4 Pages Essay Samples

About novel “of mice and men”

George is a caring man with a big heart but has developed a hard edge due to the tough times he has to face as a migrant worker which he cannot escape from. George occasionally grumbles of having to take care of Lennie." I got to get you out. " George's frustration and obligation β†’

The effects of natural disasters on the economy

The Effects of Natural Disasters on the Economy Introduction Within the past decade, economies have had to face their fair share of losses as a result of natural calamities that has led to insurance companies to pay out insurance claims that amounts to millions of dollars. The economists view on the effects of natural disasters β†’

Changing perspectives on othello

This revenge tragedy follows the protagonist Othello, a black army general who Is manipulated by his ensign Ago. For me the way that race and color is presented in entrant to the stereotypical portrayal highlights the prejudice apparent in not only the Jacobean society but our own as well. My Interest In Othello β†’

Fahrenheit 451 “comparison” essay

But Truffaut made the mistake of putting Julie Christie in two roles in the same film, which was very confusing, and he eliminated some of the other characters: Clarisse McClellan and Faber the Philosopher and the Mechanical Hound. I mean, you cannot do without those! " Other than the characters β†’

Oppression of the weak by the strong

It sets a picture in the readers mind by them by having us think that they have to walk around from place to place to try to find a ranch to work on and not run into any trouble. In this novel most of the people have no one to share their life with as β†’

Ralph and jacks relationship essay sample

A lot of information is discovered about Jack and Ralph just through the dialogue between them in previous chapters the characters have experienced a strong friendship but also a sense of tension at various intervals. The fact that both individuals have the same kind of desire for leadership has been the main friction point in β†’

Opening chapter of mice and men

Steinbeck emphasis his writing skills by revealing a Blvd description of the place and atmosphere 'A few miles south, On the sandy bank under the trees, shade climbed up the hills towards the top'. This type of writing method is effective because it's so detailed that it becomes vivid and lifelike in our β†’

American spanish war in 1898, spain loses colonies

The Origin of the War The origin of Spanish American war cannot be attributed to the so called " Cuba incident" as the USS Maine were sent to protect US citizens from the hostilities that were orchestrated by pro Spanish Voluntarios which gave the United States a basis to launch in the warship USS Maine.

The life of a child vs the life of an adult essay sample

They do not worry about their grades in school or the homework they have that night. Children also do not worry about getting to work or how much money they have in their pockets. The day of a child is reasonably simple, they get up, put clothes on that have previously been chosen for them β†’

Health economics

Therefore, health economics addresses the value, efficiency, availability, scarcity of healthcare, and the methods of bridging the scarcity. This is so because there are no specific traits to define the economic value of resources used in health care.

The ideological dilemma of gender neutrality and discrimination in organizations

It is said that mainly the hesitation of gender discrimination in the workplace is giving an ideal gender-equal status to the Western business organization. The best part of this academic article is that it brings out the truth about the workplace environment with regard to gender discrimination.

Kick for kids essay examples

The paper will show the importance of a social worker, and the personal experience of helping people in a society. Bruce argues that the work of a social worker has changed in many ways. Counseling is the first step; the kids in the center need a lot of counseling to help them forgive β†’

Why marijuana should be legalized argumentative essay

They see the selling and usage of marijuana as a criminal act, and as such the perpetrators should be punished. On the contrary, legalization of marijuana use can actually curtail crime as opposed to encourage it. As a result, since it is not harmful, it should not be illegal to purchase and use. The final β†’

Good essay about hr 3 forums questions

ILO Declaration " On Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work" indicates that all ILO member States, even if they have not ratified the Convention, are recognized as fundamental both within the organization and outside it. The Declaration sets out the principles concerning the fundamental rights enshrined in the ILO Conventions, β†’

Truman show character development

Wier used the movement of actors, dialogue, props andsymbolismto show how Truman progressed from being a typical all-American guy to a courageous man who's willing to face his fears to break free from the chains that binds him to his 'creator.' Truman Burbank is a star of his own show- The Truman Show- and everybody β†’

Example of essay on tuberculosis

The bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis causes the disease; and while it is widely known that it affects the lungs of the individual, other organ systems may be affected in nearly one-third of cases. Secondary infection is accomplished by reactivation of a latent infection that is characteristically seen in the apex of the lungs; where β†’

The lottery by shirley jackson

And although Jackson's story has many characters, she is most interested in the social phenomenon of the lottery than she is in the characters, themselves. Instead, the characters serve as a means to depict " a graphic demonstration of the pointlessviolenceand general inhumanity in people's lives". Every year on June 27th, the families of the β†’

The marxist view of education essay sample

Marxists believe that the ruling class dominates society, they also believe that society is based on conflict between classes (the working class and the ruling class) they believe that the ruling class exploit the working class unlike the consensus view who believe in meritocracy.(Everyone gets equal opportunities) Althusser β†’

Impacts of alternative energy sources on the environment in jamaica

Impacts of Alternative energy sources on the Environment in Jamaica Impacts of Alternative energy sources on the Environment in Jamaica Over centuries, ensuring environmental sustainability has been a major concern to all. Stimulation and implementation of the use of alternative energy sources in the country necessitates more viability and profitability.

The invisible man:a quest for recognition and politics in disguise and ambiguity

The novel " The Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison almost attains the stature of Bible in figuring out the saga of politics pertaining to recognition in the paradigm of existential discourse in the history of American politics and its democratic life. The entire novel stands out to bear the long drawn history of Black Nationalism β†’

Human health and the environment

In fact according to Canadian sources, only 4% of mercury deposits in Canada are emitted in Canada and the remaining 96% is from foreign sources in the year 20062. Scientific studies have provided a list of diseases caused due to mercury and its play in the environment at different levels.1.

Benefits and costs of children joining the spelling bee essay

Indeed, the tremendous demands of the competition palpably manifests for these children and their families, because a one-letter mistake can immediately dissolve their quest of winning this prestigious contest. Although the children work unnaturally hard and undergo fierce familial and personal pressure in the competition, these problems are overshadowed by the benefits of competition- the β†’

Computer forensics laboratory

The exact physical copy of the evidence is called bit-stream image, forensic duplicate or forensic image and is done by removing the hard disk from the source computer and attaching it to the investigator's forensic machine with the following security measures: using a write-blocker to ensure that no data is written to it in the β†’

How a weak currency effects exports vs. imports

The long effect of a weak currency is that it augments the economic crisis and less spending because of high prices of goods. On the other hand, a strong currency declines the quantity of exports that a foreigner's demand and in turn, reduces a nation's export production.

Technology in our day to day life essay sample

So it is better to stay up-to-date with modern technology and learn how to embrace and use them in your day to day life because without it we are helpless. To begin with, technology in the field of communication has the most important consideration in my day to day life. And that is why β†’

Analysis of the godfather part ii essay sample

There is a lot of violence and aggression portrayed, but this is only a means of an artistic tool to reflect the director's vision and to create the appropriate atmosphere in the film. The illustration of life of criminals, cruel murders, deaths have been a major topic of discussion. He is a young man who β†’

Bruce dawe speech

He explains, through the constant use of colloquialism, that some Australian families have sport engraved into their daily routine and use it to bond with each other." Oohh you bludger" is an accurate example of this because it is a kind of slang that is learned from the family as a child There is a β†’

Real life negotiation analysis

This degree means a lot to me as I want to extend my knowledge, excel my related field and establish my business based on the implementation of all the theoretical knowledge that I gained. My interest was to establish my own business where I have the ability to do things my own way without the β†’

Othello as shakespeare’s tragic hero essays example

So the husband decides his wife has to die, because he does not want her to be with another man. Othello is a very insecure man. He was a victim of racism people did not approve his marriage with Desdemona, because she was of a noble family, and Othello was just a Moorish general.

Essay on power, wealth and inequality

In most cases, men are given preference over women when it comes to matters of wealth and power; a clear demonstration of the inequality that persists in the society. Generally, social stratification continues to be based on class, race and gender and is a great determinant of the wealth, power, and privileges that an individual β†’

Good example of report on care for kids crche database

The paper will assess the logical design and how the design will help create a database that will be used in the care center. Design There will be various tables that will be designed in the database. Initially the table will consist of a large table that will have β†’

Ecological footprint

Having participated in the footprint quiz, I can define ecological footprint as the collective measure of human demand on the ecosystem, that is, the interdependence of both the living and the nonliving component consisting of natural resources like air, water and the earth's crust. Ecological footprint seeks to critically evaluate how the interactions β†’

Good example of essay on poem

But when I brought it home and opened up the cover (the moon must have been in retrograde because there's no reason why would willingly choose to read a book on a Saturday as a child) the book never left my hands until I finished it. I was not excited about the idea and I β†’

Parents contributes in growth of every child

The four family members and main characters are presented to the audience, just as in Othello primary characters, as well as a few secondary characters, are revealed in the first act. The playwright of Othello introduces major characters and themes, as well as the plot in the introductory act, just as β†’

Oliver twist – why is nancy such an important character in this novel essay sample

In this novel, you can obviously tell that " Oliver Twist" is the main character and, by the way he is described and acts for us, is too good to be true. The good side of Nancy is when she helps Oliver and also the loyalty she gives to Fagin and Sikes, as she β†’

Lysozyme lab report

The second sample contained the buffer, the Gram negative bacteria, and the lysozyme. The third sample contained the buffer, the Gram negative bacteria, the lysozyme, and EDTA.

Violence in the kite runner

And while at a first glance most would assume that the book is just showing how violent Afghanistan was, it was actually Hosseni trying to show something entirely different. If we look at the after effect of every violent act, we see that it does more than just hurt another person, it shapes the lives β†’

Facebook addiction

Students can also share what is the most attraction in their country to each others when it seems that our friends is a tourist. Facebook not just only act where the place for student to get social but it is also contribute some help in studies. One of the good benefit that β†’

Energy drinks essay sample

History and background of energy drinks The timeline of how energy drinks were established and who the founders were that brought energy drinks across the globe. According to the Article " The History of Energy Drinks" , mentioned and showed a timeline of events. In 1960, the first energy drink was established β†’

What is the meaning of an expository essay? essay sample

Instead, you just need to describe something on expository essay example. For example, if the expository essay focuses on the career of writer Jane Austen, you can write about the stages of Austin's career, but you do not need to make any conclusions throughout the essay or argue about any literary topics that she included β†’

Of mice and men pee on crooks

P: Crooks is the one on the ranch who is by himself and is unable to mix in with the others at all because of his colour. E: This is proven through the phrase , Crooks, on a black man's loneliness: " S'pose you did not have nobody. β†’

Analysis of once upon a time in america essay sample

Once upon a time in America analysis helps to understand that be that as it may, at its heart, it is the narrative of one man's voyage through life, and the value he's paid for the decisions he made en route. The changes are visual and aural, Leone's directorial authority ringing through them like the β†’

Has technology ruined our ability to communicate? essay sample

The purpose of her article is to address the people who have already " gotten" into communication through social networks and technology to take a look how that has changed their ability to interact. She does not compare the pros and cons, and that is why her article does not fully support her opinion.

Transvestism in modern world

According to American history, charity girls were young females who had sex with men who were mostly soldiers in exchange for food or money (Smith: " In a Teenager's Plight, the Forgotten History of the " Charity Girls'). As a whole, the pursuit of prostitution of the charity girls and yellow cabs are relatable; however, β†’

Jesus and strength essay

So I highly stand on the fact that I have the strength of connectedness because I use it every day of my life and in my walk with Jesus Christ. While doing this test and research on my strengths I have found that this has been so beneficial in my life and my walk with β†’

Free article review on job analysis, recruitment, and selection

This will translate to an organization having an efficient work force that will steer the day-to-day operations of the organization. The article observes that for any organization to meet its stated goals and objectives, it must put in place policies and procedures that will attract and vet in the best of β†’

Of mice and men – the importance of settings

Later, however, the presence of the bunkhouse strategically shifts the entire narrative to a very different set of themes. The clearing is a place full of life; there is an abundance of green plants, and the presence of animals and insects is also felt. Being the birth place of the hopes and dreams of George β†’

The lottery: violence nad human nature

In the story, the villagers' only reason for having the lottery is tradition for the sake of tradition. This is also demonstrated by the fact that although they have done away with some of the more ritualistic parts of the lottery, like the salute and recital, they continue the lottery every year simply because it β†’

The motif of jealousy in othello, a play by william shakespeare

Comparably, in the film O, Hugo who is playing Iago, is jealous of Odin for his skills in basketball and the attention he receives. The setting of the play Othello and the movie O maybe different in terms of values changing overtime, but the themes jealousy and racism that was explored by Shakespeare in Othello β†’

Free critical thinking on ethical and legal considerations in nursing

From an obligation based ethics approach (corresponding to utilitarianism, deontology or principalism philosophies), the nurse Lewis should have considered the obligations that she responded to , while from a responsibility based ethics approach, she should have focused on the relationship with others (how to best meet the responsibility of caring for patients). However, the β†’

Women studies critical analysis

The discussion also seeks to establish the ideas the website tries to accomplish and the impacts of the content, whether it achieves the objectives or not. Strengths of the Website The website gives an outline on the ways in which the women could be knowledgeable on the Fertility Awareness Method (Feminist Women's Health β†’

Invictus summary & analysis by william ernest henley

The movie is set in South Africa during the election of President Nelson Mandela and the emergence of 1995 Rugby World Cup victors. The movie uses rugby as its referenced sport and Springboks team as a central element; however, it does not address the tactical or technical part of the sport. Mandela's vision and change β†’

The guide on how to write an annotated bibliography essay sample

The annotated template implies the list of sources (books, scholarly journal articles, governmental publications) put in the alphabetical order. The important thing that should be mentioned is the fact that it is critical to have a good understanding of the difference between the annotation and the abstract. While the annotated bibliography implies a brief description β†’

Successful internet banking has been in singapore

At the same time, it will also explore the reasons for it being a success.the analysis would include; the explanation of the advantages of using the Internet as a distribution channel for banking, the benefits of Internet Banking, the factors that might have affected the usage of Internet Banking in Singapore, the possibility that Internet β†’

Strategic management

MGT499 - Strategic Management Module 3 SLP- Internal Analysis and SWOT Introduction Toyota is a Japanese parent company of the Toyota group, and it is among the largest manufacturers of automobile manufacturers in the world. Lesson learned Toyota Motor Corporation is the largest manufacturing and sales company in Japan.

Example of organic foods store business plan

The location gives it an advantage of people traffic and at the same time the closest organic food restaurant is thirty minutes drive. - The Company Healthy food restaurant is an organic food restaurant whose main business will be selling natural foods to residents and people who visit Newbury Street. We are expected to start β†’

Price-hike-train-wreck – netflix

Price-Hike-Train-Wreck - Netflix of the of the Contents Contents 2 Outcome 3 Alternative Measures 3 What was done right4 Leader Attributes4 Observations and Recommendations5 References6 Outcome The outcome of the decision taken by Reed Hastings, to separate the price of DVD rentals from online streaming, had unprecedented consequences on the β†’

Reaching and appealing to its target audience

In my analysation I will look at the different methods that Boddingtons used to attain and tempt their audience I will achieve this by looking at the media language, intertextuality, humour, as well as other techniques they used throughout the texts. The main star of the Boddingtons advertisements is Graham the Cow. The ideology of β†’

In aware of the conflict, the outcome

Negotiation is a process where each party involved in communicating back and forth and tries to gain an advantage for themselves by the end of the process. In summary, planning is a process of setting goals, developing strategies and schedule the process to accomplish the goal.


Take-out counter Kahitsan will be providing a separate takeout counter for that customer who wants to buy our products and serves as " pasalubong" for their families, friends, and colleague. Kahan will be providing a hassle-free service to all our valued customers especially for those who find a place to eat and just relax for β†’

Life insurance

As this research studying based on the Indian market, the research is proceeding in Bangalore, which is one of the main city in India. Research mythology is proceeding under collecting data of the current status of the both company and from the people to know the brand awareness and the purchasing behaviour when buying life β†’

Marketing mix in a business

Price: Bottle Green Cordial drink is priced Just under E, I assume this is a cost based price. Simon Speers describes the bottle as 'chic' and hopes for it to be on the dinner tables of the nations middle class. Another suggestion was to target the vending machine market, this would put the β†’

Follow these steps and create rock solid content marketing

The rise of content marketing led markers hire more content writers in the organization. Further, new age marketing tools like marketing automation, lead nurturing, and content syndication are infused to increase the revenue stream. According to Content Marketing Institute, B2B marketers allocate 28 per cent of their total marketing budget, on average, to content marketing β†’

Company espn

The core benefit of ESPN is the ability for consumers to access a wide range of information concerning any sport or sporting event they are interested in, as well as entertainment, due to the manner in which much of this information is presented (such as podcasts and television discussions). In essence, ESPN's product is the β†’

Marketing plan: garmin

Garaging is the best source for selection and price of GAPS technology equipment and services. Customers will be impressed with, and return for, the great existing and new genealogy being incorporated into the devices, value-oriented pricing, quality, ease of use, and excellent customer service. Garaging will introduce new technology, monitor the quality of β†’

A problem of drugs in modern world

It is also important for people to know that people with substance abuse problems are not criminals, they are victims of a disease called addiction. In order to start a new generation of understanding, youth informational programs are the best place to start teaching the effects of drugs and alcohol. The programs that I want β†’

South west train – customer satisfaction

Besides, except for the staff availability, the overall staff performance could satisfy many customers; however, customers on peak time journeys showed less satisfaction than those on off-peak journeys. The report then evaluates these facts and concludes that the company could enhance the level of passengers' satisfaction with facilities/services, car-parking facilities and staff availability by considering β†’

Bretworth corporation business plan research proposal examples

Introduction Introduction of the business plan General Company Description - Products and Services What the business will offer Start-up Summary Start up cost Strategies/ Strategic Overview - Central purposes and activities of the planned business Present Status/Goals - Achievements and performance Marketing Strategies, Sales plans and β†’

Stp of micromax essay sample

Micromax based its value proposition out there, with extensive features vis-a-vis the big brands, of course with a low-price point with a target audience catering to the low-income groups and the rural households. Specifically, deciding on a positioning requires: determining a frame of reference by identifying the target market and relevant competition, β†’

Marketing plan phase

The concern during this stage of the product life cycle is the likelihood that competitors will try to mimic a similar product and drive sales down. The key to success for surviving through the sales decline stage of the product life cycle for Sneeze-Free will be the loyal base of consumers that the product adopts β†’

Epinion case study samples

Though you have answered some of these questions in the other parts of the paper, I think that these are the basic things that would ensure that the reader is aware of the case study and the scenario of the paper. You need more explanation and elaboration of why Heathrow Airport, one of the biggest β†’

Marketing and cell phone assignment

The marketing function is to search needs and then satisfy it, but the issue that some companies create needs, so we should not call it " marketing" because none of the marketing function is creating needs. Creation of need is not the function of marketing. Marketing is how the products create value to the customer β†’

Marketing plan: phase three

Brand position or product position is a way that consumers define a product's attributes, in other words, it's the position of a product in the mind of a consumer in relation to the product's competitors. The strategy at Compact Companies LLC is to est.bliss a branding similar to that of the McDonald's Happy Meal for β†’

Marketing essay

In a medium sized company that purchases components and assembles small household appliances the user would be the ones that are using the appliance. The gatekeeper would be the one in the business that provided the CEO or logistical with the different types of trials that they could use to build their small β†’

The effects of objectivization and sexism in advertisements on society

The marketing industry has become more sexualized and dramatized to the extent that people are put into a position that challenges their rights to gender equality. According to Jean Kilbourne author of " Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt: Advertising and Violence," " It is this link with violence that makes the objectification of β†’

Article review – apple watch

The watch is launched in the wake of good reputations and as such there is likelihood that the Apple Watch creates consumer value. A brand is the perception of a companys product that is tailored to stay in the minds of a good percentage of the targeted consumers and the watch according to the article β†’

Sersvice marketing

On the other hand, they develop a more consummate customer service on line system, while staying at home; you can check our balance and recent transactions, making refund for member and non-member. With such expansion of service, octopus does not lift down the customer satisfaction level, the octopus cherish every feedback from their β†’

Farmers union iced coffee, advertisement

I do believe that the ad does have a negative side to it. Some of the scenes in the advertisement could be offensive to some viewers, for example, the Apollo 1 disaster in which all three of the crew aboard were killed in the fire, the feminist push in the 1970s where a man is β†’

Fashion retail management term paper examples

The selection of the materials was important since only few of the materials consisted of information about the operation of stores and their brands. This knowledge was collected through the review of comments made by the various users of the social media in regard to a specific fashion in the clothing market.

Market assessment

This is reflected in the numbers who are prepared to travel to go to a restaurant that they like, clearly indicating that the quality of the experience is of some importance. Operators in the eating out market have reacted to this and there is a growth in the number of venues that combine food with β†’

New factory

Analysis In the process of establishing a manufacturing company in Saudi Arabia, the government and all other authorities have to be notified of the intention such an idea. The growing market share of locally produced switches and sockets compared to the export is a sign that the new company is going to perform well in β†’

Adopting the marketing audit

Having identified some of the four aspects of the analysis in regard to the organisation, some recommendations will be made on possible conversion strategies. The marketing audit is formed of a range of element in order to asses both the internal and external environment within a business. The audit is a vital element of planning, β†’

Example of market trends essay

Therefore, I will start by identifying my customers and competitors. After doing a research on the industry's competitive analysis, I have come to the conclusion that, the demand for good services is driven primarily by income, employment, and in the youth population. However, with a good strategic approach to the business, I will overcome these β†’

Holistic marketing framework

They feel that many people do not have the money to buy a Mercedes of their own but still they can ride in Mercedes that satisfy the transporter a lot.* The company's competency space- * The collaborators resource space- the two companies S Alam and Saudia merge together to exploit related marketing opportunities. Value creation β†’

Vitasoy anaylsis essay sample

For this marketing strategy I will be concentrating on expanding Sanitarium So Good Chilled Soy Milk's target market to influence dairy milk drinkers to begin drinking soy milk and to further increase the market of health concerned customers. I believe that trying to convince customers to try and continue drinking soy milk is a β†’

The marketing mix

This is the path taken to get the products from the manufacturer to the customer. There are seven ways to get the product from the manufacturer to the customer. The longer the channel of distribution, the greater the time the product will take to get to the customer and the greater the chance of the β†’

Product marketing

This is because it determines the quality of product and controls the price of various products in the market. This entails the using of proper words and language to convince customers on the essence of using the product and the reasons as to why it outdoes products that are currently popular in the market.

Disadvantaged groups access to the labor markets blocked research proposal examples

The study will concentrate only and only on the background reasons of the barriers for the Romani People to access to the labor markets. From this information collected in the interviews, we can develop a theoretical model how the Romani People's access to the labor market is blocked. The study will also be on developing β†’

Report type assignment based of swatch case study

SWATCH CASE STUDY By The of the The of the School The and where it is located The Date REPORT TYPE ASSIGNMENT BASED OF SWATCH CASE STUDY Introduction Swatch has a unique way of running its business that is very different from that used by others. Such a work environment makes β†’

Buyer behavior & integrated marketing

A that has recently launched its new SUV in the market which also happens to be the first SUV car from the company. The car is known is Lamborghini SUV and there are a lot of things that need to be taken care of when introducing and β†’

Free essay about technology

The provision of technological services at low and affordable costs will make it possible for the majority of the people in the society to adapt the technological advancements in their daily business and social activities. The production of technological accessories and mobile phones with sophisticated and diverse technological applications helps to promote the use of β†’

A in marketing case study samples

The Gladstone Hotel aspires to be a heritage and cultural spot of Toronto's hospitality landscape. - Though the Gladstone hotel has a rich history and is a unique place for an experiential indulgence, it holds a relatively lower rank in the hotel rating sites such as tripadvisor.com. A very recent update on the tripdvisor.com has the β†’

Cpu and ram essay examples

The architecture is based on performance capitalization; however, the same brings a limitation in the model since it uses a lot of power. The main reason for this is that most of the data that the CPU will need are in sequence.

The role of consumer behavior in marketing decisions

Your firm currently has on the table a project proposal for the introduction of a new line of men's and women's suits. The introduction of the new line of suits has tremendous potential to improve the financial performance of the company.

The american marketing association

" A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors." 5 6A brand in short is an identifier of the seller or the maker. 6 A brand β†’