4 Pages Essay Samples

Reflection essay on death of a salesman

Instead Willy has a vision of his ownAmerican dreamof success even if he has to deny reality in order to accomplish it. Throughout the play, Willy does not realize that he is not a well-known and successful salesman, and he lives in past memories and events of his life which he is perceived as successful. →

Minimum wage should be raised and should automatically increase with inflation

The other notable contribution of an increase in minimum wage is that it results to reduced turnover. The other negative aspect of increasing minimum wage proportionately with inflation level is that it could result to layoffs by the companies in a bid to accommodate the new-hiked minimum wage.

Raise or lower tuition

This creates some sort of balance that would ensure that the enrolment is not affected and the revenue generated from the tuition increment is used to cover the expense that the university has been struggling with. Because the price elasticity is inelastic, it can be confirmed that increase in revenue would not result in great →

Foodborne illness short answer questions

In this occurrence, the witnessed illnesses amounted to 2, 000 people from months of May to July. Food cooking should be thorough such that no traces of salmonella bacteria are in the already cooked food meant for people to eat.

Why you should adopt a pet

We all have busy lives and sometimes think you do not have the ability to have a dog while on the contrary you may have more time then you think. There are many reasons for me to adopt a pet and you should too.

Literacy in the kite runner

The power of literacy and the written word in the book is shown through Amir's power of education against Hassan, Amir's love of poetry and books from a young age, and the influence of Amir's stories in his relationships. Amir uses the power of literacy against Hassan multiple times throughout the book. Hassan is his →

The the women on the screen”. this

The cult classic was even remade in 2003 much to the delight of the fan basethe fil had built over the decades, yet despite the time between the two filmsand the huge strides made in feminism and equality there is still a clear andpurposeful representation of the overly sexualised young women in the film. Sexualityis →

Swot and pest analysis essay sample

The following swot analysis helps to shows four main things, first of all it shows the opportunities available and also the threats when releasing a new cereal bar into the market, it also helps show any strengths and weaknesses for Cadburys when releasing there new cereal bar into the market, overall helping to ensure →

Roderigo’s jealousy in othello

He gives in to Iago at the beginning of the play. At the end of the play, after Othello smothers Desdemona to death, it is brought to his attention that he was set up by Iago.

Family and poverty

The paper " Family and Poverty" is a wonderful example of an assignment on sociology. Discuss the reasons behind the high poverty rate among single-mother families in America According to the US Bureau of Census 2010, poverty in households headed by women compared to that headed by men was 31. The single women in →

Romeo and juliet vs. othello

Romeo did not comply to any if the family's wishes when he snuck into the Capulets ball to see Rosaline, and that is the first time he laid eyes on Juliet and fell in love with her. They continued to spend hours talking and decided they would get married the next day even if it →

Death of a salesman idealism and truth

The imbalance of idealism and truth in an individual's life can have calamitous effects. It is significant in an individual's life because it can lead to the deterioration of an individual's sanity, destruction of family relationships and ultimately death. This man lacks the capacity to face the truth; the reality of his →

Ten of marijuana infused beers that you should try at least once before you die

Well two flowers is technically what the Coalition Brewing calls the ' kissing of cousins', cousins referring to the two plants : The Hemp and Hops, creating a balanced flavor of a slightly bitter and citrusy taste and an aromatic after smell. Long Trail Honey IPA (Long Trail Honey Indian Pale Ale) From the →

Desiree wheeler

On one hand, I am a witness that Facebook has fulfilled its promises of what awesome things it had to offer and more. Even though everyone has the option to ignore Facebook and handle their responsibilities in a timely manner, Facebook does not make that easy.

Beauty myth- how media & beauty today impacts women

New York: William Morrow and Company. The author of this book believes that the media has had a positive influence on the perception of the beauty of women. Concern Over Strong Media Influence On Women's Body Image.MNT.http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/107269.php [Accessed 17 March 2014] The article illustrates the health impacts that are implemented by the depiction of beauty →

Governments role in managing an inflationary economy

Only the government can do something to control the inflation rates in a country since government policies are responsible for controlling the prices of commodities in a country. It is the duty of the government to adjust wages based on the inflation rates in a country.

A rose for emily (1930) by william faulkner

It is difficult to capture the feeling of the selection because the story is in five parts and the end of the story is captured in the beginning. He is the servant of Emily.

Essay on frankenstein

He has the idea to bring to life a human-like creature using parts of the dead and some animal pieces such as bone and possibly the eyes. Frankenstein, revealing to the creature that the boy is related to his hated creator.

Good essay about marijuana

However, the majority of the users of marijuana use the substance for recreational purposes, and this validates the many researches that associates poor behavioral responses to the use of the substance. The behavior of the user varies based on the amount of marijuana that is the users chew, eat, smoked, or chew. The anxiety that →

Redemption in the kite runner

Amir is a very evil young boy and since Hassan would do anything for Amir, he refuses to hand the kite over to Assef. In order for Amir to redeem his past with Hassan, he must go and find Sohrab, who is the ultimate symbol of redemption in Amir's life.

Law the social network movies essay

The paper provides an overview of the legal and ethical issues involved in the dispute between Facebook and the Winklevoss twins, the essay also reflects and discusses on the public policy favoring settlement agreements, and he various forms of ADR and their respective advantages and disadvantages in the context of the dispute between face book →

Motherhood in everyday use and i stand here ironing

Although both stories have similarities it Continues throughout both stories the theme of the sibling differences and sibling rivalries. In " I Stand Here Ironing" Olsen illustrated the meaning of the iron, which can be compared to Walkers quilt in " Everyday Use". In " I Stand Here Ironing," The meaning of the creases means →

A pesona of helen keller

Despite of her disability, with the help of her mentor Anne Sullivan, she was able to achieve her skills to excel her learning skills beyond her arisen to explore, and learn new things. She demonstrated when she was with her mentor Anne Sullivan about the question, when she has to learn, her curiosity grew, and →

Alignment of hrm and business strategies research paper

I would have the HR analyze their resource base and any areas found wanting will be addressed through training and development. I would ensure that the human capital in the Marriott is effectively aligned with the organizations strategy and objectives. To align their strategy with that of the business they →

Analyse the dramatic effect of the devices iago uses in act 3 scene 3 to convince othello of his wife’s infidelity

Iago does this a number of times for different purposes but it can be seen that his main use of this device was to create space for doubt in Othello's mind as well as building his trust on Iago. It has been seen that every so often Iago reminds his lord of his love and →

Planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services essay sample

Children should always be within the sight of the adult whilst also allowing them to enjoy their environment. The needs of carers and parents like what are their views and understanding about risk and risky play/activities should always be considered. There should always be enough room for children to move freely around the learning →

Of mice and men analysis

Explore the way Curley's wife is presented and developed in ' Of Mice and Men' In this essay I will be exploring how Curley's wife is presented and developed in John Steinbeck's novel, Of Mice and Men, which is set in 1930s America and focuses on the lives of the workers on Tyler Ranch. →

The character iago in william shakespeare’s play

The superego's goal is to apply moral values to obtain one's wishes. The superego imposes guilt, shame, self-doubt, and anxiety to control one's actions. The ego is the section of your mind you are most aware of. Therefore Iago's id and ego are operating as they should and it is his superego →

Need help with writing your assignment? essay sample

You might be surprised to learn that our typical client base is not the ' lazy student looking for an easy way out.' In fact, the majority of the students we work with are classic over achievers, they strive to balance work, life and school and often excel in their classes. What are some of →

Global water scarcity and iran

Global Water Crisis- A case of Iran Affiliation] Global Water Crisis- A case of Iran With the current rate of global warming, water scarcity is a growing concern with many people of the world having no sufficient supply of water. The nation is almost facing water stress and it is postulated that with the present →


Shakespeare show different types of loves and what it means through his use of different characters. Love is a significant theme in this play and it first appears in the meeting of the two search parties, each seeking Othello for a different reason thus bringing the relations of Othello and Desdemona into prominence. Iagos villainess →

Local laborers 310 union research paper sample

Labor unions have the obligation of protecting the rights and privileges of workers working in the private and public sectors. It has stood test of time and embrace reforms in its operation. Local laborers 310 unions background information and history Local laborers 310 unions operate as a subset of →

Good germs bad germs

The hygiene hypothesis is a dispute that links the over-sanitation of modern life to now-epidemic increases in immune and other disorders. In allergies, the antigen is part of a substance that the immune system mistakes as dangerous.

The concept of human nature in “the crucible” by arthur miller and “othello” by william shakespeare

The society was a theocracy which suggested that God is the leader of the society and he expressed his true will through his people, men and women. Human's readiness to defend their freedom is a part of human nature as showed by the character of Abigail, " Let either of you breathe a word, or →


However, with a promising market later in natural gas prices it is advisable to change the purchases in the end after ten years of the speculated changes with the company maintaining both diesel oil and natural gas trucks. In economics, the speculation of changes in the supply and demand levels as different factors that affect →

Does modern technology always improve the quality of people’s lives essay sample

Nuclear technology and sophisticated gadgets are also parts of the modern technology that have improved man's life. Modern technology in warfare can cause high number of deaths and thus worsening the quality people's lives.

Sample argumentative essay on what does it mean to be a good person

Arguably, according to the book The Kite Runner as well experience, the definition of a good person is someone who loyal to their friends and family and also dedicated to doing good deeds to other people like helping them especially if they are in a difficult position to help themselves. According to Hosseni →


The Pandemic Threat of Avian Influenza A Virus The Pandemic Threat of Avian Influenza A Virus Background into the Virus According to the CDC , cases of human infections with the new avian influenza A virus were original described by the World Health Organization as →

Changing urban conditions

Even though laws are present to control the occurrence of crimes, they still happen as the forms of crimes adjust to the environment. There are many forms of crimes, but before going deep into the type of crimes, the definition must be known as it will serve as the basic understanding of that concept. The →

Original sin

Hester is the temptress of Dimmesdale, offering him the fruit of good and evil which, heretofore, removes all naivete and forces him to walk, tortured, through the world with the knowledge of right, wrong, and the magnitude of his sin seeming to accost him at each new turn of the dim path down which he →

Cadbury schweppes: competitive advantage and business level choice essay sample

Managing for value is the process that supports the achievement of the strategy by providing the overall strategic direction. Scope and Diversity: Cadbury Schweppes competes in confectionery and soft drinks markets, the logic behind this is so that it can develop specialist skills and remain one of the key players in these markets. All products, →

English essay social networking essay sample

When we look at the social impact of social media sites, we find that it has many cons to social media. Though social media does have some benefits, it is a dangerous tool and should be avoided. Social media should only be used to communicate with people and to check on updates such as →

Debate on global warming: scientific basis – lab report example

Global warming refers to the increase in the temperature of the earth's surface and troposphere. THE CASE FOR GLOBAL WARMING The increase in the earth's surface temperature is blamed on human activities.

A dog named duke essay sample

2 The above sentence has been extracted from the story and " they" is referred to the personnel from Hooper's office that visited him in the hospital.Hooper was hospitalised after he had subdural haemorrhage as he met with an accident. He sensed the delicate condition of his master and later he was the →

Assignment #2: tragedy of the commons

In addition, this practice is detrimental to the environment, and despite the fact that only the illegal loggers benefit from this, the larger human population is exposed to the environmental risks this practice brings. In relation to the tragedy of the commons, oil drilling is not classified as a tragedy to the commons because of →

Mexico summary essay sample

The increased level of corruption in the Mexico government during the early part of the 20th century was attributed to the One Party Rule. Increase in the use of marijuana can be noted in its increased used in the medical practice, in the 19th century.

John steinbeck’s of mice and men: the impact of loneliness on a person

Through both subtle and obvious denotations, John Steinbeck displays how loneliness can influence and infect even the most powerful characters in Of Mice and Men, such as Curley, who in fact is one of the most egotistical and influential characters on the ranch, is shunned and detached from the other members. Loneliness can affect any →

The issue of courage in the kite runner by khaled hosseini

To draw the conclusion Hassan is scare but he would overcome his fear for his friend and something he believes is important to him and that is courage. The past is full of shameful and regretful moments and to face the past it needs a lot of courage. What happened to Hassan in Afghanistan is →

Bicycle thieves

The movie is based on a novel written by Luigi Bartoni and was adopted for screenplay by Cesare Zavattini The movie is regarded as one of the best films of Italian neo-realism, a movement which began in 1945 to give a new degree to realism in Italian cinematography. The movie ends when Antonio →

The diamond necklace

As she had married a petty clerk her life was not looking to get much better, she would visit one of her former schoolmates who had all the luxuries she desired. Upon returning she would " weep for whole days afterward, from misery, regret, disappointment, and despair". Distraught and annoyed her husband →

Strength and weaknesses of patrick studarts, framing of nafta

Through sighting of the advantages and disadvantages of the paper, the researcher gives more information on the topic of study. It is a rule on a research paper for the researcher to ask for permission of the authorities and the subjects who will take part in the research paper, before carrying out the research.

Workplace policies family and work essay examples

This paper evaluates a federal policy, the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 and the goals that the act was intended to achieve. For this reason, states such as New York, Washington, New Jersey and California have taken measures to introduce new policies that assure the employees of pay during family leave.

Observation assignment essay example

The parent and the teacher met in the school office in order to discuss whether the parent's child could be allowed to use facebook and twitter. The purpose of the conversation was to make the teacher and the parent understand the effects of facebook and twitter on children in order →

Enter the void film review

Early in the film, Oscar is shot and killed in a drug bust gone wrong. The rest of the film is captured from the perspective of Oscar's spirit, as he revisits important moments of his past and watches over his loved ones. Noe's commitment to presenting the whole film through Oscar's perspective →

Globalization suggested the need to recognize that

Hargreaves and Shirley submitsthe participating in the interconnected global world of education is one way toimprove the future of public education, internationally. The role of technology, in atraditional school setting, is to facilitate, through increased efficiency andeffectiveness, the education of knowledge and skills.

Example of research paper on documentation portfolio

The time has come for the workers in these small businesses to be made aware of the OHS rules and regulations. " Occupational health should aim at: the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; the prevention amongst workers of departures →

The developing child

If this stage is successful, the child gains a feeling of autonomy whereas it leads to shame and doubt in case of failure. The key relationships children have in this stage are with the neighbors and school community while engaging in sporting and academic activities. Stage Five This is the adolescence stage of between →

Discuss ways in which violence is presented in leda and the swan essay sample

The poem notes that there is a ' shudder in the loins', and the mix of animalistic imagery contrasted with human emotions presents the act of violence as one that can bring fear and confusion; Leda's emotions are questionable and even Yeats himself does not explicitly describe how Leda herself may be feeling in the →

The call of the wild answer key for chapters 5-6 essay sample

They were advised to half the load and use twice the dogs if they wanted to reach Dawson.7. He then swims out to Thornton with the rope and finally they are both pulled to the safety of shore.9.

Good example of essay on the legalization of marijuana: why the world can agree on this issue

On the other hand, as in the states where marijuana is legal, in many of the European Union countries, religion is not a major issue preventing legalization. Consequently, it is no wonder that, in countries where religion is a major aspect of culture or of daily life, such as in many of the Islamic countries, →

Ccot china from 600-1450 essay sample

These changes over the Mongol Rule were directly traced back to the expansion of the Mongol people and the introduction of the Khanates to China and related territories. With the Mongol influence, changes over the Chinese became present during the rule of the Mongols which influenced political changes throughout the Mongol Rule. Although the →

An analysis ofthe transcript about the teentalk research study critical thinking sample

The study, as the researchers stated, was not aimed at highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the program, but to highlight the positives and the areas that needed improvement. From the onset, the researchers were able to clarify that the evaluation was not about the quality or the credibility of →

Cafe yumm

You estimate the probability of the approval of the project by the city is 75%. For both the I-JO and the downtown locations, you have the following estimates of the expenses to become a part of the Caf Yumm! : Franchise fee: $35, 000.

Fahrenheit 451: contrasts between the novel and movie

There are numerous differences between the novel Fahrenheit 451 and the movie of the same name, including changes in characters, depiction of details, and plot structure. The characters in the movie versus the book play an important role in the difference between the two. It may have also been changed to cause a different perspective →

Third world hopes and dreams essay

To add insult to injury, the war ended in a stalemate. The United States of America entered the war in Vietnam with the hope of checking the spread of communism in the Southeastern region of Asia. The Iran-Iraq war also points to one event that contributed to the straining of relations between the United States →

I am legend film review

We did!" But Smith is like a ray of hope and reminds us that there are good people left in the world. In this case, Smith feels it's his duty to save humans and " Light the darkness". I Am Legend is available in Blu-Ray and DVD on Monday 21st April 2008.

Evaluating obama’s presidential leadership

As the term " transformational" implies, a leader who is described as such is said to have the ability to change the views or goals of the people. By this statement, he wanted to emphasize the fact that he was the key to end the opposing claims of the Democrats and Republicans about the federal →

Tempe general plan 2040

Through the General Plan process, the City of Tempe is considering the future of the next generation as it strives to ensure sustainable growth, continuous progress and economic prosperity. The General Plan is contains an overarching policy for the City of Tempe, the vision of the community for the future and is an expression of →

Communication behavior report

I also ensured that I used good and polite choice of words that helped me to respond clearly to the questions I was being asked. I used various signals and gestures to ensure that presented my argument clearly in the conversation.

Leon: the professional film analysis essay sample

She arouses the same feeling of love he felt when he was young and Leon decides to keep her safe, risking his life in the process. And it is a spectacle to watch her perfectly embrace this role and pour it to the screen, considering her age at the time.

Margaret urquhart

The black box symbolizes death; the name of the " winner" to be stoned is drawn from the box at every lottery, it represents tradition in the fact that it is old and worn. The villagers are aware that the sacrifice is inhumane but none want to stand and voice their opinion because they are →

Kite runner symbolism essay

Hassan's cleft lip is one of his most representative features as a child, and is one of the features Amir refers to most describing him; " A Chinese doll...and the cleft lip, just left of mid-line", this shows Amir's description of Hassan's appearance. It signifies his poverty, which is one of the things that separates →

Essay summary of the kite runner

The movie contains many universal themes however thesymbolismand significance of the pomegranate tree often represents and supports the nature of Hassan and Amir'sfriendshipas the story progresses. Amir uses Ali's knives to carve " Amir and Hassan, the sultans of Kabul" into the trunk of the tree.

In greed we trust by john schumaker

Greed is described as the sole motivation of a consumer economy but is destructive to the modern economy He, on the other hand, thinks positively of the same as he quotes several authors who insist that greed is the cause of economic stability. He also uses authors and philosophers to prove claims. However, his →

Othello, the moor of venice: psychological approach

There three main characters in the story: Othello, the Moor in the service of the Venetian state, his wife Desdemona, and Othello's wicked servant Iago. From the Freudian point of view, both male characters, Othello and Iago have the developed id (the part of the human mind that seeks pleasure). The →

Art hisory paper

As industry and urbanization gave rise to the metropolis, the subjective society of the individual became replaced by the objective society imposed by the machine and the factory. The purpose of the artists who worked with the phantasmagorical was to re-discover the base of humanity that had been largely lost within the confines of the →

Comparison between 2003 wild fire and hurricane katrina disaster

Unfortunately, during the disaster it was noticeable that there was less preparation from the part of the government authorities as to the emergency response and rescue measures to save the disabled people. The Local fire authorities and police agencies were seen to be less alert towards this disastrous event and provided an inferior service to →

Relationship study – psychosis patient in mental health facility

The patient's response was that she probably had already told the therapists, but she understood what I was saying and she agreed to speak with me. I was able to accept the patient as she was however, and able to talk with her.

Business process outsourcing

Outsourcing in the US In the United States of America, outsourcing has become a subject of great concern and debate. To the outsourcing business, it is evident that the benefits of outsourcing far outweigh the disadvantages.

Othello prelim essay

Iago's zealousness in Shakespeare's play Othello reflect the elements of a fatal flaw in an individual, and the disruption of the Chain of Being, both being key features of a tragedy. Iago's words, " Men should be what they seem", are ironic, as he hides his true self from Othello, →

How globalization and liberal economic idea have influenced today’s monetary

Currently, it has become evident that the liberal ideologies within the economic context together with the fundamental concepts that emerge from globalization markedly influence the monetary structure of different economies around the globe. Economic activities that enhance the flow or supply of monetary resources within the financial system augment the performance of the monetary institutions →

Macbeth-equivocation essay sample

To develop the progression of evil in the play, Shakespeare employs the idea of equivocation, beginning with Macbeth's temptation, then his commitment, and finally the resultant confusion and disorder that permeate his life. Thus, we know that the witches will approach Macbeth with something that looks " fair," but is actually " foul." Indeed, when →

The positive and negative effects of mongol practice and belief essay sample

In addition to this, the Mongol empire fostered various religions, but enforced the same practices on everyone, no matter what religion they may follow; this brought order amongst the Mongolian empire. The Mongolian empire was, and still is to this day, the largest empire known to man. However, the Mongolian empire proved to be →

Nora’s story: the prolonged harboring of a youth amidst the emergence of an elder

Nora does not want the children to be in the same room as a liar and in the presence of her lying behind Torvalds back. It is the culmination of these aforementioned examples that justify Nora's decision to leave her husband and children.

Fahrenheit 451- the journey to a new montag

Montag needs Faber to teach him how to read and find the meaning of books." I need you to teach me" he said,. Montag is starting to change; he is starting to feel that books are a very good thing and it is all because of Faber.

Take a position for or against the citizens united decision and defend you position

Increased Spending Secondly is the threat of the candidates to administer the interests of the corporations rather than the community. To encourage a transparent and less pessimistic electoral process that will be devoid of numerous negative advertisements can enhance the national interests.

Macro analysis of ‘raiders of the lost ark’ essay sample

The Genre being action/adventure, the main character in the film is Indiana Jones we know this because it says this on the video box. The opening scene shows Indy and a small group of Mexicans walking through a tropical jungle you can tell this by the sound of birds in the background. One of the →

Staff communication problem 3 essay sample

Identification of the Nursing Problem Identification of the Nursing Problem3 Introduction3 Specific theory and knowledge3 Prior general education courses3 Prior nursing courses4 Nursing background and experience4 Justification for the existence of identified problem4 Importance4 How does the problem affect4 Current state of the problem →

Compare and contrast two magazine advertisements essay sample

The Gandalf advertisements secondary purpose is to inform the audience of the product. Whereas, the Peugeot 206 advertisements secondary purpose is to inform the reader about the product whilst it entertains the reader as the reader participates in the advertisement. Research into how the human eye looks influences the choices made by the designers. For →

A passage to india essay 3

This comparison draws attention to itself when the narrator begins his description of the sky: " Some kites hovered overhead, impartial,...and with an impartiality exceeding all, the sky" The chauvinism that is expressed in this scene is in direct contrast to the meaningless and unimportant conversations being held by the attendants of The Bridge →

Free case study on information systems at the national level

For example, in Florida among other member states, the use of data collected at the regional level does not rhyme with that which is at the ground. There is the problem of ownership and relevance of data in the information system.

Good essay about a personal experience

I bought an ice cream, a fruit drink and a packet of potato wafers for the short journey to the MBA study center that was nearly 20 kilometers from my home. The traffic was usual, so was the routine and the speed of the cab. The onlookers told me that the dog was not harmful, →

Job design and flexible work programs essays example

When there is an elaborate design of work in the organization, the employees are able to operate with ultimate flexibility in their line of duty. The programs help to a great extent in the motivation of the employees.

Culture shock

Potential Intercultural Communication Problems Sulandia Norotania 1 Assumptions of Similarities The belief that similarity exists in the manner in which people of the country think, believe, and do with one's own thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Therefore, the difficulties in the required change have a strong bearing on the extent to which there is effective removal →

Acceptance essay examples

In A Rose for Emily, it opens up with the death of an elderly woman that comes from a pre-Civil War family of wealthy aristocrats and in Cathedral, it opens up with the narrator telling the reader in a relaxed tone that a blind friend of his wife's has decided →