4 Pages Essay Samples

What are becoming mentally ill, they start self-medicating

This paper will state the different types of diseases that marijuana may be used for, the current steps towards the legalization of this drug for medicinal purposes, the reasons for the use of this drug not to be exploited, the positive and alleviating effects of its use, and the non-addictive attributes of the drug itself. β†’

Cold war politics

The Russians, who had refused to participate in supervision of election, condemned the election results and instigate the Communist States of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria to engage in constant fighting on the Greek borders an Britain was in the throes of an economic crisis and could not continue to protect the Greece, America stepped into the β†’

Martin luther king v. malcolm x

He was not the type of leader that resorted toviolencein order to get the equality that he fought for. King has been known for moving people by the use of his speeches like King's I Have a Dream and Vie Been to the Mountaintop speeches.

Extracting and analysing plasmid dna from e.coli

As a cell divide, the chromosomes are copied over to the new cells, ensuring they receive a full copy of the genetic blueprint. The extraction of DNA is the first step of many other fascinating processes, which includes the manufacturing of medicines as well as genetic engineering which alters the genes of organisms.

The birthmark–wicked good essay

Here, Hawthorne's use of symbolism clearly illustrates a distinct connection between the shape of the birthmark as a human hand and the need to remove it by the same means. In order to rid herself from this pain she is willing to risk her life for the satisfaction of Aylmer.

Wealth pays

As the Continental Congress worked to create a government, they feared that if power was given fully to the people, the people would not make informed decisions. The Founding Fathers claimed to base our country on the ideals of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and the belief that all men are created equal.

Psychology in 1877 at smith college, which

Not only is she respected for being able to attain the position of presidency in the American Psychological Association but the fact that she was committed to her work and was able to overcome the hardships that came with being an ambitious and brave woman. Her contribution to psychology was recognized and she was appreciated β†’

The functionalist, marxist and feminist ideologies of contemporary society assignment

However, those choices are influenced and constrained by a number of physical and social factors Parsons determined that each individual has expectations of the other's action and reaction to their own behaviour, and that these expectations are derived from the accepted norms and values of the society which they inhabit. An example of this is β†’

Siemens electric motor works essay sample

In addition, they stored the standard motors and shipped when orders were received, which warehouse expense might be one of the reasons why they could not decrease the cost. On the other hand, in new costing system which subtracted the cost of order processing and special components from engineering and administrative cost.

The battle of the bulge

The Battle of the Bulge was a battle that changed the world forever. It was then said to be called the Battle of the Bulge when Winston Churchill called it that due to the tactics of the Germans.

The importance of performing arts in schools

To people like me, choir class is the only period of the day when I can relax and do something I love, and at the same time my choir and I are making beautiful music. If the privilege to learn music and develop our talents was taken away from us, any hope we have of β†’

Cultural synthesis essay essay sample

All of these parts of culture are a huge part of what makes people see others as different and somebody is always judging the way people do things. This is just how the world is and it is actually sad in some cases when people are labeled as something just because of their color.

Support positive risk taking for individuals essay sample

Whilst taking a person centred approach to risk, the activity has been assessed, with the understanding and input of the service user, with precautionary measures put in place where necessary. Should an individual decide to take an unplanned risk, or partake in a move that might not have been in the original risk assessment, it β†’

Busy busy barcelona

It seemed that the rest of the city was moving forward so blindingly fast that that these endless vagabonds are left in a sea of no hope. We had reached a completely different part of Barcelona which we had looped around the city to get to it in the bus, but we had ended up β†’

Summary of american literature i works

" A Model of Christian Charity" Governor John Winthrop Ideas about how the Puritans should treat each other God has made some of mankind poor/rich, powerful/not 1.hold conformity in variation and difference 2.manifest the work of spirit against oppression 3.every man needs the bond of affection Justice and mercy Law of Nature vs. John de β†’


806 case, the court heard that even if the defendant exercises the right to self-representation to his own detriment, the Constitution guarantees the individual the right to do so. Therefore, the Faretta court determined that the defendant has a right to self-representation.

Feminism and the hunger games

In the movie, The Hunger Games we see two main female characters, Katniss a young white female and Rue a young black female. Through analysis of Rue and Katniss's roles we are able to see the differences in their character traits.

Analysing marketing strategies leading to ocean parks success tourism essay

Thirdly, we will take the personal interview survey to find out satisfaction levels of visitors to Ocean Park, the local park and mainland theme parks and the comparisons will be made among them. After that we will focus on analyzing the factors and the strategies leading to the success of Ocean Park.

Crime and disorder act 1998

The addition of " nationality" in the Race Relations Act 1976 section 1 subsection established that discrimination against the non-British was no longer allowed and therefore it did not matter that the offender had not referred to the women as " Spaniards", the fact that he mentioned " foreigners" indicate the non-British and demonstrates racially β†’

Work based essay

Week 4 Drawing upon a sector that you aspire to work in and the reading opposite, explain and justify the significant knowledge, skills and attributes that are important for you to develop as a professional of the future? Standard Self Development and Personal Change model phase I Unconscious Incompetence; Looking at applications and background to β†’

Technology is making communication easier in today’s world, but at the expense of personal contact as many people choose to interact from home in front of a computer screen

The mere advent of advanced electronics had compelled Canadian educator and Philosopher Marshall McLuhan in terming the recreation of the world into a global village back in the 1960s when there was no sign of either the internet or any similar communications technology. At least one of the communication devices in a household is definitely β†’

Behaviorism and social learning

Through this, only the group of individuals responsible for the economy will have access to the knowledge, and as such, this would be in line with the principle that advocates for limiting information to result in the reinforcement of responses. The reliance of the society on a cognitive therapy guided platform would ensure that the β†’

What was the key weakness that skoda identify marketing essay

In order to get more competitive edges and more shares in market, Skoda identifies their internal weaknesses and tries to reduce them. With their strengths company's lead to confidence in the market and it brings repeat customers and they became loyal customers for that business.

Legos essay example

In 2004 Kjeld stepped down from his position of president and CEO to focus on being the owner of the lego group and vice-chairman of the board. The production of lego is a complex algorithm, these robots make small toys for kids and adults to play with and get lost in time building and using β†’

Aging skin and the media assignment

There is a wide array of products sold over the counter, on the television, and even on the internet, yet which one does a person choose? These aging skin care ads also may say that there aging skin care product is the best on the shelves, trying to convince the consumer's to purchase that exact β†’

Promote professional development essay sample

Restrictions of the service can also be a barrier to staff who are willing to fund their own professional development course, as I am not always able to release staff to attend classes due to staff shortages. There are new guidelines in terms of recording accidents and incidents, I have referred staff to view the β†’

Thus spoke zarathustra

Because of this " death of God", Zarathustra views the nationalistic state as ' the new idol.' He teaches that the nationalistic state is the " new idol" and " the coldest of all monsters" because it was informed by the death of God. In the book therefore, the nationalistic state becomes " the new β†’

Photography to exhibit the extinction of animals: joel sartore

Extinction of Animals The job of a photographer is to capture a moment from the angle, perspective, lighting, balance, and framing. Unlike the perfectly centered animals that took up the majority of the canvas, the Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit sat at the bottom of the banner, overshadowed by the unsettling negative space that loomed just β†’

Comparison esaay on things fall apart essay

While reading about the relationship between Okonkwo and Nwoye I found it humorous that I was actually reminded of the eighties blockbuster hit " The Breakfast Club." I made the connection mainly because one of the major themes in the novel are transitions from old to new and how this takes a toll on the β†’

Card 405 career research

Average database administrator salary in Omaha, NE = $68, 000 Average salary of jobs with related titles range between $58, 000 and $96, 000 http://www.indeed.com/salary/about_salary.jsp http://www.indeed.com/salary? q1= Database+Administrator & l1= Omaha%2C+NE The following graph shows a wider range of salaries, giving me a better idea of the actual possibilities of obtaining employment that will adequately β†’

Riddhi 1789, however its starting points lie in

Riddhi PatelUS-History finals12/20/2017 1-) The United Statessanctioned the Articles of Confederation and won in the Battle of Yorktown, thelast real land fight amongst British and American powers in the AmericanRevolutionary War. The Compromiseof 1850 was a progression of bills in Congress which looked to settle theissue.

Annotated bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Annotated bibliography is a perfect opportunity for every to summarize the main ideas of the required sources and implement these ideas in relevant contexts. Therefore, to give a proper consideration to a given article or book and evaluate its contents is one of the first and foremost ways to grasp the main ideas β†’

International business essay example

Even though it is too early to say that Stakeholders Theory must be the future of international business, it is valuable to explore how to use Stakeholders Theory. One purpose of Stakeholders Theory is to stakeholders could affects the decision of company or the company should take account into the interests of stakeholders.

Positive psychology and kindness

The relationship between the character strength of kindness and subjective happiness, and the effects of a counting kindnesses intervention on subjective happiness Happy people to perform on their motivation, recognition and enactment of kind behaviors. And the world is a better place through your kindness.

Final assignment

With the increase of Muslim population, they will be in a position to capture the resources of the world by 2050. Death of the West.

The fifth republic essay

The structure and organisation of French government has undoubtedly undergone dramatic changes since the inception of the Fifth Republic, not only as a result of the changes prescribed by the new constitution of 1958, but also subsequently to this in the evolving interpretations of the new system by leaders from De Gaulle onwards. Perhaps the β†’

New product development persuasive essay

Their promotion method was also heavily criticized as " just a waste of a press release" On the other hand, the promotion of iPod is a good example of a successful marketing. Enhancing the Marketing Mix: A Suggestive Approach " Perhaps the most significant criticism of the 4 Ps approach is that it unconsciously emphasizes β†’

The difference between talking and communicating in mamet’s glengarry glen ross

The men's conversations, the pace of their speaking, and the interruptions make up the entire play but these factors are ultimately made pointless by the conclusion in the second act. The talk that serves as the action of the play is also the most obvious source of inaction in the characters' lives.

The chinese education system

In China, schools are manipulative devices used by the Communist government to increase its power over society and to regulate and control the minds of the people. However, Chinese liberals argue that it is necessary to promote and improve the education system of the entire country to benefit everyone.

5 reasons why students should have less homework

Some may argue that less homework would mean that they will have less time to learn. It is a precious duration of time where students are able to do what they want, and reduce stress from school.

Love essay

The young witch takes on her duty and chants to various gods in readiness for the conversation between Yaji and his dead wife. Kita moves out of the room and leaves in Yaji, in the grasp of the old witch who wants him to stay with her the whole night.

Electronic health records

Some strengths of the Cleveland Clinics plans for ERR include their development and growth of the ERR system, the innovation developed into the current plan, and the ability to incorporate patients into their healthcare. Being that Cleveland Clinic was one of the first institutions to start the process of adopting ERR, they in return have β†’

Why was the world war i not over by christmas? assignment

This can be seen from WWW where generals had the benefit of learning from WWW, had better radios, tanks and aircraft and yet the war was bloodier and lasted longer. This was shown in the initial months of the war before trench warfare had started where the casualty rates were the highest in the entire β†’

The nehru planetarium essay sample

The Nehru Planetarium in New Delhi is situated in the green surroundings of the Teen Murti House, earlier the official residence of India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru and now a museum in his memory. The galore of activities also included a Baby Show sponsored by Olemessa Oils, the melodious Antakshri organized by the PTA β†’

Japan and india started to increase machine use history essay

The workers from both countries came mostly came from the same background, but the type of workers in the factories differed between India and Japan, and their working conditions. A big difference in the textile industry in Japan and India were the type of workers in the factories.

Things they carried

The Things They Carried Essay In the book The Things They Carried guilt plays a huge role in how the men react and carry themselves. Some of the men take the guilt in different ways some write while other burn pictures of the ones they loved.

Qualitative research: a case study of wendy’s

Purpose of the paper This paper aims at enumerating the importance of qualitative research in the improvement of profitability and rising of the market share of Wendy's. Summary, lessons, and recommendations form the last part of the paper./p> Body Role of qualitative research in helping Wendy's expand further in the United states The flexibility of β†’

Case study: developmental reading

Comparing two groups, the Instruction with Creative Activities and the Instruction with No Creative Activities, the study expected the ICA group to have higher mean scores and mean gains in their Chemistry Test for Higher Order Thinking Skills and in their pretest to posttest respectively. I should always be able to come up with a β†’

Subsidiary diploma in business assignment

It is a list of the skills and qualifications that are needed for a specific occupation. Job advertisement, to my mind, is the most important document in the recruitment and selection process at Milliner.

Therapy is a must

By that I mean therapy is a safe haven for people to talk about their feelings and what is going on in life, some of what is said in therapy are not things that you can just talk about with a friend or parents. The difference between her and I is that she turned to β†’

Mission, vision, and values paper essay

Lockheed Martin supplies equipment and services to almost every branch of the United States government, from fingerprint recognition systems for the FBI, satellites and launch services to all branches of the DOD, NASA, NSA and computer systems for air traffic control to the FAA, road traffic signal control systems in most large cities across the β†’

Dont judge too soon

This was the part of the interview that addressed it: " We talked to Carson Kressley and Ted Allen, two of the stars of the hit television show " Queer Eye" about the stereotypes. What, we asked, are the stereotypes about gay men? " "'It's that you are obsessed with fashion, and that you tan β†’


The system will help the company ship products on time; it will also reduce the time between orders and shipments and costs associated with the expediting shipments. They are also used to their style of functioning and they considered it to be superior over the new system.

Barnesandnoble.com & technology

The customers in the stores are able to feel the book and read excerpts of the book. With time, the internet is beginning to change, and many of the manufacturers are beginning to show case the product and actually permit the customer to sample it using the internet.

United states and martin luther king assignment

King's speech resonates with audiences universally in the context of the civil rights movement and the contemporary world today and is ' worthy' due to employment of various techniques which successfully expose relevant issues of the human condition such as racial inequality and the necessity of freedom. Similarly Atwood's speech resonates with audiences both within β†’

How critical thinking and problem solving techniques will assist in my duties as a field grade officer over the next 10 years of my carrier.

Such people make history; to understand what the problem is, to find the right solution, to act maybe in irregular manner, to think critically- that was the way of success? There are many approaches to problem solving, depending on the nature of the problem and the people involved in the problem.

Analysis of the definitions of abnormality

The strength of this definition is that is provides a practical checklist for the person to use to check their level of abnormality. As this definition implies that the presence of abnormal behaviour in people should be rare of statistically unusual, this is not the case.

Strategic financial analysis

Each of these groups has their own particular interest in the financial rations marked in the financial report of the company and oftentimes, the ratio may be considered a positive factor by some of these groups, while for others it will be considered negative information about the company. All of the financial indicators show that β†’

Whether forest or in 2089, the setting plays

The setting of a story is the location and the time period of an event or scenario in which it is situated. It affects the mood and atmosphere of the story, allows readers to comprehend the character's situation or choices better, and foreshadows the oncoming events in the story.

Anonymous caller auditing case study essay sample

I recommend that the anonymous caller completely remove himself/herself from the situation by resigning or by reporting the situation to the firm's board of directors or a governmental agency.b) What are the risks of continuing to work with the company? If the caller decides to stay with the company and the bank finds out about β†’


Initially the Sony PlayStation and Microsoft's X-Box were not as big a threat to Nintendo's gaming empire, but with their upgrades in the form of PlayStation 3 and X-Box 360, it's a whole new ballgame. It would be assumed that Nintendo would face a world of adversity given that it was the last entrant in β†’

Plato research paper

It is the realm of forms, perceived through the mind that is permanent and immutable. It is the realm of forms, perceived through the mind that is permanent and immutable.

Bad essay.

The purpose of these groups were meant to prove that the immigrants from the south and east were racially inferior to those from the north and west. When others speak about stereotypes we need to speak up against such actions and encourage a change in the culture we live in.

The importance of music

Sometimes I use music to escape from reality, there is nothing I love to do more than listen to certain types of music that relates to my feelings at that moment. It is very satisfactory for me to listen to music I make myself.

The modern machiavellian prince

Putin is loved by his people but makes no attempt to hide the fact that his main goal is to advance Russia's influence on the world and he uses Machiavelli's advice to protect his growing country. When Putin gained control over the monopolies he was able to manipulate what the money was being used for β†’

5 common issus encountered in downloading electronic

The Canadian Special Operations Regiment " is a battalion-sized high-readiness special operations unit and is capable of conducting and enabling a broad range of missions, including direct action, defense diplomacy, and military assistance, and special reconnaissance" CSOR began its recruitment in 2006, with 175 candidates. Each of the 4 members of the group has a β†’


It's that the becoming of an intellectual persona is the atrophy of an intelligent person. And now we can see that the majority of today's criticism is so dangerous and painful because it is not mindless babble, but heartless babble.

Critiquing philosophical approaches to ethical decision making

For this scenario I chose the same conclusion for each of the three philosophical approaches the mayor could allow the developer to build on the proposed location as long as provisions are made for the relocation of the nursing home and the senior recreation center. In regard to the philosophical approach of consequentialism, the AACSB β†’

Harry following ten years, truman was a successful

Truman retired to his home in Independence, Missouri, at the age of sixty-seven. He was buried at the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri.

Material religion

Within the body of this paper, we will explore the influence of Buddhism on Chinese Culture, Christianity on American culture, and the role of the physical senses in one's experience of the divine. In the twentieth century, the rise of the natural sciences and Communism pushed religion into the background, however with the terrorist attacks β†’

Various project. 3.1. object classification classification is an

Examples of such projects are the SKICAT-Sky ImageCataloging and Analysis System for catalog production and catalog analysis fromdigitized sky surveys particularly the scans of the second Palomar ObservatorySky Survey; the JAR Tool- Jet Propulsion Laboratory Adaptive Recognition Toolused for recognition of volcanoes in the over 30, 000 images of Venus returnedby the Magellan mission; the β†’

M. twain, midwestern literature regionalism

The beauty of the landscape and the storms, as described in the literature, highly initiates the readers' desire to visit the physical location of the described regions. The information on the people of the area is clear from the description.

Media and the schools

Reflection on " Media and the Schools: What is the effect of media on the educational experience of children?" In my reading and in class this week I learned how media significantly affects the learning capabilities of children due to the diversity in programs and advertisements presented and easily accessible. New forms of technology have β†’

Development of the theme by margaret atwood

Margaret Atwood tells the story of a handmaid called Offred living in the Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian and theocratic state that has replaced the United States of America, in her novel, The Handmaid's Tale. With the women's attitude toward eggs and flowers in the Republic of Gilead, Atwood develops the theme that women are β†’

Professional workplace dilemma paper

Prior to beginning my studies at the University of Phoenix, I experienced a situation in which off-site representatives of my company were working against the interests of the business. The ethical situation began when the off-site representatives were experiencing minimal support from the leadership of the company, in relation to getting a timely receipt of β†’

Explore the history and influential people in the field of psychology

Running Head: History and influential people in the field of psychology Affiliation: History and influential people in the field of psychology Several histories try to explain the characteristics of different people in the field of psychology. Humanistic theories and ideologies seem to direct development of new perspectives in the field of psychology.

Benefits of physical activity on depression psychology essay

Medication is the most widely used treatment for depression ahead of cognitive behavioural therapy but studies have shown that a person partaking in regular physical activity has a reduced risk of becoming depressed and with people already suffering from depression physical activity can be used as a natural remedy to treat the condition. In 2001, β†’

Elements of the person-centred approach

Considering the value of the person-centred approach compared with a psychodynamic approach to counselling, although they originate from different theoretical and philosophical structures and at first they seem to offer differing methods of treatment, there are similar features, which are common to all effective counselling therapies, particularly ingrained in the beneficial relationship itself and in β†’

Viktor frankel existentialism psychoanalysis not marxism philosophy essay

Frankl's ability to recognize he still yet possessed the freedom of choice has a direct relation to the beliefs of existentialism and that off Satre, who believes " there is no limit to freedom except one can not cease to be free". One has the choice of maintaining a status of individualism and not allowing β†’

Branding the concept of branding seems to be

When it comes to branding in a B2C environment, the research is very extensive and straightforward, especially when comparing to the research done in the B2B field where it is under-researched. Companies put major effort into branding and the development of a brand when it operates in a B2C market, whilst there is less focus β†’

Reaction paper: jose rizal movie

They think that with their wealth and position they have the right to hurt our fellowmen. And once they have the power to do things, they start to abuse it.

Mud crab

An evaluation of the temperature effects on the rates of embryonic development of mud crabs was also conducted. The induction experiment was started with the random selection of mature subjects with Setups with 200 eggs were used for the evaluation of temperature effects on development of the embryo.

Who you are and who you ought to be

Once we realize this, we are able to rise above the need to listen to our voices in the head and become who we are supposed to be, enjoying life now. The ego has the need to feel superior and this is manifested in situations of gossip.

The man who was almost a man by richard wright free essay

The Man Who Was Almost a Man By Richard Wright Living in a place stripped of dignity and personal growth by the members of his own race and the ones opposite to it, Dave is left alone, power-hungry. The continuous childish acts Dave make, his family's threats, and the fear of a dominant white lifestyle β†’

Verbatim style in parramatta girls

The audience's personal social context, that of the 2000's, increases the impression of the atrocities that the women faced, as it is difficult to imagine in modern society such horror occurring to young and innocent children. Just as Judi dominated the scene with Lynette in the flashback, she dominated this one as well, and as β†’

Example of research paper on nursing informatics pioneers

She started back in the early 1980's when she designed a computerized educational program for undergraduate programs and to the nursing students to enhance nursing diagnosis clinical support system for the research and education of graduate students especially in the practical nursing and nursing practice as a whole. In addition to this elaborate discovery, she β†’


A reader who is enjoying a book from a spiritual plane may not require marking a book as he automatically gets involved with the metaphysical components of the book. A brief estimation of the theologies It is unquestionable that Adler develops & procreates the unique phenomenon of book marking.

Effective leaders

Often, the variation is attributed to the leadership as well as the type of people these two types of leaders govern. In conclusion, there is a variation in the effectiveness of introverted leaders and extroverts.

Importance of data collection

The department started to scan those documents and upload them to the virtual data base to ensure a friendlierenvironmentand for security purposes.* Electronically: * The main system used in the organisation is SAP.* Storing data electronically via SAP is highly efficient as the data is integrated.* The program needs to be updated only once to β†’

The history of suppliers relationship management business essay

Therefore, the company has a set of guidelines called Supplier Guiding Principles that acts as a communicating tool to stress the company 's concern about the prohibition of child labor, working hours and rewards, environment protection and abolishment of favoritism.hypertext transfer protocol: //www.coca-colacompany.com/our-company/suppliers/supplier-and-customer-partnerships Coca Cola is cognizant that there are different ordinances around the universe β†’

A rhetorical analysis of the declaration of independence

He says that he recognizes the need to state " the causes that impel that separation," showing that he is conscious of his obligation to explain the actions of the colonist and that he has a " decent respect for the opinions of mankind". He ends the paragraph with a direct accusation against the king, β†’

Converting to business-ism

To succeed, business students begin by knowing their targets who they are and what they like. The business students are fighting a bizarre problem, and must find things to waste their time.

Mendelin and cellular genetics

Mitosis is initiated in the prophase when the nuclear envelope dissolves and the chromosomes condense and attach to the centrosome through the microtubules and kineticores. The last phase that is, the telophase, is the physical division of the cell into daughter cells brought about by the re-formation of the nuclei and nuclear envelope around the β†’

Transformational leadership in teaching

Abstract The proposed study is an investigation of the effectiveness of beginner teachers in the area of classroom management using transformational leadership style in Zambia. It will adopt a qualitative method and a narrative inquiry approach premised on the fact that the researchers' intention is to gain is to gain understanding, give a description and β†’

Film critic – choose one movie: lawrence of arabia (lean, 1962) 227 min. or my name is khan (johar, india 2010) 165 min

The social aspects in the film include the emotional turmoil faced by Asperger's syndrome patients, prejudice against Muslims after 9/11 terrorist attack and the social responsibility to render help to the needy. The film was released in the year 2010 and the director gave ample importance to the history of racial prejudice faced by Muslims β†’