4 Pages Essay Samples

Kant’s deontology assignment

The grocer is honest, not because it is his duty to be honest, but simply because it is in his own interest to gain customers, and according to Kant, an act with the intention of self-interest is not a moral act. The first of Kant's three versions of the categorical imperative, from The Metaphysics of →

Undocumented immigrants

But in the Immigrant's mind they are like everyone just not from the same country who leave their country and come to ours for a better life. But in the Immigrant's mind they are like everyone just not from the same country who leave their country and come to ours for a better life.

Dilemma of ground appeal while rising legal problems

These are overt acts to show that it is owned and customarily being kept but these options were not exercised by the Davis' which negates liability for the injuries of Mr.Fong. Davis cannot transfer or transmit any right pertaining to the stray dog, they cannot be held liable for the injuries sustained by Mr.

Def leppard hysteria

Lead singer Joe Elliot sings songs all based around women, whether the songs be about man's need for a woman or the hardships that come with loving women." The main theme he deals with in this album is men's relationships to women". He's worried that the girl will lead him on to fall in love →

History only at a measly $300 in

In the 1900's the radio was also invented, to beprecise 1922 was the first time a station was created and from then on theradio was a good source of information and entertainment not to mentionadvertising. By the 1920's instead of sitting by the fire and reading a good booklike the people of the 1900's did, →

How can you starve in a sushi bar?

They also could see how the Native Americans survived and thrived on the diet of fish and roots. In what is today Idaho, they saw that, " The number of dead salmon on the shores & floating in the water is incrediable to say".[2] Later, on the Columbia River, they were there for the start →

Life will always push us down

I was just about managing to keep the mud off my face, but all my efforts were undone when a chaos of children leapt towards me, in attempts to get their hands on the kites I was carrying for them. The children showed me to their school, I was prepared to see a shabby building →

Caribbean studie

The Spaniard introduced the Encomienda system of production as a way to organize the enslaved labour in the colonies for productive work. By the encomienda system, a Spanish colonist would be awarded a number of Indians to work for him in the mines and in the fields.

Structural stereotypes of the characters in the importance of being earnest

The comic creation of Lady Bracknell is a marvelous outlet for the actions of the plot and to obtain a glimpse into the ideals of the Victorian Era2E Lady Bracknell is the quintessential matronly elite who stresses good breeding above all else. Through Wilde's comedy and wit it becomes apparent that this drama is as →

How everest lewin presents conflicting emotions in “sonnet”

Highlighting this is the caesura which places focus on the closing ' is forgot', forwarding the idea that the poet's love is able to transcend memories of space and location, with the intwined ' you' and ' I' personal pronouns implying that the poet is bound up in his love for the addressee. The regular →

Good example of commitment essay

This means that anyone willing to be part of the cause has to follow the direction of the cause. Understanding the pathway for a cause is a major element to definition of commitment.

Open letter

In Russia, many people are also encouraged into the tradition of heavy smoking because of the ads on billboards, and the accessibility of cigarettes. In order to prevent alcohol consumption among young adults, your administration should establish policies that aim at reducing alcohol consumption, as well as, reduce the rates of high-risk drinking and heavy →

Example of the singer solution to world poverty: a rude awakening to our own selfishness argumentative essay

The main principle of utilitarian philosophy, it seems, is to always think beyond the obvious. I was not surprised to hear in the video interview that Unicef and Oxfam had received of million dollars as a readers' response to the publication of the article in 1999.

Common law and equity essay

Common law originally developed under the inquisitorial system in England during the 12th and 13th centuries,[11] as the collective judicial decisions that were based in tradition, custom and precedent Equity is designed from the English law system and its role as a common law, as the common law was created and analysed the basis of →

Love’s labour’s lost: kenneth branagh essay

This was very good, and was one of the themes in the musical that I really enjoyed. The general colour of this film was very bright, which was a great contrast to the newsreel which was in black and white.

Manuel barkan and his contribution to art education

An individual who emerges as a pivotal force in the development of ideas now infused in contemporary art education is Manuel Barkan who in 1965 advocated a then new approach to the curricular content of art education: the use of the roles of the art historian, the art critic, and the aesthetician as well as →

Post-emergency phase health plan for beravania

In addition to deaths due to such catastrophes, disruption of the basic services such as shelter, electricity, water and healthcare leads to increased morbidity and mortality amongst the victims during and after the calamity. The deteriorating health status of the people especially of the vulnerable group call for an urgent need to concentrate the efforts →

Parag milk foods tasting new generation’s newer strategies

Sensing a business opportunity during the hard times of 1992 when farmers had to dump their milk into garbage as cooperatives did not take milk from them in the milk belt of Maharashtra, Devendra Shah set the stone of Parag Milk Foods at Manchar". Talking about the challenges Devendra Shah says, " The biggest challenge →

Comparison of sparta and athens women

Sparta women had more freedom than the women in Athens. The second way that Sparta and Athens women are different is their education.

Factors for asset price increase

S T is the price of the asset at time T and therefore is the value of the contract at time T. At maturity T the value of the contract is += max where S T is the price of the asset at time T.

Pros and cons of using technology

Therefore, the more developed of technology also internet, the more dangerous people have to face with. The advantages of technology are very helpful for people if we use it right, it will be effective to our lives and society.

The body’s response

They should endorse acclimatization, that is new workers as well as employees returning from nonattendance of two weeks or more should have five days so as to adapt to the heat. Above all they should provide heat stress training that constitutes the risk, the steps to be taken in case of a victim, the need →

The hemingway’ way essay sample

The influence of the Hemingway hero can be seen in many of the soldiers and those of Hemingway's later protagonists. Hemingway is the man, the man with such an inspiring way to right and to live life.

Vulnerable population summary (hiv/aids)

In the present society, particularly in the field of science and medicine, there have been many developments and innovations. Because of the misconceptions and misinterpretations of the disease, people who suffer from the disease have been stigmatized and have been segregated from the community.

Evaluate the factors that affect the legitimacy of political systems essay

Legitimacy has been defined in a number of different ways, Max Weber defined it as " a belief in the right to rule", others see legitimacy as " the capacity of a political system to engender and maintain the belief that existing political institutions are the most appropriate and proper ones for the society." The →

Financial struggles affecting individuality

His display of compassion for Nora shows that he is not a cold-hearted criminal, but a man who is just desperate to correct his wrongdoings for the future of his family. Torvald's hard work to bring a better life for his family backfired and lead to the corruption of it.

Depiction of marriage norms in doll’s house

In the play, Nora exemplifies the conventional feminine standards of the time. This is typical in most marriages of the time and even now.

Campaigns of sultan mehmet fatih history essay

The Conqueror Fatih Sultan Mehmet, also known as Mehmet II or The Conqueror, was born in 1432 in Edirne; however, he died in 1481. He was buried in " Fatih Turbesi", in proximity to the Mosque of Fatih in Istanbul.

Medical tourism in india assignment

My sub-Sector: I was allotted " MEDICAL TOURISM" as my sub sector, which I needed to research about, and know just how the evolution of the health sector has been, in India, and how it has slowly emerged as the No.preferred destination in the world, as far as MEDICAL TOURISM is concerned. India is capitalizing →

Ester lucero essay

In the course of the short story, " Ester Lucero" Isabel Allende challenges the boundaries between: fantasy and reality, good and evil, and social norms and personal desire through the theme of magic. The Protagonist's name is, Angel, which signifies a moral and respectable character; in fact, Angel is perceived as " a hero of →

History of property insurance market in the usa

In the field of Business, Marketing and Insurance, Property insurance market in the USA plays a prominent role. What aspects will it bring to the future market policies of property insurance?

“organised proscribed, for the pursuit of profit

By comparison, the instances of white-collar crimes are more than the conventional types of crimes such as theft, burglary, arson, loot, murder, kidnapping, etc. Originally white-collar crime meant to describe middle and upper class business persons who committed crime in the normal course of their work.

Marketing assignment

The first step is to define the research problem or the objective of the business where the market research project is intended to answer. Next, it is to design the market methodology where the method used depends on the information required and the Information already contained In the organization.

Alternative water resources for cress growth

2) 300ml of each water sample was used to water seeds of two pots for the accuracy of results. The recordings are tabulated as in the following order Growth in height Growth in Number Tap water Fountain Pool water Laundry and pool water Laundry Sewage Fountain Tap La combe Kitchen La combe Analysis of results →

Abu ghraib prison

In case of Iraqi prisoners and their guards there were two groups, the guards and the prisoners. The norms that developed in the background of ambiguity were that prisoners could be abused, physically beaten up and tortured so that they accede to the discipline imposed by the soldiers.

Mesoamerican dbq essay

In Documents 1, 2, 5, and 7 we see how the Spanish invaders saw the technological and intellectual accomplishments of the Micronesians. This shows that the Micronesians knew the importance of passing on their technological and intellectual advancements to the younger generations.

Coming of age in mississippi

Board of Education segregated schools violates the civil rights of childrenSharecroppingsustains race relations in rural areas; dominant means of agricultural production in the southCrop liensystem that keeps the sharecropper in debt so they are tied down to working for the same landowner until their debt is paid offChattel slaveryownership of humansRacismhaving prejudice and power towards →

Psychologist i have to do. i am

When I do homework I usuallyhave mixed emotions about my assignments, I am both excited to be learning butalso am angry that there is so much of it that I have to do. Albert Bandura, who is a proponent of the social learningtheory says that " aggressive models in the subculture, the family, and themedia →

Atticus finch essay sample

He teaches his children to respect themselves and others, to try their best to do what's right, and what real courage is. Over the period of time in the novel Atticus teaches his children to be respectful, to try their best to do what's right and what true courage is.

Move and position individuals in accordance with their plan of care essay sample

I would ask the persons agreement before the move and make sure I am using correct equipment e.g.the correct sling for the person and that it is safe to use and clean. 1 When a manoeuvre is dangerous or risky to the health and safety of the individual or the carer.

The gabs between two groups that have divergent values

The values in the work groups differ by what both believe is expected in a given environment as well as what the personal and environmental associations are in relation to the work space. This consisted of the expectations for working, relationship to the work and the responses and beliefs in ethics that were held in →

Evaluate this case using the three elements

Newspapers are the most troubled segment of the publishing industry because of the availability of alternatives and publishers' inability to protect their content. As with newspapers, online book sellers and e-books do not have all the overhead costs of traditional book stores and publishers nor all the processes to get products to customers.2.

Abnormal psychology-unipolar and bipolar depression assignment

Abnormal Psychology Unipolar and Bipolar Depression Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Shawn M Best 10/16/2011 Identifying the causes of unipolar and bipolar depression can be a complicated task because there are no known exact causes, just theories. Individuals who suffer with unipolar depression, which is the ordinary template of mood disorders, experience only the depression side →

Federal government capitalized essay

An exception to the jus solo rule would be the child of a foreign diplomat, as they are not considered subject to U.S. Legal citizens also have priority in obtaining permission to bring family members to the United States and establish their children as U.S.

The black plague killed people

When the animals died, the people within the cities got the disease. The Christians were blaming the Jews of how they got the Black Plague.

Aristotle’s life and achievements essay sample

After Hermais was captured and executed by the Persians in 345 BC, Aristotle went to Pella, the capital of Macedonia, and became the tutor of the king's young son Alexander, later known as Alexander the Great. So Aristotle thought that the material cause of a statue is the marble from which it was carved.

Financial accounting standards board essay sample

The inventory cost flow assumption in which the oldest costs incurred become part of cost of goods sold when units are sold is FIFO.is the inventory cost flow assumption in which the oldest costs incurred become part of cost of goods sold when units are sold) 8. Which type of business in the healthcare industry →

Gulliver’s travel satire

Gulliver's Travels is written from the perspective of a shipboard doctor named Lemuel Gulliver, and tells of four of his journeys into remote parts of the world. A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms: Human Beastliness Gulliver's final voyage is to a land of intelligent horses called Houyhnhnms, and beastly human-like creatures called Yahoos.

Wireless technology proposal

In addition to the iPad, our team chose to incorporate the Blackberry phone as a wireless mobile device as well. Some of the latest additions to our wireless devices are such as the cell phone and I-pad.

The roman emperor nero history essay

Senate had discussed the misconduct of the freedom class and strongly demanded the patrons had the rights to revoke the freedom. Nero was urged to flee but he committed the suicide.

Ap literature paper about as i lay dying

According to him, he believes that the courage I portrayed and the words I used to convince him made him realize the quality of a woman I was. I was led by circumstances to find a job to help him in the family upkeep.

Carrefour – college essay

Carrefour should employ lots of Chinese to attend to the Chinese market and also source its products locally in China. Carrefour should also provide E commerce to the Chinese market because that is a fast growing and money spinning sector.

Cost descriptors essay

Fixed and Variable Costs Fixed costs are the ones that do not vary with the number of goods produced, that do not change in proportion to the activity of a business within range if productivity, in an accounting period. In opposition of the fixed costs, the variable costs are the costs related to the production →

W.h auden if i could tell you villanelle essay

In the final stanza a circus image this time of lions instead of clowns is shown." Suppose the lions get up and go", could be the bravery of the poet disappearing. The poet is the speaker in the poem.

A response to jenni russell’s ‘the selfish generation’ essay

Though Russell does not go to the extent of linking the two phenomena, the connection is obvious to the discerning reader. One of the deep ironies of this situation is that we are living in an era described by intellectuals as The Information Age.

The role of pediatric nursing

Pediatric nursing was " put on the map" around 1855 in the United States, with the found of the first children's hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In 1923, the committee for the Study of Nursing Education in the United States, which is a document referred to as the Goldmark Report.

Hamlet vs. laertes

In the play Hamlet written by William Shakespeare Hamlet and Laertes show some signs that they are a like and some show there different, taking revenge, having feelings for people and the thoughts and actions of people. Hamlet does that after the play The Murder of Gonzago when Claudius leaves in an up roar, Claudius →

The ways in which steven spielberg creates tension in ‘duel’ essay sample

On his trip, he strays from the main highways and proceeds to the ' open road' where he falls behind a truck; he overtakes the truck but cannot quite shake off the truck on his travel. At the end when the truck and the car collide, there is an explosion, which shows the colossal power →

Hate and prejudice is not inevitable

The main focal point of the studies was to investigate whether automatic prejudice start in the affective priming mission differs to the age of the participants. In study four, the researchers examined the hypothesis that the difference in age found in automatic prejudice in the task is related to the use of the ethnic categories →

Caring for people with intellectual disabilities

This will help them to learn about manners and how they can release their stress.they may have difficulty to interact with different people so provide them opportunities for friendship. We can provide occupational therapy for them.it will help them to manage their stress and they can feel relax.

Introduction erosion in this region and they

Owing to the importance of this soil it is therefore important to analyze the causes of its erosion, its effects and how it can be managed." The history of the erosion of Palouse soils can be traced back to 1800s when crops were cultivated along the Palouse River Basin". The methods to be used in →

An experience at a pakistani restaurant essay sample

It was a one story restaurant with booths on two sides of the wall and group tables on the middle where group of eight people can sit. Observations All the while I was observing I found that most people who came there knew the chef and the owner.

Exhibition proposal

Skills: The study of the Model enables the visitors to identify the organs that constitute the human body use the interactive software Value Addition: The Exhibit draws and sustains the interest of the visitor. The Respiratory System: Through breathing, it supplies the blood with oxygen and blood, in turn, delivers the oxygen to all the →

Dengue cerebral pain, muscle pain and joint misery

Later on, it found in India in 1990 whereas in Bangladesh it found in 2005People suffering from dengue infection are present asymptomatically in 80% of the cases or indicate with the fever and chills. According to the resources, investigation for the use of anti-viral drugs in dengue fever is still in pipe line.

The modern vampire’s “breaking dawn”

Something changed in the 1800s, during the Age of Enlightenment, and the myth of the vampire survived and evolved into a violent, gruesome serial killer: rabies. The rabies pandemic of the 18th and 19th century was the catalyst for the modern vampire.

Alternative ending to ethan frome essay sample

Mattie was in ecstasy and was not paying attention, since they both felt as if only the two of them existed in the world. Now Ethan understood that he was the prey in this hunt, he had to reverse things quick.

Step by step procedure

Academic Plan Step 1: Once a student is identified and his or her specific needs are identified, conduct a survey calculated to gather information relative to the student's identified area of risk in terms of learning and the student's academic goals overall. The advisor will also be required to monitor the student's academic progress.

Personnel economics

Personnel Economics The investor group is averse to risks and seeks profit maximization Assuming that the investor group is extremely averse to risks and seeks to maximize its annual profits if the head chef turns out to be of low quality, then there is the need to rank the two restaurant types and the two →

Autobiography(first love)

We went to different schools, but I saw her on the bus all the time and felt I would just die if I could not be near her and hold her hand. All she said was thank you, but the tone of her voice and the look in her eye told me all I needed →

Loud noises among three different sites

The Incidence of Learning Disabilities of Growing Children When near to Sustained Loud Noises Among Three different Sites This study focuses on the incidence of learning disabilities of growing children when near to sustained loud voices. The statistics showed that there is a significant difference of incidence of learning disabilities in growing children when near →

The collaborative negotiation flashcard

In the example, the genuine interests of the distributor go beyond securing a supply of part " A", as it wishes to break into the new market. In a collaborative negotiation it is important to try to understand the short and longer term needs and aspirations of the other party.

Army safety essay

The problem is that hundreds of injuries are occurring in the Army every year and most of them are avoidable. What is the maximum financial benefit to the Army when balancing spending additional money on the Army Safety Program and the expense of life insurance for those who die off duty in accidents?

Gmo and the ;no’s;

And why does not the United States or Canada enforce the labeling of GMO products? Why is Monsanto against the labeling of GMO?

Practice healthy lifestyle and live longer

Live your life fully with the best of health to serve God and your fellowmen. Try these and you could be well be on your way to a happy healthy lifestyle.

Medical eligibility enrollment

The implementation of the AB-50 bill will lead to an increase in information pertaining to the nature of people's income. The implementation of the AB-50 health care bill will also lead to equal amounts of false information being submitted by to the concerned authorities.


In our culture today transcendental views are still expressed through media like the song " Live Like We are Dying" Kris Allen, the movie " My Sister's Keeper," and the song " You are Only Human" by Billy Joel." Live Like We are Dying" by Kris Allen is one example of transcendentalism in media today. →

United states postal service

The most concerning threat USPS faces is the rise in operating expenses, particularly the increase in energy prices and health insurance premiums. Similar to energy prices, the price trend of health premiums and benefit payments will is expected to increase for the foreseeable future.

china’s jewelry industry analysis essay sample

According to the statistics, China's jewelry industry growth in annual sales amount for years and in 2009 reached $36650 million, and record sales in 2010, to $43450 million, went up 18. In addition the rest of the 25 developed cities, the size of the market will also be increased from $350 million in 2010 to →

Disliking books

22-23 Summarize/Retell Para The atmosphere that was provided for the students in the school could not allow them to like books because in case a person should an interest in books they were labeled sissies. However, the author focus is on disliking books in case the author added solutions to help the reader towards a →

The principle of occupiers liability

In the case of Vicenzo, he acted negligently by switching off the lights, this is not what was expected of a person of his status as he could see that there was somebody using the premise before he switched the lights off. He contributed to the injuries sustained by Ursula and this is what is →

Marketing strategies of bisleri assignment

A classic example for the same cut throat competition which can be clearly seen In the VISIBLE Though the consumption of is not at all essential in our daily life, but because of the successful marketing strategies, the VISIBLE giants have managed to create a need for the same Is the stiff and I have →

Event in history that had lasting impact on american culture (jfk assasination)

Apart from the shock and horror that the assassination of president Kennedy caused at the time, there has been a raft of conspiracy theories which claim to explain what really happened, as opposed to the official version of events. Who's Who in the JFK Assassination: an A-to-Z Encyclopedia.

Harmine c13h12n2o structure

3 cm 3 Polarizability 26.2 0. 0 dyne/cm Molar Volume 169.5 3.

Differences between written and verbal contracts (bluto vs. wimpy)

In the scenario of Wimpy v Bluto, the indication by Wimpy that he is willing to sell his boat to Bluto at $ 500 can be treated as a mere intention to sell rather than an offer to sell the boat. Wimpy's offer to sell was a mere indication of the motive rather than an →

Role of race and gender in emergency management

In the case of Puerto Rico and Hurricane Maria a variety of factors played a role in the crisis that took place on the island and race might have been one contributing factor but I am not completely convinced it was " the" contributing factor. The argument in Puerto Rico is that they are a →

The tesla motors inc marketing essay

The company's goals is to make the number and variety of Electrical Vehicles to the general public increase in three ways: Selling its vehicles in a growing number through showrooms and online Selling patented electric powertrain components to other automakers so that they can make EV's available to customers sooner Serving as a positive example →

Business igcse summary essay sample

The firm uses the resources of land, labour, capital to make goods and services The people who make and sell goods and services are known as producer and the people who use these goods and services to satisfy their wants and needs are known as consumer. The size of the firm-As a firm grows in →

Dental hygiene

It is not enough that a client knows that he is seeking the professional expertise of a dental hygienist but it is equally essential for him to know how to express the responsibilities of the client to himself. It is then important for the hygienist to articulate his feelings and observations to the client orally →

Fvs 03.07 – college essay

Trial 1: In trial one the volume of the water and the solid was 53. 5 which is the density of the object.

Thermodynamics of borax lab report assignment

This experiment was inducted to determine the standard entropy and enthalpy of the dissolving reaction of borax in water. The thermodynamic properties of the reaction helped to determine the change in heat and spontaneity within the system.

Abraham lincoln as a prefect leader

He is, rather, a person who helps and guides others towards carrying and creating the environment in such a manner that the members of the team get totally involved in the process. 0 Attribute of Leadership Model Abraham Lincoln exemplifies the servant-leadership model of leadership.

Business of amazon.com

This is also one reason for the customers to visit the website.' Internet Chat Headset Forum' is one of the examples of their chat forums and virtual customer online communities. The storefront of Amazon.com has been rated high as it offers a number of varieties on the page and also provides clear layout for the →

Tibbett & britten

It is a market leader in the UK, Canada and South Africa and has substantial operations in mainland Europe, the USA, the Middle East and Far East. A challenge for Tibbett & Britten is to make use of the Web deployable features included in lawson.insight.

Anxiety disorders: case study

He is not required to attend therapy but it is highly recommended for his diagnosis and safety. On Axis ' V, it is clear that Sonny has problems related to his social environment, educational problems, occupational problems, and problems with primary support group.

Company’s mission essay

Her constant nagging on the fact to go in the midmarket was not a breeze it required a great deal of time and commitment. Unions cannot be and should not be negated at any point in time it clearly reflects from Cheryl's attitude that she is not interesting in talking it out with the union →