5 Pages Essay Samples

Iturralde v. hilo medical center usa

Ricketson was informed of the missing titanium rods prior to the surgery beginning; he chose to proceed with the surgery with the knowledge that the kit was incomplete.Dr. Ricketson violated the trust of his colleges when he ignored the warning of the missing equipment prior to the start of the surgery.

Copy at your own peril: plagiarism in old school

Over 2, 000 years ago, the philosopher Aristotle stated that with regards to " the origin of poetic art as a whole...the habit of imitating is congenital to human beings from childhood and so is the pleasure that all men take in works of imitation". As a result, the narrator's appreciation for Susan's work reinforces →

Tuition reimbursement assignment

Furthermore the credits the employer pays for, may not all be related to the tasks the employee is currently or will be asked to complete. The truth is most companies offer a tuition reimbursement program as a benefit to their employees.

A just health care system

The first maintains that the amount of care in the society has to be higher than the one available. This can only be achieved through the widening of professional ethics in order to include common good and public interest considerations.

Cummins, inc.

Strategic Leadership; US and ForeignCummins strategic leadership starts with its vision statement and the belief that the power of Cummins can create a better life for the people of the world. A great example of this is to look at Cummins, the international company and its efforts toward excellence in diversity.

Aquaculture: our future of food

Therefore, the practice of aquaculture is a sustainable method of food production that both satisfy the growing appetite of the modern world while supplementing the world with economic, social and environmental benefits". In the past, rich resources of fish and marine life have supported the fishing industry and the mouths in the world.

Introduction to geography-montessori assignment

However it's not uncommon for the child in Montessori schools to know the names of all the countries and counties of the child's own country/continent. At a later stage the child can also do a matching activity with flags, and later maps are provided with the names of the countries and capitals.

History of the english flag essay

The flag of the United Kingdom also called the British flag, or its full title the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 1707 the kingdoms of England and Scotland were officially united in the Act of Union and the flag became " the ensign armorial of the United Kingdom of →

Kandy kastle essay sample

The reason why the company came up with such a product is that in order to keep up with the interest of children they must be exposed to different and improved products in about a period of 2 months so that they are not used to the same monotonous taste and style of the same →

Is edmond dantes a tragic hero? analysis of the count of monte cristo

A young and successful sailor, he is on the rise to become a captain of the Pharaon at the age of twenty. Dantes is morally innocent; he keeps the secret of the letter out of honesty and loyalty, and believes firmly in the French government's justice; however, these noble qualities lead him to his doom.

Commentary: using virtual reality to assess ethical decisions in road traffic scenarios: applicability of value-of-life-based models and influences of time pressure

Given that S tfeld et al.'s answer to the moral design problem depends on the plausibility of this inference, they owe an account of why this inference is plausible before we are justified in accepting their answer. And even granting the truth of particularism, it is unclear why we ought to take human snap-decisions in →

A reaction and summary to the book “warriors don’t cry” assignment

A reaction and summary to the book " Warriors Do not Cry", the book is about the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957 By Package Warriors Do not Cry The book, Warriors Do not Cry, is a sad, yet encouraging story of a courageous young lady. The end Of the →

Editorial: microbial taxonomy, phylogeny and biodiversity

In fact, the application of genomics is helping not only to provide a better understanding of the boundaries of genera and higher levels of classification, but also to refine our definition of the species concept. Rubio-Portillo et al.study the differences in the microbiome and pathobiome associated to Cladocora caespitosa, a coral species abundant in the →

Nursing: the past, the present, and the future 

As I progress through life and obtain further knowledge and experiences, I realize the importance of nursing to the medical field and society as a whole. As a child, it was critical that I played a leadership role during childhood games; when it came to playing " school", I was always the first to volunteer →

Good example of essay on use of technology in investigation of cognitive processes

The detection of an increase in deoxygenated blood in specific parts of the brain indicates increased mental/cognitive processes in that part of the brain. PET scans apply extensively in the study of brain disorders and tumors, and largely in the study of nature of the Alzheimer's disease.

Side effects and treatments of asthma | case study

There is no significant difference of the symptoms of asthma between the addition of higher dose inhaled corticosteroid to the standard low dose and when the inhaled corticosteroids were given alone21. There is significant reduction in risk of a first severe exacerbation and day of poorly controlled asthma in the addition of low dose formoterol →

Last assighment

Additionally, he resisted the restricted life in the city and opposed the nature of the area he grew and never conformed to the societal laws. They include destruction of natural resources like clearing of forest coverage, rampant dictatorial powers leading to the formulation of unfriendly policies to the environment and neglect to the suffering of →

Summary response assignment

Did the writer clearly and accurately summarize the main points Of the original text? Yes 10, Did the writer use the conclusion to tie together the introduction, the summary, and the supporting points of the text?

Early and late adolescence

Running head: EARLY AND LATE ADOLESCENCE Changes observed during Early and Late Adolescence s Changes observed duringEarly and Late Adolescence The developmental transition of a child after the age of 11 could be divided into two stages. Early work experiences contribute to the professional identity, and career development of adolescents and young adults.

Popularity vs. intelligence

Popularity It might just be, that intelligence, is the way to help you get yourself to where you want to be in life. I believe that intelligence is more important than popularity because you can solve your own problems, you will always be able to rely on your intelligence to get you out of tight →

Business law case study part of ibis

Defense may also argue assumption of the risk, however, Alex is aware that skiing is a dangerous sport that can inflict bodily arm but he exercised the proper caution while skiing and should not have to be subjected to obstacles and dangerous situations due to the negligence of IBIS. There is a clear case for →

Develop a strategic objective

In order to increase customer satisfaction, Microsoft has to meet the expectation of the customers. It is crucial for Microsoft to increase productivity in order to stay on top of the market and to meet shareholders expectation.

Christianity in frederick douglass narrative story essay

To the slaveholders it is a means of defending their cruel acts but to the slaves, it is the only source of consolation unto their souls even in difficulties, believing in God for their deliverance. This discussion is therefore inclusive of the role of Christianity which is represented in the narrative Frederick story in comparison →

Impact of slave trade on africa and africans history essay

This essay is an attempt to examine the impact of Slave trade on Africa and Africans in the Diaspora. The transatlantic slave trade is a term used to in relations to the slave trade which was done across the Atlantic Ocean which took place between the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries.

Descartes first certainty

In order to understand Descartes' First Certainty, it is best to view and situate the greater scheme of his philosophy against the backdrop of the intellectual revolution of his time. It affords him a clean slate with which to work with, delivering him from prejudice, and is the " easiest pathway by which the mind →

The meanings and implications of receiving care essay sample

The objective of this essay is to demonstrate my insight and grasp on the art and science of mentorship practice and the issues encountered during mentoring. A misunderstanding occurred between the two of them when I was not on shift leading the colleague to view the student as unreceptive to learning opportunities being provided, and →

Corporate crime

The large practice of corporate crime in the gas and oil companies has damaged the countrys energy sector while setup of corporate crime control units in the gas and oil companies is straightaway required to save the sector and economy of the country as well. Unfortunately, Pakistans energy sector is in a state of crisis →

A position paper on parental liability in the juvenile justice system

One group of various key players in the juvenile justice system in the United States has stated that the increase of heinous crimes being committed by juveniles below the age of 18 are primarily due to the lack of parental supervision brought about by more and more parents are spending longer hours in the office →

Elements of a formal report

Written by another authority in the field of study and not the author, a foreword explains the importance of the study and the good qualities of the report being introduced. A preface is different from a foreword in that it is written by the author of the report and explains the purpose for writing the →

Percentages in our life

Keywords: math, divide, percentage, interest, persent change Around the year 1260, the philosopher Roger Bacon wrote: " Mathematicsis the door and the key to the sciences.for the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics". A percentage is a part of something expressed as a value out of a hundred.

Guy kawasaki business plan example

Problem/Opportunity The purpose of this section is to create an awareness that the problem you solve or opportunity you address is financially attractive. What you need to communicate is an overall picture of the economics of your business, the trends in the market segment, and an understanding of your business.

The theme of slavery in the interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano

The race has become a concerning matter in every corner of the world, and black people have been affected as they experienced discrimination and harassment since the establishment of industrialization in Europe and the discovery of the Americas. Equiano expresses the issue of slavery in almost every aspect of his experiences as he starts his →

Sociolinguists and the relationship between language and society media essay

Vincent Gambini is aware that every community has a distinctive linguistic repertoire which they use to communicate and the common use of the vocabulary term grit is a part of the townspeople of Alabama's dialect. In a later scene of the film which takes place in the court room, Vinny is able to use his →

Mass media influence the younger generation assignment

Being Hooked on the Media Resembles the dependency symptoms of substance abuse: Using TV as a sedative Indiscriminate viewing Feeling loss of control while viewing Feeling angry with oneself for watching too much Inability to stop watching, and Feeling miserable when kept from watching Viewing large amounts of TV violence does may not cause a →


The reason for Intel's dominance, and ability to force the firms, was due to the company being a major force in the semiconductor market. This implies that Intel can at the same time be able to sell at a cheaper price than the other small firms in the market.

Romans 12

The progress of sanctification, dying to sin more and more, and living to righteousness more and more, is the carrying on this renewing work, till it is perfected in glory. But work with the Holy Ghost first begins in the understanding, and carried on to the will, affections, and conversation, there is a change of →

Image of augustus as potrayed in res gestae history essay

He took the name Augustus in 27 BC when he founded the principate, which is the system of monarchy headed by an emperor holding power for his life and his powers were based on constitutional forms.[1]Thus Augustus was one of the most influential leader in the history of Rome as he pioneered significant legal, political →

Tata motor essay

Automotive industry globalization has become a reality, because the car gradually spread in the world, and everyone have different requirements on the car's performance and price, so the import and export trade of automotive products also had a high proportion in the vehicle market.2. In the market downturn of the global financial crisis, Tata Motor →

Appendix b

It is hard to determine how long the coping of a situation in which the person was stereotyped lingers, but it is sure that it has a lasting effect on the person. A stereotype is a generalization about a person or group of persons that we develop when we are unwilling to obtain all of →

Fiffteen by william stafford

The poem Fifteen by William Stafford, describes the ideas of a young teenager and imaginations when he sees a motorcycle at the side of the rail, It tells us of how the main character gets familiar with adulthood and starts getting mature, it gives us changes. The high grass, tall as if to hide the →

Hierarchy and honor in the arabian nights

The Arabian Night's plot of King Shahryar's pursuit of honor is so meaningful because of the notation throughout history which states that social hierarchy is established by one's social prestige; therefore by the king's actions in obtaining his identity and honor back by executing women, he would naturally obtain a more significant hierarchy within his →

Case study: patient with heart burn

With any patient suffering from GERD, there are lifestyle changes and dietary changes that are effective in management of the disease. Antacids and alginic acid are the drugs of choice for quick relief of symptoms.

Designing a reward system

The rules and regulations for the reward system and a brief summary of how the reward system was decided on, each department will be recognized for its highest performer and will be determined accordingly. Quality work will be expected from all employees and will also be a factor in determining who will receive the rewards; →

Answering the questions regarding the business ideas

Business Ideas By 10th, March, STEP ONE: ' Creating and Delivering Value' The Target s for the Business Idea, and Value Intended to Co-create with them The target consumers for this business are university students. The Industry Data and Potential Competitors for the Business Idea Since this business involves sale of fruits, juices, and salads →

The social emotional development among the adolescents essay

Many do not like the changes that they are experiencing and they struggle to get appreciated making them to ape what they see on TV like modeling where they starve themselves in order to be slim and skinny, behave in a certain manner or join certain groups. Community developers and teachers are usually advised to →

Sociological debates in education (gender)

When gender first began to be investigated by sociologists of education, the focus was largely on female under-achievement at every level of the educational system, and the ways in which traditional ideas about the proper role of women in society prevented them from achieving their full potential. A variation of this theme is represented by →

George orwell ‘s animal farm

The Old Major, the pig that encourages the animals to revolt and overthrow the human race is a typical political leader that believes in an ideal and attempts to change the future. The Old Major emphasizes the long list of abuses that the animals are submitted to, endeavoring to make the others aware of the →

Meaning of concepts

For example, the sampling distribution of the sample mean is approximately normal, even if the distribution of the population from which the sample is taken is not normal. It is the distribution of a sum of squared Normal distributed variables.

Urban planning in urban development

Urban Planning integrates land use planning and transportation planning to improve the economic and social environments of communities, where Urban Development is the actual process of taking these plans and putting them to work by the selling, leasing, building of land, buildings, stores, homes, etc. Harvey needs to be able to know which companies to →

Assessing and classifying/diagnosing 16 to 20 year olds

According to the APA " Borderline Personality Disorder is a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self image, and effects and a marked impulsivity beginning in early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts". Conclusion There are problems related in diagnosing16-20 year olds with Borderline Personality Disorder, because it is a pervasive patterns →

Free essay about enlightenment ideals and american literature

The more the ideals of enlightenment spread the further the literature grew in the New World. The result of this was that enlightenment through literature transformed life as it was in the 18th century.

Media system and press regulation of philippines

According to Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Philippines features one of the freest and most boisterous media in Asia and is partially because of the strong protection of the freedom of media and expression from the Malolos Constitution of 1899 until the current Constitution. Under the Bill of Rights the Constitution, it assurances the freedom of expression and press →

Barron v baltimore

Among the original decisions handed down by the United States Supreme Court, some gave limitations to the power of the Federal government, others expanded upon the rights of the Federal government, and still others differentiated between the powers granted to the Federal government versus the powers granted to the individual states. Baltimore impacts primarily the →

K-12:an asset or a drawback in promoting quality education?

Futhermore, I consider the features of K+12 to be more an advantage in enhancing our quality of education but the conflict here is the preparedness of the crucial elements needed to be procured by DepEd as it turned out to be an untimely implementation. The cons believed that the problem of BEC is the content →

Comparison of developed economies and china economics essay

Economist, 2010" The financial crisis of 2007 present is a crisis triggered by a liquidity shortfall in the United States banking system and the bursting of ' the United States housing bubble' which peaked in approximately 2005 2006" which caused the values of securities and real estate pricing to drop, Thereafter, damaging and collapsing financial →

Annotated bibliography: new definitions of stardom and the celebrity

The article is interesting as it has a focus on celebrity and stardom in the field of reality television. Overall, Bennett's piece will help with the understanding of the importance of television versus film stars and assist in building my argument around the construction of stardom and how it is different on screen in cinema →

Health care

The Department of Health of the Philippines sites coughing as the most common mode of transmission to acquire tuberculosis. Able to plan the course of nursing interventions needed in patient's rehabilitation and recovery.

Content analysis of malaya (philippine broadsheet)

It can be noted that the issue of the dispute for the Spratlys islands particularly between China and the Philippines was mostly present in each of the consecutive issues from June 13 to June 17 and resuming its post as a headline on the June 23 issue. These key variables are crucial determinants in being →


Easily considered the most complex character in the play, Tim Mitchum's character appealed to me the most as the playwrite dared to spotlight an American hero, the soldier, in a way considered most taboo. Another design element that really stood out to me was the attention to detail in everything ranging from the stocked shelves →

Different types of reusable space transportation

Falcon 9-: The best of the present scenario is falcon 9 of which we will be talking about, because this is the only spacecraft how have reusable transportation till date. Falcon 9 a rocket which is in words of every teenager, the name is due to use of 9 Merlin 1st stage engines.

Amul company introduction

AMUL sprung from the seeds sown in the black soil of CHAROTAR, an area in the KAIRA district of Gujarat, as a cooperative movement to empower the milk producers. Amul is in a position to manage these assets to effectively command the market leader's position in the emerging fresh dairy products market because of its →

The americanization of benjamin franklin assignment

In the book " The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin," Gordon Wood gives an extensive biography on Benjamin Franklin and explains how and why Franklin is such a celebrated historic figure in not just America, but all over the World. Franklin thought that if he sent the letters to America, then the author of the letters →

Book review: language teacher cognition: a sociocultural perspective

A Book Review on Language Teacher Cognition: A Sociocultural Perspective Li Li, 2020, 353 pages, ISBN: 978-1137511331 Written by Li Li, Language Teacher Cognition: A Sociocultural Perspective, as the title indicates, explores the topic of teacher cognition from the perspective of sociocultural theory, aiming to theorize and analyze what teachers think, believe, know, and do →

Justice and the individua

" To achieve Justice, Individuals often have to challenge the existing views of society" To achieve justice, many individuals over time have needed to challenge the existing, restrictive views of society, views which have been embedded in the culture and views many are unhappy to let go of. The ongoing motif of the mockingbird is →

The best mistake i ever made essay sample

It was now seven in the morning and I was praying that most of the alcohol had made its way out of my system. It was very scary to understand how I was preserving the world around me, the night of my DUI arrest.

Fertilizers and testing for nitrates essay sample

D Brick Red no observable change.no observable change.no observable change.no observable change. White precipitate no observable change.

Exam 2 – english

The Secretary ChantMarge PiercyAbout feminism and how she no longer felt like a person but just a machine going through everything and doing everything she was suppose to loosing herselfThose Winter SundaysRobert Hayden, Father got up on Sundays to work and Sundays are suppose to be a day of rest, he felt he was not →

Southern africa until the early 1800s: encounters and transformations

Another was to provide healing and medicine and lastly they captured and told history of the San people in the form of the paintings on the rocks. One economic similarity of the roles of the women in the San and Khoekhoe is the division of labour and that both women roles comprised of being gatherers.

Technology globalization and government

They suggest that the trend of increasing rate of technological change and diffusion, phenomena of positive feedback in industries with high knowledge content, the increasing knowledge intensity in industries and availably of technology to the masses which lead to the information age are the 4 technological trends most salient. They highlighted 4 topics, which is →

The life and writings of frederick douglass essay

Douglass felt that the lords made rules and regulation with the need to oppress the Negros, he was of the view that the American Lords had developed the religion of Christianity and enforced it to the Negros buts they did not practice the religion. The felt that religion was used to justify means that the →

Peer acceptance and academic performance among undergraduate students education essay

Of conference, concluded that peer acceptance has the power associated with the academic performance of students in UPM studies to determine the increase and decrease a student's academic decisions. Main Objective: This study aims to determine relationship between peer acceptance and academic performance among undergraduate students in UPM Specific objectives: To describe personal characteristics of →

The conclusion recommendations construction essay

The literature review discussed in detail the current state of timber frame construction in the United Kingdom and the important role it has in the future of the construction industry. It is important that the benefits of timber frame construction are well demonstrated in order to gain acceptance within the industry and the general public.

Disc platinum rule assessment assignment

Based on the strengths and weaknesses identified above, I found my personal DISC Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment very enlightening and fairly accurate to a degree. Then again, when it comes to my Ministry, I think that the S Style is my dominant behavioral style because I am all about helping others in a warm, →

Society as a barrier to love in “at an inn”

This is the law that asserts that Hardy and Florence cannot be together and the use of ' O' creates a sense of desperation from his perspective, in the way he seems woeful that there is nothing he can do. The use of ' veiled' brings to mind the idea of sight being obstructed and →

Nazi control and hitler’s foreign policy

The first aim was to overturn the treaty of Versailles as he felt that it was very unfair and that Germany was cheated out of a lot of land that was rightfully there's. This in my opinion was the most important of the three to the success of Hitler's foreign policy.

Formal comparison of two museums

These fundamental differences are most evident in the architectural design of the buildings themselves: the Frick building is a calm, warm house built for afamilyto live in while the Guggenheim building is a cold, public hall built to accommodate hundreds of art enthusiasts at a time. The styles of the architecture are quite different, and →

Exploration of form simulations

The greater the similarity of the tonal color of an object to the tone of the background, the more it will seem to recede toward the background. In a two-dimensional picture, the illusion of depth is created in several ways.

Positivity is key: comparing the rez sisters and les belles soeurs

This notion of hope amongst Highway's sisters exists due to the essence of genuine cooperation, the existence of positive attitude and determination and the natural human sympathy for the disadvantaged. Secondly, the essence of positivity is enforced by the fact that the characters on the reserve continuously maintain a sense of positive attitude and determination.

Becoming an effective leader

By combining this class to what I already knew about being a leader, it strengthened my values and my conviction of effective leadership, and that is allowing your people to grow and be successful. When it comes to this movie and what we can learn about leadership and ethics, it is simply, understanding the leader →

Anthropology (last of the neanderthals)

The Last of the Neanderthals According to the article, what was the geographic range of Neanderthals? This is something that the Neanderthals may have failed to develop because of their impractical cultural buffers.

Devolution of human communication through technology: an analysis of the society in ‘feed’

A consequence of the humans of Feed having the technology since birth is that they lose the ability to speak-well and articulate their thoughts unaided. Titus constantly requires the help of his feed to find the words he means and struggles to think clearly such as when he could not think of the word " →

Wicked live theatreassignment assignment

The show opens on the famous scene from " The Wizard of Oz" in which Glinda, played in this show by Tiffany Haas, annouces that the Wicked Witch is dead. The acting and directing in this production were absolutely amazing, The audience was transported to Oz body and soul throughout the entire performance and at →

Malaysian market essay

In the midst of the rapidly growing soft drink demand, it seems like the soft drink industry leads to generate greater influence for the food and beverage market in Malaysia. This is exactly is the trend that we foresee in Malaysia food and beverage market going to be, this is because of the health emphasis →

Ksa self eval

I am definitely a quick learner which is very beneficial to on the spot coverage for a co-worker, was trained for basic process to handle JABBER for only half a day since my co-worker needs to go to an emergency leave for 3 weeks, midyear n 2013 and helped my peer with relaying referrals to →

Analysis of john humphry’s article “i h8 txt msgs: how texting is wrecking our language”

Humphry's objective to the reader is that texting is shattering the world of formal writing and is fearful that it is going extinct. Humphry's objective to the reader was texting is shattering the world of formal writing and he was efficient in proving his argument.

Continuous improvement plans for school and learning organizations

The plan will also require that all accountable staffs and teachers must involve themselves in the process of the school improvement plan. Having a proper continuous improvement plan in place, my staff will be able to describe and model meaningful objectives that will set the classroom expectations for students learning process.

The value of assessing performance business essay

It is also an opportunity to review the employee's quality of work, to reflect on what has been achieved during the period and agree upon the objectives going forward. The success of the appraisal process depends on the line-manager's readiness to complete a productive and objective appraisal and on the employee's readiness to respond to →

Inclusion and alienation in social psychology assignment

Another factor that likely contributed to the bullying of Phoebe Prince was a lack Of empathy on the part Of her tormentors. That is to say, a person who is normally nonviolent and non-aggressive can become violent and aggressive when caught up in the angry mentality of a group.

Depiction of oppression in the pearl by john steinbeck

" Steinbeck illustrates the tragic consequences of the loss of that freedom of the spirit in The Pearl, expressing a profound sympathy for the individual and the community that suffers under such an oppressive system".. In The Pearl, Steinbeck shows that Kino cannot escape oppression through the thoughts of Juana, the development of the pearl, →

The path to a good marriage theology religion essay

In marriage, it is always very important to try and find the problem. In marriage, one of the key things that people should do is accept that they are different and accept to put their differences aside and move on with their lives.

Music piracy is a good thing

It seems a bit to greedy when you look at the difference in pay between the artist and the people who download the songs.say that the people who pirate the music are more likely to go to the show and buy the albums after downloading music. They figure that the fans will still come see →

Thinking about diversity and inclusion

I have friends that are of all races and ethnic backgrounds and work with many more. When it comes to cultural diversity within the work place I see more of it coming in, and more of it accepted.

Manchester product

Discussion and analysis: The solution that needs to be undertaken in order to resolve the challenge of brand transition, considering that the company an only use the brand name for three years and the fact that it cannot use it to brand new products indicates that adoption of the Paul Logan Furniture Division brand name →

Differences of truth in mathematics, ethics and art

Hence the question of the value of truth involved in any statement is believed to be a consequence of the social constructivism based on beliefs and our rearing. The ' extent' is an underpinning of the diverse perspectives that truth holds in a variety of areas of knowledge.

Legislation to safeguard child rights in the uk

1 Because the well being of all children and young adults is so important, organizations in the United Kingdom and around the world have created policies and legislation's to ensure a structure of security. It also gives a more reasonable approach to single people and unmarried couples who would like to adopt and provides more →