4 Pages Essay Samples

Equine assisted therapy book review examples

The association of horses with therapy stems from the fact that people tend to act in accordance with the motives and agendas that they attribute to and use to explain the actions of others and in accordance with their own agendas. In the third chapter, Hill explores the physical parts and systems of a horse.

Social aspects of personality

Are important in tourism and hospitality industry to provide excellent guest service, The Head * In hotel or restaurant, you will use your head to send a message. The Good Communication Skills * For tourism and hospitality industry professionals, mastering the art of communication is a very important skill required in the provision of excellent →

A plot of the notebook novel

The Little Town is out in the country, where they lived with their grandmother in order to seek safety from the bombings due to WWII occurring in the Big Town. The second interaction the boys have on their journey is with their grandmother, who is known by most people in the Little Town as " →

Chaos and order in paradise lost

Chaos is an ' ancestor of Nature', implying Chaos existed before nature, and that it cannot be defined in the same way. He argues to the effect that being a dark abyss and therefore associated with Hell, Chaos is as an extension of Hell, and not a separate entity.

I know why the caged bird sings reaction paper

From the start of the book, Angelou expresses her racist views when she is in church and fantasizes that one day she will wake up out of her " black ugly dream. Throughout the book Angelou feels alone because she has insecurities about the way that she looks and the color of her skin.

An overview of the stolen party

Although Rosaura is not a part of the same social and economical category as the people at the party, she doesnt see herself in the light, until an event in the story takes place and she begins to distinguish herself in a way that is completely opposite of what she thinks at the stories beginning. →

An analysis of the writing in america and i by anzia yezierska

Yezierska uses the idea of darkness and light to symbolize the negative and positive aspects of her experience and understanding in America. On the other hand the image of light is used to symbolize hopes and dreams about her life in America, and the unraveling of her confusion.

Relationships between finny and gene in a separate peace novel

Sometimes the failure of a friendship is the result of one of the friend's faults, rather than caused by the general disagreement and bickering between the two of them. When Gene breaks the news to him, it is evident that he does not like the idea of it.

Informative essay on a raisin in the sun

The play and the production of A Raisin in the Sun are comparable in multiple ways. She was the typical grandmother in both the play and the movie.

The black cat & the tell tale heart

The reader already knows what's going to happen in the end of the Tell-Tale Heart in the beginning of the story; while in The Black Cat the reader does not find out well till the end. Since the story is written more traditionally the reader does not know the ending the story, therefore it makes →

Arab league topic: decreasing global dependence on middle eastern oil

Since around 82% of global oil production comes from countries of the OPEC, and the fact that oil is an economic opportunity these countries that have depended on and forwarded the most, it has disconcerted the them too. Kuwait has the 4th largest oil reserves in the world and the Burgan Field is the 2nd →

Characteristic of henry lamartine in the red convertible

Before the war, the red car had symbolized freedom that Henry and his brother had, but after the war, he felt as if he had been stripped of that freedom because of what he had experienced while in Vietnam. Later in the story, it is revealed that his experiences at war had too great of →

Motif of eyes in the great gatsby

These two and the majority of other east coast characters are eventually seen as immoral, and the author's portrayal of their eyes foreshadowed this development. Through a complex analysis of The Great Gatsby, one can argue that eyes are used as a motif that symbolizes the " loss of virtue in America." Through the eyes →

Satire as one of the most powerful forms of expression

Employing humor, irony, and sarcasm to prove the satirist's argument and demonstrate the ridiculousness of the topic at hand, satire attracts wide audiences and causes readers to think critically and analyze the work to understand the argument made by the satirists. According to Geoffrey Baym, the Chairman of Temple University's media and communications department, " →

Utopia is no place

He presents a prescriptive report of social structures of Utopia - contrasting it, in the minds of the responders, with his earlier discussions in Book I of the " sorry state of the realm of England". Atwood uses the Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian and theocratic state, to also make a comment upon society's flaws.

The social surrounding in chronicle of a death foretold

Chronicle of a Death Foretold is amusing to its name in light of the fact that the historical backdrop of the occasions that prompted the murder of Santiago Nasar and furthermore chronicles the social surroundings where the occasion occurred. The title of the novel itself proposes that Nasar's demise was inescapable and pre-arranged, viewed as →

Themes that are relevant in today’s world in johnny got his gun

Though written during the American interwar period during the first half of the twentieth century, Dalton Trumbo's " Johnny Got His Gun" contains themes that remain relevant in today's world, especially with the increasing number of armed conflicts in foreign countries that the United States military is becoming involved in, despite a lack of public →

Ap in cold blood

The author was able to create and portray a good amount of sympathy for Dick's parents by making them appear poor and gentle as well as by how they speak about their son, and are willing to forgive him for his mistakes. He is their son and it shows that, no matter what kind of →

Free book review on killing the black body

In second chapter of the book " The dark side of birth control" author established a link between birth control drive lead by Margaret Sanger and eugenics drive of racial subtleties during era of twenties and thirties. It was not justice to forcefully reduce the fertility of black women and Birth control drive lead by →

A key to a successful life in death of a salesman american dream

The confused father is so determined to create the perfect family of the American Dream that he becomes incapable of accepting the difference between the Dream and his own life. Consequently, Willy Loman's need to be well liked leads him to develop a misunderstanding of reality regarding his career, the care of his sons, and →

The awakening deconstruction

In The Awakening, Kate Chopin tells the story of Edna Pointillist, who feels that society is constricting and that she needs to be free of the norms set by society. She thinks the only way to be truly free from the oppressiveness of society would be to die, which would release her of all her →

The crucible: troubles in the proctor household

The conflicting emotions are present when John Proctor tries to avoid confrontations with his wife, the small talk between them where John constantly tries to please Elizabeth, and the lack of mutual agreement between them. Clearly, it shows that John has conflicting emotions towards his wife because he wants to act as a typical husband →

Strength of weakness in jane austen’s persuasion

Based on instances from Betty Smith's novel, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and Mark Twain's novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, I defend the validity of Jane Austen's claim discussing human nature in times of trial. Therefore, the man chucked the tree at the kids and risked the lives of the children by putting them →

Heart of darkness critical essay

The horror that Kurtz is referring to is the guilt he and Marlow feel, the disappointment of dying and the fear of the darkness. The character Kurtz is very good at what he brings to the Company, however near his time of death he reflects on the inequality that is displayed towards the natives of →

Good book review about academically adrift review on chapter 5

The book take a critical look at the higher learning in colleges and university in the united states of America in great depth and it concludes that the degree the current students are getting in colleges and the university is not worth much compared to the time and money invested in teaching the students. Since →

Disco demolition night

The management of the White sox felt that the event would be successful in bringing in a big crowd for the game and just as expected, instead of the initial estimates, the crowd swelled up to 90, 000, quite too much for the 52, 000 seat capacity of the stadium. In the end, riot police →

Anne’s identity in anne of green gables by lucy maud montgomery

Anne's past as a foster child causes her to struggle with her identity but teaches her to be independent and imaginative. She learns to put the needs of other people before her own and continues to see positivity in everything.

Melissa younan twelfth night

In her soliloquy, Viola is trying to come to a con occlusion as to why Olivia had sent the ring, knowing for a fact that she had not worn one. Also, when Viola begins to rant about how frail the hearts of women AR e and " how easy is it for the propellers / →

Belonging essay – the crucible

These examples are how stage direction is used to demonstrate belonging and not belonging in Arthur Miller's " The Crucible". In Arthur Miller's " The Crucible", dialogue is used to expose belonging and not belonging.

Macbeth and the jacobean scot

InMacbeth, the Jacobean Scot, and the Politics of the Union, Sharon Alker and Holly Faith Nelson demonstrate a well-informed opinion of the relation between the idea of the Jacobian Scot and it's arguable relation, or lack thereof, to William Shakespeare's Elizabethan play, Macbeth. Due to the fact that Macbeth is thought to have been performed →

The theme of family in books 6 and 24 in homer’s iliad.

The leaders of the Greeks are brothers, and Achilles's revenge against Hektor is caused by the loss of the brotherly love of Patroklos. I have had the noblest of sons in Troy, but I say not one of them is left to me...and all that are left me are disgraces, the liars and the dancers, →

Sons and lover themess

Freud, a German psychologist, used the term Oedipus Complex to signify the manifestation of the sexual desire of the child for the parent of the opposite sex i.e.sexual desire of the son for mother and conflict with father. The son when he is excessively attached too the mother develops the Oedipus Complex and suffers from →

Midsummer night’s dream

The most interesting of these is the effect created by the existence of another play within the play. The most important effect that the concept of ' play within a play' creates is that it highlights the outer plot of the unfortunate events in the life of the young Athenian lovers.

Literature analysis of the book “a farewell to arms” by ernest hemingway

In the book, many of the symbols give the reader an emotional connection to the book. The rain steadily falling is a constant reminder to the reader of theviolenceof the war and the inevitability of death.

Long way gone essay sample

In the book Long Way Gone, Ishmael and his friends are dehumanized through the war because of the traumatic events they endure, and their time spent in solitude away from civilization; luckily, they were able to regain humanity through the love and hope provided from others. With the help of the employees and volunteers, they →

The great gatsby task analysis

Include at least three visuals and at least four of the following items: * A quotation that expresses the character'sphilosophyof life * A brief description of the character'sfamilyor friends.* A brief description of the time in which the character lives.* A brief description of the world in which the character lives.* A brief description of →

Overview of da vinci code

The mystery in the novel sparks many questions in the reader: " Why is the catholic church so intent on getting a hold on the secret scroll?" " What does this scroll contain?" " Why is there an organization of some of history's finest intellectuals working to protect the content of the scroll, and why →

Tuesdays with morrie by mitch albom: the path to making the most out of life

Together they discuss the path of utilizing the most out of life, and in the process, help reform the broken fragments that formed what Mitch once considered his life. Morrie establishes the importance of family as the sustenance for life and even comes to pick at Mitch's priority of work over family.

The valley of ashes as a main symbol in the great gatsby

This book, set in the 1920's, takes place in Long Island Sound and New York.the valley of ashes is found between West Egg and New York City, however in contrast to East and West Egg's rich preeminent society, the valley of ashes is where the poor people live. In reference to the valley itself, the →

Essay about a doll`s house

Nora's nanny is also a clear example of the said theme, as she had no choice but to leave her child to work for someone else, just to feed the child. Nora proved to be courageous as well, as she was willing to break the law just to ensure her husband's well-being and of course, →

Utopia in candide

It is difficult for us to understand because as a society the motto we live by is " we want more" and that is why we are far and away from a utopian society. The satire that Voltaire provides on the subject of a Utopia is that there is a great problem the world suffers →

Book review of 6 suspects

The suspects include: Moan Kumar, a corrupt retired bureaucrat Sabina Sane, a Plywood star Skeet, a tribesman from the island of Little Madman in the Bay of Bengal Manna Mobile, a small time thief Jonathan Aria, Vicky father and a high level politician Larry Page, a naive Texan conned by a mail-order bride scam In →

Hills like white elephants

She is opposed to the idea of her getting an abortion, but is still willing to have the operation in order to please her man. It is only until she threatens to scream that the man backs of a little.

Achilles, aeneas, and roland

He was a soldier who fought in the Trojan War and after surviving the destruction of Troy, he later founded the city of Rome. He helped raise the Greek soldiers' moral, he was an excellent fighter and swordsmen, and he killed Hector, who was the leader of the Trojan forces and son of the King →

Effects of war on soldier in generals die in bed

In Charles Yale Harrison's novel Generals Die in Bed, the horror of war is a vital theme and is characterized through many challenges the narrator encounters in the novel. The horror of war is portrayed throughout the novel through things such as having a perpetual fear of the unknown, the psychological effects of war, and →

A christmas carol: an example of classical literature

If a piece of writing is not timeless, then it is not literature because that means that it does not have a universal appeal either, and if it does not have a universal appeal, then that may mean that it does not have a very profound meaning. Just because a piece of writing has been →

Mixed feelings about sonny in sonny’s blues by j. baldwin

Two of the setting in this narrative, the city where they brothers grew up and the club where Sonny plays near the end of the story, effectively shows the contrast between Sonny's pain and his method of expressing this pain as Baldwin's use of time and place cause the reader to relate to the idea →

Ernest hemingway’s ‘cat in the rain’

Back in the room, the wife has a conversation with her husband on how she wants to grow out her hair. She liked the way the owner listened to her complaints and wanted to serve her, this instance further contrasts what she has in a marriage and what she wants.

My reflection on savage inequalities: children in america’s school

This history class is the highlight of the school, there is senior girls was pregnant it and there is no reason for them to not have a baby. East St Louis school is lack of a lot of thing to give the student better education.

Nervous conditions by tsitsi dangarembga: representation of gender conditions

In contrast to the Shona women, the Shona men, including Babamukuru, Nhamo, and Jeremiah, are to view themselves as breadwinners and the heads of their household. The women in the novel, Tambu, Nyasha and Miaguru, struggle with the gender inequalities created by the Shona culture's expectations of gender.

Great expectations: themes

The abandonment of hischildhoodfather figure -Joe - and his earlier virtues of decency and compassion are the consequences of his misconception that with wealth will come 'gentility'. Instead it is values such as compassion and the ability to love that define their gentility.

Les miserables essay: overview

As Cosette's character develops she is passed along from a pitiful mother who cannot support her; to the Thenardier's who beat and starve her; then, to Jean Valjean who takes Cosette in where she becomes his everything. Cosette is used to show Fantine as a " miserable." Fantine leaves Cosette with the Thenardier's and goes →

In cold blood and the film capote

The novel does in the depth about the charters and the plot but the movie leaves out many important details to leave the viewer's wondering why something happened. He was described as the master mind and instigator of the murders in the novel.

The age of innocence by edith wharton: the problem of double standards

In Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence, she examines the complicated relationship between men and women, both in the public eye and behind closed doors. The relationship between men and women consists of a united public front, regardless of internal conflict and favors infidelity in men while expecting women to remain supportive and submissive to →

A&p vs araby

He is unhappy when he comes to the bazaar, and sees that most of the things are gone and he is unable to provide something to the girl of his dreams that satisfies him. In both stories the boys share a common frustration with their feelings and change in attitudes, which show the inner turmoil →

Flowers for algernon

Charlie's lack of vocabulary and ability to communicate at a high degree due to his mental disability is the cause of many issues that happen to him. Charlie's goal Is to become smart, to be accepted In society, and for this reason Charlie volunteers to be the test subject of an experiment to create a →

Without conscience: the disturbing world of the psychopaths among us. new york book review example

Much of the information and literature in this book about psychopaths is science in general. Although the book is alarmingly enjoyable, much of it is regrettable and factual and the saddest part of it is that it retells of sociopaths and psychopaths who appear to be incurable as no treatment for the adult's and their →

Northanger abbey arguements

Isabella appeared to her ungenerous and selfish, regardless of everything but her own gratification." Catherine begins to spot the lies within Isabella statements, which leads her to start doubting how good of a friend Isabella really Is. Primary Source quote # 1: " This sort of mysteriousness, which is always so becoming in a hero, →

Comparing jack and macbeth

He beats a boy for no reason other than to exert his power over the boys. One example is when Ralph asked his hunters to take care of the fire but Jack did not want that and he took the hunters to hunt because that's what he wanted them to do.

The effect of humour in galloway’s the cellist of sarajevo

To find something humourous depends on the person and their taste in humour and there are many instances when humour does not result in laughter because of the mood of the surroundings or the context. Galloway uses the lives of Kenan and Dragan to exemplify how humour, in the slightest form, can make a dreary →

A typical victorian women in the awakening of k.chopin

Although Edna is first perceived as an obedient wife, in the course of the novel she seeks an awakening and sets out to fulfill her sexual and emotional desires. Edna's concerned husband, Leonce, is one of the first characters to pick up on her strange behavior.

Everyday use by alice walker analysis

The assimilation of black Americans into the American way of life, the struggle to uphold traditions, and the quest to return to original Africancultureis a theme in " Everyday Use". She is in a sense a round character; that overcomes her impertinent daughter's abhorrence of the word " No", and sticks to old traditions.

White noise: true meaning to mundanity

One of the more well-known running themes of the story is the fear of death, or as the book refers to it, white noise. This can become a callback to fear where humans greatest fear is that of the unknown, which is why we get more and more afraid of the advancement of technology.

Isaac bashevis singer’s gimpel the fool: first paragraph analysis

Through the use of characterization and symbolism Gimpel's trustingness becomes the foundation for expressing the power of faith as a theme in the text. This use of Gimpel's characterization to define faith as a belief in possibilities brings awareness to the power of faith as the narrative's theme.

A book review of all quiet on the western front

While All Quiet on the Western Front may help us understand the effects of the Great War on Germany, it is as an account of trench warfare and a simple story of human endurance. The portrayal of the characters makes the reader feels as if at the scene of the battle.

A doll’s house essay

In the end of the play, Nora realizes that her life is not real, is not perfect, is not fantastic; it is just like a dream story from outside like she always wanted her life to be - but she is not satisfied. Nora comes to a point in her life when she understands that →

Charles dickens novel – a tale of two cities

The melodramatic and sensational incidents and episodes here are integral to the plot and the design of the novel. In spite of the tragic quality of much of the story, the novel contains an abundance of humor, which provides emotional relief and which breaks the monotony of the serious and somber tone of much of →

A long walk to water book analysis

Salva did not really understand what the war was about until a normal school day was ruined by a random war outbreak in his village and he was forced to flee from his family and house, at the sound of gunfire, his schoolteacherordered the boys to " Go quickly, into the bush, not home. Despite →

Oliver stone and a logical appeal

Oliver Stone used a Logical appeal making the reader to think about the case by his/ her mind and trying to convince the reader and to clarify that whatever Inside the person will motivate he/she in either ways good or evil; " It is likely that, whether they had seen Natural Born Killers or The →

Richard cory by edwin arlington robinson review

The envy and the jealousy of the poor and the needy lie with the rich and powerful. In the first stanza of " Richard Cory" the reader becomes aware of the main thrust of the poem that suggests the differences between the wealthy and the less fortunate.

Life path of main character in hatchet book

Brian is forced to survive in the wilderness using only a hatchet that his mother gave him as a gift before he left to visit his father. I feel that I can relate to Brian because I too have felt scared and alone during certain points in my life where even though I was not →

Analysis of julia alvarez’s in the time of the butterflies

One author, Julia Olivarez has achieved in doing so, in her book, " In the Time f The Butterflies." Julia Olivarez introduces this idea of how fiction is her way of understanding history when attempting to recreate the story of the Miramar sisters. Even though the use of factual evidence is one of the main →

King lear – denial, rage, and isolation

The aim of this essay is to examine the transformation in King Lear's demeanor and person throughout the course of the second act. It is this essay's purpose to define and discuss the transition of the king from denial to rage and then to complete isolation all of which occurred within the p of a →

Some of the works he has completed include essay examples

He tries to point out to readers the real meaning of wilderness and he says that wilderness should be a place that is not in the boundary of urban area, and therefore the presence of parks and other wild places does not give a true picture of living with nature. In the article " The →

The theme of misogyny in the yellow wallpaper and a jury of her peers

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the writer of the short story ' The Yellow Wallpaper' to this day remains a renowned feministic writer, her work ranging from short stories and novels to poetry. Susan Glaspell, another iconic feminist writer in American literature and a known playwright, author of the short story ' A Jury of Her Peers' →

Grotesquery as a literary device (based on sherwood anderson’s winesburg, ohio)

In Hands, Wing Biddlebaum adopts the truth of expression; he voices his ideas to the world in a fervent, passionate manner, especially with his hands, but then over-owns this truth to become a grotesque of self-doubt and over-zealous expression, leading him to a life of timidity and fear of the emergence of these undesirable qualities. →

Analysis of “i, too” written by langston hughes

Though at the beginning of the poem he is not invited to eat at the table for being the " darker brother", the speaker acknowledges his place in the home and eats in the kitchen. The speaker is confident that one day the ones who are seated at the " table" will be ashamed of →

Who is to be blame for macbeth’s downfall

It is Macbeth who has killed Duncan, Banquo and Macduff'sfamily; therefore, he is responsible for the killings and also for his own downfall. Conclusively, it is pretty clear to the readers that Macbeth has brought his own downfall to himself.

Gender issues: macbeth muchado

These issues will be examined through the dynamics of three couples, Hero and Claudio, Beatrice and Benedict, and Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. The courtship of Beatrice and Benedict sharply contrasts that of Hero and Claudio.

Beowulf’s fame, fate and destiny in his life

Beowulf achieved his fate when in a great fight is killed by the dragon and remained to be one of the greatest heroes. Beowulf's fight with the dragons and his dying words demonstrates his desire and much effort to achieve destiny as one of his main purpose in life.

The pardoner’s tale and accepting the inevitable lie

This method negates both the intention and honesty of the storyteller since these things do not matter if the story is the listener's main focus and also makes the distinct separation of lying and deceiving. He is just using the moral of the story to impact a heavy strike to the heart of the audience →

Anna karenina and love in a time of cholera: common themes

Tolstoy and Marquez have very different backgrounds, their stories of Anna Karenina and Love in the time of Cholera have the same universal constant of what love is. Anna Karenina and Love in the time of Cholera depict a constant, sickening, love.

Everyday use summary by alice walker

Dee is insistent to possess these heirlooms of family heritage, while Maggie is forbearing in allowing Mama to make her own decision as to who should receive the quilts. Mama observes that if Dee cannot preserve the unity of the family by honoring her mother, then how will she be able to appreciate the quilts →

Good essay on the glass menagerie

The book, the glass menagerie, is an interesting read that encompasses and represents the lives of human beings who are torn between the world of reality and of fantasy. In order to understand the perspectives of the characters in the book, the best theory that describes the character's situation is the psychoanalytic theory.

Summary and analysis of eudora welty’s story “a worn path”

The phoenix is said to be as expansive as a hawk with splendid red and gold plumage and a musical cry. As its end approaches the phoenix molds a home of fragrant limbs and flavors set it ablaze and is devoured in the flares.

Ellb3 king lear theme of power

This scene takes place after Kent and Gloucester's conversation about Gloucester's illegitimate son Edmund, the dark subplot within the play draws out the theme of power in the main plot, for example the power Gloucester asserts as a father is parallel to the power King Lear has. This highly formal public context creates tension and →

Characters trying to escape their own past or the theme of memory in richard iii

It must also be stated that ' memory and the past' are true within the play to a great extent due to Anne's description of Richard's actions. In correspondence to Prescott's statement that Richard III is a' play preoccupied with the past', Clarence shows signs of guilt and deceit in the past, in Scene 4.

Something wicked this way comes by ray bradbury. age theme in the novel

Charles has the desire to just go and play with the kids but he chooses not to because he thinks of his physical age as if it restricts him from doing so. When he truly accepts his age and does not let it hold him back he is able to just run with the kids →

Gimpel the fool by isaac bashevis singer: literary analysis

He was forced into a life created for the merriment of the villagers and refused to live a life made by him. Throughout his life he was provided with numerous opportunities to evolve and rise above the taunting and the meaningless existence in which he was embroiled Gimpel became a product of his environment.

Analysis of a doll’s house by henrik ibsen

Later in the play, when Nora and Torvald go to the party, Nora's mind is less on dancing the Tarantella and more on the letter Krogstad had written for Torvald. From this momenthappinessis not the question; all that concerns us is to save the remains, the fragments, the appearance " Torvald's idea of a solution →

The fire next time: one of baldwin’s best-known works

The techniques of James Baldwin speak volumes for the people of his age, as well as for the people of this age. But not only is it a plea to his nephew, it is a plea to that of the whole African American youth of the time.

Common reader assignment 2 essay samples

The essay thus outlines exhaustively how the concept of humanistic psychology is brought out in the notice and how the book goes that extra mile in ensuring that this aspect of psychology as a discipline is clearly understood by the readers and disambiguated for the masses. This thus further alludes to the fact that human →

The hot zone by richard preston: style critique

Level 4 scientists for the Army, the CDC, and several civilian scientists track down the viruses in order to conduct tests and find the secret hiding place of the viruses. The height of the story occurs when Ebola Zaire is discovered in a monkey house near Washington, D.C.and the Army has to decontaminate the entire →

King lear: a tragic hero

The mall character, King Lear, Is the tragic hero, which Is one of the aspects of a tragedy. This suffering is one of the reasons why King Lear is a tragic hero.

Library system thesis essay sample

The library management system will store all the books and members information that consist book number, book title, author name and racks to the system database. 1 Background of the study The librarian and the library users still use the manual way of transacting of borrowing and returning of books.

Learning to go to school in japan essay

The book is majorly focused on the relationship of structure of the education system followed by the Japanese and the moral values instilled in the structure aimed at defining primarily the training of children in a group life perception. In this book, Lois Peak step by step, tries to prove the objectives of learning in →