4 Pages Essay Samples

Solutions to reduce the number of hospital-associated infections

Data shows that the use of catheters for greater than 48 hours post op, the complication of UTI post op, and the average length of stay have decreased in the last years. To decrease the amount of postoperative nosocomial urinary tract infections, we need to acknowledge why the catheters are being inserted in the first β†’

Adverse trends in the emergency department essay sample

Nurse First Some time ago the current triage process was for a patient to present to registration with a complaint, which was then transcribed onto a piece of paper, after such the patient was instructed to have a seat and wait for the triage nurse to call their name. ED length of stay β†’

Hospital budget

Overall, financial management is a practice that will provide the theories, tools, and concepts needed in order for a company to make better decisions. The Patton-Fuller Community Hospital is one of these companies that take advantage of the financial management practices in order to make better decisions. The purpose of this paper β†’

Good essay about healthy work environment: true collaboration

The third critical element of enacting collaboration in the hospital work environment it to create, use and evaluate operational structures mean to ensure that the nurses decision making authority is acknowledged and is additionally incorporated into the workplace as the norm. True collaboration dictates that each team member demonstrate appropriate competence in regard to their β†’

Keeping things the same: case analysis case studies examples

Clara then decides to develop a plan of action by first meeting her administrative group and discussing the best ways to screen the incoming candidates along with the necessary induction program. Summary Recommendations for the Situation Following recommendations must be applied in order to retain the efficiency of the hospital in spite of its β†’

Patient rights versus the practical needs of the medical community essays examples

There is a growing area of concern between the rights of patients and the often necessary practical needs of the students in the medical field. The debate has majorly focused on whether patient's rights are infringed when a case of negligence or misdiagnosis has happened in a medical facility that has been set up β†’

Free essay on the purpose of the program or project

Some of the patients check in without relatives to assist them and hence they will need patient safety. They should also rate how the patients respond to certain patient attendants to maintain a good name of the institution.

A philosophical problem or topic from buddhist philosophy essay examples

The Buddhist believes that when people in the world are able to reach the state of nirvana when they are alive they would be able to be free from the negativity that is in the world thus they would be able to be happy and live peacefully. When a person has died and was in β†’

Example of essay on red cross

The International Red Cross functions under the basic principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, universality, unity, and voluntary service. Mission of the Red Cross The core mission of the Red Cross in recent times has been to provide disaster response and humanitarian services to war victims. The β†’

Constructions of an enemy essays example

However, my goal in this paper is to present an analysis of the stated statement by giving out examples in the lives of African Americans and Americans from the Middle East during and after hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina occurred in the year 2005 the month of august that resulted into much destruction of property and β†’

Lets breadth eight in tattersalls lane, breadth institute

Sailing, swimming, fishing, and traveling breadth assemblage asleep faddy things to undertake and do.a abbreviate hop from city, guests can escape to arcadian Rottnest Island and wildlife-rich civic parks. At the aperture of the Swan stream, the celebrated anchorage of Fremantle is that the somebody of the acclaimed Fremantle Doctor, a air-conditioned air that blasts β†’

Discuss the ways that choreographers use the aural setting to help them to communicate the choreographic intention. use a range of examples from at least three professional dance works.

Besides music there is found sounds like the traffic a busy Monday morning, the sound of a bouncing ball or silence, the traffic here would become the choreographers chosen accompaniment to communicate the dance intention. The title of this dance refers to a book within the Bible: The Book of Revelations.

Kite runner essay

The main characters in this story that come from the lower socioeconomic level are Ali, a servant from the Hazara tribe, and his son Hassan who are servants to Baba and his family. The Kite Runner explores how different classes of people worked together to run things in Afghanistan. In the Kite Runner discrimination in β†’

Hinduism and blacks (african descent) essay

Hindu derives from Sindhu, the sanskirt name for the Indus River. Hinduism is believed to come from the predominant religion of the Indian subcontinent. Hindus worship more than one deity, value the practice of medicine, and believes in reincarnation.Their ideal life has four basic goals, pursuit of human righteousness, the accumulation of worldly success, pursuit β†’

Sample essay on classroom cultures

They set the rules and the environment, but a class culture emerges independently of a particular teacher and students, and area of study affect the outcome of a class culture. It seems everyone in the class is there to take it as a general, and the material is not easy.

Religion and philosophy essay

The morals that Emmanuel Kant epitomized truly connote a certain level of maturity as it entails to have a grip towards the decisions we are bound to take. " Judge an action by its consequences as a universal law " this magnify the statement that it is imperative to be responsible in our choices in life β†’

A picture is worth a thousand words

I conclude that the clich , a picture is worth a thousand words, is still true. It is a part of the painting.

Peter howson and joan eardley scottish art essay sample

The palette used in this painting is all dark, earthy oranges and a deep blue is used for the background. In all of Joan Eardleys painting, she manages to convey the personality of the sitter through the use of blending colours together and focusing her attention on the background.

Compare and contrast “the alba madonna” and “deposition” essay sample

Compare and Contrast " The Alba Madonna" and " Deposition" Essay Sample Compare and Contrast " The Alba Madonna" and " Deposition" Two great works of art, both done at different times by different artist, have similar features and can be portrayed in the same light. In both paintings there is so β†’

Essay on the slave ship by j m w turner

The bodies which are floating in the sea are muddy and unclear, this adds to the mystical nature of the piece which is almost battle like in its intensity and vividness. Probably the best part of the work is the slave ship itself. Undoubtedly, Turner's painting helped to create a sense of horror and anger β†’

Evard munch’s the scream

All in all, this very famous expressionist piece of art is trying to express to its audience the absolute fearsomeness and awesomeness in nature." The Scream" is a contrast between the vastness and majesty of nature and the insubstantiality of mankind." The Scream" was painted by Norwegian artist, Edvard Munch between 1893 and 1910 during β†’

The hated art project essay sample

I find this to be absolutely amazing to come up with this idea. From my research, I discovered that Tissot was born in 1836, in Nantes, France , a seaport on the French coast and the son of a very prosperous, successful shopkeeper. Like many English people at this time, Tissot became interested in β†’

Analysis of “memory of the halls of mirrors” painting by otto dix

He uses Expressionism after experiencing war first hand and it becomes an imaginative myth and chaos of emotions. The painting Memory of the halls of Mirrors shows a prostitute with a war soldier. The grotesque nature of this painting and other paintings bring up the question of it being a myth as why he was β†’

Case study on art analysis paper

This painting shows the moment between David's blow to the head of Goliath, using his sling, and the beheading of the giant. This painting of David is one of the more difficult to interpret.

Ilya repins painting ivan the terrible and his son essay

The expression of Ivan's face is rather instructive as it shows Repin's themes usually dealt with the existing social order of the pre Revolution and focused on the trials and tribulations of the Russian people under the yoke of Tsarism. Another vivid characteristic of the Tsar is his pose β†’

Sample research paper on subversion

The technique finds use in open sources coding platforms where the programmers may allow access to a repository and restrict changes. Subversion also takes the form of alteration of meaning of a particular piece of art from the original meaning. Art and design; The secret of Mona Lisa's smile in Leonardo's painting.

Dali art

The name of the painting is The Apparition of Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach. Like the water coming to feed the dry spot on the sandy and desert like terrain. I really think it is interesting as you look at the eye of the dog it acts as a peephole and β†’

Free essay on berninis ecstasy of saint theresa and caravaggios crucifixion of

Perhaps another one of the defining aspects of Baroque art is the application of classical and even pagan themes into Christian art and iconography; although Christianity had long been borrowing from other cultures and religions for its iconography and symbolism, the adoption of symbolism in Baroque art surpassed what had been done in the past. β†’

Why abortion is immoral?

Or when a mother's life is at risk with the pregnancy, is it justified to save her life and leave that of the baby? Just for a start, check out the following myths versus reality about abortion. Myth: Abortion does not kill anyone Reality: The infant is human Whether the infant is a β†’

Abortion: a high price to pay argumentative essay samples

Although the effects differ from woman to woman, the psychological/emotional effects that a woman experiences after having an abortion are indeed legitimate. If a pregnancy is not threating the life of the mother or if the baby is not going to be stillborn, adoption should be an option.

Amanda manos

Although there's a heartbeat in a collection of cells during the third week of pregnancy, that does not make the fetus a living human being. Making the act illegal, as in the past would violate peoples freedom, promote unwanted pregnancy, and would definitely harm the physical health of embryos and the psychological health of mothers β†’

Fairy tales and reality

In " The Necklace", Guy de Maupassant used the image of reality to replace all unrealistic feature of a fairy tale. Cinderella, even though, the magic was gone and she returned to her old life but she still became the Prince's wife in the end.

Good texas abortion laws essay example

Although laws regarding abortion are debatable, let us see how the state of Texas approached this issue to come up with policies in connection with abortion. I selected this particular policy because many women nowadays undergo this type of process and what alarming is that according to statistics, about one-third β†’

Research essay on being pro abortion

If we do not allow for abortions to continue to be legal that simply means we are allowing for unfit parents to have kids and by doing this we are failing our children. I was taught to eliminate a problem before it escalates or before it becomes too late. If we become β†’

Abortion: when is the fetus viable and what does that mean? course work

According to statistics compiled by the Guttmacher Institute, 22 states ban abortions at fetal viability, meaning the fetus has a 50 percent chance of survival outside the womb, four states do not allow an abortion in the third trimester, and 15 restrict the procedure after a certain amount of weeks, usually that is 24.. Legally β†’

Abortion and my own thoughts

I know a good amount about abortion, emotionally, but I do not know a lot of the facts. I know what the main points are and that I always hated when someone would bring up the subject of abortion and then ask my opinion.

Odyssey essay

To begin, at the start of the epic poem, the suitors respond greatly to the hospitality given to them by Penelope. In the end, by Penelope honoring the God's tradition of hospitality, Odysseus came back to her, and her family was once again reunited.

The relationship between chinese primitive mythology and chinese primitive religion

The common feature of Chinese primitive mythology is that the contents of them usually include the thought of labor and creation. Religion is the belief in the existence of a god or gods and the activities that are connected with the worship of them.

Good essay about heroes and villains in the classical world and modern film

The countless myths about heroes is more about basically the various phases of the hero's life and career, like for instance, the birth of the hero, the quest upon which he embarks, his virtues, and finally his victory. Modern day heroes are certainly different from the ancient heroes due to the fact that they still β†’

Myth of sisyphus

Paragraph 2: Transition Statement: Focusing on the ideas of faith and the genuinehappinessgained from acceptance of it, The Myth of Sisyphus explores it with connection to the story of Oedipus. In accepting their fate, Sisyphus and Oedipus have abandoned hope, and so their fate does not seem horrible to them. These events show β†’

Family as a social institution in odyssey by homer

The importance of the family and home are highly extrapolated in this work of art, the main character, Odysseus really demonstrates the role of home and the family. In the long run, at the resolution of the conflict in the novel Odysseus is reunited with his family.

Exploring the greek mythology through the β€˜odyssey’

In fact, politics and religion are also explained in the light of the Greek and Roman mythologies. In this paper, it will explore on the Greek mythology through the myth on the ' Odyssey'. Finally, this paper will also present the different key points of the myth. The Odyssey is an epic of Homer about β†’

Laocoon and his sons

Laocoon and His Sons is a marble sculpture representing a scene that is a part of the tale of the siege and invasion of Troy. Whatever it is, I am afraid of Greeks, even when they bear gifts.' The scene depicted is the wrath of the gods in action. The β†’

Prompt: assess the role of the domino theory in us/soviet relations.

Role of the Domino Theory a." The domino theory was the basis for the United States strategy of containment, and the reason for entering the Vietnam War. Domino Theory and the Vietnam War a".

Truman, zhdanov, and the origins of the cold war

To see the Soviet counter-arguments is a revelation, and in many ways a surprise. Zhdanov's argument in his " The Two Camp Policy" speech presents an entirely different view of the world, and of world history, and the assumptions in his account were certain to lead to β†’

Literature as a political weapon during the cold war

Books and articles have always reflected society and the values held. In the 1960s, there was political unrest and upheaval, affecting literature in United States as it was used as a political weapon and power tool to extract doubts about the conflicting sides. The Cold War created a stressed environment for writers and the created β†’

The fear of communism in us

The U.S.along with other European allies formed the North Atlantic Treaty of Organization , which was a unified military command to resist the Soviet presence in Europe. For example, the U.S.has provided foreign aide to many countries in times of need.

Example of essay on the cold war and the nuclear arms race

Abstract " The nuclear race" was called the confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States for supremacy in nuclear weapons during the Cold War. Despite its ruinous, it has led to significant scientific discoveries in many technological and military fields. Some of the most revolutionary breakthroughs β†’

Example of essay on how the cold war shaped americas society, economy and politics

The cold war stirred confrontations around the world as the United States and the Soviet Union fought to influence other nations with their economic and political ideologies. The cold war provided a stage for the enlargement of federal powers. The power of the States went back to federal government and many decisions about the lives β†’

Nsc-68: the blueprint for cold war militarization

Prior to the Wars, the United States had followed basically an isolationist policy with regards to other nations, but with the threat of Russia, the members of the National Security Council sought to inform President Truman, and through him the people of the United States, of the importance of containing the communist threat as well β†’

Matthew a. torres

Leo Szilard's A Petition to the President of the United States was a direct method of communication to the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. A petition to the president of the united states..

I am the grass

Thus in Daly Walker's " I Am the Grass, " the narrator deals with the struggles of life from coming home after the war in Vietnam, finding something to do with his time and life, and returning to Vietnam. Riding around Vietnam brings back the memories of the war and the narrator cannot help but β†’

Essay on the cold war and u.s. diplomacy

The commanders of America must tie in competition on the country's instructional action during the Cold War to amateur the infrastructure for the next creation of public diplomacy. The Cold War And U.S.

George orwell

While the officers are marching the prisoner to the hanging site, the prisoner comes to a puddle and side steps it. Orwell and some other officers are following behind them and that's when he realize how healthy the prisoner is and disgusted he was of the decision to hang a healthy man. In β†’

Analysis of frederick douglass and their poetry

If slaves could read about freedom and a better life, it would give them the desire to escape, and the slave would become restless and despondent with his situation. In theautobiographyThe Narrative of the Life Frederick Douglass, Douglass usededucationand free will to gain his freedom. Frederick Douglass through learning how to read, β†’

Two kinds paper amy tan

Despite her best intentions, Jing-Mei always fell short of her mother's expectations and one night, she made a pact to herself that she would never allow her mother to try to change her. After her mother saw a young Chinese girl play the piano on a television show she decided that Jing-Mei β†’

Never defeated

The struggle between Santiago and the humongous fish goes on for what seems like a never ending three days. Santiago is not Just up against the fish; however, but also is in a constant battle tit hunger, exhaustion, and deep cuts on his hands. After Santiago reels In the big fish, he faces β†’

To ban or not to ban?

It helps them realize war is unacceptable along with everything that comes with it. In addition, Vonnegut wanted someone to, " tell him the secret so he can take it back to Earth and save us all: How can a planet live at peace? ". Therefore, when young adults read Slaughterhouse-Five they β†’

Sylvia plath poetry notes

The euphoria of inspiration is ' rare, random' and brief. By the time Plath Wrote ' Finisterre' four years later, she had ceased to seek or discern enlightenment or any transcendent reality in nature and the universe: ' Our Lady of the Shipwrecked...does not hear what the sailor or the peasant is β†’

Ernest hemingway’s the old man and the sea

Some of the metaphors Hemingway uses as symbols to relate the story to real life are the similarities between the marlin and life, life and the sea, and the poor and the rich. The marlin was tempted with the hook like Adam and Eve were tempted with the fruit from the tree of the knowledge β†’

Night by elie wiesel critique essay

This is where that man realized that his life became horrible. Throughout the months in the work camp, throughout all of the suffering, his will to survive surpassed the will to kill of Nazi soldiers. Man has the will to survive and surpass evil like the Holocaust survivors, genocides like this will β†’

Definition for writing

This is a great complementary task to writing a journal because it gives students the chance to communicate their thoughts to a peer and get feedback in the form of a written one Focus on the writing building blocks of punctuation and grammar. Ask the primary students to tackle a different form of writing each β†’

A clean, well-lighted place

He feels comfortable in the bar because it is calm, clean, well-lighted, and quiet unlike the other bars in the area. He stays here until the wee hours of the morning and it can be seen that he does not fit well into the society at the time because he is well β†’

The sensation of longing in ernest hemingway’s a moveable feast

His writings and his life was widely known because of the pain that he had experienced through his experiences in the World War, his alcoholism, three divorces, mental illness, self-destructive nature and finally hissuicide. However, more than all of these pains that were β†’

Mount plesant

The way the story is written makes you think of your ownchildhoodwhere ghosts and the darkness were the scariest things in the whole wide world. It is seen a couple of times in the story, at first it is kind of confusing, but the second time you read the story the meaning of it gets β†’

Apartheid: the law of racial segregation in south africa essay sample

Education, doctors and other public things were also divided and the ones there were available for the blacks were in general worse than the ones the white people got. In the 80s, as the oppressive system was slowly collapsing the ANC and National Party started negotiations on the end of apartheid.

The law apartheid in south africa essay

For the sake of this research, I will use the apartheid law in South Africa. In the play Antgone, the law of the state is given priority than even human life. Just like in the play Antigone where those who were considered to be disobedient to the state were deprived β†’

Aids funding for africa and other countries

Almost all its countries are weighed down by the disease; and they have no resources to fund research on, and treatment of, the disease. Main Body The African Situation Africa is the region most badly hit by the AIDS phenomenon. 1%, repectively.(Kanabus & Fredriksson-Bass, β†’

The manifestation of the three dimensions of globalization in africa

Globalization is multifaceted consisting of different dimensions such as the spatio temporal, material and cognitive dimensions. Spatio temporal Dimension The spatial dimension of globalization refers to the shrinking of the world in terms of space and time. However, enhancing information flow is not sufficient enough and the focus of ICT's shifted to the transformation β†’

Youth employment services (yes) in south africa

Throughout this essay we will look deeper into what YES offers, how their solutions about unemployment could be beneficial as well the reasons for why South Africa faces high unemployment rates. YES objectives is to create employment for the young people of South Africa, focusing on the proper way as to how to construct a β†’

The slaving voyage of the albion-frigate essay sample

Even though Barbot writes about how well the slaves were kept in his ship, he also talks about how the slaves rebelled. Barbot also writes about the singing and dancing the slaves do on deck but Equiano writes that slaves of all kinds were chained together and kept in the lower deck.

Trans-saharan trade

The Trans-Saharan Trade was a very important trade route that ran across the Sahara between the Mediterranean countries and West Africa. In early Trans-Saharan trade, small trade routes around the Nile Valley were being utilized throughout the millennia, while travels across the Sahara prior to the domestication of the camel were difficult.

Three west african kingdoms

One of the most commonly used and oldest trade routes in the world is the Trans Sahara route which crosses the Sahara desert and leads to the West African coast. As a result to the location of this trade route all three empires were located south of the desert to be the β†’

Essentialism: gender role

Thus men and women are subject to gender role that is their define occupation, behaviour and role in the society. Non essentialism is that difference in men and women behaviour and role is culturally and socially constructed. The article " Scrap that single woman stereotype" , illustrate the essentialist view of β†’

How is patriarchal and gender power shown in shakespeare

The ideas of patriarchal and gender power are illustrated extensively in Shakespearean 'The Tempest' through the relationships portrayed in the play, and the plays symbolic depiction of colonialism. The women of the play are never responsible for moving the action forward, but serve only as a ground upon which the action moves β†’

Emma watson’s speech ” gender equality is your issue too” essay sample

Another frequent relation to gender is the equality between the female and male sex. The question about gender equality is raised in the speech " Gender equality is your issue too" written and presented by the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson, who your might also recognise from the highly acknowledged " Harry Potter" β†’

Title ix

So what is the root of the problem when it comes to equality among men and women in collegiate sports? Yes, women should be able to have organized teams and scholarships to field those teams, but forcing men's sports to operate on the same budget as women's sports is ludicrous.

Why has utopian literature remained popular essay

More has done this extremely well, establishing the genre at the beginning of the 16th century, in his novella Utopia. By using Rafael as the narrator he successfully presents his alternative of a communistic style state where everyone is equal, whilst keeping him safe; also convincing them that it was a non-fiction text and as β†’

Evaluate feminist views on the role and functions of religion in society today.

In Catholicism Women are seen as " unclean" and " impure" and so should not be given roles of power within the church, this shows women's inferiority as they cannot have the same roles as men, showing that religion justifies patriarchy by maintaining male dominance and backs up the feminists point that it keeps women β†’

The struggles faced by women in achieving gender equality

Through an enumeration of ten demands of the feminists, " No More Miss America" denounces the practice of objectifying women as well as the act of conforming to one particular beauty standard, hence reflecting the ultimate goal of attaining de facto gender equality. Nonetheless, due to the long history of gender formation that existed in β†’

The feminist movement with the abolitionist movement essay sample

The reform movements occured because of the need to give more power to the people in the United States. Reforms like the feminist movement, the temperance movement, and the abolitionists helped to give the people in the states more of a say. The statement that the reform movements in the United States sought to expand β†’

Feminism and environmental justice argumentative essay

Maybe in the virtual life, equality can be achieved but not in the physical life. A tool that is used to make rules and regulations and to determine the course of life is power (Lukes 1974 and 2005, and Connolly 1983). Without distorting the meaning of power to suit the different β†’

Cracks in the mold

According to Sara Evans in the selection " Cracks in the Mold, " women in the 1950s recognized they were somewhat limited to performing the dutiful tasks of motherhood, but many were outright no longer finding fulfillment in such rolls. The young women of this generation were more prominent in the female revolution according to β†’

Some why i find this choice to

In this paper, I will delve deeper regarding the role the teacher, the learner and the environment play in the liberal progressive model and why I find this choice to be best in educating the American population. Progressive education counters conformity and standardization in its approach to educating today's youth. Moreover, the teacher provides the β†’

Example of argumentative character analysis of josie argumentative essay

Josie is determined to explore the city with a French tutor, learning about love, language, together with loss as her life intersect in surprising ways with the life of others. To Josie, loss is much a part of her experience of what was going on both figurative and literal. In the story, the author has β†’

Esl teaching methodologies

Another important strategy adopted by ESL teachers is language elicitation. Rather than introducing a word by saying: " this is a word and that is what it means" or teaching a grammar point by simply telling the students its rules and form, TESOL teachers often use an essential technique called elicitation, through which β†’

Free essay on my childhood dream is to be a teacher

I am trying to fulfill my father's wish, I am learning and acquiring the knowledge I need to be a skilled professional in the area. Mine is teaching. I know I will have to face opposition and logic arguments against my dream like: teaching means a lot of work and no pay; a lot of β†’

Very good paper essay

Home schooling seems to be the best way to speed up the learning Doyle 2 process because of the lack of other students.Ms. Bun told of how one of her daughters was able to complete the entire kindergarten curriculum before Christmas, and this was in just two ours of " school" a day. The education β†’

Teaching methodologies in foreign regions essay sample

Use of the gain score assists in controlling for many of the student and school variables that may influence achievement, as well as in indicating the growth the student has made between the two test administrations. Thus, this approach makes it possible to separate the impact of a teacher in a given grade on β†’

Smart board interactive whiteboard in the classrooms essays examples

Introduction There has been an increased awareness for the need to understand the link between the use of technology and pedagogy with the integration of interactive learning in the classroom. In the process, there is a need to manage the change that comes with the implementation of this technology.

Filipino psychology essay

The History of Philippine Psychology The psychology of, about, and for the Filipinos was born out of the need to establish a discipline which is responsive to the needs of the Filipino people.[pic] Generally, to some extent, it had been considered a given until a few years ago that when one talked about psychology, β†’

The concept of transformative learning and my teaching experience

Some elements of transformative learning theory I have encountered in my teaching in the past without truly being aware of it, but the application of it's principles to my future practice will be invaluable. In this assignment I would like to focus on how transformative learning has and will shape my approach to group learning β†’

Ap european history renaissance education dbq exercise essay

Renaissance education was One apparent purpose of a Renaissance education was to praise the value of useful education, through the teaching of the classics, mainly Greek literature that was written by Greek philosophers, mathematicians and other important figures. Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, stated on his book, On the Education of Free Men, 1450, that the study β†’

For voices. this forms the foundation of the

Therevised curricula in SESE allows a timely opportunity to introduce this new wayof teaching, learning and assessment methodologies to enhance STEM education(STEM Education Review Group, 2016). This approach is flexible in that itallows the teacher to design different learning environments along an inquirycontinuum that best fits the context of the learning situation. While there are β†’

Future career choice: a pastry chef, dental assistant or a business owner?

Narrowing down careers from a pastry chef, dental assistant, and a business owner can change someone's whole future. A Pastry Chef has many benefits and losses to it but overall is a great job to have. So it would have to be about which one is the most enjoyable and what someone could live with β†’