5 Pages Essay Samples

Tourism industry of ukraine

The country itself has bountiful natural assets with the Carpathians in the west and the steppes to the east; fulfilling a panoramic delight of land, sea and river. The President declared 2008 to be the Year of Tourism and Resorts promising financial assistance and to promote the implementation of key policies for the development of →

Assignment: operations research and linear programming assignment

The effective use and application requires, as a first step, the mathematical formulation of an LP model, when the problem is presented in words. What is the difference between a feasible solution, a basic feasible solution, and an optimal solution of a linear programming problem?

My career plan essay

So, I said to myself that I will study hard and get good grades and finish my studies to have a successful career in the future so they I can repay all their hard work for me and they can be proud of me. I had found a Job that is suitable for me, I →

Strawberries to withered flowers: shakespeare’s use of garden imagery to define a king

In The Life of Henry V and The Tragedy of King Richard II, Shakespeare uses garden imagery to reveal whether each king is keeping the State in order or not. The " world's best garden" is a symbol of the great kingdom that Henry has now created: the blossoming and orderly garden imagery that reveals →

Nursing cultural dilemma

It is stated in the International Council of Nursing specifies on its code of ethics for nurses that: " Nurses have four fundamental responsibilities: to promote health, to prevent illness, to restore health and to alleviate suffering. Inherent in nursing is respect for human rights, including cultural rights, the right to life and choice, to →

Arguments for vitro human embryo research

The importance of the research conducted using the 14-day rule can be observed in the new research which is consistently being published. A current argument suggests that studying the development of in vitro human embryos is unnecessary.

The myth of the relationship between scent and attractiveness

While the importance of the sense of smell in social interactions and behavior of animals is well known, olfaction has often been thought to be of minor relevance to primates in general and humans in particular. For example, the male college students in a study by Cann and Ross had to rate a series of →

Attachment styles and romantic relationship outcomes psychology essay

These major attachment styles leads to the different timing of the first sexual intercourse which later shows links to relationship satisfaction, quality of romantic relationships, union formation and the number of romantic partners. From this evidence attachment of individuals with their parents explains the results in which romantic relationships are created and built and timing →

Determination of riboflavin by using uv-vis essay

Vitamin B2 is really of import to the organic structure cause it is involved in the critical metabolic procedures in the human organic structure.and it is necessary for the organic structure growing.besides can move as antioxidant in order to forestall the free group that can lend to the malignant neoplastic disease. The deficiency of the →

The sartre’s rules behind the concept of doing the right thing

Sartre's belief was that people are forced in everything they do, like to choose what they will become in their life or to define themselves by their action that means: ' all that is given is that we are, not what we are'. So, as we can see our three most outstanding philosophers of the →

Medical translation: functionalist approaches

The two definitions point to the two different ways translation is explained, the first as being the product produced by the translator and the second as the actual process of translation. The starting point for any translation is therefore not the linguistic surface structure of the ST, but the purpose of the TT".

Sadat and keating

Sadat's Speech: In the light of the four year war preceding his speech which Sadat had evidently implemented, the Prime Minister of Egypt's address to the Israeli Knesset-an audience which involved not only enemy politician's but Israelis' who were personally involved in the war- was indeed one of the most challenging and influential speeches in →

Market unravelling essay

We need a function to show the expected quality of the cars, since demand is dependent upon both the price and the expected quality of the car. In the market for new cars, the actual quality of the cars is unobservable to everyone.

Narrative on culture

I will be the first to admit that I have done so more than I would care to acknowledge. Although I tended to agree with them, I decided to be nice and help this man because I was sick and tired of hearing my coworkers ridiculing him.


He is known to be the founder of the Jain community. This meant that the Jain monks would be able to realize the feeling of absolute chastity and forget about all the pleasures of material life.

Role of body adornment in rastafarian movement

Rastafarians believe that patience a virtue fostered in many cultures in the world is the key to development of dreadlocks and is a journey of the soul, mind and spirituality. It is easier to look at a crowd and point out a Rastafarian by use of the colors.

Advertising and fashion retailing project report assignment

Fashion forecasting is the prediction of mood, behavior and buying habits of the consumer. We are well aware of the fact that if we need aloud on to fashion role s a pioneer and want to enhance its brand image, fashion has to continue to innovate.

Consultation and advocacy essay sample

Both advocacy and consultation encourages counselors to act outside of the counselor/client interaction The two may overlap by using basic counseling skills, problem-solving skills, by acting on behalf of the clients, and contextualizing client or student issues as a practice for both. As a consultant, the counselor would talk to her parents and the school →

Editorial: biomass modification, characterization, and process monitoring analytics to support biofuel and biomaterial production

These challenges include: the rapid quantification of plant cell wall chemistry, enabling yields of potential monomeric sugars to be assessed, identification of plants possessing ideal trait that can be brought to the forefront of research efforts; once the native plant chemistry is known, how can yields be improved by chemically or genetically altering plant cell →

Editorial: fibrinolysis in immunity

Based on continuously expanding experimental evidence, Renne and Stavrou elaborate a convincing concept for the engagement of FXII in the propagation of infections and in the control of immune cell behavior. The relationship between fibrinolysis and inflammation is addressed in a review article by Mukhopadhyay et al, where these authors have considered this in the →

Modern art & its movements

At the beginning of the 20th-century, art was always represented by images, yet it was in the 19th-century with the rise of technology and the impact it had, resulting in the blast of modernism. In the end, what they may be saying is that the golden age of the classical past and utopian age of →

Hemoglobinopathy for malaria protection

Abnormal haemoglobin synthesis is usually a result of genetic defects, caused by amino acid substitutions in the or chains of the haemoglobin molecule. The protection revolves around the red blood cell which is central to the life cycle of the malaria parasite.

It hunter for the openings in the

It is not merely the educated man that ardently looks up the columns of a newspaper, the business man for the rapidly changing market conditions, the job hunter for the openings in the ' wanted' columns and so on. The aim of a good newspaper should be to present the truth and nothing but the →

A out, think about it, etc. the

A critical review of the content of the Maharashtra State Board science text book of 7th grade using Dale's Cone theory and how can the curriculum can be improved. The purpose of the textbook is said to Understand and explain to others.

Finance and accounting

Finance and Accounting The different environments of accounting in government and the private sector cause the differences in the reporting between the government and the private sector. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons, 2007.

Consumerism in the 1950’s

In Roland Marchand's " Visions of Classlessness" and Kelly Schrum's " Making the American Girl", the authors discuss the factors such as, effects of television, mass consumption, and increased income, which led to this new markets and some of the problems that came from it. Radio, newspapers and television, " an even more powerful agent →

Research in motion – managing explosive growth essay

This ratio shows RIM is not utilizing its explosive growth to proportionately improve its technological innovations, which are the main sways of the mobile communication industry in which it is doing its business. And hence R; D is the heart and soul of RIM.

Legal and ethical issues of discrimination

Furthermore, discrimination in the workplace is disruptive and harmful to the effects on business operations and its culture, whether in the present or the past. It has helped but the effort to increase the number of minorities in upper management and leadership roles in educational institutions is still a struggle and needs to continue.

Ode to evening assignment

The Journey of the Pilgrim into the world of Evening: After the sunset, at " twilight," the world is not yet attuned to Eve's mood. Ode to Evening is one of the masterpieces of Collins.

A horse and two goat literary criticism

There are two literary theories applied in this short story, the gender theory focusing on feminism and also the social theory which focuses on the social status and conflicts in two different languages and values between two societies. Only he must be careful not to argue and irritate her." In this short story as well, →

Alexander the great essay 9

After the assassination of his father he obtained the throne in 336 B.C.E.and leader of the League of Corinth. The scholars are right, Alexander truly is a legend for he was the finest battlefield commander of the ancient world and remade the map of the ancient world.

Pros and cons of wireless headphones

In the early 2000s, Steve Jobs understood the success of the iPod by noticing the number of white headphones on the street, as reported in his biography. The white sons of headphones are gradually disappearing in favor of a new generation of headphones, wireless this time.

Sadness in hills like white elephants novel

For example, the nature of the relationship the American man and the young girl shared, the operation they were talking about, and the decisions they were trying to make. Also, that she was not even married to the American.

The economic problems faced by hindustan unilever limited

The popularity of the HUL's brand and the reach it possess drives the local manufactures to imitate the products leading some to produce even the fake products. Leverage and proliferation of brand portfolio: Leveraging and proliferation of brand portfolio by introducing new brands will help the company to compete with the spurious products and competitors →

Services simulation report

Based on the simulation, I think profitability is influenced by numerous factors, from the enthusiasm and dedication of the work force to achieve organizational goals and objectives as well as their knowledge, skills, and competencies in delivering their roles and responsibilities toward the organization, the proper allocation of resources in order to secure the primary →

Erikson’s psychosocial development

During this time, the child's ego develops trust and the central figure in his universe is his mother. His escape is just the start of a series of antics that toddlers have to do in order to stop the designs of an evil scientist.

Frontiers in respiratory physiology – grand challenge

Advances in molecular and genomic research have led to broadening our understanding of the cellular mechanisms of the respiratory system and body homeostasis. The mission of this journal is to bring together the divergent disciplines and methodologies examining respiratory physiology in a forum that will lead to an integrated understanding of the respiratory system.

The true story of mrs. witch

I know everyone on this earth and you should know one thing, when you have known the same people for as long as I have, you would soon aspire that you were a witch, because it might make things more fascinating. Witch, they were not fibbing about the gingerbread house, were they?" You silly man, →

A perspective at owl creek bridge

To elaborate, Bierce implements a third-person limited perspective allowing the reader to not only inspect the emotions and thoughts of Peyton Farquhar, but to also give the readers the ability understand how Peyton's consciousness is split between the situation of his reality, and the situation he is experiencing in his mind. In continuation, Bierce uses →

What according to socrates is a just city essay sample

Socrates and Glaucon find that the people in the metropolis who exhibit this brave behaviour are the defenders of the metropolis. The category system is based upon the cognition of the signifiers.therefore the philosopher male monarchs and the defenders supply wisdom.

The effects and causes of unemployment

The causes of unemployment include increased population, rapid technological change, lack of education or skills and rising cost lead to financial, social and psychological problems. The various effects of unemployment include financial, social and psychological problems.

Ali case analysis

To financial ratio analysis, the group also looked at trends and news in the real estate industry which could affect the position of ALI in near-term and the long-term, including how it is perceived to fair versus its competitors in the succeeding years. The group also conducted a technical analysis of the share's performance in →

Editorial: celiac disease

Popp and Maki outline the key changes in the epidemiology of CD and illustrate the likely environmental and other factors that may have derived these changes. In another aspect of the pathogenesis of CD, Torsten and Aaron review the potential impact of microbial transglutaminase.

Meaning of political theory

The role of political theory is to analyze the political concepts, understand and criticize them through the use of the four tools: concepts, models, theories and paradigms. The objective of political theory is also to train citizens to think rationally about political questions and assess correctly the political events of their time.

What drives you up the wall? – strikes on transport

In addition to this the Transport Industry is too important to the society to be having a wage negotiation, when there are many well being who have places to go and people to see. To conclude I think that there should only be strikes if necessary not for things that are unnecessary or unbeneficial and →

Understanding the definition of holy books religion essay

The Torah of Moses, the Psalms of David, the Gospel of Jesus and the Koran of Mohammad, they are magnificent holy books, pure truth, with matchless value, which come from the one and the same source. We should recite them over and over to fix them in our scattered heart firmly it means to recite →

Clinical leadership in mental health

This document discusses the concern and the purpose of addressing relational aspects of the supervisory-supervisee as it relates to the importance of diversity in an organization. The best plan of action for evaluation issues based on multicultural issues based on the assessment on how well the assessment reveals the gap that may exist in an →

Skoda case study

The new Skoda Rapid for 2012 To improve its performance in the competitive car market, Skoda UK's management needed to assess its brand positioning. The outcome of the SWOT analysis was a strategy for effective competition in the car industry, and allowed Skoda UK to successfully change customer perceptions of Skoda cars and the Skoda →

Sodium chloride an important compound

Moreover, it is also found in the ancient bedrock all over the planet in the form of thick layers in places where water bodies used to exist in the form of salt lakes and seas, all of which have evaporated millions of years ago. It is also used for glazing pottery and the early manufacture →

Rank and yank essay

The most scrutinized of the different forms is a type of ranking format known as forced-ranking or ' rank and yank.' A closer look into the history of the ' rank and yank' system will be provided along with detailed information of the how it works. Opinions and views will be shared so as to →

Teaching factoring while utalizing the four families of teaching models assignment

During this class time the students will be responsible for completing the missing parts of the appropriate pages in the workbooks. Students will be questioned about the process of factoring polynomials during this time.

Reality appeared that adolescent girls seriously concern about

Realitytelevision shows based on surgical transformations, such as " The Swan" and " ExtremeMakeover", were not the first public spectacles to offer women the ability tocompete for the chance to be beautiful. But the unattractive outlook is not the coreanswers for the question above, it is the social media.

Proposal and problem statement

The paper " How Anion-Exchange Water Softer Works and What Is the Industrial Benefit of Separating Co from Ni?" is a wonderful example of an assignment on formal science and physical science.1. What is the role of the sulfonic acid groups attached to the polymer and resin.

Folic acid food fortification is associated with a decline in neuroblastoma

Adequate levels of folic acid at the time of conception and in the initial stages of pregnancy have been shown to reduce the incidence of babies developing neural tube defects like neuroblastoma and spinal bifida. The fact that the ingestion of 400 g of folic acid alone per day resulted in a reduction in risk →

Friendship: how the death of a soulmate affect gilgamesh

However, Enkidu passes away and his death brings sorrow and loss to Gilgamesh, but also becomes the motivation for Gilgamesh to become a better person and teaches the king life lessons about the importance of friendship and death. Because of Enkidu, he is motivated to find the key to immortality and bring it to his →

Extended marketing mix of convenience store assignment

Management of different stores decided to terminate a full strategic plan in order them to stand still in the succeeding years as the competition of convenience stores become tighter. According to Smith the Southland Ice Company is credited with the birth of the convenience stores in May 1927 on the corner of 12th and Edgefield →

Undercover policing in america essay

Undercover Policing First off to define being undercover is disguising one's own identity or using an assumed identity for the purposes of gaining the trust of an individual or organization to learn secret information or to gain the trust of targeted individuals in order to gain information or evidence. In many cases surveillance plays a →

Editorial: relevance of steroid biosynthesis, metabolism and transport in pathophysiology and drug discovery

The detailed review by Konings et al.focuses on steroidogenesis in ovaries and peripheral tissues, and describes the actions of steroid hormones in the endometrium, gastrointestinal tract, bone, lungs, central nervous system, adipose tissue, and immune system, and their associations with disease. The mini review by Grube et al.discusses the published data on the ABC and →

The ugly in sandra cisneros’ “bien pretty”

It seems that Lupe is most attracted to Flavio's self-confidence, and the more she watches him, the closer she gets to doubting herself. This passage implies that she has become critical of the way she mines the ancient past in an attempt to own her identity.

Research on the legend of king arthur

In order to understand this piece of writing deeply, first we will get to know some biography of King Arthur, also some of the reflection of the Legend that reflects on the medieval life, and at last the conclusion of this writing. After King Uther died because of the poison, King Uther asked Merlin the →

Grand challenges in nutrition

Owing to the significance of food and nutrition, the world is facing a continued set of challenges and Frontiers in Nutrition is determined to address all of them. Frontiers in Nutrition will address the need for science that is asking the right questions in a vast and complex network of open issues around nutrition.

Disabled, does it matter and suicide in the trenches

But Owen soon reminds us that he will never feel how ' slim girls wastes are' because they see him and take pity on him now.' All of them touch him like some queer disease'I think this lines shows that they do not really want anything to do with him now that he is disabled →

The self-regulation of neurotransmitter release

The recent work of Francisco De-Miguel, Citlali Trueta and colleagues has given important contributions on the understanding of 5-HT secretion at Retzius cells that occurs both at the site of synaptic targets and from the soma. The Retzius cells in the leech: a review of their properties and synaptic connections.Comp.

The benefits of space exploration for the safety

One can say that the benefits resulted from space exploration can better ensure the safety and wellness of individuals, and to the well-being and survival of mankind, as there are useful spin-off technologies, sophisticated satellite technologies, and advanced space traveling technologies that can save human lives. The continuation of space exploration will lead the way →

Noise pollution assignment

Noise is one of the environmental attributes, on which the likely impacts due to the proposed activity need to study. D The likely activities that generate noise from the proposed activity are to be identified The typical sound levels of the noise generating sources are to be assessed either from literature or from a similar →

Strategic planning and financial analysis ratios

The steps involve the services of a financial planner who will advice appropriately according to the financial position of the company after carrying out a thorough assessment of company records and give recommendations to be put into action as well as monitor on the progress of the recommendations towards the goals. Horizontal analysis in the →

Mrs. bland is anything but

She must believe she and her actions are on the tip of the tongue of social will and she pushes Gerald and her intentions to accomplish such a belief. Bland is so wrapped up in social wants, she seems not to be a feeling human, but a reflective mirror of ancient values and mythical tenets."' →

Example of understanding disability in the city report

The United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities estimates the world population of people with disability to be approximately 10% of the world population. The paper also addresses the values that determine the urban environment for people with handicaps and the possible barriers to their mobility in the urban environment.

The a transaction to be regarded as

A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, offences, under Sections 352 and 323 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, offences under Sections 317 and 304 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.

The monkey’s paw by w. w. jacobs

The Monkey's Paw Introduction " The Monkey's Paw" is a short story by W.W. White to dump the monkey's paw, his intentions of bringing the paw to the family are unclear.

Informative speech about k-pop essay

Then, what's the different about K-pop fans and no K-pop fans and also some information about K-pop world. For example, when a K-pop idol uses a brand new fashion, the fans will follow their idol's style and it will become a new trend.

The term technology

The preventive measure is a policy on the procedures to be applied to external and internal users of an organization's technology. All employees are assumed to be following the rules and regulations of the company and are then responsible for any acts of carelessness.

Criminal procedure

The decision of the jury is based on the provision of the law as explained by the judges. In other words, the prosecutor has the daunting task of proving the suspected individual is indeed guilty of the crime and if they fail to prove the guilt of the suspect, then he/she will be acquitted.

Final assignment

Walter has been seen to have breached the codex principles of dignity, transparency and fairness through workplace and sex discrimination; informal forms of promotion and wage differentiation between male and female employees. Walter's' management had focused on the demands and stress of the available position in order to create incentives for woman to remain in →

Editorial: sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: bio-markers, mechanisms, risk identification and prevention

Editorial on the Research Topic Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy: Bio-markers, Mechanisms, Risk Identification and Prevention Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy is a common cause of epilepsy-related mortality, with an incidence of 1. In a mouse model of Dravet syndrome with high mortality, Teran et al.observed that SUDEP rates and seizure frequency were higher in →

B2b business communication comm

Analyze The message is very clear, " Find out which financial services cater to businesses, like yours." The messages purpose is to make a business to business connection on a personal level, to pull in the small business owners and cater to their needs. This was advertised on a website, and then it would appear →

School counselor analysis

This is the analysis type that provides the nature of the tasks done on the job. Have a conference or meeting with the staff, parents, or child about the progress he or she is making and say hat kind of material is needed for the betterment of the child'slearning experience.

Joseph stalin genocide

According to the witness who served in An Dun, North Korea, from December 1952 through February 1954 the pilot was sent to Moscow the day after the forcedown, 'because Stalin wanted to speak with him.' The witness said that the pilot was interrogated by his commander, Colonel Ivan Nikolayevich Kozhedub. The first gulag was built →

Introduction estranged nature of its political parties

The overall distance is considerable as such the import and export of materials to and from the U.S.going to Thailand and back entails considerable cost on the part of the sending company. Most of Thailand's production is concentrated in the agricultural and manufacturing industry as such human capital is the most used resource in Thailand →

Strength and limitation of bandura essay

In the Epic Gilgamesh, the concept of life and death is explored, and is drastically changed on Gilgamesh's part, as he encounters the only immortal man Utnapishtam. He further describes a gathering of the god's to applaud his service to the world, resulting in his granted immortality.

The labour government in 1960-1970

' The record of Labour governments in the years 1964 and 1979 was one of continuousfailure.' Asses the validity of this view. The Wilson and Callaghan government tried to control inflation by issuing a policy of wage restraint.

Information technology in radiology

When dealing with the IT department and the radiology department, both areas tend to compete as to who is better prepared to handle the monitoring and tracking of information through the PACS server. In conclusion, IT and Radiology are two major components of healthcare that undeniably require the use of one another.

Sat’s: the industry of education

The ability to take this one test does not demonstrate one's ability to do anything else, and that is why it is not but a riddle of senselessness. Welcome to the education industry, where " SAT Test Taking" is a class of its own, and the teachers are merry and happy to help...inevitably at a →

How many neural oscillators we need on sub- and supra-second intervals processing in the primate brain

A commentary on Processing of sub- and supra-second intervals in the primate brain results from the calibration of neuronal oscillators via sensory, motor, and feedback processes.by Gupta, D.S. Time perception and temporal processing levels of the brain.

Metropolis: god from the machine

In the narrative, the peoples of the world come together after the Flood and construct a tower with the aims of uniting humanity and reaching God. Maria, likewise, preaches the need for a messiah in Metropolis, and later describes Freder's compassion and unique position in helping to ameliorate the social condition of the workers in →

Substance abuse in the nursing profession

One of the most important roles of a registered nurse is to assure the patient is getting the safest and most appropriate care possible. There is also a legal and moral responsibility of all nurses to report suspicions of abuse because the number one role of the nurse when dealing with an impaired colleague is →

Importance of cad in civil engineering

This helps by making the site layout problems more comprehensible and easier to read for the engineers and associates of the engineers. A lot of the simple calculations a civil engineer had to do while and drawing, computer aided drafting could do in a matter of seconds with the push of a button.

Culture of poverty ideology

It has been said that " Povertyis functional to society today", the extent to which this is true have been explore by theorists of the cultural, Marxist, and functional perspectives and can be examined SSI Eng countries of the Caribbean such as Trinidad and Tobago. Lewis concluded his concept y suggesting that the culture of →

Immaturity in the epic of gilgamesh: a critique of the protagonist

In the case of The Epic of Gilgamesh, the spoiled child is the King of Uruk, Gilgamesh, and it is his subjects who must bear the burden and suffer painfully under their king's tyranny. Contrary to the text's implication, Gilgamesh's invasion of the Forest of Cedar is not a powerful display of ambition or a →

Free essay on realist and can see right through blanche. he eventually confronts her, destroying

In a Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche DuBois is a conflicted character who lives in a fantasy world to avoid the ugliness of her life. At the end, when she he is committed to an insane asylum, her character and story come into focus, and she is recognized for what she is: a dishonest alcoholic schizophrenic →

Law and healthcare

In a typical physician-patient relationship, the physician usually agrees to diagnose and treat the patient according to the standards of accepting medical practice and to continue doing so until the termination of treatment. The better the relationship in terms of mutual respect, knowledge, trust, shared values and perspectives about disease and life, and time available, →

For eligible for the job. (c) application

The old practice of entrusting the task of selection to the foreman or some other official who is not well versed in the techniques of scientific vocational selection is now being gradually replaced by a more efficient system of selection by a central employment department. The next step will be for the employment department to →

How ‘psycho’ alfred hitchcock engage and retain

You then see the shower room and it is completely white. You then have an extreme close up of Marion's eye and the music slowly drifts away.

Design for social good

Moreover, the reason of why I pick the I-pod is, It was one of the well designed AMP player in the world and has massively affected in contemporary human life, furthermore, the assessment of design of it was so many. The reason of why the Apple made the I-pod is as in the following, " →


The move to XcelleNet's RemoteWare was part of a whole system upgrade for Goldsmiths." Roll-out of RemoteWare was the easiest part of the transformation in fact it proved almost trivial in comparison to the rest of the network! Previously we had to set the stores into a polling ' mode' whereas with RemoteWare it is →

Editorial: organic rankine cycle for efficiency improvement of industrial processes and urban systems

Editorial on the Research Topic Organic Rankine Cycle for Efficiency Improvement of Industrial Processes and Urban Systems The organic Rankine cycle is a particularly promising and mature technology for the utilization of low- and medium-grade thermal sources such as solar, geothermal, or waste heat from industrial processes and internal combustion engines. In terms of working →