4 Pages Essay Samples

Where are you smooth talking?

This concept of endings is greatly exemplified through the comparison of the short story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates and the film the story was based on called Smooth Talk. The short story Where Are You Going Where Have You Been like all short stories is short The →

The pedestrian essay sample

For example, this quote refers to images relating to graveyards: " It was not unequal to walking through a graveyard where only the faintest glimmers of fire light appeared in flickers behind the windows". The quote mentioned above makes use of an extended metaphor, as it lists a number of metaphors used to describe →

Unredeemed captive

Demos continues on with the novel in a narrative form allowing the reader to follow the story of Eunice, a daughter of Reverend John Williams, and the hardships she faces. I think Demos is trying to emphasize the importance of religion to the Puritans to the readers of the novel.

Alexandra diaz

This makes the reader question the truth in regards to who in the novel is telling the truth and also is the narrator himself reporting the truth. In the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the names and relations of the narrator's family are the same as that of M rquez's family.

Story of an hour thes

Symbolism in " The Story of an Hour" In " The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin, the writer uses several meaningful symbols in order to relay a feeling of joy, surprise, desire, and sympathy.Mrs. Mallard's face and that is because the author wants to show the beauty and innocence of Mrs.

The landlady essay sample

Throughout the rest of the story, Roald Dahl uses effective techniques to illustrate that the landlady is up to something and that something sinister is going to happen to Billy. We are introduced to the character of Billy Weaver and quickly see a young seventeen young man with inexperience in the world. Roald Dahl →

Themes in postmodernism

Firstly, the setting of the story, " Was it A Dream? " is nerve-racking. Fourthly, the setting of the short story " Kath and Mouse" is mainly in a school.

Free responses essay sample

1 I, Bartleby One of the most compelling elements of this paper is the sheer level of detail and writing style placed in the work itself the work reads very well as a first-person short story, which is a good indicator of the strength of the work as a work of fiction itself. →

Prophecy of the sisters

The setting and world of the book seemed very realistic and interesting to me, the way the author incorporated literary themes into the unrealistic areas of the book made it hard to put down! I feel that because the book started in a " normal" or realistic setting and led up to the untangling of →

Alice’s adventures in wonderland essay sample

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a novel that appeals to both children and adults. Thirdly, the novel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone appeals more to children due to the adventure and magic. Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone appeals more to children because of Harry's adventures and the fantasy world that it takes place →

”landlady” by roald dahl and ”chemistry” by graham swift essay sample

The metaphor and the word choice author uses in this line give readers more detailed and concrete ideas about what the relationship is like between the characters. " The voyages were trouble-free".tells the readers that the incident was a sudden shock, and it's where characters' relationship change, especially between mother and grandfather. This writing style →

The red ball by ismith khan essay sample

The way in which Bolan plays with the hibiscus flower also shows the reader of how deprived he is of things to play with. He does not even own something as simple as a ball. The fact that Bolan is exited by this attempt of a cricket set makes the reader really sense the →

A gap of sky: analysis and interpretation

The wrong dark refers not only to, that it is probably dark in her room because her curtains are closed and it is daylight outside, but to her state of mind and that Ellie is aware of that there is something wrong in her life. The city is used as a reflection of Ellie and →

How i met my husband essay sample

Though it is never made explicit in the text it is made clear (through phrases of dialogue such as, " It's just to let the air in", and, " But I do not want anybody but you", among numerous context clues) that the girl is pregnant and the procedure in question is an abortion. →

Kokuhaku film review essay sample

Blood: a very important element in the film, it was quite gore-y if you ask me but it just raised the bar of the film, it had the guts to show murder scenes that were *almost* true to life. I can say that it was not a lackluster film due to its very high capacity →

Example of research paper on biographical method

The question of possibilities for the scientific study of personality in its entirety, as a carrier of the inner world, the subject of social life, individuality is still topical. Allport did a lot for the development of scientific methods and personology, including biographical, which is in close proximity to the art and is used in →

The character comparison of will poole and william moraley

For instance, in the book The Infortunate by William Moraley, William lived a wealthy life until his father died and left all his fortune to his mother. There were issues with the mid Atlantic colonies being ran by the royal and governors. Many in this time were granted freedom and religion privileges as in the →

Mo farah’s biography

With a style that is best described as unique and different from what other competitors do, he has soared like an eagle and has won a lot of medals as an athlete. Mo Farah is an athlete best known for running in the 5, 000 and 10, 000-meter race even though he has also been →

Biography of stephen david – an american producer and writer

He started this in the mid-1980s, after graduating from the prestigious University of Sheffield. Stephen was a member of a theater group made up of the young people in Taunton. Certainly, he is a force to reckon with in the drama, theater and dance industry.

The health history of d. d

He views health as not showing signs or symptoms of diseases as stated, " I think I am doing a pretty good job at keeping myself healthy because I do not have any health issues, I take my daily supplements, I changed my diet and I feel good on the inside and the outside".D.D.also noted →

Tony shalhoub wife, children, family, siblings, religion, net worth

He later went on to earn a master's degree from the Yale School of Drama. Tony's first appearance on the TV was in 1986 as a terrorist in one episode of the crime drama series The Equalizer. He also won the award for The Band's Visit, a musical about an Egyptian police band stranded in →

Cardi b ethnicity, wiki, age, teeth, height, sister, boyfriend, parents

From her teenage hustle as a cashier to becoming a Manhattan exotic dancer and then starring on a reality TV show, Cardi B has risen to stake her claim as one of the most prominent female artists in the industry. The rapper first worked as a cashier but after being fired from the job, she →

Joe flacco – an american football quarterback for the baltimore ravens in nfl

He has had a fast-paced and successful career and is a fan favorite for fans of the game and the Baltimore Ravens in particular. Since his rookie season, Joe Flacco has remained the starting quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens and was the first rookie quarterback in the entire history of the league to win two →

Autobiography of malcolm x by alex haley critical thinking example

The autobiography was co-authored by Alex Haley basing on a series of selective and in-depth interviews he did in 1963 and the assassination of Malcolm X, in 1965. The autobiography, which outlines Malcolm Xs philosophy of Black Nationalism, black pride, and pan-Africanism, is a spiritual conversation narrative. Haley later authorised →

Edgar allan poe and his influence on other american authors

The family was also very poor so Poe thought that he could make money off of his writings, and eventually, he did. Poe started his career as being writing because he knew he needed to make money and he was a great author.

Narrative of the life of frederick douglass essay

The book is a formative of some of the experiences that he faced in his lifetime during his demonstration for the cruelty of the slavery as well as his capability to withstand and come out of such conditions victoriously. The " Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" became the →

Justin bieber

He released several albums, from " My World" to " Believe". Each of his albums hit the top, and his fans grew; most of his fans turned into fans for a lifetime. He was signed and made a lot of indeed, very lovable music.

Paul allen’s biography

Aside from Microsoft, Allen has other business interest areas which include technology, real estate, Media and Sports. Aside from co-founding Microsoft alongside his close friend Bill Gate, Allen also founded Vulcan Capital Inc and the owner of NFL's Seattle Seahawks, NBA's Portland Trail Blazers and part-owner of Seattle Sounders FC, which in 2009 became a →

The biography of teala dunn, a television comedy actress & a youtuber

She is very popular for her role as Juanita on the Nickelodeon Television show, " The Naked Brothers Band" as well as the role of, Kelsey on " The Thundermans". She also got the " Wonder Pets Tuck" voice role in 2006 and played the role for 40 episodes then in 2007 she lent her →

The great astronomer: nicolaus copernicus

The renaissance was a time period that changed the future with the innovations of the time, heavily changed by Copernicus. Nicolaus Copernicus was born in February 1473, as Mikolaj Kopernik in Poland. Under his uncle's advice, he studied to earn his Doctor of Law in order to better perform his duties as a canon, a →

Tyrod taylor’s biography and career achievements

He led his team to a 34-4 record for the 4 years he played with the team prior to his graduation in 2007. In his junior year , Tyrod Taylor was ahead of his peers with his abilities on the field, he had 13 touchdowns with 2, 311 passing yards and 5 interceptions championing →

Sir james connolly

He joined the Scottish Socialist Federation and the Independent Labour Party and was blacklisted by the employers of Edinburgh and so was foced to move to Dubln. He soon became noted world wide and was invited to American to lecture on socialist topics. He returned to Belfast in 1911 after almost ten years in America →

Patrick simondac (patrick starrr) biography, family life and other facts

With a Youtube channel that has over a million followers, Starr has earned for himself a huge fame and wealth in such a way that we could not but include him in the list of young online business moguls of our time. In his " Get to Know Me" Starr said while growing up, he →

Lebron james: the story of success

This is when their idea played out more significantly and made more sense to others, which is another reason why this book about LeBron James will inspire to know where your passion lies and what you should do to make it not just a dream but also how to actualize them. There is nothing compared →

Chores vs. allowance

Having to do chores for no reward does not motivate the child to the work they have to do. If the child was paid a few bucks a week, the child would be more motivated to take on theresponsibilityof doing chores that he/she will get paid a couple of bucks for. This says →

maslow’s hierarchy of needs essay sample

From the bottom up, the levels in the hierarchy are Physiological needs, Safety needs, Social needs, Esteem needs, and Self-actualization. Expanded Maslow's Hierarchy, developed in the sixties and seventies, includes Cognitive and Aesthetic needs after Esteem needs and before Self-actualization, and Transcendence needs after Self-actualization needs. Physiological or physical needs encompass the needs for →

Treatment plan essay sample

The goals are to prevent the trauma caused by hallucinations and migraine that happen very often, to restrain the phobia about riding in a car and other means of transportation, to become more social, and be able to carry on with his life and his family. Comments It would be beneficial for Larry to →

The betari box-linking attitude and behavior essay sample

The longer you sit in traffic, the more frustrated you become and by the time you get to the office, you are in a negative mood. You also apologize to your colleague, and you offer to work with her on the report to improve it.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation essay sample

The purpose of the research was to analyze and evaluate academic performance of students during their second year of university, and examine dependence between motivational orientations, stress and adjustment. The academic motivation scale, based on a 28-item measure of motivation, was used as the main method of the research which helped to determine three types →

Sources of motivation paper

An external factor to becoming motivated to cook one's own freshly baked bread is having the goal to learn how to bake the bread and then market it in a way to bring in extra income. In addition to biological, psychological and environmental variables to motivation, it is also said that motivation can be intrinsic →

Answers to discussion questions

Using the Job Characteristics Model, analyze and discuss the work design implications of The Coca-Cola Company's approach to creating jobs for improved performance. In the ' job characteristics model' originally proposed by Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham , it is assumed that certain job characteristics lead to specific psychological states that, →

Motivation – process theories

Expectancy theory [also called VIE Theory] is associated with Vroom, Porter and Lawler and it suggests that effort is linked to the desire for a particular outcome, and moderated by an evaluation of the likelihood of success. The goal-setting theory posits that goals are the most important factors affecting the motivation and →

Frederick herzberg came up with his finding

After analyzing the gathered data, he came up with the six top factors in the workenvironmentthat cause dissatisfaction, or the hygiene factors, and the top six factors that cause satisfaction, or the motivation factors. When the following factors are absent, there is dissatisfaction: Company policy, Supervision, →

Hiring an intern: 6 things to know before saying ‘you’re hired!’

Her father took a job out of town and was left with a tough decision: Do I end things now and miss out on two potentially good months of a relationship, or give it a shot? As I learned through hiring my first intern this summer, internships are a lot like soon-to-end high school relationships: →

The paths of life essay sample

Often times I ponder on my past and think of events that I could have change and why I would have changed them. Then I remember, had I changed the past and chose different paths of life, I would not have the life that I live right now. Without the twists and turns in →

Motivation letter and study plan essay sample

Discuss the three components of an attitude. The three components of an attitude are cognitive, affective, and behavioral.a) The cognitive component is the opinion or belief segment of an attitude.b) The affective component is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.c) The behavioral component of an attitude refers to an intention to behave in →

Journeys involve new experiences and personal growth

A film called burlesque also shows Ali's growth as a performer as she learns and practices at the club which reflects on her growth. The life of Pi trailer depicts a journey that is unexpected with new experiences and shows the personas grow in wisdom and knowledge. We also see how this →


Motivation in this field of study is also further categorized into two types, the Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation. Intrinsic Motivation In understanding human motivation it appears helpful to consider the nature of the driving forces which have a huge deal to do with the aforementioned concept. Extrinsic →

A thief of time is procrastination edward young

After recognizing the self-defeating behavior I had to come up with an intervention, I hope that I would have learned that by procrastinating, I am only limiting myself and that I am engaging in what is known as the self-handicapping strategy. Therefore, I decided to sign a contract and remind myself that this is significant →

Difference between the canadian and the american movements

With Canada, the road to independence began with Britain's grant of a responsible government and finally legislature to its colonies from the period of 1847 to 1848. The crowning of the Confederation in 1867 had the intention and purpose of giving Britain's dominions the complete control of their governance and internal affairs. →

Lobbying power in america: short description

The term lobbying arose from the practice, by those seeking favours from the government or seeking to influence the passage of legislation, of congregating in the lobby of British house of commons to make their case to members of parliament. In addition to people among firms and interest teams who have developed experience in lobbying →

Law assignment – national security versus personal privacy

I personally agree with The Minister of National Revenue and believe that Section 107 further protects Canadian citizens and is in the best interest for society. Radwanski referred Section 107 to " Big Brother" which in my opinion is a complete exaggeration as this section only has to do with Canadian customs and not entirely →

Brian mulroney

Despite the many political criticisms, Brian Mulroney served as the longest conservative prime minister in Canada, he attained a struggle through his pre-political life, which lead him to cleaning up his act and leading the conservative party to the greatest majority in Canadian history, he goes on to serve the legacy of one of the →

Free essay on the adverse effects of nationalized health insurance in britain and canada

This results in loss of health decisions. Decline in the quality of health care It brings an apparent free health care to the masses. Because of nurses and doctors shortage, hospitals are forced to farm out patients or put off certain health care services for some period. The shortage of up-to-date medical equipment and →

Analysis of economic performance of canada economics essay

It is one of the wealthiest states and it 's a member of administration of economic cooperation and development and G-8. Canada has experienced a high economic growing, even when a planetary economic crisis was impacting most economic systems of universe The purposes and aims of this study are to measure →

9/11 the after effect on canada

Moreover, the effects of 9/11 had indirectly influenced Canada, beneficially and detrimentally. Canada as a nation had learned from this tragic experience as well as mourned the losses of its neighboring nation. Overall, the social atmosphere within Canada had been detrimentally affected by the event of 9/11. Secondly, Canada's →

Evangelicals and poltics

Canada and Australia are, in some ways, a mix of the European and the American model but with a growing prevalence of evangelicals in politics. The connection between evangelicalism and politics in the West has largely been overlooked with the exception of the United States of America.

Free report on survey of cultural diversity

The Mexican male and both Canadian males strongly agreed to this question. I considered the responses of the Mexican female and one Korean to agree to this idea.

Youth gangs in canada essay sample

For all the reasons an adolescent would join a youth gang, police and the Government have come up with programs to prevent youth from joining and to get them to leave the gangs. This means that solutions to the problem must also be multi-faceted and involve a combination of prevention, intervention, and suppression programs".. →

Research essay

Additionally, the study of past texts, such as The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams and Coonardoo by Katherine Suzanne Prichard, allows me to comprehend the meaning behind the symbol of alcohol in The Dreamers and how it is a representation of escapism for people in degrading ways of society. In the beginning →

Colonial unity dbq

The American was a mixture of many cultures and could identify with living in America and being a part of large web of different backgrounds. The cultural assimilation that occurred in the colonies of the New World gave the people a great sense of identity and the unity as all being Americans.

Good example of case study on us cool

The consultation was about the amendments of the Tobacco Program in the U.S. Reasonable period for adoption of the panel and appellate body reports was 10 months.

Example of report on world in a balance

People in Kenya are poor for the reason that the lack of resources and the people in this area are trying to work at any job, which are available for them. For instance: the women in Kenya are selling their bodies, in order to live and to meet their basic requirements in life which led →

Equalization payments term paper examples

Equalization has helped in reducing the gap between the reach and the poor provinces. The risk which arises here is that the equalization might not go to the right province because of lack of transparency in the federal government. It discusses the issue of equalization at length and thus offers a solution to the problem.

Newfoundland stereotypes essay sample

This paper will discuss the Newfoundland stereotypes, how Newfoundlanders feel about these stereotypes and also how Newfoundlanders feel about being depicted the way they were in the novel The Shipping News. Newfoundland stereotypes are plentiful. Newfoundlanders are also upset with the fact that people believe these jokes about Newfoundlanders, that they are stupid and →

Essay on mental illness and criminal justice

This evident increase in such offenders is mounting pressure on the government and correctional systems to improve on their provision of medical care for the individuals. According to James and Glaze , a survey in 2004 shed light on the symptoms of depression, mania and psychotic disorders displayed by mentally ill inmates. This is →

Depression treatments

The article shows that depression needs to be treated aggressively with quality treatment and the importance of preventing future cases." Medication Rationality in treating depression" covers depression treatment methods used by Lithuanian doctors. Costs of treating depression patients have been burdensome since many of them have relapsed, as mentioned before. The study →

Mental health programs for women in prison essay

The needs of the clients highly influenced the design of a mental health program for women in prison. The Mental Health Step Down Program or MHSDP and the Resolve Program or RP are programs that focused on the mental health issues of women in prison. In addition, the program seeks to improve the level of →

Harmful influence of depression on our health

Depression can result in various physical and emotional problems and may end up reducing your performance at your place of work and you can take help of remedies like best cbd oil for anxiety and depression. The depression is experienced by people of all ages. The above symptoms will also cause you distress and end →

Covering health services costs: increases of costs for hospital treatments and by using new technologies

Peter Jennings interviewed numerous individuals from different sectors to compile a comprehensive report. The report noted that biggest loss of the health care coverage dollar investments originated from more continuous technological improvements that have a continual growing high cost per procedure, which are introduced into the medicine each year. The documentary also indicated that Hospitals →

The art of living with depression

It too involves an organ , receptors and hormones. Even an educated person lie about having session with a psychiatrist, just because of the shame it will bring on their family. These are some of the factors that hinder the person from seeking help and thus falling deeper and deeper into the clutches of →

Homelessness and health care

People who have some kind of chronic and weakening disease but cannot get healthcare either because they do not have money to afford it or because the government will not give it to them are simply too weak to go and work every day.' Abuse by government or by other people with power.' War or →

Studying of environmental health health and social care essay

An MS grade in Environmental Health in the field of Environmental Epidemiology will supply me a alone chance to analyze the incidence of disease and diminish the impact of environmental wellness related jobs from our community. During my internship in Gynaecology Department, I had made another field visit at Ramu Upazilla Health Complex, Cox 's →

Research on the ngi direct simple shear test

Investigates locus unit dispensed to decide the varieties with correction rectification among the instance and assembly of bundle.assemblage of parcel.for the duration of this content the characteristics acceptance the characteristic of soil unit assessed puzzling over the changes amongst the meeting fabrication of pack and adjustments in instance live and sort.results offered steal by abuse →

Co-occurring disorders: substance abuse and serious mental illnesses essay sample

According to surveys and research papers from the 1980s and 1990s, substance abuse treatment programs reported between 50 and 75 percent co-occurring mental disorders among their clients while mental healthcare providers reported the prevalence of co-occurring substance abuse disorders among their patients between 20 and 50 percent. The high prevalence of co-occurring disorders is not →

A project to bring cognitive dissonance to a conceptual unity

Cognitive Dissonance Theory Research Project Though theory is a word that sounds complex and scares people away, when it comes to communication theory, it is simply a way to categorize the different aspects of communication that all of us experience whether we realize it or not on a daily basis. Knowing the different →

Life skills in substance abuse and mental health treatment

Life Skills in Substance Abuse and MentalHealthTreatment School of Advanced Studies, University of Phoenix Wesley Tyler Meredith Ward Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Recidivism relates to a person repeating an undesirable behavior after they have either experienced negative consequences of that behavior, or have been treated or trained to extinguish that behavior. Progress →

My math difficulties began with pre-algebra and fractions

And worse, it went on until the end of the semester. My young freshman mind found it tough to adapt to such a demanding subject. It recommends that the primary pace is to identify that math anxiety is an emotional response.

Example of essay on a beautiful mind

After this incident, he is forcefully sedated and sent to the psychiatrist because he believes it is operated by the Soviets. Instead, he manages to do this while in the company of his course mates.

Free article review about critical discussion and synthesis

Summary and Synthesis of the Article, " A Model of Scrolling of Touch Sensitive Displays" Summary and Synthesis of the Article, " A Model of Scrolling of Touch Sensitive Displays" Summary The article, " A Model of Scrolling of Touch Sensitive Displays" essentially discusses the significance of conducting research on users' behaviors →

Example of essay on analyzing and advertisement: coca-cola

For this assignment Coca Cola- America the Beautiful advertisement on television, Share a coke this summer advertisement in print media and ' make someone happy' Coca Cola advertisement broadcasted on radio this month are taken for the analysis. Words ' America is beautiful' is repeated five times in the coca →

Example of gll205ch essay

It is from said lines where one could identify the origin of the title of the poem, which points both to the April morning of the setting and the April morning in the memory of Matthew. While sadness may be difficult to overcome in both poems, one could see that the speaker, with his relatively →

Groundhog day essay

At the start of the film, Bill Murray's character, Phil Connors, is presented as being egocentric and full of his own self-importance but by the end of the film, he has been humbled by the unusual events and finds that it becomes increasingly important to him to win the love of Rita, played by Andie →

The prevalent theories on the fortunate times of happiness in our lives

If she took a step back and saw how fortunate she was to be in Hawaii, she might have been happier. A prevalent theory that pertains to happiness would be the idea that a partner is needed in the equation of happiness. Philosophers such as Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas believe that it is only at →

Example of propaganda in united arab emirates advertising essay

As a result, the advertisements often present an idealized picture of life in the UAE and never depict any images that hint at the dissent and political strife in the country. The most popular city in the UAE is Dubai and advertising for Dubai presents an interesting example of the control of UAE media. Accessed →

Nicomachean ethics – the humanly successful life essays example

The contemplative life occurs as so sublime as to relate it to nearly divine and is the human activity best fulfilling the required qualifications of the highest good of human behavior because contemplation is continuous and the most self-sufficient and complete of human actions. It remains a metaphysical contemplative activity for humans in attaining happiness →

Finding and heeding your calling paper literature reviews examples

I, therefore, wish to " give my gifts" to the world because it is my desire and passion for teaching, educate, entertain and help other people to realize their gifts. Every person has passions that would like to pursue in the future as their careers. With determination, conformity, and self-direction among other values, I believe →

Their eyes were watching god research paper examples

Tea Cake had given her the true love that she was searching and longed for. All that mattered to her was self fulfillment and love and Janie found it in the many she ever loved Tea Cake. Works Cited Hurston, Zora, Neale.

Essay on positive psychology

The potential of each and everyone in the community is realized when they come out to perform to the best of their ability. That makes it a bit technical to understand the real meaning of such aspects. In conclusion, positive psychology has got beneficial factors to individuals and to the community.

Why you are failing to reach your potential

They will approach a problem in the same manner and in spite of knowing that they failed last time, will expect a positive outcome. But a Cancerian fails to see how beautiful they are in their own way. Sagittarius: The December borns are very compromising in nature, and they end up pretending that are happy →

The types and meanings of happiness

Some spend their whole life searching for happiness and others simply find it. " Happiness is a strong meaningful word that contains between it letters a lot of human's way of life, disappointments and rejoicing. " Webster ' →

Good example of literature review on the story of an hour

Mallard was happy that her husband had died. It is true that the personality of a woman and her opinion of her deceased husband may determine who she reacts to his death. Mallard's mind was the realization that she was now independent and free of her husband.

Good essay about moral psychology and acts of kindness

Thus, one of the goals of moral psychology is to address philosophic questions using the scientific methods. Since the 1970s, moral psychology has been a growing field of scientific research and inquiry. Many researchers in the field contend that the basic tenets of moral psychology are derived from an intuitive sense of right and wrong.

Example of meaning of life research paper

There are many different ideas and philosophies of life that we know from ancient philosophers, and it is always interesting to consider them in today's modern circumstances, as I believe. Personally I have already thought about the reasons why I live my life the way I do and what is the purpose of my living, →

Is money more important than your life?

It is the money that the little son asked his mother to give him the other day. It is hard to live in peace if people consider money as the target of their lives.

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences

Theory of Multiple Intelligence Theory of multiple Intelligence Intelligence can be defined as the combined or comprehensive capability of an individual to act purposefully, rationally and to manage effectively within the environment. Gardener's theory of multiple intelligence still needs a lot of research and evidence in order to fully support it.