4 Pages Essay Samples

Napster, fighting for survival 20162

Napster is among the many programs that enables you to " share" audio files with people all over the world on the Internet. My opinion of this controversial topic is that Napster is not to blame and should not be punished for providing the public with music.

Free argumentative essay on the internet is causing folk culture to diminish

According to Hine, the emergence of sex industry on the internet is a big challenge to the social aspects of folk culture. The emergence of the new and digital culture through the internet is the biggest threat to the folk culture as argued by Blank.

The internet: a defining techn 11673

The ideas and uses of the Internet are endless at this point in time, therefore, it is a necessity that the government and corporate world gather as much insight as possible to assess all the abilities of it. Yet in the 31 years since the events that led to the creation of the Internet, this →

Internet and children

But although society has taught us that violence Is not accepted, In the essay " Violent Medla Is Good for Kids," Gerard Jones tries to convince people, especially the kids' parents, that violent media Is good or furthermore, It Is essential for the development of children. Jones tries to prove that violent media can help →

A brief history of the internet origins

The Department of Defense in 1969 commissioned ARPANET, and the first node was created at the University of California in Los Angeles, running on a Honeywell DDP-516 mini-computer. On November 1, 1969, the third node was located at the University of California, Santa Barbara and the fourth was opened at the University of Utah in →

Addiction among youth today

The accessibility of the drugs and the curiosity and experimentation of the person are high risk factors that can result in a drug addiction among teenagers. In short, the cause of using drugs can have a great effect on the person and in the society.

Use of technology in the classroom argumentative essay examples

Thus the students of all faculties and ages need to incorporate the use of technology and the learning of skills and tools. With the use of technology in classrooms, students are not limited to the information in their textbooks.

Basic concepts of integrating internet into car buying activity

The objective of this report is to introduce car consumers to the basic concepts of buying the care online and educating about important issues on the same. 1 Various Car Categories All the 3 websites have all the brands of car marketed in India starting from Audio to Volvo including premium and standard cars for →

Friction baby thesis sample

While the article already contains a considerable amount of content, namely the sections on the article lead, Track listing, and Personnel, the content in each section is not rich and comprehensive enough to meet Wikipedia's criteria. Although not a featured article, the article for the album Whitney ) had a much richer content than the →

Internet censorship 2 12425

The issue of whether is it necessary to have censorship on the Internet is being argued all over the world. Censorship would damage the atmosphere of the freedom to express ideas on the Internet; therefore, government should not encourage censorship.

Designing an exchange server essay sample

What is the total cost of the server you designed? a.$1045.00 2. Yes, the domain is extremely small and with FreeDNS you can do all of this: Possible Uses: Host your own site on your own connection from home/work/school/etc Access your computer with a name instead of a numeric IP address Run your own http →

Internet piracy

Citizens, it is inadvisable for the united States government to proceed with any legislation regarding the matter without serious notice of the public opinions grading current statistics In relation to media economics, and the trending support of open media or " file sharing". In this sense, the entire matter boils down to a question of →

Advantages and disadvantages of the internet

Almost all households contain the Internet; however, before people connect to the Internet, they need to be aware of Its disadvantages and advantages. They claim to not use the Internet because they are afraid of the possible consequences or are simply not Interested.

Analysis of the text up the down staircase essay

The letter can be divided into: salutation, the body of the letter and there is no final part what means that there is no conclusion. A lot of colloquialisms indicate that the text is written in the informal style.

Automobile maintenance and auto repair shop

As a result of the situation above, the proponents aim to study the feasibility of setting up a repair shop in Barangay Bagong Kalsada. The proponents aim to provide the customers with good and affordable service without the need to go too far, thus, lessening the hassle that they encounter because of the lack of →

Solution for air pollution assignment

The solution for problems caused by automobiles can only be taken to the level of removing vehicles off the road that cause excessive pollution. Air pollution can be simply defined as " all the substances that are exhausted into the atmosphere that do not normally make up the air.

My first airplane ride and cruise vacation in cozmel

As the prerogatives of air travelling command, my husband and I reported to the Toronto airport in time with all the requisite documents to experience this feeling. In a very short time, the process of travelling was going to start and true to my expectation I was caught unawares.

“hope, hopelessness and despair”: an analysis of realism, naturalism and romanticism in their eyes were watching god

Instead, the writing style aims to accurately represent the reality of the community as well as the potential of the community. Hurston brings hope and optimism to a reality that is honest, and accurately reflects the surrounding society of her narrative world.

The millionaire next door analysis

The book is based on in-depth interviews and research of American millionaires and how they are able to stay wealthy by being frugal and not overspend. The two emphasized in the book are PAW and UAW, to be a PAW you are in the top percentile of wealth accumulation and to be a UAW, you →

How to make a paper airplane essay sample

First get a square piece of paper and fold it in half, and makemaking a crease in the paper. Thirdly, get Repeat this step with the adjacent corner on the opposite side of the crease and fold the second corner to the center crease also.

Saltaire essay essay sample

As a man of great self-earned wealth, Salt could have sold all of his mills, bought a stately home in the country away form the busyness of Bradford to retire in luxury. This also supplied the Bradford canal with water, " On the side of this stream, there are a great many factories of various →

Air pollution in kolkata assignment

Kola now accounts for more deaths due to lung cancer and heart attack than any other city in the country including the capital city of Delhi, which had the highest level before Kola overtook it. Studies show that only 1 in 6 vehicles in the city gets pollution tested; although all of the commercial and →

Assiya dair assignment

Eave to squeeze time for sleeping and relaxing in order to perform at the level demanded of me as a student athlete. Honestly, student athletes are at same position as professionals in the sense that they have to manage their studies as well as their commitments to their sport.

Analyzing: a pair of tickets essay

In this story, the theme is used in such a way where we actually see the narrative's protagonist recognize and respond to the themes call to action. This analysis will dig deeper into the undertones of the narrative and explore these questions: what is the moral of this narrative and what perspective can readers glean →

Muckrakers: differing styles in upton sinclair and eric schlosser

As a journalist, Schlosser was permitted entrance to the main facility of International Flavors & Fragrances, one of many facilities in the New Jersey industrial parks that he claims manufacture two-thirds of all the flavor additives that are sold in the United States. While he does not take the care to list them out in →

Aircraft depreciation and taxation

Swirsky & Peabody describe the various conditions that aircraft owners must be aware of while trying to deduct aircraft depreciation from their tax burdens: The IRS lists nine factors that it uses to determine the validity of a claimed profit motive: the manner in which the activity is carried on; the expertise of the taxpayer →

Turkish airlines flight

The initial cause of the failure was due to a poorly engaged latch mechanism of the DC-10's rear cargo door. The " sudden depressurization" severely damaged the floor structure of the aircraft, thus " impairing the flight controls ", which ran the length of the floor assembly.

Competence-assessment questionnaire

It is a zest that stimulate individual, provide direction to personal behavior, and underlines the tendency to persist. Therefore, it is prior for me to boost motivation in a brand new semester by setting clear and achievable study goals.

Alistair macleod’s short story “to everything there is a season” essay sample

In Alistair MacLeod's short story, " To Everything There Is a Season", the author depicts the anxieties and reservations of the narrator's transition between childhood and the adult world. The narrator of the story is troubled at his questioning on the nature of Santa Claus, as he realizes that he may be losing his childhood →

F-18 hornet essay sample

Designed by McDonnell Douglas and Northrop, the F/A-18 was derived from the latter's YF-17 in the 1970s for use by the United States Navy and Marine Corps. In November 1986, the 40th anniversary of the Navy's Blue Angels, the demonstration squadron replaced its A-4 Skyhawks with F/A-18 Hornets.

Fairwel speech

When I say BMSIT, it includes the good infrastructure, the loving teachers, we the students and the quality symbiotic interactions between the three of us. A heartfelt and sincere thanks genuinely on behalf of ECE 09 to all the teachers who have taught us.

Survey techniques and constructing questionnaires essay

The use of the questionnaire method in this study is used to its advantage due to the method's capacity of finding out the attitudes, thoughts and perceptions of a large group of people through the use of a certain percentage of their population, the sample. Simply put, the questionnaire method allows the researcher to be →

Air pollutionassignment assignment

The government should also go to the cities that have a high level of air pollution and hold inventions or meetings to inform the communities of the harm they are causing to the environment. The money that is collected from the people that break that law will be used to take care of the air →

Sammy’s motor repair shop: in the beginning essay sample

With the entry of the competitor, he is beginning to lose faith in the usefulness of a business plan. VIEWPOINT Sammy Bugarin, the owner of the motor repair shop is the one to make the decision in the required course of action to take.

The feasibility of implementing continuous decent approaches in highly congested airspace

Feasibility of Implementing Continuous Decent Approaches in Highly Congested Airspace Presented Feasibility of Implementing Continuous Decent Approaches in Highly Congested Airspace In the conventional aircraft approach towards landing, an aircraft is cleared by the air traffic Control from an attitude of between 7000 and 6000 feet to make a descend to an attitude of about →


Assessment of Ryan's launch strategy One possible reason whyRyanchose to enter the Dublin-London route is because the route was reputed to be quite lucrative for both Are Lingua and BAA. Ryan's publicized fare of only IEEE will help it to attract more passengers than both carriers given that it cost only half the fare of →

The extent of god’s fairness

From the Jewish perspective, the Rabbi suggests that a profound belief in the afterlife is central to the belief in a just God. Next, Dillard interprets the viewpoint of the Baal Shem Tov, the founder of modern Hasidism, who claims that God causes all evil events in the world, both moral and natural, and that →

The effects of immigration policies

The right to legally move to the United States is accompanied by a long process that most people do not have the patience for. Unlike many, some individuals are convinced these immigrants came to the United States to cause a huge amount of complication in the economic system.

The conflict between science and religion in matters of the creation of the world and man, and unity – in discussions about charity and humanity

The paper " The Conflict Between Science and Religion in Matters of the Creation of the World and Man, and Unity" is a thoughtful variant of a term paper on social science. Religion and science form the basis for man's view of the world.

American government

What should the US government do about health care in the US today?" According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, healthcare is a basic human right. First and foremost, the main objective of healthcare should be to promote the quality of healthcare.

Decisions within ca state assembly

Issue ' The California Supreme Court allowed law practicing license to an undocumented Immigrant.' The CA Supreme court granted a proposal submitted by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California to allow admission to an illegal immigrant to the State bar. The Committee of Bar Examiners investigated the entire issue and →

The effects of race

Both Hurston and Staples share similar and contrasting views about the effect of the color of their skin, the different ways of coping with discrimination, and the time that they realized they were different. Both Hurston and Staples realized the difference that their skin color made when they went to school; it was just at →

The life review interview

I am proud of various accomplishments like the fact that when I came to the United States I enrolled in high school and eventually graduated and started doing a part-time job to sustain myself. My kids have been a great blessing in my life and I have and still do my best even at this →

Under the gun: weapons, crime, and violence in america byjames d., and kevin c

The publisher endorses both the religious and political views that affect the objectivity of gun control mechanisms in the United States. In the case of a religious view, bishops of the United States Catholic advocated for the stronger regulations on the sale of guns and gun free society.

Vietnam veterans against the war – social protest against drug addiction, health problems and other social problems arising as a result of the american war in vietnam

They were so outraged by the injustice of the war that they formed the organization " Vietnam Veterans against the War". The Vietnam veteran's memorial was erected primarily to return the honor and respect the troops deserved despite the political reasons of the war.

Should there be any specific limitations on the powers of the president

INTRODUCTION There has been a lot of debate recently and in the past concerning the limits of presidential powers and what American legislators can do to stem abuse of power by the president. Nixon clearly violated the law and ethical standards of the office of the president of the United States by ordering domestic espionage, →

Marxist tradition

In fact, the kind of opinion on capitalism created by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels left a significant trace in current and further understanding of the world around us. In this context, the way their vision appeared and explained the challenges of Industrial Revolution led to the appearance of such concepts as ' proletariat', ' →

Divorce rate in uae

The higher family expectations raise in cases where there were arranged marriages among the parents of the couples, and once there are deviations from such expectations, the only option is to have a divorce so that each of the partners will try it elsewhere. Additionally, there is a need to create more awareness about this →

Socio-cultural, personal and psychological factors of rape

Available statistics demonstrate that an estimated 15 to 38% of women in the United States experience a sexual assault or rape during their lifetime, and that college women are more susceptible to rape and other forms of sexual assault than women in the general population due to the dynamics involved. In rape, the perpetrator seeks →

Service learning written report

Section 3 As far as the project of The Zombie Run is totally creative, I often had to invent interesting ways to scare people and decide which locations to choose to make my work interesting and fun. So I tried to organize the atmosphere of cooperation and democracy in our group.

How to fake a puffin society

The author seems to think this is a very interesting process, and seems to think that the audience will think so too. There does not seem to be any underlying arguments about politics of the environment or anything like that the author spends almost the entire time describing the process that had to be undertaken →

End of life medical issues

It is ethically significant to allow patients to end their lives in order to practice patient's autonomy, prevent painful deaths, and to promote stewardship of resources. Patients should be allowed to end their lives because they have a right to practice their autonomy.

Truth from trauma in the story of an hour by kate chopin and good country people by flannery o’connor

Even to the point where when she takes Pointer up to the hay barn she did so to enlighten him because, " True genius can get an idea across even to an inferior mind." She knows that she is smart and everyone around her is dumb and she had convinced herself she was a nihilist →

Family ties in the grapes of wrath

Steinbeck has cleverly cornered the man by utilizing a tool often implemented in Depression-era literature: the classification of the guilty rich as anonymous, thus convincing the trucker that he is " not one whom any rich bastard could kick around". The notion of a collective spirit is explored when Tom meets the former preacher, Casy.

Examination of freedom as an overall theme in adventures of huckleberry finn

The first being the attempted civilization of Huck by the Widow Douglas, and the second being Huck's desire to escape the wrath of his dangerous and abusive father. Because of his jealously of Huck, Huck's father adopts the belief that Huck is attempting to make a fool of him.

Religion is a simple concept to learn. webster’s dictionary defines religion

His religion is tested when he lies to most of the people he meets traveling down the Mississippi River, and Huckleberry's religion is tested when he decides to help Jim escape from slavery for good. As Jim and Huck travel down the Mississippi, Huck, at first, does not think much of the fact that he →

Adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain

Here Huck begins his adventure for a new life on the flow of the Mississippi River and a quest for the American Dream accompanied by Jim a now runaway slave. He preferred the simpler things in life and was not shy of causing a mess or a ruckus.

Jem and gender, calpurnia and race: challenging and defying stereotypes in to kill a mockingbird

Scout is able to defy stereotypes about her gender and change the beliefs of her aunt, while Calpurnia defies is able to defy racial stereotypes and change the lives of the African American community and Finch family. Scout, is able to change the sexist, gender-restricting beliefs of her aunt.

The great gatsby: expectations of women character, hard fate and an interesting denouement

To start, in the 1920's, a married women is not allowed to show any dominance; only obey her husband and not have a mattered opinion. Tom punches Myrtle, applying the rule that a man's responsibility is to control his wife and be the dominant in the relationship.

Silver & gold: color symbolism in the great gatsby essay

Although the color palette presented in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is rich, the problem of differing social status is most vividly described in the novel through the use of golden and silver colors that stand for wealth, success, the Golden Age, and the American Dream. When Fitzgerald tells the reader about Jay Gatsby, the use →

The exposition of the grapes of wrath

It begins on the Joad family farm as they prepare to head to California before the conditions of the dust bowl get worse. He decided to go up and surprise the family with a visit, and they told him they were going to California.

The use of name significance in their eyes were watching god

Each of her husbands, Logan Killicks, Jody Starks, and Vergible " Tea Cake" Woods, boast significant names that reflect their personalities and their treatment of Janie. In addition to the lack of adoration, they appear polar opposites and while Janie desires to get in touch with nature and find her own voice as a woman →

To kill a mockingbird: childhood experience

In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem and Scout grow and mature through experiences with Tom Robinson's trial. Jem had matured enough to know it's not right when the majority of the adults there did not and Scout just brushed it off.

Ing bi

However, some people had the power to change society which is explained by Harper Lee, through the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Once in the novel, there was a mob trying to lynch Tom Robinson, and lynching was very powerful, and difficult to stop because this was a belief of everyone's in the mob.

Choosing right over wrong

Huck Finn, in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, is faced with such temptations and situations where he is able to make the right choice and mature physically, mentally, and spiritually. This shows that Huck is developing a conscience and that he is able to recognize that what the Duke and King are →

Freedom and societal pressures in hurston’s novel

Hurston highlights the need for self-actualization and independence in order to reach a state of equality. Hurston wrote the novel in order to show women the importance of having self-actualization and independence.

Who’s afraid of boo radley?: an essay on to kill a mockingbird

Throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout's feelings and notions regarding Arthur " Boo" Radley change from her initial preconceived impression that he was a monster, to accepting Boo as a person and empathizing his perspective of the world. Now that Scout had accepted Boo Radley's existence and had seen the world from his →

To kill a mockingbird chapter questions 1-8

Chapter 2: #1 one- theteacherfound out that Scout already can read, so she make Scout promise not to read to with her father.second- the teacher found out Scout was writing a letter to Dill, the teacher stop her from writing it and told Scout that in Grade 1, you only learn printing.third- Scout was trying →

Catcher in the rye analysis book

Holden is a virgin, but he is very fascinated by sex, and, in fact, he spends much of the novel trying to lose his virginity. Holden states that he is lonely too many times to count in the book.

The lottery vs. the destructors

In The Lottery, the purpose of author Shirley Jackson is to place focus on tradition and raise the question of following it. The tradition is that the citizen who has the paper with a mark on it is selected to be stoned to death as a sacrifice for the crops to grow and the village →

Individuality and community in “the lottery” by shirley jackson

Thus, from the beginning of the video until the end, there is an enormous sense that something terrible is about to happen due to the director's effect use of foreshadowing through the picture of characters and setting. The narrator describes the day as very lovely, but strikes between the pleasant atmosphere of the town and →

Jay gatsby

After he finds out that Daisy married Tom because he was rich he figures that he needs to be rich in order to have her so he begins to become a millionaire just for Daisy. All that he though about was Daisy he basically had a one track mind and all of his parties were →

The crucible and year of wonders: comparing the dichotomy of appearance and reality

Arthur Miller's allegorical play, The Crucible, illustrates the parallels between the Salem Witch Trials and the HUAC communist crisis, highlighting the injustice of McCarthyism. This displays the uneasiness of the community and how their fear blurs the line between appearance and reality.

The adventures of huckleberry finn: synthesis & conclusion

The book brilliantly starts ethical and cultural conversations, but in order to understand the deep meaning of the book, one must have great literary skills. Most high school students do not possess the ability to dissect and to comprehend the complex literary content of Twains novel.

“personally, i disagree with their ideas”

An important element in the story is the cause of her worsening condition; the narrator attributes it to the way her husband and brother stifle her and prohibit her from writing and having stimulating friends visit. In the middle of the story, the narrator's physical health begins to improve and her husband is happy at →

Abigail should be regarded as a victims of the puritan society

In the play The Crucible written by Arthur Miller, Abigail Williams is a controversial villain because she is both a typical instigator of the accusations and a victim of the Puritan society at the same time. Furthermore, Abigail is a victim in the love affair because she loses her reputation and gets nothing in the →

Analysis of comparing “the lottery” and “the most dangerous game”

Analysis of Comparing " The Lottery" and " The Most Dangerous Game" In comparing and contrasting Shirley Jackson's " The Lottery" and Richard Connell's " The Most Dangerous Game" at a view they appear to talk about two different subjects." The Lottery" focuses on tradition, while " The Most Dangerous Game" focuses on hunting. The →

How lowry develops the theme of emotion (888 words)

By depicting a community in which emotions are not a part of life, Lowry shows the importance of emotion in helping people fully appreciate life, individualizing them and empowering them to do amazing things. This aspect of emotion is severely restricted in the Giver community due to the choices all being made for the people →

Today’s society in the great gatsby

Both The Great Gatsby and today society are flawed in racism and that the rich are the only people that matter. Not only is this a problem for the parents but the kids are going to have a very hard time being accepted because they are mixed.

A literary analysis of “the celebrated jumping frog of calaveras county”

Twain is most well-known for his stories, " The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin" and " The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" although, his short story " The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" was the story that gave him his big break and got his name on the map. Regardless of how short the story was, →

Honesty is still the best policy in the crucible, a play by arthur miller

In the play, The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, there is a story about a town in Massachusetts called Salem during the era of the Witch Trials in the 1600s, where there are many characters that spiral out of control because of one lie that continues to grow. According to The Crucible, and many of →

Sarai avila

Many and the majority of those who are opposed to it being taught in schools believe it is wrong to teach it because of the so constant use of the word " nigger". I have told you the worst; the rest is not so bad." Huck learns that honesty is something that a person should →

Analysis: to kill a mockingbird

Atticus deserves the Lion o' Courage award because of the physical and emotional strength that he showed in the book. He knew that if he did not, people would be in danger of getting bitten by the mad dog, It took a lot of guts because it was really risky, if he missed and the →

Huckleberry finn as a picaresque hero

Other examples of how he meets the criteria of a picaresque character is that he uses his own common sense while on his adventure, displays numerous dishonest actions, and by the conclusion of the story it is obvious that he has experienced few psychological changes. Another portrayal of the way Huck uses his wit is →

Charlotte gilman through the yellow wallpaper illustrates

By analyzing different themes in " The Yellow Wallpaper," it's evident the characters surrounding the narrator aided in her creating a second self to satisfy her desolation and wish to regain power over her life. The narrator is going through a challenging time in her life, and she is seeking a method of solace.

Huck in the adventures of huckleberry finn

This article explores the character Huck and analyses his portrayal in the book in regards to the development of his character and the interaction that is observed between his character and other characters in the book. As the character of Huck continues to develop, the character and the role of Huck in the book becomes →

Nature’s role in their eyes were watching god

The devastation of nature, shown in Hurston's colorful imagery of the hurricane, greatly enhances the characters' perception of God, the creator of the world. The imagery in this scene not only personifies nature and the storm, but immediately draws attention to the importance of the title within the characters Janie and Tea Cake.

Camaraderie: choosing a person’s destiny

Starkly contrasting George and Lennie's relationship in Of Mice and Men to Tom and Jim Casy's in The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck unquestionably shows that camaraderie decides an individual's fate. Obviously, Tom's camaraderie with Casy transforms Tom for the better; however, in Of Mice and Men, George virtually crushes Lennie's free will, making Lennie completely →

Old money and new money in “the great gatsby”

In the novel, Gatsby represents new money, where he is seen as inferior due to the fact that he was not born rich and has had a recent taste of a wealthy lifestyle. Despite the contrast that is given between both socioeconomic groups, Fitzgerald uses the characters of Gatsby and Daisy to illustrate the overall →


Atticus tries to lead his children in the right direction and to understand what he does and why he does it." I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. Bob Ewell, who is the witness for the victim →

Getting lost along the way

He experiences a change of heart that affects the rest of his life. He lives the rest of his life in a stupor of bitterness and uncertainty.

How does lee make atticus finch a heroic figure in ‘to kill a mockingbird?’

Atticus is assigned to represent the role of responsibility, he's a single parent to two kids and shows mortality and reason in low even handed and fair minded he treats his kids like adults which is unique and he does not need to rethink the role of himself unlike others and he has a stern →

Daniela castro

Themes: The Coexistence of Good and Evil The most important theme is how the book's explores of the moral nature of human beings. The Finches are at the top of social hierarchy, due to Atticus and his profession but he is different from everyone and has a different outlook than most.

To kill a mockingbird racism and scottsboro boys

Despite the differences between the Scottsboro Boys and To Kill a Mockingbird, both of them had an impact on the racial implications and laws of the south. The discrimination between African Americans and white men was the reason why the Scottsboro Trials and the trial in To Kill a Mocking happened.

Analysis of “great gatsby”

The only flaw in that mindset was that the woman, Daisy, was married. He was so blinded by love to a point that he wouldtrade his life in to catch a glimpse of her, even if it were just for a moment.