4 Pages Essay Samples

Poem at thirty-nine by alice walker and piano by d.h lawrence essay sample

This quote is written in the first part of the poem, to highlight the main topic. However there are minor differences to the themes of the poems. The words he uses helps the reader develop an image of the grief that the writer is feeling, " The heart of me weeps" this piece of β†’

Comparison of “my father’s song” and “my papa’s waltz” essay sample

Although both poems concern the relationship between a father and his son, they differ on tone, imagery, and figurative language. In " My Father's Song," the main tone is nostalgia." My Papa's Waltz" is a stark contrast, in that there is a harsh tone. The waltz of the father in the poem is coarse β†’

“the epic of gilgamesh” and homer’s “odyssey” essay sample

In each of the texts there is a protagonist as a hero, these are Gilgamesh and Odysseus." Odysseus, of Homer's The Odyssey, is an appropriate hero and ruler of Ithaca. Odysseus is an appropriate ruler for Ithaca by virtue of his hereditary right to kingship as well as his diplomatic skills, familiarity with his male β†’

Anglo-saxon period (449-1066) essay sample

Why? May be two poems put together * The first tone: no faith/no hope, loneliness * The second tone: has faith, spiritual yearning, religious * The poem illustrates that one major life goal of the Anglo-Saxons was fame, so that they could live on after death.* The monk who copied down the β†’

John donne’s poetry

His poems are about love, death and of seeming strength. His first poem " A Valediction Forbidding Mourning" or in simple words, " a final goodbye that prohibits grieving" talks about death as something not to be sad for the final ending it seems to entail. Again, he talked about the woman he loves and β†’

Dulce et decorum est commentary

The second stanza, it sounds dreamy because of the poet's choice of the words used. The mood of the poem is sad and depressing.

The love song of hair dyal

The Love Song of Hair Dyal Rudyard Kipling Alone upon the housetops to the North I turn and watch the lightnings in the sky - The glamour of thy footsteps in the North. Stylistic Analysis of the Poem " Meeting at night" " Meeting at Night" Robert Browning The gray sea and the long β†’

Judith wright poetry essay sample

Wright has a unique vision of the Australian landscape in which she encapsulates the beauty and tragedy in the landscape through the use of various techniques to help portray her outlook of the landscape. Australian landscape has changed due to humanity is a common theme used throughout the poem ' platypus. She is able β†’

Protest poetry

Composers utilise the medium to make meaningful comment on the issues of their era in an attempt to influence viewpoints and bring back change.' Dear Mr President' by Pink criticises the presidency of George w bush and the issues he raised with his decisions. The effect of this is to show how unfair the President β†’

The importance of poetry

The importance of poetry in today's literary society is substantially important because it has an ability to express the thoughts and emotions of a writer through flowing words. It's the origin of songs, and is an indispensable way to express one's self since it is unbound by rules on grammatical clarity and precision.

An analysis on “elegy written in a country churchyard”

This poem was written exactly at the end of the Augustan Age and at the beginning of the Romantic Period. The death eliminate the difference of human and the unfairness in society.

Living together before marriage

I really do not like it when my husband forgets to fill the ice trays, forgets to replace the empty toilet paper holder, or leaves the toilet seat up; I, on the other hand, tend to forget to put perishables in the refrigerator after I take them out for cooking, and I leave the clothes β†’

The coroners and justice act 2009 which replaced

A standout amongst the most scrutinized parts of incitement wasthe apparent differential impacts and results for respondents of various sexes, seemingly attributable to the gendered idea of the law and the manly lawfulsubject. theGendered Difficulties in the Defence One of the boundariesfor ladies in an abusive relationship utilising the protection of incitementwas the prerequisite β†’

Gay marriage

Marriage is marriage, when you call it a " gay marriage" it takes the meaning of it down a notch. I like the way Joel Defner explains it, " A menu is a menu, but a kids menu is a very particular kind of menu, sharing some but not all of the qualities of other β†’

Saying “i do” essay

In the 1800's marriage was not just regarded as the joining of two people, but the joining of families, businesses, and wealth. I do not want to spend the rest of my life miserable after only a few good years of marriage.

Does marriage have a place in today’s society

I am also going to give a small insight into the effects and politics behind the breakdown of a marriage - divorce. Marriage, according to the English dictionary, is a " formal agreement between a man and a woman to live together according to the customs of their religion or society". According to the Christian β†’

Chanise sessions

Marriage is a way for people to declare in front of their loved ones, their God and to each other that they wish to spend the rest of their lives together. To me, they are the champions of love and family.

Marriage in pride and prejudice

However, in Jane Austen'Pride and Prejudice, the author defies the view of the ideal marriage of her society by giving her own perspective on an ideal marriage. In the time period of Pride and Prejudice, society viewed ideal marriage as one based on financial stability and socialequality. Jane Austen's ideal marriage is β†’

Artifacts sets of data; sad, neutral, and

The analysis of theattachment style will be performed at each level of processing, i.e.rapidfacial mimicry and delayed facial mimicry, whereas the analysis for the degreeof impulsivity for the whole time-window. A significant interaction found in anANOVA , including all subjects, if in the expecteddirection, will be interpreted as a mimicking reaction. The expected directionsare β†’

Effect of colors on the brain and on emotions

The purpose of the study was to see if the brain responses differently while looking at different colors and to see if there were any connections between color and emotions. 18% of participants said they were attracted to the color red and the rest of 27% was distributed equally among the color white, blue and β†’

Causes of frustration

The frustrations are of 2 types 1) Internal 2) External The main hypothesis we concluded is that people in Pakistan, especially our youth has developed a psyche to transfer their burden on others and criticize others. According to our findings and research we have find that frustration could of 2 types 1) Internal 2) External β†’

ο»Ώmy grandfather essay sample

My grandfather's presence influenced me to not be a shadow of the world, to be hard working, and to be empathetic towards others. My grandfather greatly influenced me to not be a follower of the world. I was reading " Jack and The Bean's Stalk" when, I impulsively said to my grandfather, " I β†’

The scarlet letter topics essay

Hawthorne immediately makes it clear of how Hester feels about Pearl: Pearl is Hester only erasure, but also her biggest dread. As Hawthorne writes, " But she named the Infant ' Pearl', as being of great price purchased with all she had, her mother's only treasurer Day after day, she looked fearfully into the child's β†’

The attitude of confucius towards women

The Attitude of Confucius towards Women Introduction No one would not recognize that Confucius until now has a great impact not only to China and to its neighbors such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam but as well as to other countries that his teachings had traveled through. According to β†’

Just be nice

He believes that society as a whole group must work together to handle things better, so that society may learn to love each one another again and not just tolerate other people. Carter also believes people are mean to each other because they have the right to be and can get away β†’

Informative speech dreams essay

Then at about the minute mark the dreams mainly occur, the dreams happen in the rapider movement stage of sleep-? w hen brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake. REAM sleep is revealed by continuous move nuts of the eyes during sleep. Your eyes alone also have a β†’

“twelfth night” by william shakespeare essay sample

Bearing in mind this fact, it is safe to say that Orsino's perspective of love and his viewpoint is one that is totally superficial and shallow in nature. The effect that love has on Olivia is so overwhelming that it drives her to deviate from the norms which a Countess of noble stature should abide β†’

Social argued that cbt confuses the symptoms of

Social phobia is a disorder where people have fear of being negatively assessed by the society and eventually avoid contacts within the society after showing significant symptoms of anxieties in social situations. (" How to Deal with Social Anxiety, Social Phobia and Shyness | THIS WAY UP," 2018). CBT is a therapy that aimed to β†’

The type of skills managers need to successfully manage conflict in their organizations essay

A manager should not give preferential treatment to people, like his friends or a person with whom he owes anything. The manager should always align his thinking in a way that he always thinks of the benefit of the organization first and foremost. These skills would allow a manager to perform his work better without β†’

Why this statement couldn’t be anymore wrong. iago

Iago is manipulative and deceiving, that's why he's responsible for all the deaths in the play Othello. To start off, Othello was Iago's main target ever since the beginning of the play. So, in order for Iago to get what he wanted, he had to ruin Othello's relationships and reputation.

Respect and disrespect in the united states army

When a person enlists into the military life, they swear to obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over them, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Therefore, military discipline should be a priority in every soldiers life to give respect to β†’

Jung typology test result essay sample

First of all, embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the ESTJ personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and we happily lead the way on difficult paths. Our opinions are not just empty talk either, as ESTJs are more than willing to dive into the most challenging projects, β†’

Living in fear of ourselves

In Lord of the Flies it clearly shows how fear led to the death of Simon, the death of Piggy, and how fear can lead to savagery and chaos whether on a deserted island or in every day life. Instead of exploring the island and finding out what they were afraid of , Ralph and β†’

Sociocultural influences on a person’s attitude towards physical exercise and heath

Much of what we say and do is motivated by a desire to appear likeable, to gain social approval, to solidify group membership, to manage self-image, or to gain social support. Sociocultural factors that influence a person's attitude towardsHealthand Physical exercise can be classified into three groups: Self-presentation;

Conflict resolution assignment

I would hope as a manager would have been able to identify and resolve this conflict before it got to this stage. However the role might also be new, if this is the case Mike eight be used to working on his own and therefore might feel he does not need any help. β†’

First impressions

As the day went on at work and it became necessary John went to the store to buy stationary. Just the simple act ot getting up and going out demonstrates that John had an interest in his job and anted to get it done, Along the way John took every opportunity to enjoy β†’

Sabrina louis xvi ruling over everything in

Sabrina HoProfessor DraperHistory 11028 November 2017TheEnlightenment and The French RevolutionWhileit might be a robust statement, The Enlightenment was the first groundbreakingintellectual movement in European history. Unlike its other predecessors, thisintellectual movement inspired change for the sake of the social welfare tobenefit the common person. 1 With the purpose ofrepresenting everyone in France, The Estates β†’

Natural health remedies- the excellent a-z guide to a healthier living essay

Being a member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants ; the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association ; and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists , Dr. Maccaro has already authored a number of books specializing in the treatment of illnesses brought about by emotional stress and everyday work with the use β†’

Introduction: urine, or soon afterwards.” overflow incontinence: “when

Numerous logical investigations led over decades have set up that medication reliance and enslavement are highlights of a natural cerebrum issue caused by drugs combined effects on neurotransmission. Researchers keep on building on this basic comprehension with examinations to additionally explain the physiological elements that make a man inclined to utilizing drugs, and in addition β†’

How to write an essay

If doing multiple text, it must apply to all text Sentence 2: Apply the topic to the first text Demonstrate how the topic above is evident in the text Sentence 3: QUOTE Provide evidence of where in the text the topic/idea may be found Sentence 4: TECHNIQUE Identify how the message is conveyed through the β†’

How spice can work wonders with health

The stock of the drug company would soar and doctors would hand out the drug like candy. So why, when research indicates that the common spice turmeric can do all of these things, is there no celebration? So it is difficult to see why more healthcare professionals are not recommending this herb to their patients. β†’

Matthew waning

This product is one of the top smoking aids that there are available to purchase. One of the major problems that NicoDerm CQ must overcome is the electronic cigarette.

Numerical simulation of dissolving microneedles for controlled drug delivery

By understanding these related factors we are able to get closer to the optimum model. Among all the methods are available for drug delivery process, microneedle can be as a promising tool for drug administration based on the unique structure, as they are a combination of transdermal patches and hypodermic needles with the effectiveness of β†’

Habit is stronger than reason

History is in bedded in the learner, and even the teacher could be accounted for, due to the fact that most of the knowledge is learned in school at a young age so say if the example of world war two was given again; a German teacher could have a different view point than a β†’

The dangers of caffeine consumption

For instance, individuals imagine that anybody ought to have the option to expend caffeine and it would not be all in all correct to remove, however that is not in every case valid since it is not protected. A few people are dependent on caffeine and cannot abandon it, that is the reason they do β†’

The cause & effect of drugs

This is a type of peer pressure that is not the kind of pressure that a friend or other person tells another one to do; rather it is the power of individuals to be a compelling force to produce effects on other's actions, behavior, and or opinions. Despite all of the problems that are associated β†’

Driving age should not be raised

People feel that the driving age ought to be raised to twenty-one so the society is safer and has more responsible drivers. Most additionally believe that teenagers are the explanation for several deaths and injuries due to their habit of drinking and driving.

Why you shouldnt smoke cigarettes essay sample

There is nothing good that comes from smoking cigarettes and the unfortunate outcome for most is far worse. The negative effects of smoking and the link between it and lung cancer have been known for quite a while. This is a sad reality and the parent is usually aware of what they are doing to β†’

Considering the present

Finding out I was pregnant started out as a veryscary experiencebut ultimately was one of the most positive and rewarding experiences I have ever endured. After the fear settled a little bit I was able to really start thinking about my life and what I needed to change. I knew that my β†’

Adam a bentley

The biggest thing about smoking is that it is not healthy, and smokers really could benefit from cutting down or even quitting. But most of the people in the United States just want to be there and help people quit because they know it is not healthy.

Why smoking should be banned in public

The most obvious reason is second-hand smoke and the damage it causes to others who do not want to be exposed to cigarette smoke. A ban on all public smoking would improve the air quality in each town, spare people from smoke exposure, decrease the overall amount of smoking, and make it less visible to β†’

Research paper on smoking

I used the study to establish factors that influence smoking cessation. Weden, Margaret and Jeremy Miles." Intergenerational Relationships Between the Smoking Patterns of a Population-Representative Sample of US Mothers and the Smoking Trajectories of Their Children". This study can be used by any person who is interested in knowing the mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of β†’

Example of essay on should public smoking be legal

With the pressure of work and family, more people smoke in the public. When somebody smokes, it is difficult to bear the smoky clouds, especially if the wind is moving towards you. The smoke from the cigarette had caused that. Further, to my utter surprise, the guy threw the burning cigarette butt on the grass.

Phobias and addictions research paper sample

The possibility of a reward motivates the children to do well in exams, and this stimulates positive operant conditioning in the children. In operant conditioning, extinction occurs when a certain behavior is not reinforced, or when the process of reinforcement loses value to the subject.

Second hand smoke

Therefore, it is my belief that being informed and educating patients regarding the consequences of exposing anyone, especially children, is a small step in order to prevent childhood illnesses and lower spending. As explained by the American Academy of Otolaryngology, second hand smoke is composed of both smoke given off by a β†’

Republic act 9211: the smoking ban

The purpose of this act is to protect citizens from the hazards of tobacco smoke, to regulate all tobacco advertisements and sponsorship, to promote a healthfulenvironment, and to assist Filipino tobacco farmers in cultivating alternative agricultural crops to prevent economic dislocation. The Republic Act of 9211 is an excellent law because it does not strip β†’

Why smoking should be banned

Like my great uncle in the past, many smokers think they could do whatever they want because it is their body, but to me, their right ends where myhealthbegins. I believethat smoking in public places should be banned at a federal level because even the smallest wisp of smoke can do a lot of damage β†’

Persuasive speech on why you should quit smoking essay sample

To avoid being a statistic to this sad reality, you must quit smoking. Smoking harms the social life and appearance of a smoker. To maintain a healthy social life, you must quit smoking. Smoking affects the people around you.

English 111, cause/effect

That is not even including the around six million people who simply viewed their " Smoking and Tobacco Use Web site". With the amount of information that is readily available, and the large number of people viewing the information about known health risks, it seems people would not continue smoking.

Methamphetamine abuse

With its root in the Hawaii, it has gradually spread to the Southern and Mid-west part of the states; and is increasingly associated with unsafe and frivolous behaviors that predispose to transmission of infectious diseases like hepatitis B and C, and even the dreaded virus, HIV. It is equally a headache for every member of β†’

Sample argumentative essay on does technology make us alone

Individuals tend to focus more on their internet relationships than on the physical relationships. - Internet Addiction: - Internet access in most devices increases and influences the behavior patterns of individuals. Gambling often results to individuals making poor financial decisions. - Impact of technology on Health - Sleep deprivation - Increasing use of devices such as Smartphones interferes β†’

An argument for the legalization of drugs, based on john stuart mills’ “revised harm principle”

Using the example of a casual, responsible drug user who is a contributing member of society, it is clear that more harm is done to others if the user must resort to illegal methods to obtain his drugs. The government would collect taxes on drug sales and, conversely, would not be spending millions β†’

Personal statement for school of allied medical professions

I know that I will be able to not only enjoy my work in this field; however, I also know that it will give me the opportunity to build on what I have learned and broaden the reach that I have to be of use to those in need. With a degree β†’

Can illiterate students graduate from high school?

No one likes to fail, neither do illiterate students; therefore, they regard cheating as a short cuts to pass their exams to earn a high school diploma. Another way that illiterate students graduate from high school is thanks to social promotion, the practice of promoting a student to the next grade only β†’

English lesson plan

Ask Ss to add the types of natural disaster and jot down the effects they have seen from the video to their mind map 4. Ask Ss to complete the table with similarities and differences of the other types of natural disaster 8.

Inclusion and special education essay sample

It has been said that the most effective means of combating discriminatory attitudes and fostering an atmosphere of acceptance within the framework of education for all is to increase the inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream schools (UNESCO, 1994, as cited in Foreman & Kelly, 2008, p.109). Principles such as normalisation have led to β†’

The critical role of classroom management

Since the writing lesson is rather difficult and challenging learners are intended to prepare for survival in the real situation, the purpose of the learning should be the same as they are in a real life. One way to motivate the learners the real world in the classroom has been to use more discussion and β†’

The life story of:

The life story of: James McBride In the end people have the power to influence and change other people's lives, in The Color of Water by James McBride; James learns many important life lessons from the people around him and in his life and how to be a leader not a follower. Perhaps the β†’

Example of article review on famine, affluence and morality by peter singer – questions and answers

If the person possesses the ability to prevent a bad consequence to arise out of the situation, then it is morally sound for him to resolve the problem, as long as he does not commit something that would lead him to do something that is morally bad. As long as β†’

Absolute poverty

On the other hand, it suffers from the disadvantage that any absolute poverty threshold is to some extent arbitrary; the amount of wealth required for survival is not the same in all places and time periods. The poverty threshold is the minimum level of income considered satisfactory in a given country.

The analysis of the film “the grand illusion”

In on Moodle, so any instance the program finds of the use of outside sources that are not cited will result in an automatic 0 for the assignment without the chance of a rewrite. What sense do you get about the animosity between the warring parties/factions from the film; the French, German, British, Russian? I β†’

American authors and their identity (martin luther king jr sojourner truth and thomas jefferson)

Although they shared this common identity, their various ways of implementing it were quite dissimilar. In 1776, the second year of the revolutionary war, Thomas Jefferson, a Virginia congressman, who dared to speak out against the rule of the tyrant, King George III, wrote " The Declaration of Independence" which would come to β†’

Adolescent identity exploration: a test of erikson

The Ego Identity Interview was based on Marcia's operationalization of Erikson's theory regarding adolescence as a time of increased exploration and commitment. The semi-structured interview was designed to gather evidence of exploration and commitment in six domains: occupation, religion, politics, friendships, dating, and sex roles. This β†’

How language shapes thought

Shaped by Language: What Comes First the Thought or the Language Language, due to its specific properties, is one aspect that makes human beings unique in comparison to other animals and species. Drawing on our experiences we must contemplate the original theory that language shapes thought. The hypothesis introduced by Benjamin β†’

The power of language

Malcom X's autobiography tries to tell us that no matter how hard it is to learn a new language , it makes you feel satisfied and free after you know you have finally understood it. David Sedaris' Me Talk Pretty One Day also describes how he painstakingly learned a new language the French language β†’

Politics and the english language analysis

George Orwell writes about the traditional style of English, and the connection between language and action. Orwell discusses the problems of Modern English and the slow spread of vagueness in writing. In this essay the thesis was explicit; it stated that the English language is in a decline and that modern English of full of β†’

Emergence of communicative language teaching

Anthony an approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of the language and the nature of language teaching and learning. The Audio-Lingual Method The Audio-lingual method is a style of teaching used in teaching foreign languages.

The watch (english language creative writing)

Hard black plastic handle - cold to touch, black metallic covers the barrel and the heaviness weighs my hand down as I hold it under my coat, carry it to my car and place it on the passenger seat. I take it to my house, hide it under the bathroom sink - and never speak β†’

Communications ii

The Mexicans defined it as the action of hitting someone in the head or as to a punch. And as for the Filipinos, the term defines a variety of things that include way of living, the way of speaking, mannerism, and even the fashion sense that a person holds.

New helps in finding suspicious words in

These are words such as: and, the, of, it, as, may, that, a, an, of, off, etc. Stemmer strengthNumber of words per conflation categoryis that the average size of the teams of words converted to a stem word.

Analysing sentences essay sample

AC) - (AC Children sometimes invent games they can entertain themselves) (so that they are free of adult interference RC). - a coordinating conjunction a conjunction set between words, expressions, provisos, or sentences of equivalent rank - a subordinating conjunction a conjunction that presents a subordinate proviso, e.g., despite the fact that, in light of β†’

Essay on biological basis of nutrition

In fact, it will require more relevant data to expound on the claim that CVD risks have a greater probability to be influenced by identified nutrients that are being used as substitute for saturated fat. Even though there was an inverse relation of saturated fat with stroke risk that was the subject of the study, β†’

Parents need to get their children active in sports

Children's sport provides emotional benefits." While there are many benefits to being involved in sports, one of the most important contributions that sports makes to youth development is in the area of social and emotional development". I want parents to know the benefits of getting children active in sports.

The cause and effects of childhood obesity essay sample

The damaging effects on a child's physical and mental health are two of the main aspects that are associated with childhood obesity. A poor diet and lack of exercise or physical activities are two of the hugest factors that contribute to childhood obesity. With the lifestyles of modern families, a home cooked β†’

Obesity as a major health issue

We are extremely engaged in the long-standing issue of malnutrition and hunger in our country that we also forgot about the increasing rates of obesity. As indicated by Asia Roundtable on Food Innovation for Improved Nutrition , " Among the six countries studied, the Philippines has the second-lowest obesity and overweight prevalence at 5. β†’

Fad diets and how they are harmful to your health essay sample

Sure, you might lose a few pounds however most of the weight loss on these plans comes from water, not fat. Fad diets are an unhealthy way to lose weight. Most fad diets will not give a teen all the nutrients they need to grow.

Free research paper on obesity in the united states

Obesity can be stopped and prevented with knowing the factors, the risks and how to prevent it. The factors that cause obesity can be classified into two categories. These are only a few of the risks posed by obesity. The third limb of this essay concerns how to prevent obesity.

Attention members:

An international review of multiple studies revealed that adding exercise to a weight-loss diet not only raised the good cholesterol but also increased the benefits of the weight-loss program and reduced triglycerides and blood pressure.* It reduces your heart rate Every 60 seconds, the average couch potato's heart beats 70 to 75 times. Whether it's β†’

Free alcohol addiction essay sample

The paper also opts to discuss the causes of alcohol addiction, its risk factors, prevalence and treatment methods. Causes of Addiction The main cause of alcohol addiction is not universally known although there are factors which are considered to lead to this brain disorder. Researchers are focusing on the study about the alteration of β†’

Principles of economics report example

The paper has been written with the view to make the audience aware of the principles of economics and how they are implemented in a cross section of market. For example when there is a short supply of a popular product, its price rises and the manufacturer increases output in order to meet the demand.

Essay on opposing positions legalization of marijuana

This type of consumption of marijuana tends to be both slower and more efficient than smoking, completely eliminating the noxious effects of consuming heated smoke. The debate as to whether to legalize Marijuana or not has raged on for quite some time now and it's not about to end in the near future. As for β†’

Good alcohol consumption patterns effect on consumer behavior research proposal example

Besharov identifies the formation of sub-groups follow 1) inconsistent organizational identities and values or 2) individual differences of what values are important. The research question follows: How does the location of an individual's alcohol consumption affect the development of mutually exclusive household values influence medical, diet, and housing consumption behavior? The outcome of β†’

Advertising and young people essay samples

Are there measures that can be taken to avert or promote the effects of these ads, especially for the children? Ads tend to subject children's brains and their behavior to measures of success that are incompatible and in contrast, with the ones, the community upholds. Parents should seek awareness of β†’

Good alcohol, the individual, and the family research paper example

Binge drinking is typical in the 40 percent of US adults between 18 and 25 years old, making them more susceptible to alcohol problems (National institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism). Alcohol abuse, which can be the result of a variety of reasons, is a drinking pattern that leads to serious β†’

Should the drinking age be lowered from 21 to a younger age term paper

Further in the introductory paragraph, the authors introduce the audience to the third issue of the article; the debate of reducing the minimum drinking age to 18. The flow of the article is as follows; drinking has several indicated health problems, drinking among the youth is high, increasing the availability of alcohol to the youth β†’

Alcohol has been used for various kind of things throughout the history

Besides, there are also a lot of beer pubs that provides alcohol to the customers. Government must put in the effort to reduce the rate of alcohol abuse in the country.