4 Pages Essay Samples

Young vs old drivers

There is also the issue of drugs and alcohol or medications impairing the driver's, young or old, abilities to drive in a safe manner. The lack of fear and experience make it hard to convince the young that they are not being safe.

Junk is, it does not contain any good

These kinds of food are widely used all over theworld and it catch the attention of the world of food. Demand for the junk and fast foodsupsurge the growth of fast food industries widely all over the world.

Stress factors as well. being a type a

I studied hard and prepared in advancedue to the level of difficultness of the materials. Over a period of time, I was able to adapt to the different changes in my daily schedule.

Dobbies wins return on investment through toshiba reliability

As a long standing customer of Toshiba, K3 Landsteinar was able to recommend the Toshiba hardware with 100% confidence due to the longevity of the terminals and resulting low cost of maintenance. Sharon continued, " We chose Toshiba because of the assurance of robustness and longevity of the hardware.

Marketing assignment

Faced with the challenge of an increasingly competitive bread market and a steady and continuing growth In demand for healthy bread due to lifestyle preferences and greater consumer sophistication, Gardenia's Research & Development team constantly strives to come up with new products through a ireful process of rigorous adaptation and trial with in-depth taste testing →

Presentation on total quality management in gillette argentina essay sample

Meeting the challenges of quality: Meeting the challenges of quality After forming the quality team the steering committee turns its attention to the factors like full support of management, increasing participation, execution of objectives and sustaining of momentum.victor walker tries to win the support of all his operating committees for the implication of TQM. PowerPoint →

What is research?

It is important to acknowledge that the process of research is not dependent on following this linear pattern as new ideas arise and practical problems are presented in the process. These all illustrate how research is an evolving process as new knowledge and information arises, we grow for the betterment of our world.

Jeanette rankin: the first woman in congress

She helped her parents run the ranch and raise her five younger siblings, which gave her the confidence that she could take charge and lead, a mindset she continued to go by in her later years. Rankin's work in the suffrage movement set the stage for when she decided to run for the House of →

Psy assignment

I have often thought of my dream Job and what I would like to do as a career or job if I could solely focus on what would make me happy instead of would would make me he most money. One of the reasons that I chose being a party planner as my dream Job →

The rise of japan essay sample

The reason why Japan was able to modernize its industry, military and government to the point where they were able to compete with the west, while the rest of Asia lagged behind was due to the fact that they were flexible. In the 1860's Japan bought arms from the west, this was a big deal →

Research paper on the death of ivan illyich by tolstoy

The Death of Ivan Ilyich First published in 1886, The Death of Ivan Ilyich is a novella more than a short story but despite its length, it is one of the most famous works produced by Leo Tolstoy after his masterpiece War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Wikipedia." The Death of Ivan Ilyich" Wikipedia.org.2006.

Strategies of an organizational development consultant

Fourth, prescriptive style is when an internal consultant or external consultant work prescriptively and will listen to the clients of the following: to understand the problem, do a thorough diagnosis, and offer the client a solution or recommendation to implement within the organization. Collaborator is when the internal consultant or external consultant partners with the →

Marketing segmentation of tata nano in india and its targeting and positioning strategy. assignment

Contents Market Segmentation, Positioning, Targeting: A case of Tata Nano in India EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Targeting and positioning strategy of Tata Nano and recommendations for the company are given. DISCUSSION: CRITICISM OF MARKETING SEGMENTATION: When the size of the market is so small to do marketing When a brand is a dominant brand in the market.

Cost accounting and the lean production philosophy essay sample

Stephanie White prepares to cope with the a steep reduction in the budgetary allocation to the Uptown Clinic she must carefully determine which areas to cut while striving to maintain current levels of service. It is Management Accounting that determines the direction of an organization as well as the products and services it wishes to →

Jaycee dugard

Most importantly, the kidnapper was placed under the watch of the Californian Justice system during the occurrence of the heinous acts. For instance, Dugard's father and stepfather were alleged to be involved in the abduction based on the notion that the two wanted control over the family.

Cause and effect of advertising on blood donation

Blood donation advertising increased due to the need for not just blood, but the need for clean blood. One of the greatest effects of blood donation advertising and increased donation is the screening of blood for diseases.

Joseph légaré’s the battle of sainte-foy

But it was the victory in the battle of Sainte-Foy that the artist decided to depict in his painting with the purpose of emphasizing and reminding one more time to his contemporaries the glory, bravery, and patriotism of their fathers. The battle depicted in Legare's painting was fought on the land of a French Canadian →

Criminal law & the canadian criminal code

The laws which pertain to Canadian prostitution man that the following are illegal bawdy houses; the act of procuring and living on the avails of prostitution of another person; Procuring and living on the avails of prostitution are offenses deemed indictable which are accompanied by a term of up to ten years in a Canadian →

The year of 1776 in american history history essay

The author David McCullough takes the reader back in time to the 18th century right after the Battle of Lexington and Concord and the Battle of Bunker Hill. The Siege of Boston was the opening phase of the American Revolutionary War in which the New England militiamen, who later became a part of the Continental →

Western civilization

This previous excerpt pretty much describes the entire jist of the Second World War World War II was something that had been a long time coming, because of Hitler's plans and his actions. In conclusion by using Kilroy Was Here by Charles Osgood, one can take a different view on a very serious and harmful →

Is playing mahjong a good entertainment essay

The aim of this paper is to discuss the pros & cons of playing Mahjong in order to figure out whether playing mahjong is a good entertainment or not. Playing mahjong is also a good leisure that provides a platform for people gathering to talk of everything under the sun and helps people to establish →

Exploration of anglo-saxon humour within the exeter book

Perhaps the most obvious example of bawdiness in the pre-Conquest canon is exhibited in the Riddles of The Exeter Book, of which a significant minority evoke blatant sexual and scatological humour. This inversion is not only a physical but societal one, the figure himself morphs from lord to servant; the movement of the listener's imaginary →

Good tracy mcmillan’s impressive speeches essay example

This was done by mentioning one nice joke that basically explained her entire topic of the speech and what she was telling to enlighten the audience with. After delivering the topic to the audience, she offered them the solution that she personally tried and noticed that it made a difference to her life perceptions.

Potential limitations of the pest analysis and how to address them

A PEST analysis is widely used and carried out by corporate firms and businesses to study and understand the environment and market in which they operate. More limitations of PEST Analysis For a PEST analysis, a simple presentation is not enough to judge and understand the problems faced by the company.

Designing and managing the supply chain, chapter 1 questions

What are the components of the supply chain for an automobile? What are the components of the supply chain for a mortgage?

Sir robert peel

Hence, Peel's most often quoted principle: The police are the public and the public are the police. Peel's principles are used every day to protect and serve the citizens of this country.

A tulip per year

My mind wanders to what I should eat and the voices behind me tell me to hurry up; there is a line of family behind me waiting to plate their food as well. Love will be like when my boyfriend is in the band and all I want to do is watch him.

Discuss how and why lycurgus was forced to reform sparta. explain what the lycurgan reforms were and how they came to forge spartan identity

Although people could vote in order to cast their opinion the ultimate decision was of the senate as they had the power to decide if a vote is required. To solve this Lycurgus took over all the land and everyone was given an equal piece in order to ensure that money does not become a →

The history of technological advances in america that benefited the economy

The new national railroad was one of the biggest driving factors in the rise of big business in the United States due to the access it gave producers to a larger market scale. Vertical Integration began to occur in two different ways, the first being in the development of products that were new and fitted →

Prejudice in “to kill a mockingbird” by haper lee. assignment

The most prominent being the racial prejudice between the white people and black people in Macomb, Alabama during the sass's. The Cunningham were hit hardest by the Depression and because of their level of poverty the Cunningham are discriminated against." The thing is, you can scrub Walter Cunningham till he shines, you can put him →

Animal pigs were vastly superior to the rest

It is evident that this isapplicable to the character of ' Comrade' Napoleon the pig in the book Animal Farm. He even changed the traditional maxim to show that the pigs were vastly superior to the rest of the animals.

Grievance handling procedure

The grievance should be dealt with speedily In establishing a grievance procedure, if the grievance is against an instruction given by a superior in the interest of order and discipline, the instructions must be carried out first and then only employee can register his protest. The details of the grievance procedure vary from industry to →

Educational investment pension case essay sample

Mike accomplished everything Dan was looking for, to add enthusiasm into the organization and to increase the growth of the firm. The conflict is that Mike and the senior partners of the organization cannot see eye to eye.

Understanding the dream process and dream meanings

When someone actually does remember the dream there is a chance that person is wondering, " Why they would dream about that? " and " What does that dream mean? " In Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, he claims that dreams are meaningful and the reason why they are is because dreams represent wish fulfillment. →

War horse stage evaluation

Intricate puppets were used to represent the horses in the story and were manipulated in the production by members of the Handspring Puppet Company. In order to show a shift in time and place, throughout the production there was use of projection.

Scarlet letter

He brought Roger Chillingworth to Hester while she was in prison. He was the one who persuaded Reverend Dimmesdale to question Hester about the father of Pearl.

Journalists war on terror

As a response, the Bush Administration implemented the " war on terror" program immediately after the attack and international coalition gathered for rooting out terrorism has created a dangerous situation, where journalists may be reduced to the victims and targets of terrorists and become key actors of those super powers in reporting events to satisfy →

Balance redox reaction

In the ion-electron method, the unbalanced redox equation is converted to the ionic equation and then broken down into two half-reactions oxidation and reduction. Finally, the spectator ions are put into the balanced ionic equation, converting the reaction back to the molecular form.

Phase eight

The installation of retail hardware and software from leading application software and EPoS systems developer NSB, will allow Phase Eight to increase its number of retail outlets without increasing the workload on its staff." We aim to expand the number of 55 retail outlets, continuing to build and strengthen our position including our Internet presence," →

Osmosis lab report assignment

The result was that the more sucrose in the bag, the greater the final mass. The dependent variables are the final mass of the bag, the change in the mass of the bag, and % change in the mass of the bag.

Micheal kors

The Role of Business in the Economy Business plays a great role in the economy. Moreover, businesses pay taxes to the government thus allowing the government to work on the taxes collected, which help in the development of the country; hence, the business plays a fundamental role in the economy.

How to perform basic first aid essay

The second step is grab the necessary gauze from the first aid kit and apply it to the wound. The first step is to identify if it is a severe burn or not.

The concept of freedom

I am free to avail the luxuries of life and sooth and comfort myself by the bounties of the Lord and the beauties of the world. This is my concept of freedom, and I am proud to say, " I am free and enjoy being free".

Depiction of the theme of death and its literary analysis in the snows of kilimanjaro

In Hemingway's work, The Snows of Kilimanjaro, death is used to emphasize the brevity of life and the significance of accomplishment through the use of clever symbolism, allegorical setting, and domestic conflict. Ernest Hemingway's short story, The Snows of Kilimanjaro, represents the death of a man and his writing career.

Case: hewlett-packard

Recommend A Leadership Style Or Combination Of Initiating Structure And Consideration The CEO Should Adopt To Address The Problems Of Distrust And Declining Morale. After having examined all of the issues facing HP, recommend whether the CEO should focus on the approach to the current strategy or on implementation and execution.

Human nature in king lear

One of the most moving and painful Shakespeare's plays King Lear explores the human nature and condition through the portrayal of characters by depicting the good sides and evil sides of human nature as well as affirming personal transformation through the protagonist of the play, King Lear. At the beginning of the play, Lear, the →

English 350 – midterm study guide

The Fall of The House of UsherAuthor: Edgar Allan Poe Characters: Roderick, Madeline and Narrator Themes: The Gothic, the major descriptions of the story are Gothic, part of the descriptions of romanticismThe Cask of AmontilladoAuthor: Edgar Allan Poe Characters: Fortunato and Montressor Themes: hatred, manipulation, the Gothic, the unknownBartleby the ScrivenerAuthor: Herman Melville Characters: Bartleby, →

Improving instruction for ict literacy

The key objectives of this project are as follows: Analyze existing ICT literacy instructions and determine the areas that need improvement Determine the current workplace ICT literacy requirements and identify those that are not included in existing ICT literacy instruction. ICT literacy is not just a matter of being computer literate and particularly in the →

Fires on the plain: a reflection

The complete abandonment of the Japanese soldiers on the island of Leyte by the Japanese Army is revolting, as well as the complete disregard for each others well being among them. The weaknesses we see in Tamura and the other soldiers not only have a great impact on their unfortunate outcome, but are also a →

Environmental impact analysis of starbucks

So in this case, the Starbucks is an environmentally-friendly company and it did not have any action which can impact the environment when produce their product and they try to reduce the number of waste when they are producing the products or after customer used their product, so the Starbucks product is totally environmentally safety. →

Economic development in taiwan and south korea economics essay

Taiwan and South Korea were able to be successful in developing their country due to similarities in tradition and background. Additionally, as the rule came to an end, the countries were able to observe the decrease in inequalities of wealth.

Game play project

With the worker helping in the process of creating the puppets and their characteristics, the children are able to develop a dialogue and trust with the worker. As it is relatively cheap and easy, this is also an activity that will be simple enough for the worker to add to their visits or programs when →

Sarah james

C) The extramoneyproblem for the final parting day: - Considering the fact that charging of the extra money for the extra hours on the parting day could have been voided by the host family. Jimenez on behalf of Sarah and PLUS since the problem faced by Sarah was with the host family and not with →

Reflection paper, on jill bolte taylor’s stroke of insight, found on www.ted.com

Jill Bolte also explains the structure of our brain by bringing a real human brain on stage, and reveals the less-known fact that the left hemisphere of the brain and the right hemisphere of the brain are totally independent beings-the right hemisphere taking in all the sensations that we experience through our senses as a →

How does the steinbeck present lennie as a sympathetic character

Second contrast is that Lennie is good in nature and just likes a child but because of his mental handicap and the innocence that does not fit in with his times, he always does the things that get him into trouble, and eventually brings him death. Dreaming of a impossible dream and take it as →

Gas company figurer

Pat Wilson, the design engineer who is in charge of going through all the specifications has change the diameter of the pipe to 24 inches.Mr. Murphy is responsible for the purchase of materials used in the gas distribution process such as fittings, pipes and meters.Mr.

”the gift of magi” by o. henry essay sample

The definition of marriage in the oriental language Sanskrit corroborates the theme of the short story " The Gift of the Magi". A quick feminine change to hysterical tears and wails, necessitating the immediate employment of all the comforting powers of the lord of the flat"....for there lay The Combs the set of combs, side →

Juvenile delinquency programs in united states

In other words, this program believes that prevention of juvenile crime is more important than the correction of juvenile offenders." Prenatal and Infancy Home Visitation by Nurses program, Parent-Child Interaction Training Program, Bullying Prevention Program, The Functional Family Therapy program" etc are some other juvenile delinquency programs in America at present. Family therapy program reveals →

Competitive intelligence predicament

What Miguel must solve in the end is whether or not he should be using the data obtained for the benefit of the company or to leave it untouched and unopened. Analysis of Causes Ethics is all about making choices and in this particular case, the use of the data or the non-use of the →

A plan for positive influence on team behavior

According to Amos and Weathington " When an employee's values match those of an organization-and those of their colleagues in the organization-the values are said to be congruent. Knowing the values and behaviors of each team member can greatly enhance a team's capabilities; therefore, enabling the manager, and the team to work effectively together.

An essay on the narrative structre of a farewell to arms

The first book of the narrative contains the exposition, or introduction to the story. A few days pass and one night, the barman warns that Henry is to be arrested in the morning.

Keats and blake: romanticism, nature, and the poor

It is a land of poverty!" I believe the " trembling cry" Blake speaks of in line 5 is the hymns the child parishioners are singing, as Ascension Day is a major holiday in the Christian church. In the case of Autumn, I feel that Keats wants us to " think deeper" about the poem →

Impacts of commercial pressures on audit performance

There is a significant amount of preparatory work to be undertaken prior to the audit itself, including an understanding of the client's business, evaluation of the risk, and the costing and construction of the audit itself. In addition, auditing firms have to ensure that they, and all of the persons involved in the audit, when →

Student’s perspective: are standardized tests being taken too seriously?

As a huge problem worldwide nowadays, we should try to take standardized tests less seriously." A standardized test is any form of test that requires all test takers to answer the same questions, or a selection of questions from common bank of questions, in the same way, and that is scored in a " standard" →

Renaissance comparison assignment

They were the Italian and the Northern renaissance. Renaissance period art was bright and realistic, and the art of the Northern European Renaissance also followed this Italian style.

Legal aspects of u.s. health care system administration

The relationship established between the medical professional and patient is fundamental in providing success to the overall care of the patient. The health care provider owed a duty of care to the patient as part of a professional medical relationship that was established at the start of care and must have existed at the time →

Role of the construction industry in economic stability economics essay

This policy could also be applied contractionary, to control the rise in demand by increasing the interest rates thus reducing the supply of real money in the economy. Fiscal policies are the use of changing taxation and government spending in an effort to influence the level of planned expenditure in an economy and thus, the →

Dislocation, trauma and ambivalence essay sample

In Hemon's short story, the theme of dislocation is conveyed throughout the entire text, but is mostly focused on in the last chapter, " The Well." He talks about his father writing another true book, The Well: a story about a well near the father's childhood home, people from the village and their cattle, and →

Narrative report

I think the thing I loved most about Les Miserables, apart from the fact that someone managed to make a musical out of it, is that Hugo persistently does everything we were told not to do in creative writing class. I am sure that if I ever get around to writing that novel I know →

Cause and effects of an economic recession economics essay

To identygy the sttategiesn that can b used by the goverment and the finicla compnies To identfy the oppertunities and threts strenghts weakness of the uk economical markit. Rationale The genesis of the global recession was in the global financial system and the housing sector.

Urban legends as a part of american culture

Thus, the KFC urban legend mirrors the trends and facets in the society where it is being propagated. The technological revolution in genetics which made cloning and breeding of new organisms added to the appeal of this urban legend.

A report to determine the benefits of a good staff welfare system

A REPORT TO DETERMINE THE BENEFITS OF A GOOD STAFF WELFARE SYSTEM BY MARK ROSS 21ST October 2012 CONTENTS Introduction1 Executive Summary1 Staff welfare and organisational objectives1 Process for assessing staff welfare2 Actions to be taken2 Communicating responsibilities for staff welfare3 Recording and maintaining staff welfare systems4 Conclusion4 Bibliography4 i 1. Identify the actions to →

Schizophrenia case study analysis

The following analysis is designed to provide and analysis of the patient's history, and events that resulted in her hospitalizing. In addition to the primary stress, and the underlying genetic and biological factors, it is possible that the emotions of the patient also contributed to her condition.

Obesity and type 2 diabetes

Link between Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Introduction The fattest country in Europe officially is the UK in which in every 15 is obese and in every 5 adults is overweight, and this is only the beginning; over the next two decades, the number of obese adults in the UK is expected to increase to →

Business aims and objectives essay

An example of an objective for a large business could be to provide high quality goods which could help it on its way to achieving an aim to have a popular business with a god reputation. Nissan's Aims and Objectives Aim: To have a respected, familiar business and brand.

Islam religion dbq

Sir Edward Crecy describes the Battle of Tours " everything gave way to their [swords]...all the nations of the Franks trembled at that terrible army.attacked Tours.nd the fury and cruelty of the Moslems towards the inhabitants of the city were like the fury and cruelty of raging tigers.". The spread of the Islam Empire was →

Intel: racist or not!!!

At the top of the ad, there was a slogan which read: " Multiply computer performance and maximize the power of your employees." It was to convey a point certain point about their new processor that could improve the performance of an employee computer and maximize productivity but it was not viewed in the way →

The wave goodbye to my swimsuit

Finally, I was in the ocean to my shoulders, and I was ready to begin my beach adventure. I tugged at my drenched hair and turned around to face my dad with a pout." So much for not getting my hair w " I started to say, but was interrupted by another tumbling wave pounding →

Ethics of creation: frankenstein assignment

Through Mary Shelley Frankincense, the reader discovers the ethical and moral concerns surrounding the creation of a human being by means of Victor Frankincense's naivety, his lack of responsibility, and through the feelings illustrated by his creation. A scientist needs to e inspired and driven by his ideas, but should not let his inspiration get →

Political parties in papua new guinea

There are four main factors besides others in our party system including; Political parties In PNG are the creation of the political elites, who have been able to preserve the consensus on the plural nature of society, and served as the capitalist path to economic growth and the conciliation of divergent interests, as the mechanisms →

A comparative study on family education

There are great differences in the concepts of education, aim of education, methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education. The different contents of family education between America and China.

Pablo picasso essay sample

As one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century, he is known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the invention of constructed sculpture,[2][3] the co-invention of collage, and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore. Picasso, Henri Matisse and Marcel Duchamp are regarded as the three artists →

Earth science class

It is important to know that fog is a typical form of a cloud but the term " Fog" is used to differentiate the thin-line difference between a cloud and a fog. A fog is a result of the water vapors accumulated from the water sources present on the ground like a lake or marsh →

Imagination and liberation

Phillis Wheatley's On Imagination uses the metaphysical plane as a way to spiritually transcend the bonds of slavery and create a realm where all of humankind, more specifically slaves, have the ability to be free from the oppressive nature of the physical world through the guise of imagination. Wheatley uses height, audio cues, and light →

Compare and contrast two ads essay

It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief." How effective an advertisement is in getting the new company and its products and services to the world can be measured with the publicity of products that Dell Incorporation has provided. Another feature that is in the laptop advertisement is price tag, which shows that one →

Sophie bledsoe

Bilbo wanted to go home and forget all about the journey he was on. Bilbo thought he was unprepared for the massive change in his life, the new people, the struggles, and the danger.

Affects of electronic communication on me, my family and the society

Use of Electronic Information Electronic information affects me in a variety of ways; I will start of the simple ones and gradually go up to the more complex effects which electronic information has on me. Electronic information also has an impact on how I communicate with my friends, for example I can use MSN for →

New product develop

The protection of the environment and a conservation of natural resources is a concern of the communities. The customers and guests are concerned with the quality of the products and services provided.

What he advocated for the rights of

The company management should offer reinstatement to John Briggs because the employer violated his rights of participation in the trade unions. If the union could intervene for the termination John Briggs, the employer would be guilty of violating the rights of employees to join and participate in unions voluntarily.

How the internet has aided criminal activity

The misuse of the computer may involve the falsification of computer signatures through unauthorized codes; the creation of false bank accounts; theft of personal information and misuse of the stolen information; the virus infection created on computers that can hamper the proper software operations and damage records. This paper will give specific examples of criminal →

Napoleon’s downfall

Napoleon's fall from power in 1814 was the consequence of a combination of reasons that all resulted from a chain reaction primarily caused by Napoleon's own failure in his engagement in major military campaigns. Napoleon led his army to Russia in 1812 aiming to invade the country following its default of the Erfurt and Tilsit →


Use the % composition of arsenic and sulphur to obtain the empirical formula of the compound Sulphur percentage is 30% and 70% arsenic therefore the ratio is 3: 7 This means that the number of atoms for Sulphur = 3 Arsenic = 7 Therefore the empirical formula will be Ar7S3 Q 2 Sample mass/g Temperature →

The great gatsby – nick

Nick wants to embrace the world around him and make the most out of life, but he's tied down by his curiosity for people. In a way, it seems like Nick liked and disliked Gatsby for the same reason: he wanted to be him.

There tragic hero comes from a noble

The tragicplay of Macbeth and the epic poem of Beowulf share the literary concept ofhaving the hero as the protagonist. Although it can be interpreted that Beowulf is more of a conquerorthan Macbeth, both characters live up to their literary definition of hero.

Ratio analysis

Conclusion The debt to income ratio measures the level of total income to that of total assets of the company. From its assets turnover ratio, the company is not optimizing the use of its assets.