4 Pages Essay Samples

Effectiveness of advertising

First, it is important to look at the context of the advertisement, or the place in which the ad is strategically placed. Dolce and Gabbana also does a thorough job at covering the rest of their potential market by directing the ad toward the small portion of Allure's readership that is men, by including a →

Comparing short stories

Lantin" and " The Bet" tell separate stories that display the misconception of the importance and happinessof money and wealth during the literary realism era in France. Through the use of plot, tone, and irony, the authors were able to convey that during the realism era of France people were separated by the concepts of →


Therefore, there is a considerable decline in prices and rise in number of buyers. CSPs provide services by utilizing carrier network infrastructure and have different levels; mobile telecommunication carriers in Australia are; Telstra, Vodafone, Optus, and Hutchison's ' 3' and Orange.

Bartleby in herman

To emphasize this point, the author uses the character of the Lawyer, the narrator of the story, and his conflict with Bartleby. And when the Lawyer asks him to leave the office since he declares he is tired of his work as a scrivener, he refuses.

The business profile of france

In the long-term, the France Balance of Trade is projected to trend around -1650. In 2015, France is the largest recipient of global investment stock.

Impact of directly observed treatment on tuberculosis

According to the WHO guidelines, MDR TB treatment regimen requires a minimum duration of 18 months with two treatment phases, the intensive and the continuation phase. According to the WHO, the pooled treatment success rate of MDR TB patients diagnosed in 2009 was about 48%, whereas it exceeded 85% among non-MDR TB patients.

Energy consumption and awareness

The most wide scaled importance of energy consumption is that everyone uses energy; there is not a modern device in the world that does not use some force of energy to make it work, even we as humans use energy to function, and because of this, energy is one of the most important things in →

Uniforms narrative essay

If students have to wear a uniform, or are not allowed to wear what they want, administrative are taking away their freedom of expression. They are not doing just that, they are taking away the students right to freedom of speech and free expression.

Macroeconomics of the automobile industry assignment

Example of Perfectly Inelastic Demand Because of the surplus of demand in obtaining auto insurance, premium rates will continue to remain competitive among the leaders and eventually could lead to a fall in the supply. The elasticity of supply among the auto insurance industry is considered to be elastic.

A story in harlem slang essay sample

Though Jelly and Sweet Back claim they have game, the woman that walks by, schools them both, yet she is not the one with the most game. Sweet Back is implying that Jelly is a liar and that he was with a beat and broke girl.

Modern short story essay

At the end of the story the Jeweller sits back and thinks of how he was tricked and is the same fool he will always be. The only thing Rosemary could not purchase was self esteem and this showed at the end of the story when she asks Phillip the simple question of "' Am →

European data protection directive

There are many laws as to why Europe is so strict on data protection but many countries are adopting the laws for three reasons.a.) To remedy past injustices. In other words, the data transfer itself must be legitimate.b) According to the EU Data Protection Directive and correspondingly the FDPA it is unlawful to transfer personal →

Eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness of organizations

In todays global environment, why are eco-effciency and eco-effectiveness important to organizations In recent years, much emphasis has been put on the importance of eco-effciency and eco-effectiveness due to raising concern of global warming and the environment in general. This essay will discuss in detail the benefits and reasons why eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness is important →

Learning to walk in the customer

In this case, there has to be strategic planning in order to find solutions to the problem and to make sure that customer satisfaction is number one. Elements which make up the program include: a discussion on how the program operates, and the impact of the combination of simulation and videos of actual dissatisfied customers →

Background under the name ascii microsoft. in 1981

Background As the computing and gamingindustry started to rise in the mid to late 80's many companies started to riseand create their own development on computing and game hardware and software. Inthis report it will be mainly focused on the Microsoft Corporation on it's ownsoftware and hardware from the companies early beginning's all the up →

Hamlet to be or not to be soliloquy analysis

In this quotation, Hamlet wonders whether he should live and suffer the hardships that his life has to offer him or die in order to end the suffering. He would no longer have to watch his uncle reign over the kingdom that he believes should belong to him and his father.

Ford motor company analysis

Ford has utilized its product portfolio, brand strategy and global business structure to withstand recent financial disasters in the auto industry and strive towards its vision to be the world's leading consumer company for automotive products and services. The list includes; Ford of Argentina, Ford of Australia, Ford of Brazil, Ford of Britain, Ford of →

Should the government do away with welfare

Welfare is a modern concept in government whereby the state becomes the main player in the promotion of the social-economic needs of the people. Whether the government should do away with welfare or not must be guided by an objective analysis of the social and economic implications of welfare on the lives of the people →

Complaint-push model and data-pull model

To improve the effectiveness of the complaint-push model, health care providers should create awareness and adopt advanced communication methods like emails, websites, social media, and blogs that can allow patients to reach the health care providers with ease and enable the health care providers to respond to the complaints with speed and relevance. On the →

Pros and cons of continued care

Aggressive care in itself might inflict a lot of discomfort and sometimes complications on the patient who is dying as part of care and treatment. The patients' kin trust that nearly all medical technology is able to save life, and they cannot differentiate between technical support to uphold the functions of the body and to →

Can we make boys and girls the same

Rather what makes boys and girls different are cultural differences pounded in the society, the cultural attitudes from generation to generation have always had feminism in them though social philosophers are alert in communicating cultural messages through religion and custom while others are emphasizing on the influence of these social cultural composition so that boys →

Tourism and conservation and sustainable use of the environment

In my view conservation of the landscape, of our natural and the cultural heritage is a key precondition for local development and ecotourism. It is the policy of the Norwegian government that our national parks and other protected areas can be used for tourism to a greater degree than today.

Chapter 3- ebusiness

EcommerceThe buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet. EmallConsists of a numbers of eshops; it serves as a gateway though which a visitor can access other eshopsC2BApplies to any consumer that sells a product or service to a business over the Internet.Ex.

Why is leadership style important assignment

Get their ideas, feelings and concerns about the direction of the organization and about the best way to get there Participative: This style had a positive impact on climate but lower than the visionary style. This will require that they have the necessary information regarding the issues to be decided Use it to generate fresh →

Years a slave essay sample

The following analysis will provide some insight to the film and the story and explore why this movie will not only leave you in tears, but cause you to have a new found respect for people that endured a life of slavery. From the moment he was captured to the scene where he was sold, →

A journal article review of children of lesbian and gay parents

There have been several research that has studied the preferences and gendered behavior of children growing with lesbian or gay parents and those with heterosexual parents and most of these studies have found no differences in the preferences of these children. It has also been argued by many that such circumstances only provide a positive →

Children`s medical rights in divorce disputes

This case came to the attention of the writer when doing research on the topic of divorce in another course. The parents provide consent to medication on behalf of the children.

China241 – chiense language analysis (homework)

Number: Lecturer: Q1: Why there is lack of salient gender differentiation among male and female employees in owned enterprises and a sharp gender differentiation in the Waiqi group. As such, asymmetry is inherent function in unequal representation and positioning of women and men in different status.

Working women in saudi arabia

Despite the low percentage of Saudi women working in the labor force in the Kingdom compared to advanced countries, it is the unavailability of working sectors open for Saudi women usually limited to education and medicine which has caused some saturation in these sectors. The Saudi government is planning to undertake a study of the →

Analyze the history essay

By using the reviews written by the reviewer, we can see whether the reviewer gave a reasonable indication of the book's contents, comments and interests in reading the book. The reviewer shares with the reader the author's personal story in the first part of the book on losing her husband and by grieving helped her →

Black is beautiful

Black people should be mindful that their people are equal to those who regard them as an inferior race." The conscious shout of the slack in Black is " It's Great to be white." Thus all that is white has white strength and yours." This stanza states that blacks may say that they are also →

Identify a significant problem in it security, disaster planning, or related area

Since it is a software company, therefore, their basic asset and source of profit is the code of the products and their documentation. Online backup services facilitate for this need as well and provide a mechanism to store different versions of the same data.3.

Conflict, violence and humanitarianism

In addition, it has been in the forefront in pushing the government to sign the Victims and Land Restitution Law. M, & Information Network of the Americas.

Long walk to forever essay

After reading Long Walk to Forever, one may be quick to decide that the title does not represent the story well since it is a fairly short walk the characters embark on when they decide to be together. Upon further investigation, the title begins to seem more effective, because when one considers how long these →

Tommy tune

It was clear that from a very young age Tommy was interested in dance and the director he was destined to be was already forming within him. It was quite clear that Tommy Tune made it in the theatre word.

Becase we hate logik

Someone told me that there was a brillient persen out there on the wide, wide, web, who decided to count up the number of words in English that follow the rule verses the ones that do not, and found that the rule is actully wrong more than it is right. I know we all have →

How valid is the concept of grade in a river’s long profile? essay sample

To this graded channel Gilbert devised the following classic definition; ' Where the load of a given degree of comminution is as great as the stream is capable of carrying, the entire energy of the descending water is consumed in the translation of the water and load and there is none applied to corrosion.' Gilbert →

Obesity and physical activity

But while the rest of the country seems to be having a major problem with Obesity and its associated problems, the Twin Cities have been experiencing fairly low rates of heart disease and associated deaths. There are multiple reasons why the levels are so low, but probably one of the largest reasons has to be →

Philippines: a tropical paradise in the south

The geographical location of the Philippines is considered as the " Ring of Fire". One of the sites found in the Philippines was the Banaue Rice Terraces.

Gcse investigation: exploring the efficiency of a kettle

Firstly, through radiation, this is when heat is thrown out of the kettle via the kettle wall out of the main body of water. The bigger the surface area of the volume of water, the more heat energy will be lost.

Rural urban migration in the developing world essay

Consequences of this population rise will affect the people living in the cities and their standard of living. The reason for this is that these cities do not have a lot of planning and control put forward by the government as the governments are always financially unstable and unprepared to suitably satisfy the needs of →

Where are you going, where have you been?” essay

While the physical characteristics seem similar, however, the description of Connie's sexual nature differs, playing an important part in the development of the final scenes of both the story and the movie. Both the movie and the story emphasize the dramatic separation of understanding between Connie and her mother.

Risks involved for amazon essay

Monitor and Evaluate IT Performance The importance of IT in a business is mostly assessed by the benefits of implementing it surpassing the cost that it has incurred but for an organization that is entirely internet based it's evaluation would be based on the consumer response to it which goes for Amazon as well. Monitor →

Are you an innovator or executor? take this quiz to find out.

You have to continually create new products and services that meet real needs in the market and you have to be able to execute on your business concept. YES NO I like to discover new problems and find solutions.

“the outsiders” by s.e. hinton

With that said, this coming of age novel truly shows the value of friendship, the trials and tribulations of finding yourself, and the conflicts between social classes. Ponyboy lives in the poorer side of town and is part of a group known as the Greasers.

Gender roles and relationships in virginia woolf’s to the lighthouse

Family and friends pass through the Ramsay's summer home in the Hebrides, all of whom carry characteristics, tendencies, and beliefs worthy of analysis on any number of levels. The novel paints a picture of how a relationship between the sexes should look, making it clear that the woman's primary duty in a relationship is to →

Integrated marketing communication promotion strategy marketing essay

Three of them were taking part in the process of developing and designing the latest MacBook Pro, and as the very important leaders in the Apple Inc. Apple Inc.posted the features and information and released the latest advertising of MacBook Pro in its official website.

Genetic engineering today: the reinvention of frankenstein’s lab? 10215

This essay will examine the question " What is genetic engineering?", the moral issues concerning genetic engineering, and finally relate these topics to the formation of " the creature" in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein". In other words, the final goal of genetic engineering is to perfect the human race.

The movie ”the awakening” essay sample

More observations and experiments follow this, until they finally come to a conclusion which is called a The Awakening the movie The Awakening, Robin Williams uses the observation, hypotheses and experimenting steps in the scientific method. He tried administrating the medicine to one of his patients, and observed The scientific method is a process of →

Life in a horticultural society essay sample

These things would not be possible nor would it be possible to own the amount of possessions that I have in a horticultural society. I am sure that living in a horticultural society would change my core values and would reflect the times.

Hinduism & jainism

It is the yoga of self control and meditation. Describe the Goals Its goal is to become aware of the eternal self and break the bondage to the material world.

Future business needs of reverse logistics

The main aim of leadership in position is to ensure that the return of merchandise is swift, less costly and convenient to both the manufacturers and the customers. This practice could be costly in the supply chain process, to the consumers and the profit making.

The value of market auditing

There are two mechanisms which can be used for structuring both the internal and external factors influencing Abel and Cole, The SWOT analysis and the PEST analysis. The PEST analysis shows Abel and Cole the elements of the external environment which have a direct impact on them thus covering the external influence part of the →

Riot grrl college essay

Riot Grrrl- A Concrete Manifestation of the Third Wave of Feminism Riot Grrrl is an underground feminist punk movement that started in the early 1990's and is often associated with third wave feminism. Music is one of the most influential and powerful means of ommunication, combined with the DIY philosophy of punk, it helped express →

Advantages of outsourcing internal auditing

This also gives firms the ability to balance workloads Resource relocation From the interview I conducted I found out that the other importance of outsourcing internal auditing is that it allows the relocation of resources in the organization. This time is used to critically analyze the operations in the organization.

Sex and the city analysis

One television show that changed women around the country and the way they felt about sex was Sex and the City. Viewers do not see Charlotte sleeping around with as many men as the other characters, and the men she does have sex are the ones she is in a committed relationship with.

Editorial: application of new technologies in the treatment of substance use disorders

Editorial on the Research Topic Application of New Technologies in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders Substance use disorders a social, economic, and medical burden are a global problem. Wang et al.proposed a new approach for the treatment of MUD; they aimed to test the efficacy of paliperidone extended-release in decreasing methamphetamine use and reducing →

Stanford prison experiment

It is true though; the experiment that was designed to investigate possible causes of conflict between the guards and the prisoners turned into a nightmare. Soon, the guards were abusing the prisoners, the prisoners were igniting riots, and the staff had no objections at all." The first day they came there it was a little →

Global citizenship gned assignment

We decided for the point Of this discussion to homelessness as a " class". We would allow ourselves to be perceived as a homeless person on the streets in Toronto to really walk in their shoes.

Scarlet letter on quote essay

As he observes Hester on the scaffold, Timescale feels the pain of his immense guilt and desire for a demotion that he is not brave enough to receive. At the end of the novel, Timescale finally reveals that he is a sinner and immediately falls to his death.

Assignment 2: what is gross domestic product? essay sample

Income receipts for the rest of the world decreased and income payments to the rest of the world decreased. 9 in the first quarter of 2009.

Digi marketing analysis assignment

POSITIONING In this stage, positioning is where DIG will have to develop a product and provide brand image into the minds of the customers. DIG has to try to improve their telecommunications skills to provide a better quality of life for the customers and also to improve their ways of living to more digital.

Who killed weimar democracy

After the fall of Bruning he was forced to resign and a new chancellor Franz von Papen was appointed. It was a further disaster to the Weimar democracy and great help for Hitler as a chancellor to achieve the power faster by inheriting the Prussian state and overthrowing other states governments.

Media body image assignment

Another way the media is affecting young woman is by making beauty seem the only way to attract the opposite sex The sexualization of girls and women is the depiction of females as merely valued by their sex appeal. There needs to be a drastic hange in the values of the media with more representation →

Hard rock and postmodernism essay sample

Borchard wanted to get into the Hard Rock Cafe the opening night is Las Vegas because he wanted to part of the concert, and the " once-in-a-lifetime experience" like everyone else in line. Findings Borchard did not have the right " look" and did not act the right way to get into the concert like →

Discuss the economic and political motives for european expansion into africa in the 19th century

The economic and political motives for European expansion into Africa in the 19th Century Nineteenth Century was not the beginning of European expansion across the globe as Europe had been extending its power across continents ever since the maritime expansion and rise of capitalist economy in the 15th and 16th centuries. Insert details of name →


These are derived either from the position held by the leader in the organization or from the individual regardless of his/her position in the organization. Legitimate power is derived by the position one holds in the organization such as a manager or supervisor; a position with authority.

Organisation behavior at spicejet

It has seen a constant increase in the number of passengers and for this airline only the sky seems to be the limit. The power of safety SpiceJet invests heavily in safety, impeccable maintenance and a high level of expertise.

Management expertise flashcard

Population growth If the population increases, then the demand for products will be greater and this is an opportunity for a business to expand its range of stock and appeal to an ever-increasing market. If somewhere else can produce the same products as you at lower prices and provide a higher standard of customer service, →

Morrisons team

Marketing also interacts with the Production department, because they need to make sure that the product they are going to produce will satisfy the Morrisons customers' wants and needs. The Administration department is also a very valid member of the Morrisons team because they make sure that all the paperwork is in order and that →

The scientific method analysis argumentative

If the experiment were stopped before the plants in the dark condition die, the experiment will be left with the alternative conception that light is not necessary for plants to live and grow. Fruits and vegetables placed in the refrigerator last about a week and a half to two weeks.


Even though the Romans had their own religion, most of the time they used the gods and beliefs of the people whom they conquered. The Romans were the first to have ever worn a bikini.

Organizational behavior

If a manager gives bonus to a group, every single individual who are the members of the group might work for the company's benefit as more productive than past. In order to reap benefits such as increased productivity, the entrepreneur designing a reward program must identify company or group goals to be reached and the →

Essay summary of frida kahlo

The size of her heart emphasizes the sheer intensity of the pain she is experiencing from Diego and her sister's betrayal. She is displayed in a European style dress and is holding the hand-held scissors that are severing her ties with Diego.

Deep vein thrombosis (dvts)

The conceding medical attendant would do as such in the wake of surveying the patient to ensure there are no contradicting conditions, mind the specialist's request, and ensure that the patient's machine is snared on and enacted. A portion of the conditions that expansion the danger of creating blood clumps incorporate; post-medical procedure, not having →

An explication of lord byron’s she walks in beauty and christopher marlowe’s the face that launched a thousand ships

In essence, Byron is comparing her with the beauties of the natural world, for her loveliness is " cloudless" like the dark and starry night and her " aspect" or physicality is imbued with " all that's best of dark and bright" which symbolizes her dual nature as a woman of varying temperaments. With " →

Cognitive psychology

A significant point in the advancement of cognitive psychology begins with a psychologist named Wilhelm Wundt, who was the first individual to identify the subject of psychology, in the last part of the 18th century. After Watson's theories of behaviorism, the decline of behaviorism began and another theory was started to study the mind, this →

Introduction to sociology assignment

The course inquires into areas such as: ' What are the primary concerns and points of focus within critical social science'? ' What is the role of culture in the formation of self and identity'? ' How can we understand some of the main social problems in the emerging global society? It is essential that →

Parent interview with the mother of three school aged children

Parental involvement is key, and there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer, either in the classroom or with the school council, and the kids are involved in so many things that they present throughout the year for the parents. Children can act differently in different situations, so seeing them and how they react around the →

Privatization in the united states essay sample

According to Green Garage Blog, that the prison industry engages in a lot of cherry-picking and cost-shifting to maintain the illusion that the private sector does it better for less. The installment of more private prisons would satisfy both the taxpayers and prisoners and transitioning to the privatization of prisons would overall benefit the nation →

The picture of dorian gray: character analysis

Although his greatest mistake is that he failed to focus on a person for the good qualities and traits they have rather than their appearance." Being natural is simply a pose, and the most irritating pose I know." Lord Henry is blunt with his superficial views. He was captivated with the fact that she was →

Managing the cost of it operations

Rowland Roland is about to consolidate the 70 production NT servers and is contemplating installing the IM-System to provide capacity utilization numbers for the NT servers to more effectively manage and possibly reduce the number of NT servers required in production. Apart from this, he also wants to push management to make use of the →

They’re here. they’re sexual. get used to it.

While comprehensive sex education classes usually manage to walk the fine line between informative and intimate, chastity education resorts to wildly inaccurate information to deter students from having sex. According to Rethinking Schools, when it comes to the supremacy of comprehensive sex education-"[Teens] are here.

Crusible vs mccarthyism assignment

She says " let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and will come to you in the black of the night and I will bring a sharp pointy reckoning that will shudder you". Certainly, pressure for conformity, a symptom of irruption, is evident in both →

eating green essay sample

Once the rhetorical question have been asked the reader should not have to stop and try to think of the right answer to her question. It is hard for the reader to be influenced by this because if her argument lacks confidence, the reader will get an understanding that this issue may not be serious →

Computer aided learning essay

Presentation of the IssueThe applications of computers are growing rapidly, and expectations of this technology are growing at the same rate. The IT Background of the IssueIn this part we will look at the various types of CALL and where they might be employed in a typical lesson, turn to look at the major types →

Internet critical essay

Take a screen shot of the Internet Information Services Manager console, showing the new site you created, by pressing Alt+ Part Sir, and then paste the exulting image into the Label_worksheet file in the page provided by pressing CTR + Exercise 5. Question 14 How would the opening of the port you performed in Exercise →

Indus valley civilization.

Though the Indus Valley script remains undeciphered down to the present day, the numerous seals discovered during the excavations, as well as statuary and pottery, not to mention the ruins of numerous Indus Valley cities, have enabled scholars to construct a reasonably plausible account of the Indus Valley Civilization. In most respects, the Indus Valley →

The different parts of our legal system

When a crime is committed against any part of society then punishment is a solution to the injuries of that crime. Understanding the principle and function of punishment in conjunction with society? s goal is imperative to a society? s general order.

What makes me qualified for this role

This is extremely crucial for a staff member, because without the experience on the network I have accumulated, I would not be able to answer player questions and properly do my job as a staff member. Although I am and have been told to appear as a friendly and nice person, when being a staff →

Lord of the flies

Simon is a young boy who is one of the main characters that the book Lord of the Flies revolves around. He makes us feel from the actions of Simon that he is a loving, caring, sensible and thoughtful person willing to help all.

The civil rights movement – main events assignment

In 1 875 the US Supreme Court ruled that the 1866 Civil Rights Act was against the constitution and in 1896 accepted the Jim Crow laws by saying that segregation was allowed if the facilities were " separate but equal". Change Post WWW WWW saw the end of segregation in the US Army and Navy →

Organic chemistry ii laboratory manual assignment

Cool the intent of the flask with cold water, and then pour into ice water and stir vigorously to assist the hydrolysis of unrelated acetic anhydride. Of the crystals.1.

Separating of compounds

Positive integer: A positive order indicates that the concentration of that species DIRECTLY affects the rate of a reaction. So, in The reaction of calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid is said to be first order withrespectto hydrochloric acid.

Social work confidentiality and informed consent social work essay

Confidential information and the sharing of it, must be given consent by the client, in a professional and client relationship the professional must inform the client and get consent in order to share any information, however if in need to provide services, research or evaluation that is conducted by a social worker it would not →

Influence of technology in modern life: social networks

The fact that digital interactions between people increases, is creating a different perception of space and time, a sense of immediacy of events and an acceleration in the process. Pretend downplay changes in human relations that the new virtual culture presents is to deny the possibility of believing that a new era related between social →