4 Pages Essay Samples

Does akbar deserve the title ‘great’ essay

Another thing that was great was, from the beginning Akbar had to fight to stay in power. Akbar liked the Hindus' kindness to animals, the religious art of the Christians and the simplicity of Islam.

Movie analysis: the breakfast club

When all of the students arrive in the library for their detention, Bender showing no respect for Vernon's rules is the first to communicate with the rest of them. Look at him, he's a bum!" This was the first situation in which Bender pondered Vernon's words, and showed compunction for his actions.

Sugared case study

The Challenge rhea growth and success of Sugared in Europe meant that increasing demands and expectations were being placed on the company's operations middle managers who Nerve wrestling with a growing number of stores, an ever-larger geographic area of responsibility, increased numbers of employees, decentralization of country and Pomeranian support centers, greater autonomy and reorganization →

Risks in international business

Some of risk in international business is Business risk, Economic risk, Political and legal risk, Cultural risk.1. These kind of risks arise from: - Business Environment: Buyers and sellers interacting to buy and sell goods and services, changes in supply and demand, competitive structures and introduction of new technologies.- Transaction: Assets relocation of mergers and →

The use and abuse of power

Another instance of when Curley misuses his power is when Lennie is smiling at the thought of rabbits and Curley attacks him". Curley knows he will not get in trouble for attacking Lennie so he does it to show that he is the boss.

How to do perfect mba assignment

It is vital to understand the topic one is going to write the work on, as the slight lack of understanding may lead to the wrong concept or general idea of the paper. The paper should be focused on the topic of the research and exclude all the extra information that is not related to →

Parenting: teen identity issues

Independence The stereotypical characteristic of a teen is being disconnected to the family and constantly wanting their space, so parents are prone to repeatedly making sure they do all that is possible to influence their kid's participation in quality family time. Decision Making Teens are not adults yet, so there are still many decisions in →

Inconveniences of learning year round

Friends that are the same age would be in different grades and can cause strafes in friendships. Speaking on grade changes it becomes a hard adjustment for students who go from a year round school to a middle school or high school that is not year round and has more on task school time than →

The cold war assignment

The connection Townsend made between the effects communists were having on religion in society and the influence Billy Graham was able to have on the population show the unity created through religion during this time of turmoil. Billy Graham's belief that the population needed to join together and fight the further spreading of communism was →

Briefly explain carl jung’s theory of the collective unconscious. then find 3 examples jungian archetypes in the book demian by hermann hesse and explain why they’re archetypes

The recurrent archetypal symbols present in the story Demian are: The concept of two worlds, the bird, Beatrice and stock symbol of Mother Eve. The dichotomy of good and evil is the favourite archetype of human psyche.

Two approaches to relieving poverty

Based on the fifth chapter of the book, a presentation of the onset of one of the most successful project that combined both banking techniques with the perspectives of improving the conditions of the poor, the beginning of the Grameen Project had been put into focus. One is the provision of loans to mostly woman →

Organisational analysis and design

Whereas an organizational design is the process of creating or remodeling an organization's structure and roles so as to align with the strategy of the business. An organizational design and organizational structure are interconnected in the way that they both play a role within the process of creating an organization.

Hard determinism vs. soft determinism essay sample

Determinism is the idea that occurrences in our life have already been determined and are a result of another element in the universe and every occurrence can be traced back to the original state of the universe therefore nothing is random. Basically freedom is doing what you want, 17th century philosopher David Hume believed in →

Cashing in on the luxury tourism market

Cashing in on the Luxury Tourism Industry Cashing in on the Luxury Tourism Industry Introduction The luxury tourism industry is a massive industry that hinges on accessibility of leisure time and disposable time. Dynamism and creativity in the field of event planning and management is critical.

Pd lab- finding unknown salt essay

Observe and record the color of the flame produced.3.) If no color changes during the flame test then place an adequate amount of salt x in a test tube and prepare a solution of it by adding water.4.) Using the dropper, add 10 drops of dilute NaOH solution to the solution of the sample and →

Similarities between photosynthesis and aerobic respiration

The energy transfers in both processes and in how the gas exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs and the end products that result from each process are somewhat opposite processes, thus aerobic respiration and photosynthesis are in some ways complete opposites of each other. During respiration glucose is oxidised back to carbon dioxide, in →

A comparative study of moral and civil laws

Creon, the new ruler of Thebes by his relation, " Now, since they perishd.sullied by mutual fratricide, I, as you know, in right of kinship closest to the dead, possess the throne" has declared that Eteocles will be honored: " The foremost of our champions in the fray, they should entomb with the full sanctity →

Gender myths in the female man

One of the major tools of maintaining the social order is to write the histories in such a way that the reality of the past is altered in such a way as to ignore important historical influences and events. In the future world where Jael reveals that she's gathering the women to fight gender roles, →

Cicero essay example

In response, Catiline plotted for the murder of Cicero and other central figures of the Roman senate on the day of election. Nonetheless, Cicero was able to know of the plan through investigations of his own and he consequently called a meeting on the 8th of November in the temple of Jupiter Stator near the →

Descartes say about primary qualities

The difference between primary qualities and secondary qualities to Locke is the kinds of ideas that these are able to produce in our minds. Locke believes that the ideas produced by primary qualities are a resemblance of these qualities.

Analyzing the necklace

The wife, Mathilde Loisel, is not content with anything she has: her clothes, her jewelry, and not even her loyal husband. In talking to her, she finds out that the diamonds on the original necklace were fake, and it was not nearly as expensive as the replacement.

Evidence law and audit program essay sample

The audit of cash balances is the last studied because the evidence accumulated for cash depends heavily on the results of the tests in other cycles. Two types of analysis are used to evaluate the accounting evidence: associational and inferential.

Night by elie wiesel essay

It was a bit boring to read, but by the end of the chapter, it was motivating me to continue reading, because I knew that the SS men were now leeing from the German army. From that, I know that the end of the war is getting closer and closer, and that made me want →

Sop biomedical engineering

With this cherished goal in my mind, I wish to state in the following paragraphs, my viewpoints and the rational behind my application to the graduate studies program in Bio-Medical Instrumentation at **** university. In addition I would like to take with me a network of strong and lasting relationships that I maintain with my →

Marine life

Therefore, the optimal decision is made with the presence of the catch shares to reduce the marginal cost by limiting the fisheries to reserve the biodiversity; also indicating the fishing season so that the fishermen would not have to face the severe weather conditions. Now, with the catch shares, the fishermen can decide when to →

How black churches have contributed to the black community socially, economically essay example

Barbershops and beauty salons subsequently fall in the category as black churches and play the same roles of facilitating black social gatherings. In the early black churches, Mays and Nicholson found that 97% of the churches provided economic relief for the poor and the less fortunate while 2.

Leadership 101

A leader is a person that knows how to communicate his ideas, has a vision of where he wants to take his followers, and is knowledgeable about the subject at hand. At about the age of twelve or thirteen Douglass purchased a copy of The Columbian Orator, a popular schoolbook of the time, which helped →

The history about herbal essences marketing essay

Procter and Gamble entered as a hair colorant and renovated the product of Herbal Essences. In order to understand the appeal of their products, Herbal Essences continues to research their cultural and social environment.

Incident command system

The position of the Incident Commander will be imbued with all the powers necessary to direct the operation, manage the resources and implement the disaster mitigation, preparedness and response plans of Irvin, Texas. The funds will be set-aside and finalized by the county and will only be used in case of an event identified as →

Analytical essay

The first article, " Leaders: America and Guns," uses these rhetorical strategies most effectively, as oppose to the article, " Support for Gun Control Legislation." The first article appeals to the reader on an emotional level, as well as on a logical level. The author also uses the rhetorical strategy of compare and contrast to →

Global marketing strategy of bmw marketing essay

BMW initiated the goal of segmenting the premium market by optimizing the fit between the purchasing behavior of consumers and the marketing mix to maximize sales to that segment. BMW perspicaciously combined premium marketing and molded into emotional marketing to represent the company's global marketing strategy.

Branding strategies: luxury fashion market

In ancient times the colours and features of the clothes worn indicated the social and political classes of the people and expressed the power of the person who wore them. Today the things have not changed that much, in fact wearing luxury and branded clothes automatically leads to the image of a certain social and →

Team building exercise for conflict resolution

Within a few years the growing pressure to improve the safety statistics moved it to the number one priority with no less demand for production efficiencies and demand on employee performance to do more with less. The long term goal was to instill accountability from each employee to commit to, live and mentor a culture →

Foreign markets essay

Firstly, is there a need, based on the status of the local market, for the business to seek entrance to a foreign market? Passive data regarding the recent history of the industry with respect to the company's different competitors and the company itself should be pooled together.

Sunset on a beach

A smile begins to erupt my face when the view of the ocean is seen, then pulling up to the perfect parking spot in view of the ocean. The atmosphere the beach has from the weather, the feeling, and the view is what draws one in like a melody.

The admirable side of genghis khan: a modern marvel

Through a plethora of evidence and real-life research, including spending several years in Mongolia where Khan lived, Weatherford successfully proves that Genghis Khan was not a monster but the usher of the modern world, changing the future through his ideas of kinship, his military prowess, and his implementation of new laws. The final way in →

Language and communication barriers: international students

Followed by the literature review, there will be a timeline has been proposed to review the completion of areas of the study and research. With the help of this we will analyse the language difficulties faced by international students in Whitireia Polytechnic Institute.

Toyota faces fierce competition from all angles marketing essay

According to Porter, a company which fails to make a choice between differentiation and cost leadership essentially implies the company is stuck in the middle. The competitive advantage is based on a Corporate philosophy Toyota has unique set of rules and attitudes that govern the use of resources in the company.

Abnormal psychology – behaviour that is not socially acceptable assignment

Students' Definitions and Examples of Abnormal Psychology Behaviour that is not socially acceptable Science of learning how biological changes affect personality & behaviour Prolonged or repeated psychological state that is harmful to the individual or others Person with an illness, on medication, deviates from the norm Study of illnesses, mental disorders that the DSM-IV does →

Public health

Surveillance is an important element of modern public health and as such, the lack of surveillance systems for chronic diseases has led to an unprecedented increase of these diseases around the world. This paper will therefore articulate the contribution of modern public health and clinical practices towards treatment and prevention of chronic diseases.

The un convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

Furthermore states parties will also take appropriate measures for developing standard provide in buildings and other facilities open to the public signage in Braille and in easy to read and understand forms, promote the design, development, production and distribution of accessible information and communications technologies and systems which help disable. Accessibility: In this report, they →

Plato’s practice of death

They regard the body as a prison for the soul and view death as the means of freedom for the soul. For the true philosopher, life involves the search for the meaning of life or what brings happiness in life, and conforming to it.

Pharmaceutical more plant species with more medicinal

All through the 1800's the process of pharmaceutical compounding was a sole a function of specialized individuals, a fact that led to the discovery of more medicines, for example, Laudanum. In conclusion, pharmaceutical compounding is very crucial in the modern health institutions, for it provides appropriate methods of tailoring medications to individuals with specific health →

Chapter 5

Leader-Member Exchange Theory is a of the roles that progress relating to the leader and each of the leader's subordinates. This is due to the leader's ability to control achievements of the subordinate in such a way as to maintain encouragement of the subordinate while the leader continues getting the desired results from the subordinate, →

Andrew marvell’s representation of tone and symbolism as explained in his poem, to his coy mistress

Andrew Marvell wrote " To His Coy Mistress" to persuade the speaker's mistress to quicken their relationship, while Annie Finch wrote " Coy Mistress" as a rebuttal to his persuasions. She used tones such as bitterness, anger, and distant affection to portray that the speaker does not want to quicken her relationship with the speaker →

Critical discussion and synthesis article reviews examples

In fact, the research study focused on the relationships that people might develop with robots that are created to play " different social roles" as they pertain to distance; and the study was also designed to determine how the different aspects of social distance form individuals' experiences with and " acceptance of robots" [ 4]. →

Risk seeker

People have goals in their life and sometimes the only way to reach them is to take risks. Without having the guts and temptation to succeed by taking risks, there is no way on earth to be a successful stuntman.

Captivity narratives american literature essay sample

In the two captivity narratives of Mary Rowlandson and Mary Jemison, some people argue that because both authors are women, they give a unique perspective toward to the Native Indian people. As in the two narratives of Rowlandson and Jemison, although both the writers are women, they gave some different perspectives toward the Indian because →

Angry men analysis

Toward the middle of the discussion, one of the Jurors was taking totes and trying to build up a solid fact from the discussion while the other Jurors are talking. The Conflict starting at the beginning of the movie when the jurors were trying to answer the question, " Is the suspect guilty? ".

Adequacy vs equity

In the domain of educational finance, equity means the placement of provisions to assure equality in the distribution of educational resources by a state across districts, and to put in place a system for fairness, so far as the allocation of available resources for funding school education are concerned. The adequacy principle is about placing →

Role of socialization

The lessons children are taught shape how they will act in society and what they will think of themselves and others. School teaches individuals how to be a productive member of society and gives them the means in order to succeed in society.

Multi-level marketing assignment

Oriflame Cosmetics has a presence in 59 countries and is one of the market leaders in over30 countries. Consumers areless likely to use this availability as a rationale for their purchase and may continue to buy the product even when the product is less convenientlylocated.

Media assignment- administration in a childhood setting

Because of the need, a number of individuals urge their employers to provide daycare centers for their children. Firstly, a sufficient space is needed in accommodating the children." Most licensing requirements cover at least three broad elements related to the environment: the physical characteristics of the space; the toys, equipment and furnishings within the space; →

Independence day essay

The characters like the film are typical to sci-fi films, David is one of the protagonists, he is a scientist and a bit of a nerd, he is the flawed hero who is imperfect and who the audience can relate to while captain Steven another protagonist is the typical hero who is cool, confident, well →

Example of micro operations microinstruction

ADD 5 Add 5 to contents of accumulator 5 is operand Limited range Direct Addressing Mode:- With direct addressing the address is part of the instruction Usually the OpCode is one word and address is the succeeding word or words. Ans:- translator- it is a device that changes a sentence from one language to another →

Planet and saturn

Farmers will produce plenty of corn and milk production will be in abundance. Tree and Sasyas will grow in plenty and more rice will grow.

What are the benefits and risks of interdependence?

Interdependence is the free flow goods and services capital and finances acroos the world most countries are getting linked to the global economic system labor is free to travel from one place to another a country sell one thing to another country this is called the international trade of goods and services and also country →

Happy days by samuel beckett essay sample

The song she loves so much is a duet about love, what Winnie songs for most, yet her love of and dependency on Willie is reciprocated only briefly at the end of the play. The bag, then, symbolizes the death ritual brings to Winnie and the legitimate option of suicide it presents, one which she →

Comparing between two banks ( in the view of an investor)

Comparing Between the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank and the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank This paper describes the products offered by two different banks in Abu Dhabi, which are the Abu Dhabi commercial bank and the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank that are located within the UAE. The credit cards that are offered by the Abu Dhabi →

Manifest destiny assignment

The United States continues with the European practice of recognizing the limited land rights to expand into the West with the legal purchase of Native American land. Many of the white Americans thought it was up to them to further develop the lifestyles of the Hispanics and Native Americans.

Initial assessment programme essay sample

As the training and assessment, is aimed to get the learner from knowing, to doing and doing competently, it will be right to know what they are bringing into the training in form of qualifications, current skills/abilities and knowledge as a way to meeting their expectations in the above stated mode. Initial assessment enables the →

Personalization of globalization

Creation of content inventory is necessary in personalization of globalization to support business goals, create content if there is any existing contents. Personalization of globalization will ensure there is business achievement and worldwide collaboration.

Organizational development

Overview C&S Wholesale Grocers is a company that operates in warehousing and in the distribution of the goods in the retail market. With this concern, the discussion of the paper will focus on the appropriateness of the HRM approach analyzing the situation and the pros and cons of the entire process.

Definition of design thinking

Definition of Design Thinking Definition of Design Thinking The term ' design thinking' is attributed to Herbert A. Figure A: Illustration of design thinking activities correlating in engineering and business.

Lease to own in islamic countries

The lessee: - The individual or organization who hires/takes the lease of the property or service against the consideration rent/wages/remuneration is called the lessee. At the time of Ijarah transaction, asset or equipment in the ownership of the lessor.

Adidas product life cycle

Advertising costs of our deodorants product are high during this stage in order to quickly increase customer awareness of the product and to target the early adopters. During the introduction stage, we are expecting to incur additional costs related with the initial distribution of the product.

Masking reality

Your friend starts telling stupid jokes, so you throw on your mask so you appear to be laughing, when in the realm of reality in your head, you are pleading with them to stop. The bell for first period rings and you slip into your seat just as your teacher starts telling you about all →

Random family by adrian nicole leblanc ch 31-36, ch 37-41, ch 42-44

Cesar suggests taking a plane ride and travel while Boy George suggests taking the subway to Harlem and walk home to the South Bronx. In the letter, Boy George acknowledged that he had abused Jessica and told Jessica how humiliating it had to perceive the wiretaps.


Education is an important factor in the holistic, emotional, intellectual and moral development of the individual. Plato believed that ' the function of the education at the initial stage is to provide basic literacy and general education'.

Reflective journal conflict management assignment

As I recalled the situation, I found that the nurse and the in-charge went through dysfunctional interpersonal conflict. Regardless of what the conflict is, a good manager will know how to deal with that conflict in a way that promotes communication and working together to resolve the situation.

Communication with a disability of muscular dystrophy

Communication with a Disability of Muscular Dystrophy Muscular dystrophy diseases cause weakness and degeneration of muscles. The overall health for a patient with DMD can be quite severe especially when the heart and respiratory muscles are affected.

Preventive categories of employees particularly belonging to

For this purpose: existing procedures and practices should be reviewed to avoid delays; time-limits should be prescribed for dealing with receipts and should be strictly enforced; and all nothings at a lower level than that of undersecretary should be avoided.3. The salaries of government officials and the ministers and legislators must be raised in tune →

Climate change: a carbon-rich problem

The main reason we have not switched to clean energy to avoid this warming is because the switch would be expensive and time consuming. In short, we are divided on the options and may not ever come to a complete agreement.

Public opinion survey paper

HURRICANE IKE AND OPINIONS ABOUT ITS IMPACT This study presents the comparison on the various response or reactions on Hurricane Ike, beforeand after its landfall. Introduction The purpose of this study is to portray the effect of of Hurricane Ike before and after its landfall.

Exploring social psychology

145653 Personality traits that could be heritable, could be known to heart, but not to reasoning and belong to unconscious information arena. 5" Dissoative identity disorder can come as a result of schizophrenia and it can lead to positive and negative symptoms of the mental sickness.

Sara lee retrenchment strategy

One of Sara Lee's strategic goals was to increase sales by two percent in addition to increasing the profit margins to 12% by the year 2010; a company goal to increase sales nearly $14 billion. Strategically, Sara Lee's decision to retrench eight business units was in the best interest of the company, and as a →

Brave new world conformity assignment

In mimes of sadness and despair, Bernard, Lenin, and Linda each give up a part of their own individuality and ideology, sticking to the conventions of the World State society which consequently adds to their struggle of trying to fit in with the rest of the world. In the very end, Linda suppresses her emotional →

Historical development of atom assignment

It is divided Into Adventist and appreciation; the former Is the dote which the father or grandfather, or other of the ascendants In the direct paternal line, give of their own property to the husband: the latter is that property which the wife gives to the husband, or that which is given to him for →

Role that sport plays in the construction and development of australian society assignment

The role that sport plays in the construction and development of Australia's national identity is the result of a number of social, cultural and economic processes. The Australian Institute of Sport reflects Australia's commitment to sport and its ongoing pursuit of excellence.

Myth in slim jim’s “camouflage” and gm’s “elevation” essay sample

The men hunting, the gear they wear, and blending in with soda rather than plants and trees are examples of mixing the concept of a store and the wild into a mythologized society. The role of product myth and a mythologized society are important tools that advertisers use when selling their products to viewers through →

Review of ( things fall apart)

The arrival of the Christian missionaries who not only looked down on the Igbo's beliefs but also disdained their numerous gods signaled the beginning of the end of Umuofia. What was the nature of relationship between the rich and the poor in the traditional Igbo society as represented by Okonkwo and his father, Unoka?

How do you think that the family can help combat social problems

This is the most common type of child abuse. Physical abuse, in my opinion, definitely leads to social problems because of the way it corrupts a child.

What are the 4 and 7 ps of marketing?

Product The product is the first of the four original Ps. At the end of the day, it is the product which decides whether or not the client will pay, so make sure that yours is ' up-to-scratch!' These questions should help you to decide whether your product is of satisfactory quality: Does this product →

Identify threats and vulnerabilities in an it infrastructure

Nessus " risk severities" are based on CVSS, which is a classification system for the exploitability of software vulnerabilities and exposures. That is, it only provides information on how easily a vulnerability can be exploited by an attacker, given the opportunity, and what the vulnerability allows an attacker to do with the specific system.11.

Restructuring of daimler-benz essay

The second group " AEG Daimler-Benz Industries" has the business of rail systems, microelectronics, heavy diesel engines, energy system technology and automation. We hope Daimler Benz will overcome their problems and become one of the best brand in this world.

A doll’s house, great novel

In addition, the stage directions also have a tendency to reveal some of the characteristics of the characters. This demonstrates to us the degree of fear Nora has towards Torvald."[She and the children play, laughing and shrieking, in this room and in the adjacent room on the right.

A musing contrast

While the mimicking of passages can be seen as a sort of homage to precursors of literature, one may also contrast the similar passages, providing insight into the differences in the attitudes and outlooks of the two authors; a fine example of this is seen between Dante and Homer. The Muse Homer is most likely →

The five most important things you can do for the environment

According to current projections, the world population will expand to 9 billion by 2040, a slower growth rate than during the last half of the 20th century but one that will leave us with many more people to accommodate. Freshwater supplies are much more limited, and today a third of the world's people lack access →

According force and not merely show of

Abetment: If a married woman consents to her own abduction and the consent is a free consent, the offence of abduction is not constituted and the woman would not be liable to abet her own abduction. There is nothing to show that the prosecutrix had gone of her own volition.

Study of a church service

Moreover, there is the chronemics; the church service is in a microtime. Everything is polychromic; most people are multitasking, to them time does not matter and in a way it is formal but informal at the same time.


The main problem in the case of disability is not the core policies employed by the government but the value system and the overall attitude of the population. The study and the argument of the author are well and good and rightfully intended but the outlook of the people who are able to take advantage →

Introduction intention of modelling a simple version

That which is encompassedin chaos theory can be considered to be out of our control, such as theweather, which was in fact how the discovery that led to chaos theory occurred1. The most well-known example of astrange attractor is the Lorenz attractor, this is a map ofthe movement of a chaotic system in three dimensions →

Theories of frederick taylor and adam smith public administration assignment

Taylor referred to one of these misfortunes as the " soldiering" of the worker; which means that the worker is not working at its full potential. Taylor assumes that it is the nature of the man to work at a slower easygoing pace and also that the worker is a rational human being; he " →

Protein–protein interface hot spots

The hot spots are surrounded by a ring of residues that are energetically less important and occlude bulk solvent from the hot spots [6]." Double water exclusion" theory refines the " O-ring theory" and reveals that hot spots themselves are water-free.[9] Keskin et al.showed that computational hot spots are not homogeneously distributed along the protein →

Workers future studies to incorporate price variabilities among

With the increase in microalgae productivity and decrease in different parameter costs, it was possible to reduce microalgae cost by approximately 35% to 2340 $ t-1 from the baseline of 3602 $ t-1. On the basis of the microalgae productivity model, a detailed economic analysis and sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the economic feasibility →

Sherman anti-trust act and other anti-trust laws

More significantly, the act failed to prevent illegal consolidation of industries because the earlier courts that made rulings based on the act limited the scope of the act as it made interpretations that created ambiguities of law. Nonetheless, the outcome of enforcement of the anti-trust policy in the courts proved to be a failure as →