4 Pages Essay Samples

Impacts of stress on medical students

There is also the stress of the patient not enduring the treatment leading to the doctors to confront the family of the patient's condition. Learning about stress can be significant to medical professionals because the job has a lot of stress.

American colonies: substantial differences beneath broad similarities

While most colonies commenced as commercial ventures tied by trade to England, and farming remained dominant in all, the economy of the colonies varied sharply by region due largely to environmental factors. Both New England and the Middle colonies bred commerce and industry with the growth of mills, textiles, and shipbuilding.

Nursing leadership philosophy assignment

As with most life events, situations are changing without anticipation during the delivery of nursing care and one must be versatile and flexible to respond and adapt to the changes as they cur; thus for the purpose of this document is to present the significance of the application of the situational leadership theory in my →

Heros emerge in a time of conflict assignment

By uniting the ladies and providing them with a symbol of hope Adrienne became the hero and the leader that the women needed in a time of great conflict. Adrenaline's actions In the face of danger can be compared to that of " the father of India", Mahatma Ghanaian.

Genocide paper essay

The Crusades' goal which included the retaking of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Muslims resulted in campaigns of war resulting in the death of many Muslims. While this did result in the deliberate extermination of the Muslims, the reason why it was fought was to retake the Holy Land from the Muslims.

Financing education equitably & sources of revenue

The presence of the gap between the rich and the poor in the education framework creates problems of inequality. The involvement of the government in ensuring equality in the education sector involves their role in financing of learning institutions.

Both parents should share equal responsibility

Taking care of children is not an easy task and it is crucial for both parent's to be involved and take equal responsibility in raising their child. Both parent's should be responsible for raising a child because it took two people to bring a child into the world.

Brain structures and functions worksheet

It is also a component of the corpus striatum and it consists of the subthalamic nucleus and the substantial nigra.2. It is also part of the brain that helps you process fear, anger and pleasure.13.

Need and significance of traffic education to students

There is a need for all those involved with young people to help teach clear road safety messages to equip them to understand and manage the risks they encounter as road users. Learning to cope with the risks they will face on the roads will allow our young people and their parents the confidence that →

Personality: a product of nature or nurture

This shows that it is not just genetics alone that influence personality; it is the interaction of genetics and the environment. Since the correlation coefficients for the traits neuroticism and extraversion are higher in identical twins compared to fraternal twins, this means that if one identical twin is an introvert, the chances of the other →

The easy way out

The innate consideration of the practice of euthanasia plagues the mind of many individuals as essentially an argumentative debate over the morality of the controversy as a whole. The magnification of the issue has the tendency to be turned around into the question of its legality.

Otaku: its effect to teenagers essay sample

Otaku culture in Japan has spread around the world and most of them like to collect something as their collection, for example, anime figurines, DVD and VCD anime, and manga. They can go to Akihabara district which is in Tokyo to search anything they want related to anime, manga and video games because the district →

Business valuations

Calculate the value of the Dosed Co.based on the present value of the expected earnings? What is the value of a preference share?

Horace miner – nacirema tribe location

They are a " North American group living in the territory between the Canadian Creel the Yaqui and Tarahumare of Mexico, and the Carib and Arawak of the Antilles". This area is the United States of America and upon recognizing the location, the reader starts to become cognizant of the presence of an ulterior message.

Nandan nilekani introduction

Nilekani had a huge task of convincing ground level politicians and bureaucrats in convincing them about the idea of a unique identification system and garnering their support to the completion of the project. Nilekani ensured that he brought in the employee stock options plan to Infosys to add on to the employee satisfaction levels and →

Planning and enabling learning

To follow on we are very aware of the importance of inclusivity in the learning process and are continually assessing our delivery and resources to accommodate the differing needs of our learners. For my research into the four topics of negotiating with learners; Inclusive learning; Integrating functional skills and communication, I used both the internet →

Business overview: saxon plumbing services london ltd assignment

Peter and Harvey have been fortunate that word-of- mouth has been a significant contributor to the company's success. Both Peter and Harvey have highlighted the importance of relationships in 82B.

Magdalene sisters

Women who did not fit in the mold of the standards of morality by the Romans were hidden away to keep the women under control. Women and Philanthropy in the Nineteenth Century Ireland.

Charles dickens – the signalman

Besides, the setting becomes more and more gloomy as the narrative proceeds and the narrator carry on the description of the signalman and his box, " Was it necessary for him when on duty, always to remain in that channel of damp air, and could he never rise into the sunshine from between those high →

What are the many cultural political essay

That challenges are increasingly presented to the stability of particular perspectives by the overall globalization process, the cognitive compression of the world and the intensification of a global consciousness". In terms of geo-economics, a major problem is coming to terms with the functioning of the local economy.

Sustainable design in via verde

Green roofs, rainscreens, and the orientation of the building are some of the many innovations that have led to improving the condition of the environment and its residents simultaneously bringing both nature and people together. From the funding to the design strategies, Via Verde has greatly impacted the environment and people's lives.

Being a good manager

Short term goals are usually the initial funds needed to start up a business and the money to keep a business going. But with the skills described in this paper, one can go to become a good manager.

Concept note on karl marx assignment

The first of these is the concept of diametric materialism; this is a theory Of economic development history that believes ' societies all change by passing from different stages and the type of means of production determine these stages' 1. The concepts of Marxism are diametrically opposed to those of capitalism, and it is here →

Bruce dawe themes essay

By the comparing of Katrina to a jewel, it shows that she is precious and valued to the persona. Additionally, in creating metaphors the poet is able to distribute to the audience his theme of the tragedy of war.

Dry cleaning industry research

One of the problems facing the dry cleaning industry is the persistently diminishing demand for the service, and this has seen the industry shrink by the day. Another problem is the high cost of labor in the industry since the dry cleaning service is rather rigorous.

Travel and tourism industry and virgin atlantic

Thomson want's the customer to have a relaxing and enjoyable time whilst on holiday, and if the hotel is damaged, or services are not up to scratch, this can seriously jeopardise the customers overall happiness and satisfaction. Hotel staff are responsible along with a travel rep, in this case a Thomson Travel rep to ensure →

Evolution: biology study guide assignment

Give an example of each 1. What are the two types of structural adaptation.

The poverty in the country essay sample

In this era of globalization, education is crucial in determining the standard of living.the level of education that will determine whether a person gets a good job or not.this is because, the employer is currently only looking for highly experienced and highly educated employees to be employed. Besides that, rapid growth of population is the →

Math and the paraprofessional teaching fractions

In this way, they will come to know that four blues would be required to cover the yellow means that each part of the blue is 1/4 of the yellow. With the same concept, in order to give them the idea of 1/2, I will make the train of two cubes and will put the →

Cognition on behavior

A common type of therapy, which is used when there are behavioral abnormalities, which are the result of cognition, is CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, which relies on a therapist to help reconstruct new cognitive patterns in an effort to deter the abnormal behavior. While there are medications that can help regulate this behavior, CBT →

Knowledge is powerful than money

The idea that wealth is power is also quite common, it is believed to be true by a number of people but that is wrong; wealth is not a permanent thing. MR PRESIDENT: It has become a misconception in the prevalent era that desire of wealth and money is everything.

Crohn’s disease: a patient education plan

Sarah is planning on going to college in the fall and will need a large amount ofeducationon nutrition, medications, and symptoms of the disease so that she can manage the disease independently. For Sarah, educational on how to best manage Crohn's disease and prevent flare-ups will decrease stress and help her live a normal life.

Frontiers in aquatic physiology – grand challenge

These broad areas of interest certainly apply to aquatic organisms and, thereby, are of interest to Frontiers in Aquatic Physiology. Frontiers in Aquatic Physiology intends to publish original research articles, review articles, hypothesis and theory articles, methods articles, commentaries, perspective articles, opinion articles, book reviews and conference proceedings in these and other areas of interest →

Editorial: producing, sensing and responding to cellular stress in immunity

Editorial on the Research Topic Producing, Sensing and Responding to Cellular Stress in Immunity Stress, meaning any disturbance of the internal environment of a cell, can result not only from external stimuli but also from physiological processes such as the intrinsic free radical production by the metabolic functioning of mitochondria. Since the immune system is, →

Brief on reasonable doubt

Because of the seriousness of such an effect to a person, the other party then has the burden of proving an accused's guilt beyond reasonable doubt. Webster, reasonable doubt has been defined as, " that state which, after the entire comparison and consideration of all the evidence, leaves the minds of jurors in that condition →


Organization's stakeholders must adhere to the organizational rules and regulations as well as code of conduct and behavior the guide the working process and organization of the company. Conclusion In conclusion, therefore, workplace ethical behavior is crucial for the profitability and performance of an organization.

Advantages that multinations have over domestically focused companies

The reasons why companies seek to expand across borders are: to open new markets or to hold onto existing ones; to avoid tariffs or other trade restrictions; to tap new sources of raw materials and agricultural production; and to take advantage of cheap foreign labor. Multinational companies enjoy the advantage of having the choice to →

A report on effectiveness of ultrasound education essay

Title of this survey is: Effectiveness of Ultrasound imaging in Genito-urinary system for diagnostic intents: A comprehensive comparing with other modes in position of safety and handiness. Can US be the first mode of pick in GUT imagination?

Simple sentence and deep and surface structure of a sentence essay example

According to Matlin, a sentence deep structure is basically considered as a basic structure of the sentence while a surface sentence is considered as an actual form of a sentence. This sentence is ambiguous in the sense that it can mean that the man is using an umbrella to hit the man or the man →

Eurostop and worldwide solutions

After automating every aspect of the branch operations from the tills, to the stock control systems with Eurostop, attention then turned to improving the efficiency of the company's warehouse facilities. All items in the warehouse have a barcode that is read by the scanner on the hand held computer.

The nature of technical writing

Understanding the Reader The technical writer should know how to adapt his writings and terminologies of the type of the intended audience or readers. If the report is on the result of a technical experiment, the writer who writes the report should explain what the problem is all about, what causes the problem and how →

The impact of the exchange rate policy change in thailand

The objective of this paper is to examine the dependence between the foreign exchange market and the stock market of four developing countries and one developed country in Asia: Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and South Korea before and after the exchange rate regime changed in Thailand via copula. From the analysis of the dependence →

Fitzgerald’s “winter dreams”: chasing dreams

In the story, Judy Jones is the dream Dexter Green is chasing, and although it is impossible, it is what keeps him flourishing. The pursuit of his dream creates vitality in him, and in what he sees in her, and that is why the dream is important.

Strategies for problem solving: theory analysis

The Gestalt approach to problem solving is based upon the foundations of the mind's representation of the problem and the reorganization of the problems resolution in the mind. The central idea of the Gestalt approach dissects a problem and the route to solution characterized in the person's mind.

Introduction the american government has no right to

This paper looks at the separation of the church from the state and at how the Establishment Clause has impacted on some highlighted controversial issues. In addition, this clause emphasizes on the separation of the church from the state.

Planning issues – suitability of business

As this business may be very good to the local community and make profit from trading locally however if it want purely online it may not have as many products to keep up with going online for example log of customer may want the same product but the company may not have that many quantity →

Internet protocol suite essay sample

In 1982, the Internet protocol suite was standardized, and consequently, the concept of a world-wide network of interconnected TCP/IP networks, called the Internet, was introduced. The gathering of information can be done in one place with the click of a mouse through internet.

How orwell shows the strengths and weaknesses of the proletariat in animal farm

The first sign of the strength of the animal is in the first chapter:" they should all meet in the big barn as soon as Jones was out of the way" This shows that the animals have the control between them to have a meeting, and to even consider planning a mutiny against the current →

The engineer and his education

The functions of an engineer are to design, to construct, to advise, to operate, to investigate, and to supervise. Thus, a civil engineer ought to have knowledge inmathematicsto solve mathematical problems; knowledge of the practical application of engineeringscience and technologyand this includes applying principles, techniques, procedures, and equipment to the design and production of various →

Reginald rose: using personal prejudice and bigotry assignment

However Rose chooses to show that there is hope and Justice for the boy by introducing Juror eight whom raises conflict by choosing to oppose the other Jurors and providing evidence that the boy is innocent. Or do not you have the guts to do what you think is right? ", this shows how conflict →

The child with special needs

The child with special needs By courtesy to Education Act, Equality Act, Children Act and other provisions such as the post of Special Education Needs Coordinator at schools in the UK, today one can inarguably say that gone are the days when children with special education needs were not diagnosed at an early age, or →

The ritz carlton hotel

The Ritz-Carlton is a luxury hotels, was established in 1983, it is the foremost name in luxury hotels worldwide, this success is largely due to the legendary Caesar Ritz who developed and operated two of the world's best hotels in Paris and London, the hotel achieved such fame in the marketplace till the point they →

Main features in kindred novel

Rufus tells her about Alice living in the forest, and Dana sets out to find her, assuming she will be free once she is off of the property. After this incident, Dana realizes that she is unable to trust Rufus anymore because of the way he unjustly exerts his power.

Gene mutations: questions and answers

A gene which is regarded to be highly conserved is a gene through the history of evolution which is fairly, if not completely similar to a gene sequence in another species. Endocytosis is the ability of a cell to absorb molecules and other organisms, by engulfing the object.

When people walk their talk: the los angeles moves for environmental justice

The film also included the efforts spearheaded by the Friends of Los Angeles River in their efforts of bringing back and protecting the natural birthrights of the Los Angeles River. Among the activities Friends of Los Angeles River is involved with are re-vegetating the LA River's watershed, restoration of the ecosystem, educating students and communities →

Compare and contrast the roles of gender in the yellow wallpaper essay

Jane's inability to conform to the normal ways of behave for someone of her gender and social standing result in her having to involuntary, for it is the will of her husband, rest cure where she is allowed to do nothing, which leads to a socially unsolicited outcome."" I have got out at last," said →

Antony & cleopatra analysis essay

This action of water being on fire is transcending the impossible; this could be a reference to Cleopatra's capability to surpass the impossible, that she is such a woman that could do this. She is referred to as a " royal wench", and this is the one section of the scene where Cleopatra's ability is →

Critic of biag ni lam-ang essay

What is the degree of competency in English of the class seven high school pupils along the composing accomplishments? La Union and; In order that the proposed faculty in English Language the class seven high school pupils of CICOSAT COLLEGES-Basic Education.

Ethics in pharmaceutical marketing assignment

I would like to take this opportunity to discuss about the roles of ethics and social responsibilities in building marketing strategy in pharmaceutical Industry and how those strategies have Influence on pharmaceutical stakeholders' need. Pharmaceutical companies are committed to evolving their advertising and marketing practices to meet the needs of patients, physicians and other stakeholders →

Landscape symbolism in the aeneid

Different peoples are defined through their contrasting relationships with forests; the Latins are described in terms of their affinity for and integration with nature, while the Trojans, by their desire for conquest and construction, are placed inherently in opposition to forests and their associations with the primitive, virginal, and supernatural. The mysterious and enigmatic nature →

Bollywood classic love stories are an integral

This scene is how Raj gets stuck in the back compartment of the train and he spots Simran who is running to catch the train. One of his signature dishes is sent back from the table in his restaurant and when he meets the patron, he falls in love with her.

‘between ourselves’ and ‘joebell’ and ‘america’ essay sample

The Mother in " Between Ourselves" is someone who cares about her daughter a lot, she is worried that her daughter will meet and marry a man in America and marry. The choice for her to go to university in America changes the rest of her life and a choice that she cannot change.

Life experiences assignment

Looking back, I was too young to know what the word grieve meant, so all I knew was my dad was never coming back; this was a man that I loved and would miss all my life. It was not until I was in my twenties that I found out he had committed suicide and →

Brand repositioning global marketing cultural studies essay

For the low involvement product ' candy bar', the scores of the attitude towards the brand, the attitude towards the advertisement and purchase intention are in all cases the highest for the advertisement with no model. The purpose of this research is to identify transfer of meanings and associations to the celebrity to find out →


Usually support policies that benefit specific industries -The American Medical Association and the American Political Science Association are examples of Professional interest groups -Which of the following is a direct lobbying technique used by interest groups to influence public policy? The Electoral College system provides a third-party candidate with a strong incentive to run for →

Sexual harassment scenario

We have certain concepts in mind as to how the boys are much better in Science and Mathematics so the teachers ask them the related questions and not the girls. On the other hand, if the topic is literary related, then the girls are encouraged to answer and the boys ignored.

Skills you need to be an effective teacher education essay

This was a fairly easy transition for me due to the fact that I was back to being with my family and friends that I had grown up with. I think my final transition was of great value to me because I feel that I have benefited greatly from the professors at UTPB and have →

African american history

In answering the question of how the African Americans ended up in the United States, first we need to look at their history. According to Wikipedia, Portuguese were the first to bring slaves out of Africa in 1443, and that the first African slaves arrived in 1619 at Jamestown, United States of America.

Genocide in cuba

It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The resulting plan was to create a network of concentration camps to intern the thousands of " unfit.

Jesus camp essay

I want to see young people who are as committed to the cause of Jesus Christ as the young people are to the cause of Islam. The first problem I saw in the film was that the parents think that they are teaching their children good, but they are only teaching their children to be →

Mood of obsession in berenice by edgar allan poe

Toward the end of the story, Poe uses the words " hideous" and " vain" which also adds to the mood of doom. The mood of " Berenice" is dark and eerie, and the syntax proves this as the story progresses.

Getting a relevant understanding of a business: start with data analysis and operational functions

To ensure that the room reservation operational functions run smoothly while providing quality services to the hotel clients, I will conduct a review of the data of the previous bookings as well as the influx and outflow of the clients. For instance, to know the inflow and outflow of customers into the hotel, I will →

System analysis and design:

3 Significance of the Study This part of the study discusses about the significance of creating the system to the panelists. The result will be beneficial to the following: Restaurant - the proposed system will simplify and automate the everyday task of the restaurant, especially reservations and billing.

Democracies and progress

Democracies and Progress Democracies and Progress Briefly discuss, in one to two paragraphs, different types of democracies and explain where the U.S.fits in and why There are three types of democracy in the world today. In the moderate type of democracy, the ruling government has a moderate in directing the daily lives of its citizens.

Silvio napoli at schindler india example #2

Because of this it is unsure if he is able to identify the needs of the market and to implement a strategy according to this. Also as he actually did I would clearly communicate to my employees what the purpose of the strategy is, that it had been violated and that this will not be →

The representation of feminine in shaktism

This mutual interdependence of the Feminine and the masculine principle is represented in Shaktism and, I believe, is tried to be depicted in the half Parvati and half Shiva statue. As Kali is in itself the most acute form of energy, she's portrayed as black to show the density of energy of the entire universe, →

Stroke brain symptoms

An ischemic stroke can be due to a clot or embolism of the vessel; or atherosclerosis, hardening of the arteries by a fatty deposit known as plaque, can be the culprit. These symptoms may be a sign of a TIA or a " mini-stroke", which can be a warning sign of an even larger stroke.

Belonging through various contexts, the crucible and the incredibles

This may be investigated through the Personal, Social and Cultural contexts of Arthur Miller's play " The Crucible" and the film, directed by Brad Bird, " The Incredibles". In Arthur Miller's play " The Crucible", cultural contexts shape the perceptions of belonging and not belonging by using religion to divide the community.

Anthony music and having an ear for music

At the end of the book, Alex decides to give up violence and becomea family man. Themes The significance offreedom of choice One of the main themes in Burgess's " A clockworkOrange" is the significance of freedom of choice.

Can traditional media survive? assignment

Thinking of it the same way people must have thought in the sass, when television first entered households across America, the thought just have been then that this was the end' of the newspaper and news magazines. I choose to click for further information if I am interested and if I have the time.

Insight into human diseases prediction biology essay

The rule perceptual experience delinquent NGS is same to CE-sangar sequencing i.e the little fragments of DNA resynthesized as all bases are recognized. Here are drawn some wide scope of applications of NGS engineerings.[ ref 1 ] MAXAM-GILBERT SEQUENINGThe fundamental of this method is the radiolabelling at 5 ' terminal.

Why do men cheat

The reasoning behind this story is that during all of this, the author was being cheated on and she took it hard. The ending result was that the author and her boyfriend stayed together but she is slowly trying to rebuild the trust she had in him and that it will take time.

Why was the single currency introduced and how successful has it been so far

Maybe the rule is to strict and should be changed, but this would cause speculators to see the Euro as weak, and sell it, this would result in a collapse of the euro and a collapse in all European states economies. The rules are essential for it to work and Germany and France have broken →

A song of remembrance: the importance of berniece’s choices

Although Berniece wants to keep the piano, she does not want to celebrate her heritage and acts as though it is something to be ashamed of. Ultimately, only Berniece's acceptance of her heritage is able to stop the turmoil and chaos in her family.

Positive psychology essay

The authors argue that the scientific study of human strengths and virtues, and the positive aspects of human nature, should be embraced as a legitimate part of psychology. In the world of natural and social sciences, scientists have studied the structure and natural functioning of their topics of interest for example the physicist who admires →

Marriage for all

The arguments against marriage are the nontraditional aspect of gay marriage, the welfare of the children of gay parents, and are largely based on the religious definitions of marriage. It's understandable that people would be wary of gays or gay marriage because their beliefs give the impression to, but it is not understandable that they →

Stevia benefits essay

However, the all-natural stevia sweetener is different from sugar in many ways, and there are several reasons why stevia is a better option than sucrose, whether you are diabetic or just looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Time for a bit of trivia: did you know that stevia has been approved as a sweetener in →

Character profile of atticus finch

Even though Atticus is a lawyer, he does not make much money in the town that he lives. Atticus believes that his daughter Scout is too much of a " tomboy", and he thinks that his son Jim should be more of a " boy".

Jetsmarter ceo sergey petrossov’s sky-high ambitions

As to travel to destinations around the world, JetSmarter has been described by many as the Uber for the private jet market- a comparison that Petrossov claims to be pleased about, but he admits that he's aiming for greater things than that." Uber has achieved a lot of great success, and I think that they →

What is faith?

Every one of us exhibits faith in something every day; we have faith that the bus driver knows how to drive the bus, we have faith that the pilot knows how to fly the plane, we have faith that the school teachers know how to educate our children, and for Christians we have faith that →

Developing and interesting interview

Journalism and Society Discussion questions for the week two tutorials For Peter Clarke's chapter on interviewing from Australian Journalism Today, the questions are: What is it, according to Clarke, that makes the set piece interview of a public figure so dull and arid today? It has all the surface attributes of an authentic process of →

Young’s modulus of aluminium beam

5 mm, the uncertainty of the vernier calliper used to measure the width and breadth is 0. We decided to use the highest uncertainties of the measurements, hence obtaining the values L= mm, d= mm, b= mm The results we obtained are the following: Load D Error in D 0 0 0 1 0.7 0.


To this end, Hercules has recently embarked on a major upgrade programme, using XcelleNet's Afaria, management solution for the mobile enterprise to deliver faster communications facilities and more efficient information updates to users in the field. With Afaria, we can send information down to the laptops and keep it up to date in a highly →

My antonia

The permanence of destiny stands out when the author focuses on the first choice, disregards detail, and the inevitable end. The destiny of his action is so enduring that it overcomes both the realities of the situation and the test of time.

Marketing plan for perfume j’adore, by dior assignment

Dior is known everywhere in the world." Absolute feminity" is one of the slogans for J'adore.2. The market segmentation is the same.

Set of economics problems

Corruption: Introduction: Corruption is considered one of the greatest obstacles to social development and economic growth of a country. In case if the citizen accepts the bribe then it will include in corruption on the part of the public official as well as the citizen to maximize their own benefits.