4 Pages Essay Samples

A personality theory of christian spirituality

In the book Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling, Mark McMinn grasps attention of the readers to the role of the Christian faith in counseling practice. He defines the role of sin in practice and claims, " Generally psychologists have been uninterested in sin, preferring to ignore it or to discuss the effects of →

The bororo people and descartes essay

The significance of the Bororo resides in the fact that they seem to express a completely different notion of identity than a western thinker. Although the primitive way of thinking is a polar opposite to the civilized way of thinking, they are alike in the fact that both consist of a dichotomy that unites to →

Bengaluru: the startup capital

The city, which is home to headquarters of successful homegrown companies like Infosys, Biocon also houses the best of the startup names like Flipkart, Ola Cabs and a zillion of other names. Priyank Kharge, the newly appointed IT and BT minister, has come up with a number of initiatives to motivate the startup community in →

Computer users

The sound of the keyboard typing away and the clicking of the mouse throughout the night has become a normal occurrence in pretty much every American household. These people are addicted to buying stuff online and spend most of their time on the computer deals with looking for the best deals or where else it →

Review for the play, the miracle worker. (theatre appreciation)

I had read the story, but how would one be able to act this on the stage To say that the acting in this play was awesome is an understatement. Now it is important to understand that this play was not the entire life of Helen Keller, but a very brief snapshot of a crucial →

Investment diversification in the middle east

Despite the politically fragile state of Middle East, investors can still enjoy the advantages of diversification in investment. The investors in Middle East can reduce the volatility by investing in bonds and currency as they benefit from the growing economy of emerging markets like Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Oman.

Suzanne britts sloppy people vs neat people

Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people. When sloppy people say they are going to tackle the surface of the desk, they really mean it.

Gossip in faulkners a rose for emily research paper

The use of the collective first-person narrative is Faulkner's way of building up a notoriety and legend to Emily, so that when the grisly truth is discovered at the very end of the story, it carries a more profound payoff and sense of horror. Also, there is no narrative room to establish a single townsperson →

Effects of colonialism on contemporary africa history essay

With the advent of the European industrial revolution the trade in slavery increased, not only did slaves get sold to American farmers, but now they would be sent in chains to the four corners of the globe as a source of free labor for the mother country of the colonies. African for millennia had freedom →

Learning to commit crime

Example: If a man is physical or entally abusive to his wife or girlfriend and the woman continues to stay in the relationship the boys see the relationship as the way a man suppose to act. However, it is equally clear from the research that children and adults with these disorders are at elevated risk →

International relations theory assignment

Rd 1 2 months 2 one time a week/ errs 3 2. 24 4 No 5 yes, she doing my hawks 6 studies first then relationship 2 hrs 8 spend more time in studying 9 do not get too much attach to your relationship.

Writing fitness

As Bonnie Trenga said in her book, The Curious Case of the Misplaced Modifier: How to Solve the Mysteries of Weak Writing, the active voice is " the clearest and most direct way to present your ideas"." In an active sentence," she adds, " the subject performs the action, the object receives it". This sentence →

Boston tea party

There were three famous ships, the Dartmouth, the Eleanor, and the Beaver were sitting in Boston harbor, their holds full of tea that was not being unloaded because of the angry residents of Boston were threatened not to buy or use the tea. The Boston Tea Party was a symbolic act, an example of how →

It’s always “ten to two” somewhere: time in the god of small things

In this way, the Kochamma family's fall from grace can be viewed as a divergence of Time and Perception of Time, with Time carrying India towards the revolution of modernity and Perception holding the Kochamma family firmly in the past, clinging onto the ghosts of former glory in a vain attempt to maintain a reputation →

Quality management and lean systems

The first dimension of quality in manufactured products is performance and this is the basic operating characteristics of a product. The second is the features of the product, these are the " extra" items that are added to the basic features.

Katarina von scholl

I am going to define what stress is, the causes of stress and its effect, and how to overcome stress in the workplace. In a workplace, employees who are highly disposed to stress are prone to worsen their health and appear to be less productive in comparison to their associates with ordinary levels of stress →

Character analysis “the lesson”

The world is full of racial and class injustices that determine the way people live in the society as one of the characters who is told the story is determined to go beyond these barriers and improve her life. The character is facing societal conflicts because she is not living to the expectation of the →

“a rose for emily” rhetorical analysis

She is not taught to adapt to the world around her, nor is she instilled with the proper morals of a functioning member of society. Miss Emily, shielded since youth from the real world, grew up in a world of her own making.

Optimal aging in late adulthood

All these changes have been attributed to changes in the chemical, functional and structural composition of the neurocognitive part of the brain. The loss of the fatty layers and oil glands is a physical condition that causes the skin to become less elastic, delicate and wrinkled.

Little soldier by bernard ashley

The novel tells the story of a teenage black boy from East Africa, his life torn apart in war and loss, he is rescued by the UN, but all he want is to fight the enemy. The main genre of the story is about war and conflict, it also explores the rebellious feelings of teenagers →

Student survival guide

The University of Phoenix and Axial College have provided the tools and information to better assist their student in becoming successful. I have come out of this class with the ability to recognize and work with my strengths and weaknesses.

The doctrine of cabinet collective responsibility

He described the doctrine of collective responsibility as the right of every Cabinet Minister to express his views and disagreements, keeping in mind that he is dutiful to agree with the final decision reached by the cabinet. In support of the current state of the doctrine we can look at examples of 1972 and 1979 →

Strategic management competitive advantage paper summary

Second, the business has to evaluate its resources and capabilities and its business environment, so that it knows where it is and what it can and must do to compete. This model: helps a firm identify the attributes of its industry's structure that constrains the firm's strategic alternatives and performance, helps it decide how to →

Construction carbon emission reduction environmental sciences essay

These strategies are implemented mainly in the firms' production processes to reduce the production of carbon and its emission to the atmosphere. The industry is employing carbon capture and storage strategies to limit the percentage of carbon released to the atmosphere.

The theme in how it feels to be colored me

Illuminating the fact than despite events and beliefs that surround her, she is confident and finds comfort in who she is: " I am merely a fragment of the Great Souls that surges within the boundaries". Hurston worked on the establishment of " national coherence and solidarity" by providing the shared relationship between an individual →

Chapter 4: how do we learn gender?

Cognitive-Development TheoryThis theory is based off of Piaget's models of child development and seeks to explain the ways in which children acquire a sense of gender identity and the ability to gender-type themselves and others. Primary SocializationThe initial process of learning the ways of a society or group that occurs in infancy and childhood and →

Sheet 1 the language of anatomy assignment

Key: a.b.c.anterior distal frontal d.e.f.inferior lateral medial g.h.i.posterior proximal sagittal j.k.superior transverse In the anatomical position, the face and palms are on the _1_ body surface; the buttocks and shoulder blades are on the __2_ body surface; and the top of the head is the most _3_ part of the body. The ears are _4_ →

Selected industry and business operating internationally essay sample

If a product / service do not fit in with the culture of the country, the business will not manage to make any sales and profit out of it. For example, what is the role of women in a society?

Colony irish and irish famine as genocide

The famous great Irish famine of 1845 to 1849 could be said to be manmade because at this time food was being exported from Ireland by the colonialists while the Irish citizens were starving to death2. The attack of potatoes by potato blight was a big blow to the citizens of Ireland.

What was the contribution of britain to the defeat of germany in ww1?

Shlieffen plan was unsuccessful and now the German had to fight on two fronts in the west against Britain and France and in the east against Russia. The Royal NavyThe main role of the British navy in the war was to guard the shores of Britain against and attacks from German ships.

Synthesis of biologically active compounds | results chapter

In this, the anionic compound of malononitrile added to the carbonyl carbon of the benzaldehyde leads to the formation of benzylidene malononitrile. The result from this experiment reveals that the inhibitory activity of 1 is in good comparison with ascorbic acid and butylated hydroxytoluene.

Socratic seminar

Golding used repetition to emphasize on the enthusiasm of the boys and the existence of savagery in the island". There is a contrast between the beginning and the end of the passage.


The REM stage of sleep is where dreaming takes place and your brain and eyes are working but your muscles are not active. It could be in the form of an animal, a color, the setting you are in, or a recurring dream.

History of graphics

With the arrival of computer aided graphic design an assortment of novel effects, digital techniques, and innovative styles have been emerged in poster designs. Howling was born in the Rhine-Main region of Germany, though he and his work are associated with Munich and Bavaria in southern Germany.

My beliefs, values, and clinical gestalt with individuals and system’s paper

I am also going to add some of my personal insights about the strengths that I have and the areas I need work on. The simple fact of the matter is that I belief it is my turn to take time and return the favor to someone that may need a helping hand.

Nafta ??? ralph nader, free trade and the decline of democracy assignment

The people of Islam are awakened and realized that they are the main target for the aggression of the Zionist-Crusaders alliance 4. They know that the Muslims of the world will assist and help them to victory to liberate their Holy Places which is the duty of every Muslim in this world.

Classic hollywood in comedy films assignment

Toward the end of the 1920s, the introduction of sound into movies made possible dramatic new film styles and the use of verbal humor. The screwball comedy is a subgenre of the comedy film genre.

Chemistry isotopes flashcard

In any case, only one atomic mass can be an integer because of the difference in mass between a proton and neutron, and the fact that the sum of the particle masses for any isotope is not equal to the mass of the isotope. The main focus of the project will be on the use, →

Snow white paper company case study

About 70 percent of Thompson's out-of-pocket cost of $400 a gross for the order represented the cost of linerboard and corrugating medium. The outside liner would be supplied by the Southern Division at a price equivalent to $90 per gross of boxes, and would be printed for $30 a gross by the Thompson Division.

Bmw – product life cycle

Norbert Reithofer, Chairman of the Board of Management for BMW AG, addressed shareholders during their annual meeting on May 8, 2008, he carefully acknowledged the strong financial foundation of the company, the three world-renowned brands it represented and the fact that it is the most innovative and technological leader in the automobile industry. Through the →

Mobile technology

Taste for variety is the reason behind the connection for the revenue of growing food truck business and social surplus likewise social media is used to communicate with the customer. Changing consumers' tastes and preferences and inclination towards consumption of street food and beverages has resulted to rise in demand for food truck business over →

The golden age essay sample

The Peacock Throne and the Kohinoor Diamond The Peacock Throne, called Takht-e Tvus in Persian, is the name originally given to a Mughal throne of India, which was later adopted and used to describe the thrones of the Persian emperors from Nader Shah Afsharl and erroneously to Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi whose throne was a →

Essay example

The Black Panther Party aimed at ensuring that the blacks were empowered and that they would enjoy equal benefits as the white. They believed that the government has been robbing the blacks by exercising unfair treatment and as a result they were demanding an overdue debt as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of →

Barbie doll:represent what a perfect american woman is

Piercy wrote the poem Barbie Doll, and in this poem she states woman do not need to fit into society's point of view of what a woman should look and act like. Piercy attended the University of Michigan and was the first in her family to attend college.

Contribution to radio programme changing time

Relating to the internet; the next change, or introduction, that I welcome into our world today is the phenomenon of portable handheld internet devices; such as laptops, iPhones and the latest " must-have" the iPad. Speaking of crime, the final change which I welcome to our society today is the issue of thesmokingbans, making it →

Gay-straight alliance only for gays?

Many Schools in the United States have a safe, caring, and informational club for those who support and are part of the LGBTQ+ community; most of these clubs are called Gay-Straight alliance or G.S.A. It's a Gay-Straight Alliance club, the word Straight is included in it but some student and some parents still do not →

Intellectual property rights

High R&D input spillovers and low appropriation of the rents that flow from successful innovation reduce the profit that flows from successful innovation, but for different reasons. Uncertainty There are three kinds of uncertainty, which differ according to what sort of thing the performer is uncertain about: truth uncertainty, semantic uncertainty and ontological uncertainty.

A discussion on socrates and the menos paradox philosophy essay

It can either mean: You know the question that you want to answer, or You know the answer to the question that you inquired about Exploring the statements given: if is true, then is false. The reason for that is you can know the questions but do not know the answers to the question.

Technique for supravalvular pulmonary artery stenosis

During the placing of the grafts, a space was created to form a convex structure in-between the anterior surface of the pulmonary artery. Soon after the incision was made in the distal direction on the pulmonary artery according to a pre-determined length, the sutures on the proximal surface of the graft were stretched as to →

Population health and epidemiology of clostridioides difficile

According to the Center for disease control, Cdiff infection is responsible for about 15, 000 deaths in the United States with 1 in 11 being 65 yrs and over.C.diff can easily spread from person to person through contact and infection of the bacteria. The colonization does not quickly lead to the development of the infection →

Branding identity

Brand identity will help the customers to recognize the brand and can differentiate our brand from the competitors. Kapferer created the brand identity prism which is charted the brand identity along a hexagonal prism with the externalization on the one side and the internalization on the other side.

None college essay

These are several solutions to the global crisis of overpopulation. Overpopulation was a result of the industrial and agricultural revolutions.

Free  electromechanical engineering technology essay example

He further reminds the engineers on how the product is cost effective and relevant to use in the field. The author believes that, through the selective plating, this devise is capable of incorporating the required circulatory to be used in the electromechanical engineering.

A revelation of witchcraft in the elizabethan era history essay

In the play Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, the use of supernatural and witchcraft is one of the most interesting aspects of the play. Reflected in the play Macbeth, witchcraft, the use of magic or supernatural faculties, could be traced back to the history of black magic, witch-hunt and King James' prominent involvement on the →

Designing an epidemiologic study to test the hypothesis on multi-state e.coli outbreak

A control in this study is defined as part of the experiment that is analyzed after the exposure information that was collected for the 7 days before the interview and for the 7 days before the onset of illness in the matching case and to analyze whether the system behaves as it should despite of →

Assessment of the role based model of management against the functional models 42508

A leader functions to represent the people and form an intermediary between the links of the organization, performs required counseling to improve employee performance and should utilize the power delegated to him for the proper and effective functioning of an organization. The major roles and functions of a manager can be summarized as motivation of →

The key elements of a drama production : characterisation, lighting, sound and set design

The set is the biggest hint to the audience as to where each scene is taking place and the era that the piece is set in. The colours, artwork and materials used to make the set are the biggest giveaway to the audience as to what time and place the piece is set.

History and evolution of the juvenile justice system

Although a due process applies in both systems, juvenile offenders appear to be helped or facilitated more than the adult delinquents; The differences in the rights in the juvenile and adult justice system emanate from their structure. The public policy behind the difference in the evolution and application of rights in the criminal justice system →

The pre and referral process

Before the students are separated from others and referred to special schools, efforts must be made to try and fit and accommodate them in to the normal program. The teachers and the guardians of the students need to be satisfied that the needs of the student cannot be accommodated in the general education program.

Why maelisa essay

MAELISA is customizable and upgraded continuously to meet the technological advances in the field of data storage, retrieval, user interaction and communications. It is an integrated system consisting of the following ideal library operations: * Acquisition * Cataloging * Circulation * Serials Management * OPAC * WEB OPAC It is designed to ensure power, speed, →

Virtual organization

And the way we are learning at Southern Columbia University is the good example for using IT, A lot of things depend on Internet, when Internet has a problem, we will have many troubles because we can not submit our assignments, can not contact with professor and exchange information each other. Both OSI model and →

Scarlet letter by nathaniel hawthorne

Ghastly acts of revenge and attempts to take authority into his own hands, the evident deterioration of his soul, and the symbolism surrounding him makes it apparent that Roger Chillingworth commits the severest sin in The Scarlet Letter. The sin Chillingworth commits is more immoral than that of Hester and Dimmesdale because his is methodically →

Indonesia north latitude – 11o south latitude

In geografi Indonesia that located in Asia contenen is located between the continent of Asia and Australia and between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It can be conluded that the system of governance in Indonesia is combination government system, which is combination of presidential government and parliamentary government.

The role of genomics in cancer medicine

Genomic tests or assays are done to identify the specific genes in a cancer cell, which is like identifying a particular fingerprint of the cancer. As progress is being made in the mapping of the cancer genes, the results promise to be enormous.

The first thing would

I would have Sally explain to Mike how she feels about what has happened and try to get him to understand her point of view to o this I would have to utilize role playing meaning that I would have Mike play the role of Sally and vice versa. While this was going on would →

Teaching profession assignment

It may be easy to get into the profession of teaching, but being a good teacher is not easy. A good professional teacher should be accepting and understanding of all students in the classroom.


Passing over Iago in the promotion to be a lieutenant by Othello seems to be a justified a justified decision and this paper will illustrate some of the character flaws which could not allow Iago to be a great leader. However, with all the deceit that Iago has, he cannot be trusted to lead his →

Ishmael: an adventure of mind and spirit

The story of Ishmael brings us to the rational description of a man making choices; a man of reason and acts as the trailblazer of his destiny; and, a zealous director of his journey. The taker must be a man who assumes the accountability of considering his dependency to nature as his source of life; →

How to structure educational curriculum

The education curriculum will be structured to expose learners to a number of viewpoints on the vital issues confronting the country, and a deep awareness of the situations impacting the making of decisions in the society. Second, the education curriculum should contain a critical appreciation of the manners in which students gain understanding and knowledge →

Candide reaction essay

The validity of Pangloss' quote, " all is for the best in this world" is entirely true because if evil did not exist in the world, and did not occur, then the good would never be seen and the result of the events in this book would be completely different." It is clear, said he, →

The dichotomy of the american penal system reform via standardization

The fact that prisoners are being treated so well is unjust especially to their victims who expect the American prison system to punish these criminals. The American prison system is currently in a state of disarray due to its lack of standardization.

Hum-111 week 9 final

Two steps that would be effective in refining the solution to the problem would be to make a list of the pros and cons of how experimentation affects people and animals. One strategy would be for the experts to hear the complaints that other people have towards animal experimentation and how they think that it →

Pro sex education assignment

If you are already pregnant, and do not want an abortion, or are too far along in the pregnancy to get one, you may choose to give the baby up for adoption once it's born. People all across America believe that abortion is an easy way out of a pregnancy, and that it should not →

Understand the process and experience of dementia analysis essay

Needs and abilities of a person with dementia can fluctuate due to changes in the brain and changes in their health. 2 Explain the importance of recording possible signs or symptoms of dementia in an individual in line with agreed ways of working Recording the signs or symptoms of dementia can help the sufferer to →

Looking for alibrandi quote essay

John Barton: " I have always had to be the best because it's been expected of me"." But I do not know what I want to behow can I tell my father I do not want to study law, if I do not know what else I want to be". YOUTH Josie: " It's not →

Acetic acid in vinegar

Million's test is conducted to test for the presence of protein in the food sample. Biuret test is conducted to test for the presence of protein.

Career paper essay sample

It takes a lot of schooling and hard work, but I believe the job is well worth it. After I graduate form college, I plan to spend a year in Africa to experience, volunteer work, and on the job training at the hospital.

Who am i

I am supposed to address my teachers with respect and follow the set of rules and regulations of my institution. The problem is that I have to pass my exams and hence I am spending most of my in the library when there are lecturers.

Teach me!

Throughout my academic career, this concept has manifested itself in the form of activities that my teachers did not explain, problems that they did not give me a method to solve, and tests that required knowledge of terms and concepts that were never even mentioned in the course. I imagine that the initial effort of →

Rates of reaction

The higher the concentration the more likely the particles are to collide.* Catalyst: Speeds up a chemical reaction without actually taking part in the reaction.* Shaking or Stirring: Stirring the reactants causes them to move more and so they are more likely to collide with the other particles.* Surface area: The larger the surface area →

Perfection (persuasive essay)

We know it, but subconsciously, stored in the very back of our minds, is the fact that we want to look like that. The temptation of perfection leads us to nothing but the false assumption that we can live a in this imperfect world.

Objectification and shame in the house on mango street

The way he said it, the way itr's supposed to be, all the storybooks and movies.says Esperanza, the narrator in The House On Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. When the bum man speaks to Rachel like that, it definitely belittles her and takes away some of her freedom in the moment.

Naturalism in ‘miss julie’

The sexual tension and hidden aggression in the first scene of ' Miss Julie' could be said to be an example of this, especially while the cook Christine is present with Julie and Jean to inhibit the expression of what they really mean. The critic Styan has also stated, " By the fall of the →

“the lady of shalott”: how tennyson sets the scene, and comments on an era

Therefore the construction of the poem is a prophetic warning of the fate of the Lady of Shalott, demonstrating the vulnerability of women during the Victorian period, who were subject to the patriarchal values that underpinned civilisation. The first part of the poem constructs a serene and majestical tone, creating the impression that the Lady →

Humanistic theory summary and analysis

Humanism is hugely imperative in the study of the human behavior because it does not focus on the behavior, consciousness, or the thinking process of the individual or the workability of the human brain. The limitations of the behaviorist perspective to study the human behavior were that the theory focused on reinforcing the stimulus-response performance →

Being mean is foreseen

Whether a student continues to allow someone else to bully him or not, the impressions of the bullying will be influential in their future. Under those circumstances, the anti-bullying strategies utilized in schools are not beneficial, and more stringent rules should be implemented because of the stereotypical labels set by schools, inciting children to tease →

Mitigation and risk reduction in emergency planning

However, the local authorities, the meteorological department and other parties fail to plan adequately prior to the floods, and this leads to the amplification of the flood effects. In assessing the damage, I will inquire about the sources of the floods in the community.

The hollow of the three hills and young goodman brown

" The Hollow of the Three Hills" and " Young Goodman Brown" are story of dishonor deceit, and death. They met in a place described by Hawthorne as " a hollow basin, almost mathematically circular, two or three hundred feet in breadth the resort of the Power of Evil and his plighted subjects." This describes →

Physical education is a necessity essay sample

While the competitiveness and varying levels of athleticism may cause students to shirk away from PE, the value of PE is not rooted in the competition, but it is a marriage of the physical fitness and the team-building social skills. The purpose of physical education is to instill in students, at an early age, the →

A grim perspective essay sample

The silence has reached such a high point that they rarely see each other and Shoba treats their house " like a hotel instead of [their] home"." Although the main action of the story revolves around very important life events such as the death of a child and the end of a once happy marriage, →

Hindsight through sasha’s life

Egan ends Sasha's life at her highest point to emphasize that she turned her life around, instead of continuing the reverse chronology from the rest of the story. Jennifer Egan writes Sasha's life in reverse chronological order to show that only through hindsight, she can see her successes instead of a life full of failures.

Industry life cycle model

The strategy of the business should be such that it is able to adapt to the changes in the environment. In the previous stage of the life cycle of an industry the rate of growth increases at an increasing rate up to a point where the rate begins to decline.