5 Pages Essay Samples

The causes of the great depression

Some of the worst include the Panic of 1893, Recession of 1937-1938, and the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Most researchers can agree that the Stock Market Crash of 1929 marked the start of the Great Depression and contributed to the disaster.

Critique on mm theory assignment

Miller published The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment; a paper presented the initial MM theory, which states that under a certain market price process, in the absence of taxes, bankruptcy costs, and asymmetric information, and in an efficient market, the value of a firm is unaffected by how that firm β†’

Role play

I expressed empathy towards the client, by listening to her expressed thoughts and feelings while communicating back to her a desire that I can understand the client's perspective completely. I also felt the need to express my feelings on her mother; however I did not do so and immediately reflected critical motivational interviewing skills by β†’

Essay summary of normal distribution

What is the expected value and standard deviation of the profit? Find the cost of reducing the standard deviation to the values found in question 3 and 4.7.

Leslie jamison’s morphology of the hit: empathizing with the traditional villain

By carefully examining the framework of the hero's story, the advantages and disadvantages of her background, and her experience with this attack, Jamison introduces the idea of empathizing with the traditional villain in spite of the negative image we tend to hold against them. By using these functions but not having them necessarily complement the β†’

The frederick douglass historic site essay

The site is protected by Public Law and is meant to commemorate the life of Frederick Douglass. This site is a commemoration of the life of Frederick Douglass.

Issues facing small businesses in mauritius economics essay

Although the climate of small businesses is rather good in Mauritius, suggestions can be provided for better business prospects. Small businesses create employment for the Mauritian population and enable them to earn a living as well as promoting economic growth of the country.

Brutes, demons, and ominous imagery: the prevalence of evil in left to tell

She depicts the massacre of hundreds of thousands closely resembling a cataclysmic plague of the transformation of the sea waters into blood. An invasive presence of darkness also cloaks Immaculee and the entire land in the narrative of Left to Tell.

Motivation of employees in fierce competition business essay

According to financial motivation theories, staff could be mainly motivated by financial rewards, such as salary, bonus and fringe benefits which are highly recommended in the lower level needs of Maslow's theories and Taylor's Scientific Management theory. Non-financial motivation can be more valuable to employees in meeting their upper-level needs, which includes love and belong, β†’

Psychology observation of middle school teaching

I needed the blessing of my Vice Principal, the use of prep time, and a sub to cover for me. In addition, most teachers in my building have seen many of the students and their siblings pass from grade to grade and know their strengths, weaknesses, and personalities.

Discuss the differences between modernity and post modernity

A theoretical approach or position that emphasises the uncertain nature of the modern world, the diversity of cultural styles and options in modern societies. Post modernism proposes that the look for a definitive answer and analysis of and for the society in which we live is an endeavour fated to breakdown.

Conflict management plan assignment

There must be a deflect part delineation of each group associate since each Individual In the group must know the part he or she is supposed to perform in the group with regards to the parts of the other individuals and group associates. The weakness to this strategy is that it is difficult to develop β†’

Computer-aided design and technology assignment

It is never fair to say that technology is either a boon or a bane as it brings benefits and problems to all of us. I would say that technology is a drug, and we are addicted.

Psycho analysis essay

In this essay I am going to explore the Shower Scene in detail and show how Alfred Hitchcock created the excitement present in the scene as much by Technique as by Action and I will show how the scene is so important to Psycho as a whole. The Action of the scene is very fast-paced β†’

Granger causality is designed to measure effect, not mechanism

Rather, it is a measure of causal effect, namely the reduction in prediction error when the causal interaction is taken into account, as compared to when it is ignored.[According to one version of neuroscience terminology, which attempts to draw a distinction between the different conceptions of connectivity, GC measures of causal effect yield directed " β†’

The comparison of human nature through the study of literary devices

On a superficial level, this passage is important to the play because it shows the extremes that Titus will go to for the protection of his sons, as well as articulates Aaron's plot against the war hero. This temperament is magnified by the foil of good and faithfulness that Titus presents, a man who will β†’

Issues with the us education system

The problem, at the time, was not only from the children in these schools; teachers, staff and faculty members were a major obstacle for African American children to receive the same level of education as the neighboring, white children. It took up until near the end of the century, for the issue to be tried β†’

The safety features in modern cars

Airbags is a restraint that is used to prevent the driver, of the car, does not hit the dashboard and the steering wheel, which could cause serious injuries to the neck and head. The sensor is a device that allows the bags to know when it has to inflate when there is a force on β†’

1 organisations in lagos state; renewable energy association

Thus, the sample size that will be adopted for this research study will be a total of 306 from the population size in line with the survey research method to achieve the efficacy of the research. This is to ensure that the rights of the participants in the research are recognised, respected, and protected.

Publix business ethics and guidelines assignment

The purpose of the Public corporation guideline is to provide individuals with a guide to ethical standards in which they expect every individual to maintain. The Public Corporation is committed to doing and conducting business in a professional manner, therefore Public associates are expected to dress in business attire when meeting with different suppliers.

Lord of the flies essay sample

In Golding's ' Lord of the Flies', much of the plot's theme and symbolism is initiated by the fluctuation and depiction of the setting. The island, in which the boys inhabit, is a microcosm of the real world, and the boys' indifference to the wellbeing of the island directly reflects mankind's interaction with nature in β†’

Analysis of “parents should be able to control what kid watch” by leland y essay

Additionally, though he is aware of the rights of parents to determine the kind of video games their children can watch as formulated by the law, he is trying to create awareness on the appropriate video games the parents can purchase for their children. Pathos of the Argument The writer appeals to the audience by β†’

Sonnet “x” and “the fall of the house of usher”

Roderick Usher, a projection of the narrator's imagination, represents the non-rational being, and his plight corresponds to that of the man in " Sonnet X". This in turn causes the narrator to examine the passing of time and his own non-rational self.

Personal development | implementing care and support

Relating to the assessment I made of the situation I was aware the patient wanted to talk and realised that she was not asking for information but wanted someone to talk to. However, in the situation I questioned my competencies within my communication skills as I thought I was unequipped within my training to provide β†’

Smoking cessation and lung cancer survival relationship

Relationship between smoking cessation and lung cancer survival: A survival data analysis Abstract Background For over a decade, lung cancer has been the highest mortality cancer in Hong Kong. DISCUSSION In the cohort of lung cancer patients, subjects who quit smoking seemed to have a better survival compared to current smoker.

Examining the social structure theories in the economy criminology essay

When these relationships breakdown or do not exist the communities and its inhabitants lose its sense of structure and this is believed to be the causation of crime and delinquent behavior. The lack of opportunities breaks down the social institutions and organizations and this leads to the erosion of traditional values.

Hypertension among african americans

The first number refers to the pressure at the moment when the pump chambers of the heart are squeezing. The seriously high rate of hypertension among African Americans contributes to the high prevalence of stroke and kidney disease within this population.

Knowledge and plato

Plato argues about the statement of the immortality of the soul and the acquisition of knowledge in this life as a process of recollection he is explaining that before you are reborn you already have knowledge from your passed life as a soul then when you are reborn you start to recollect the knowledge you β†’

Toyota motor corporation is a hybrid structure management essay

Wherein both functional and product structures continuously try to come up with better methodology or improvement to improve the process and both are open to suggestions thereby improving the management and workers relationship and having the appropriate sense of pride in the difference they make to the organization. There have been quite a lot of β†’

Ancient greece and its influence

Also, the Greeks were the first to create detailed sculptings and utilize the column, the same columns, in fact, that line the White House today. Not only was the level of detail unprecedented for the time, but also the architecture of the sculptures was truly remarkable.

Weedflower quiz

Chapter 25what does sumiko do with frank in this chapter that turns out badly? explainshe brings frank to see her garden, but he gets beat up by japanese boys b/c an indian put up the fence and frank is an indian. Chapter 26Why does Kenji call sumiko an inu? she hit kenji with a big β†’

The body shop scrutinized

In the end, we were determined to print this story, to publish as much of the truth as we could uncover and verify ourselves, and to avoid the sensationalism and name calling that has characterized the " Body Shop Affair." The question that is being asked now is whether the story will be permanently damaging β†’

Types of discrimination by eeoc law employment essay

In addition, the segregation of workers once in employment on discriminatory grounds is also unlawful direct discrimination Indirect discrimination, as where an employer has applied requirements or conditions to a job but the ability of some persons to comply because of sex, disability, marital status or race is considerably smaller and cannot be justified. It β†’

The role of maritime sector to national development essay sample

It is difficult to quantify the total value of the worlds maritime industry, and the economic relevance of a sector that affects a wide range of aspects of modern societies and their development. Nigerian ports constitute the mainframe of the maritime sector of the nations economy, and a number of them have been responsible for β†’

Analyse the significance of the image system in hitchcock’s north by northwest essay sample

One of the most obvious things in the film was the use of different types of camera shots, and visual images to give more meaning to the film and to give a different perspective of things to the viewer. Straight lines are meant to represent the clearness of the situation, for example when Roger Thornhill, β†’

A critical reflection on social identity

I will analyze the connection between how sexism and gender inequality play a role in the standards of Spanish culture, and how racialized Sikh youths are doubly stigmatized through conflicted identity and morale through the context of relevant literature and theories. On the opposite side, emphasized femininity is the idea that women must conform to β†’

The neoclassical economic theory

This is the newest theory of migration and states that the main reason for labor migration is wage difference between two geographic locations. This theory assumes that migration from less developed countries into more developed countries is a result of a pull created by a need for labor in the developed countries in their secondary β†’

Evaluation of financial and non-financial motivation

Hence, a concern ought to pass considerable clip in believing the best manner to actuate employees, and there are a important figure of different sentiments about it, including fiscal motive and non-financial motive. The concern should besides take advantage of both fiscal every bit good as non-financial motive, and seek to avoid some unneeded jobs β†’

Style and presentation

Cohen coined the phrase amoral panic' to characterize the reaction of the media, the public and agents of social control to youth disturbances in the 1960's. Becker's discussion of dope smokers, Young's study of drug takers and Cohen's analysis of Mods and Rockers attempted to demonstrate processes of 'labelling', wouldeviance amplification', amoral panic' and amoral β†’

Two blind men

It can be obviously observed, in a few prominent places, as the most damaging of the moral codes when the moral is applied to the lives of Fitzgerald's characters, and causes a whole lot of heart ache. Conquering the internal choice to take an eye for an eye, is a choice best won with the β†’

Describing a room after a big party essay

When we hear " New Year", what comes first in our minds are the loud noises of fireworks, the cheer of the people around us and the superstitions to be followed before the said event. The things that were left to be observed in a room were the spillage of the food and beverages allover β†’

Chistopher columbus and his contributions to america

Within months of returning to Spain on the Nina, Columbus showed the king and queen of Spain what he found in the new world on March 15, 1493. When Columbus went to Spain, he defended his actions to the king and queen.

Assess hume’s reasons for rejecting miracles

Additionally Swinburne criticises Hume's definition of miracles as a " violation of the laws of nature" as he believes that whilst a miracle such as that of Jesus' resurrection clearly does not fit in with the laws of nature, on it's own it is not enough to prove the laws of nature have been violated, β†’

Understanding united states rights and how they reflect on the individual

The freedom to assert these rights has provided for the criticism of the press to influence and sway the course of political development within the United States. The use of opinion as a way to violate a person's reputation is an assault on the rights that have been given within the United States and therefore β†’

Albert speer (germany) essay

After Albert had graduated he had been persuaded to go to Berlin in 1930 to attend a rally where Hitler spoke and gave his ideas to the people and not long after hearing Hitler speak Albert had signed up for Nazi Party membership because he was inspired by Hitler's personality and the ideas he had β†’

Synopsis of amul

It includes preparation of the questionnaire to be answered by people for knowing the competitive position of Amul in the milk market. The views of the people will be recorded in the research as per the questionnaire.

Editorial: the physiological functions of the app gene family

Editorial on the Research Topic The Physiological Functions of the APP Gene Family The amyloid precursor protein APP plays a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, as proteolytical cleavage of APP gives rise to the -amyloid peptide A , which is deposited in the brains of AD patients. Subsequent processing of the C-terminal β†’

Away by michael gow

The representation of the four campers as the pixies in A Midsummer Night's Dream and referring the storm to the scene where the all the mayhem caused by Puck is occurring is an ingenious link to the famous Shakespearian play. The transformation made by Gwen is essentially linked to her going away as she changes β†’

The relationship between suppression and violence

Orwell writes about the Burmese as " having nothing to do except stand at street corners and jeer at Europeans" as a result of being part of the European minority, Orwell admits that sometimes he felt that " the greatest joy in the world would be to drive a bayonet into a Buddhist priest's guts. β†’


The intention of this report is to analyze the following aspects: - Symbolism and Imagery - Irony - Tone and Mood - Point of View Analysis of the Book The Wizard of Oz by Lyman Frank Baum SYMBOLISM The road of yellow bricks = it represents destiny, hope, a path. The road that will guide β†’

The significance of institutions: nadja, the stranger, and waiting for godot

In all three works, institutions play a key role throughout the different stories from the resistance of the institution in Nadja, the acceptance of institution in The Stranger, and the complete lack of institution in Waiting for Godot. Because there is no logical justification for why Meursault kills that man, the judge and the people β†’

Commentary on the iniquities of consumerism and materialism

Paul's need to win his mother's affection and restore happiness in the family compel him to start riding the rocking-horse to a frenzied state to make predictions. The story expresses the negative effects of fixating on luck and money to satisfy the constant materialistic needs of family in a capitalist society.

Understanding humanist feminism and how to right it sociology essay

The problem is different treatment, and a solution would be the same treatment, the reasoning behind this approach is the similarity between male and female, and ignoring the differences between the two. On the other hand the difference approach is much more of a concern of women's personal lives.

Group influence

In the case of obedience, a leader or leaders of a certain group gives orders and expects everyone in the group to follow. He argued that when people are in a group, they tend to lose their self-thinking and act according to the thinking of the group.

Marketing mix critical

Bose Corporation has a private investigation team that constantly searches the Internet for sites that promote Bose products without the permission of Bose Corporation. The only place that is authorized to offer a discount on a Bose product is Bose Corporation itself.

Why is intelligence testing a questionable practice?

Henry Goddard who promoted it in the United States, administered it to a batch of 2000 White school children and came to the conclusion that " a child cannot learn the things that are beyond his grade of intelligence". It is in recognition of the inadequacies in traditional intelligence tests that the Geneva Appraisal Questionnaire β†’

Can assassinations ever be justified?

In the world full of conflicts and tyrants, can the assassination of one or two men make a difference? He was a fan of The Beatles for years especially John Lennon's.

Hugo boss: a famous german brand

3 Aims The aims of this report are to analyze the Hugo Boss and Armani of the market segmentation and marketing mix. To compare with the place, Hugo Boss and Giorgio Armani have various retailers in different countries, especially in China.

Northwind traders essay sample

I have concluded in my analysis that there are some countries that are stronger, some that either need new guidance in sales and some that do not generate enough for the company in sales. ANALYSIS 2 Discounts modification Analysis My analysis consist of a probability of issuing more discounts to the leading countries that produce β†’

Carbon tetrachloride essay

They found that a leading cause of these medical conditions was the substance carbon tetrachloride found in the soil, the air, or even the water. After the realization of the danger that carbon tetrachloride proved many groups and organizations began to label restrictions, and petition for reductions in the production of this substance.

History and impact of additive manufacturing

The history of AM Manufacturing: The first additive manufacturing equipment and materials were developed by Charles Hull in the early 1980s, and he called the process " stereolithography,". A print head moves horizontally along the x and y axes of the machine and deposits alternating layers of the build material and the binding material.

Mergers as a tool for survival and growth

Some of the significant reforms that have occurred since 2001 include the introduction of universal banking, the abolition of the 15% secondary reserve requirement and the increase in the minimum stated capital of banks. To examine the impact of merger and acquisition on the level of competitiveness in the Ghanaian Banking Sector.5.

Business analysis of harley davidson motor company essay sample

A comparison of two direct competitors in the motorcycle market, Harley Davidson and Honda, a producer of cars and motorized vehicles, reveals through the analysis of the businesses that investment into Harley Davidson would benefit the investing person or group. The data shows conclusively that investing in the American company of HD is cost beneficial β†’

Hope paper

To the eyes of the State, the changes made to HOPE are very necessary and essential to prevent the state from spending more lottery money than it has. According to Fran Miller, the author of an article supporting the new changes, a large number of college freshmen who take learning support classes are recipients of β†’

The visual argument of the big lebowski

The camera moves along the dairy section before The Dude comes on screen and the cameras continued movement towards him establishes that The Dude is who the monologue states is " the man for his time and place, he fits right in there". Lebowski, the camera moves into the room similar to the way it β†’

Rubisco in spinach leaves

The OD of the medium salt flow through for P1 and P2 was measured. The spectrophotometer was blanked with high salt buffer and the OD of the high salt flow through for P1 and P2 was measured.

ο»Ώwhat does scout learn about maycomb and its inhabitants during the trial?

Bob Ewell is the villain of the ' To Kill A Mockingbird' and, as a result of the trial, he attempts to get revenge on Atticus and hisfamily. It also suggests that the trial is taking a toll on Atticus and he is beginning to feel the strain of it.

A modern twist

He was facing a circular mirror that was Just above the sink and he looked at his reflection, trying to see whether his face was okay. She said his dad suffered a massive heart attack and that he was in the hospital now." Rex, youVe got to come here quickly!

Ap history compare and contrast essay: egypt and mesopotamia

Mesopotamian civilizations such as the Sumerians, the Akkadian kingdom, the Assyrian empire and the Babylonian city-state, were all too dependent on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Unlike Mesopotamian kings, the Egyptian king was represented as Horus and as the son of Re, and fit into the pattern of the dead returning to life and the β†’

Identification of opportunities

The last important aspect is feasibility, which involves evaluation of human and financial resources required to launch and sustain the business ventures in the market. The outcome of this venture is the developments and formation of a developed community that relies on the products and services of the organizations, which took the initiative of empowering β†’

Case study steelco essay

The main challenge for a new product in this industry is that the end consumer needs to be persuaded and convinced that the product will add value to him/her. Recommendation Although some information given to fabricators can be useful to the extent that they can prepare for the new large size beams, it is the β†’

Alcohol advertising analysis

The ad's comparison of women and alcohol is the highlight of this advertisement that makes it so brutally offensive. An example in this ad is the use of the attractive image reflecting from a bottle of liquor.

How a group of ecommerce veterans launched hollar, an online dollar store, and hit $1 million in monthly sales after just 5 months

As big-box stores struggle to meet the lowest of earnings projections and shutter dozens of stores nationwide, one type of brick-and-mortar retailer is thriving: the dollar store. With a term sheet in hand, Yeom left his company after three-and-a-half years to build one of his own.

Different types of motorcycles

Then you have the times when you have not received a particular context, and your mind begins to wonder as to what kind of motorcycle it could be: a cruiser, dual purpose, or a sport bike. The downside to super sport motorcycles is that these bikes do not have the storage capacity or comfort of β†’

A visit to a jewish synagogue

After the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem the synagogue became the center and central point of the religious Jewish life. In the service of Monday, Thursday, Saturdays and holidays it is read the Torah.

Menopause lipoprotein cholesterol levels

Ryoo et al.[34] carried a study in USA to reevaluate the levels of lipids and lipoproteins in pre-peri and postmenopausal women. Levels of total cholesterol were analyzed to be higher in peri- and postmenopausal women while, low in premenopausal women.

ο»Ώclarkson lumber company essay sample

Clarkson's financial advisor, I would recommend that he does not take the loan and look for other ways in which to finance his anticipated expansion. This is a very dangerous situation for Clarkson Lumber Company because an increased debt to equity ratio increases the riskiness of the company especially if they do not reach their β†’

Life and death of archimedes

The Number 20 March Archimedes The life story of Archimedes takes a modern reader to an exciting journeyinto " the genius of Hellenic learning". My goal in this paper is to explore the biography of Archimedes and find out what the historical significance of his work is.

Knorr – college essay

Born in 1838 in Germany, Knorr derived its name from the founder Carl Heinrich Knorr who developed a preservation process for foods which became the basis for the creation of the product Soup. The positioning of the brand was very well done but it did not succeeded in India because the category of soups was β†’

Humanistic theory

A goal of humanistic theory and therapy gives the client the opportunity to deal with their behavior and situation in their own terms of real self and ideal self. The third stage, abstract conceptualization an individual attempts to conceptualize a theory or model of what is observed.

A cinematic representation of the most dreaded disease, alzheimer, in still alice

I think that the director and Julianne Moore did a wonderful job of portraying Alzheimer's and what the symptoms are and how it affects Alice's family. I think that the film portrayed Alzheimer's in a negative way because Alice's husband, John, gave up on trying to help take care of her and took the job β†’

The story of the faustian bargain: trading soul and salvation for vast power

He claims to be a criminal fugitive who escaped to live on an island, and he makes a bargain to sacrifice his soul to be with his love Faustine forever. As mentioned previously, the narrator is aware of his readers and worries how he is perceived.

An introduction to theological reflection

According to Pattison, purpose of this model of theological reflection according is to help people think through and analyse their own experiences, the issues and the situations that they face and in so doing the practical theology gets underway. The weakness of this model of theological reflection is that it can be too subjective as β†’

Medication administration record system for patient safety nursing essay

Therefore, to maintain the quality of drug dose administration and to prevent medication administration errors, eMAR is found to be important. Few studies suggested that eMAR is a bedside medication administration recording tool providing new levels of recording medication administration activities by dropping error rates and making the administration of medications safer for patients.eMAR allows β†’

A desserts bar and bakery marketing essay

To motivate the staff to provide exceptional services that make the customers happy and feel valued." Cupcakes, sweets and more" is a bakery and desserts bar with the aim to cater to the individual needs of every customer with customized products for various occasions. Our mission is to provide our customers with bakers' items for β†’

Media objectification of women assignment

Examining the socio-historical context, the ideas and believes, powers, and the consequences in society, we can understand the how and why of sexual objectification of women by the media and society. The purpose is to reinforce the ideas that women are nothing but body parts and to stay in power.

The lost parents’ perspective on parental alienation syndrome

In addition to this the child also contributes to this alienation of the supposedly reviled parent by means of; a campaign of maligning, " unfounded rationalizations", labeling of the parents, the autonomous thinker phenomenon, automatically loving the maligning parent, lack of guilt, creating pretentious situations and generalized oversimplification of hostility. The study also makes a β†’

Blake v dpp, a summary of criminal case law

In particular section 5 states that a defendant has a lawful excuse, if: He believed that the person whom he believed entitled to consent to the destruction or damage of the property would have consented, had he known of the circumstances; or he acted ' in order to protect' the property of himself of another, β†’

Capacity management and international operations management commerce essay

In subdivision " A " the capacity of Fitness Plus will be measured and analysed to see whether there is sufficient capacity to cover with the immediate issues of overcrowding and non-availability of equipment. In one hr the entire figure of members able to utilize the equipment would be.

A brilliant disguise – john keats la belle dame sans merci essay sample

The lady, who exists solely in the knight's imagination, represents, not only the ideal, but also the knight's refusal to accept the real world, which leads to the destruction of his own life. The first is a negative take on the current location of the knight, and the other, a more positive one.

Scholarly article journal summary

One of the areas in which the effect of inequalities impacts on is in health status and access to health services. Examples of this lie in the position of African Americans in the U.S.A.and the Aboriginal people in Australia.

Credit cards for college students

Credit card companies should not be on college campuses marketing to college students, after all these young students have enough to worry about without adding a credit card payment each month. Undoubtedly college students are a credit card company? s best friend the companies like to get the students while they are young and have β†’

Commentary: metformin reverses trap1 mutation-associated alterations in mitochondrial function in parkinson’s disease

The function of TRAP1 is severely impaired in Parkinsonism, in both humans and animals, and hence it may be a potential target in PD pathogenesis. TRAP1 acts as the stress sensor responsible for helping the cells to adjust to the changes in environment, and is phosphorylated by Parkinson's disease kinase.

Speculations surrounding the meaning of the megaliths grouped in stonehenge

Perhaps the most common theory of Stonehenge's use is that the Ancient Britons believed that the Bluestones, the fabled vertical rocks that made up the inner circle of Stonehenge, had magical powers, due to the fact that when they become wet, they sparkle magically. The shortest route to Stonehenge from the Preseli Mountains was probably β†’

Platelet rich plasma-platelet concentrate (prp-pc) analysis

Their quality was assessed after 24 hours of preparation using the following parameters: volume of the platelet concentrate, platelet count, RBC contamination, morphology and pH. Conclusion During the storage of platelet concentrates there is progressive loss in capacity of survival and function of platelets.

Intel corporation: management strategies

Secondly, in order to improve the performance of the Intel chip, the company pays the independent software vendors to write the software. Objectives: The main objective of the Intel Corporation is to enlarge its leadership in the field of manufacturing and silicon technology.