5 Pages Essay Samples

Abstract algorithm is based on the concept

In order to reconstruct the image, saved distinct points are placed at their corresponding locations in a new image that is formed, where two algorithms are also used, The first algorithm is based on the concept of a growing region.it's region -based image segmentation method, by examining the pixels adjacent to the saved distinct points →

Native son analysis essay

Although some may argue that it was merely his response to the conditions in which he lived, Bigger does not deserve the sympathy those people give him because all colored people were oppressed, he had people supporting him, and he was clearly violent from the start and enjoyed the kill. After that, Jan and Mary →

Psychology & religion: the spirtual side to counseling

The psychological study of religion in the United States illustrates tensions and opportunities that exist between psychology and religion. Rethinking the rise and fall of the psychology of religion.In A.L.

Obamacare vs. trumpcare

The fact of the matter is that while the ACA may be socially and morally correct to most, it is much more unconstitutional, to say the least. For the people who decide to opt-out, a penalty fee is given in order to force people to consider getting insurance and to provide insurance coverage for the →

Surgery: iturralde v. hilo medical center usa

Iturralde in the hospital until the hospital could obtain the materials necessary for the spinal fusion. Ricketson's attention by the surgical nurse that the kit was incomplete, but he chose to go forward with the surgery.

An overview of the modern school education system in india

The modern school education system in India comprising primary, middle and secondary levels vary considerably across the states since education is primarily the responsibility of the state governments. This system soon became solidified in India as a number of primary, secondary, and tertiary centres for education cropped up during the colonial era.

Causes and effects of gangsterism essay

However, to solve this problem w e must first get to know that it was caused by the influences from the surrounding, the intention of teenagers to attract other s attention and to protect themselves. As a result, the society becomes not peaceful anymore and everyone needs to aware of gang activities that take place →

Private nuisance question

In the case of Bolton v Stone, it was held that if the likelihood of harm caused by defendant was low then the likelihood of the defendant breaching of the standard of care would also be low. Thus the likelihood of harm is great, creating a high risk of injury to the claimant and the →

Unit assignment

Play opportunities for babies and children from birth up to 2 years old include: Treasure basket play Heuristic play Adult-initiated play including peeks-boo, roll a ball Play opportunities for babies and children from birth up to 2 years old Treasure basket play: Children need interesting things to explore and discover to satisfy their urge of →

Views on the future of robotics

Furthermore, most respondents predicted that the robotics advancement and computing applications could lead to the displacement of manual workers for the next few decades with the potential of implicating both the society and workers. On the other hand, robotics have the potential to create more jobs for instance, in the agricultural sector, mechanization has led →

Leaving school and dear mr lee essay sample

This is because the child has not really lived his life properly, to understand the world and life in the same way that an adult has. In " Leaving School" the language is more formal and less colloquial as this shows us that the child has had adult responsibilities forced upon him and that he →

The crucible analysis

In the play Abigail wanted to get rid of Elizabeth and she wanted John proctor. Once again all of this started because Abigail wanted John and it shows that the saying " you want what you cannot have" is true.

Dr. condoleezza rice

She started college at the University of Denver and graduated at the age of 19 with a Bachelor in PoliticalScience. Her mother yelled at the white women by telling her not to talk to her daughter that way and the mother told Condi to touch every hat in the store.

Time for new thinking about sensitive periods

The broad concept that the timing of individual experience interacts with brain development and might even guide it is illustrated by articles examining both lower and higher-level brain functions, such as the effect of age of start of music training on brain stem responses to speech sounds; the effect of age of language acquisition on →

Speech for chinese medicine

The most commonly used are Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture.A. Nickell explains the origins of traditional Chinese medicine.B.

legalizing marijuana essay sample

One of the issues most overlooked in the legalization of Cannabis, is the beneficial influence it would have on our economy. Taxation on the sale of Cannabis, similar to alcohol and tobacco, would also generate more revenue for every state.

Love you forever essay

This paper shows the critical analyses of Love You Forever, a story about a boy, his mother and the evolving relationship between the two. Once he is a grown man, she drives to his house in the middle of the night, sneaks in his room, still continuing to sing the lullaby.

Free essay on intro to psyc

Norms in this case refer to the unsaid and implicit rules that are shared by a given group of individuals and are responsible in guiding the way these individuals interact with others and in the society or a social group. In psychological, the term conformity is defined as the tendency of an individual to follow →

Generation x vs. y communication

Co-ordination during work is inconceivable and the organization is likely to collapse for absence of communication. One of which, is the communication gap between generation X and generation Y.

Introduction system is an internal system of

This paper is going to examine how organic foods aid the endocrine system in ensuring the wellbeing of the body in general. The environment is a beneficiary of organic production in the sense that since the use of pesticides and chemicals is decreased, then " local wildlife" is not affected and the farm proves to →

Ray ban

In 2007, Ray-Ban re-introduced the original Ray-Ban Wayfarer design, but expanded the colour options beyond the traditional palette to include patterns like checks and camouflage and colours like navy, white, turquoise, red, and blue. The glasses come with a comprehensive warranty that is the best part of ray ban glasses.

Grasping the readers attention: suspense and tension in in cold blood and plot driving factor

The tensions thus increases as the reader becomes upset at the lack of morals of the murderers and the total obliviousness of the Clutter family toward the upcoming events. In addition to the timely shifts in the novel, Capote engenders suspense by waiting to disclose various details of the story, most importantly of the actual →

Treaty breaches and the u.s government

Looking back to even before the founding of the Union, native populations have went to war against the progressive, overpowering and belittling nature of the government and have walked away with disease, famine and useless treaties. The 1 st amendment reads, " Congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the →

Introduction to micro economics essay sample

However the welfare is the sum of the new consumer surplus and the producer surplus, minus the government's expenses. What is the long run equilibrium price and output?

Industrial business essay

It can help This would be significant as Coffee Republic would want to locate where there is not a lot of other coffee shops and a place where there is a lot industrial business in the area and where the economy is high. With the vast number of coffee shops already in the area, and →

Prediction of response to anti-egfr antibodies in metastatic colorectal cancer: looking beyond egfr inhibition

One of the most successfully approach in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer is the inhibition of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor pathway by antibodies. The evolving role of monoclonal antibodies in colorectal cancer: early presumptions and impact on clinical trial development.

Editorial: social and emotional influences on human development: perspectives from developmental neuroscience

Editorial on the Research Topic Social and Emotional Influences on Human Development: Perspectives From Developmental Neuroscience The relevance of emotional and social processes in human development is a central focus in developmental psychology. Overall, an examination of the developmental significance of particular emotional and social processes has led to a more comprehensive understanding of human →

Concepts in accounting and developing financial statements

To provide a benchmark against which the competitors' performance can be measured Employees to assess the ability of the business to continue to provide employment and to reward employees for their labour Government to assess how much tax the business should pay, whether it complies with agreed pricing policies and whether financial support is needed. →

The entwistle 4mat review theology religion essay

The book displayed the faith and assurance that psychological science and Christianity should unite for it to possess a higher apprehension and allowing the client a higher chance of mending. The Word of God is the Bible that God created as a usher to populating life in the manner that God designed to be the →

Powering genomics and genetic testing

When I got the opportunity to invest in healthcare companies, I got introduced to the world of genomics and genetic testing. With a vision to provide a comprehensive genomics test to improve the healthcare outcome in India, was the start of Positive Bioscience.

Commentary: il-21 receptor antagonist inhibits differentiation of b cells toward plasmablasts upon alloantigen stimulation

One of the earliest discovered functions of T cells was to help B cells, which led to the coining of the term " T helper cell". IL-21 is also the signature cytokine of TFh cells with broad pleiotropic actions including the regulation of B cell differentiation.

Depiction of an importance of home in literature

Odysseus in the Odyssey and the narrators in We Need New Names exhibit a strong desperation to return home because they yearn for the memories and familiarity of the past. The characters in Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress and in We Need New Names cannot leave their captivity to return home, so they find →

Santiago: transcending heroism

In Ernest Hemingway's work of literary brilliance, The Old Man and The Sea, Santiago finds himself pitted against a beauty of nature a beast in the eyes of man. From the first line of the novella, a beaten tone is introduced and Santiago is pitted against his struggle with defeat." He was an old man →

Intechnology plc

Executive summary: Technology challenge: To create a unified solution to manage and analyse the billable and non-billable time and performance of consultants, engineers and pre-sales staff across the organisation. But moving forward, the new solution provides us with a baseline by which to measure any future operational changes and to gauge the overall state of →

Strange meeting by wilfred owen essay sample

The setting of the poem contributes to the reflective tone of the poem, which has places of irony and bitterness. The reflective tone is achieved as the dead soldier explains that he " went hunting wild/After the wildest beauty in the world", not knowing that this ' beauty' was not beautiful at all.

Analysis of how the weaker dominates the stronger in “david and goliath”

This argument would be used to push the idea that fewer students in a classroom is not always a benefit to the students or teachers. The use of statistics is so prevalent that even one chapter is devoted to a graph.

Behaviour modification case studies

The disadvantage is that the client may be able to maintain composer while imaging the fear but is unable to follow through of maintaining the relaxation technique when faced with the real stimuli, notes that the most effective of the two are usually in-vivo desensitization, the advantage of choosing this method is the encounter is →

Qualities and types of social anthropology

This area is termed ' social anthropology' and it is this designation which is used in England, and to some extent in America, to assign an area of a larger subject of anthropology, the study of humanity from a number of viewpoints. Cheater, Linguistic anthropology is a branch of anthropology which is concentrating on relation →

Titration – preparation,neutralisation and applications in industry essay sample

We then placed our Sodium Hydroxide solution underneath the Burette in a conical flask and added 2 drops of universal indicator turning the solution purple. We then placed our Sodium Hydroxide solution underneath the Burette in a conical flask and added 2 drops of universal indicator turning the solution purple.

The fall of the black panther party

The Fall Of The Black Panther Party , 1966 The Fall Of The Black Panther Party The Black Panther Party was one that started as a result of the struggle that African Americans faced from day one in America. Some of these events included the militancy of the group in their efforts to achieve equality, →

Disputing the modal ontological argument: the evil god objection

Examining the Modal Ontological Argument The MOA appeals to the philosophical notion of possible worlds to prove the existence of God as necessary. Continuing with the discussion, since the Evil God differs with the theistic God solely on the characteristic of omni-malevolence instead of omnibenevolence, which is an irrelevant trait for the purposes of the →

Children’s exposure to homosexuality in popular culture

The largest case of ignorance and avoidance of the subject seems to be in the case of adolescent males, while adolescent girls tend to get a more complete and positive understanding of homosexuality in society. This defiance of stereotypes is important for television series because it demonstrates the importance of individuality in our society and →

Editorial: pseudomonas and acinetobacter : from drug resistance to pathogenesis

When studying pathogenic behavior, Lopez et al.investigated the effect of bile salts on the growth, virulence, and gene expression of A.baumannii clinical isolates and isogenic mutant strains that lack the AdeABC efflux pump. In a different light, Du et al.demonstrated the bactericidal activity of the human salivary protein Histatin 5 against ESKAPE pathogens, especially P.aeruginosa →

Faith traveled across water: religious puritanism in the new world through winthrop and bradford

He also believed that the Pilgrims were the new Israelites from the old testament and that their lives were a literal reenactment of the days of Moses and that they were to live by the word of God. Bradford was a strong believer that all of the pain and suffering that the colony endured during →

Howard s becker

He views deviance as the " creation of social groups and not the quality of some act or behavior and criticizes other theories of deviance for accepting the existence of deviance and by doing so, accept the values of the majority within the social group and by studying the act of the individual is unimportant →

Waterfall model essay sample

As compared to a software made using waterfall model, the number of defects in the software made using V model is less. Requirement gathering and Analysis This is the first phase of waterfall model which includes a meeting with the customer to understand his requirements.

Death of a sales man and a streetcar named desire: comparative

Both liquor and the rubber pipe are symbols of Blanche and Willy's attempts to escape reality, although it is impossible, leading to their loss of sanity. Blanche and Willy's attempts mask reality, and accomplish the American dream ultimately lead to their loss of sanity.

The learning and growth perspective marketing essay

Before the company became Nike, the original name of the company is Blue Ribbon Sports on January 25, 1964. NIKE, Inc.is engaged in the design, development and worldwide marketing of footwear, apparel, equipment and accessory products.

The lowry method for protein quantitation

Has been the most widely used method to estimate the total level of protein already in solution or easily soluble in dilute alkali in biological samples, the Lowry Assay exhibited a color change of the biological samples in proportion to protein concentration. The amount of protein in the sample can then be estimated via reading →

Digital literacy

In today's world it is a requirement to be digitally literate in order to be able to function in a capacity that enables one to be more successful whether it is at home, school, at our jobs or even looking for a job. From surfing the internet to searching for a job to being able →

Margaret her writings and also educated them

As a politician she served as an ambassador, without a portfolio, to many presidents in the areas of ecology and nutrition something that gave her the title, " Mother of the World" in 1969. Mead lectured at the New School and Columbia University1954 to 1978, and she was the chair of the department of social →

Of mice and men analysis

The main moral conflict deals with George's responsibility to Lennie, and to the rest of the group. He always wanted the best for him and this was the last resort, he had to put Lennie out of his own misery.

Salem witch trials essay sample

In the year 1692 in the city of Salem, Massachusetts, the population was mainly made up of Puritan settlers, a group of English Christians who did not agree with the church of England. The first theory for the cause of the mass hysteria in Salem was based on the serious tensions within and towards the →

“our sprawling, supersize utopia” by david brooks essay sample

According to Lapham, the suburbs represent " the pleasure of telling lies" and are a " mist of lies [...] that bind [Americans] to the theaters of wishes and dreams". They move to the suburbs where they hope they can forget about their past failures and hope to setup a new future that will be →

A comparison of tullus hostilius and l. tarquinius superbus

The only time Tullus' actions are ever described as deceptive is when he tricks the city of Alba into declaring war on Rome yet even this is for the kingdom's benefit, as he does it to lay the blame for the war on Alba, and get the gods on Rome's side. In terms of construction, →

Rabbit proof fence film analysis

The film also captures the identity of indigenous people as the filmmakers took careful consideration into producing the film, such as casting Australian Indigenous actors and being mindful of the storyline they are telling throughout the film. In the beginning of the film, the filmmakers presented brief information about an act made in Australia called →

Blockbuster, marketing strategy

To compete against Netflix in the future Blockbuster needs to find a more convenient way for customers to get entertainment. By giving customers the ability to get their movies thru the mail, over the Internet, or by coming in to one of their stores, Blockbuster is providing added convenience and value to their customers.

Starbucks – case analysis and problem solving

Establishment and management of Superior Coffeehouse: Starbucks Corporation used a very sophisticated location strategy and demographic analysis to identify and capture the premium location for stores as possible its competitors could. The resources coupled with the capabilities developed by the strategy of the company have given Starbucks to develop some distinctive competencies of unique service →

Analyse the methods charlotte bronte uses to essay

When Jane is reading in the library the author chooses a book Bewick's History of British Birds which is a book full of references to isolation and coldness " those forlorn regions of dreary space- that reservoir of frost and snow". The author uses particularly effective vocabulary in creating the world that Jane lives in →

Large left ventricular hydatid cyst surgical extraction

In the lower prevalence of the cardiac hydatosis, the coexistence of large hepatic and cardiac hydatid cysts is reported barely [1]. Abdominal Computed tomography revealed cystic masses in the liver and the largest one in left lobe of liver measuring 12 x 11 centimeters and, most importantly, noticed a part of the cardiac mass.the following →

Accounting measures of corporate liquidity

This journal has talked about the relation on the financial distress the cost of corporate liquid policy and the leverage policy of the firm. In the journal the author construct two hypothesis where H1: " The proportion of liquid asset invested liquid asset will be increasing in costs of financial debt" and H2: " The →

Universal declaration of human rights: necessary despite having the bible essay

One of the aspects of the United Nations that have created a wide perspective is the " Universal Declaration of Human Rights". The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the most appropriate form of showcasing the freedom an the rights that every man or woman is allowed to have.

Crystal meth essay

After watching the Oprah Winfrey Show and Meth is Death video, it was very easy for me to come to the conclusion that crystal meth is a very intense and addictive drug. However she took it and was instantly hooked and began to take crystal meth every day.

How does dickens use scrooge to highlight injustice in victorian society

Fred introduces the idea of a happy generous better of the class who are open forgiving and loving whereas Scrooge is the antithesis of this as he is ' self-contained' unloving and does not believe in sharing his wealth, which is seen later on when he is met by two portly gentlemen, asking for money →

Personal criminological theory

If a parent is caught for a crime and convicted their children are always labeled the children of a criminal. If a neighborhood suddenly has an increase in crime such as theft, drugs, and breaking and entering they need to look at the economy of that neighborhood.

Imagery and themes establish mccarthy’s views in the road

The use of this literary device creates a somewhat ambiguous response in the reader, as the author's intentions are unclear and misty, similar to the atmosphere of the setting. The prospect of death is indeed brought to the forefront of the scene throughout the novel; it is even present in unconsciousness, as shown on page →

Role of the genes colec11 and masp1 in embryonic development

1 to help prove that mutations in the genes COLEC11 and MASP1, involved in the lectin complement pathway were responsible for 3MC syndrome. Sequencing of these transcripts in affected individuals revealed three homozygous missense mutations and a single base deletion in COLEC11 that may be linked to the inheritance of the 3MC syndrome.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the business activities

This in turn will help to increase customer quality as they are providing a more efficient way of doing business in the manner that the queues will have become shorter and so customers will have a quick and easy route to pay for their goods/services they have bought. In order to achieve this, Sainsbury's must →

Martin luther king vs malcolm x – assignment

This however, is not the case, Martin and Malcolm were two very different people with two very different ideologies, and had many different distinctions and characteristics that made one, a leader for equality and justice and another for revenge and supremacy. Malcolm was born in 1925, in the Depression era, and was raised in a →

We can have pasteurized milk that has

Effect of pasteurized milk: The trouble with milk pasteurization is that it canundermine the quality of the milk. Conclusion: The maindifference between homogenized milk and pasteurized milk is pasteurization isbetter than homogenization.

Free trade of americas case

The basis of this paper is to answer the question whether the establishment of the Free Trade of Americas with Latin America, Central America and the Caribbean, would be beneficial for advancing the economy of the United States. Currently, the United States is operating in two FTAs, namely North American Free Trade Agreement and the →

Fashionably early: the context and consequences of the flapper movement

The Flapper Movement of the 1920s embodied these demands, transforming women's request for opportunities and liberties into a full-fledged livelihood, securing women's power to use fashion as form of personal expression, and abolishing fashion's historic use of corsets, headwear, and undergarments as the swords of sexism. These factors include the First Great War, the emergence →

Flags of fathers by james bradley a book review essay

His ability to narrate the events and bring history to life in the minds of the readers has made him one of the most sought authors by history enthusiast readers. The book mainly points out the fact that remembering this account in the American history is a strong mark of the American soldiers' courage and →

Antigonepsychology flashcard

Antigone works at all costs to give her brother the burial she believes he deserves." But I will bury him, and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy: I will lie down with him in death, and I will be as dear to him as he to me". These are my →

How to make draft essay from this outline

The writers of both the stories use the method of characterization to create and portray characters.2. Draft Thesis Statement: The author of the story " A Handful of Dates" and the author of the story " The Stolen Party" are from differentculturebut treat a common theme of disillusionment.

Active & passive voice skill and drill quiz

Pick the best active equivalent of the following sentence: The brochures and the radio spots were written by the tireless marketing team. Which of the following sentences should be rewritten in the active voice?

Lab report electrophoresis assignment

The photo on the left shows the plate with the stain and the photo on the right show the plate with the banding pattern after the stain is washed off. The photo on the left shows the plate with the stain and the photo on the right show the plate with the banding pattern after →

Religious freedom and the us constitution

Constitution, the First Amendment reads " Congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances" How does this affect →

The evolution of urban society in mesopotamia

These are fundamental questions that are attempted to be answered in studies of the ' urban revolution', which is defined as " emergence of urban life and the concomitant transformation of human settlements from simple agrarian-based systems to complex and hierarchical systems of manufacturing and trade". First of all, the growth and density of a →

Modern olympics

Based on the documents, many competitors established love for their own sport and loved competing against others from around the world, as well as all of the benefits or what happened because of the new profound Olympics, and the economic situations that some countries faced due to the Olympics. Japan hosted the Olympic Games in →

Cause and effect

After the first week, Andrew began referring Jim to friends who needed the services of a contractor because of the apparent workmanship of the job and the fact that his project was moving at an excellent pace. Jim had an endless onslaught of excuses for the delays, but because Zhanna and Andrew knew that Jim →

Final ethnography paper assignment

On the trip back into the US I noticed the reoccurring rend of American clothes brands among the families both coming in and out of the US. From the language to the food, the culture near the border seemed intensified.

Name lab time/date

Name five accessory eye structures that contribute to the formation of tears and/or aid in lubrication of the eyeball, and then name the major secretory product of each. The flow of aqueous humor from the ciliary processes of the ciliary body to the scleral venous sinus.7.

Look in the searchers

The mise-en-scene in the first flashback sets the tone for the remainder of he scenes featuring Look, establishing a racial hierarchy and foreshadowing the power structure in Marty and Looks relationship. The response of the film's characters to Marty and Looks marriage encourages the audience to view the situation in a comical light.

The policy in india law medical essay

Now, an abortion can be carried out if the practitioner is of the opinion, that formed " in good faith" that the continuance of the pregnancy would be involve risk to the life of the pregnant woman or injury to the mental or physical health of the pregnant woman, greater than if the pregnancy were →

Social power in hedda gabler

One of the central themes in Henrik Ibsen's tragic play, Hedda Gabler is the illusion of power among the social classes. Eilert Loevborg's apparent suicide is the result of Hedda's manipulation of the truth and misuse of her social power.

The act of literary representation in ‘brooklyn’

The deliberate manipulation of textual form definitively reveals the significance of people's experiences of landscape in shaping individual identity and the values of social groups. Ultimately, a culmination of compositional choices regarding textual form enables composers to convey the significance of people's interactions with landscapes both real and imagined in shaping identity and social values.

Innovative strategies of retailing tesco

Lessassy in a study making a reference of the global approaches of innovative strategies has stated that in Eastern Europe the main approach adopted was joint venture or by acquiring a majority stake in a subsidiary; and due to the lack of financial resources in the host country and lack of trained personnel there happens →

Prescription drug abuse

Retrieved December 6, 2009, from http://www.drug-addiction.com/doctor_shopping.htm 6) Prescription Drug Abuse Chart Drugs of Abuse and Related Topics NIDA. Prescription Drug Abuse: In the US and Florida.

Philippine literature critique essay

Pre-Colonial Period - Consisted of early Filipino literature passed down orally; oral pieces have a communal authorship it was difficult to trace the original author of the piece since oral literature did not focus on ownership or copyright, rather on the act of storytelling itself; - Many oral pieces became lost in the wave of →

Do the temples you have studied. bear out tomlinson’s view that there was a “lack of innovation in greek architecture?”

The temple of Zeus at Olympia for example, is one of the earliest temples to be built. The pediments of the temple showed two very legendary scenes: the pediment in the East showed the chariot race between Pelops and Oinomaos, and in the West a battle between Lapiths and Centaurs is depicted.

How far is it accurate to describe hitler as a ‘weak dictator’? essay

On the one hand, there are the Intentionalist historians who argue forcefully that 'Hitler was master in the Third Reich', while the Structuralists stress the many constraints on Hitler's power which range from his own personal inadequacies to the limits imposed upon him by the structure of the Nazi party and state. He cannot of →

Research methodologies – analysis of the definition

The reason for this is that the methods or ways he or she is using to dig out the truth are not trustworthy. To speak of the word of authority as a source of knowledge it is not at all a reliable one.

Should we aim for genetic improvement in host resistance or tolerance to infectious pathogens?

The diverse contributions to this topic: Provide an overview of the state-of-the-art understanding of resistance and tolerance in domestic livestock populations, with a focus on the application of genetic and genomic tools for host genetic improvement of either. The molecular pathways underlying host resistance and tolerance to pathogens.

The lottery by shirley jackson essay

Therefore, the primary objective of the paper is to provide in-depth analysis how Jackson represents the themes of hypocrisy, weakness of human mind, social inequality and women subordination in the short-story. For example, Peter Kosenko in his " A Reading of Shirley Jackson's ' The Lottery'" argues that " her use of friendly language among →

The importance of the holy spirit theology religion

Consequently, there is no specific name that is assigned to the Holy Spirit sing Biblical cognition, but the Holy Spirit is inseparable to the God the Father and the Son hence, in unison with Holy three. These comprise; the Holy Ghost, Sprit of Truth, The Spirit of The LORD, The Spirit of Christ, The Comforter →