4 Pages Essay Samples

Proof of unreliability in the cask of amontillado

This combination of an unclear meaning behind his work and the fact that his stories are narratives often leads to the question of, " To what extent can the narrator be relied upon? " The same issue arises in Poe's, " The Cask of Amontillado". The lack of Montresor's ability to explain the past and β†’

The importance of macbeth in modern society

The significance of gaining power appropriately, the fact that there are consequences for every action and the importance of justice are a few of the many life lessons that are relevant in Shakespeare's tragedy, Macbeth. The witches' apparitions given to Macbeth and friend, Banquo, at the beginning of the plot play a monumental role in β†’

The proof of a good idea is others believe in what you’re doing

There are many pricing assistance apps for the online markeplaces in the country but their are hardly any app for assisting the consumers about the prices and offers being offered by the offline vendors. The vendors can easily showcase their offers and deals at one place and the users can be guided to the retail β†’

Do gender role stereotypes exist in children(tm)s fairy tale stories?

This links in with my aim because in my coursework I want to involve some sociological processes and this article brings up the issue of the Nature vs. This links in with my investigation because in order to find out whether gender role stereotypes exist in children's fairytale stories, I need to understand the true β†’

The curse of oscar wao

Oscar de Leon is a Dominican-American man who grew up in Paterson New Jersey and is the son of Beli, the brother of Lola, and the most cursed one out of all his family members. Many believe that the fuku is the protagonist throughout the novel, but it is clear that Oscar represents the protagonist β†’

Do androids dream of electric sheep

The main plot follows Rick Deckard, a bounty hunter of androids, while the secondary plot follows John Isidore, a man of sub-normal intelligence who befriends some of the androids. Deckard nevertheless succeeds in killing the androids, causing Isidore to break down from the loss of his only friends, and earning him a citation for the β†’

The devil in the white city by erik larson

The book " The Devil in the White City" by Erik Larson describes peculiarities of Chicago life in the Gilded Age. I think that " The Devil in the White City" is one of the most interesting and exciting books which has excellently captured the image of the Gilded Age.

Modest proposal and twin towers terract

These terrorists not only threaten the people they hostage, but also the citizens of the place where they held the crime, because this means that anyone could be a victim. A different section of the airport will be assigned to screening the bags only and these bags will be put in a separate plane and β†’

Selfishness and comment shows rufus

He says to Dana, " You have to say it.young master...you are suppose to." Dana responds, " No." Rufus grips her arm and says, " Yes! " This reaction Rufus displays to Dana shows his influence of slave owning times and his inability to accept rejection. As a child Rufus had this girl as his β†’

Night stalker

On August 6, Ramirez shot both Christopher Petersen, 38, and his wife, Virginia, 27, in the head. Ramirez then left the Los Angeles area, and on August 17, he shot to death a 66-year-old man in San Francisco, also shooting and beating his wife.

Always running

As he grows up and learns to think for himself and question everything, he learns he does not need to be ashamed of his family or heritage, and he works to gain respect in his community. This makes the book easily accessible to everyone; it also gives the reader a sense of how important Rodriguez's β†’

Exploring the nature of humanity in ‘young goodman brown’ by nathaniel hawthorne

Hawthorne uses the repetition of " race" to instill in the minds of the readers that the race he's talking about is humanity as a whole. Brown expresses how he thought the woman was going to heaven, and if that's any reason he should abandon his faith in the religion.

The city of god and the theories of criminology

The incident of a child massacring the people at the brothel is applicable to come of the criminological theory. In the City of God, the only thing the people have in common and main goal is to find a way out of the city.

Analyze the tale of two cities essay

Despite all the negativity that surrounds Lucie and her loved ones, she does not fail to lead her father and Carton to rebirth. This is where the rebirth starts because this is where Dickens lets the reader know that Lucie is going to do all she can for her father and give him only love.

Death and dying

According to the author of the book in question:" To be terminally ill or elderly in America today is to be reminded frequently that you are a drain on the nation's resources"..Dr. It is in this mindset of frustration and hopelessness that many choose the alternative of assisted suicide with the attempts to avoid any β†’

Heroism beowulf and sir garwain

Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrogar, who is the king of Danes. The most significant similar is that both Beowulf and Sir Gawain are symbols of loyalty in their cultures.

The tell-tale heart essay

Humor is important in the story because it keeps the atmosphere of this story consistent. This is very, very important because it is a gateway for the reader to relate to the story.

Ernest hemingway ` a farewell to arms`

The themes and emotions of " A farewell to Arms" are stated indirectly, through an unreliable narrator, but beneath the familiar-seeming surface of the story, like an iceberg, " which Hemingway often took to be the apt image of his art". This allows for the inclusion of ambiguity and unreliability in the story, so that β†’

Literary analysis of odd wording in billy budd by herman melville

For instance, referring to Claggart as " Jemmy Legs," gives the reader a sense of how Claggart is looked down upon by his subordinates because it suggests that the Master-at-arms has restless legs, that he is jittery and nervous, and that he has no control over any of his motions in his legs, implying that β†’

Bullfighting in the sun also rises

The choreography between Romero and the bull is reflective not only of the characterization of Brett and Jake, but of the relationship between Brett, her masculinity, and her effect on the other male characters. In terms of symbolism, Romero is reflective of Brett, and the bull represents the men that Brett seduces.

Ethical decisions in the most dangerous game and barn burning

Toward the finish of the story Rainsford is happy with the death of Zaroff because he can never again worry for his survival and is compensated with an agreeable bed and land to call his own. Well right before Sarty was held and not capable of telling he got away to warn the owner of β†’

Race portrayal in “to kill a mockingbird” how we treat those different to us essay examples

Harper Lee's 1960 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird tells the story of Scout Finch, the six year old daughter of Atticus Finch, a strong father, a virtuous lawyer and the defender of Tom Robinson. In conclusion, To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the most important works in American history.

Main message of to his coy mistress novel

In Andrew Marvell's poem, " To His Coy Mistress", the speaker of the poem uses the carpe diem theme to try and get into bed with a young mistress who is saving herself for marriage. The speaker of the poem is using the lack of time he has to charm this mistress into climbing into β†’

Essay summary of a separate peace

With this, John Knowles compares reality and the truth by exhibiting the cast as a barrier that protects Phineas from the world around him, as well as the thing of craziness and reality, of innocence and knowledge, and of love and disgust. When Phineas shows that he is in denial about reality and cannot handle β†’

Fahrenheit 451 – information as poison essay examples

In the world of Fahrenheit 451, books and reading are illegal, and the police are sent to track down books and any kind of literature and burn it. To rediscover the importance of books is to regain optimism about the future; it means to instill meaning in life through 'quality,' which is something that is β†’

Macbeth charachter essay

Macbeth's ambition seems to take control of him as he continuously orders the witches to inform him of the prophecies in the lines " Stay, you imperfect speakers! Macbeth's guilt and wickedness is also embodied in the ghost of Banquo which appears to torture Macbeth at the banquet he has organised for the succession of β†’

Tolstoy’s anna karenina: plot overview

Cain asserts that Tolstoy's depiction of this horse race is both " the most obvious and the most controversial of the symbolic episodes" of the novel. Tolstoy also suggests through the symbol of the horse that upon the occasion of Anna's first sexual infidelity with Vronsky, she sustains a kind of metaphorical broken back that β†’

Apperance vs reality in the great gatsby

However, once Daisy soon discovers that Gatsby is not that man he puts out to be, and the comfort and protection she feels with Tom because of his wealth and status is much more important to her than the love and sacrifice Gatsby shows toward her. Nick begans to realize that after all the sacrifice β†’

Macbeth suffers a terrible downfall – who is to blame? is it all his fault? is he truly evil?

At the begining of the play he is fearless and brave he does not have a care in the world but by the end he has become corrupted and a fearful, tretorous man. When Macbeth hears of this plan in his head he thinks to himself " should i or should i not kill the β†’

Example of essay on transition from neoclassicism to romanticism

According to many scholars, the neoclassical period of literature transitioned into the romantic period of literature in 1798 when the " Lyrical Ballads" was published, which contained some of the most well-known works of poetry by Samuel Coleridge and William Wordsworth. Another sign of the transition from neoclassicism to romanticism was the rise in popularity β†’

Essay summary of a raisin in the sun

Around the Civil Rights Movement, black people did not feel like they had a home, their families had been in North America for centuries and because of that they felt absolutely no connection to Africa, the place that they were being told was their home, and they were being told and shown that they were β†’

Bartleby the scrivener

The first impression that would justify why the lawyer does not fire Bartleby is the idea that he is probably so surprised of Bartleby's attitude of being nonconformist such that it becomes a big challenge for him to be able to make Bartleby follow him. The last scene is when the lawyer pays sympathy for β†’

Nursing today research paper

This process of changes forms the basis of an in depth analysis and evaluation of the career and the roles played by nurses in the health care system. The role of nurses is to provide care to the patient.

Strategies assignment essay examples

The Ad Council, therefore, facilitates media, volunteers the talented from the communication and advertising industry, and funds resources in creation of awareness to the public. Under these areas, the Council conducts research, with the assistance of the communities, in establishment of pressing issues and marketing the relevant and sustainable solutions in promoting and community development.

Good example of how does music affect premature infants literature review

The implications about the use of music on preterm infants asserts that nurses should avoid the use of an undocumented music in music therapy sessions, educate and guide parents on how to select favorable music for their children and individualize music therapy to enhance alert responses among premature infants. The fact that music is useful β†’

Free essay on fatalism a deafeatist attitude

He has to bow down to the dictates of his fate and accept it, rather than think of how to improve his lot. Their nation has prospered and is committed to the cause of peace.

World health issues essay samples

The difference in the class status of these countries is what differentiates the different abilities to fight the said world issues. This has been attributed to the difference in environmental as well as genetic factors and that is why the country has high cases of the prostate cancer.

Technology and children essay example

The advancements in technology and the increased use of social media/internet/ video games are causing devastating impacts on young people and their minds; in addition, it stunts their developmental and learning process. Constant use of cell phones and computers hampers a child's sensory and motor development and it also acts as a barrier to learning β†’

Cross-culture negotiation take-home exam article review

This way, the parties from the French culture will accept the negotiator and participate effectively in the whole negotiation process. This is one of the tactics, which is used to relieve tension in the culture of the French.

Mitigation case study samples

It is upon this that the paper is going to describe some of the impediments that have hindered prevention of such disasters by looking at the strategies to deal with the impediments with specific examples from stricken places. It has become a big impediment to the prevention of disaster in that, such places cannot be β†’

Eye-related of methods of analysis of biomedical images

Eye-relateddisease such as Diabetic Retinopathy is a medical ailment in which theretina of the human eye is smashed because of damage to the tiny retinal bloodvessels in the retina. In thisstudy, the diabetic retinopathy is discovered from the fundus images andfluorescein angiography images of the eye retina with image segmentationtechniques 3.

Good technology can reduce the poverty essay example

The professor aims to use his mastery of phonetics, which uses sounds of the human speech, to transform Eliza's way of speech and make her sound like a duchess. The mere change of clothes is enough to convince people that Eliza was a member of high society.

Good example of research proposal on literacy levels and incarceration/ or crime rates

This research will seek to evaluate and compare incarceration and crime rates across the different states or countries in the world, in developed and undeveloped regions while relating the subject with the literacy levels. In conclusion, establishing the relationship between literacy levels and crime rates is a well-thought idea of study.

Future of law critical thinking examples

In the modern divide, the increased costs of litigation, the formality of the legal system coupled with the time consuming nature of litigation is slowly compelling persons into using other avenues for the solution of problems and cases. Over and above that, it is imperative to appreciate the role of litigation as the final arbiter β†’

Pirandello essay

The more the human beings try to understand the inner being of the human nature is the more they get confused. This applies to the human beings in the manner that human beings can never resemble each other in the human nature no matter the case.

Outdoor learning essay

In my essay I am going to explore the ways that this can be achieved and the benefits it will have on children, teachers and schools. I feel that this method could be very effective among children as it is a way of using " integrated learning" in lessons but also entertaining for the pupils β†’

Blood brothers – development task

We used the stage directions to produce movement and facial expressions which were the main content of the scene, including the dialog. We did this to give the effect of emphasising Mrs Lyons' frustration and madness and to add more visual interest for the audience.

Good example of biographical sketch of author book review

Crouch first explores the idea of ' culture' and what it means to a society: " Culture is, first of all, the name for our relentless, restless human effort to take the world as it's given to us and make something else". In Culture Making, Andy Crouch's overall purpose is to enlighten his Christian audience β†’

Developing an activity series for metal copper

The purpose of this investigation was to develop an activity series for the metal copper, magnesium and nickel, and an activity series was developed by conducting this experiment; that is: among the three metals used for this lab, magnesium has the highest metal reactivity, copper is the second reactive metal and nickel has the relatively β†’

History and development of the sixth amendment

The amendment assures the accused that " In all criminal prosecutions, the accused will enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime will have been committed, which district will have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature β†’

Child developmental milestones creative writings example

He could also respond to sounds and only his head, hands and legs could move though not frequently. He could also bubble a lengthy chain of consonants and while at it, he could use his voice to express himself.

Literature review on two assignments (part one and part two)

In making this point, Desser suggests that the film is about human redemption as he makes connections between Milton's epic poem and the world of Blade Runner." The heatless, soulless, neon lights, the misting, acid rain and the teeming mass of humanity that populate this Los Angeles of the future is the very vision of β†’

Example of media impact on 2 year old children research paper

The caregivers were not concerned with the effect the television had on the children. It has a detrimental effect on the language development and cognitive abilities of the children.

Argumentative essay on meaning of love

Love is perhaps the most elusive of the emotions. However the most interesting thing is that we cannot be sure about real meaning of the words " falling in love".

Good example of article review on factors that help or hinder the development of the pdps

Relying on interviews results, the authors in their article listed some factors that may help GPs to undertake the new development plans. In addition, it is necessary to mention that such factors as regular plans undertaking valued by the practitioner and supported by GP tutors may also have their positive impact on the development plans β†’

Below show the carbon dioxide emissions by region article review examples

Many organizations have championed for enactment of tax liability to the companies causing such emissions in order to compensate the society for such suffering that is in an open way tied to the activities of the organization. Participants in the energy sector have argued that carbon dioxide is not the only pollutant contributing to the β†’

Free education in the eyes of george counts essay sample

Giving the people the knowledge they need to be able to establish a foundation for a better life instantiates a stronger source of trust on how the community would develop alongside the being of every individual living in the area. Accordingly, the suggestions of Counts in determining the real worth of education in a developing β†’

Course work on socialization

Organizational culture is a construct of many managers to reduce the inequalities in the organization; this way they are able to avoid the conflicts in the organization. According to Kramer, a new employee takes up the culture they find and assumes that that is the official culture of the organization.

Young public leaders struggle in maintaining strict ethical standards because they essays examples

The paper seeks to describe the importance of standards in monitoring the organization's codes of conduct. The paper enters into murky depths in explaining the development realized in leadership values in the public sector perspective.- NEED TO MAINTAIN ETHICAL STANDARDS ACROSS CORPORATIONS These values proposes a standard code of conduct for the business.

Team leadershipname:institutional affiliation essay example

Keller understood this and examined transformational leadership, initiating structure, and substitute for leadership in an effort to educate companies as well as the public. Keller's article, " Transformational Leadership, Initiating Structure, and Substitutes for Leadership: A Longitudinal Study of Research and Development Project Team Performance" was featured in a 2006 issue of Journal of Applied β†’

The humanist developmental theory essay sample

In dealing with young children, a crucial role of the teacher, as the facilitator of learning, is to help the child establish a positive self-concept and reduce levels of frustration. The teacher recognizes the child's needs for affection, the need to belong in a class and in a family, and the need to feel secured β†’

Free essay about experiential family therapy

In addition, it facilitates a meaningful change in the family members, and it helps the family to learn and grow. Another weakness is that, in Experiential Family Therapy, the therapist pushes the clients to confront their issues, and does not offer a solution.

Causes and effects of homelessness term paper examples

The homeless people have to sustain facing the brunt of the hardships of life. The causes which lead to homelessness can be categorized into the individual's personal circumstances and the adverse structural factors which are beyond the control of the individual who is left homeless.

Essay on analysis of sonny’s blues by james baldwin

The agony of Sonny's friend who comes to the school gate to inform Sonny's elder brother of the arrest of Sonny is a clear exemplification of how these problems affected many people in the African American society. For example Sonny's elder brother goes to see his brother perform and he comes to understand that music β†’

Digital promotions company

The following report shows how the newly established company - " Digital Blasphamy" has been operated, and the various internal and external factors that affect the operational aspects of the business. We have looked at the most important influences on the company, and how the members of the company should react to these conditions in β†’

Free essay about principles of leadershipname:institutional affiliation

Through my work with students I learned that, in a leadership position, if you begin to expect more of a person they will also begin to expect more of themselves. Without my students, I would not have learned that to be a leader I would need respect, standards, and rewards.

Good example of foreign aid to socialist republic of vietnam essay

Before it, the main idea of the assistance was development of the Vietnamese market for US exports Still, due to oil embargo against the United States and understanding that the North Vietnam was going to win the war, there was a considerable decrease of US aid in the South Vietnam. The victory of the North β†’

Is the world shrinking a study on globalization research paper example

Such forms the main context of globalization a continuing process of connecting people in different parts of the world. Tracing the Roots of Globalization and Business Principles.

Critical thinking on and create their own curriculums [name of the writer]

The high level of dropouts in the college represents low level of ownership and engagement amongst the students. At the Institute for Research in Arts, University of California, the curriculum cannot be planned according to fixed course objectives and a pre-set syllabus because students of the institute are the co-creators with the teachers in the β†’

Self development assignment

In it, you will explore two areas of strength, two areas of weakness, and then you will develop a plan of action focused on one of your strengths and one of your weaknesses. Further, you need to use research to convince the reader that your plan will be effective.2.

Watershed moment research paper example

This paper depicts my watershed moment in life as a result of undertaking my studies abroad in the United States. The breaking of the news that I was to undertake my studies abroad, in the United States of America, was the foundation of an overwhelming joy in my life.

Example of essay on influence of technology on the isolation of america

Even during the world wars, America was dragged in late in the heat of the war only because it wanted to protect its interests in other countries; otherwise, as a continent and a country, America seemed to be self-sufficient. Boyer, Clark and Kett give a vivid description of the great discoveries by Americans that have β†’

Essay on captured time

It is the average duration of sunshine in a day, length of a season in a given location. The way time is perceived when we feel there is not enough of it is a stressful state of mind.

Good report on heat treatment lab

Vicker and Knoop test are microhardness tests, used to measure the local hardness of individual components of the microstructure of the material. Rockwell Hardness test is a process of procedures and the use of a triangular indenter to calculate the hardness.

Good essay on breast cancer

Increased awareness and support for breast cancer on a community and national level as improved the ability to detect breast cancer early, and to diagnose type of cancer accurately and quickly has led to new treatments and increased survival rates. According to the American Cancer Society, while the early stage of breast cancer usually does β†’

Articles review case study sample

The idea of the paper is to inculcate the distant aspects of the decision theory such as normative and descriptive aspects of the theory and its relation with the firm. Rationale for the integration of the political science in the economic sciences as defined in the work of Simon, is related to the limitation of β†’

Example of essay on martin luther king jr

With the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's and those not afraid to speak out against the unjust, such as Martin Luther King Jr, the fight against racism and segregation has made great leaps into the more accepting and integrated society we now enjoy. To which he went on to reply that racism and segregation β†’

Free essay on classroom management procedures

Some contend that youngsters create all the more ideally when there is both an essential parental figure who is focused on the prosperity of the child and an alternate grown-up who offers backing to the essential guardian. The argument about the relative significance of nature and support in youngsters' improvement have persevered for a few β†’

Currently, use is associated with a small

Because of the essential functions in clearance of viral infection, many research groups approached to recover exhausted T cell in chronic patients. Combination blockade of PD-1/CTLA-4 in vitro leads to the restoration of HCV-specific CD8 T cells.

Air pollution in qatar and the uk

This has an effect on the amount and type of emission that goes to the environment.[2] The seriousness of harm caused by air pollution from these industries depends on the type of fuel, used the type of inputs into production, the amount of fuel and the engines or machine used in production. Air pollution From β†’

Example of essay on public administration theory

But Wilson has emphasized that the public organizations are not like the private enterprises; the major reason is that they have not the aim of maximizing their profits and achieving their goals. The biggest benefit of the free market and privatization is that it is in the interests of the consumer and also leads to β†’

The views of piaget and gesell on how development occurs

His concept of maturation allowed him to see that Just like a baby learns to run by first sitting, then standing, then walking, the principles of maturation also have a " rate" of development that is controlled by Internal genetic mechanisms, And the forces of colonization that are so important in the growing and developing β†’

Confucianism of late imperial china essay sample

The close connection between the imperial state and the Confucian leaders was re-established and was observed in the attempt of emperoe K'ang-hsi, to restore the supremacy of Confucianism by Ch'eng-Chu learn the imperial thoughts. The superiority of Confucianism contributed considerably to the development of the familial religion, which helped rebuild the relationship between the high β†’

Marred by ignorance innocence and intolerance essay examples

III: The people of Jackson's " The Lottery" are safely lulled in their ignorance and keep falsely believing that the only thing keeping their society functioning is exactly the lottery and the tradition behind it.B. At the beginning of this dark story, the innocence of the reader is adequate to the innocence of the townspeople.

Example of report on visual motor skills

The lens of the eye is vital for the accommodation of the image Dally, Kelly & Krauss 23). The prisms will cause the learner to throw far away to the side of the target.

Professional organizations report sample

Additionally, these organizations help in the recognition of the members' profession through advocacy and representation as well as increase the ease of access to relevant and current information relating to their profession by networking its members throughout the country and with other relevant organizations. After reading this organization's profile and the testimonies from the members β†’

The most significant invention essays examples

But only a few of them will give rise to the new discoveries and even to the complete change and improvement of the global world system. It led the world and most of the developed countries to the golden century.

Criminal behavior essay example

Crime is an action that is a breach of the laws of society and may involve harm to society while a breach of the norms of society is known as delinquency. Some of the integral ones include: Cesare Beccaria's Classical Theory: According to Beccaria, criminal behavior is a result of free-willed choice, and that people β†’

Good essay about software quality assurance

Hybrid systems - Mathematical models of control systems in which the continuous dynamics generated at each time one of the a priori given set of continuous systems, punctuated with discrete operations, the serving team or a momentary switch from one system to another, or on the instant to set the current restructuring coordinates on the β†’

Community and neighborhoods essay sample

There is also an immediate sense of necessity born of the need to maintain the common areas in order to provide an environment conductive to the health and well-being of the individual and their family. Neighborhoods tend to exist in a series of ever widening scales; there is the home area, the locality and the β†’

Descarte’s ontological argument and ahuangzi’s arguments against realism essay examples

At the beginning of his meditations, Descartes demonstrates that the knowledge possessed by God is much more than the knowledge of human beings. However, based on his attributes about the infinite being and his role in creations, then, it can be proved that there exists a super being who is God.

Research paper on evaluating the effectiveness of police diversity training

The Omaha Police Department does try to achieve diversity in their hiring process. From the classroom to the community: Introducing process in police diversity training.

Mathematics lesson plan #1 critical thinking

Did the students understand the story? Did the students understand the task?

Orathinkal article critique article review examples

The essay used in the description of the results was easy to follow. The researchers failed in that the article lacked summary of the article purpose that should have been at the beginning of the discussion section.

Good article review about gis solutions for environmental management

This has been proven because of the interdependency of the ecosystem we live in and the impact of what humans do to the environment. Like any other information system, GIS is an integration of the basic components of information systems like the hardware, software and data.