4 Pages Essay Samples

Marketing: arizona green tea assignment

The film is illustrated and the top to the bottle is secured with a paper seal colored with an intricate and geometric design. The tree illustrated on the bottle has tranquility provided by the simple curves with which it was draw and the limitation to two colors, brown for the branches and pink for the →

Little women: an approach to class, society, and money

The 1868 novel Little Women is not only a heartwarming and heartbreaking story set in the midst of the Civil War, but also a series of veiled narratives of the life of the author, Louisa May Alcott. The story coincides with many of the economic and social struggles that Alcott faced throughout her life, and →

Canada in world war two

The World War was a event in history that helped Canadian society move towards excepting women's performances of different roles in society, made Canada a reputable country, set standards of religious freedom and equality, increased agricultural production, gave Canada the opportunity to show it's independence from Great Britain.and in general transformed Canada's economy. And so →

Clipper ships essay sample

The more common types were the California clipper, China clipper, coffee clipper, opium clipper, and tea clipper. Most of the British clipper ships were of extreme models, but on the average they were smaller than the earlier American clipper ships.

Economic growth example narrative essay

The now legendary support of Tesco to its vendors by allocating its resources of transport and storage has helped them grow and Tesco is now reaping the dividends of dependable and loyal vendor management system. Tesco pays a certain amount of taxes depending on its revenue and current needs of the government.- The global economy →

Analysis of a poem uphill by christina rossetti

The answer in line eight reassures her that she will find the place, " You cannot miss that inn." By the end of line eight the reader can assume that there is an end to the journey, some place, somewhere the reader believes in when the end of life comes. This is her view of →

A trip to puerto penasco

A kid sits in the sand and is digging a small circle in the sand that is a few inches deep, and in the center of it is a castle. It is a love-driven community filled with passion and the desire to serve the lowest of low.

Magnetic field lines

If you hang a bar magnet by a string, the north pole of the magnet will tend to point north while the south pole of the magnet points south.1. If the field lines connect one magnet to the other, the magnets will attract.

A view from the bridge by arthur miller essay sample

Miller uses the stage directions and character's dialogues to highlight tension and to convey the rising conflict both external between Eddie and Rodolfo and Catherine by kissing them and internally within Eddie. Miller conveys Eddie's inner conflict as he struggles to reason with his instincts and foreshadows future conflict between him and Catherine and Rodolfo →

Children of wealth in your warm nursery

This poem is a Patriarchal sonnet that consists of two stanzas- the first one is an octet in which the thesis is explained and the second one is a sestet in which a solution for the thesis is explained. The poem begins with the children of wealth being addressed in their warm and comfy homes →

Programmed costs

The cost may be variable cost or a fixed cost. A cost such as the plant superintendent's salary can be readily identified with the plant and hence is a direct cost of the plant.

Coagulation of proteins essay sample

Use distilled water as controlled Record the pH of the solution containing distilled water and 0. Record the pH of the solution containing distilled water and 0.

Hinglish – college essay

None the less, the numbers speak for itself and there have been claims that hinglish, a mixture of Hindi and English, may soon become the most common form of the " Queen's language". According to a British expert Professor David Crystal, 350 million Indians speak " hinglish" and it is soon to exceed the number →

Social class in popular medua

The easiest way to observe the presence of social class in our society is to take one type of media, such as a magazine, and compare it to another. Therefore, it is safe to assume, based on the ads present in both magazines that Cosmo readers are of a lower class than those who read →

Life is the field of pharmaceuticals. in addition,

Therefore, my goal is to earn a Master of Science and then apply the knowledge gained to my career as a pharmacist since I see it is essential to have a global understanding of potential interactions, proper dosage and side effects that might affect my patients. I am certain that the Master of Science in →

The quiet leader

Introversion: " The state of being concerned primarily with one's own thoughts and feelings rather than with the external environment; the act of directing one's interest inward or to things within the self". Each of these introverted individuals was a quiet leader; their ideas paved the way in scientific discovery and literary achievement, despite their →

Organizational behavior and criminal justice agencies assignment

Organizational Behavior and Criminal According to the article on www.nwlink.com, it stated that organizational behavior or OB is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. Nevertheless, I believe that I have discussed the focal point of organizational behavior and how it may affect a criminal justice agency →

Fisherman’s friend product line strategy essay

This is due to that the new product is more alike the original lozenge than the chewing gum. This results in that the net demand for the new product is: 10+44= 54.

Self esteem essay

" Self-esteem and self-confidence are necessary to success, do you agree? " Self-esteem is the means by which an individual has confidence in themselves or a good opinion about themselves and self- confidence is the means by which an individual trusts their own abilities, quality and judgement. Chris Woodhead believes that self-esteem and self-confidence is →

Eve teasing- a social curse

Eve teasing is a euphemism used for public sexual harassment, street harassment or molestation of women by men, with Eve being a reference to the biblical Eve. Impacts of Eve Teasing: Eve teasing might seem harmless 'fun' to some, but gets the nerve of the victims.

Life without travel is a life unlived

Just the other week, I had the opportunity to visit one of the largest cities in the world: Hong Kong. We were lucky enough to see the Pandas at feeding time and it was a wonderful experience to be so close to them.

Physical development analysis essay

In Alanya's visits she has increased her hand-eye coordination and her language skills, she has a very large vocabulary and she knows a wide range of spellings. Alanya is a child who is not spoilt but likes to play with lots of new toys and she knows she can get her own way a lot →

Self awareness among patients with schizophrenia psychology essay

Mannarini and Lalli conducted a study to assess the self awareness of patients with schizophrenia. Starker and Singer conducted a study to reveal the daydreaming activity and self awareness of patients with schizophrenia.

Impact of the internet on live music

We will be discussing the negative, but also the positive aspects that has the Internet on live music and on the music industry. Firstly, it is a known fact that in comparison to the past, CDs' sales are declining, and this is mostly due to the apparition of new media and to illegal music streaming →

Issued by banks and building societies essay

The danger is that you over spend and then you have to pay a lot of extra money in interest to the credit card company. The answer then is to use a credit card if you are disciplined enough to pay off your monthly bills and avoid wasting money on interest.


Pakistan By: John Mayer, Austin Snyder Flag Map of Pakistan Population - 176, 745, 364 Geography - Pakistan is a profound blend of landscapes varying from plains to deserts, forests, hills, and plateaus ranging from the coastal areas of the Arabian Sea in the south to the mountains of the Karakam range in the north. →

Rj reynolds case

Continue to follow the regulations and restrictions the government input on the company.2. Because of the many regulations and restrictions imposed on the tobacco industries off shoring appears to be a good idea.

Ransom essay sample

With the motivation of having his name Written in the sky for all to see', Malouf has ntangled ' heroism' Into the bulld of Achilles through his use of sword and spear In battle, the deep loss of his cousin by the hands of Hector and by the ultimate courage he displayed through this time →

Ceo compensation

These include the size of the company, the works that are expected for the CEO to perform, and the economic status of the company, if it is gaining much for a certain period that will qualify whether the CEO deserved the amount of pay. Retrieved on 3 May 2009 from Wiseman, Paul and Jones, Del." →

Critical appreciation: porphyria’s lover

This opening line suggests that that night is unusual for some reason, strengthened by the uncommon syntax of words making the inauspicious beginning proper for the rest of the poem, as the reader begins to bear in mind the negative tone of the text. Even though it is clear that this initial section uses a →

“in defense of consumerism”

In the article " In Defense of Consumerism", the author makes use of first-hand observations and makes use of statistics in a few sections of his article. The author of the article " In Defense of Consumerism" makes use of stylistic devices such as tone, compare/contrast and rhetoric questions to appeal to his audience.

Goods spend analysis

Spend by type of goods: provides visibility of what themoneyis spent for and enables further analysis to apply 80/20 rule to define the top 20% of goods that represent 80% of spend. Spend by Supplier: allows understanding of who the money is spent with, how fragmented spend is within the supplier base and whether an →

United states bankruptcy law and grand opening assignment

Edward recommended her to stay in the house of her sons but she refused. But the caretaker cut him off and still insisted that she had to leave.

A litany in time of plague

The sixth line of each stanza must remain entirely the same throughout the work so that it is coupled with the last line of the stanza and remains the tenant of the litany, however the fifth line is crafted so that even while it changes in every stanza it concludes with an ending rhyme that →

Virtue ethics

The purpose of this essay is to talk about virtue ethics, Deontology and I ' m going to talk about its meaning and how a person that practices, or have this kind of ethics system will act if he or she would be in a dilemma; it is important to remember that I am going →

Malaysia’s responses to inflation

In response to the growing concern among Malaysians over the rising cost of living, the Addressing the Rising Cost of Living National Key Result Area was introduced in July 2011 to help ease the burden of the country's working and middle class. With the implementation of a 6% GST rate in 2015, the Malaysian government →

Suez canal

In the same year the UN faced a major crisis threatening the stability of the Middle East, they also created and deployed the United Nations Emergency Force Rising Conflict: A few months prior to the crisis, the United States followed by the United Kingdom decided to withdraw funding for the Aswan Dam project in Egypt →

Historical, social and cultural context of tennessee williams on ‘a streetcar named desire’

I think this is related to the American Civil War, and World War II as there was so many catastrophic, and historical events happening in a short period of time that he did not feel the need to mention them in his plays, this gave the audience the ability to forget real life and transport →

Technology in human services organizations

Three possible uses of technology within the Salvation Army would be to improve the co-ordination of services throughout the organization with information technology, to maximize potential donations using ecommerce, and to increase the variety of services that are offered using cheaply available computing and networking. These issues result in a technology that cannot be completely →

Journal article

20 NUMBER: 6 PAGES: 418-421 SUMMARY OF PROBLEM TO BE INVESTIGATED This article addresses sonographic detection of uterine dehiscence, which is the incomplete separation of the myometrium at uterine scar site. Some of the symptoms of uterine dehiscence may include pain or vaginal bleeding and its significance is linked with the possibility for a complete →

Yoga for stress relief essay sample

I feel that Yoga is a wonderful way to get rid stress and it would count as a form of exercise if you did it for just 30 minutes a day to help relax and bring your body and mind back to reality. Still yet, another positive aspect of a massage is that they help →

Teaching english as an additional language

This shift talks about the importance of a substitute to the method instead of changing the entire method. Thus, an appropriate substitute to the method is the need of the hour.

The alchemist analysis argumentative essay

The influence of Christianity in Paulo Coelho's, The Alchemist, enhances the plot of the story in a number of ways. The Alchemist is a piece of writing that tells the story of each individual's journey through the personal life.

Treatment of alzheimers disease and dementia psychology essay

Outcomes such as these are vital in the treatment of mental disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia as a patients' well being and a positive emotional state can, in some cases, increase memory and communication skills and slow the progression of the disease. This scene has many parallels to the degeneration of the brain →

Distinctively visual essay sample

In the beginning of the play the audience is introduced to their first image of the women and children waving goodbye with smiles on their faces as they board the ship on the 13th of February 1942 this image is a contrast to the descriptive story telling about the sinking of the ship, Quoted " →

Jasmin vardimon company

" Jasmin Vardimon Company is one of Britain's most pioneering physical dance theatre companies, creating work that excites both the eye and the mind by pushing the boundaries of human physicality whilst engaging in universal, contemporary themes that strike an emotional chord".[1] In this piece of work I will be discussing one of Britain's leading →

Marketing mix for levis brand makeover

The Levi's jeans should determine goals of your promotion to establish the best promotional activities. Therefore Levi's Jeans will use Advertising as the means of product promotion.

Case study: managerial finance chapter 14

50 per share, the market value of the firm is: Market value of equity = $34. Under the efficient-market hypothesis, the market value of the firm's equity will immediately rise to reflect the NPV of the project.

Businesses are completely incompatible with virtue ethics assignment

Another reason as to why businesses are seen as compatible with virtue ethics is because out of all the ethical theories, virtue ethics Is the most modern. This could mean that businesses are seen as compatible with virtue ethics because If a firm seeks to achieve delusional within a community then the maximum amount of →

I’d rather smoke than kiss

By saying smokers have the " right to die," but non-smokers have the right to " not die" puts non-smokers in the dangers of smoking as well. King wanting the readers to feel sorry for smokers is successful in this because it makes the readers believe that non-smokers want smokers to be unhappy.

Was oliver cromwell a hero or a villain

At times he acted very heroic and selfless but he had to take cruel and drastic measures which forced people to believe that he was a villain. Royalists, MPs and most people in Britain did not want Charles I to go on trial and they wanted the king and parliament to work together therefore they →

Favorite place

The summer is my favorite time of year because you get to go to the many beaches in the Jersey shore, located on the coastal southern part of the state. New Jersey is also home to Seton and Rutgers University- two of the finest in the country.

The natural resources are being obtained environmental sciences essay

The quality and quantity of thermal energy will be produced are determined by the area of the surface water and the depth of the water bodies. It can be further categorized into tidal, air, wind and wave energy, solar energyIn the perpetual resources, tidal is one of the categories.

Psychology paper on sleep

Hallucinogens interfere with the brain and central nervous system in a way that results in radical distortions of a user's perception of reality. Extraction works through a process called dream-sharing manufacturing the world of the dream and bringing the subject into that world, which feels completely real as long as they are in it.

Employee retention and high turnover analysis

This research is based on the employees of the Money Market segment of the Financial Services Industry. As a fellow employee the author seeks to identify the main reasons that lead experienced and skilled employees to leave the organisation within a short period of recruitment.

Research on the importance of financial planning finance essay

The financial plan is an important part of both the business plan and of the entrepreneur's day-to-day management of operations. Business plans vary by project and are shaped by many considerations, but the basis of business plan is the development of the mission, goals, and objectives of the new entity consistent with the strategy, →

Hotel conflict assignment

D) The food is not ready and sent to the customer's room, the customer is not satisfied with the standard of the breakfast.2. And must use some of the data in the course of transportation or written records to which room delivered what kind of breakfast, to record some information, such as customer service delivery →

Big things come in small packages essay sample

As I was approaching the field, I was happy to see all of my classmates there, facing at the opposite direction. I was the first one to be dropped in front of my grandmother's house, wet and sticky but happy.

The theme of imprisonment in jane eyre by charlotte bronte essay

At one stage in Gateshead Jane is physically imprisoned when she is made to sit on a stool, while she is locked in the Red room. Jane is not only imprisoned in the places she stays in, but in the era of time in which she lives.

Thrasymachus’ views on justice

The position Thrasymachus takes on the definition of justice, as well as its importance in society, is one far differing from the opinions of the other interlocutors in the first book of Plato's Republic. These claims include his opinion that " justice is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger," " it is just →

Text response

The film depicts the journey of our coming of age and our adventure and turning point during the holiday of 1960 in Australia. This creates a lot of tension and our friendship is tested leading to formation of new alliances to compete for the opportunity of being in a real family which was a dream →

The meaning of strategic marketing:and analysis assignment

Strategic Marketing is an important marketing discipline that emerges from the integration of the disciplines of strategy and marketing. This work was done by developing two social theory frameworks that gives a comprehensive review and overview of the meaning of strategy on the one hand and the meaning of marketing, on the other.

A child who is frightened of school

The parent went home and requested the child to go with him to school but he accepted on the condition that his parent swore not to leave him alone. On the way to the police station, the clown started begging the police to release him admitting that he was sorry for disappointing the children.

Historical information for minicomputer

Decentralized computing is a modernized form of computing in which all computer systems have the ability to perform different functions independently." Distributed computing utilizes a network of many computers, each accomplishing a portion of an overall task". Thin Client Computing Thin client computing, which is also termed as server-based computing, refers to the computer systems, →

Crank mechanism

9 30 5.3 4.9 5.8 4. 9 45 5.5 4.9 6.1 4.


A party platform, also known as a manifesto, is a list of the principles which a political party supports in order to appeal to the general public for the purpose of having said party's candidates voted into office. The new leader of a party nominated by the convention may then go ahead and be elected →

Three chimpanzees

For instance, some of the primates considered to provide solid evidence for the evolution of the human species from primates are the chimpanzees and the bonobo or pygmy chimpanzee. The behavior of the child is shaped by the surrounding environment making the child to behave differently from the parents simply because humans have the capacity →

Phil102 – knowledge and reality assignment 2

The " veil of perception" conversely, refers to the belief that, indirectly, our perception about the world is passed through the channel of our ideas. In this paper I will discuss the skepticism hypothesis in the " veil of perception," the importance of the " veil of perception", and the opposition of simplicity to the →

Lehman brother’s scandal essay

1x, respectively. And lastly, even worse, Ernst & Young told the examiner that it did not even look at whether the volume of Repo 105 transactions was material to Lehman's balance sheet and net leverage ratio.

Ford truck analysis

The performance of the industry is primarily driven by consumer sentiment and their purchasing power. Economy As mentioned earlier the performance of the industry is driven by consumer sentiment and their purchasing power; this is determined by the economy.

The misuse and nonconsequential abuse of cultural appropriation

Because of the predominant misuse of treasured customs from subordinate cultures and lack of consequences for such misuse, cultural appropriation undermines the authenticity and identification of the past from which people develop. As some choose to completely ignore the issue as a whole, subordinate cultures continue to live on with the lasting and impacting effects →

Book review:

Book Review: War of the Worlds The passage in the first paragraph of the first chapter; " The Eve of the War" of the book The War of the Worlds by H.G. The most interesting aspect of it all is that, just like the statement in the first sentence of chapter one of the book →

Why people stay in unhealthy relationships

One has to really has to analyze why he or she is in a specific relationship and what is holding them back in that relationship, when they are really undergoing lot of stress and trauma being in it. So in order to lead a health and stress free life, one has to assess and evaluate →

Future career planning essay example

In order to improve and to accelerate my own development, I am also going to proceed with studying my profession in the future with a help of different research courses. Accumulating experience and learning is an important part of the base that I will use in the future for being a competitive worker and for →

The role ordinary citizens played in the rise of nazi power

They did this to create a popular scapegoat and to assume ownership of business and property to the government or other German citizens. The progress the Nazis were able to make was due to the significant inaction of the German citizens.

Accounting– annotated bibliography

This article is related to the accounting field since it talks about figures and statistics. This article is very important for business people as it seeks to enlighten them about the important aspect of fair value in accounting.

A comparison of old (tolstoy’s) and modern russia

A COMPARISON OF OLD AND MODERN RUSSIA Today's Russia appears remarkably different from the Russia in which Leo Toltoy lived in terms of political, social and economic development. Hence, the old Russia can be defined as an aristocratic nation- and, consequently, a nation characterized by great inequality and intolerance between the aristocrats and the masses →

How the movie of the beetles is influenced in the 1960s

A silky incorporation of Richard Lester's convoluted track, Alun Owen's hysterical libretto, and the natural trinkets of Paul, George, Ringo, and John, A Hard Day's Night is a movie flawlessly of it is the moment and flawlessly enduring. In the year 2004, Total Film periodical forenamed A Hard Day's Night the 42nd utmost British movie →

Goblin shark

They are at this depth because; they like to be near the outer shelf and upper slope area of the ocean. For example, we are still trying to understand and learn more about the great white sharks and they are one of the most well known species.

William paley and the “argument from design”

Paley also observes that there is something special about the motion of the parts themselves; the " equable measured progression," or regularity, of which the index moves about the watch face also signifies a major distinction between the watch and the stone. In contending that a watch demands an intelligent designer of some form, Paley →

Business plan on recognizing contract risk and opportunities

A contract is a promise for breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in a way recognizes as a duty. They will also have to constantly verify the quantity and quality of the deliverables so that they do not have to wait for the last minute →

Weight loss and ideal target market

The ideal target market for Metabical would be individuals with a BMI of 25-30 who are dissatisfied with the current weight-loss options and are looking for a proven and safe way to drop excess weight that is supported by the FDA and offered by prescription from their physicians. Let Metabical and your health care provider →

D. m. presents

It is usually a benign disorder in the neonate and is often confined to the oral and diaper regions. The primary symptom of leukoplakia is a skin lesion on the tongue, or inside the cheeks, usually white or gray, thick, raised, or with a hardened surface A biopsy of the lesion confirms the diagnosis.

Abstinence assignment

In addition, I have also come to realize that I just subconsciously bite my nails, even if I am not bored! I also realized that for me to not bite my nails, I just had to stop thinking about it and do something else to take my mind off it.

Dr martin luther king: i have a dream assignment

Dry King refers to the constitution to enclose the rightfulness of the African American as a part of the country. The reference to the first amendment at the beginning of the speech is important because it establish Dry king right to speak and It protects the audience against repression.

What does it mean to be you? essay sample

A good point that Baggini brings up, is that most of the things that we have in our life are not just one thing. It is a scary thought because it gives off this sense of illusion, that we are in fact not real.

Desert tourism in dubai

For most people, when tourism is mentioned, the sandy beaches of Hawaii, The wild of the dense Brazilian and African forests and the fun in Los Angeles and Vegas ring a bell. The Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing is the body that is charged with the licensing and the classification of hotel apartments, →

What is the impact of enzyme’s use in human society

Enzymes can be found in everywhere, in the food we eat, such as cheese, yoghurt; in different drinks, such as wine [4]; in laundry detergents, and also in our body. For example, betaglucosidase enzymes are used to improve the filtration quality in brewing industry; amyloglucosidase enzymes are used to lower the calories of beer; protease →

Eth 125

When the names of the authors of a source are part of the formal structure of the sentence, the year of the publication appears in parenthesis following the identification of the authors, for example, Smith. When the authors of a source are not part of the formal structure of the sentence, both the authors and →

Describe place

Use the P-M-I Chart as a guideline to make your summary on the biography book you read. Identifies multiple convincing examples of what a specific trait looks like/sound like/feels like Uses detailed vocabulary to support description of examples 2?

Week 7

Despite his deceit, he is aware of his ramifications of his actions, and assumes compassion and responsibility. Aeneas is designed to be Augustus, the hero and savior of Rome.

Surrogate motherhood

Before being carried out, a contract must be agreed upon to establish who the legal parents are, the amount of money to be paid to the surrogate mother, visitation rights of the surrogate mother, if any, and a number of other terms and conditions to be followed preceding and following the birth of the child. →

The rap and the paths of cultural globalization

It will elaborate the cultural variations between the American hip hop group and a Japanese hip hop group The author elaborates on the diversity between the Japanese society and American society in regards to their perception to hip hop music. In the process, the Japanese cultural diversity and the rest of the world are demonstrated.

Jefferson vs

In this letter, Jefferson seeks to convince on the importance of establishing a National Bank that is not inconsistent with the constitutional provisions regarding the establishment of the same. Albeit with a lot of dishonesty; the issues articulated in the president's letter to him- Hamilton argues that "...

Final exam

Most newborns can distinguish the volume and the pitch of sound, they can differentiate colors and distinguish their brightness, and they also start to anticipate moments such as suckling in the sight of a nipple. This test determines the mental age of a child according to which scores are determined by the knowledge compared to →