4 Pages Essay Samples

The virtuous character of desdemona

Such is the case of the virtue of the character Desdemona, from the play The Tragedy ofOthello, by William Shakespeare. But the overall character of Desdemona is of high stature, it is her very innocence that makes her a victim of circumstance.

Factors currency rate to fluctuate. then comes equity

The demand and supply affects the market most as per some of the experts, the demand and supply balances the value of the currency. Other International factor which affects the value of currency is International Equity and Commodity Market, political situation and value of other currency this factors are the main factors which affects the โ†’

Apparent to their colleagues. physicians do not want

The relationship between a physician and the hospital is so important becauseall important or undecided health matters of patients are dealt between thetwo. As a hospital administrator, it isimportant to hire the most ethical and competent physicians.

Combating gangs in the inner cities

Gang problem in Los Angelos has been a threat to the authorities as it has led to the increase of organized crime in the city. Gang problem in Los Angelos has led to the spread of gangs to other parts of the United States.

Being and nothingness by jean paul sartre

The claim is a social and religious claim in the sense that Sartre explains what it is to be in the pursuit of being.II. This is a fact since consciousness allows humans to be alert and able to perceive different things that allow the ability to make decisions.1.

Online vs brick and mortar shopping

Online shopping is more beneficial to the consumer, and many people are choosing it instead of conventional shopping for its convenience, versatility, and reliability. In addition, secure sites are standard on all online stores giving you peace of mind when you shop, and buying items that might have been embarrassing to purchase at a regular โ†’

P.p1 it is clear that when eating

Veganism is a movement that benefits a person health, the environment and the livelihood of animals. This will be determined through examination of personal experience stories of dedicated vegans and beginners, how the meat industry affects the environment and the ongoing suffering of animals due to " the standard American diet".

Draytons case study

Dragoon's family wines set up on present site due to land grant economic -coloratura factors part of big hunter valley area of wine lots of tourism technological- not having to abide by all the old world rules part of new world and really lax rules using stainless steel vats and refrigeration political factors not really โ†’

Punishment and learning

Those who support corporal punishment believe that it can effectively contribute to learning new knowledge or good behaviors through its solid, unpleasant, and quick nature, while those who are against corporal punishment assert that it is not effective in promoting learning because it promotes violence instead, it is ineffective because the conditions that can make โ†’

An automated external defibrillator

The study of Bunch et.al.shows that the majority of survivors returned to normal life similar to that of the general population but for the degree of vitality. Responsibility of organisations and institutions to provide a defibrillator.

Is the eu’s application of its emissions trading scheme to aviation illegal

The main restraint of the study is the limited number of such cases and the duration they take. The authors try to explain the different outlines regarding ETS of which include the overview of the ETS, aviation in ETS, relevant EU legislation, procedural route, and lastly the case of the claimants.

Deontology versus teleology essay

Normative Ethics is a category of ethics that is mainly concerned on the judgement of human action in the context of right and wrong. In a less complicated manner, the conflict between the two theories is that on deontology the means justifies the end, that the result is moral due to the wasy it is โ†’

Nutrition plan for tennis player

Nutrition Plan for Tennis Player Game Tennis Primary Energy System In order to accomplish the current assignment, I have chosen the game of tennis. For a successful game it is important to understand and meet the demand of the energy that is required for the game.

Choice theory essay

Educators can help to meet this need for students by greeting their students each morning and giving their students the chance to know them personally. Educators can help this need be met by utilizing differentiated instruction, making real life connections to curriculum, and giving students a voice in the classroom.

Barilla spaโ€™s sales case study

Issues that influenced the demand fluctuations are the discounts Barilla SPA offers on both price and transportation, the compensations for sales representatives that is based on the volume of goods they sell to the distributors, and long lead times between time of order and time of delivery Just to name a few. Despite of all โ†’

Qualitative analysis

The experimental procedures show the identity of the substance but not the amount of the present agents. In the first part of the experiment, it has to be shown the different characteristic reaction with the cations and the anions.

Construction technology – design processes and procedures

Each factor plays an important role not only during the design process but they can also affect the life cycle of the project, therefore the RIBA plan of work is usually used which allows clear guidance on the roles of those involved and is easy to understand. Social A consideration must be made of the โ†’

Legal questions

The civil rights legislations are legislations enacted to stop all forms of discrimination in the country, including racial segregation, and discrimination in employment, according to Scheb and Stephens. In case of such a suspicion, the police have the right to stop, question and search the suspect for arms or any other weapon that may be โ†’

My top three learning styles

The first advantage of spatial displays n communication is that they can reveal information that is difficult and cumbersome to communicate in other ways. Specifically, the intelligence attributes of logic and spatial reasoning are particularly effective at developing leadership communication skills.

History exam review guide

The majority of the subjects for the chronologies will come from the lectures; a few will come from the list of readings terms above. Use the lectures, the essay on Madison and Henry, and the textbook to write a complete answer.2.

Pride and prejudice: socialization assignment

She interacted with individuals that pertained to both the lower class and the higher class, however, she was not thought of to reside in either one. She aspires to the higher levels of aristocracy through marriage to Dared and looks down upon the lower social class.

War is unpredictable

Instantly, Owen's title of the poem contradicts the reader's belief in the common war values where he pairs the terms " Anthem" and " Doomed Youth" juxtaposing with a gloomy and depressing description of the youth in war. Thus, Owen through his poem " Anthem" dishonours the common concepts of glory and triumph, and replaces โ†’

Free biodiversity and conservation essay example

Derived from the words bios meaning life and diversity meaning variety, the term biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms in the world, their diversity and a wide range of ecosystems in a specific area. It is equally important to incorporate biodiversity conservation in the strategies of distinct policies and practices.

Effects of macroeconomic policies upon a single organization

Understanding the Tree by Knowing the Forest The analogy of the forest and the trees is particularly apt in illustrating the difference between macro- and micro-economic areas of concern. In an organization such as a YMCA unit, this had the potential of having serious consequences as there are a number of operating parameters different from โ†’


Campinha-Bocote posits that cultural knowledge is the process of learning the cultural views, languages and other components that differ from one's own to be able to embrace them and for cultural competence. Cultural Encounter Campinha-Bacote defines cultural encounter as the process that encourages nurses to interact with other nurses from cultural background different from their โ†’

Causes of sleep deprivation

Causes Of Sleep Deprivation Sleep is very important in our daily lives and we need about eight hours of sleep every night. When you have lack of sleep it is difficult to get up in the mornings, you feel sleepy throughout the day, and you are just not feeling your best.

The leeuwin current

It was alleged that there was a warm current flowing towards the south off Western Australia instead of the anticipated cool current that was going towards the north in the bounds of southern Africa and South America. The presence of Australian salmon in South Australia was also related to the Leeuwin Current.

Kaoru ishikawa total quality management principles

Touted as the " Father of Quality Circles and as a founder of the Japanese quality movement", hisphilosophyon quality control is critical to understand TQM in general. The second core idea of Ishikawa's philosophy is that there is active participation in the quality program amongst the employees.

Therapeutic relationship

Trustworthiness is also assumed to be a natural human quality, the gradual development of it can provide an opportunity for trust?" building through the provision of mutual respect and a none judgmental atmosphere, the establishment of emotional boundaries, the maintenance of confidentiality and a overall person centred approach over time will establish a strong relationship โ†’

World war 1 introduction history essay

World War 1 started in Europe in the year 1914 and went though 4 years and ended in the year 1918. Australia joined in the war to help Brittan because Brittan was allies with Australia and they were very close Australia considered them their " mother country".

Why did the athenians convict and execute socrates?

The evidence suggests that Socrates was sentenced execution for his arrogant behavior, for corrupting the youth of the city with his teachings of new ideas and attempts to implement those new ideas in Athens, and relatedly, his involvement in The Thirty Tyrants. The evidence suggests that one of the reasons that the Athenians executed Socrates โ†’

Evaluation of three attachment style theories

The success of the caregiver's attachment bond to know and the baby's physical and emotional needs, depending on response skills. Bowlby's attachment theory Facilities Monotropy kids usually only form a solid attachment to the mother during the early years of life to the attachment forms.

Technology as a facilitator in the english

Today, various tools and applications of technology can be used in multiple says In the FEEL classroom regardless of the students' level or the subject taught. Also, technology in the FEEL classroom offers students a range of information, motivation to learn and an enhanced quality of class work.

Imagery, symbolism and motif in โ€˜heart of darknessโ€™ assignment

One of the key aspects in the Novella is the way in which Conrad explores the depths of imagery, motif and symbolism. The extract begins rich with imagery as Marlow talks of the " Light" that " came out of this river", emphasising the idea that through invasion, the Romans diminished the " darkness that โ†’

๏ปฟreligion in colonial american literature essay sample

Examples of Religion in Colonial Literature In " Of Plymouth Plantation" William Bradford writes about his experience traveling to the new world and early colonial life in America. On the journey to America Winthrop offered " A Model of Christian Charity" as a sermon of expectations for the puritans in the New World?

How accurate is it to say that the economic achievements of the gdr were limited essay sample

In 1955 the GDR reached the end of its five-year economic plan and even though they faced a series of difficult challenges the GDR did succeed in the fact that they were able to double the industrial production in this time which is a huge bonus and success to the GDR's economy as I clearly โ†’

In vivo exposure in behavioral therapy

According to Corey one of the hallmarks of in vivo exposure is its graded method of exposure, he states " Together the therapist and the client generate a hierarchy of situations for the client to encounter in ascending order of difficulty". A study by Nelissen, Muris and Merkelbach used virtual reality to examine the effects โ†’

Vanity โ€“ devilโ€™s favourite sin

In order to demonstrate the satire and tragedy involved in trying to create perfection, Nathaniel Hawthorne presents scientist who becomes ignorant of the necessity of imperfection in the world, and try to use science to " play God" and create excellence. This vial is the forbidden fruit, and in accordance with the Bible, Beatrice is โ†’

Biography of jean jacques rousseau

Rousseau traced his love of republican Rome to the reading of Plutarch that he and his father used to do. Rousseau saw this and was so overwhelmed by a flood of insights evoked by it that he spent the rest of his life trying to put into words what he had seen in one hour".

Explain the responsibilities of the assessor essay sample

An assessor would also: Discuss and agree the appeals procedure with the learner; Identify and discuss with the learner any recognised prior learning; Identify any particular assessment needs and ensure these are annotated on an assessment plan; Discuss and ensure confidentiality, equality and diversity and health and safety; Carry out assessments in accordance with the โ†’

Toddlers and tiaras

Well, encouraging the sense of competition and having a hobby to be dedicated to is okay, spending time with mom is great, but when you become a winning machine, and a Tiara chaser collector, serious psychological problems can occur. These and many other psychological problems can emerge from having to be something that you are โ†’

Experience economy

The Third part/ AFTER: The memorable experience EXPERIENCE HYBRID combination of 2 different sectors/products; creating a unique experience to the customer Lecture 2 The 4 Realms of Experience ENTERTAIMENT Something that entertain the customer, and something that is relaxing and enjoyable without being to thorough. An active professionalcommunicationto a passive receiver/customer is a passive aspect โ†’

Syngas plant features relevant to process safety environmental sciences essay

This includes the features accordant to safety of the process which is common to plants of syngas which converts natural gas into a product gas. There is a risk of escape of gas to the atmosphere, which may cause an external explosion.

Rhetoric and contradiction of human nature

To claim that "...when the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys," Orwell implies that, in the context of the time period of British Imperialism, any leader that runs rampant in their country is destined to sacrifice their own freedom in addition to pulverizing the freedom of the others' they โ†’

Dalby 1

For example, in a sculpture named " The Thing, " detail is written all over it, but without a close observation of the details, all that is seen is a piece of junk and no longer useful items stuck together to make a shape. The tank of the toilet is made from a corner pipe โ†’

Hiv actively causes cell destruction biology essay

One of Deusberg ' s allegations against the HIV-AIDS hypothesis is that HIV is said to do AIDS by killing more CD4 T-cells than the organic structure can replace; nevertheless others have shown that less than 1 in 500 T-cells that is killed is infected with HIV, even in terrible AIDS patients. If it can โ†’

Personal criminological theory

This crime is of a casual nature, rarely premeditated and that may arise from the desire to have fun with friends. This is true especially in crimes such as robbery with violence and force in the things, which distinguishes a core of multiple repeat offenders whose criminal activities are not proportional to the number of โ†’

Reshaping historical narrative in โ€˜hamiltonโ€™

The alterations to historical narrative made in Lin-Manuel Miranda's hit Broadway Musical Hamilton bridges the era of the American Revolution to current issues in American society. In addition to the musical's creative choices, the content of the story outlines the underlying theme that historical narrative is fluid.

Health promotion intervention plan on cardiovascular disease

In spite of the reduction in the drift in death rate of diseases of the heart and the circulatory system, coronary heart disease still remains the common cause of death in the United Kingdom. This ailment which could lead to angina, heart attack and heart stoppage is one of the main causes of death in โ†’

Saps policies: negatives impacts

economic policies for developing countries that have been promoted by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund since the early 1980s by the provision of loans conditional on the adoption of such policies. They are designed to encourage the structural adjustment of an economy by, for example, removing " excess" government controls and promoting market โ†’

Genetic mutations result in faulty proteins

The amino acids are the building blocks of proteins which are arranged in a specific order to determine the protein's shape and function. Frameshift mutation: This mutation is the result of an insertion or a deletion of one or more nucleotides from the DNA sequence but not in multiples of three because bases in set โ†’

Contemplate have responded decisively. many school districts

School shootings in verysmall towns from California to New York, in all schools in the USA and districts, however diminutive, are compulsory tonow straightforwardly address the increased occurrences of violence in schools. By banning gang colors and markers and thenrequiring uniforms, administrators and school officials are able to preventmuch of the violence in their schools.


Answer: I enlisted for the army after the First World War whereby the army needed more personnel due to another world war. I maintained my position in the army and was later promoted to a senior Sergeant.

Everything that rises must converge

Julian's mother boasts about how she is related to prominent southern families, but Alice Hall Petry points out that " the mother's glorious ancestry is meaningless" evidenced by the fact that she has had to work to put her son through a third-rate college and must attend a weight reduction class at the YWCA." The โ†’

Legal memorandum of the case of griswold v. connecticut

Issue: Whether the Connecticut statute forbidding use of contraceptives violates the right of privacy which is protected by the Bill of Rights Decision: The Supreme Court ruled that the subject Connecticut statute forbidding the use of contraceptive violates the right to marital privacy. The Supreme Court declined to rule on this issue but dismissed the โ†’

History of the gullah community in florida essay sample

The name Gullah may have originated from Angola, a West African country, where most of the ancestors of Gullah came from. Thus the language of my Gullah community arose from the interaction between West African tribes and the British during slave trade and colonization.

Double shift essay

Nowadays, due to the expensive cost of living and/or the unreasonable number of single parent mothers, it is a must work to help provide for their families. Of course, I knew there was a difference of work between my mother and father, but I did not see it from the perspective of a double shift.

Evaluation of the financial motivation methods commerce essay

This essay will include motivation theories involve content theories and process theories of motivation, examine the effectiveness of financial and non-financial methods of motivation, moreover, it's the analysis of financial methods is more significant than the non-financial methods in motivation. The financial motivation method is used regularly in business now, and it is very important โ†’

Flight centre essay sample

With the new computer, reservations and online booking systems Flight centre is able to provide different methods and ways of getting products and services to their customers such as using their website to allow their customers to view and edit their booking, reserve and buy extras. Flight centre uses guides, magazines and their high street โ†’

Marge piercy essay

She was also a part of the civil rights movement and describes that period time as the hardest of her adult life. As a poet and an active women's feminist, Piercy has voiced her views and opinions allowing the world to get a better look at what she believes in.

Herzbergโ€™s two factor theory essay

There is a difference in Maslow and Herzberg's theories with that being that in Herzberg's theory the motivator and the hygiene do not both need to be present for a person to be satisfied in their job. The Herzberg theory is in two parts, the first part being the factors that contribute to job satisfaction โ†’

The primary protagonist milkman dead in “song of solomonโ€ by toni morrison

Milkman is a mirrored image of his father Macon Dead, he persistently tries to manage milkman, and prevents him from becoming independent not noticing that milkman is in a flux and is trapped within the context of his own life. In the novel the white peacock is mentioned the white peacock symbolizes milkman and how โ†’

Henry e. howell

He ran in the Democratic primary for a seat in the House of Delegates, and he was defeated. 4Hank Howell said that one of the other reasons that he was elected Governor of Virginia was because, Henry was a threat to the people with money invested in the business that he attacked.

Character and personality

Character and Personality Character and personality are distinct levels in the evolution of the human being. What are the requirements of character and personality?

Anne bradstreet and struggles to conform

Her poems dealt with the hardships of life in the early settlements, the Puritan religion, and in subtle ways, the role of women in those times. The stereotypical Puritan standards at that time indicated that a woman's place was in the home attending to the family and her husband's needs.

Essay on ancient literature greek history essay

The main characters of Greek culture could be the respect to human and the pursuit of rational mind. The ancient Greek's politics development was based on the development of the polis, which is the city state of Greece.

Purchasing and procurement strategies

In the event that the new chickens are acquired as significant costs, it is clear that the benefit will be progressively and this will expand the upper hand of the organization. Benefits: On the off chance that the buying and the obtainment procedures are tailed, it is obvious that the operation cost will diminish as โ†’

Reconciling ethics in the global market assignment

The need for global and multicultural nature of business operations has brought a new challenge to companies and managers, who must make ethical decisions that may conflict with the cultural values and beliefs of the country where they operate. Conducting market research analysis before embarking in business in a new area is one way to โ†’

Does the policy need to be discontinued essay sample

In both countries discrimination in education was the target of original breakthrough civil right cases effort because education is the gate way to opportunity.before the implimintation of affirmative people from disadvantage were discriminated in many sectors because of their colour and gender.in sport black people were not tought or exposed to sport such as ruby โ†’

Edward vi foreign policy

When analysing the foreign policy of Edward VI's reign, it is essential that one recognises that Edward was a minor and it was his protectors, the Dukes of Somerset an Northumberland, that were chiefly responsible for England's foreign policy at this time. England's interest with Scotland was in part due to the prospective marriage of โ†’

The origin of the word anxiety

4 Types of Anxiety Anxiety is classified as a traits anxiety, state anxiety, and situation specific anxiety in educational research which involves responses in ' three main behavioural systems' consisting largely independent components of motor behaviour, linguistic expressions and physiological states.2.4. Anxiety test is view as a situation specific from trait anxiety which emphasis on โ†’

Analysis of old spice advertisements

The reason I found this ad worth writing about was not because I laughed and watched all of the Old Spice commercials on YouTube, although that is part of my explanation. Or, as I will argue, is this commercial actually a positive influence, since its depiction of " the perfect man" is so exaggerated, and โ†’

The facebook generation

On the other side of the point of jeopadizing of the facebook privacy and it effect of leading to facebook turning to a ghost town is somehow invalid in that some people do not care at all of what others see about them. On the point of comparing relationship on facebook and a physical relationship โ†’

Government regulation of the internet assignment

If we had regulation of the Internet this would be easier to do and we might be able to put a huge dent in the trafficking of child porn and also the sexual trafficking of women. Some of the problems that can arise from online gaming come from the fact that most of the sites โ†’

Family ultimately lead to missed opportunities. the author

Jonathan starts to see the root of the problems between his family and the effect it has on his father's life. As Jonathan illustrates his story, he begins to understand the consequences that family can have on a person.

Xtreme toys case study

Conversely, the payables deferral period, or the time between the company receiving goods from suppliers to payment to the same suppliers is only 40 days. The SolutionFollowing the review of data, the investigatory team focused on three areas for improvement:* Accounts Receivables* Accounts Payables* Inventory ManagementFundamental to the solution is the need for management to โ†’

Draft essay of mis case musco food essay

With the smart phone system, Order is taken and expressed within a minute, electronic invoice is generated directly from the system and shown to the customers. In order to solve the problem, MUSIC introduces Tree smart phone system as a part of T AS into their business.

Writing dissertation proposal

A dissertation proposal is there to show your tutors what you would like to cover in your final paper, and present your knowledge of the topic you have chosen for your dissertation. Tips on Writing Your Dissertation Your dissertation proposal is important because it helps communicate your plan for the dissertation and show your research โ†’

Industry analysis

The property management sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in the entire United States as research shows the increase in the total number of property management firms in the country. Due to the perrception that the cleaning industry is a recession-proof sector of the economy, the growth experienced in the industry is unparallel.

Unit 205 schools as organisations essay

In this Act, it is written that children have the right to freedom of religion and that they should be able to explore those beliefs. The Data Protection Act 1998 This Act was put in place to ensure that schools use and keep information only for the purpose for which it is intended.

Contributions of siddhartha gautama to buddhism

The first of the truths, known as the Truth of suffering, essentially states that everything in life leads to suffering. Analyzing these teachings, they can be related to the idea set out in the quote, that of continuity and the inevitability of dukkha, or suffering.

Hero archetypes: comparison and contrast between socrates

The hero archetype, therefore, is the epitome of the best in human character and achievement. Socrates, on the other hand, was executed because he was found " guilty" of impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens.

Dealing with angry parents!

They are also wise people so their advice will always help you and guide you to find a solution of the problem. You can brief your grandparents about the situation and ask them to help and suggest you what to do.

Kfc, led by brown and massey. kfc was

Sanders was quick to spot business potential in the restaurant franchising model, and in 1952, the 1st KFC franchise outlet was opened in Utah. However, the aged Sanders could not manage KFC's rapid expansion and was compelled to sell KFC in 1964 to a group of investors led by Brown and Massey.

I believe descriptive essay

I believe in the power of the pursuit of knowledge. I continued to strive to better my knowledge of the world around me.

Discussion questions

The crux of the Bhagavat-Gita is the advice on life and the duties of man by Krishna in order to convince Arjuna that people have to make take choices in order to fulfill their duties.3. The feeling of his love and desire are intense and also have references to treachery by the lady and the โ†’

Etop analysis

Businesses have a responsibility to subserve larger societalgoalsas they have the ability to contribute significantly and impactfully to sustainable and inclusive development. HealthServices The objective of rural health care is to mobilize the community and build awareness, equipping them with adequate information, skills and confidence to access health services.

Social injustice in mary barton

The metaphor of the light and dark is used to physically display the social injustice in John Barton's status. Furthermore, the imagery of the fictional tale ' Aladdin' suggests the unreachable aspect of the upper classes; for John Barton, it is only possible to experience such wealth if he imagined himself in a fairy tale.

And of clay are we created by isabelle allende | analysis

Rolf Carle is a television news reporter who had been dispatched to cover the disastrous scene and finds Azucena and tries to rescue her. One of the key themes is the relationship between Rolf Carle and Azucena.

Kid kustomers- advertising assignment

It is simply explained as " calling the attention of the public to a product or business." However, the advertising companies usually abuse the real meaning of advertising and try to sell their product no matter what it takes to do so. No one can argue that advertising is influential, but there are a lot โ†’

Motor vehicle investigation and homicide investigation

The evidence may be utilized to ascertain the style and make of shoe, and also the identity of the shoe to the omission of other individuals in the globe. The frame of the photograph should be filled with the impression including the scale.

Community relations and media relationship case study

In this case, there is need for a proper and direct coordination with the individuals that are responsible for the production of the mass media features. Such an institution would be able to mobilize the opinion of the public towards the crisis.

Drosophila melanogaster

The F1 generation survived in two of the three viles all yielding the wrinkled wings and black body phenotype. A BLASTn search was done to establish homology of genes and helped determine the function of the wild type Wrinkled and black genes.

Teens and sex

In addition to its role in promoting teen pregnancy and the current epidemic of STDs, early sexual activity is a substantial factor in undermining the emotional well-being of American teenagers. There is a variety of causes for depression in teens, but sexual activity is one cause that with education, parental guidance, and abstinence could be โ†’

Societal corruption

Satisfying communities' needs and wants to the best of their ability is a good step preventing corruption in a society.4. The society will appear as a not successful society and cause the society to collapse.

Social media strategy example

Third, the social media postings will be used to market healthy eating as a lifestyle trend. Also, content posted on the various platforms should be relevant and in line with FnH; s social media strategies.