4 Pages Essay Samples

Lenko products essay sample

The following estimates were made at the beginning of the year: Department Cutting Machining Assembly Total Plant Direct labor $300, 000 $200, 000 $400, 000 $900, 000 Manufacturing overhead $540, 000 $800, 000 $100, 000 $1, 440, 000 Jobs require varying amounts of work in the three departments. The Hastings job, for example, would have β†’

I hate about you vs shakespeare assignment

Although different in its appropriation, by comparing, ' The Taming of the Shrew' and '10 Things hate about you' it is evident that the modern appropriation '10 things I hate about you' is successful in shaping the understanding of a modern day audience, so that they can further understand and appreciate the original plays. Deceit β†’

Modern nationalism and global conflict in e.m. forster’s a passage to india

Throughout the novel, Forster presents the emergence of Indian nationalism as a response to British imperial control rather than as a reflection of a strong Indian identity. Much like the anti-British sentiments that catalyze Indian nationalism, a sense of paternalism and racial superiority fuels British nationalism and imperial conquests.

My favourite sport

I love to watch and play the game; table tennis is a very entertaining sport and can be played by anyone. I see in my eyes that table tennis is very addicting and makes you want to play more and more of it.

Firefighters – college essay

Firefighters must be prepared for the endangers they encounter and be able to respond immediately to a fire or any other emergencies that arises. Volunteer firefighters are not paid, who perform the same duties and may comprise the majority of firefighters in a residential area.

Why psychology matters to me. using post tramatic distress disorder as a example

Gaining a Psychological Understanding of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Here s Here Gaining a Psychological Understanding of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder The field of psychology offers a multitude of theories and methods that allow for the investigation of virtually anything related to the mind. Long-term afflictions, short-term, and forms of the disorder that do not β†’

Their agree with this view of the essay

It can be seen that the only liberal measures taken by the government were in regard to trade and finance because of the Navigation Acts; in 1823, the Navigation Acts were relaxed by parliament originally stating that only British ships could carry British imports, this caused inflexibility for the exporting countries and made it difficult β†’

King solomon: a history

Since the day Solomon was born, the LORD guided him through his righteous life; he made him a successful, wise and discerning ruler, helped govern the nation, and build the temple and the the palace in Jerusalem. Despite of his great wisdom that was given to him by God, Solomon did evil in the eyes β†’

An examination of gray symbolism in the road

In Cormac McCarthy's novel The Road, the author uses the color and overall concept of gray to create a vacuous world that pierces deep into the reader's soul. This is most literally achieved through his description of the setting, but also symbolically through his minimalist style and the way in which he characterizes the inhumanity β†’

Municipal solid waste

Although, people tend to think municipal solids waste are useless stuff that should be burned down to ashes, they have the potential of reducing the levels of environmental degradation in the earth and in effect global warming. Basically, the focus is to rid the environment of any contaminants that may be found within the mass β†’

Background among others. valuables climbers and shrubs

The forest in Etung Local Government Area is the pivot around which the economic and social well-being of the people revolves. It is therefore, mandatory that in order to modify the behavior and attitude of people with regards to sustainable utilization of forest resources, a properly framed educational programme is essential.

Damage of social media

Because of the previous stated disorders and additional negative impacts of social media, it is very clear that the negatives of social media outweigh the positives. Social media is overall harmful because of the effect including depression, lack of sleep, and stress.

Advice to the fremd student body

To get the most out of your Fremd experience, a good thing to do is to stop and congregate in the middle of the hallways with all of your friends. It is so important to have a great group of friends in high school, and the more obnoxious you are in school, the better.

Massacre of the innocents by sir peter paul rubens essay sample

They include, The Raising of the Cross and the Descent from the Cross. It was due to his artistic relation with the royal families that he was nicknamed ' the prince of painters and the painter of princes'.

Atrial fibrillation

The term atrial fibrillation as the name suggests refers to the quivering or fibrillation of the muscles in the upper two chambers or atria of the heart. Thus the body and lungs receive irregular and varying supply of blood from the heart instead of a constant and regular blood flow.

Coke and pepsi learn to compete in india

Some aspects were: S Adjustments in the Indian government like new procedures set of laws and a closed system S Change in the names of each company S Problems with the water contamination S The policies that excluded international companies S Boycotts of American goods S Low demand for carbonated drinks S Prohibition of imports β†’

The scales of memory

The performance focuses on the acceptance of the history and heritage of all blacks worldwide to be able to live unhindered and progressively in the present. Each movement is a depiction of the oppression and the struggle for survival.

Rules of evidence

Rules of Evidence Rules of evidence are guidelines on how evidence is handled in the justice system, it contains the proper channels as per the law on how to obtain evidence and use it to prosecute criminals. Evidence is material ' if it is offered to prove a fact that is at issue in the β†’

Learning (classical conditioning, operant conditioning)

Conditioned response Define 'UCS'Stimulus that NATURALLY causes a reflexive response Define 'UCR'The reflexive response to the UCS. Define 'CR'The response to the CR.

Sophocles’ oedipus rex as modern tragedy assignment

The other act that set Oedipus as the tragic hero is his heroic efforts to free Thebes from the Sphinx; " You saved us from the Sphinx, that flinty singer." Further, he sets himself up as a hero by vowing to find the murderer of Alias.' Hamster' is a tragic flaw, or literally in Greek β†’

The role of urban parks for the sustainable city essay

Nevertheless, it is generally believed that natural assets and components not only make the quality of life of municipal dwellers better but also provide the citizens with many kind of services such as the purification of air and water, social and psychological services and so on. Although the survey considered as primarily exploration, results give β†’

Deceptive commercial speech and advertising

According to the Supreme Court, the definition of commercial speech is a " combination of a core notion surrounded by a penumbral boundary defined on the basis of three characteristics". Finally, the state must show that the regulation of commercial speech has been narrowly tailored to fit a specific interest.

Long distance relationships

Despite all the difficulties and hard times in the long distance relationship or a marriage, it is possible to maintain the relationship or the marriage. A long distance relationship among couples especially with a spouse who is in the military is sometimes difficult and maintaining the relationship or the marriage can be very straining.

Argument for free colleges in america

Free college is popular not only in the USA, but also in the rest of the World. Free college is not only regarding the education expenses, but also a path for the development of society in America.

Not a kid, not an adult, just useless narrative essay

We are no longer small children that are handed everything to us, and we are not adults that might be capable of something; no, in this society, we are just useless. Even as a teen myself, I cannot say that I believe teenagers are saints, willing and capable of anything, but I find it wrong β†’

Written explaination of annabel lee essay

I was a child and she was a child, In this kingdom by the sea; But we loved with a love that was more than love I and my Annabel Lee; With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven Coveted her and me. Old Man: It was many and many a year ago, In β†’

The harlem renaissance: john birks gillespie and selma burke

By the age of 12, Gillespie had experience in playing the piano and hoped to someday join the school band. Department of State asked Gillespie to represent the country and take a band on a tour of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

Personal response to cold comfort farm

I thought that a reoccurring theme in the novel was shown in the way in which Flora got people to look beyond their horizons and imagine a more realistic lifestyle. I have used a thorn twig these fifty years and more, and what was good enough then is good enough now.'" Seeing the logical and β†’

How does a submarine work

To rise, air is forced into the ballast tanks, pushing the water out.by David Garrison Submarines are a mixture of metal, air, and water. The combination of water and metal, with just a little bit of air in the centre for the crew to breathe, is more dense than the surrounding ocean water, and so β†’

The big bang theory essay

And on the religious side you would need to refer to the Bible more specifically the book of Genesis and the book of Mathew and the book of Revelations. The book of Genesis speaks of the creation of the earth but the book that speaks of the end of the earth is the book of β†’

Solutions for the water deficit

The fourth reason of the shortage is lack of rainfall and this affect negatively on the storage of groundwater because; rain is the first source of the groundwater the rain Nourishes the water storage. Aquifer storage and recovery is the re-injection of potable water back into an aquifer for later recovery and use.

Campus safety

The incident at Virginia Tech left parents and the public in general baffled and at the same time worried over the safety of students in campus. This is in recognition of the need for safety within campus and a bearing that it has on academics.

Pro-illegal immigration paper

Although the numbers from such neighboring countries are greater because they are in closer proximity to the United States, they are not the only immigrants illegally entering the country. Cons of illegal immigration include a higher unemployment rate among Americans, overcrowding in schools and hospitals, and the burden that immigrants become when they use services β†’

Events reported by the media since 9/11

In exploring these issues the essay endorses the view that the media post 9/11 became weapons of mass hysteria used by the State to create fear in the population rendering the population liable to manipulation. The information given by the media tends to be selected and shaped in ways that support the world-views and interests β†’

Actors and acting

Actors and Acting In the world of film making, the story telling is done through the actions of the actors. The role as he portrayed it and the overall acting in the film has set the standard for all other interpretations of the film in modern times and none can ever hold a candle to β†’

Cars demand and supply essay

The quantity of cars demand for that certain producer decreased and Toyota compelled to reconsider how to sell/market its products to rebuild the trust of its customers. At the start of a model that will introduce for the following year the recently model car is in high demand, whereas model for the previous years is β†’

Effects of video games to the academic performance

Statement of the Purpose This study aims to present the effects of playing video games on the academic performance of the second year students of Miraculous Medal School. Identify the specific effects of video games to the academic performance of the second year students.2.

Imperialism they discovered it was an excellent by to this principle, was to expand gradually

In the 19th century, Americans came up with the idea of expansion the west part began to purchase Louisiana, and the practice continued throughout the mid century. Due to the inexperience of America in the concept of global domination, there were great challenges occasioned by the nation's inability to decide whether or not to use β†’

The one

My arrogance was killing us and for some reason I could not figure it out. That memorial day weekend I just took a step back and reevaluated my life as I knew it.

Laws that protect citezens from themselves are not justified essay sample

Individualism: The belief that the interests of the individual out to supercede the interests of the group or society. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

The issue of accepting ones inner beauty in the bluest eye by toni morrison

The use of descriptive imagery in this story is used in a way such as Pecola describing on how both the media and the public were looking up to women with " Blue eyes, Yellow hair and White skin" for being the most beautiful and that being the only way that beauty was to be β†’

Sony music entertainment swot analysis

Porter's five forces are the rivalry among competitors, the threat of potential entry, the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining powers of buyers and the threat of substitutes. It is the last segment of the music industry that struggles to become one of the other segments.

Has technology ruined our ability to communicate?

She does not compare the pros and cons, and that is why her article does not fully support her opinion. The article is solely based on her opinion and on an " experiment" she conducts.

Financial management and accounting

Financial Management and Accounting Accounting refers to the recording, organization, analysis, and communication of an organization's financial information. Uses of Financial Information of a Nursing Home and Users of the Financial Information Financial information has a wide scope of significance to nursing homes.

Moose hut- case study

However when this is done, it is important to remember that this method is best when customers are limited or the business is small. Customers understand that despite cases of identity theft and credit card theft, this method is still the easiest and quickest.

Redemption in “the scarlet letter” essay sample

Prynne, according to the beliefs and values of the Puritans, is an extreme sinner; she has gone against the Puritan ways, by committing the unforgivable sin of adultery. The scarlet letter is an evaluation and study of the results of sin on the hearts, minds and souls of Hester, Pearl, Dimmesdale and Chillingworth.

My dream place

It is almost entirely made up of wood, the thick panelled mahogany walls and the varnished floor shimmer in the light of the regularly tilting lanterns drifting from side to side hypnotically hanging from the ceiling like the water in a small mountain stream rippling on an early morning. The roof stretches up for what β†’

Journal entry about life in 2030 essay

When I looked up and saw we were in a dome, they must be experimenting on animals to find a way to breathe on the moon without space suits. Suddenly I was grabbed by a man and felt a blow on the back of my head.

Case study-payout: gainesboro

The analysis of investors' attribution From the Exhibit 4, we can see that the attributions of the investors are changing. This shows that individual investors have a trend to sell the stock in a short time and regardless the dividends.

Swot analysis of philips

Service The service is a extra credit given to the customers by the sellers in order to gain the good will and to get the consumer in to good terms with the company who will in future will become a loyal customer of the company. Because of these products the Philips Company is facing a β†’

Comparison of the glass menagerie with death of a salesman as an expression of significant themes in modern american culture

This essay presents a deep insight of the vision of loss and defeat in modern American dramas; The glass Menagerie and Death of Salesman focusing on different themes that relates to the American culture. Willy Loman is the image of the deficit of physiological, moral and physical space like the ruined picture of the gone β†’

Retaining legacy of taste

Also, we use our own spices, along with the market spices and store them, depending on the quantity required for each dish that is made exactly the way it was in 1913, and tastes same," says Ahmed. Gujral takes pride in reinventing the brand to what it is today, including standardizing all recipes and bringing β†’

Evaluating links and styles between management and leadership

Strategic management is all about analysing of the position of the business now and where it wants to be in long term and what are the means and plans to get there. Strategic leadership is " refers to a manager's potential to express a strategic vision for the organization, or a part of the organization, β†’


Water is essential to health maintenance because over 60 to 70 percent of your body is made up of water and because water does not store in your body for future use, you must always replenish the loss of water in your body. Water also acts as a solvent in your body to help breakdown β†’

With great power comes great responsibilty: technology essay sample

By using advancements in technology, criminals abroad and at home are able to carry out their tasks in a short amount of time with little intervention from the law. The negative effects of technological advancements in business, law enforcement, and food all combine to make the world a less secure place to live.

Socrates in apology and crito

After unsuccessfully convincing the jury in Apology that he is innocent and in fact the benefactor of the city, Socrates accepts his sentence as prescribed by the agreement between him and the Laws of Athens, since the agreement was just. Socrates' contradictory manners are the results of the same principles that he sticks to.

Article/ case law search

Once both the Senate and House agree to pass the bill, it will go to a committee of Senates and Representatives to work out any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. Nosocomial infection is dangerous and can result in death of the patient and lead to lawsuits that usually do not β†’

Civil rights and equality assignment

Between the 1950's and 1970's many people took part in actions to end the segregation, discrimination, and isolation among the African Americans. In conclusion, the African Americans had to endure a lot of pain and humiliation before they could have their own rights.

African artworks as a part of living cultures and different education standards in different eras

Museums, anthropologists and archaeologists should research well and vastly and present the art as it is with minimal interference to its naturalist. It's true to say that Africa is rich when it comes to ideas since across many art pieces, all of it is has been conceived on a human scale, that is, human beings β†’

Coco’s mission statement case study

Billion loss, the CEO of Cisco Systems, John Chambers, had to move from a market and hierarchy culture to a clan and autocracy culture to adapt to the economy. The vision of Cisco is, Changing the Way We Work, Live, Play, and Learn, and makes a statement of the company of which it is always β†’

Practicum management assignment

In a study submitted to the Alabama Nurse Journal, it was established that the mandated nurse patient ratio has managed to improve patient safety and has also improved the quality of care given to patients. According to them, this mandate does not take into account the individual needs of the patient or the skills and β†’

Pan’s labyrinth essay

Pans labyrinth is an intense movie of a young girl struggles to break free of the restraints of being a child and the cruelties of living through Spanish fascism. The tree itself looks somewhat like a uterus and when Ofelia enters she finds it is soft and moist bringing back to the idea of the β†’

13th april 2013

Finally, nuclear power is a reliable energy source-it will not run out very quickly and it can be produced all the time. In conclusion, after studying both sides of the argument, I think that nuclear power is a sustainable option for future energy.

Major competitors gm

The way the company introduces its products in the market and the consequent efforts to which ensures the growth of its products is very important. The GM's strategy uses the Ansoff Matrix for the penetration and its existence in the market and to ensure the growth of its products in the market.

Food and environment

Benefits: One of the benefits is that the rest of the disposable income is diverted to other important matters like industrialization, infrastructure, and other kinds of development. This is due to the great usage of fertilizers, and chemicals and overutilization of the soils.5.

Jane addams

She was from a largefamily; her father was a well-to-do gentleman; her mother was very kind, she also had five brothers and sisters. She was one of the smartest and well Ilked people In her school, yet she wanted more.

Heterogeneous data sources

To achieve this we will have to use neuron network which will help us collect relevant dataset, convert it into homogenous format, use machine learning and finally ensure that new data is developed into representation when it has the same structure as the original training data. We will ensure that we use many assorted data β†’

The black people with their hands up.

The black lives matter movement is a movement that the African American community started that is protesting that the lives of black people are just as important as the lives of any other race in the world. What brought a lot of attention to the BLM movement was on the news there were repeated incidents β†’

Hamlet and crime and punishment by shakespeare and fyodor dostoyevsky

So, the themes of the roots of madness, the question of whether we ever have the right to take a life, and what defines true freedom came into play in these two books. Raskolnikov, however, was able to get the freedom that he was craving for at the end of the story when he confessed β†’

Through the eyes of a conflict theorist

In the film Roger and Me, Michael Moore tells the story of the exploitation of the numerous workers in his hometown, Flint, Michigan. This statement correctly parallels with Marx's broad view of society and more specifically with the society of Flint at the time of the occurrence of the downsizing of jobs by General Motors β†’

Anil’s ghost courage essay

Anil was at a low point in her life, and felt vulnerable because her parents had died in a car crash and she was living in London a city new to her. Anil made a bold move and denied adding the " e", showing that she wants to be independent and wants to separate her β†’

Organ donation: two deaths or one life

The United States should revitalize the organ donation system by implementing a presumed consent policy, allowing individuals to opt-out if wanted, as opposed to the current method of mandated choice or opt-in, in order to generate more awareness and increase the number of donors. It is a rising need and people's lives are in the β†’

Define a hero essay examples

One set his courage and the noble qualities that lead to the brave capabilities in the performance of the duties as per the requirements. This leads one to be regarded as ideal and more reliable in issues to do with the performance of the key and crucial duties as per the requirements of the scenery.

The south african platinum mining industry economics essay

In order to do my analysis of the supply and demand curves, I first need to determine the market structure of the platinum market. I will for the rest of the analysis assume that the platinum market is competitive and would react to changes in market variables as if it were de facto perfectly competitive.

Hyperinflation in russia in 1990

At this rate inflation of 50%, it fundamentally means that an item costing USD 10 in the 1st of January in the current year would cost USD 1300 on the 1st of January the coming year. The rate of inflation continued to fall in the years following 1995, from 1995 it was 197.

Nintendo: reviving a company, transforming a market

The analysis of Wii in the market has exhibited that it was in the growth stage of product life cycle but they were entering the maturity phase. Nintendo needs to provide superior products that will result in extending the lifecycle of Wii.

Social stereotypes or attitudes reflected in language form

The individuals who belong to that particular group are associated with the qualities of the group even though they might be totally different from their respective group. Positively in a way that listener may assume speaker's group to be hard working, honest and loyal so listener will also assume the fact that speaker would also β†’

Discussion and critique of platos six facets of his utopian society

Plato's exhaustive treatment of the theme of justice in " The Republic" s articulated by Socrates results not only in the probing of metaphysical and philosophical themes, but in the theoretical construction of the ideal society, envisioned as a great city during the symposium where " The Republic" takes place. Plato's idea of class emerges β†’


These ads also help reinforce conceptions of gender norms that the society has; in my society, women are, in fact, expected to take care of domestic chores and the babies, so it makes sense that the ads for dishwashing liquids and baby food featured women in them. I also noticed that my peers from a β†’

Organizational structure and the value chain

The value chain disaggregates a firm into its strategically relevant activities in order to understand the behavior of costs and the existing and potential sources of differentiation. A firm's value chain and the way it performs individual activities are a reflection of its history, its strategy, its approach to implementing its strategy, and the underlying β†’

Criteria for residency in the uk for tax

You count the total number of days you spend in the UK it does not matter if you come and go several times during the year or if you are here for one stay of 183 days or more"- " If you come to live in the UK permanently or to remain for three years β†’

Background the different nokia brands in the

The following are the common products attributes of Nokia Phones: They have a target market; the section of the market is in need of phones Has high value products that can be up-sold and cross-sold All the phones have a back-end product-relation The products approach the market from a niche market appeal and through mass-market β†’

Weight loss programs

As the body is covered by exercise routines developed to fit with the program the food Is covered by the purchases of the branding meals and the mind Is handled withmotivation, encouragement and ambition to help you while you are doing the program. Com/site/how-it-works Weight Watchers: The purpose of Weight Watchers Is to help their β†’

Essay movie class essay sample

He is one of the main characters and needs to be aggressive and mean in order to survive. Windbreakers enforces the expectation in the War Genre of Individual to Group Goals.

Urban outfitters continuing case study: marketing a business flashcard

The shopping experience is supposed to wake the senses with its sights and sounds. The line outside the building is testament to their successful and unique marketing style.

Debt/equity ratio persuasive essay

Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/debtequityratio.asp#ixzz2DQ7bp1aa The debt to equity ratio is a financial metric used to assess a company's capital structure, or " capital stack." Specifically, the ratio measures the relative proportions of the firm's assets that are funded by debt or equity. 1 Determine the debt to equity ratio for the company in question.

What is sovereignty?

The advantage of an un-codified constitution is that not everything is in black and white. The disadvantage of this system is that things take a long time to change and can never be completely removed.

Theory of deontology analysis

The only question left in the mind of a deontologist is that will you save your family and yourself or will you inflict damage to others, and if you let them just come and take whatever they want, then your family will be left with none of the means that you once had to survive β†’

Employment law compliance plan essay sample

They are as follows: The Age Discrimination in Employment Act, The Immigration Reform and Control Act, The Americans with Disabilities Act, Family and the Medical Leave Act, and Fair Labor Standards Act. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 protects certain applicants and employees 40 years β†’

How social work training and practice has changed since project 2000

How Social Work Training and Practice has Changed since Project 2000 In the present day, social work training and practice is taking a new shape and direction. According to Lord Laming, in The Victoria Climbie Inquiry, studies have been conducted to analyze how social work training and practice has changed by studying the views β†’

Companies commission of malaysia law company business partnership essay

According to the section 4 of the Companies Act 1967 has defined " director" as any person occupying the position of director of a corporation by whatever name called and included a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of a corporation are accustomed to act and an alternate or substitute director. β†’

Characterizing tiberius and sejanus in the opening chapter of the annals

The direct juxtaposition of the phrases ' Germanici mortem' and ' inter prospera' serves to further underscore his acceptance of death and suffering as a tool for the further attainment of power, emphasising the lack of compassion in both his character and his emperorship. Furthermore, the high level of clarity in the phrase ' initium β†’

The effects of international business strategy in emerging markets

The growing recession in the west and the reliance on selective protectionism on a rise are impacting the prospects of the emerging economies of the world. The analysis of the early phase of the market emergence, Institutional theory helps in comprehending the impact on the enterprise strategies this is due to the strong influence of β†’

Seagate technology profile: real-time response to demand

In the following analysis, I will explain how the company used visibility to ensure an effective and efficient global supply chain, review the risks associated with real time demand systems, describe categories of regulatory and legal requirements for ensuring compliance in a global supply chain, describe implications of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in global β†’

Automotive advancements in technology

The year 1908 saw the birth of General Motors which is a key contributor to the development of the automobile industry around the world. The years 1919 and 1922 were of significance in the industry, as the first single foot pedal was used in the operation of four-wheel brakes.

Contract law assignment

The Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals also refers to the Swiss legal literature and case law in a number of its decisions Under Swiss law, the " two-stage theory" applies to determine the legal regime which would apply to the private law contract executed for the performance of some services of the administration by private β†’