4 Pages Essay Samples

1) the term channel in communication means

1) The term channel in communication means A.the volume at which a message is received B.the context of the communication C.the process of changing thoughts into symbols D.the medium through which a message travels from sender to receiver 2) In which of the following communication activities do people spend the greatest percent of their day? β†’

Startup biopipe’s biological pipes aim to promote sustainable water treatment

At a time when the term innovation has come to be closely linked with business propositions oftechnologystartups, the Turkish entrepreneurs behind startup Biopipe want to set an example that there is scope to innovate and make an impact in too.a patented, and one-of-its-kind wastewater treatment system, is " inspired by nature," and treats wastewater biologically β†’

Tax treatments for individual returns

Themoneythat Spouse A contributes to his Keogh retirement plan is not an adjustment to gross income because it is not one of the specified types of retirement plans that are able to be used as an adjustment. The family will get a child tax credit for each of the two children under 17.

Magnetic solid-phase extraction method in sample pretreatment

Sample preparation for the effective extraction of the analytes from a sample matrix is a necessary and important step in the whole analytical process. For example, Wu et al.prepared a G-based magnetic nanocomposite by the in situ chemical coprecipitation method and used it for the extraction of carbamate pesticides from environmental water samples.

Women beings. they also have the same thoughts,

It is sad to understand that women are the better halves of the society, yet they are the ones who face the maximum tortures in many ways in their lives. To understand better, one has to get to the root cause of the problem.

Martin luther king, jr. fulfilling life

Even though he died in a miserable way, Martin Luther King, Jr.was a significant leader because of his great achievements he influenced for all. Whatever he did, Martin Luther King, Jr often found himself in the middle of attention.

Jessie doan

The way a child acts in the public eye is the most important key in diagnosing them with ADHD and only yourself and your doctor have the decision on whether the child needs to be medicating or if there are other ways to make it pass. Most children grow out of ADHD so worry not, β†’

The history and colonization of libya and it’sindependence

The Libyans disliked the Carthaginians due to the fact that the rulers stipulated that the Libyans have to give up to half of their crops each season and how the Carthaginians " sacrificed their own first-born children to their implacable gods". Among the invaders, the Vandals made the first serious effort to settle in some β†’

The doping dilemma

According to Shermer, the only thing to be done is to dope. While Shermer asserts that the third reason for the success of doping is the incentive behind it, he provides multiple concrete ideas to shift the incentive back to competing in compliance.

The theme of finding home and its symbolism

However, she comes to realize she desires a life that is different from those she observes on Mango Street, so in the end she points out the differences between herself and the people around her in order to highlight the fact that she will leave Mango Street and has the means to do so. However, β†’

Educating rita by willy russell

Rita is now at the half way stage in her transformation, and now she is also unable to fit in with her own friends anymore. Rita wants to discard completely her true identity, and the only thing remaining is her insatiable desire to learn, and she is now getting down to it.

“this you pay a price with the loss

It's the day of my release, the release from suffering, the release from the torment of my body". Those were the words of the very first Canadian to die through the process of doctor assisted- suicide, with the doctor being Jack Kevorkian.

Improve american education system

Although China has not officially surpassed the United States as being the largest economy in the world in terms of GDP, the Asian country's remarkable skill in schooling significantly exceeds American's below-average performance. Compared to the thirty four countries involved in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development in the 2012 Program for International Student β†’

Two kinds by amy tan

In the story of Two Kinds, the focus is on the narrator and main character, Jing-mei, as she is being pushed by her mother to become a musical prodigy. While Jing-mei reluctantly obeys her mother's wishes at the onset of things, this causes personal conflict with Jing-mei since she feels that her mother is pushing β†’

Bmw’s competitive edge – a case study

Indeed, BMW's latest car models boast of enhanced performance and dynamics, making the carmaker one of the strongest luxury car contenders that continues to aggressively battle for consumer attention in the contemporary age. After many false starts in the twenty years after the war," BMW has clearly made " the match between the distinctive capabilities β†’

A study of traumatic life events in link with obsessive-compulsive disorder

Running head: Effect of Traumatic Life Events on OCD A Study of Traumatic Life Events in Link with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder A Study of Traumatic Life Events in Link with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD, as defined by the National Institute of MentalHealthis ananxietydisorder that is distinguished by persistent, unwanted thoughts and/or compulsions. Of the four β†’

Ruxolitinib for intermediate-2 primary myelofibrosis.

The following clinical study, COMFORT-I and COMFORT-II trails as well as primary peered review articles Verstovsek S, Masa RA, Gotlib J, et al and Harrison C, Kiladjian JJ, Al-Ali HK, et al published in The New England Journal of Medicine is used to address the questions below; Evidence recommendation for or against the use of β†’

Technology in society assignment

Society Is defined as, " the sum of social relationships among human beings" and technology Is defined as, " the body of knowledge available to a civilization that is of use in fashioning implements, racketing manual arts and skills, and extracting or collecting materials. Technology also has both positive and negative effects in the area β†’

Philosophy of education assignment

I came to the realization that I wanted to go into the field of education; I wanted to teach. As the teacher, I would consider myself to be the leader of my students rather than Just an ordinary teacher.

Evaluate the internal and external influence on primark essay

In the next ten years, 18 stores were added in the UK and nine in Ireland, bringing the number of stores in the UK and Ireland to 22 each. From 1984 to 1994 a further 13 stores were opened in the UK and 12 in Ireland, bringing the total to 66 stores 32 in the β†’

Slavery in the united states: impact of civil war in american and the proclamation of emancipation

After the conclusion of the American Civil War and the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, the remaining African-American slaves were freed from servitude. This prompted the creation of the Freedmen's Bureau, which was a government organization that sought to right these wrongs that persisted against people of color even after the slaves β†’

The psychological theories in the education essay sample

It allows teachers to understand the needs of students and the ways to achieve the desired result. They need to identify the goals of learners in order to help the learners raise from their ZPD under the guidance of knowledgeable persons.

Sleep more, achieve more

With the hour delay in the start of the two schools, the students would be getting more sleep and avoiding effects of the 20 fewer minutes of sleep. A push-back of the start times of middle and high school would allow students to get that much needed extra hour of sleep.

A shocking accident essay sample

We see that Jerome becomes more of a happy person in the end of the story, and he's relieved at the end because Sally accepts the death of his father as a mourning event, instead of a humorous joke. Jerome was not like this in the beginning of the story, for he was embarrassed of β†’

Critiquing prior decisions made unit 2

Apple's success in terms of its unique product design and functionality is evidence that the management team was able to hire the right people and use the right resources. Among the areas that need improvements in Apple are the transparency of plans to the stakeholders, and the hierarchical organizational structure that is not clear to β†’

Shrek college essay

When they get down to the bottom of the castle Fiona realizes that Shrek has not slayed the dragon but the connotation is that, because that he is not the real hero he does not have to follow the narrative theory. So Shrek is completely opposite to a hero in the sense of looks and β†’

Comparing floods

5 metre rise in the river water level; this was a major contribution to the flooding as well as the poor preparation of the towns flood defences. The floods in both Carlisle and Bangladesh caused a lot of problems for both areas.

Teaching children with english education essay

It is quite beneficial for teachers to understand the skills that they require in letting the children learn English as their additional language. One of the important strategies that a teacher needs to employ in teaching their pupils who are learning English as an additional language in Britain is recognizing their profiles.

An introduction to european cuisine

Europe is a continent which is bordered by the Arctic ocean to the north, to the west lies the Atlantic Ocean, the Caucasus mountains and the Caspian sea and Black sea forms the southeast boarders, the Ural mountains and the Ural River is positioned in east of Europe and to the south lies the Mediterranean β†’

High school students need caffeine!

I am not saying that it's healthy to stay up late and drink caffeine in the morning for energy. My solution to this problem would be to simply allow caffeine back into high school, and other schools that have the caffeine ban.

Jane austen pride and prejudice assignment

The emotions in the novel are to be perceived beneath the surface of the story and are not to be expressed to the readers directly. But his comment challenged me to question what sets Pride and Prejudice apart from the rest of the genre, and I developed a short list.

Teen movies and myths assignment

Whichever category the hero of a movie falls under, a relation between the hero and the viewer is formed. Also, Just like the geek or the outsider, the hero of the myth grows to be more." The Journey toward heroism is a process".

Proprioception in the cerebellum

M, and Bastian, A.J.J. Central to this knowledge gap is the difficulty in accurately determining the processes responsible for the improvement of proprioception in active compared to passive movements.

Promotion of performative utterances in in our time

In order to show the utility of performative utterances and how they are promoted in the English language over constative utterances, a close reading is required. The performative utterances of Nick's father in " The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife" influence Nick for the book's entirety.


He thinks that there is no reason why she is and for her to just deal with it. There were never bars on the wallpaper, it felt like it was to her because she was trapped inside the women she wanted to be.

Cognitive learning – educational psychology assignment

It is the job of the teacher to help their students' process information and hopefully have it reach their long-term memory. It is also up to the teacher to show students " how to transfer knowledge, attitudes, values, skills, to other situations and tasks." Understanding how students process information is a very important part of β†’


Ethical Issues in Counseling Setting The professionals, psychologists and other scholars and educators should be apprehensive regarding the ethical issues of confidentiality, solitude and honored communique in consideration to education data e.g.the aptitude examination score and psychosomatic information. The Need for a system of Ethics and moral code No matter what the academic move chosen β†’

Adventures of huckleberry finn

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain is a renowned American novelist, who is known for incorporating humor, realism and good dose of satirical elements in his works, and his novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is no exception to that trend. Thus, " Twain reminds us of the lurid and confined nature of society in β†’

Portfolio management

Portfolio management Portfolio construction The process of portfolio construction is normally designed to make sure that the allocations to managers and investment strategies are consistent with the risk and return goals of the portfolio. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The syrian refugee crisis

The United States was built upon the simple phrase in the Declaration of Independence, stating that everyone has the right to " life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". In the world the United States has always been a major leader in giving aid to the refugees that need it the most; at the same β†’

Legalize the sale of human organs essay sample

Medical surgeons everywhere are calling the government to have them legalize the sale of organs for transplants; allowing people to sell their organs would help people by meeting their financial expenses, solve the lack of supply, save many lives, and get control of the black market. Legalizing the compensation of organ donations would help the β†’

Law 5 formation of business entities;

From my professional experience, some of the advantages of a sole proprietorship include the ease of formation since only a business name and business license is needed to start the business. However, some disadvantages of a sole proprietorship business include the difficulties in securing expansion capital in the capital markets, the lack of continuity after β†’

Relationships in ransom

Similarly, in appealing to paternity, the king is able to appease Achilles by arousing the ardent love the latter feels for his father and son, and thus, the amity of the two protagonists takes precedence over their previous enmity, resulting in the temporary truce between the Greeks and Trojans. Despite the obvious strength of the β†’

Revisioning childhood: memory and the senses in alice munro’s ”walker brothers cowboy”

Munroe filters the girl's visual and olfactory-enriched memories through the present tense thoughts of a markedly matured voice, creating a nostalgic effect which foregrounds the significance of this childhood story to the narrator. A " warm night" filled with " cracked sidewalks" and the sound of " A very quiet, washing noise on the stones β†’

Designing a reward system assignment

Having these benefits will push the employees to work at their fullest potential, and work even harder to show their manager or superior that they are a valuable asset to he organization, and that they have the capability to advance. The bottom line is that implemented these factors into the reward system it will enhance β†’

Traveling mind set vs home mind set essay sample

According to Alain de Botton, the mindset of home relates to a traveling mindset by the happiness, how to have a traveling mindset at home, and similarities between the two. It is also possible to have a traveling mindset at home.

Self awareness and career management essay sample

Self-awareness can be defined as " the individual's ability to assess other's evaluations of the self and to incorporate these assessments into one's self-evaluation." In order to do so the individual must have a sense of emotional intelligence and a strong moral compass. Self awareness in essence is the ability to understand how others see β†’

Outlining an ia for ib economics

However, in the long run this is not going to be very beneficial for the consumers due that they might be near to face a scarcity and the retail prices are going to increase which will then lead too rationing of goods. Evaluate the solution mentioned in the article or suggest one What are the β†’

Civil disobedience and thoreau

" Civil disobedience" is an intentional and non-violent disobedience of law by an individual who believes that a certain law is unjust and who is willing to accept the penalty for breaking that law to bring about change and public awareness. The American political system allows the minority perspective to prevail, and any citizen can β†’

Sense technology

Mirror The sixth ensue device is a mini projector coupled with a speech ICC and a cellophane, which acts as a computer and our connection to the cloud, all the information stored on the web. Both the speech ICC and the projector are connected to the mobile computing device in the user's pocket.

Although area. however, candide does not wish to

This is a story written down by Voltaire whose main motive of writing was to capture and ridicule the political inclinations of the time, illustrating the political and philosophical controversies of the eighteenth century. This story brings out clearly the misery and political upheavals of the time, and thus to the general literature lover, this β†’

The american dream narrative essay

It's different then the Great Gatsby, and Wolf of Wall Street because in Pursuit of Happiness he is one of the people chasing the American dream, and he was grown up in a different situation then Gatsby and Jordan Belfort. Everyone loves the occasional party, and when that occasional party is able to be the β†’

Corporate social responsibility and the tobacco industry: philip morris

Responding to the legitimacy problems of big tobacco: An Analysis of the " People of Philip Morris" image advertising campaign. This article will aid in the identification of communication problems specific to the tobacco industry, particularly to Philip Morris.

Julius caesar

Cassius now goes to work on Brutus, flattering him, reminding him of his noble ancestry, trying all the while to determine just how unhappy Brutus is with Caesar and just how willing Brutus is to join the conspiracy. Alone in his garden, Brutus tries to justify the part he is about to play in the β†’

Π‘urriculum metaphor

" Juliet is the sun", " Time is the devourer of all things", " Povertyis the sister of beggary", " she is all states and all princes" " Argument is war", like as this literature metaphor in our daily life activities and educational field so many metaphors are used such as: ' Schools are Garden', β†’

Atwood’s history: framing text and political context in the handmaid’s tale

The book concludes with a scene of a symposium of historians, set yet further in the future, at which the keynote speaker discusses a " soi-disant manuscript" of The Handmaid's Tale that has been discovered. Atwood provokes consideration of the context and significance of the book, the message in the epilogical " Historical Notes" section, β†’

Cost and price

So when the price of the product like coffee increases during the productivity of the product then the end cost could increase too. 20 cents per pound does have an effect on the raw material cost of the product because the increase in price will come to the cost of the product which if the β†’

Clarksville montgomery country school system education essay

When pupils feel safe and secure and the equality is implemented in their acquisition environment, pupils are more likely to concentrate on educational accomplishment and the values of good citizenship. Murray found that pupils in a in-between school with a unvarying policy had a significantly better perceptual experience of their school 's clime in footings β†’

Toshiba and triple software – the nutri centre’s natural choice

London, UK, 6th April 2006September 2005 saw The Nutri Centre, the UK's leading supplier of natural health products, continue to grow with the opening of the company's third concession store within the new Tesco Extra hypermarket in Slough. The solutionRenowned for its specialist expertise in the natural products industry, and unique understanding of the industry β†’

The art of cookery made plain and easy essay sample

However in text I the recipe is written for a cook who would have all the ingredients provided for them to make for the house they work for. Text I uses the phrase ' dish it up and tend it to the table' which is something that you would not find in a modern recipe.

Mexican war

Between the wish to have the land of Texas under the flag of the United States, as well as the philosophy of Manifest Destiny, the United States declared and entered a war with Mexico in order to gain new land to add to the United States and achieve the dream of a coast-to-coast United States. β†’

How does the film beloved related to sociological theory and the real world

This is a story of Sethe, a woman who is haunted by reminiscences from the past and tries to escape from her awful memories on a farm in Cincinnati. Sociological issues of the film The director of the film managed to show drastic problems of a woman, who can be violated and then thrown away β†’

Emotional and physical symptoms of depression during pregnancy and different ways of treatment

Cases of pregnant mothers suffering from depression and stress are likely to reduce in the events of increased awareness of the contributing factors of stress and the necessary measures to curb them. Cases of pregnant mothers suffering from depression and stress are likely to reduce in the events of increased awareness on the contributing factors β†’

Priceline.com harvard business case flashcard

With priceline, instead of the seller setting the price, the buyer makes an offer of what he or she is willing to pay and sellers compete for the buyers business. Priceline could expand its offerings to international flights, international hotels, car rental and other vacation products to consumers who are seeking to travel outside of β†’

Robert college, and learned that he loved

In this poem, Silas, an old man, returns to a farm where he has worked sporadically in the past, and wishes to work again. Frost understands the pain and tragedy that occurs in life, and is not a stranger to the experiences that make men grieve and despair.

Groupthink: george w. bush and central intelligence agency assignment

The eight symptoms or antecedents of groupthink are: illusion of invulnerability, inherent morality of the group, rationalization, stereotypes of outsiders, self censorship, direct pressure, mind guards and an illusion of unanimity. Given the group dynamic within the Bush Administration I will illustrate how the symptoms of an illusion of invulnerability, self censorship and direct pressure β†’

How the audience’s expectations of the gangster genre

Gangster films may have many themes but the main theme expected of the genre is the rise and fall of the main character, generally the " don". The audience see Tommy and Jimmy as more violent due to this scene although we already know they are dangerous.

The existence of real justice in our time (based on sophocles’ ajax)

His interest became focused on the event that unlocked the protagonist' craziness and the different perspectives on which the event was valued through time; the consequences that this process implied for Ajax, according to Sophocles' vision of tragedy and the ideas that can be taken from this to the history of the city. Also can β†’

The new woman of the 1920’s in β€˜winter dreams’ by f. scott fitzgerald

Although the concept and title of The New Woman was first coined in the late nineteenth century, it truly began to spread nationwide and to all classes, in the 1920's. Judy's attire may have given her the appearance of a rich girl, with her " five small new golf clubs in a white canvas bag", β†’

Subverting capitalism in fight club

He believes that to find yourself in a world trying to conform you, you have to lose the materials that bind you to that life. It is also interesting that Tyler is an advocate of losing control and letting go of the ties that bind the men to a life that Tyler sees as being β†’

Example of essay on historical perspective within lapham

This fourth excerpt shows the extent to which Lapham's use of historical literary knowledge and figures of speech has enhanced his writing. All in all, Lapham's is a compelling essay due to his incorporation of a historical perspective and use of figures of speech.

King’s conceptual framework and theory of goal attainment

Value The value of King's Conceptual System is its ability to guide nursing practice. Based on her conceptual system, King was able to derive the Theory of Goal Attainment to further advance nursing research and practice.

Correctional: maximum security prison

Custody level is designed and constructed on the inmate's classification, which reflects the maximum external and internal control that needs to be provided, and the use of high security perimeters for use of supervision of inmates and use of checkpoints and internal physical barriers. We believe this is the best way to contain the custody β†’

Marrying and remarrying

When reading the book The Road to Salvation, the theme of poverty cannot be left out or ignored by a reader. Dhanpat strives to learn Urdu and Persian languages, and due to his patience as well as determination, he graduates at the age of eighteen.

In to stop working and enjoy the

Somewhere in our past, the Government determined that people in the United States should be able to stop working and enjoy the later years of their life. Cash assistance has all but disappeared in most programs to ensure that the need is great, and people will not take advantage of the system.

To build a fire by jack london essay

Before embarking on his trip through the Yukon trail, London depicted the protagonist as having no knowledge of the conditions of the area during the winter season and remains unfamiliar and relatively new to the area, He chose to ignore the bleak weather upon him as evidenced when London writes that "...he spat speculatively. From β†’

Wriston case memo essay

Detroit plant used to take the most complicated product missions per the complexity criteria: product line, product families and product model by Written, while the product costing system it adopted is the same as that of other flow-shop plants: Product Cost = materials cost + direct labor + variable overhead Considering the low-volume production of β†’

Hanover displays case study

They use two different types of design they use LED light displays and a flip dot checkerboard display, the LED light display board is very effective but uses a lot of electricity to keep the lights on all the time, the flip dot checker board display is easy to use and uses only a little β†’

Common sense

It is important to note that, the last feature of Common Sense was a call towards drafting a manifesto to be dispatched to various foreign governments. It stirred many to strengthen their resolutions, and in the end a revolution was inevitable.

Modernization and economic development assignment

Many countries like America or India would want to bargain with China because of the huge opportunities in different markets, this stimulates the development of China, causing a rapid economic development and modernization to occur. China's improvement and achievements on science and technology is one to the main factors of modernization.

Propaganda technique used in pepsi

By stating this fact, a lot of consumers get attracted to Pepsi, so it is one of the propaganda technique used by Pepsi. So, it is one of the techniques of propaganda used by Pepsi.

How did the constitution guard against tyranny

A quote by James Madison from Federalist Paper #51, 1788, states that " In the compound republic of America, the power surrendered by the people is first divided between two distinct governments, and the portion allotted to each subdivided among distinct and separate departments." The word " compound," from the beginning of the quote means β†’

International strategy essay

The evidence from the case study shows that Zambrano was ready to expand from being third largest cement company in the world in 1999 to broaden his options for strategic moves in order to compete with regional and international competition to become a truly global enterprise by transforming company into a global brand. Cemex was β†’

Navigating the challenges of blended families summary

Many parents are hesitant to discipline their children after a divorce because parents feel as if their child is having a hard time adjusting and just needs a few days to become acclimated with the changes. Coincidently, this is the time when most couples decide to start a family.

Biological warfare – college essay

Using CBR, allowed you to kill everything and leave the buildings standing instead of nuclear weapons which destroy everything, put fallout in the air, and have radioactive materials wash into the ground and streams. There is evidence that Iraq used these weapons in the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s and that allied troops may have β†’

Emotional intelligence

I would like to introduce emotional intelligence: the balance of emotion and reason that plays a role in the intelligence of a person, or how smart he or she is to a degree. I hope that you have all learned something about emotional intelligence today and will use it to your advantage in the future.

A brief study of time

Stemmed in this shared false future belief found in both the Presentist and Growing Past theories is the trust that the future is ambiguous and can be manipulated by present action, or simply, the presence of free will. Just as eternalism defines time as subjective, there is a subjectivity in daily time, disproving the existence β†’

Disparity and discrimination essay

An example of this would be once an individual is in court and the judge is determining the sentence or how much time that the person will have to serve based on the crime which could be murder, burglary, rape, etc. For example when an individual's guilt, innocence, and the time that they will have β†’

Constitutional law: horton v. california

However, the officer came across weapons which were included in the police report in plain view and seized them, however, the officer was unable to find the proceeds of the robbery. In this case, the court came up with a plain view doctrine, which is under the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution.

Corporate environmental ,social and sustainability reporting

The paper attempts to explore why it has become so necessary for public sector organisations to embrace sustainability accounting and reporting to their stakeholders; the difficulties faced by them towards its implementation and how the process of reporting in public sectors has progressed so far in last few years. Public Sectors Need to Adopt Sustainability β†’

Assess the view that conscience need not always be obeyed

" Asses the view that the conscience need not always be obeyed" Conscience is the inner conviction that something is right or wrong. Aquinas saw the conscience as the natural ability of a rationalhuman beingto understand the difference between right and wrong, and to apply the most basic moral principles to particular situations.

Liberal arts education

I understand that students have varied needs, and that it is my job as a teacher, should I be granted the honorable opportunity to assume such as position, to be as flexible as my students are diverse. I am passionate about history, and I am a firm believer that it takes passion in an area β†’

The life of sylvia plath

Because of her talent in school she was given a scholarship to Smith College where she continued to show how gifted of a student she was. During her undergraduate years she began to suffer from a severe case of depression and she started keeping journals where she wrote what the depression was causing her to β†’

The story of my life assignment

However, need to say here that, because of the passion I had for teaching and imparting morals in the upcoming generation, I took up a teaching appointment with the State Teaching Commission where was placed to teach History and Government at Asia High School, Asia Shako, Indo State. I was there between late 2002 and β†’

4th amendment

After Gant was arrested for the use of a suspended driver's license, the police went further to search his car. This was a violation of the amendment since Gant was in the police vehicle and as such, was in no position to harm the officers.