4 Pages Essay Samples

The ashikaga (muromachi) shogunate vs. the minamoto (kamakura) shogunate essay sample

Introduction The theme of this paper is medieval Japan, straddling the three and a half centuries between the concluding decades of the twelfth century when the Kamakura bakufu was established and the mid-sixteenth century during which civil wars fumed following the effectual failure of the Muromachi bakafu. The Muromachi shogunate was the weakest of the →

Phantom thread: manipulating audiences expectations

At the start of the film, Reynolds is portrayed as a cold man with a temper and a penchant to work too much and too hard. We do not expect this to happen, but it makes sense in context of the story and as a dramatic device to build tension.

Mis 301 quiz 7

Electronic business, electronic commerce In _______ e-commerce, the sellers and buyers are organizations.business-to-business In ________ e-commerce, an organization provides information and services to its workers.business-to-employee Direct payment of Social Security benefits is an example of ______ e-commerce.government-to-citizen In _____ auctions, there is one buyer who wants to buy a product. Disintermediation Which of the following →

It nature of economic condition, current policies,

It determines the conditions which in view of the current social and political situation, should be established for the successful execution of the plan. The second plan was based on socialistic pattern of society and its aim was to initiate and accelerate the process of industrialisation.

Putting balance scorecard to work- critical analysis

Setting up the Balanced Scorecard Kaplan and Norton highlight that the visions of the company should be linked with the strategy of the company and same can be tangibalized through realistic performance measures related to four perspectives highlighted above in a Balance Scorecard. From the experiences of these companies and others, the authors have found →

Production supervisor

What Are Key Performance Indicators: Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors of an organization. Key Performance Indicators Reflect The Organizational Goals: An organization that has as one of its goals " to be the most profitable company in our industry" will have Key Performance Indicators that →

Technology is taking over

Having technology during the school day is important for students because of how much access to the internet they have. Some may say that technology is a distraction in classrooms and that students do not pay attention as much in class because of the access to technology constantly.

Managing a short product life cycle at littlefield labs essay sample

Management's main concern is managing the capacity of the lab in response to the complex demand pattern predicted. Operations at Littlefield Labs Littlefield Labs uses one kit per blood sample and disposes of the kit after the processing of the sample is completed After matching the sample to a kit, LL then processes the sample →

Was the decisive factor in deciding its essay

I think one other main clause for the Germans losing the war was the failures of The Schlieffen's Plan. Another foul swoop, splatting the German plan was the quick mobilisation of the Russians, Germany decided only it was able to mobilise quickly but when the Russian army formed up in a short time the first →

Assessing how honda entered the us market business essay

The two accounts of how Honda entered into the US market are very different; The Boston Consulting groups report clearly shows a deliberate approach to Hondas strategy in penetrating the US motor cycle market. Emergent Strategy a pattern of action that develops over time in an organization in the absence of vision, mission, and goals, →

Research and methodology of the smes growth

Further, the research will contain the description of the fieldwork carried out in this study and the major ethical considerations for this study.3.1. 2 Research Philosophy An interpretivist philosophy was applied for this study: the study was to be based on the interpretation of the acquired data and close relation of the results with the →

Why you need an effective marketing communication strategy

And you need to know your customers. Everyone needs to be informed of the processes of your business both you and supplier.

Cellular eukaryotic, prokaryotic and archaea. within these,

Followed by a round of mitosiseight ascospores are formed, which can then be released and the cycle repeats. The tips of the hyphae whichconstitutes the gills is the basidium and when these swell, nuclei are fusedand a bit after 4 basidiospores are formed, which will then be ready to bereleased.

The importance of netpulses technologies for beach bum in relation to the basic lessons learned in the readings

Assessment of the Importance of Netpulse's Technologies for Beach Bum in Relation to the Basic Lessons Learned in the Readings Beach Bum, a business initiative to operate gym facility on the beach has desired to create a value driven partnership with Netpulse, a technological solution providing organization in order to augment customer contentment with the →

A temporary matter of the permanent end

As they " walked carefully upstairs...making love with a desperation they had forgotten...in the dark", Shukumar and Shoba seems to be able to blindly reconnect their love. However, when the electricity has been repaired, the house remains dark; Shukumar and Shoba could have turned on the lights but they choose not to.

Performance and career management

This needs to be explained at individual level and this is where the individual session is helpful. The diversity needs to be handled like this and appraisal for them would also be on different basis.

Comparison between hard work and smart work

While hard work teaches you to be smart, smart work is more beneficial in the long-run because smart work helps you reach the optimum level of production, through smart work your objectives can be achieved quicker, it saves time and makes you more organized. Hard work is not always necessary, smart workers find simpler ways →

Exploring the downfall of japans economy

In fall 1985 the Bank of Japan changed its policy focal point harmonizing the Plaza Accord from 'gradual decrease in the rate of growing of Japan 's money supply ' towards efforts to act upon the exchange rates. These political relations straight influenced the monetary values of land and equity, which experienced a monolithic addition →

The importance of people in space

This catastrophe had a huge impact on the mindset of the United States and the debate about whether or not we should continue the space program escalated. It is important for us to contribute to the search for a new place to colonize the human race that has enough resources and an atmosphere similar to →

What impression of rita does willy russell create in act one, scene one essay sample

It is also the one that gives us our first insights on the main indeed the only characters we see; that is, Rita and Frank, and shapes our perceptions of them throughout the rest of the story. We are perhaps a little shocked by her entrance as we are made to wait for it and →

Cognitive disorders

Disorders in cognition affect the process of learning, the functionality of memory, as well as the consciousness. Causes of cognitive disorders from a typical disorder to another, with most damages entailing damage of the portions of the memory of the brain.

Nella larsen describe the individual and the obstacles they faced, their contribution to the harlem renaissance

Nella Larsen The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 30s was a considerably significant period for African American as it was a major step towards their fight for equality. Nella Larsen, one of the major contributors of the Harlem Renaissance literature, was a famous novelist who is renowned for her two novels, Quicksand and Passing.

Dilehmas in the accounting profession

The dilemma, signing off on false information and knowingly overlooking discrepancies in where inventory was inflated and cost of goods sold deflated to keep the company from showing a loss for the year, or report the issues and possibly cause the company to have its loan called by the bank and go out of business. →

Sir isaac newton

He returned to Cambridge in 1667 and became the a fellow, earned his MA and the following year became the chair of the math department.he then wrote a book on optics. He became the president of the Royal Society and was knighted for his work in 1705.

What were the main problems the tsar faced up to 1905

With the economic instability, poor working conditions and the growing discontent of the people, the demand for reformation and revolution soon arose. Tsar Nicholas II granted some of the rights the people wanted, civil rights, rights to vote and a Duma.

Gender dynamics in “the lady’s dressing room”

The satire is formed in Strephon's ignorance of women as human beings, but the sentiment is not that women are therefore free to be human beings. In Swift's poem, women are the beings " sprung from confusion" and " raised from dung", and the humor of this context is the expectation for women to be →

Bluetooth applications

First type of signal control the speed of the car and the second type of signal is to overtake the car which is moving forward. Bluetooth has been designed to solve a number of connectivity problems experienced by the mobile workers & consumers.

Is single parenting a social problem?

Arguably, in consideration of the above, it is clear that the New Zealand social security system is geared more towards caring for a woman who may be a lone parent, as opposed to a father. In consideration of the above points, it is quite clear that lone parents are a significant social problem.

Concrete examples

In the like manner, the capacity to acquire knowledge, the ability to think and reason in the abstract, and the capability of solving problems which is individuals intelligence must also be accounted for. In the interaction of theenvironmentand processes of the mind, and biologicscience, the neural bases of intelligence are considered.

Diseases of the human body ii

This occurs after the death of the cell which leads to Dnase 1 responsible for serum, urine and secreta removes the DNA in the nuclear antigens areas of high cell turnover, hence helping in the prevention of the occurrence of SLE. It is characterized by the building of pressure in the eardrum which may lead →

Business letter

Resume cover letter A cover letter is often the first communication an employer sees, yet fewer and fewer candidates seem to be taking the time to write one out, especially in this day of emailed job applications. This letter can be used as a legal document to show the transaction between the customer and vendor.

Literature review analysis quantitative study

The literature review was minimal and not used for the basis of the problem or the research question. The majority of the review was used to address critical analysis and the use of it to validate the research being conducted.o How clearly is the literature review written?

Character analysis “the absolutely true diary of a part time indian”

Nevertheless, Arnold is a very smart kid, and acknowledging that he will never find hope staying in Wellpinit, he decides to tells his parents he will go to a " white kids' school" called Reardan, not too far away from the reservation. Another member of the Spirit family is Junior's sister " Mary runs away", →

Textual analysis of the man in the gray flannel suit by sloan wilson (american dream theme)

3 Introduction: The man in the grey flannel suit is a novel that concentrates on one man's desire to join and succeed in the material world. The novel is considered one of the best written about the World War II lifestyle Analysis: The novel revolves around the characters struggle to find appeasement in a chaotic →

Ch 10 boeing

This would help the company to attack the problem in a different way and come up with a better strategy." Management worries too much about Airbus, and to hell with the stockholders". Their strategy was to maintain their market share of 60% and deny Airbus of any business, and in the process the management failed →

Political, social, economic, and intellectual life

In the struggle for dominance in America, slavery was the South's stronghold and the underlying cause in much of their motives for many of the economic instigations along with the affirmative political actions. From 1820 to 1860 slavery was a recurring topic in Congress and the House of Representatives.

The family who never said “thank you:” fate, divinity, and gratitude in “a very old man with enormous wings”

Also, in various points of this story, the family that keeps an angel in their chicken coop is blessed in a large number of ways: their son was almost dead but was miraculously healed, they collected a large sum of money from the people that paid to see the old man and ask him questions, →

My first political impression politics essay

First of all, it dependents on the specific political situation, the spiritual climate in society, as well as on the state of political system, and the person himself. So the president election in the year 2008 was the main event in the life of the country, that nobody was indifferent to.

Addie model: evaluate training prototype on time management

The evaluate stage will then assess: 1) how the students reacted to every course module, 2) the effectiveness of the delivery method, and; 3) the effectiveness of the assessment tools. This is to ensure the the whole process of creating the training program meets the overall objectives stated in the analyze stage.Fig.

Product life cycle; a kenyan case

During this stage, the bank carried out research and preparation to Identify gaps and needs before Introducing the lower-end banking product to the market. The main aim of the bank is to maintain market share, and may carry out the following: 1.

Cell phones in school: embracing technology more in the modern classroom

The first reason for allowing students to carry and operate cell phones in school is the issue of personal safety. The third reason for allowing students to carry and operate cell phones in school is that there are many academic purposes a phone can be used for.

Contrast and communion of the political thought of homer and aristotle

In the mind of Aristotle, it is this same scandal that would provide the richness of debate that correlates with the richness of a fulfilled, politically inclined lifestyle. The only requirement left to be fulfilled is the ability to debate and reason, both of which Thersites owns in abundance.

My first day of high school

I walked in the doors with my two of my friends and was immediately ready to go home. The teacher then told me I was supposed to be in Spanish, which was my first hour that I already had.

Politics and propaganda assignment

By giving her audience the definition of it meaning decent, respectful and moral, she hoped to use it as a way to say that society is not civilized and tell us why. In relation to her glittering generality of the use of being " civilized" she uses name calling to tell her audience that gays →

Candidate for the law program

Fueled by the realization that the moral support of my friends and family I am willing to climb my educational ladder much higher to satisfy my childhood dream of becoming a lawyer, I am more convinced that a law school is a good match for me, I find that I thrive in challenging academic environments →

Bendix case study

In 1951, the Bended Corporation is credited with the invention of electronic fuel injection and was in sole possession of the accompanying patent until 1978. The company had not utilized this innovation to its fullest potential due to the lack of interest in automotive manufacturers in the United States.

Graduation: black people and negro national anthem

A pyramid of flesh with white folks on the bottom as the broad base, then the Indians with their silly tomahawks and teepees and wigwams and treaties, the Negros with their mops and recipes and cotton sacks and spiritual sticking out of their mouths. At the graduation, the graduates expect certain things to happen, The →

How to make investigatory project essay

Bibliography a list of the references used in guiding the research work and writing and paper? Statement of the problem/Objectives the nature and scope of the problem should be presented properly and with larity.c.

Sri lanka tourism

Nowhere is the relief at the end of fighting more tangible than on the beautiful beaches of Hikkaduwa, south of the capital Colombo. This year, the island known for its scenic beauty expects over half a million tourist arrivals, making 2010 one of the best seasons in the last half a decade." We saw very →

Effects of optimism on health

A study conducted by Rasmussen, Scheier and Greenhouse aimed at determining the strength of the link between optimism and physical health through a meta-analytic review of 84 studies. From the study, Rasmussen, Scheier and Greenhouse ascertained that the studies reviewed strongly suggested that optimism was a significant predictor of physical health.

Donor-transmitted melanoma case study

CT guided Bone marrow biopsy: Metastatic malignant neoplasm, quite consistent with metastatic malignant melanoma **Within days of patient's admission, it was discovered that the recipient of the liver from the same donor developed melanoma within the transplanted liver and the recipient of the mate kidney had developed melanoma in the renal allograft.**The transplant center reported →

Frederick douglass assignment

In the ' Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass', he first discusses his life mime and what lead to his narrative, and also explains the treatment and roles of women by using anecdotes, factorization of female slaves, and description of what roles they accepted to do." Frederick Douglass', himself a fugitive from slavery, help →

Generally accepted auditing standards

Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Introduction Generally accepted auditing standards refer to a set of standards through which the quality of audits is assessed. Elements of Generally Accepted Audit Standards In the United States, the generally accepted auditing standards were developed by the Auditing Standards Board of American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and contain ten →

The double citizenship of human existence

If, however, I suppose there to be things that are merely objects of the understanding and that, nevertheless, can be given an intuition, although not to sensible intuition, then such things would be called noumena." According to Kant, it is crucial to make a distinction between the two realms of phenomena and noumena. If this, →

Geriatric assessment: malnutrition

Nursing assessment is the process of gathering a comprehensive data about the client's present, past, and potential health problems, as well as a description of the client as a whole in his or her environment. For proper assessment and interpretation of the results, it is very important to understand the physiologic changes unique to this →

About singapore

For the best thing, you also can see the head of the Merlion statue and panoramic view of Singapore, which it offers a 360 degree view of Sentosa as well. Day 3 I brings you to Singapore Night Safari which this place is really interesting and fun because there are lot of animal here and →

Miracles college essay

As Christians we believe in the historical view of the biblical miracles. The demonstration of this supernatural power is one aspect of the fingerprint of God.

How to make assignment creative

You may feel that your " creative" and " unique" ideas are not good enough to appeal to the readers. To promote your creative writing process, look for the place where you will feel comfort and harmony.

Person-based-pay vs. job-based-pay essay sample

This is because the approach to Person-based-pay, organizations or companies to provide payment of wages or salary for someone to learn more skills and encourage them to improve. In the job description will determine whether the details of the duties and responsibilities of the employee to do.

Pelamis (wave energy system)

Pelamis One of the greatest strengths of the Pelamis wave energy converter is the fact that it has minimum impact on the environment. The converter is also a great relief to the impending exhaustion and reduced reserves of fossil fuels, and the geopolitical issues related to the control of reserves, and which have been the →

A literary analysis of “johnny got his gun”

He is able to divulge the feelings of both the father and the son, " It was an ending and a beginning and he wondered just how he should tell his father about it". However, the focus is on the boy's inability to read his father's opinion on him having a new fishing partner and →

Reviewing the expansion of walmart in mexico management essay

The expansion of Wal-Mart in Mexico happened in 1991, when " Wal-Mart entered into a joint venture with Cifra, which successively lead to the opening of the Sam club in Mexico City, which is Wal-Mart first international division". Together with it, the business environment and " the opportunities for trade between America and Mexico in →

Immunological responses to malaria

Murine models have highlighted the significance of CD4+ T cells in eliminating malaria and suggest they are important for gamma-delta T cell expansion in the spleen during infection. Therefore antibodies, T cells, cytokines, macrophages and free radicals are likely to all play a role in the immune response against the symptomatic stage of the malaria →

Lars and the real girl

For example, in the movie Lars and the Real Girl, the attitude of Lars in buying a sex doll named Bianca in the Internet made people think that he was insane. Their relationship is based on the norms of the society and the difference is only the fact that Bianca is a doll and not →

Cutural awareness cultural differences

They pray to Allah and ask him to bless their meat before they can partake of it, " The name of Allah has to be mentioned before or during slaughtering, since the Creator is the granter and taker of life; the name must be said by a member of the Moslem faith". But if a →

Australias trading links have changed adapted with society economics essay

International trade and globalisation has enabled Australia to establish relationships overseas through the exports and imports of goods and services. Over the past few years, Australia's ratio of exports and imports to GDP have risen around 5%, as a result of trade liberalisation.

Mktg 5- chapter 9

Phillip Morris USA, the manufacturer of Marlboro Ultra Smooth cigarette targeted to people who want to smoke a potentially safer cigarette has asked for marketing research to explain the reasons for the recent failure of the new cigarette. Their _____ is to provide insightful decision-making information.marketing research objectiveAll of the following are examples of secondary →

A study of the vinegar fermentation essay sample

To enumerate the principle and methods in fermentation; and 2.to identify the factors that affect the efficiency of fermentation. It is consists of the fermentation of alcoholic substrate to acetic acid by aceti bacter or vinegar bacteria.

Telstra the largest telecommunications and information services company marketing essay

Telstra is the largest telecommunications and information services company, and is the largest mobile operators and internet service providers. In the telecommunications market of Australian, Telstra is one of the most meaningful companies.

The mess

They have become overpopulated on the Cape and pose a great threat to the sustainability of the fish I like to catch. I learned that it is better to be safe when out on the water fishing.

Propaganda assignment

During the war, propaganda was used to Justify the things that the government did wrong and to hide the horrors and failures on the battlefield. False Analogies is a propaganda technique that is easy to fall for and one of the most common techniques.

Defining np scope of practice nursing essay

This original research was conducted in a large teaching hospital in the North West of England that examined ward-based Advanced Nurse Practitioners and aimed to clarify their roles and expectations in patient care and how they impact the clinical practice. Although the study strives to clarify the role of the ANPs, the findings regarding the →

The sun and the daily telegraph

The photograph shown on the front page of The Daily Telegraph shows the scene in Croxteth park Liverpool, where the boy was shot dead and on the background they show the pub The Fir Tree to show evidence of the location of the place the boy was shot. Because in The Sun it is easy →

Difference between des and aes

AES on the other hand, uses permutation-substitution, which involves a series of substitution and permutation steps to create the encrypted block, thus making it difficult to break the code.[web] The strength of the encryption lies with the encryption algorithm and key length used by the encryption. Because the same key is not used to encrypt →

Learning profile

My previous clinical experience has helped me to use the critical thinking skills to provide patient care and will help me in this perceptorship.2. Goal for this Clinical Experience I want to learn the policies and guidelines used in the hospital for infection control.

Lady windermere`s fan: overview

That afternoon, the Duchess of Berwick called on Lady Windermere, to tell her friend of a rumored affair between Lord Windermere and Mrs. Giving Lady Windermere the opportunity to exit, Mrs.

Metaphor for and curriculum as metaphor education essay

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is used to describe something it does not literally denote, example the journal is a gem. More knowledge is embedded in the minds of students.

Analysis of the rhetorical strategies in barbara kingsolvers’ “high tide in tucson”

Barbara Kingsolver uses philosophical diction and the emotional connection created between her audience and the hermit crab in order to illustrate the disembodying struggle of leaving home and transitioning to adulthood, and the animalistic adaption that is required to move along with the natural ebb and flow of life. The warrants created from the use →

What role did martin luther kings play in the montgomery bus boycott

He recalled his white friend's father demanding that he would no longer play with him.' For the first time, I was made aware of the existence of a race problem.' Both King's parents were NAACP activists who were strongly involved in the church, because of this, King could see how the church and NAACP strengthened →

A teenage girl in a male driven world

Emily sneaks out of her house and stays after school all the time to be with him. She moves to Prague with her father and studies for a degree in interior design.

Cold war draft assignment

Children were part of the labor force and often worked long hours and were used for highly hazardous tasks like cleaning the machinery. The nature Of the work being done meant that the workplace had to be very hot, steam engines contributes to the heat in this and other industries.

Exam econmic of race and gender

Here the act states that the company cannot make any decisions like the hiring, promotion, pay, benefits, or even harassment of the employees based on the color, race, gender, or nationality.b) Equal Pay Act of 1963: This act was passed in 1963 and focused on the need for both men and women to be paid →

Company examples essay

Hence the American Leather embraced the JIT system when the rest of the furniture company was using the traditional way of doing thing which took longer to deliver the product. The new system led to increase in speed and flexibility for the company.

Jeannine burk

As she hid, she used to peer through a crack that was created in the outhouse, and watch the world from there, while hiding in the outhouse Jeannine stumbled across a kitten that was oddly enough right outside the foot of the outhouse. Her mother had gotten away by saying that she was not Jewish, →

Kumansenu by paige

You cannot always understand what the idea of it is until the end, like in the short story " Life Is Sweet at Kumansenu". The thoughtful theme is true to both this story and to life, while still suggesting something of the supernatural.

Philosophy of education essay sample

I believe each and every child has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world. Children have taught me to open my mind and my heart to the joys, the innocence, and the diversity of ideas in the world.

An analysis of the classic, summer solstice

This causes her to participate in the last night of the festival, which is the Tatarin ritual. This festival is the last trigger to make Lupeng feel as though she is stronger than a man and deserves adoration.

What’s wevenue essay

In the end, the Coopers auditors left to pursue other careers and the company hired Ernst & Young to re-audit their books. This triggered the beginning of the end for the unethical accounting practices.

Advertisement essay- disney them parks

The mother comes in and tells them to go to sleep, to which one of the children responds, " We are too excited to sleep! " The commercial continues on to scenes of Disney World's attractions and is concluded by the mother of the children asking the father if he's asleep. The scenes of exciting →

Irony in story of an hour

The irony in the mentioning of her heart problems is also that, the heart of a family and a marriage lies in that the relationship between man and woman is the essential groundwork of a family.Mrs. Choplin uses this as irony in that being able to see the square before her house and the tops →

Color blindness

Color Blindness and Its Effects When people hear the phrase " color blind", they tend to speculate about the limitations and capabilities of this condition. The term can often be misinterpreted as actually not being able to see color, however this is not the case.

Prejudice: social and racial conflicts assignment

Harper Lee was explaining how numerous characters in the story are " mockingbirds" because of Attic's statement about how it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. He believes that everyone is " certainly entitled to think that, and they are entitled to full respect for their opinions.", referring to the people calling Attic's a →

Health care law

Maxx could be held liable for negligence because he removed the mole from the wrong arm, He failed to conduct a biopsy scan to ascertain if the lump was cancerous. Mentalis defense is that the wife was a Jehovah witness and based on her belief she would not want to determinate her life under any →

Is global climate change man made

Researches that have been done by various scientists point to the fact that human activities are greatly responsible for global climatic changes than natural causes and for this reason this paper will specifically focus on how these activities in one way or the other leads to changes in the climate globally. According to, due to →