4 Pages Essay Samples

Global warming assignment

Ecosystems around the world already are reacting, as plant and animal species struggle to adapt to a shifting climate, and new climate-related threats emerge. Sharing ideas with other people on how to save money and help the environment could cause a lot of change.

Analysis of β€˜witness’ directed by peter weir essay sample

A case comes to him just like any other case: A young Amish boy, Samuel Lapp, is the only witness to a murder of an undercover cop in the men's room at a train station, and before you can say, " Police corruption," Ford's joined the boy and his widowed mother Rachel on their farm β†’

Criticism of “desiree’s baby”

She grows up to be a lovely young lady and is courted by Armand Aubigny, the son of one of the " oldest and proudest" families in Louisiana. Her adoptive mother pled with her to come home and bring the baby with her, but she was so distraught that she took the baby into the β†’

Duman (green gold) festival & santa rita delicacies

In Santa Rita, a Pampangan municipality and the epicenter of duman production, the eagerly awaited specialty is honored annually with its own festival. This town's 10th Duman Festival is set on December 3, 2012, highlighting local delicacies like a night of dinning and music in front of the Sta.

How important is marketing to a film’s success flashcard

Advertising is a paid for and a direct method of encouraging the public to see a film. It is important that the target audience of a film are the people who the adverts are aimed at.

Rima vallbonas the secret world of grandmamma anacleta literature review examples

In light of the above discussion, it is clear that the family in the story is wealthy and although the author does not explicitly use the term wealthy in the first paragraph to describe the family, it is an aspect that very sharp reader can easily deduce. It is clear to conclude that the antagonist β†’

Impact of adderall

On the last day of classes, Jamison and his two buddies went to McDonald's for food and to get cups, lids, and straws to disguise their Jack and Coke from any curious cops. With lots Adderall and cramming in the final week; he got a 100.

Importance of civil engineering

Being a civil engineer you have to know the basic knowledge of the other engineering since most in the field are connected to civil engineering. The safety of the people is in the hand of a civil engineer.

Http://www.charlottesville.org/home/showdocument?id=59615 the rally, the department of homeland security

One can argue this incidentcan also be labeled a hate crime due to the nature of the protests and hisdirect actions of driving into the crowd of counter protesters, which appearedto be have members of the anti-fascism or " antifa" group involved. The dictionary defines domesticterrorism as acts that are dangerous to human life and β†’

Economic effects of terrorism

The impact of the attacks on the economy of New York City will be considered followed by consideration to the overall economy of the United States in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. Economic Costs of the Attack for NYC and the US Economy The destruction of the World Trade Center's twin towers had large β†’

Editorial: the impact of active and passive smoking upon health and neurocognitive function

The Editorial on the Research Topic The Impact of Active and Passive Smoking upon Health and Neurocognitive Function Tobacco smoking is a major risk factor for a number of chronic diseases, including a variety of cancers, lung disease, and damage to the cardiovascular system. The aim of this Frontiers Research Topic is to bring together β†’

The righteous and virtuous questions that surrounds the pacifism subject

Nonviolence is a practice in pacifism, in which the certain individual does not believe in conflict, regardless of who is involved Nations everywhere have created a worldwide controversy in relation to whether or not nonviolence is truly as effective as people accredit it to be. As others question the efficiency of this alternative approach in β†’

Balance disability after stroke

The aims of this study were to investigate the frequency of balance disability; to characterize different levels of disability; and to identify demographics, stroke pathology factors, and impairments associated with balance disability. There were marked differences in the severity of stroke, impairments, and disability among subjects with different levels of balance ability.

The question whether or not ghosts exist

Then on Ghost Adventures there are three investigators and they bring their own equipment and then they look over the place and plan which locations to put a camera in after they take a tour of the location and during the night they mostly stay together but sometimes they split up. There is tons of β†’

Are all victims of bullying and today?

I continued to take the bus after that but then it got worse they continued to say stuff like " they are going to hurt me till I am in the hospital" which is not right but when they started saying all that on the bus I got up and told the bus driver to β†’

Swing kids essay

In the beginning of the movie the three boys always joked about the HJ. One of the boys distracts the storeowner while the other goes in and takes the radio.

Simone tata essay

There was a big difference in the role of young women in Switzerland, the country of my birth, and their counterparts in India when I first came to this country. Since my forte was knowledge of cosmetic products as also developments in the cosmetics industry worldwide, I was in a better position to forecast the β†’

Mass production

Henry Ford the founder of mass production at the early stage defined it as:" Mass production is not merely quantity production, for this may be had with none of the requisites of mass production. Meanwhile, the second concept, which is historical concept, refers to the social context of each country and differ the stage of β†’

Create a problem statement

The staff: they are the clerks and the stockers that take care of the stores and attend to customers. The main general problem is that Kudler Fine foods is catered to a target set of customers that are savvy with gourmet products and foods that are mainly perishable.

Symbiosis and harmony with the landscape in the poems of judith wright and samuel taylor coleridge

Judith Wright's " South of My Days" and Samuel Taylor Coleridge's " This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison" both present personas who feel an intrinsic connection with the landscape, one so deep that they become symbiotic in harmony, and this is demonstrated through the real, remembered, and imagined environments. A notion of absolute symbiosis between people β†’

The silent assassin

According to the writers of Sleep Foundation, it even helps appetite and manages the stress of being a teen. A lack of motivation can lead to procrastination, and not getting enough sleep is going to make both of those aspects much worse.

Setting and characterization to explore the major themes assignment

In this essay, I will analyze how the writer uses setting and horizontally to explore the major themes in the novel, which are also the essential issues that arise in the particular social context of his time. Despite the economic prosperity of the upper class, Fitzgerald criticizes the moral decay of the Americans such as β†’

Difference betweeen marketing concept and selling concept assignment

Besides the difference stated above, there are many other differences that differentiate the selling concept from the marketing concept and some of them Include: The selling concept alms at selling what the producer has or needs and not necessarily a product or service that the buyer wants while the marketing concept aims at marketing a β†’


Cost The cost of a single Gatorade bottle, Powerade, or water varies significantly according to the size of the bottle and store of purchase. Advantages of consumption Water is a solution to the problems that come with dehydration such as headaches and fatigue.

War essay

There is no glory in war; the poets and songwriters are really trying to save the soldiers and society in some way and it's a matter of urgency to expose young na ve recruits to the grim realities of war. The whole recruitment process relies on highlighting the positives of joining the forces and not β†’

Balancing power

My whole time revolved around my work and career, but I could not make up for the very essential part of my life, that is my friends and family. Conclusion The set of habits I formed as a solution for my work life problem, not only supports but emphasizes a sound balance between work and β†’

Strikingly direct: dickens’s introduction of mr. gradgrind’s character

Gradgrind is a harsh, forceful-sounding word and the use of repeated G's and a short ' a,' creates the automatic presumptions that the reader has towards him. Gradgrind attempts to make his mark on Sissy by applying his way of teaching to her but eventually comes to the realisation that there is a fault in β†’

The categorical imperative

The first formulation of the Categorical Imperative as quoted by Kant is, " Act only according to the maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law". In order for a person to be a moral and good person they will have to follow this formulation of the β†’

Essay case study

Vision and measuring indicators became apparent with the rival of the new president in 2003 and the creation of the utility wide culture subtest.II. Together with the union created a new safety program, safety constitution and safety congress.

Lab report on osmosis assignment

00 of NCAA concentration is dispensed into the left beaker and denizen water is dispensed in the right beaker. 00 of glucose concentration is dispensed into the left beaker and denizen water is filled in the right beaker.

Similarities of the people and the differences in their cultures

In reference to Plato's division of the mind, Hegel argued that the white man was destined to lead and the black to be led because the latter has no reason. Globalization has brought to rest the debate on the lack of similarity in the world.

The historical inaccuracies of shakespeare’s macbeth

The play centers a regicide and the aftermath by the accounts of King Macbeth of Scotland, Macduff, and Duncan I of Scotland. Records, from the Holinshed's Chronicles, shows Banquo as accomplice to Macbeth in the murder of the king, and insures that Macbeth takes the throne, instead of the contrast of Macbeth, who resisted evil, β†’

Social psychology -inter/intra group dynamics assignment

Examine a social psychology experiment and show how it relates to current literature and research on inter-and/or intra-group dynamics Intergroup conflict One determinant of intergroup conflict is the desire on the part of group member to gain positive outcomes for themselves and for their group Competition can increase intergroup conflict Intergroup conflict exaggerated * results β†’

Training the swimmer could do is medicine

Another one iselastic strength which is the ability to counter a resistance with a fastcontraction and the third one is strength endurance, this is the ability tomove a weight over and over. If you have a weak core when youmake a tackle you are unable to transfer the strength from your legs to thecore and β†’

The shogun dynasty essay

The Shoguns were a type of warlords that governed providences and states as a type of Japanese check and balance of the 16th century. The samurai are one of the most reconizable and most renowned warriors of the ancient times.

Solving the water problem with the help of lifestraws

It is the desire and advocacy of the governments all over the world and the United Nations to pursue their efforts of " halving the number of people without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015". It is expected that with the information campaign, the organizations would be able to access the β†’

Editorial: plant genome-epigenome integrity under environmental stress

This review summarizes results on the relationship between histone acetylation and acylation under stress conditions in plants and provides a model showing the interplay between primary metabolism and epigenetic regulation of genes to adapt to stress conditions. This work provides a profiling platform for the analysis of chromatin regulatory genes and their regulation in response β†’

Summary of “greasy lake” by t. coraghessan boyle

The main character runs into a corpse, and he is horrified and begins to be sorry about his actions. The corpse was a symbol of what the bad life brought, and he begins to go against his decision to being bad.

An essay on foraging societies

Foraging society forms the oldest and the more basic political system of people- the band societies. An example of a foraging society, residing in the Kalahari Desert, is the society of King San or the Bushmen.

The disparate viewpoint of the dark triad

With the dark triad's association with the three traits listed above and the adjective ' dark', it is no wonder why it's viewed with fear, yet it's also viewed as attractive. The aim behind the dark triad is to find out why narcissism, machiavellianism and psychopathy have overlapping traits, however because it is a relatively β†’

Lady brett ashley: the real code hero

The Hemingway code hero is almost always a man, but in The Sun Also Rises, the real code hero is lead female Brett Ashley. Aside from her boyish mannerisms from her " man's hat" to her habit of referring to herself as a " chap" Ashley is, as a woman, ironically one of the manliest β†’

Positioning and differentiation strategies marketing essay

In that respect, effective positioning involves considering the target market, the difference with competitors, how the difference can be communicated to customers and the value of the difference to the customers. On the other hand, WellPoint seeks to position itself as an organization whose services are easier and effective to access.

Arts of the renaissance period essay

The Renaissance period rapidly approached the simplicity, monumentality and heftiness of the art of Renaissance of the early 16th century. The ambiguity of the sitter's expression, the monumentality of the half-figure composition and the subtle forms of modeling were the qualities that have contributed to the fascination in the painting.

Alexander the great conquest

Bringing his men and declaring that he was the ruler because of his strength and size, enabled him to conquer and gain power. Through conquest and curiosity Alexander the Great spread his ideas and customs, and what he left behind was a multitude of coexisting cultures.

Writing process essay

Once the thoughts are structured good on to the lineation.the author is ready to compose the first rough bill of exchange. Choosing a subject.forming thoughts.fixing a unsmooth bill of exchange.revising an essay.and making a commendation page are the chief stairss for composing that will let a author to make a well-developed essay.


In the field of pharmacy, weight is an operation which entails ascertaining the specific weight of the material that will be used in preparing the compound of a recommended prescription or particular dosage of a drug. The choice of type of water is also determined by the particulate matter recommendations desired for a particular process β†’

We of humour. is it any different in

Is it to be believed that the Prophet of Islam is-actually the instigator of the bomb cult or terrorism? One may even agree that this gives a right to one and all to insult the followers of faiths other than one's own.

Stock options essay

Followed by the increased use of employee stock options and the surrounding controversy of its recording method, on the year 1996 the fair value method was introduced to be used as an alternative to the intrinsic method and on 2004 the intrinsic value method was completely discontinued. In December 2004, the Financial Accounting Standards Board β†’

Bipartisan campaign reform act of 2002

On March 27, 2002, the prohibition on the use of a specific form of organizational finances as contribution to political candidates and parties or to sponsor certain ads in the period prior to elections became law. Further, the BCRA demands the full disclosure of the sources of solicited campaign funds that amount to more than β†’

Variability of fev 1 and criterion for acute pulmonary exacerbation

013 Morgan et al.concluded that cystic fibrosis in children and adolescents with a high baseline forced expiratory volume were less likely to have a therapeutic intervention or slower rate of FEV 1 decline after a single acute decline in FEV 1 of 10%. National treatment guidelines for acute pulmonary exacerbations in CF was based on β†’

Editorial: engineering synthetic metabolons: from metabolic modeling to rational design of biosynthetic devices

It reaches from pathway engineering in living systems, i.e, the introduction of functional biochemical pathways into existing organisms, and the design of vesicle-based multicompartmented biochemical reactors and protocells to the creation of entirely synthetic cells with reproductive potential that is encoded by synthetic genes [with the work of Gibson et al.that attracted the greatest publicity β†’

Gender roles during the times of ancient greek society

Antigone's suicide in her cell ultimately resulted in the death of Creon's son, Haemon, and his wife, Eurydice, after he was informed of his future of what is to come by the blind prophet, Tiresias. She is the final step towards Oedipus achieving his predestined future and as a result of that, Oedipus received great β†’

Overview of the three exceptions of the fourth amendment

This exception allows officers to search the vehicle without a warrant as long as he/she has probable cause to believe that there is evidence in the car. Fourth, officers have a right to be present in a private place if they are there supported by some other exception to the search warrant requirement, such as β†’

History of herbs in medicine: john gerard

Gerard was admitted to the freedom of the Barber-Surgeons 9th December, 1569.' Pavord states that he was a self confessed ' Master of Chirurgerie'; and became Warden of Company of Barber-Surgeons and became Master in 1608. He had a garden in Holborn, London, ' the little plot of myne own especiall care and husbandry'; and β†’

Nutrition is body’s ability essay

Nutrition is body's ability to eat food and to extract energy from it for growth repair and health. In the above case it was the ' fear factor' that led people to change their dietary habit and adopt a natural healthy diet without much of fuss.

Why the korean war broke out

The two superpowers of the time can be seen as responsible for the outbreak of war because the Korean War can be viewed as a product of thecold waras the USSR backed the north and the USA helped fight with the south. North Korea's aggression towards starting the war is due to the fact that β†’

Editorial: memory systems of the addicted brain: the underestimated role of cognitive biases in addiction and its treatment

Therefore, the aim of this research topic is to provide an overview of the current work investigating the long-term impact of drug use on learning, memory, and decision-making processes, how multiple memory systems modulate drug-seeking behavior, as well as how drug-induced cognitive biases could contribute to the persistence of addictive behaviors. The research topic begins β†’

Deep cyber cafe

An attack against a student group that was sympathetic to the Palestinians occurred at the University of Western Ontario in 1982. After a long battle, and with the support of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and its General Counsel Alan Borovoy, and a supportive editorial in The Globe & Mail, the Ontario Human Rights Commission β†’

Biomedical ethics case study assignment

Stanton unhappy with the decision, applied for a review to the Ontario consent and capacity board -The Scab's mission is to fairly review/Judge the different consent and capacity issues while balancing both the rights of vulnerable individuals- In his case they had to review if Mr. After studying the case, the CB also agreed with β†’

Analysing romeo and juliet by william shakespeare essay sample

Hence the plot and the scheme of the story played a strong importance to the audience because the other aspects of theatre were considerably dull in comparison to today. In my role as director I have to consider points such as what the play is about, the important ideas and themes and the overall significance β†’

Blockbuster business analysis flashcard

This Business Review and Analyze Report aims to present an overview of the rental movies industry, how the company is inserted therein, the competitive advantages that still has, the factors which can affect the business, the new strategy model proposal and the changes which can be made, with its properly analysis, to reinsert the company β†’

Evaluate how effectively the texts you essay

The Roman plebians, bluntly unaware of their cumulative power, are easily manipulated by the power of language, which deters their vision of the circumstance and cause for the loss of own sense of opinion. Similarly the film Gladiator by Ridley Scott exploits the range of experiences of Maximus and Commodus and their conflicting personalities, through β†’

Huntington??β„’s disease

Huntington? s DiseaseHuntington? s disease is a genetic disease that causes degeneration of the nerve cells within the brain. In the basal ganglia, Huntington? s disease targets the neurons of the striatum, generally those in the caudate nuclei and the pallidum.

Police history

As villages and towns began to form crime increased and the need for motoring the citizens became a priority, colonies began to develop a system of sheriffs similar to the traditional policing in the English countryside. The majority of the time businessmen hired citizens for private security and to reduce the violence and stealing that β†’

Apush chapter 6 ids

Broke the deadlock of the congress in the subject of representation of the states in the legislature. Madison- concentrated authorityDue to a fear of a tyrannical government, the government was to be made close to the people.

To what extent is declining pressure group membership a bad thing

Some of the key functions of political parties are to represent the nation, to encourage participation in the political system and to educate the public. Ultimately it is the party that decides the policy and represents individuals and the nation, therefore, the fact that people are happy with how they are being represented is ' β†’

A doll house act 1

She has a rebellious streakHow did Nora get Helmer to hire Mrs. His leverage is that he knows Nora did not get consent from her father to get a loan because of the dates.

Where can be applied to any establishment

Registration of Establishments Employing Contract Labour: Every principal employer of an establishment to which this Act applies is required to apply for registration of the establishment with the registering officer as notified by the Government. Welfare and Health of Contract Labour Canteens: The Act also contains provisions for making rules that every establishment to which β†’

Sex education assignment

Al-hafiz: oh, so its mean that both side of closest people to the teenagers can do this educating job to them.it sound nice and make job easier to do I think.so, you means that it is necessary to this education to be in the part of education system of our coutry? Murad: it is alright.nothing β†’

French government essay

For example, Mouse could disregard the positions and interests of the Mayors and attempt to move forward with the project. The French government could choose to disregard the positions and interests of the Mayors as well.

Why money chases cheap labor

The " Outsourcing Phenomenon' in the Context of America's Employment Glut Summary The article " Why Money Chases Cheap Labor - The Outsourcing Phenomenon" consisted of three parts. Outsourcing sensitivity lies on the border of the gain on the host country and the consequent loss in the headquartered country.

Comparison of salem witch trials in “the crucible” assignment

In the sass's, we had the Salem witch trials, and as described in the book, " The Crucible", a group of girls falsely accuse their neighbors of witchcraft, and regular, innocent people are hung. The McCarthy hearing are similar to the Salem witch hunt because the accuser exaggerates and fabricates evidence, the accused are used β†’

Case study 2

Case brief issues The first cause of action that could arise for Beauty is against Ready Made Corporation on the law of tort and products liability in failing to adhere to normal standards of care in preparation of food by serving undercooked food, thus violating the implied warranty that the food is free of harmful β†’

Reader response

Women were courageous enough to take a stand in the chauvinistic and discriminative era of Shakespeare to pave way for the opportunities the modern day woman enjoys. Throughout the history of the black people, this idea of the talented tenth by Du Bois has been replicated by many great men and women such as Martin β†’

Free report on nova southeastern university h. wayne huizenga school of business & entrepreneurship

For that he with the help of his son analyzed the data to see the visitor pattern in Las Vegas. Data analysis is required to find out that the total number of visitors in Las Vegas is growing and not showing any signs of recession and also it will be good for the business to β†’

Ethical implications of image manipulation

It may be seen by some that the editing of the image is ethically correct as it is maintaining a positive image of the artist. It is quite apparent that the editors of the media publications have an agenda when it comes to image manipulation.

Ap psychology fall term project

In the article, Dutton discusses the inmates' solutions to problems similar to that of the Heinz dilemma, psychopathy and the brain, and a relation to psychopathic traits to religion and happiness. If the psychopath figured the action would lead to reward and that is the only consequence, he would be in Stage 1 of Kohlberg's β†’

Alien sedation acts

The contributors to the Constitution of the country and the subsequent Bill of Rights were intent on providing a sense of freedom to patriotic American citizens as can be seen from the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights. The first Amendment reads as follows " Congress will make no law respecting an establishment of β†’

Annotated bibliography: the chrysanthemum by john steinbeck

To this end, the author explains that the overarching theme of the story is to depict the strength of a woman in society. To this point, the intended audience by the author are general readers seeking to understand the moral of the story as well as the attributes of the main character.

Lesson plans

In order to help the students understand the various shapes and forms, the students will be asked to identify various figures and their predominant shapes. Pre assessment Will students be asked to identify shapes and forms be able to make clay forms during the lesson.

How does the framed narrative have an effect in ethan frome?

The anonymous Narrator describes his first impressions of Ethan Frome and about how he pieced together the story of Ethan Frome from personal observation and from fragments of the story told to him by townspeople. By telling the story through the device of the frame, the Narrator is trying to learn a story that has β†’

U.s. federal reserve monetary policy

The Federal Reserves system of the United States is one institution that handles financial fraction of the United States of America. The task of handling monetary policy lies in the hand of able team members of the Federal System, the Federal Open Market Committee.

Team work is important in schools

2 Describe the purpose and objectives of the team in which you work The main purpose of team work is: - to share knowledge and experience to achieve better results with teaching and supporting children - to provide a safe emotional environment for children - to motivate children to use their full intellectual potential - β†’

Technology and relationships in fahrenheit 451

To further prove his point, Bradbury uses the dialogue of Montag and Millie to show how technology is impacting relationships in a negative way. Millie is so interested in the programs and TV that she cannot see the effort Montag is making to have a nice conversation.

Effects of world war i on europe, china, and india

3 May Effects of World War I on Europe, China, and India The Great War or World War I lasted only for four years, and yetit produced enduring changes on several nations and regions of Allies and Axis powers. Several references showed that the Great War had different, uneven social, political, and economic effects for β†’


Just as the power of the steam engine was harnessed as a raw resource during the Industrial Revolution, so is the logic of a computer as a raw resource of the Computer Revolution. James Moor discusses the following three kinds of invisibility; first and foremost is the invisible abuse which is the intentional use of β†’

Discuss the parameters and ten β€˜r’’s of purchasing.

Right place of delivery: The success of any manufacturing activity is largely dependent on the procurement of raw materials of right quality, in the right quantities, from right source, at the right time and at right price popularly known as ten ' R's'of the art of efficient purchasing. The right quality is determined by the β†’

Drainage system essay

1-Drainage system- A drainage system is the pattern formed by the streams, rivers, and lakes in a particular drainage basin. They are governed by the topography of the land, whether a particular region is dominated by hard or soft rocks, and the gradient of the land.

Modern day christian church community essay

In the early years of the first millennium during the great schism the church split into two major groups, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic. The major division in the church was during the great schism that involved two major splits that is, the east-west schism and the great west schism.

Analyzing racism: parrillo’s concept

The youngster was not in the school the day before owing to a hospital scheduled time and had not been present at the start of a project, so the educator allocated her a cluster to sit with. A straight relationship is there between the stage of conventionality to society's norms as well as the amount β†’

Why were bulgaria and romania accepted in the eu?

They had not been able to join in the 2004 EU expansion as they had failed to meet the EU's criteria for membership at the time. Both Bulgaria and Romania were turned down for full membership of the EU at this point, due to their being significantly behind the other eight nations in terms of β†’

Unethical behavior of the coca cola company commerce essay

This is a good example for the unethical business practices of the organizations and it is not accepted by the whole society. As a result of concerning above mentioned facts society believes that the organization is very ethical and it helps to upgrade its image as a more accountable organization.

Inch by inch analysis

In his speech he tells them " we heal as team or we are going to crumble", letting his players know that, the only way to win this is playing the game as a team. In the middle section of Tony Tomato's speech, he takes a surprisingly deferent turn as he shifts the focus from β†’

Healthy fitness center case study

The appropriate business process model will be identified, as well as the suitable information system incorporated in the fitness center's new business strategy so as to achieve a competitive advantage in the market. A fitness management information system at UR UMUC Healthy Fitness Center will be used to both reduce and control costs and enable β†’

Scottish independence: overview

After all, we have been married to England for over 300 years and our country is ' too poor' and ' too wee' to square up to the economic giants in the global market today and what would happen if the our banks were to self-destruct again? The truth about one of the bailouts is β†’

Life choices and consequences

It is about giving a lot of forethought to the consequences of the choices we are faced with. And it is about being ready to deal positively with whatever consequences that materializes out of the choices we make.