the philosophy of freedom in the field of computing has been framed by some important rules governing the free use of software. The companies that sell these proprietary products are thus making money on the back of freedom and, importantly, decrease the reference ability of the free software included in the proprietary interface →

Price policy in oligopoly

Thus the elasticity of demand for the firm's product is much greater above the ruling price than below it, and hence there is a kink in the demand curve faced by the firm. Price Leadership: Collusion may take the form of price leadership where, instead of competing through price, firms accept one of the firms →