4 Pages Essay Samples

Describe the emergence of transitional political islam

The Emergence of Transitional Political Islam The Emergence of Transitional Political Islam Introduction The emergence of transitional political Islam arouse after the fall of dictatorships that occurred in the Middle East and North Africa in which the Arab spring protested in 2011, paving way for the Islamist party to enjoy the government. The paper reviews β†’

Throw away all fears except the fear of god

I actually hated myself for this, but I just could not help myself being what I am, a silly fool perhaps to others, but for me, I am just doing my best to live up to God's expectations. In a span of twenty years, I helped my sister pay her debts, I rescued my brother, β†’

The death penalty in america

In this book, Adam Hugo presents a candid discussion on the controversies surrounding the death penalty in the USA. Print. Here, the authors present an argument about the issue of the death penalty in the country.

Demography transition theory and its implications

Due to the economic conditions and fewer health facilities there is major drop in the population rate. Russian President Vladimir Putin has implemented certain policies in the form of incentives for the couples who have a second child. The family planning methods are widely used and it makes the process of fertility denial much easy. β†’

The security of personal information

For example in the US, the government is seeking to limit or at least monitor the propagation or access of pornography on the Internet. The difficulty with censorship on the internet is that there is no way of knowing who is accessing the data.

Harold shipman – the doctor who turned a serial killer who, by injection of heroin, took the life of 215 patients who trusted him

In this essay, I will discuss the crimes he committed and the evidence that was used by the prosecution that led to his conviction. Doctor Shipman began his budding career as a medical doctor at the age of 25. When the investigations commenced, it was discovered that upon the death of a patient, he would β†’

The impossibility of the american dream

Among these novels are John Steinbeck's _Of Mice and Men_ and the same author's _The Grapes of Wrath._ In the first, two men with the names Lennie and George roam California in the 1930's, hunting for ranches to work on. However, Lennie is mentally ill and always provokes trouble, driving the two β†’

The lottery by shirley jackson and the destructors by graham greene

We see this when the story tells as, " The gang used to meet every morning in an impromptu car park, the site of the last bomb of the first blitz. " In both stories, there setting influences the characters. In the Lottery, the practice has been there for around seventy-seven-years we β†’

The bildungsroman form in the great gatsby

In the opening of the novel, Tom is described as being a " freelance," shameless man: " His acquaintances resented the fact that he turned up in popular restaurants with her and, leaving her at a table, sauntered about, chatting with whomsoever he knew". Throughout the novel, Gatsby is so engulfed in his fantasy that β†’

To kill a mockingbird critique

She is a rugged and reckless lady, who is the child of a prominent lawyer, Atticus, and her departed mother. This story follows the life of Scout and her trouble, Jem, as they witness and fight the bias and hatred in their neighborhood, causing a maturing experience for both Scout and her bro. In the β†’

Reaction paper sample

Reaction Paper #4: The Prince and the Pauper Monica Sharma I read The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain and enjoyed reading about a wealthy prince name Edward Tudor and a pauper name Tom Canty trading lives with each other and experiencing how it is like to live a life that is totally β†’

The giver’s ending

When Jonas opens the door he sees that the fire place is lit which is weird since no one else would leave the community, but as Jonas turns he sees the grand piano and the person that's playing is Rosemary The Giver's daughter and The Receiver that had failed 10 years ago. Jonas looked shocked β†’

The crucible fear essay

I do believe that Abigail and the girls initiated the tragedy, what with all their talk about spirits and the conjurance with the devil during the opening act. Many different emotions and even specific characters are brought into the play and each one holds part of the blame therefore bringing down the entire of the β†’

Women and the american dream

Ultimately, Daisy chooses a stable future with Tom over Gatsby's potential for love and wealth- her connection to Gatsby allows Daisy to avoid persecution and continue the stereotypical American dream with Tom. Although Daisy's status as an East Egger gives her more agency, Daisy's pursuance of her true American dream is hampered by her society's β†’

Is nick carraway a reliable narrator? essay sample

In the beginning of the book, The Great Gatsby, Nick could be described as the main character but as the book goes on Nick is having more of a secondary role, instead of the primary role which he was supposed to be. Nick is not always rational and objective: in chapter 3 of β†’

Report on typology in american writing

Typology, in a biblical sense is what you are looking at as different signs and different interpretations of symbols and readings in the Bible. Another example of antitype and type in Jonathan Edwards's writings is in his Doctrine when he explains that it's not the light that shows you are sinful, and it's not a β†’

Edgar allan poe: the master of horror writing

The scandal he would be involved in would definitely he drug related due to his wife dying at a young age of tuberculosis, and him struggling economically this is a recipe is disaster he would definitely try to find an escape from problems. William Shakespeare would be one of the people would that he would β†’

Argumentative essay on rhetorical analysis: to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

This study seeks to elaborate on the metaphorical analysis of the mockingbird in To Kill a Mockingbird, as it relates to the socially relevant themes on race, class and gender that have affected various people alluded by the characters described by Harper Lee in the novel (HarperLee.com; Johnson 15-21, 83-91). Analysis of the Mockingbird in β†’

Male dominance in marriage

The main female characters in Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour and Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper similarly provide the concept of male dominance in a traditional marriage. Albeit not directly stated in any of the two stories, the very situations of the wives in the hands of their β†’

The sins of mayella ewell

In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee uses the characterization of Mayella Ewell's guilt, loneliness, and fear as a source of motivation to accuse an innocent man of rape; this shows the reader that good and evil exist together. First, it is reasonable to conclude that Mayella's guilt about kissing a β†’

Twisted but innocent

The importance and impact of this quote can be seen through personal interpretation, revelation of Nick's dual-natured character in the novel, and validity of its message in today's society, through the baby boomer generation and increased dependency on technology. This quote discusses the extreme parallels of life. An over-abundance of both are present in the β†’

Courage and bravery in lord of the flies

Its presence is observed by the narrator Scout from the characterisations of the central character Atticus, his influence on his children's upbringing and other the members of the community that displays such qualities e.g. On another occasion in the face of danger when a mad dog is running down the street, Atticus shoots it perfectly β†’

The southern lifestyle essay

I believe the southern lifestyle to be more of an attitude than an accent, an attitude that is deeply rooted into their culture, their way of life, beliefs and even the general communal moral code. The word southern is many times defined by a demographic classification, where it is majorly β†’

Good example of the influences of human thoughts essay

He points out that grade three thinkers are those that adapt to a certain mode of thinking as solidarity of the society, but not that they believe in it. They argue that the thinking of man is based upon a factor that instigates their minds to think in a certain way.

Answers essay sample

The court situation shows the conflict at hand in regards to the culture wars in the United States at that time. On the other hand, Bryan speaks for the rural society, where they are dominated by religious beliefs, traditional values and ideals, and mostly the older generation of the time.

Example of essay on multiculturalism

The cause for this alteration in the view of multiculturalism is composited, plus at the spirit of what I desire to converse regarding. The Retreat of Multiculturalism in the Liberal State: Theory and Policy.

Essay on the faith that makes up my life

This is the reason why I learned to never lose hope; because of God, I have hope in this life. I redeem the time by doing what is right in fear of God and his judgement.

Term paper on supreme court case: mapp v. ohio

It, therefore, calls for an analysis of the application of two essential principles to the search warrant, that is, the Exclusionary rule and the Fruits of Poisonous Tree Doctrine. In that doctrine evidence that is obtained in the search and currency of searching for evidence in an illegal or prohibited manner will not be admissible β†’

Realtionship nora and torvald – a dolls house

The relationship is very representative of the time period in which it is set, Helmer, the husband is the head of the household and is the most important in the family status he controls the family's lifestyle according to his own views. In order to convey Torvald's authority in the relationship, Ibsen uses first person β†’

Good death penalty in america essay example

This extra form of retribution should not be continued in the United States because it steals the basic human dignity of life, encourages a punitive attitude in the issue of sentencing, and alienates the United States from a majority of the world. One of the death penalty's largest infringements on β†’

Role congruity theory of prejudice toward female leaders essay samples

This is also in concurrence with the role congruity theory of prejudice Describe one experiment from the Diekman & Hirnsley, 2007 - " The Effect of Context on the Silver Ceiling: A Role Congruity Perspective on Prejudiced Responses" Goal Diekman nad Hirnsley carried out research to establish a framework within which β†’

Stand your ground law report sample

The court held that such a right to self-defense was a plausible basis for defense against criminal charges such as assault or homicide. The doctrines of Stand Your Ground have also been likened to the Castle Doctrines as applied in several states within the United States. These are just some of the states that have β†’

Good reflective cover memo for final for now essay example

By knowing the audience, the purpose and the deadline for that particular paper, I will be able to express myself to the targeted audience. Prior to deciding what topic I will write for the paper, I made sure that I chose the topic that I was closely familiar with.

Monopoly? 12391

I feel this example shows supply and demand in addition to monopolistic competition. This entire ordeal is over a free browser that Microsoft includes with windows for free and gives out on the internet for free just as Netscape and most other browser companies do. All they have to do is make a program and β†’

Unethical use of computers nowadays

He demurred, as any IT professional should as it was within the laws to say that the files are damaged but it's unethical to cheat and the professional decided to be ethical and he did not cheated. Legal firm bills two clients for same elapsed time. An IT professional was asked to make the time β†’

Chapter ii

Transistors mark the beginning of the " Second Generation" of computers in 1947. Microprocessors introduced the beginning of the " Fourth Generation" and a time where computers were in almost every house.The history of gadgets spans as far back as humanity itself - since hominids began creating tools to make their lives easier.

Report on arrangement of the exhibition

All the events were duly distributed & assigned to different groups of students comprising of the F.Y.& S.Y.D. Ed's class was cleaned and the tables were arranged in the class accordingly along with the walls of the class and 2 podiums were placed right in the middle of the class and one along the black β†’

Integrative essay on teacher competency essay sample

Teaching competency plays a vital role in achieving the purpose of education, which is to imparting knowledge of eternal and absolute truth. So what then are the characteristics of a competent teacher? This is very different from what we know as the traditional method of teaching, which focuses more on the teacher rather than β†’

Journal articles on classroom management

The key behind this concept is for the teacher to gain the trust of the students. This article relates to today's classroom because it discusses the importance of gaining the trust of students.

The emperor’s club

Hundert was excited about the progress he was seeing in Sedgewick and in his students that he felt bad when he saw Sedgewick did not do enough to participate in the Mr. Sedgewick cheats in the competition and Mr.

The obstacles faced in educating children from less fortunate families

They work in a hospital and " in Henry, they see hope for a success they were never able to achieve." Henry's parents want him to have better than what they do and they know that if he stays in school and goes to college that goal is possible. Laziness is one of the key β†’

Female education in upper egypt

The USAID indicates that 800, 000 girls are out of school between the ages of 6 and 15 and 600, 000 are out of school between the age of 6 and ten. He explained that although education in Upper Egypt is sometimes important for the families and their children, the reason is not because of β†’

Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector

A legislative requirement is a duty to act according to the law and a code of practice is a set of rules outlining how a person in a particular profession is expected to behave. When I identify the needs of a learner that need to be referred, I will have to give the learner information, β†’

Reyes, jeneth k.

Some are arguing that K to 12 is not the solution to improve the quality of education; while the others' concern is to lessen the burden of the parents and children particularly those who are living in poverty. And to minimize the complications, better stick to a single decision that will make the students productive β†’

Action research: teacher burnout essay sample

This way, a total understanding of the actions and perceptions of the teachers will be gathered. Action Research: Analysis and Resolution A narrative of the actions and practices of the teachers will be prepared for this project. Those actions that contribute to the occurrence of burnout will be noted and highlighted.

Global university

The article " Caring Teacher: The Key to Student Learning" that will be analyzed is about the characteristics of a caring teacher who can improve and facilitate students' learning. Teacher-students relationship is based on the human need of caring , so when students feel that their teacher respects them and cater to their interests and β†’

Qualities of a good teacher

They should be sensitive to the needs and feelings of students. They should speak the language of the students when needed and should relate to their level of mental and physical abilities.

Standardized testing vs. education through freedom

Instead of " educating through the practice of freedom" , standardized tests like the Regents in New York and the MCAS in Massachusetts, " educates [students] as the practice of domination" , limiting them to a strict, inanimate curriculum. Contrary to Freire's problem-posing philosophy of teaching, the idea of the MCAS seems to β†’

Why i became a teacher?

When I was unfulfilled, working in the profession of social work, I decided that I would need to help others for my job. Michelle Shearer said in her interview for teacher of the year, " what I love about teaching is at the end of every day I never have to wonder if what I β†’

Education in 1890

This act forced the states to open their school to blacks, or they were not going to get anymore funds for the school. As schools were opening and becoming more available to children, a law was passed saying that all children between the ages of 5 and 10 were required to attend school at the β†’


He had people who followed him and listened to what he said and this was enough to make him a teacher, whether what he was saying was original or not made no difference. What mattered was that he had a group of students who were willing to listen to what he said and put it β†’

Roles and responsibilities of teacher

The legislations are very important to safeguard the teacher, student and adult learners. For example theHealthand Safety at work act is about the safety of the student and teacher. The next stage is the delivery of the session. The teacher will ensure that the learners' are β†’

Literature review

Cox and Marshall carried out a review of ICT posing the question ' Effects of ICT; Do we know what we should know?' both authors of this paper have a prolific reputation in the area of ICT and education over the past decade and their paper addresses the importance of increasing β†’

Becoming a teacher narrative essay

Through the classroom experience i have gained through various weeks of work experience, i have seen my love for teaching grow and it has shown me that becoming a teacher is very much the correctcareerpath to embark on. I am a very enthusiastic and motivated individual who has a passion for teaching. I am currently β†’

The mind-body problem essay examples

Antony emphasizes that the areas affected or disabled by the System Argument are idle or unused, and this is another way to allow " the System Argument to generalize across all possible realizations". Part 2 A flaw of the System Argument is that it assumes that at t1, Sam realizes his pain. If t2 β†’

Book and china has extensively been covered and

So Chinaand Pakistan have shared antagonism with India , In the book " The China Pakistan axis Asia's NewGeopolitics " the growing deep friendship between Pakistan and China hasextensively been covered and the events / circumstances leading to it. It alsocovers the fact as to why China iswilling to go any length to support it β†’

Interclean-envirotech merger essay sample

The main purpose of merging with EnviroTech was to incorporate the best of both worlds and to maximize the strengths of both companies to become the leader in the industry. Rightsizing will take InterClean through a process of reorganizing or completely revamping the business overall, in order to accomplish the strategic business goal. There β†’

Focused low-cost strategy

However the old players of the different markets who already have achieved the economies of scale and have experience of production and selling of the similar products pose serious threats. The vertical and horizontal integration by different key industry players is one of the most important threats. The threat of copying the β†’

Coping strategies used by international students to deal with stress while studying literature review

In particular, students from Asian countries and the Indian subcontinent tend to struggle with social integration in Australia, although there is no evidence that the language barrier affects their studies in any real way (Yeh and Inose 2010; Lin and Yi 1997). Lin and Yi suggest that the first step to addressing the β†’

Red cliff movie review example

The war had been fought 8 years earlier between the numerically superior forces of Cao Cao, who was the Northern warlord and the southernly allied forces of Liu Bei and Sun Quan. The political struggle was between the warlords who ruled regions of the former Hans Empire. In spite β†’

Turnaround: how americas top cop reversed the crime epidemic essay

Turnaround: How Americas Top Cop Reversed the Crime EpidemicWilliam Bratton through the book " Turnaround: How Americas Top Cop Reversed the Crime Epidemic" talks about everything right from his childhood days in Boston to his falling out with New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. The book begins with an interesting incident of Bratton childhood when β†’

Evaluation of the article article review sample

The article was published on the twenty fourth or August in the year two thousand and seven. Summary of the Article The article is focused on the process of taking patient history. The article also outlines the rationale for ensuring that by the end of the assessment process, a comprehensive history of the patient β†’

Nintendo business strategy

A strategy is the determination of the basic long termgoalsand objectives of an enterprise and adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources necessary for carrying out those goals. The difference Nintendo is establishing with the Revolution is a low-cost device with an accessible interface. The accessible interface will largely come β†’

Business strategy for ender armor

The five competitive forces Include pressures stemming from buyer bargaining power, pressures coming from companies In other Industries to win buyers over to substitute products, pressures stemming from supplier bargaining power, pressures associated with the threat of ewe entrants into the market, and pressures associated with rivalry among competing sellers to attract β†’

Essay on the chicago alternative policing strategy

The concept involved a radical change to the City's system of policing, making the police officers part of the community, and is reliant on the community residents working with the police to reduce crime. The program's goal is to solve neighborhood crime, rather than just react to its consequences. - Identify and prioritize perceived problems, taking β†’

Structure of protein essay

It based on the fact that the figure of new folded protein construction is non turning fast comparing to the figure of new protein sequences, which leads to the observation that any new predicted construction will be about folded to an bing construction in the database. Ab initio is a anticipation method that seeks to β†’

Cadbury strategy

The buy significantly long-drawn-out Cadbury's geographic reach and hurtled the corporation into the number one place in the universal sweet market. Cadbury Schweppes is leveraging the joint operations and routes-to-market in command to drive down costs. There are a few planned recommendations that Cadbury could come up with in command to marketplace its products not β†’

Strategic and systems thinking

It is basic to comprehend the elements of each piece of the framework to decide the effect of changing a section will have on the whole framework in light of the fact that if a framework is dismantled it loses its basic properties thus do every one of its parts. This paper will look at β†’

Why markets fail essay

This is the second country in continental Europe that is facing default-like situation after Iceland and fears are ripe that if the country is not able to pay off it's outstanding financial obligations' the brewing crisis ' that is as yet might be confined to Southern European shores' would spread to engulf entire EU. Reasons β†’

Ebay: the global strategy

In addition, eBay, as a business organization, needed to cope with the challenges of theglobalization, thus, the development of strong and stable globalization strategy for eBay as supported by its core competency and its configured and coordinated value chain.(Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2007) The core competencies of eBay constitute the unique platform or design of β†’

Recommendation for fast food industry to overcome problems essay

In addition, food traders who operating food business are advised to attend an approved food safety training course because they will make sure food provided meet the food hygiene standard. A responsible person IS recommended to play leader role and lead a team. However if a business fail to obey the law and found out β†’

Haas and flower rhetorical reading essay examples

Something interesting from the study is the way the researchers advocate for the use of reading strategies that make students to think deeper about the content presented instead of glossing over the content and paraphrasing it. Simply put, rhetorical reading strategies go beyond paraphrasing the content to include accounting for the

Evaluation for effect on glucose diffusion biology essay

This involved the usage of a certain dialysis tubing into which 15ml of a solution of D-glucose and 2ml of NaCl was introduced and visual aspect of glucose in the external solution was measured. In the first series, the experiment was conducted in the absence of the works infusion β†’

Free essay on the role of public relations in rebuilding the reputation of the hollywood stars

The Role of Public Relations in rebuilding Reputation of the Hollywood Stars Summary Public relations is concerned with building strong objective driven relationships for advancement and promotion of the reputation of an individual, an organization, or a specific identity that depends on the opinion of the people for its smooth and successful β†’

Business process and pricing strategy of meena bazar

Notice that the pattern for a digit on the right hand half of a bar code is the opposite of tone on the left hand half. The branch computer authenticates its stock file for the product matching the MEAN number. When telecaster is located the price and description of the product Is extracted β†’

What brought about the upheavels of 1857 in india essay

The upheavals of 1857 was a protest against the British by the Indians, and was known as India's first war of independence, and challenged colonial rule during the few months of the nineteenth century. The Afghan debacle where low castes were recruited, had also led the British to widen the circle of caste and β†’

National drug control treatment strategy critical analysis

Both pharmacological and environmental factors play a vital role in the treatment of drug abuse and correlated disorders focusing on the structure and dynamics of the totalpersonality. Focus on the three areas of health care, criminology, andeducationwere recently emphasized on the policy created by the President's National Drug Control Strategy based on the core principles β†’

Occupational therapy personal submission personal statement examples

I am excited by the opportunity to offer truly individual help, and to have a significant impact on a family's life. Shortly after seeing my mother's dramatic improvements, I began to research what would be required in order to pursue a career in occupational therapy. I feel that working with a professional occupational therapist as β†’

Example of mother courage and her children essay

At the end of the play, Mother Courage is beggar and exhausted. In " Mother Courage and Her Children", the war has clear traits of unnatural order.

Free essay on physician assisted suicide as an ethical alternative to living a life of suffering

Basically what she's saying is by trying to prosecute Lynn's mother Kay for murder they are setting an example as a deterrent to others that assisting in someone's suicide is wrong but how can it be wrong in England and legitimate in Switzerland? Obviously the idea that it is wrong is just an β†’

Good research proposal about guns at school

People and lawmakers across the country are now engaged on debates about the issue of legally allowing school employees to carry guns in schools. Amidst the debates, several lawmakers have already proposed bills that would allow teachers to carry guns in schools.Sen. In Wyoming, Texas, Senate File 109 was proposed to allow school districts to β†’

Good essay on relationships: marriage

Holy matrimony in the US has a set of ideals, expectations, and social mores that are unique to the relationship, lending it a special distinction among human relationships, and making a statement about human nature. The ideal of marriage is something that children usually observe in practice as they grow up. The institution of marriage β†’

Example of argumentative essay on arranged marriages

Looking up the Encyclopedia of Gender and Society, arranged marriage is defined as a kind of marital union, where two people are married in accordance to the arrangements made by a third party, usually the parents of the bride and groom. We live in a new era and a world that has made important β†’

The world view of mother teresa essay sample

This, she believed is the beginning of world peace, which is a precursor of prosperity in any nation. The work of Mother Teresa, is a clear testimony of her conviction to the service to humanity. Just to emphasize on her commitment to helping mankind, Missionaries of Charity, which she founded had spread to over 133 β†’

Children of heaven movie review examples

But nevertheless, almost penniless, the whole family stays friendly to each other, not forgetting their family responsibilities and cultural values. Physical setting between poor and rich neighborhoods Watching the movie, the difference between poor and rich neighborhoods can be seen only once, thus not being the main point of β†’

The whipples son research paper examples

One would be tempted to believe the special relationship between the mother and the son prompted the author into writing the story. In addition, the special abilities of Him despite his seemingly abnormality, could have motivated the author. The capitalization could be for the communication of the fact the character referred to is special in β†’

Example of are chinese mothers the superior essay

This paper focuses on the narrations of the authors of the articles to determine importance of parenting and educational achievements among the Chinese families. Most people often view children born in Chinese families with the stereotype that their academic upbringing is superior to the children born in other families. In β†’

Single parenting vs nuclear parenting

According to the United States Census Bureau the amount of children who live with a single parent has increased to a little more than 30 percent. Single parenting is a problem to others since children raised under a household of a single parent are two times more likely to end up poor, β†’

Free thesis about economic segregation in nyc

Other perceptions are contrary to the finding, arguing that the background of an individual actually affects the economic mobility, which varies by neighborhood, locality and state. According to the 2009 study, the results showed that an individual with a very poor background stands a high risk of living in worse conditions as an adult. Statistics β†’

Did the children of yesterdays generation get better parenting then todays children are getting

Yesterday's children are now today's parents and to assert that the method of parenting has eroded in the p of a single generation is to belittle the heralded parenting that the previous generation has given. To sustain an argument in this line of thinking would be to suggest that the β†’

Good essay on political formative event

The elections ended with Bill Clinton emerging as the president , which left my parents in a bitter mood. Back at home, the exposure to politics which I get is minimal. The people around me affect my opinions and the rate with which I engage in politics.

Example of essay on do you think that these stories ultimately add up to a grim or positive perspective

Classic English literature The term positive perspective in the simplest and most basic sense refers to the aspect where a person in the society looks for the best of the circumstances and situation despite them happening contrary to their wishes. The plot and the sequence and flow of the story are thus a β†’

Essay on doll’s house

Now, however, she starts to question whether she acted appropriately, and this affects her thoughts about whether she is fundamentally a good wife and mother as she had previously thought. In turmoil about the potential dishonour that is about to be bestowed upon her husband, Nora considers taking her own life. She realises that she β†’

Good essay about moses and the burning bush

When Yahweh spoke to Moses through the burning bush as it is recorded in the book of Exodus chapter 3, it marked the beginning of the fulfillment of Yahweh's covenant to deliver the Jews from captivity. According to Exodus 3: 1-3, " Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest β†’

Critical thinking on essays on siddhartha

When Siddhartha returns to the ferryman, having abandoned his wealthy life with Kamala because of his dissatisfaction with a life of pleasure, Vasudeva tells him that he must study the river if he is to find contentment. It's not just the river that goes infinitely, though all elements of life have an opposite, and those β†’

Essay on doctorow e l 1975 ragtime united states of america random house

Most prevalent of these issues is the divide between the rich and the poor and the social tension which this causes whilst also tying in the concepts of race and power into the mix. However, the novel is engineered in such a way that the reader is resigned to agreeing with Doctorow's view as he β†’