4 Pages Essay Samples

Things fall apart and distinctive world

Harry Lavender the antagonist of this novel is a man of strong power who is metaphorically illustrated to be the heart, the veins, and the blood of Sydney. The distinctive voice of this novel is the character Okonkwo, the society he lives in reins his thoughts and actions.

Language as a bridge to understanding in things fall apart, a novel by chinua achebe

The author is largely successful in developing a blend between the English language and the culture of the Ibo people. One example of this can be found in almost every chapter with the breaking of kola nuts, the fruit of kola trees found in African rainforests, as a ritualistic metaphor and common practice of the →

Vianne vitug

It was the fear of himself, lest he should be found to resemble his father." He had a strong drive to not become like his father, Unoka. In the end, it was Okonkwo himself that destroyed his own life because of what he strived to become.

Good argumentative essay on mary shelley’s frankenstein

Through her essay, Frankenstein' a cautionary tale of bad parenting" and despite the use of limited out references, Susan Coulter manages to accurately bring to light the fact that an underlying subject in Shelley's novel is the inability of human beings to be good parents. Coulter is apparently attempting to add substance to the notion →

Analysis “the things they carried” by tim o’brien

Every aspects of her creates a strong comparison to the war, all of her wonderful traits are differing her from the war either on her looks, mood, or personality, while her personality typically reveals her innocence and naive. She starts to become realistic, that she starts to worry about the dangerous of the war while →

The outsiders’ still matters 50 years later

In Ponyboy's role as the narrator and main character in the story, he talks about the expectations of Greasers being violent delinquents, which sways his internal expectations, giving him labels he thinks he has to live by. This means that after he saved the children from the burning church and the headline in the newspaper →

Features: a civil action novel

By the latter part of the 1960's to 1980's, A Civil Action, elaborates the real circumstances of negligence in and outside the courtroom. The novel describes the procedure about how lawyers deal with these clients through the legal process about such a tragic event due to the negligence of the two companies in the late →

A book review sans spoilers: never let me go

Thus, under the conditions of biopolitics, the arenas of the political are not limited to the places of institutionalized politics in parliaments, governments or in the political public. The students of Hailsham did not only have to follow the rules of politics but rules that are set in every sphere of their life.

Free essay on comparison between the film and the book frankenstein

In addition to this, the monster's appearance is very different in the movie, compared to how he is described in the book. There is another difference in the plot of the movie and the film.

Exterminate the brutes

Walter Allen believes that, " The Heart of Darkness of the title is at once the heart of Africa, the heart of evil- everything that is nihilistic corrupt and malign and perhaps the heart of man" According to Conrad himself, the story of " heart of darkness" is about the " criminality of inefficiency and →

Boarders without borders: exercising authority wherever they go

The three boarders are a representation of the harsh world outside of Gregor's apartment, where uselessness is not tolerated and where the people with power need to suppress the weak in order to establish authority. The trash piled up in Gregor's room is symbolic of the people that society casts aside because they serve no →

Review of stephen king’s detective mystery mr. mercedes

Hodges also returns to the people he previously interviewed while on the force, including the sister of the late owner of the stolen Mercedes, whose gumption and spunk ensnare his mind and ultimately his heart. Thanks to Holly's odd brand of genius, Hodges and Jerome are able to scour the killer's computer and discover his →

Hunger games

In the novel, The Hunger Games, author Suzanne Collins using the conventions of dystopian literature, creates a world in which inhuman societal control and the image of a perfect society is maintained through corporate bureaucratic control. Collins adheres to dystopian literature in this novel and through Katniss Everdeen, seeks to fulfill her purpose of making →

As we can see “ulysses” is the way to try to understand mankind. essay

The stream of consciousness in fiction is an extreme form of the inner monologue, which makes and imitates immediate transmission of the chaotic process of a person's inner speech. The most vibrant representer of such a style in the literature of the twentieth century is James Joyce.

My ideas on africa

In the novel, Things Fall Apart the narrator describes a celebration called the New Yam Festival." The Feast of the New Yam Festival" was an " occasion for giving thanks to Ani.the goddess of fertility." " Ani played a greater part in the life of the people than any other deity" During the New Yam →

War, religion and dance in blood meridian

This is where the theme of war plays a role in the novel. Blood Meridian is a tragic procession of bloody violent acts, from barroom brawls to great and terrible massacres on the plains; even the landscapes of the novel is indifferent forming traverse of life in them.

The analysis of stokers dracula as an epistolary novel essay examples

In his iconic novel Dracula, Bram Stoker moves away from the traditionally accepted notion of an ordinary narrative, and in an effort to obscure the narrator's own voice, resorts to a technique referred to as an epistolary narrative, where the plot is unfolded before the reader in a succession of personal letters exchanged between characters, →

Book review on brave new world

This factsheet discusses widely on the use of Soma and the legalization of drugs in the book ' Brave New World ' as one technology mentioned above which are contributing to the society change. As discussed in the book, the use of soma drugs in the novel as emerging technology relates to social issues in →

Chinua achebe’s novel things fall apart set in the 1890s depicts the

A key aspect which would predominantly contrast to the readers would be the insight of language along with the subsequent perception of the narrative. In favour of the colonized, the language inside the novel would highlight that Africa exists as not a ' primordial' and still area.

Captain brierly and jim: long lost brothers?

Brierly himself is a highly respected and well known ship captain and in listening to Jim's tale of the events and abandoning ship leaves him distraught, contemplating his own decisions in life that credit to this unknown " shame" that plagues him in his final hours. With the case of the money as a way →

Is the scarlet letter a feminist novel? essay sample

Having a female character with such strength raises the question of whether or not The Scarlet Letter is a feminist novel; by looking at what feminism is and analyzing the book itself, one can see that the book is more a commentary on society as a whole rather than a feminist statement. While there are →

“the notebook” by nicholas sparks

This love story opens with the two in a retirement home and the former prepares to narrate the story to the latter. Also, some claim that the story is hopeful because Noah gains a sense of temporary youth " I feel myself becoming stronger with every step" which helps him reach his wife's room.[...] " →

Illusions in the invisible man

Throughout the entire book, the Invisible Man tries to convince the reader that he is the victim of his illusion and little can be done to prevent his invisibility. As the story develops, the Invisible Man distinguishes reality from his illusion as he begins to realize that his identity is his own.

Their eyes were watching god dialect essay sample

Janie then begin to regret that her and Joe was just arguing not to long before he died. She mourned over the fact that she wish that her last with Joe would not of end like it did.

Free essay on critics interpretation that clara is a positive representation of the romantic

The literature and art that were used during the romantic period was as a result of the conflict between the clarity of the day such as reason, enlightenment, consciousness and technology and the obscurity of the night such as emotions, magic, desires and imagination. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2006.

George eliot wrote silas marner: the weaver of raveloe

The tale's heavy emphasis was on morality and justice which were common themes in George Eliot's writings perhaps attributed to her upbringing and how she was greatly concerned with the good and bad in social & human relationships. Silas marner is the linen weaver and the main character of the story...who settles in Raveloe from →

Review of aab-e-hayat by umera ahmad

Characters and their Description Salaar: He is the main leading character of the novel. Arek: He is a neighbor of Salaar in America and accepted Islam by inspiring their family.

Intertextuality or the link between two texts has long been recognized as

The intertextuality between Jane Austen Pride And Prejudice and Helen Fieldings Bridget Joness Dairy, generates the reader's expanded understanding of a postmodern text's meanings. Intertextuality, the interrelationship to other previous texts is submitted among Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice and Helen Fieldings Bridget Jones Diary through the overarching similarity of plot, protagonists characters and social →

The significance of walks in relationship development.

On these three walks Elizabeth is able to admit to her past prejudices, see and understand Darcy's character, and finally share with Darcy her feelings towards him. The walk where Elizabeth receives Darcy's letter of explanation and apology marks an important disclosure of Elizabeth's character.

Invisible man by ralph ellison

According to the Invisible Man the words of the boy are " an assault upon the temples of the ear". Does he ever compare the man to Dr.

Summary of the novel funny boy

The first part of the novel begins with the spend-the-days, in which the grandchildren congregate at Ammachi and Appachi's home. It is through the friendship between his aunt and Anil that Arjie begins to understand the concept of ethnicity and the Tamil-Sinhalese conflict.

Horrors of war – all quiet on the western front essay sample

Finally, the novel sets a standard for the patriotism needed to serve one's country and the honor that comes with that patriotism. Erich Maria Remarque's novel All Quiet on the Western Front accurately describes both the horrors and honors of war.

Review of the voltaire’s novel “candide”

Much more happens to Candide succeeding these events but what is beyond comprehension is the fact that his philosophy of optimism remains intact until the very end of the novel up until when the dervish man tells their group, " When his highness sends a ship to Egypt, does he trouble his head whether the →

Throughout the novel of captain corelli’s mandolin

To the disapproval of the audience and the other characters, the role of madness has become de Bernieres technique of foreshadowing the outcome of the characters who are deemed as 'possessed' which leads to the inevitable gloom of death. The first encounter of madness within the novel comes in the form of a battered and →

Emma woodhouse character annalysis essay sample

She seems to have it all, the beauty, the wealth, and the intelligence, and uses it to her advantage. This is a big turning point in Emma's life because she is setting her wrongs to right instead of believing that everyone has forgotten about it the next day.Mr.

To kill a mockingbird essays essay sample

When Atticus took the case, he was definitely brave to defend a black man in the face of criticism and threats of violence from the town. Even though he knew he was not going to win the trial, in order to defend Tom, He had to understand that taking the case would cause him to →

A prayer for owen meany by john wheelwright

John Wheelwright reached a higher level of emotional and spiritual maturity than many of the children his age due to his friendship with Owen and the way his life turned before his teenage years, yet he struggled to mature sexually. He is forced to grow up at a rapid pace following the events after his →

The ku klux klan in harper lee’s book ‘to kill a mockingbird’

After the accusation agaisnt Tom Robinson the book begins to show the honest reality of what the Ku Klux Klan otherwise known as the KKK did all throughout the 20th century, with a mob of prejudice activists come as a gang/mob to kill Tom Robinson, a man they knew was innocent. After the civil war →

Life of eudora welty

Her humorous stories often rely upon the comic possibility of language as in both of her stories, " Why I Live at the P.O".and " The Ponder Heart", which explains the humor in the speech pattern and colorful idiom of their Southern narrators. Her most complex stories in " The Golden Apples" won critical acclaim, →

English iii h

What is the story about, and what does the story say about what it's about?- The older generation has a more values and a better quality of life than the younger generation.- The old way of life is different and better than the new way of life. The author also wanted to show that the →

The appearance of truth: about the peculiarities of bram stoker’s dracula

Whilst there is no doubt in this assumption to be accurate, in the case of Dracula, however, there is the slight issue that the main features used in the novel, in order to tell the story, are not exclusively letters. In this sense, this essay may be understood as an attempt to illustrate the consequences →

Sacrifice and transformation in kafka’s “the metamorphosis”

" The Making of an Allegory," by Edwin Honig and " Franz Kafka's ' Metamorphosis' as Death and Resurrection Fantasy," by Peter Dow Webster illuminate how sacrifice and transformation are a vital part of the deeper meaning of " The Metamorphosis". In " The Making of an Allegory," Honig illustrates how the family structure is →

Saboteur & dead men’s path

There was a path by the school that Michael Obi did not want the villagers to be passing through for he thought that the villagers may use the school room for " pagan ritual during the inspection". With that Michael Obi dismissed what the old man had said and he did not unblock the path →

Example of essay on the age of innocence analysis

In the novel, the author gets to depict the themes of social class, social rigidity and hierarchy that evidenced itself in the elite families of upper New York. The novel gets to portray the upper social class that exists in New York at the time.

Galactic wars and divisions inside the cough of us

In the outstanding novel The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the world comes to and end due to the building of an intergalactic overpass, Arthur Dent, the main character, and Ford Prefect catch a ride with the Vogons and have the trip of their lives with some bumps along the way. Arthur →


David Anomalous Ransom, a postmodern revitalization of Homer's literary epic, the Iliad not only explores the Inner conflict born In man through the vicious undertaking of a path of revenge, but also the intense hatred sparked by the unbearable loss of loved ones. It is often identified that the crux of Ransom is centered around →

Feminist themes in the things they carried

Even though every one of the episodes enlightens the writer's flashbacks of the Vietnam War, the writer incorporates female characters that have a focal influence in the book. In this story, the choice of warrior Stamp Fossie to convey his sweetheart to the Vietnam War.

How past events affect holden caulfield’s life essay sample

These incidences, the death of Caulfield's brother, the suicide of a school friend and his constant feeling of alienation, eventually leads him to reject what he feels is the " phoniness" of the adult world. The death of both his brother and schoolmate causes him to feel he must protect the innocence and purity, which →

Importance of guilt in cal essay sample

The novel tells of a story where Cal is caught up in his country's violent conflict and implicated on the edge of crime and violence, to the extent that he has acquired an oppressive secret and unbearable guilt. Cal's guilt plays a huge part in his actions and is therefore integral to our understanding of →

Book review on lord of the flies

This paper intends to discuss William Goldwin's best novel, ' Lord of the Flies' along with discussing other related aspects of the novel.' Lord of the flies' is a tale of a group of boys who were left high and dry as their pilotless plane lands on an island during a war. He is a →

Plummet to the heart of darkness essay sample

In the end of " Heart of Darkness," Marlow, in delivering the last words of the deceased agent, lied to Kurtz fiancee. In explaining the decision made by Marlow in the end of the story, we need to trace the reasons that urged him to do so.

“the courageous soul that dares and defies”: naturalism in the awakening essay

Set in turn of the century New Orleans, The Awakening details the futile attempts of the protagonist, Edna Pontellier, to realize a modicum of personal freedom amid the socially constrictive Victorian era, wherein the roles allowed to females consisted exclusively of wifedom and motherhood. In Chopin's mind, it is Edna's inability to fully embrace her →

Compare and contrast the character of gatsby with fantine essay examples

This essay will compare and contrast the Character of Gatsby and Fantine from the ' The Great Gatsby' and ' Les Miserables' respectively. On the other hand, Fantine is arguably the main character in the novel ' Les Miserables.' He constantly finds himself on the wrong side of the law since after losing her job →

Significance of the sea in the awakening

Throughout the novel, the sea calls to Edna, inviting her to escape." The voice of the sea is seductive, never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander in abysses of solitude". The sea brings Edna the experience of a solitude she could " lose herself" in, which is very appealing to Edna as →

Love in pride and prejudice novel

As soon as he appears on the pages of the novel all the characters become aware of the amount of his income 10 000 pounds a year, the enormous amount for that time.Mr. And if at the beginning of the novel these judgments form a negative image of the character, later, from the moment of →

Santiago’s character

Santiago faces many adversities in the novel but the main one that makes up the plot is Santiago being shunned as a fisherman in his village by all of the people because he can not catch one fish. Choose one quality both share and discuss in detail the impact of this quality on the fate →

Lasa 2: train the trainers essay example

This will allow them to become more effective in decreasing rate of mistakes in the process of investigating on the case and bringing out the facts from the statements of the victim. What must be taught by the trainers towards the law enforcers on the field is that when it comes to the concept of →

Community corrections term paper examples

According to Burk Foster's, " Corrections: The Fundamentals," there are many punishments and restrictions still being put in place between prison and probation in order to expand the community correction services offered by the justice system. While there is a small crumb of logic in this argument, the fact remains the system leaves criminals on →

Juvenile court essays example

In the article of Eckholm, he focused on the importance of juvenile courts by explaining how the juveniles face lifelong sentences despite the Supreme Court decisions that are favourable to the minors. The creation of special youth courts will be similar to creating a Juvenile Supreme Court will be beneficial for the youth offenders.

Juvenile correctional officers

Juvenile Correctional Officers CRJ 303 Instructor Kart Nancy Roper May 5, 2012 When a person is charged for a crime that was committed and is sentenced to serve time in a facility, a correctional officer is responsible for the supervision and safety of the detainee. To understand what the differences are in regards to a →

Crime and the components of the criminal justice system

Crime and the Components of the Criminal Justice System The following discussion overviews crime, outlines the models that define criminal acts, and highlight the basic components, which combine to create the infrastructure known in the United States as the Criminal Justice System. The corrections arm is designed to carry out the sentences imposed by the →

Formal written communication essay sample

Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the company's activities and financial performance.' Annual reports in the police The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner are required to produce an annual report at the end of the financial year. In the report it includes how much they have →

Some moral minima argumentative essay

To some extent, the society have given credit and honor to some people than others, I believe Goodman Lenn is right in claiming that other things are just wrong. For example, it is entrenched in traditional beliefs and customs of all cultures that political famine and genocide are absolutely wrong, Undeniably, it is much easier →

Good example of substance abuse in united states essay

Psychological dependence is associated with an elevated rate of drug consumption, tendency to setback or relapse after halting use, and craving or longing for the drug. Laws created to the use of drugs have a justifiable social purpose, that is, to safeguard society from the problems or dangers of certain types of drug consumption.

Death penalty critical thinking sample

It is the premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the state in the name of justice. For the state and society to exist, the violation of laws must be punished.

Good essay about death penalty and abortion

Riley mentioned that the concept of death penalty is justified by one simple principle that the punishment must be roughly apportioned to the severity of the crime committed. The subject of the death penalty is still subject to many moral debates due to the complexity of the topic, human rights of both the victim and →

Free premise1: illegal downloading is a form of stealing essay example

Premise 2: illegal downloading, just like stealing is morally wrong Premise 3: Illegal downloading is not equivalent to practices involved of taking things for free In conclusion, she states that there is a difference between downloading content illegally and downloading free content as the former has no permission from the owner while the latter is →

Good memorandum. essay example

The Supreme Court held in the case of In re Marriage of Epstein that husband is allowed to claim for reimbursement to recover amounts that were spent after the separation of the spouses since these expenses were payments to cover pre-existing community obligations. In this case, one of the issues brought before the court is →

Free critical thinking about second class justice

The financial status, gender, and race of a person have influenced how he is in the justice system of the country. The issue of security in the country is an en issue in the country.

Example of essay on anton chekhov: the lady with the little dog

The aptitude adopted by Chekhov in describing his characters and the creation of effects in the reader is hugely adequate to the action and narration of the story. There is a knowledgeable interlace of the setting and location that helps to improve the subject and theme of the story.

Good essay about criminal justice organizational trends

Because of the growing concern for the privatization of prisons, the National Institute of Justice run a cost and performance analyses in 2007, and was termed the Taft Studies. One of the most common concerns of a Criminal Justice Organization are criminals and what motivates them to do the crime.

Free research paper on failure of residential schools

Another reason that led to the failure of the students and the entire school system is the kind of punishment children were subjected to. These conditions were extremely severe to these children and consequently the poor performance was unavoidable and this shows the failure of the entire Residential School System.

The code hammurabi

The Code of Hammurabi is set to keep the Babylonian society safe and is not too harsh for the citizens. The purpose of The Code of Hammurabi is to punish the criminal in a manner that they committed the crime.# 229, if a builder has built a house and not made his work strong and →

Tent city arizona research paper example

Tent City Arizona The Tent City Jail in Arizona is known to be one of the toughest jail facilities in the United States. One of them is the social issue in which the inmates would have a possibility to clash with the other groups because of the matter of control of the contrabands being circulated →

Choice theories and how they relate to crime

All people have a need and desire to connect with others and feel a sense of belonging with another person or group. They make the choice to do this because they know the police officer is there to take their freedom away for another crime they may have committed and they want to retain their →

Free research paper about accounting for a loss contingency associated with a lawsuit

The management then estimated the loss related to a likely compensation within the range of $15 million to $20 million, $17 million being the most likely amount of loss.- A jury trial was held in September 2009 and reached a verdict on September 24, 2009, the judgment ordering in favor of W. 5 million.- M →

Example of letter to the editor term paper

DE Stefano, and the decisions made by the Supreme Court based on the hearings of the case. The two theories have the fundamental procedural and substantive principles in the laws of civil rights.

Child sexual abuse research paper examples

This will be the role of the courts and the corrections to provide the just punishment for the offenders of child sexual abuse offense. Hence, in the case of the child sexual abuse offenders, they should respect the decision of the court because it is part of the judiciary and empowered by the state to →

The challenge of genocide in central africa admission essays example

Forcing children to move out of their home, an attempt to commit genocide, conspiring and/or incitement to commit genocide and complicity in genocide are all covered under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. 8 Jan.2014." 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide".

Dna exoneration research paper examples

In regards to the history of the same, it was developed as a result of developments that were targeted to develop judgments in the criminal justice systems of states in the United States. According to the California Statute, the mischief underlying the spirit of the legislators in coming up with this rule was to assist →

Public administration article reviews examples

According to Harry Nyquist, the redundancy is a useless portion of the message that can be deleted for the message without the loss of information. THESIS: The national performance review was designed with the purpose changing the methods and procedures of government that it applies to achieve the results.

The images of god in genesis essay examples

The first story mentioned in the Book of Genesis is the story of the world's creation. As is known, the God created the world in six days " and the God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul".

Free essay on reconciliation in rwanda

The words " I forgive you" by the perpetrator to the victim always do signify the end of the matter according to the perpetrator but to the victim, they mark the beginning of the forgiveness process. Forgiveness, however, is the first step to living in a happy society, free of mistrust and fear.

Free criminal law essay sample

Technology can be a lifesaver to the path of criminal justice, yet it also can be a path of darkness. One example of this is with the ability of the criminals having access to these devices.

Issue: tax evasion essay examples

2 of the German Turnover tax Act defines investments such as this as entrepreneurial and thus regardless of the nature of the nature of the business that Mr. Klaus Zumwinkel is guilty of tax evasion under Germany law, because of his failure to declare his investments and earnings to the tax authorities in Germany.

Criminal justice trends narrative essay

I will also address recent and future trends and contemporary issues that affect the criminal justice system, as well as the values of the criminal justice system in a changing society. Both the criminal justice system and the general public realized the need for cooperation between the two to better the results.

Offender profiling: article review essay

The article " Offender profiling: Psychological and methodological issues of testing for behavioural consistency" by Salfati summarized the research results of various studies in the field of offender profiling with specific attention to using the concepts of offender profiling to linking serial crimes and offender consistency. The article by Salfati is a meta-analysis of studies →

Technological innovations essay examples

Surveillance and tracking technologies are evolving to more efficient and accurate systems than before and in future, the technologies will be of great benefit to users and people's privacy protection. According to the use of surveillance systems in law enforcement agencies is to monitor and protect citizens from criminals.

The history of zombie in hollywood essay examples

What one sees from the earlier Hollywood movies of the 30s and 40s to the early 21st century is a great transformation of the zombies from one being created to obey the orders of its creator to its creation from viruses and man-made environmental hazards. From the sluggish, disfigured and emancipated zombie to highly intelligent, →

Reaction paper on ‘miracle at cell no. 7’ essay sample

At the start of the movie the father and daughter are both watching and dancing to the sailor moon song. The father of the little girl who has the bag beats up Yong-Gu even though the song of sailor moon was playing ironically at the background.

Free essay on a day in court

The judge was a serious-looking bespectacled judge dressed in a wig and the long black robe characteristic of the legal profession. To the right of the prosecutor's desk was a section set aside for the witnesses that were to testify against the accused.

Turnaround by william bratton with peter knobler book review

Not everyone is as enthusiastic as Patrick O'Hara who wrote in his review of this book that it is not only " must reading" for prospective law enforcement personnel but should also be " shackled to the wrist of every social science professor " and " to the ankle of every business and public administration →

Examining differences between crimes against, property, persons and white-collar reports example

Additionally, crimes against persons are becoming the center of a debate and point of contention in many circumstances. On the other hand, crimes against property and white-collar crimes, which form the majority of recorded crimes, are given sparse attention.

Sample research paper on police brutality in america

The unjustifiable use of for by police in the process of law enforcement characterize the extensive concept of police brutality. The failures in the political systems to structure measures to react to the needs of the public as well as the police in the event of racial profiling is the foundation driver of police →