4 Pages Essay Samples

Identity in wide sargasso sea english literature essay

Annette as a color individual and patterns the really same civilization of Caribbean people but she is married to a white adult male and he is a slave proprietor, when Annette married him, she is taking hazard which is really important because of the bondage job, most of the black people hates the white people →

Essay on jane eyre’s character

From her troubles with the abusive Reed family, her friendships at Lowood, her love of Mr Rochester and her time with the Rivers household, Jane's character stays strong and alert regardless of the challenges she withstands. Leaving Thornfield was her search for the independency and freedom that she needed to have as part of her →

Hamlet as a prologue for the rest of the play

Amidst the inevitable exposition that dominates the first act of the play, scene one contains plot-advancing action: the ghost of Hamlet appears; and, at the very end of the scene, Horatio decides that he should inform Hamlet: Let us impart what we have seen tonight Unto young Hamlet [...] This decision starts a simple chain →

The saga as old as time: romeo and juliet, vampire style essay

Basing partially on the plot of Romeo and Juliet story and partially on the problems that modern teenagers face, The Twilight Saga offers a number of issues that are quite topical nowadays, such as the hardships of being different, and dwells upon the great Everlasting Love and the famous Happily Ever After, yet is seemingly →

Brave new world: overview

In the novel, the World State is the government of the entire planet except for a few parts of the world such as the Savage Reservations in New Mexico. The way the World State controls the thinking process of society is through the use of hypnopaedia.

Hamlet: the elusiveness of certainty

It's central theme is the elusiveness of knowledge and certainty, and this is manifested in the fact that 4 acts of the play consist of the protagonist's hesitation and sadness, fear and anger. This metaphor and Oxymoronic placement of " falsehood" and " truth" exemplifies the presence of duality in the play.

Dramatic and significant in act 2 scene 3 – macbeth

He dramatizes the scene by portraying the discovery of the King's body, by emphasizing the shock and disbelief of the characters, by the flattering description given of Duncan and by revealing to the audience the deceptive characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The audience is well aware that Macbeth was the one that killed the →

Crucial scene in macbeth: the dagger soliloquy

This soliloquy expresses macbeth's most profound fears and hopes, and the dagger symbolises the fulfilment of his black desires. From then on, there's a grim acceptance of the deed and Macbeth bids the earth to " hear not his steps".

Hamlet by william shakespeare: the impact of parents on their children

Laertes close relationship to his father, Polonius, affects who he becomes once he chooses revenge for his father's death over his friendship with Hamlet. Thus being said, Hamlet and the king have a fair, two-sided relationship, which can be shown from what Hamlet had to say and the trust the king has in his son →

Blind ambitions leads to one’s destruction

Furthermore, Macbeth's lust for power led to the betrayal of his friends. The gluttony for power that was caused by Lady Macbeth led Macbeth to do murderous things such killing the king and his best friend.

Macbeth william shakespeare

Plot Overview The play begins with the brief appearance of a trio of witches and then moves to a military camp, where the Scottish King Duncan hears the news that his generals, Macbeth and Banquo, have defeated two separate invading armies one from Ireland, led by the rebel Macdonwald, and one from Norway. Fearful of →

Relationship between george and lennie

Relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Notes: In the opening scenes if the play, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth seemed to enjoy a close intimacy in that they share their deepest thoughts, but as the plot unfolds, she loses her iron grip on him and his murderous momentum gathers a speed of its own. In the →

Images in lord of the flies by william golding

The object that gives the title to the novel is also one of the most important image. The hunters entered the forest and forced Ralph back tothe beachwhere he runs into the only adult in the novel." We saw your smoke" said the navy officer who is saying that the fire is the reason that →

Relationship between humans and the natural world

When aligning this to Ficino's claim that ' the human race is born naked...empty', it may be conceded that it is the responsibility of the natural world and divine beings to appropriately guide humanity in its quest for purity and goodness; which in turn places heavy emphasis on the Christian idea that it is in →

Hamlets role as a hero

Furthermore, although he is not able to retain his own life in the end, the traits he exhibits throughout the play show that he deserves to be given the name of a hero. Throughout the play, Hamlet is devoted to what he believes in and his goals making him a true hero.

A medieval game of geoffrey chaucer

The first Alison encountered in both Bradshaw and Ellesmere's standard order of the Canterbury Tales is the Alison of " The Miller's Tale". The game that is introduced in Alison of Bath's " Prologue" is the game of manipulation and deception.

Chaucer’s knight – dichotomy and contradiction

While Chaucer-the-Pilgrim's portrayal of the Knight is one of a man with a high moral character, Chaucer-the-Poet subtly inserts hints that the Knight is not as respectable and honorable as he appears. Through Chaucer-the-Pilgrim's continually reiterating the Knight's prowess in battle, perhaps Chaucer-the-Poet is suggesting that the Knight is not as wonderful as Chaucer-the-Pilgrim believes.

Theme of guilt in hamlet & fifth business

In the novel Fifth Business, guilt is a plague that has spread throughout the lives of Dunstan Ramsay, and Paul Dempster; both characters are drenched with guilt that was a result of a tragic incident caused by Percy Staunton Boyd when he threw the snowball and it " hit Mrs. Devoured with the guilt of →

Death and the green knight: closer than they appear

The stories demonstrate the epitome of the Christian themes of salvation, mortality, and truth that resonate throughout the genre. After boasting of his powerful weapons and skill, the Knight asserts that it is his right to fight and demand proof of the king's power.

Shakespeare’s macbeth – ambition

In scene three of act one, the three weird witches approached Macbeth and prophesied that he was going to become the Thane of Cawdor, and in time, the king of Scotland. This message proves to be one of the most integral events of Shakespeare's Macbeth, and can even be considered the turning point of the →

The complicated case of chivalry, christianity, and ethical dualism

But by allowing the illicit affair to continue, Gawain places himself in the position to commit even greater sins; when he places his faith in the woman's green girdle instead of in God and does not present the prize as a " winning" to his host, he falls prey to false idolatry and blatant dishonesty. →

Character analysis: brave new world

In many ways, Brave New World is almost a story of survival not survival as opposed to the natural world, but survival of the human race, of individuals trying to live in a world where the individual spirit is considered nonexistent. In this context, the people who inhabit Brave New World jump off of the →

Seymon lewis

Hamlet believes that he has to listen to the ghost, when who replied " So art thou to revenge, when thou shalt hear"; Hamlet then accepted the fact he has to take revenge on Claudius, and in the end he does actually get his revenge. He believes that since the productions shown in the theater →

Romeo and juliet and fourteenth century verona

The main focus of my essay is the character Tybalt and how he is presented in both film and book. This emphasises the argumentative side of Tybalt and it's almost as if he's trying to contradict everything Benevolio is saying in order to have a fight.

King lear – an aristotelian tragic hero

According to Aristotle, a tragedy depicts the downfall of a hero due to his tragic flaw and fate or the actions of the Gods. Lear's pride blinded him from listening to Kent and from seeing the true faces and intentions of his daughters, Regan and Goneril.

The knight without blemish and without reproach: the color of virtue essay

However, it seems rather unfair that the legend of such a peculiar historical character as Sir Gawain has been in the shadow of more popular ones like Sir Galahad or King Arthur; just as compelling and, for that matter, more complex story of the knight who in one kind of sources is portrayed as the →

Macbeth’s passions essay sample

The three points which contribute greatly to Macbeth's degeneration are the prophecy which was told to him by the witches, how Lady Macbeth influenced and manipulated Macbeth's judgment, and finally Macbeth's long time ambition which drove his desire to be king. With this newfound attitude resulting from his passion, Macbeth had wrote a letter to →

The woman in white english literature essay

They talked and Walter was surprised that the woman knew the place and the family, which he was going to work with. Walter went to meet Anne, the woman in white, after she sent a warning against Laura and Percival's marriage.

Conformity vs. nonconformity

Nonconformity is a force from one's personal self to step outside of the norm and bring a sense of individuality to a world in which there is very little originality anymore. To truly step outside is a great leap and it's not simply acknowledging just how original you are, it's to live your life everyday →

Macbeth: a failure as king?

Duncan is a fair and gracious king who is kind to all of his subjects, and Malcolm has the potential to be a great king through the way in which he fights to overthrow Macbeth. Through arrogance, actions and cowardice versus bravery, the protagonist in Macbeth, is regarded as a failure because of his selfishness, →

The best chinese writers english literature essay

Another occurrence that sparked the meeting between two main characters Lu Zongzhen and Wu Cuiyuan was the Lu's avoidance of a potential son-in-law." The idea of being stuck in the same car with Dong Peizhi while the city was sealed off was too horrible to contemplate! Within the site, author introduces Wu Cuiyuan, one of →

Evaluation of jane eyre, a novel by charlotte bronte

When Jane first arrives in Whitcross it is a summer evening, and Jane is able to sleep comfortably on the heath remarking it was dry, and yet warm with the heat of the summer-day. Laying down on the heath Jane notices the night sky, and the contentment found in the stillness of the summer night, →

Bronte, the play

The idea of it was to provide the audience with an insight into the lives of the three Bronte sisters, Emily, Charlotte and Anne. It was interesting because it allowed the audience to genuinely watch the play almost like a critic and see the ways in which the actors and actresses depicted the lives of →

From squirrel to jaguar

Golding's use of imagery emphasizes the characterization of the boys' human nature while evincing the object's and nature's significance in the novel without explaining their importance. Throughout Lord of the Flies, Golding's use of imagery not only reveals the hunters' personality but adds to the character of Simon.

Ascertaining whether the brave new world is actually brave

Another way that the society of Brave New World depicted bravery was in the elimination of emotions and the way of life of the people. The replacement of a God with soma is the bravest move and way in which the society was indeed a Brave New World.

Duncan: the king of scotland

Duncan the king of Scotland was murdered in the castle of Macbeth the thane of Glamis and Cawdor in Castle Dunsinane at midnight on 12th November 1556. Lady Macbeth faints as Macbeth was giving the explanation of his repent of fury which had made him to kill the guards of the king.

Macbeth commentary; act ii scene i

The uses of alliteration on the words " come" and " clutch", indicate the closeness of Macbeth to the dagger. The use of the alliteration emphasizes the fact that Macbeth is about to disrupt the hierarchical state of Scotland, by the spilling of blood which is otherwise considered heroic.

Araby and a little cloud english literature essay

In Araby, Joyce uses symbols to represent the narrator's frustration with the mundane, monotonous life which he lives. Little Chandler uses almost constant fantasy to insulate himself from the reality of his life as he is living it.

Community-based health

Nursing: Community- based Health Introduction Studies such as those of De Villiers and Ndou have demonstrated that emotions that are negative result in unethical behavior on the side of the nurses and their incapability of creating the therapeutic associations of mutual respect, trust and caring needed for the protection of the ethical and legal rights →

Journal article

The main aim was to determine the development of the brain structures so that appropriate clarifications could be made contrasting both normal and abnormal structure of the brain formation. What are the specific differences in the outcomes of nuchal translucency screening, maternal screening and combine screening in relation to the brain development of a fetus? →

Caring in nursing, nursing standards

The job and goal of a nurse is to deliver clinical care and progressively work towards healing the patient. In conclusion, in order to be successful and implement effective nursing practice and theory, the client must be the center of focus.

Curriculum development

Curriculum Development Curriculum Development Introduction ' The essentials of baccalaureate education for professionalnursing practice' and ' The essentials of master's education in nursing' are the two working papers published by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The essentials of baccalaureate nursing and master's education in nursing play a significant role in guiding curriculum development →

Three strategies to meet learning needs of today’s online learners

Undoubtedly, the effectiveness of e-learning mainly lies with the appropriateness of the learning strategies intended for the needs of today's online learner and for the goals of the organization concerned. This also involves the quality of the design, operational feasibility of the system, and finally the range of learners' autonomy in the whole learning procedure.

Cultural presentation about the jewish customs in the healthcare environment

Cultural presentation about the Jewish customs in the healthcare environment Medical practitioners despite their proficient in delivering g excellent services to their patients, they should observe both cultural and traditional aspects of the patients. It is the mandate of the Jews to offer their patients the necessary pastoral care.

Analysis of management theories

Analysis of Management Theories Daft addresses three theories of management The ical perspective, 2) The Human Relations perspectiveand 3) The Systems Perspective. The advantage of adopting the Human Relations school of thought is that organizations are able to portray equal importance and opportunity to all classes of employees.

Research proposal on does hourly rounding improve patient satisfaction

In the proposed study, the role of hourly rounding in improving the quality of healthcare and patients' perception is evaluated. A reduction in patient satisfaction rate, as well as a deterioration in the quality of health, would compromise the image and business of the hospital in question.


It is defined as the " systematic study of human conduct in the area of life sciences and healthcare, insofar as this conduct is examined in the light of moral values and principles". This article analyzes the justification of the use of Xenotransplantation, keeping in mind the principles of Bioethics, using theory as well as →

Literature searches

Information found at this level of the hierarchy focused on specialty areas, such as work stress and physical assault in nursing homes. Sources and effects of Work-related stress in nursing.

Medication errors

Check the MD order and check it against the medication label. Check the MD order and the medication label.

Competency differences in nursing education levels essay sample

2 to 3 year nurse training schools were started in hospital which was credited with providing knowledge and skills to women as, " trained nurses" who helped reform the care of the sick, though there were problem associated with the model.notes that " the apprenticeship model of nursing advocated by nightingale provided physicians and hospitals →

Nln trends related to cultural transformation

Of the tend trends that have been identified, the trends like change of demographics and increased diversity among students and the patients alongside the increase of educated consumers relates to the cultural transformation that are expected in these nursing facilities. The changing demographics among the patients and the nursing students are another factor calling for →

Roy’s adapatation model

This paper will delve deeper into the study of the framework of the theory as it is applied to the treatment of a group of Canadian menopausal women and how the framework may have helped or not helped them overcome their menopausal problems. She wrote the paper based upon the care of a group of →

Legal ascts of the nursing – homework 3

In the case in question, health care provider's responsibility of maintaining patient safety is on the limelight. Garcia and would leave the police officers and the health care unit responsible for the demise of Mr.

Research proposal draft

Research proposal The significance of the current research study is to measure how a quantitative weight loss program will affect those who will be involved in the study. Research hypotheses The hypothesis for this research is that there will be clear indication of the positive health outcomes that will be achieved by the 50 participants →

The neurological assessment of the infant (ages birth to 12 months)

The Neurological Assessment of the Infant Ages Births to 12 months Total Number of Words: 597 Neurological Exam of an Infant Nutritional deficiency during the mother's pregnancy period and the child's infancy stage are some of the main reasons why a child could not reach their maximum motor, cognitive, and socio-emotional development. In another study, →

The future development of nursing

The Future Development of Nursing The Future Development of Nursing It is an undisputable fact that nursing plays critical role in healthcare services across the world. The second issue is the need to concentrate in knowledge and skills that are required to meet changing needs of the nursing labour force.

Physician’s assistant

I had a set of duties and responsibilities assigned to me by management that I had to complete by the end of my shift. As a student in the Physician Assistant Education program, it is important that I become less of a perfectionist and more proficient in time management because I do not have time →

Application of theories in practice/ improving infection control practice utilizing kurt lewins theoretical model of change

The involvement of front line staff in planning groups and key decision making processes promotes a feeling of empowerment that helps to overcome their resistance to the change and enables them to understand the importance of the project and how it will benefit the client. Ongoing support of the nurses on the frontline and technology →

Free essay on diagnoses

It is not only used to check the severity of the OCD in a patient, but it is also used to check the level of improvement. One measures the severity of the mental disorder in the patient and the other measures the improvement in the illness of the patient.

The ethical dilemma of abortion

In this case, the ethical dilemma is which life ought to be saved, between that of the child and that of the mother, when it becomes apparent that the life of the mother is in danger, due to the pregnancy she is carrying. For the proponents of the view that life starts at conception, terminating →

Mentoring to retain nursing staff

The purpose of the study aims to investigate the results of theeducation-based preceptor program of a community hospital intended to address the declining retention rate ofnursingstaff in the hospital. The primary strength of the study is the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches to derive rich data.

Performance appraisal system

Performance appraisal system Table of Contents Coexistence of CQI and punitive reporting systems in the nursing homes on US 3 Methods of implementation of a CQI process for reducing medical errors 4 Changes in the incident reporting and the performance appraisal systems 5 Reference 7 Coexistence of CQI and punitive reporting systems in the nursing →

Historical figurs of nursing

Margaret remained dedicated to her commitment and established the first U.S.birth control clinic in 1916 in Brooklyn, N. A key to Margaret's continued success with the clinic was her marriage to J.

Week 5

The child is usually left under the care of the mother's boyfriend in the evening while the mother is working as a waitress. In addition, the mother suspects that the boyfriend is sexually abusing the daughter and has requested for a thorough examination of the child's urinary symptoms.a.


OF YEARS $1, 319, 035 NET COST OF INCARCERATION $ 14, 762, 320 In the above given figure, the Net Cost of Incarceration to the Taxpayer for Imprisonment is far more costly than the expenses incurred for probation. Aside from the fact that it is more practical because of the accumulation of savings for the →

Nursing leadership philosophy

As with most life events, situations are changing without anticipation during the delivery of nursing care and one must be versatile and flexible to respond and adapt to the changes as they cur; thus for the purpose of this document is to present the significance of the application of the situational leadership theory in my →

Family and diversity

Family and diversity Nurse 10 Mercy College Fall Family and diversity Introduction The scope of nursing involves provision of care to the society, at individual, family and community level, to ensure people's well being through prevention and treatment of diseases and disorders. Based on the course's concepts of family and its effects on children's current →

Free adolescent condom use research paper sample

The participants were briefed on what the study would involve since there were no serious risks involved in the research; it was a research based on free will from the participants. Use of surveys ensured that participants were able to provide research information at different stages in the research and to analyses, the consistency of →

Nursing ethics: ethical decision making approaches

If a medical officer assists an ill person who is suffering from immense pain in taking his/her own life to help them in gaining relief from that pain, the act of assisted suicide should be considered as ethical as well as legal. If the decision of assisted suicide for a terminally ill patient who is →

Vision for the future of nursing essay sample

This paper will discuss how nursing theory will continue to influence nursing professions, evidence-based practice trends in healthcare and future of nursing and the roles of nurses with research and how the new roles and opportunities with benefit nursing and healthcare. According to " Nursing-Theory.org", " nursing theory is an organized framework of concepts and →

Leadership vision: to have ehr (electronic health records) at 90% of healthcare facilities in u.s.by 2015

My vision in nursing leadership is the use of technology especially the Electronic Health Records by the year 2015 and the healthcare sector in US can show a tremendous growth. It is quite evident that the use of computer and information technologies in the healthcare increase at a faster rate and this is in turn →

Macro environment of an organization

In accordance of the current situation faced by Parkway Nursing Care, one of the social cultural factors is the childcare commitment that the staffs needed since a lot of them are single parents or the primary care giver of their children. One of the critical government factors that may directly give the impact to the →

Good case study about there were four postulates that were researched upon using this experiment

By cutting the corpus collosum of the brain, the communication between the right and the left hemisphere of the brain is hampered. Will the right hemisphere of the brain be able to communicate with the left hemisphere of the brain if the corpus collosum was severed?- Will the patients with a severed corpus collosum be →

Free pico analysis of dementia essay sample

The influence of vascular risk factors on cognitive decline in patients with dementia: a systematic review. Effectiveness of nonpharmacological interventions in delaying the institutionalization of people with dementia: A meta-analysis.

Critical thinking and clinical reasoning essay sample

Clinical reasoning and critical thinking are both key items to nursing practice and occurs every day on the job. Conclusion Critical thinking and clinical reasoning are very difficult in the nursing world.

Nursing leads the advance into the future

The IOM report states, " If the United States is to achieve the necessary transformation of its health care system, the evidence points to the importance of relying on nurses in enhanced and reconceptualized roles". Nursing education has designed with the Affordable Care Act to improve the quality of care and enhance the future of →

Starvation and maluntrition *clinical nutrition and health

An understanding of various metabolic pathways related to functioning of the body during various phases of starvation is essential to understand the survival crux of the Cuban poet for 53 days. All this is aimed to mobilize glycogen and decrease conversion of glucose in the blood to glycogen so that the glucose levels in the →

Genitourinary clinical case case studies example

In addition, the patient also has very limited knowledge of the resources available at his dispense in relation to his health situation. Patient's prostate is also enlarged, boggy and tender to palpation.

Plastic surgical nursing essays example

In their article, " The Use of Non-Physicians in Cosmetic Dermatology: Legal and Regulatory Standards," authors Hibler and Rossi discuss how the growing demand for cosmetic surgery has led to an equal demand for estheticians and other non-physicians or medically licensed personnel to perform cosmetic medical procedures. The article is also a warning to patients →

Within the boundaries

It was a participative process that in the end, silently yet effectively ingrained in us the deeper meaning of the difference brought by working professionally as a student nurse and the responsibility that goes along that duty. What was I trying to achieve and why The completion of the task at hand for the accomplishment →

Article critique

0 the title should come before the student name and the institution Article 1 The authors conducted a controlled evaluation of the effects of celecoxib on perioperative blood loss, pain relief and consumption of analgesic, range of motion, and subjective outcome in conjunction with a total knee replacement. 25 no numbering for the references.0.

Study for lifespan development. child abuse

Due to high frequency of occurrences and the significance of impact created by child abuse over lifespan development of victims, it is essential to conduct a research study focusing on this hypothesis and an experiment to identify interdependence between said variables. Methodology A population of 40 twins of various ages will be selected for the →

Regulatory bodies

INDIAN NURSING COUNCIL ACT The Indian Nursing Council, which was authorised by the Indian Nursing Council Act of 1947, was established In 1949 for the purpose providing uniform standards in nursing education and reciprocity in nursing registration throughout the country. 3) It has authority to recognize programme for nursing education or to refuse recognition of →

Oral hypoglycemic agents in the management of diabetes mellitus

Type 1 diabetes- This type of diabetes is responsible for absolute deficiency of insulin in the body. Most common form of diabetes Type 2 diabetes or hyperglycemia is the most common type of diabetes.

12 angry men: review 3

In the beginning of 12 Angry Men, they clarify that they had sat through six days of court listening to the case, and were now ready to decide the verdict. When I researched on what exactly happens in the Jury Room it said: The first motion of business in a jury room is to select →

Research paper on film making in italy

The rise of fascism in the pre-war decades saw a different type of cinema school emerge and some great propaganda films were produced, mostly those which glorified Mussolini and the fascist dictatorship. Italian cinema suffered a crisis in the 1980's with the rise of the soft porn type comedy which gained in popularity and which →

Contrasting roles: the good and the bad

It evident that Liza is truly good and that the Underground Man is relentless. The underground Man is dehumanizing Liza by comparing her to a dog.

Media studies analysis of a modern scripted film

Everything your not suppose to poke fun at he does, and it's not just jokes, it's the REAL response of the people he encounters and their reactions to these topics is where most of the humor comes from. The underlying result of the satire is powerfully and beneficial for people to watch.

Movie genre

Amanda Oman HUM 1900 Research Paper Dredd: Judge, Jury and Executioner In a dystopian era plagued by radiation, Dredd is one of the Judges, which is the only presence of law in the land. The most feared of all Judges, Dredd is on a mission to stop the distribution and use of a new drug, →

Essay summary of annotated bibliography

The audience that would benefit from this article the most is all ages and all levels of football players. The audience for this video is all football players and parents of football players.

Memento mori

And yet, the amount of characters to keep track of was daunting in number as well as the numerous background stories and it was only by their ties to each other that I was able to grasp on to the plot-line behind it. I tried to look up a biography for her to see if →

Kony 2012

My purpose today is talk about " Joseph Kony " and " Kony 2012" and raise the awareness about the child army and child kidnap. The goal of Invisible Children is to capture Joseph Kony at the end of 2012.

Reviewing sidney lumet’s movie 12 angry men

At the starting of the film, eleven of the jurors thought and believed the boy murdered his father and analyzed their evidence of the trial, while one jury believed the boy was not guilty. In the " Twelve Angry Men," the jurors are influenced by the ambiguity of the case; how the boy killed his →

“house of sand and fog” analysis essay sample

The home is sold to a Masoud Behrani who was a former Iranian military colonel who fled to the United States to start a new life with his wife and son after the emergence of the Ayatollah. The conflict in this film occurs when the two lives collide in their fight for the house, which →

The black swan: influence of sound and camera in the movie

The focus of my clip analysis will be on sound, particularly the music, and the camerawork in this clip. The camerawork is also very gripping, and enhances the tension felt in the clip.

Analysis of mise-en-scene in the film ‘american beauty’

Leister is also a disruption to the room- his checked pyjamas are in linear and in uniform with the rest of the room- as he looks out of place, sprawled in the bed, sheets ruffled and contrasting with the colour scheme of the room. This opening introduces the family's lifestyle and sets the scene for →