4 Pages Essay Samples

Mrs.turner cutting the grass

The banality of her existence brings the reader back to the realization that whatever adventures Mrs. Turner may have had in her life, she is at the end of it all, just another old housewife, whose life is a litany of mundane chores.

The importance of effective cross cultural communication in international business

His cultural dimensions theory which is based on the theoretical framework of Kluckhohn, Strodtbeck and Hall is the framework for most of today's publications in the field of CCC. Through cultural clustering and the use of the described theories and models GLOBE has lead to the publication of several papers and books in the field →

Analysis of “the grave” essay

We clearly see that this was a difficult memory, but also one from the past that led her to her present beliefs and person. This also shows the tremendous change that she underwent after having found the ring and thus put in a position to more clearly think about her personal standing.

English – the giver

People defending Sameness can say that all the jobs are made for the people getting them and that they will like them and be an active part of the community.but the point is, this can happen to anyone and it demonstrates that people can be wrong, even the Elders. Would you like to live in →

Socrates, plato. and aristotle matrix

That is, for Aristotle, there is no separate world of forms where the ideas of Man For Socrates and Plato, the essence of man is the contemplation of the world of Forms. The end of the human person, according to Aristotle, is happiness, just like in Plato.

The declaration of independence

The Declaration of Independence is undoubtedly one of the most important documents in the history of the United States. In the introduction of the document Jefferson explains to the rest of the world the reasons why the colonies wanted to revolt against the rule of England.

Conservation of a species

The reason for this designation is that, according to researchers and supporters, more than half of the species of turtles are in trouble. Of the many reasons listed for the demise of these species, nearly all of them are of human origin.

Using the internet for effective communication

Email and social media are the most popular Internet Communication tools for effective communication ). Social media Social media is one of the best opportunities for effective Internet communication in the digital world.

Night to his day assignment

This statement is very true to the extent in which our society was build or " constructed" the gender system. As a process gender creates the social differences that efine " woman " and " men"" ln general, the formation of our " gender" system seem to put men in a higher status than women.

Benevolent sexism and attitudes toward myra hindley lesley smith

I agree with the conclusion that benevolent sexism can have positive and negative effects on the perception of women. This article sets the precedent for examining the influence that benevolent sexism has on the evaluation of female offenders.

Review of related literature and studies essay

In Channels of Desire, the Ewens trace the emergence of the consumer society through the rise of mass images and new advertising, fashion, and entertainment industries. Drawing on the work of historians they describe how facets of the cultural sphere science, advertising, reading magazines, politics, identity, and world-view go through the historical process of co →

Kings of pastry review

It is for this reason that the MOF is a long-shot of a competition; one that requires dexterity and creativeness to craft the pastries, but also luck when required to move them. As the first day of competition commences the competitors are required to work in the same kitchen at different stations.

Option (a) discuss fidelity and betrayal in northanger abbey

The language used by Austen to express Catherine's anger underlines how women were left helpless at the hands of domineering men; by saying she 'had no power' and had to 'submit' to his wishes emphasises how even the shallow character of John Thorpe has the power to control women in the patriarchal society that surrounds →

Pbrs law. 3. pbrs provide legal rights

Rights provided: UPOV provides legal rights to the original plant breeder or owner of a variety for commercial production, marketing and export of his variety. However, the Act 1991 has curtailed Breeders' Privilege to use the material of a protected variety for further research.7.

Behavioral analysis unit

The Federal Bereau of Investigation has invested in the study of the criminal mind, and use their behavioral analysis units to better undertand the behavior of the worlds most dangerous criminals. The behavioral analysis units use the method of Criminal profiling which is the process of identifying major characteristics of a criminal's personality and behavior →

The rental heart: story analysis

The story is told by a first person narrator who also is the main character of the story. To further support the claim that the main character Is a girl, Is the fact that the author of the story Is In a lesbian relationship, and that she has stated that the story reflects her personal →

Reliability and validity in human services reseach

Discriminant validity and convergent validity, as well as external validity are all indicators of the value of a test, and should be considered when evaluating any research in human services or otherwise. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Perceived Social Competence Scale are examples of data collection instruments that may be used in a →

My kinsman, major molineux by nathaniel hawthorne

Such include the expansive use of the moonlight background in the introduction and the successive artificial sources of light such as the torches and bulbs hanging out of the shops and shopping malls. In this discourse, the analysis is on the basic use of light to illuminate scenes as the author narrates the short story.

An embarrassing moment essay

All in all, the boys were part of my team and I had to come to terms with that. The freshman boys thought it was funny that Tom could not manage to retrieve a ball from the bleacher and I thought this was going to be a tough day.

What is college for

At the beginning of this article he states " colleges and universities are primarily vehicles for the preservation, development and transmission of our intellectual culture." He then goes on to explain that we expect colleges and universities to provide students with the necessary skills that they need to find well-paying jobs but the humongous cost →


Homelessness contributes to illness through a number of factors physical and psychological stress, exposure to the elements, living in crowded, chaotic, unhealthy environments, lack of protection from an array of bacteria and viruses and social problems associated with poverty and the stigma of being on the streets." The homeless probably harbor the largest pool of →

Huckleberry finn and the use of satire assignment

Despite the fact that many critics have accused Mark Twain's novel of promoting racism, through close analysis of the text, it becomes remarkably clear that Twain is satirical in his writing as he ridicules slavery and the racist attitudes prevalent in his day. Twain literally tells readers to not search for a moral in this →

Sight and blindness in oedipus the king assignment

In Oedipus the King, Oedipus's inability to grasp the truth is despite the fact that he is physically able to see contrasts Teiresias's knowledge of the truth even though he is blind. The irony of the blind man being knowledgeable, and the seer becoming blind to the truth suggests that the idea that knowledge is →

The impact of a mock crash

To convince the world of this, I will illustrate its importance through discussion of what a mock crash is, how it works, and why it works, with a focus on the psychology of the program. The speakers, while a little reserved, opened their lives of grief to us, and that is what truly cemented it →

Multiculturalism analysis

But there is one question that everyone wants to know and that is the concept of multiculturalism a wise choice in modern day society? To some people multiculturalism is a fact of life in the business world.

Traditional capsules

Llqulds can be filled Into Dotn sort ana nara cap- out OITTerent conslaeratlons apply.cannot necessarlly Till same formulation into both types, need to think about composition of the shell itself Gelatin for Hard Capsules Main problem Liquid fill hard gel caps is; Residual moisture loss.rom the shell into the formulation Hydrogels require 13% to 6% →

Proposal description

A blog, the subject of this proposal, could be one of the key elements of your company's online presence. Not only a blog would be a great way to capitalize on the power of Internet and mobile devices, but it will also allow you to get the best out of other links of your digital →

How does steinbeck present curly’s wife

She has an ambition to work in films ' coulda been in the movies and worn nice clothes' and this is no doubt stemmed from her desire for attention and is linked to her loneliness and insecurities on the ranch as she bitterly resents not being treated as an individual. Curley's wife is attracted to →

The sunflower

Defiantly leaving the bedside of a dying SS solider in silence who pleaded with him for forgiveness regarding one horrific atrocity committed against fellow Jews, the author of The Sunflower makes the decision to deny the dying man the peace of forgiveness. In addition, Wiesenthal, in the arena of forgiveness could have expressed his concern →

The communist manifesto

Marx and Engels offer criticisms of the bourgeois family and the exploitation of women." The bourgeois has not even a suspicion that the real point aimed at is to do away with the status of women as mere instruments of production" The critiques provide little insight into the ways gender relations and the social institutions →

Does modern technology always improve

Speed and cost of communication has improved tremendously-The most significant impact of technology on communication Is the spread of the Internet and the possibility of sending emails and chatting. Nuclear technology and sophisticated gadgets are also parts of the modern genealogy that have improved man's life.

Angela carter – the bloody chamber essay

The notions of love and desire are explored throughout the collection but there is a particular focus in ' The Bloody Chamber', ' The Tiger's Bride', and ' The Erl King'. As in ' The Bloody Chamber', the girl is at first a possession, " lost to the beast in a game of cards", and →

Ap chemistry notes flashcard

The equilibrium constant K is where the partial pressures in atmospheres, is a constant, independent of the original composition, the volume of he container, or the total pressure.12. The rule of multiple equilibrium states that if a reaction can be expressed as the sum of two or more reactions, K for the overall reaction is →

Xian-janssen pharmaceutical (china) and the euro – case study

The decreased sales could in turn affect the profitability and thus the future growth of the company. The actual spot exchange rate represents the prevailing exchange rate of a currency in the market as on the current date and time.

Analysis of data mining

ITKM Analysis of Data Mining The article Data Mining by Christopher Clifton analyzed how different types of data mining techniques have been applied in crime detection and different outcomes. The other techniques described include pattern mining used in identification of rules relating to different data pattern and anomaly detection, which entails determining the unusual instances →

Bladder cancer

BLADDER CANCER Bladder cancer is the growth of malignant cells in the urinary bladder. Most forms of bladder cancer start in the superficial layer of the transitional epithelium, and most often affect the transitional cells.

The advantages and disadvantages of branding marketing essay

Due to that, consumers would have to pay more for a branded product to cover the costs of advertising, marketing, packaging and promoting the product. For a brand to be successful, it must create and emotional reaction in the minds of consumers.

Analysis essay example

In " above and below" Lauren exhibits herself as a homeless person and tries to depict the challenges she goes through in the story. The story illustrates the sense of homelessness and poverty and how the two are quite related to each other." Poverty is described as the lack of finances to cater for →

Dolphin, orca

Orca's black body with a white spot around its eye is the symbol of a orca. Type B is smaller than Type A; it has a bigger eye patch, most of the dark parts of its body are medium gray instead of black, and the white area are stained slightly yellow.

Marketing plan assignment

You have met with the director of Sales and Marketing and have a general sense of what marketing will be needed to effectively launch the upgraded product. Create a method for monitoring resources and results and a plan for adjusting the Lana when needed For this project, the Marketing plan will be for the upgrade →

Learn about creating an effective writing assignment for first year college composers

By way of the core courses the colleges facilitate students first encounter with college-level writing instruction as well as an orientation to the college themes as such instructors of this course are tasked with teaching two things simultaneously the first-year writing and material addressing the college theme. The reader always provides the content for the →

Quiz assignment

See the first three important words of the title in the header section of the paper.D. Do not capitalize words such as the, in, of, or, and, unless the word is the first word in the title.B.

Comparison between `pieces of silver ` with `the red ball` essay sample

The main character in both stories is a boy Clement, in ' Pieces of Silver' and Bolan in ' The Red Ball'. Megahey or by Bolan stealing from his father to gain the boys friendship.

Crude oil prices

Qualitative research: There are many methods to get the required information, the important things that should be kept in mind while gathering information are, the information should be practical, cost-effective, accurate, credible to the decision makers and the nature of the audience confirm to the methods. Observation: The aim of the programme is to gather →

Argumentativeessay essay essay

This happens because many people will realize they do not fit in with a college lifestyle or do not want to pursue their major they started. Which is important because it shows that not everyone needs to attend college and obtain a degree to lead a wealthy life.

College loans

Another problem that contributes to the college debt situation is not choosing the right major at the right school. The American Gap Association in 2015 said that over 90 percent of students returned to college with a better idea of their goals in just the next year.

History – north and south

Other North and South Most of the current problems facing international relations such as terrorism, armed conflicts and poverty and human rights violations have increasingly been blamed on the political and social economic divide between the wealthy countries of the North and the poorer countries of the South. With regard to the current economic, political →

Festival and events

Our choice of venue for the event is Apple cross Anglican Church where it is possible to reduce the total cost for holding the event while still making the guests to have fun. Sustainability of the event is also important in order for it to be successful.

What are the stages of the economic cycle?

A recovery can be seen on the economic cycle diagram by the encroachment of actual growth to trend growth, and is therefore where the economy is growing gradually and ' recovering' from the bust period they have just suffered. Or perhaps in the short term through a boost in demand side policies, such as a →

A thousand acres – summary

In the beginning of the novel, Ginny thinks about the intersection and about the road overall where the farm was. The stormin the novel displays the chaos of the family within the book, and the hope after the storm gives hope for the family.

The difference between cunegonde from candide and mrs

As they interact with each other, Cunegonde falls in love with Candide despite her being the princess in the castle, and Candide a mere person. The affair with Benjamin is only beneficial to her since Benjamin gets in to the affair because of idleness.

Film blade runner: how humans create themselves and the machines that mimic their imperfections

The replicants in the movie serve as a mirror, or a reflection of the wrongdoings done by humanity for their own survival not minding the impact that their actions might create to those people who do not wish to live a life that is full of complexities. In the movie, the main reason why the →

Suicide speech outline

Transition: Now you know the main causes why do people commit suicide, now let's see the sings of a suicidal person and methods of suicide.II. Review: I have covered why people commit suicide, the sings and methods and finally how we can help someone that wants to commit suicide, so once again keep these in →

Critical thinking

In addition, it is central to the decision making process and allows people to think through and solve problems. To that end, critical thinking must be cultivated in order to improve and maintain the very quality of our lives.

The hiding place chapter 11-15

To her first hearingWhere was Corrie heading at the beginning of chapter 11? the man assigned to her for her hearingwho was lieutenant rahmsbecause of the wilted tulips that were once beautiful and she hoped this man would have a soft sidewhy did corrie want to go to hut fourthe reading of the willwhat did →

Graveyard night shift essay

More often than not, people who work on night shifts alter their normal activities and their time with family and friends because they sleep in the morning and work in the evening. Workers in the night shifts usually develop irregular heartbeats and heart does not perform well because that time is the relaxation time for →

Song: stop all the clocks and remember essay

The poet in " remember" conveys the dead person in an optimistic and constructive way, Rossetti, the poet refuses to be sad. This is a major contrast with Auden's poem where he wanted the world to stop and not to remember the grief he has experienced".

Self-monitoring theory essay

Sue, as a low self monitor, would need to be provided some feedback on her behavior an on how she needs to react around people because her behavior has created problems for those around her and this may be distracting and creating obstacles in the daily deliverables that should be submitted at the end of →

Evolution alongside creationism school

Pasteur study fermentation and spontaneous generation in 1859, he discovered a link between microbes, fermentation, and putrefaction, and diseases, however, convincing the scientist and medical profession to accept the idea was a challenge. Kahn enables readers to think clearly about the effectiveness of creationism and evolution.

Compare india and the middle east

Compare India and the Middle East The Middle East has an important role in worldwide politics and finance since the concentration of globe's hydrocarbons in this topographical region means that on the view that the contemporary economy rest on the source of oil and natural gas. The gentleness of the Indians has sustained till this →

Applying to loyola marymount university

The process of selecting a degree course, an exemplary academic institution to enroll in, as well as other options to avail in terms of pursuing the chosen field of discipline, is evidently categorized as critical thinking. The ability to apply critical thinking skills is clearly manifested as I was faced with the opportunity to pursue →

Advocacy and the mentally ill

Traditional Advocacy Services Advocating services for the mentally ill most often involve raising awareness by influencing legislation to make policy changes through educating the public about the facts of mental illness and rebuffing common stereotypes and negative views often associated with mental illness. Emerging Social Issues Preventing Service Delivery Some of the major emerging social →

Sources of resource risk

Funds can affect the project in a way that the employees could not be compensated for their work, a factor which can result to them losing their job morale or even driving them out of the project and this can result to loss of the initialmoneyinvested for the project. Furthermore, lack of monitoring the subcontractors →

Gender and the importance of the social construction of gender

" Gender" and the Importance of " The Social Construction of Gender." Gender is an individual's natural sense of themselves existing as a male or female, which may hold opposing views from their biological sex. As Lorber states, " I am arguing that bodies differ physiologically, but they are completely transformed by social practices to →

4, 3, 2, 1, none

In a work place, you will not always succeed, it is better to learn the facts when the risks are small. The following is a scenario with both a traditional and a standard based system of grading, respectively.

Dissociative identity disorder and social psychology

It is important to discover gender differences in perceptions of different real life dilemmas, which may help us to understand why men and women have a tendency of reporting different types of disassociated identity disorders, and real life dilemmas. It was noted that contrary to the expectation none of the relations between guilt, shame, and →

Can neutropenic cancer patients be nursed effectively nursing essay

Barrier Nursing is nursing a patient so as to " erect a barrier to the passage of infectious pathogenic organisms between the contagious patient and other patients and staff in the hospital, and thence to the outside world". Some studies have suggested that proper hand hygiene by the patient and the nurse along with immunization, →

Short message service

It is a store-and-forward service i.e.the message from sender is stored in an SMSC from where it is forwarded to the recipient. After the message is successfully transferred a delivery report is also send to the sender to ensure the successful communication to the desired recipient.

My papa’s waltz

Finally in March of 1995, she went to get help and before we could find out if the long ordeal of the past four years was over God decided it was time for her to go to a better place where all of the problems would disappear. Growing up in a family full of alcoholism →

The crucible and john proctor

Macbeth is from William Shakespeare's, Macbeth, and John Proctor is from Arthur Miller's, The Crucible. When it comes to respect, Macbeth and John Proctor have great respect at the beginning of both books.

Mongol influence dbq

An extract from the Novogord Chronicles shows the triumph of the common people against the Tartars which is written in favor of the Christians, a religious bias. The Mongols have impacted not only Eurasia, but the rest of the world with their invasions as they influenced the spread of ideas and diseases.

Arthur miller

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg with it comes to the story of Arthur Miller. He also attempted to judge a man by his moral sanity and his welfare of the community.

The illuminati is real essay

At the end of the 1700's, the increased distrust in organized religious groups, due to the decline of the Puritan traditions, lead to John Adam's declaration of a day of prayer. Is there nothing that can be done to annihilate the satanic society in order to expose the complex flesh of these evildoers?

What are the main character traits of oedipus? essay sample

The traits of Oedipus are used by the gods to show how his personality which once served him and the people was then turned on him to eventually figure out that he was cause of the plague. Throughout the play Oedipus has behaved knowingly and honorably, he has also been sincere in all of his →

U.s. history april 27 flashcard

Throughout United States history, the most important aim of the country's foreign policy has been1.participation in international organizations2.advancement of national self-interest3.containment of communism4.development of military alliances2.advancement of national self-interestThe principle that the United States has the right to act as the " policeman of the Western Hemisphere" and intervene in the internal affairs of Latin →

This is spinal tap essay

Whereas the rest of the movie is in a documentary style, the picture is more grainy and raw, which is to be expected at the time. The opening to " This Is Spinal Tap" uses many of the techniques used in factual documentaries, despite it being a fictional comedy.


FE1002 PHYSIC 2 Tutorial 1 [optic] 2007/2008 Semester 2 FE1002 Physic 2 Tutorial 1 Optic QUESTION 1: light with a wavelength of 700nm is incident on the face of a fused quartz prism at an angle of 75. Hint: Ray h1 is undeviated at the plane surface, and strikes the 2nd surface at the angle →

Development process

In the likely event of problems in this system development in UEL, the users do not have an option of reversing the process in order to find a solution to the problem. Most times than not, the problems that arise in a conventional approach system development process is often as a result of little or →

Determining finacial variability

Managerial accounting is a qualitative type of accounting that examines and depicts economic reality and focuses on incorporation, grouping and analysis of the acquired information to make it usable by executives in making decisions. In conclusion, accounting could be said to give information on business operations with the end product being declarations like balance sheets, →

Origin of christianity

Origin of Christianity Origin of Christianity Christianity and its origin came about as the embodiment of the Messiah and His people. During the manifestation of the Holy Spirit to the Disciples of Christ, many believe that the proclamation by the disciples was the beginning of the church.

“stopping by woods on a snowy evening” by robert frost essay

The way he describes the bells on the horse jingling and the snow does not over complicate the situation at hand; but it makes the atmosphere a lot more physical as a reader. His AB writing method, and rhyming on the second and fourth line of the stanzas keep it childish and give it a →

Ethical decision making assignment

Her son turns out to be, and her client is insulting all gay people to her, and this is a situation that she is trying to solve without having a problem with her client. Steps to Resolution and Making Ethical- Decision-Making The steps I would take to towards a resolution would be to analyze the →

Task and opinion among two or many individuals

In our everyday life, each of mustlives according to some standard that the quality of the food we intake, thetype of transport we will travel to go to work, in terms of communicationalso. So to be able to take care of elderlypatients in the healthcare domains, we need to show interest and has the senseempathy.

The bottom up theory of reading essay sample

It involves the bringing of meaning to and the getting of meaning from the printed page. So it is very important that the classroom should have a book center encouraging children to write and read using different prints as a part of their daily activities, children will use reading and writing skills to become excellent →

Provider-patient relationship

For example, both nurses and health educators are required by their code of ethics to be responsible to the public. In other words, there is the significant need to support the health and welfare of the individuals and the public.

Non-human animals can be agents of morality

The basic concept in understanding the ability of animals to be moral agents is the evaluation of how human morality is distinguished from chimpanzee " morality". In conclusion, non-human animals can be moral agents because animals especially chimpanzees and other primates have the ability to express the emotions of empathy and consolation that are associated →

The drowner

The title of the novel can be interpreted both on a literal and metaphorical level, which clearly establishes water as a motif and metaphor throughout the novel.'Drowning refers to the act of controlling the flow of water, and is done by a 'Drowned' who is a rural water engineer who is responsible for keeping the →

Perspectives on changes in adulthood

Relationships A person during early adulthood will have many relationships. Health and Mental Health Depending on the person, their health and mental health are good during early adulthood.

Making a decision

According to Baumeistyer, availability heuristic is the tendency to predetermine the likelihood of an event depending on the ease with which other instances which are relevant to the current one come to mind. According to Ruscio, an individual can use the availability heuristic of shark attacks when he or she is choosing a vacation destination.

Feasibility of hotel to implement changes in strategy

The strategy of the hotel to cope with influx of guests is feasible because the hotel has already moved to a system of having multi-skilled works to cope up with the needs the hotel has proved this also by having them call stuff from other hotels and restaurants to the do the job. The atmosphere →

School reunion 2010 essay

Being the captain of the Indian team, I knew I would still have to go up and collect the trophies and my man-of-the-match award". The reunion was over for me as I left in my Concorde.

Noble gas and mrs. wang essay

She sat down on a bamboo stool that her grandson, Little Pig, had brought for her, and spat into the water." It's worse than the Japanese, this old devil of a river," Little Pig said recklessly." Fool! " said Mrs. Her husband had shouted to come out of the house and up to the dike.

The future of the city essay sample

The article " The Future of the City" was written by Leo Hollis, and published in Aeon Magazine in 2013. This lack of resilience is often explained by the lack of the necessary infrastructure and technologies but Hollis argues that the main problem is the absence of well-developed social communities in the cities.

Cognitive psychology

Dual-process models provide accounts of how individuals process information in a quick-and-dirty manner, how they process information when willing and having the ability to engage in critical thinking, and conditions that enhance effortful processing. According to Adler & Rips, it is more likely for an individual to arrive at wrong conclusions if an individual fails →

Literary theoretical analysis of virginia woolf’s to the light house

This essay will argue that the presence of both the properties and consequences of the language of Woolf make it a characteristically literary. This essay will argue that the presence of both the properties and consequences of the language of Woolf make it a characteristically literary.

Senior partners at montagu evans

When a call is passed to the TeleWare voicemail service, the caller hears the greeting message of the person being called. Montagu Evans is an established user of GroupWise the communication and collaboration solution from Novell and was aware that TeleWare can integrate with GroupWise to provide a single inbox solution for voicemail, fax and →