4 Pages Essay Samples

Treatment option of depression

The medication is recommended to patients who have lost appetite, those who do not sleep and patients who are usually unhappy. Conclusion People who are suffering from depression are advised to seek the professional's advice.

Functions of rbi analysis essay

Major Functions Of RBI Introduction The RBI was established by passing " trasfer of public ownership Act" in Sep-1948 under which the ownership of the bank was passed into the hands of the Government of India with effect from 1st january 1949. To know the contribution of the various sectors to National income.

Insurance company case study and analysis

This Life Insurance Company Ltd.is one of the famous insurance companies in India offering various effective life insurance policies. AIG is operating in both the life and non-life insurance sectors.

Time value of money assignment

If market interest rates are at 5%, one may decide that the time value of money is greater in the future, and decide to invest. If rates are 2%, one may decide that the time value of money is higher today, and choose to spend.

Behaviourist and cognitive approach to learning and phobias essay sample

In the second stage of the model it shows how if the features analysed in the first stage are familiar, the Face Recognition Units is activated. He developed the Face Recognition Units, Personal Identity Nodes and cognitive parts of the Bruce and young model.

Superpower – three choices for the next america

The president of the United States is generally and popularly known as the head of the States as well as the head of the government. Constitutional power is the power explicitly granted to the president by the constitution, delegated power is the power granted by the Congress that enables the president to perform his duties β†’

Huckleberry finn

We cat run away from the past, yes the n" word is not a good word but it was a part of this society which is when this book was written. Whatever went on back then is not going on now, people have a right to be offended and speak their opinions but they need β†’

Walmart economic forces

With the economy in dire straits worldwide, Wal-Mart must continue to be a leader in communities by giving back and providing to them with core values that Sam Walton has always believed and strived to give. Awareness by the executives to what is happening locally and globally will further the expansion of Wal-Mart.

Reasons why marketing data analysis is important

It takes into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of the company and how they fare in the market you are going to compete in. On the other hand, it provides you the answer to such questions; How are the marketing initiatives for our company doing today?

Stroop effect assignment

This is done whereby there is one major aspect of the test that is in agreement with the solution that pertains to the task. One of the most aspects that are involved in this test is the use of colors.

A trade show project of lrh products

Therefore through the application of the knowledge of project scope management will ensure that the trade show will prepare for and include only those work and logistics that are pertinent to the trade show. Finally, without the application of project time management, the trade show preparation and even the show itself will turn out to β†’

Importance of sleep to humans

Understanding the causes and effects, as well as having an understanding of how to avoid sleep deprivation can keep people on the path to a healthier life. Thankfully, there are things that can be done to aid in avoiding the problems associated with sleep deprivation, like establishing a routine and avoiding alcohol before bedtime.

However, be copied as easily. compressing the

To accomplish this objective, most organizations need to break down the information silos that have formed over the years, and channel their energies into using the power of a company's most valuable asset- the knowledge of its people, and in the process build and sustain a knowledge sharing environment. One is the imperative to accomplish β†’

Social psychology current events assignment

A less official and more realistic definition of an economic recession is the social perception of the state of the economy at a given time. Unfortunately there are social perception errors at play, often driven by the media, which influence the confidence to spend and effect the direction the economy will move.

Love. module one

The first alternative to the change of management will lead to the substantial performance of the company. I would evaluate the decision through the assessment of the performance of the management personnel.

A brief analysis of the positive and negative effects of adolescent working

These effects are lesser among adolescents who work for lesser number of hours and therefore get to spend more time with their parents. They need to be guided to use their time and resources in a more beneficial way.

Why is ghana still an ledc?

Ghana is in the tropics of Africa near the equator which means the temperature is very hot, there is also a hot dry North East wind called the harmattan which blows between December and March. This means that it is a good source of timber wood however more of the rainforest is being cut down β†’

A beach

As I wandered the town my eyes were drawn to the baroque detail that was infused into the traditional buildings that dotted the streets. For the first time, I was fearful as I knew that the calm waves had stirred from its deep sleep and was coming to shatter the peace and halcyon that seemed β†’

Mass society system

In fact, high and popular culture are closely related, due to the fact that nowadays, most of the manifestations of popular culture are originated In signs of high culture. Moreover, we can recognize the Shakespearean influence in Disney movies like " The Beauty and the Beast", in which Belle reads to the Beast a quotation β†’

Free engineering dissertation topics

3 An in Depth Review of the Technologies Involved in the ProposedGoogleDriverless Cars; A Descriptive Account 2.2. 6 Evaluating the Socio-Economic and Environmental Advantages of Biogas for the Rural Community of Pakistan 2.5.

Nintendo wii case

Threats: Some of the threats with Nintendo is the price drops from the competition, Wii appalls fade, and Microsoft an Sony aboard Wii had home endearment experience with Microsoft and Sony PS3 and the Kindle connect and Xbox. With the gaming online more than homes will have a broadband internet so they are ready to β†’

Creative story for belonging

Jim left the as it bellowed dust when it left taxi the gazed on the side of the dirt road and saw the farm where he grew up, it was old and bare, like an African village, the animals were thin from the drought. Jim walked around to the porch and sat in the chair β†’

Rock music assignment

We will begin with an introduction to what the study of rock music entails and then focus on listening skills and musical terms to develop a vocabulary with which to discuss and experience selected song examples. The same applies to listening skills if you are not hearing the musical characteristics discussed during the lectures and β†’

Auditing, attestation, and assurance services essay

Auditing, Attestation, and Assurance Services Paper Jane Johnson Contemporary Auditing I ACC/491 Introduction Auditing is a subset of attestation, which is a subset of assurance. Comparing and Contrasting Auditing, Attestation, and Assurance Services Auditing is the term used to describe the process of obtaining objective evidence regarding the reliability and integrity of financial information or β†’

While you were sleeping

When Peter is taken to the hospital, Lucy goes to check on him and Peter's family shows up to the hospital to find him in a coma. A nurse tells the family that Lucy is Peter's fiancee, and shocks the family.

Analysis – investigating the effects of trampling on

Further more, the drainage time of the soil showed a similar trend in that where areas of soil were more compact, the drainage time was higher. The spearman's rank value supports this trend by revealing a positive correlation between the drainage time and the compaction of the soil.

Development of the scholar-practitioner: article analysis resubmission

This study viewed the task from the standpoint of " identity" role, student, and academic, while seeking to dismantle the enigmatic personalities of the doctoral student in everyday events. Oscillating role identities: The academic experiences of education doctoral students.


Competitive Analysis Introduction to San Francisco Marriott Hotel San Francisco Marriott Hotel, the second tallest hotel after Hilton within San Francisco, is one of the chains of eight Marriott International Hotels. In Focus: San Francisco Hotel Market - Best Of The West.

Du bois’ theory of double consciousness in “passing”

Du Bois' manuscript The Souls of Black Folk, he explores the social construction of race and the view of racial identity among black folks by presenting the philosophy of double consciousness. Considering her main concern is a sense of security, Clare as a threat to that raises Irene's jealousy and the unresolved perception of Clare β†’

To inc or not to inc – the meaning of tattoos among collage students essay sample

According to survey " Both tattooed and non-tattooed college students agree that tattooing is mainstream and that a variety of people get tattoos " So why do people get tattoos? The first reason is the permanence of the tattoo and the fear that they will not want it when they get older.

Environmental science

According to the encyclopedia of public health, demography is defined as the study of changes in population and this means entrance into population through fertility, mortality, migration and the effects of these processes on the makeup, growth and the size of the population. In this stage the birth rates and death rates are low and β†’

An investigation to find the stopping distance of a margarine tub

I will also keep the force I use to pull back the elastic band the same, and will do the experiment on the floor keeping the surface the same. Prediction: I think that the bigger the mass of the margarine tub the shorter the distance it will travel.

Skype – college essay

Users of Skype include all individuals that have registered with the company and have user accounts with Skype and as such make calls and text within the Skype network. Group video calling is the latest Skype product that has opened its users to new experience of interaction with more than two people.

Characteristics of a king who can fight anarchy and conflicts in antigone

Through the use of repeated examples illustrating Creon's failure to change his views, Sophocles demonstrates his own belief that a king who puts his desires above maintaining a moral standing and the laws of the gods is ultimately corrupt and will inevitably be met with bitter consequences. Antigone is the first in the play to β†’

Economic causes of imperialism

The industries required large quantities of raw materials and in order to sell the products, they had to expand and create new markets. After the arrival of the industrial revolution, dependent colonies often provided to European factories and markets a steady supply for raw materials in order to manufacture products, such as oil, rubber and β†’


The positive and negative charges are always attracting creating the magnetic field strength that acts like a magnet to the bacteria hence slippery and stick Biofilms seen, Eloff J N, 2010; Pappermint Inhibits Microbial Biofilms, Tshwane University of Technology. Biofilms are to be attracted to the platform.

Q; actualized by the use of operants- intentional

This approach wasrooted on a belief that the in attempts to understand behavior, one should lookat the causes of an action and its repercussions, rather than focusing oninternal cerebral events, in order to get the best results. Punishment: This is response thatdecreases the probability of the repetition of behaviour.

Symptoms of borderline personality disorder psychology essay

Symptoms of BPD can include feelings of emptiness and boredom; frequent displays of inappropriate anger; fear of being abandoned; intolerance of being alone; repeated self-injury; impulsive behavior. Researchers believe that BPD is caused by a combination of individual susceptibility to environmental pressure, abuse or neglect as a young child, and a sequence of events that β†’

Psychology essays – psychiatric diagnosis

However it is the realm of secondary deviance in which labelling theory has the most interesting things to say and it is here this essay argues that the most harmful aspects of a diagnosis of mental illness can be found. Thus we can argue that there is a weakness in the idea of a secondary β†’

A comparison of grand theorists in nursing

The first of the grand theorists for review is Virginia Henderson, a needs therapist and her theory of Activities of Living. With each of these roles, the nurse takes each role and implements interventions to educate the patient and problem solve for goal setting.

Auditors responsibility for detecting fraud

The Act hopes to establish sweeping reforms in Audit reporting in order to bring back the confidence of investors to the financial investments. Reuters carried news report that the accounting firm of Ernest & Young helped to hide financial problems of Lehman Brothers that led to its downfall Ernest Young was motivated to commit fraud β†’

The road not taken and journey to the interior english journeys

In the poem " The Road Not Taken", Robert Frost provides a look at the choices one has in life, how one comes to decide which choices are better, and what the consequences of these choices are. The persona in " Journey to the Interior" has come to the decision that she wants to seek β†’

Operation gvb

The landing was routine, and now I was to decide how my weapon training could compare to the real thing. I set off one of my grenades next to the door and dived around a corner, quickly ready to run in.

The environmental issues

Water is a principle requirement for the food and beverage processing of Water waste from Dean Company, and is common especially during the start-up breakdown processes and shutdowns. This is due to the increasing population and the need to offer the food security.

The courage and compassion to cope

My Sister's Keeper and A Walk to Remember: The Courage and Compassion to Cope " Cancer changes your life, often for the better. The book My Sister's Keeper, Jodi Picoult and the movie A Walk to Remember both use personal strength to have courage and compassion in telling the story of two young women living β†’

Going paperless essay

One of the latest trends in saving money is considered " the paperless office". GOING PAPERLESS 3 Advantages of Going Paperless in the Workplace Today several home and business offices are converting to the " paperless office".

Dna abnormalities that manifest as disorders

Cite an example of a single gene disorder, explaining what gene has been altered, how this affects the product of this gene, and how this may affect the health of the individual carrying the mutation. One example of a single cell disorder is the sickle cell disease.

Cyberbullying assignment

After analyzing her argument, I find that, although the recent employment of zero-tolerance bullying programs has helped raise awareness of the topic, Widener provides a compelling argument that school anti-bullying policies require such reforms as to include parental intervention. The cause of the scenario was Influenced by an argument taken online by one of the β†’

The strengths and weaknesses of natural moral law as a definitive ethical theory essay sample

Aquinas's view of reason as a tool for moral understanding and his idea of a common nature and morality for all people gives natural law a universality that goes beyond any one religion or culture. Kelly argues for a morality based on the human person as author and director of any actions, and moves away β†’

Marketing plan assignment

Furthermore, in my opinion, if an organization only new to the market, it is important until them become a leader in the market. In Analogue and Burdensomeness reading there are two types of games to be mentioned, the first one is Rule based games which is there is a reaction to very action in the β†’

Current business research project paper

The challenge is how to slow the mass departure of talent that has been trained at great expense to the company. 3Dlabs, located in the heart of the Silicon Valley and elsewhere throughout the world allocates 15 percent of its profits to retain employees according to the study.

Only time can tell

This is also why it is a shame that people tend to live in the past and the future, instead of living in the moment now, and now, and now... Time waste; " It is a Waste of time".

A study of philosophy

This also means that reality or practical approaches of solving issues often shows a limit in finding solutions to problems by applying a given set of rules while philosophical or argumentative approaches of solving issues often shows exploration of possible options and alternatives to finding solutions for problems. This does not mean that philosophy or β†’

In depth case study of hip hop music

In Depth Case Study of Hip Hop Music * Introduction describe what hip-hop is and attributes of the genre: In this case study I will be looking at music genre of hip-hop and how representations of gender, sexuality and race are reflected through this genre. Hip-Hop Defined) * Give examples of how sexuality is represented β†’

Critical analysis of the book the chrysalids by john wyndham

There is a strong theme of self-governance in the chrysalids and it would seem it shares some similar themes and patterns with other types of government, these types of governments rising at this time may have influenced the government type in the novel. This book is very science fiction based because parts of the nuclear β†’

On the meaningfulness of socrates life

He has spread his way of thinking to others, and to such success that a significant number of people are willing to assist in this dire time. The definition itself is sound in that, to be meaningful, a life should be making some sort of difference.

Rise of disciplinary problems

When parents are not around for their children and do not monitor their childrens' activities and who their children become friends with, this gives total freedom to the children to do whatever they like and wherever they like. In addition, there have been a few students who have been caught by the discipline teacher yesterday β†’

Disparity and discrimination in the criminal justice system assignment

This paper will deal with the issues of disparity and discrimination on the side of the professionals within the criminal justice system and the citizens who depend on them. While researching the subject of disparity it was determined that the area for professionals in the justice system hit the hardest by this type of inequality β†’

The melting point analysis of crude and recrystallized acetaminophen synthesized essay sample

Introduction The synthesis of acetaminophen involves the attraction of the electrophilic carbonyl group of acetic anhydride to the nucleophilic NH2 of the p-aminophenol. Crystallization of Acetaminophen: The product was placed in a Craig tube and several drops of hot solvent was added and heated until all of the crystals dissolved.

Causes and spread of infection essay sample

Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites are living organisms. An infection, in general terms, is the illness caused by the growth of a germ on or in a person.

Kalye ocho essay sample

3 Objective of Business * to provide a wellness place for the community the Fort who are tea lovers * to provide a place where great conversations of valued customers happen and create memories of great times.* to provide wellness strategies/programs to businesses in the Fort area.* to create working relationships with 20 companies by β†’


Theories of Personality Theories of Personality The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is one of the common tests that the globe relies on in analyzing different personalities. This paper will examine the personality types of Martin Luther and Opra Winfrey and offer a comparison of their personality traits to that of the self.

In and tries to explain various political

If the political scientist studies reality and tries to explain various political phenomena and the working of the institutions, the political philosopher essentially studies ideas and tries to discover which have the greatest validity. Sir Thomas More, in his Utopia, conceived of ' that ideal State which is contrary to the facts of history and β†’

Development styles in psychology

The development of the brain and the body of the foetus will highly depend on the woman bearing the child. The eventualities to this kind of parenting is children with absolutely no self-esteem and control over their lives.

Modern technology has made our lives more complicated

The reader is oblivious to Susan's secret until it is revealed in her letter to Henchard. Susan's choice to leave her daughter in the dark allows Elizabeth Jane to enjoy an innocentchildhood, and she is blissfully unaware of her mother's troubles.

Chaucer’s troilus & criseyde: the frivolity of femininity

He uses phrases such as " change of the moon", and " bent was the moon" to weave in the idea that the moon is in a constant state of flux. She is both cruel and frivolous, wont to toy with the hearts of men for her enjoyment.

Essay on leadership, ethic, and policing

Ethics ensures a good time management, good relations among the people in the society, and cohesion in the places of work. Unlike other leaders, he is a hands-on leader who demands accountability and integrity in the implementation of his country's strategic plans.

Luxo jr.

The lamp moves it's head to shine the light on top of the lamp. Then its Joins in with the little lamp and hits it back to the little lamp.

Is graffiti art or crime? essay sample

What makes a " graffiti" a crime is not its content or artistic quality, but the fact that in most cases " graffiti" are written or painted on an item of property that belongs not to the author of the " graffiti", but to somebody else, and this somebody else had not given to the β†’

Research proposal (english by arabic foreign language learners)

Order 284816 APPROPRIATE COMPLIMENTS BY ARABIC EFL LEARNERS TO AVOID MISUNDERSTANDING A Research Proposal Presented to The Faculty of In Partial Fulfillment Of the requirements for By ABSTRACT Making compliments successful in English by Arabic Foreign Language learners, to avoid circumstances of misunderstanding by the native English speakers or misunderstanding by the native speakers of β†’

Jean yip’s market segmentation

In the beginning stages of building the database, this information can be collected during the customer's visit to the salon. Moving forward, the next step would be to differentiate customers in terms of their needs and lifetime value to the company.

Auditory neuropathy essay

Auditory neuropathy is a hearing disorder in which sound enters the inner ear normally but the transmission of signals from the inner ear to the brain is impaired. Some people with auditory neuropathy have neurological disorders that also cause problems outside of the hearing system.

The gothic setting of frankenstein

Shellys writing shows how the dramatic and gothic settings of Frankenstein can create the atmosphere of the novel and can also effect the actions of Frankenstein and his monster as they go on their seemingly endless chase where the hunter becomes the hunted. Because of this gothic setting in the Arctic ice, the despair hits β†’

Delillo’s white noise and the family

Don Dellilo's protagonist in his novel " White Noise," Jack Gladney, has a " nuclear family" that is, ostensibly, a prime example of the disjointed nature way of the " family" of the 80's and 90's what with Jack's multiple past marriages and the fact that his children are not all related. It is only β†’

History & memory

History is the continuum of events occurring in succession leading from the past to the present and even into the future. It took the negative actions of the media, the scrutiny of the British public, and the influence of Mr.

Death penalty in illinois

As a police officer, Stamper should be the first person to claim the imposition of death penalty if in fact the method reduces crime. Using Illinois statistics of about murder rate of 20, 000 killings a year that would have been lowest in the civilized world had the adoption in Illinois of death penalty was β†’

Muckrakers in the progressive era

Tarbell's investigative form of journalism became known as muckraking, and her efforts were essential to dismantling the " monster" created known as The Standard Oil Company in 1911. Tarbell's endless efforts to bring fairness among the competition of oil refiners, changed the quality of life for so many oil producers and refiners in America.

Film the poursuite of happiness

A Review of the film " The Pursuit of Happyness" The Pursuit of Happyness was inspired by the true story set in 1981 of a San Francisco struggling freelance salesman and single father called Christopher Gardner who was trying to make a living selling bulky, expensive and unnecessary medical equipment to doctors that did not β†’

Essay on the combinative factors of eeg with special reference to erp, fmri and pet scans

Compare and contrast the use of EEG, fMRI, PET, and investigations of brain-lesion patients for this type of project Memory is a critical concept of human existence due to the determinate nature it holds. After analysis of several tests in the field of actuaries and systemic, several factors determine the actual manner of relating neuron β†’

The science of selfhood

Nicholson wrote the book Inventing Personality to cover and illustrate the work of Gordon Allport and the intensive research he pursued to learn more about personality or otherwise coined " Science of Selfhood". Allport was not satiated with what had been brought to the table regarding personality and because of this he pursued and thirsted β†’

Current trends in internet marketing assignment

Both consumers and companies agreed that internet marketing improves the brand image of the company or products or both, internet marketing is a revenue earner, reliability of the country is very important for success of internet marketing, many of the 3rd party internet marketing provide only junk traffic which has a negative impact on the β†’

Week 10 – final project: psychopathology and treatment

The patients with Panic Disorders also suffers from the symptoms of sweating, sensations of shortness of breath, feeling dizzy and the most common symptom of Panic Disorder is that the patient has fear of dying. The Symptoms of Panic Disorder.

The muted group theory essay

Women are not as free or as able as men are to say what they wish, because the words and the norms for their use have been formulated by the dominant group, men " Women's words are discounted in our society; women thoughts are devalued" Women are thus a muted group Kramarae noted that women β†’

The demon goes to kill death

The Demon Goes to Kill Death, Edwin Morgan explores the theme of Death and also the idea of the finality of Death. However it is the idea that the Demon has no respect for anything other than the one thing that can destroy him?" Death?" that fuels the poem and allows the reader to fully β†’

Business ethics assignment

The Inside Man The film depicts a gang of robbers broke into a bank and seized customers as hostages, and threatened the police." l have planned a perfect bank robbery", the head of the gang said, this is a battle of wits, not a battle of force. At the end of the film, the negotiation β†’

Duracell marketing plan assignment

The Challenge The goals in the marketing plan are to: 1) Establish partnerships with major electronics manufacturers, to create products that utilize and capitalize on the lightweight and slim design afforded by Prismatic. The Durable marketing strategy Is based on the creation o co-branding opportunities with major electronics manufacturers and a media campaign to educate β†’

Swot and pestle analysis of music innovation

If the majority of people present set their preference to a style of music, the EarShot will create a setlist appropriate to that taste. By allowing the majority of people present to decide the type of music that should be playing, it takes the burden away from a single person: no one person has to β†’

Alien existence essay sample

In my opinion, aliens must exist because of the discovery of earthlike planets, proof of alien existence in ancient history, and the millions of sightings that many people have reported. There have been countless examples of paintings and ancient architecture showing the existence of aliens all the way back to the BC years.

Science and technology for young children

Understanding Science and Technology Learning: Young Children Understanding Science and Technology Learning: Young Children The importance of instilling science learning orientation in the early stages of children's cognitive development cannot be overstated. Roschelle, J, Pea, R, Hoadley, C, Gordin, D, & Means, B.

Essay on economic forecasting

Economic forecast data is the process of attempting to predict the future condition of the economy. The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides employment history, unemployment history, inflation rate, pay and benefits and demographic information that can be used to project growth and to cake necessary changes.

Virtue in pamela

In the novel, she is extremely proud, not of the beauty of her face or body, but of virtue, which she protects in the name of God. In Pamela, Richardson's lesson through Pamela is to be proud of virtue because, in the end, God will reward it like He rewards her with love and happiness.

Swot analysis on social media

If you are linked to the business world in any way, you are perhaps aware of SWOT analysis. Common Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Strengths: In the strength section, you will add strengths of the social media campaign or strategy.

Leadership and ethics assignment

As the leader, he has the authority to implement a new strategy that will best suite the needs of the business and assist the organization in meeting their objectives. The leader should use management involvement to understand the reason for resistance, educate the managers on the pros and cons of his cession, and use his β†’

Imagining the future of a child in the developing world essay

I struggle because the topic is one of great tragedy, and to speak the complete and utter truth, I struggle because I just do not see a future for them, at least not future in the sense of the word that I know. When I am asked to think of the future of a child β†’

Eric and mr birling comparison essay sample

At the start of the engagement, Mr Birling want to treat " Gerald like one of the family" and " it's one of the best nights of my life" but later it is revealed he only cares about how the merging of the two business because it will result in " lower costs and higher β†’