4 Pages Essay Samples

Editorial: toward and beyond human-level ai

Editorial on the Research Topic Toward and Beyond Human-Level AI Currently the agenda of human level Artificial Intelligence [also: " strong AI," " Artificial General Intelligence," etc.] is one of the most important problems of interest for the scientific community and the general public. The authors used two learning algorithms to fully automate the passage →

The changing faces of parenting, from the 1960’s to the 21st century

It was the profound social movements of the decade in the sixties that affected changes in American social institutions, causing a shift in views regarding parenting, dating, and our sexuality and the sexuality of others Before the impact of the social movements of this era began to affect even more changes in American Social institutions, →

Vernissage: mother and banana sandwich

The mother is the one who seems to take care of the family and does the things that has to be done in the family, as she's the only one who is at home, when Alex for example needs something, Some examples of what she does is: " At home she made him a banana →

health care museum essay sample

We will take a tour of the exhibits on five of the most significant developments in the evolution of healthcare in the United States. In 1993, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, The Children's Health Insurance was started in 2000 2006 2009 In 2006, the state Massachusetts mandated all residents have health insurance by the →

Business law

Once a patient has been classified as red tag, any procedure need to be immediately settled prior to the administration of the procedure, regardless of the necessity and the kind of the procedure to be undertaken. However, it is also the responsibility of the patients and their families to pay for all the medical services →

Denture adhesives in prosthodontics- an overview

The denture adhesives improved denture retention and stability, and found that patients perceived improved chewing ability, confidence and comfort, reduced wobble and collection of food particles under denture. Increase the comfort, retention and stability of the denture Mode of application: Any residual adhesive should be removed from the tissue-bearing surface of the denture.

A faher’s love

My father has had a huge impact on my life and it is because of him that I am the person I am today. I am so grateful that I had him as a father; the things he taught me have influenced my life in different ways.

Govt wants to bite back at junk food

The plan is to place a 10% tax on all junk food with the aim of increasing its price, and decreasing its consumption, leading to a decrease in its negative effect on community as a whole. Although some people may ignore the higher price and continue to eat junk food, the majority of the population →

Judicial process in a drug court

Other functions carried out by the courts include supervising of the offenders after rehabilitation by the court and closely monitoring the treatment and recovery from addiction. By doing this, the courts ensure that the members are successfully integrated back into the society hence reducing and even ending the use of drugs.

Why had international peace collapsed by 1939

During the 1930's the appeasement policy was seen to be a means of preserving peace with Germany by giving Hitler all he wanted. The reason for this pact was the fact that Hitler was trying to reclaim all land that the Treaty of Versailles took away.

Educational psychology as a career

Educational Psychologists work with students of any age ineducation, and they work and help with the students' psychological and educational development. This intervention can involve the educational psychologist working with the student on a personal level or by working with parents, teachers or colleagues of the student.

Nuclear weapons and the end of the universe

The religion follows the belief that Christ will come back at the time of the great flood which is supposed to engulf the world at the time of the last judgment. To conclude, one can state that the invention of the nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction will lead to the tragic doom →

Starch hyrolysis of amylase enzyme | experiment

5 mL of the reacted starch solution was added to 5 mL of the HCl stopping solution.0. 5 mL of the starch solution was added to each of test tubes.

World trade organization

World Trade Organization The World Trade Organization is one of the relatively younger world organizations that exist to help regulate the international business community. As such, the main goal of the World Trade Organization is to ensure that the welfare of the people living in member countries is care for and improved upon through the →

Foster care argumentative essay

Children in our foster care system receive long lasting effects of abuse and neglect but in some cases the foster care system has been proven to minimize the negative results of inappropriate use of child care. After comparing the pros and cons of foster care it is important to realize that there are flaws in →

Research methodology for director elections analysis

The director and board performance from the perspectives of voting shareholders, the implementation of majority-approved shareholder proposals provide a more specific and tighter measure for the actions boards take to do their jobs. Sample and data To answer these questions, I study the multiple directorships policies for S&P 1500 firms for the period from 2000 →

Confronting death in white noise

In Jack's life the fear of death is a force that operates in a system outside of his control. DeLillo shows that Jack hides behind Hitler as a shield not only from the unknown but as a way to anchor his existence.

Vying and dying to leave

Hardy's work offers a unique insight into the plight not only of a man trying to return to the heath that highlighted his youth, but also the attempt of an ambitious young girl to outgrow her meager surroundings. These pages not only serve to blame fate and nature in the foreshadowing of Eustacia's death, but →

Grendel’s inevitable death

The bull in chapter two represents the predictability of Grendel's world, as fate predicts everything in Grendel's future. This strengthens the idea that fate led to Grendel's inevitable death.

The neurotic schoolboy

I suppose it peculiar that the moment she evacuates the room my brother falls asleep again and the rest of the morning evolves into a period of disappointment and rage. What inconvenience have I done to thee to be confined and restrained to the intellectual potency of a seven year old?

Textual integrity in hamlet essay

It is through analysis of these ideas that an appreciation of the texts significance and its importance to responders is evidenced, resulting in an appreciation of the play irrespective of time. Shakespeare challenges the significance of appearance through the constant distinction between appearance and reality by the unprecedented use of the aside and the soliloquy.

Describe three economic problems facing president obama in the first 120 days

Among the various economic problems Obama currently faces today are the sky-rocketing national debt, the falling US dollar, and the global economic recession that's plaguing the country and most of the industrialized world. The next economic problem that Obama needs to address is the falling value of the US dollar.

The pen is mightier

Language is a vital part of the world because it is not only practical, but necessary; it is not only good, but beautiful. Of course the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as well.

Characterization through multiple perspectives

To portray the multiple sides of a character that make him or her realistic and rounded, Egan chose to tell the main character of her novel through the perspectives of many interconnected characters. Egan gathers sympathy for Sasha by showing the many sides of her, and how she is a troubled woman with a strong →

Soci-cultural issues in education

Task: Socio-Cultural Issues in Education The past favored the approval of the theory of individuals' natural rights in the historical American society. The current America leaders focus on the enlightenment principles of the human rights as stated in the constitutions.

Business organisations – set questions and answers

The house would have to be designed to suit the satisfaction of the customers buying the place. This would help Laing homes know were to improve next time and how to do it, so the customer can be left leaving in a happy home.

Unable dependent on drugs and cannot survive

As a result, the population of the country has become vulnerable to drugs. A major portion of the drugs available in India is smuggled from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Cirque-du-soleil essay

However since the nature of the business is such that competitors can easily copy the concepts, Cirque should move towards more creative and sophisticated version of their shows. Brand the performers: Cirque can make their some performers famous worldwide so that the audience will go to watch their performance and it will give them a →

Accred, thesis

Statement of the Problem This study focuses on the assessment of the safety and security of the BSME students availing in boarding houses. Objectives of the Study This study aims to assess the safety and security of the students in the BSME classes availing to boarding houses.

Social mediaassignment assignment

It is social media that allows for such a convenient and efficient news outlet. Business and advertising is Just one enhancement of the very many that social media has brought to society.

Critique responding to stiglitz assignment

To the contrary it is in fact the all-encompassing fault of how they all strictly view the situation and steadfastly defend their reasoning of the causes and solutions without any degree of give or leeway to opposing points of view. To Still politics on both sides of the aisle through the money interests of special →

Harold krebs’s struggles after returning from world war i

Krebs finds Hemingway's world much too complicated underneath, for its simplicity on the surface; Krebs particularly notices the young girls of the town, mainly from the comfort of his home porch: Upon return, Krebs finds that Hemmingway's town is unchanged; the young girls grow up with their own issues, too many for Krebs to care →

Death of a salesman and oedipus the king

Similarities and differences of Oedipus the King and Death of a Salesman Oedipus the King and Death of a Salesman are two of the plays that represent what tragedy is. Oedipus the King and the Death of a Salesman are two different plays however showed reality about life.

Sexual harassment within the hospitality industry

This has resulted to workplace trauma especially among women who are always the victim of sexual harassment by the male employees of the company where they work. The owners and the management themselves must ensure that they do a better job of informing their employees regarding their sexual harassment policies.

Ozymandias and the grecian urn paper

These poems are very different in how their objects interact with the passing of time and in the feelings that they invoke in the reader, but very similar in the romantic characteristics that they represent." Ozymandias" and " Ode to a Grecian Urn" are very different in how the statue and the urn interact with →

Editorial: molecular mechanisms in stress and trauma related disorders

Gold and Kadriu provide a perspective on the physiologic and molecular mechanisms underlying the involvement of the lateral habenula a brain region with antireward properties and bidirectional connections to the stress system in the development of anhedonia and other depressive phenotypes. In conclusion, this Research Topic has aimed at providing up-to-date evidence on the molecular →

Life styles inventory (lsi) assignment

Being that the poser style is on the bottom of my totem pole, I believe that the humanistic and encouraging style will set well with the employees and contribute to a person's level of satisfaction & proficiency at accomplishing tasks. It's very important to not always want to be a leader and never want to →

Case study in marketing assignment

As a family company, Anyway is committed to playing a part in improving the lives of children in need across the lobe. Anyway programmers In order to give many of the world's children a chance to live a better life, Anyway launched the global One by One campaign for children in 2003.

Response: commentary: morphologically distinct escherichia coli bacteriophages differ in their efficacy and ability to stimulate cytokine release in vitro

A commentary on Commentary: Morphologically Distinct Escherichia coli Bacteriophages Differ in Their Efficacy and Ability to Stimulate Cytokine Release In Vitro by Dufour, N, Henry, M, Ricard, J.-D, and Debarbieux, L. Despite the suggestion to the contrary provided by the Dufour et al.commentary, the reduction and quantification of endotoxin in phage preparations remains an active →

Editorial: understanding and modulating bone and cartilage cell fate for regenerative medicine

Editorial on the Research Topic Understanding and Modulating Bone and Cartilage Cell Fate for Regenerative Medicine With this research topic we provide an overview of the main tools regenerative medicine and stem cells research have to better understand and modulate bone and cartilage cell fate, both during natural healing processes and during the development of →

Family functioning and weight loss in a sample of african americans and whites

Weight-ing: The Experience of Waiting on Weight Loss The research as contained in the report ' Weight-ing: The Experience of Waiting on Weight Loss' was designed to explore the meaning of waiting on weight loss using Van Manen's guide to phenomenological reflection and writing. The data source employed was random as the report was grounded →

Lighting and themes in 127 hours essay

For example when Franco's character is trapped the lighting is shadowy and lights his face in a way that enhances the desperate mood of the shot or where the character feels hopeful of his survival he is looking towards the light which brightens the mood of the shot. In the chosen scene the lighting is →

Consequences of tattoos

In the Brief History of Tattoos and Body Arts, some cultures tattoos symbolized strength, bravery, and spirituality while other cultures tattoos symbolized a form of punishments, outcast, and slavery. With of the popularity of tattoos, corporate America is beginning to see more tattoos in the workplace.

Culture and cultural adaptation

Summary of Tange's research Tange aimed to unite theory and practice of the cultural adaptation process and to show how the business community could benefit from research based on the qualitative approach. Conclusion This essay has attempted to critically evaluate Tange's study on the process of cultural adaptation.

Causes of dictatorship in russia

Around the 20th century, the end of the First World War cleared the way for the formation of democratic regimes. It was the object of the cause, but on the other hand he was also the subject executor of all the problems as well.

Social criticism

They have the power of transforming the reader to the world that is portrayed in the writings. Adapting to the Communicative Needs of the Audience Literature of the working class has been on the rise in the last fifty years or so.

Correlation and cause when inferring attentional guidance in the rainforest and beyond

Frey et al.also take a different and ingenious approach by examining the impact of the observer in this case their ability to perceive color in the normal way. Converging evidence from correlational and experimental studies, from typical and atypical individuals, and from simple and more ecologically complex stimuli can therefore provide a more complete explanation →

Greatest invention

My first reason as to why I think electricity is the world's greatest invention is that without electricity there would be very little to do and people would have to play outside as they use to do in Victorian times to amuse themselves. Nobody could go out after dark as there would be no street →

Criminal justice training job aid assignment

Police Officers should handle this calmly and address each concern without any sign of an effect to the questions of the press. Being a representative or witness of certain event, police officers must communicate clearly and accurately all the facts of the story.

Perth stadium in australia – constructive and functional advantages and disadvantages

The various imaginings by the Australians were influenced by the expectations that they had on the realization of the construction and with the comparison with the world-class stadiums. The stadium has also the challenge of the basic amenities such as access to toilets, drinks as well as food among other necessary amenities necessary to the →

Analysis: just do what the pilot tells you essay

2 On the testing day, the person who is taking the test has certain orders to fool The first order given is to enter the room that they are assigned to take the tee SST in. The people giving out the tests place the testers in the room because the Poe plea that are responsible →

Editorial: exercise in pediatric medicine

Editorial on the Research Topic Exercise in Pediatric Medicine Physical activity and exercise have a high potential in the treatment and prevention of many chronic medical conditions. They observed increased physiological and cognitive functions in the children included in the study Another report by Gitimoghaddam et al.described the effects of a pilot study investigating gymnastic-based →

There to talk about five habits that

there is no denying that all good-looking handsome guys have a common themetheir pretty boys they look good and I had the cypress tomato steamed some ofthose habits I figured if you cannot beat them join them I do not know you cancall me Einstein but I was thinking the other day you know hmm →

Harrison bergeron theme essay

In summary, the loss of freedom and civil rights would lead to America's dystopia are the main messages of Harrison Bergeron. The main idea of neglect of freedom of choice is also expressed in the article of Clark.

Example of battle of ants by henry david thoreau essay

It is obvious that Thoreau uses the red ants to demonstrate the plight of the minority in society. However, it is equally significant to appreciate Thoreau's observation of the resilience and resoluteness of the ants in the battle.

The morning of the walker family reunion

I chose to forget it the moment I received the formal invitation along with the junk mail I almost threw away. When I opened the door to the coffee shop, the bells attached to it jingled to announce my entrance.

Terroristic tendencies

Even though such a scenario would prove devastating to the nation, the fact of the matter remains that the high implausibility of terrorists actually accruing the sheer amount of skill, money, materials necessary to build a nuclear weapon proves to be its most decisive detractor in fearing it. In the end the widespread misconception of →

How many hamburgers? essay sample

The total cost of the hamburger inventory for the period is $7428.00. The total cost of the hamburger inventory for the period is $7680.00.

Why people appose abortion essay sample

Religious groups have views, which are more against abortion such as Christians who believe that abortion is murder and against the laws of God and believe it's not just a matter that concerns human beings and their conscience but also something that concerns human beings and their God. But some religions views are slightly different →

Ethics in health management

Obligations: Family members have got the duty to ensure that the elderly lady is taken good care of and that she gets access the required medical care.b. The last solution would be to employ a person to assist her by ensuring that all her household duties are taken care of and that she is in →

Advantages & disadvantages of mobile phone essay

We can calculate anything with this phone, we can save our contact list in out mobile so we do not need to memorize the numbers. This mobile can be used world wide and the thing is we can carry this mini device in our pocket.

The meanest influence essay

Maya sees glimpses of the much higher quality of life that the white people enjoy and she is in awe of it. The segregation of Stamps, Arkansas greatly affects relationships that Maya has with white people and the way that she views them.

Travel to europe

I knew I would not get this chance later and I wanted to make the most of it. The Architecture was amazing; I was Just taken In by It.

Vulcan and arachne: partners in crime?

However, upon a closer reading of Arachne's story in Book VI, it becomes clear that Ovid wants the reader to connect the two stories in his or her mind. Ovid's purpose in using such similar language for both Arachne and Vulcan was to connect the characters and force the reader to compare them with each →

Robert frost and ted hughes: journeys in “out, out,” “daffodils,” and “red”

The inclusive language at the beginning of the Hughes first poem ' Remember how we picked the daffodils?' shows how Hughes affectionately recalls memories from the loving beginning of their marriage and reinforces the connection they once shared. This abusive language, coupled with the change to second person, effectively contrasts to the beginning of the →

Wars – destructive for humanity

The irony of the new millennium is that improvement in technology and scientific advancement have given us more options, leaving us with our major drawback, our primitive human failing the fear of the other. Even very back in 1993, the US experienced the result of new weapons, in the hands of hurriedly formed mercenary and →

How to make an effective detective story essay sample

It can make the story effective if you have a surprising ending in the story like in " Murder in St Oswald's", firstly, a murder in a school is not usual, secondly, Michael Underwood, the author, lead you to a wrong direction in the story, when the readers is hardly imagining how a group of →

Spilling the ‘secret sauce’ of a good franchise business model

The Difference of a Franchise Model Speaking about the key metrics one needs to follow in a franchise model of business Adarsh said, " We work on a global, hospitality model of a franchise, wherein as a brand you are required to provide three things to the unit to perform well. Target Customer and Competition →

Autism and symptoms

In this study, the causes and symptoms of autism disorder in affected individuals will be discussed. It is important to have knowledge of the causes and symptoms of this disorder so that the disorder in infants can be detected and diagnosed early enough and appropriate treatment sought soonest.

Social for achievement is one of the most

The need for achievement is considerably influenced by the following factors: Independence training in childhood: Individuals who are high in need for achievement come from families where they have been trained to be independent" right from the childhood. Past success: Individuals who have a past history of success in a given task are likely to →


She was always nice and did her schoolwork exceptionally, but her parents still beat her, and only her. My aunt was the one who took care of her sister and did whatever she had to do for her.

Bio 101 essay

Figure 1: The process of the scientific method 13 Lab 1 : Scientific Method The scientific method process begins with the formulation of a hypothesis a statement of what the experimenter thinks will happen in certain situations. Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number →

10 bootstrapping tips to turn your idea into reality

With the chances of receiving funding so slim, if you are serious about turning your idea into a reality, you are most likely going to have to dip into your own pockets and bootstrap your way to the top. If you are operating on a shoestring budget, you can use a pre-made website theme to →

Quiz chapter 15

Which statement is true? a) You exert a force on the bucket and do work on the bucket as you carry it.b) You exert a force on the bucket but do no work on the bucket.c) You do not exert a force on the bucket and you do no work on it. Answers: c Question →

Derailment and conflict in an organization assignment

The 2 main issues that we thought it was important for us to discuss are derailment of Thomas Green and also the conflicts with regards to the difference in personalities and power struggles within Dynamic Display. The consequence of the conflict was to alienate Green from Davis and his group by seeking other managers to →

The saga surrounding assault rifles

By the second amendment, every citizen of the United States has the right to bear fire arms for his or her own protection as well as the possible need for a militia in times of war. The argument that is being made is that Americans have the right to bear firearms but the use of →

Editorial: towards the control of thermal expansion: from 1996 to today

Since the large isotropic NTE was discovered in zirconium tungstate over a wide temperature range in 1996, the interest in NTE has rapidly grown to become the most promising route to achieve the control of thermal expansion. The present Research Topic includes a collection of original research and review articles dedicated to the physical-chemical phenomena →

The different types of animal cruelty

The goal is not to patch up ailing people but to use the human tissues in place of mice, dogs or other lab animals for testing new drugs, cosmetics and other products. With gratitude to those who accumulate animal cruelty facts and educate the populace, people are finally taking notice of suffering animals and the →

Article review 2

The Price is too High for Imported Food by PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY1 The article starts with the greatest bounties of the United s resources as depictedin the favorite patriotic song, America the Beautiful2 with its " amber waves of grain. As the article is about the Permanent Normal Trade Relations for China, the author twists and →

Design, synthesis and pharmacological tests of leukotrienes a4 hydrolase inhibitors as potential targets of interest in cancer treatment – lab report example

Scheme 2: Preparation of 3, 5-diacetoxy-stirene While addressing the topic of trans-resveratrol, the research does not make any contribution to the area of cis-resveratrol synthesis and application. For the synthesis of the resveratrol analog, we need to prepare the corresponding nitro derivative from the respective aldehyde using the methodology developed by Dauzone as described in →

British invasion essay

The British Music Invasion was one of the most influential time periods for the development and maturation of a new variation of rock and roll. The British Invasion was the product of Great Britain's attempt to," [break] free from the overt imitation of musical references and with the incorporation of direct influences from African American →

The stages by which wolsey gained power in church and state

It was whilst he was in the council that Wolsey was able to use his skill of speech and could present cases in council well. This undoubtedly put Wolsey above Warham and he had achieved his objective of surpassing all- he was now the most senior churchman in England.

Tourism and globalisation

Some of the authors have highlighted about Disjuncture and Differences in the global economy, Globalization, Travel Migration and images of social life, Orientalisam, Worldmaking and ethnocentrism in tourism and also about sightseeing and sight exerperiencing from the article ' intelligent tourist' by Horne. The author Appadurai highlights the relationship of the global cultural economy and →

Critically the human being centrality in the security

Hundreds of different arguments and interpretations about the concept of security have emerged due to the impossibility of circulating one suitable understanding of the definition for everyone. Second, the multi-faceted definitions of security as an essentially contested concept.

Reflection paper

According to Sigmund Freud, in this essay on " The Sexual Aberrations", he noted that the sexual object and the sexual aim are two separate components. The sexual object refers to the desired object which in this case is a person of the opposite sex.

Public health and road safety in australia focus on nsw state

It raises points as to why road safety merits the interest of the public health department and is a necessity for the improvement of overall public health. Considering that the main focus of the public health department is public health, it is apparent that road safety, which accounts for numerous injuries, disabilities and death in →

Finman case study essay

Your conversation with the President, which took place in January 2011, proceeded as follows: President: " The Accounts Receivable shown on the Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 2010 are nearly P100 million and the funny thing is, we just collected a bunch of the big accounts in early December but had to →

History of ideas

From the very first contacts between the Old and the New World, European doctors recognized that the Indians held the key to the world? s most sophisticated pharmacy. Europeans who are living in America should feel shame about that, and thank to the Indians even if it is too late.

Report for lowe

Lowe being one of the leading stores in America boasts of its customer input but despite the customers high turn out the company receives stiff competition from Home Deport a company that deals in the same trade as the Lowe's retail store, this automatically has resulted to the company to become one big threat for →

Ancient rome: a thriving civilization assignment

Rome was preponderant throughout the Mediterranean region and was one Of the most powerful entities Of the ancient world. In general, it was Roman policy to respect the moss regions and to regard local laws as a source of legal precedent and social stability.

Personal and political consequences of the cold war period

George Clooney's Good Night And Good Luck, Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot, Cormac McCarthy's novel, The Road, and Oliver Stone's film, Platoon represent this in light of their differing perceptions of the period, but each ultimately foreshadows a diminishing of the self and a challenging of values. This reflects the nature of an era that →

The concept behind neural plasticity psychology essay

You will find out that neural plasticity can be experienced in many different parts of the brain such as in the motor cortex, the auditory cortex, and in the visual cortex. The areas I will focus on in this assignment are the background of neural plasticity, examples on how neural plasticity is used, and the →

Satire: orwell’s animal farm, swift’s a modest proposal assignment

Orwell wanted to alert the world to the growing menace and hypocrisy of Communism, Swift was passionate about his native Ireland and used satire to expose the callousness of the British parliament in ignoring the lions dying of famine in Ireland. Animal Farm reflects the actual events and the leaders of the Russian Revolution in →

Marketing plan outline assignment

What is the size of the market? What is the size of the market?

Dna analysis and codis essay

This knowledge of DNA is important because now it is possible to show the correlation between DNA and forensic technology. Most of our DNA is identical to DNA of others.

Chapter 1 quiz

B2B transactions D.intermediate e-commerce transaction B2B transactions The green movement is.A.a trend that started with the U.S.government B.concern with depletion of natural resources and leaving carbon footprint C.developing more green food products to feed the world's poor D.our concern with the fact that everywhere we look, things are remaining green for longer periods of time →