4 Pages Essay Samples

Strategy of mercedes benz in india

In the Indian car market, the demand for new vehicles has been sluggish since the beginning of 2013. Mercedes Benz first overtook its Munich based luxury car rival BMW in the first quarter of 2013 to regain the number two position and now Audi in the quarter 3, but for the full year, it is →

An experience that changed my life

I would dance with my friends and just enjoy the great time I am having in the club until I was ready to go back home. I always had the time to sleep as long as I wanted to after a crazy night out.

Approach to hr data collection, storage and usage

Reasons why X collets HR data X needs to keep certain information in order to: satisfy legal requirements provide relevant information in decision making and for consultation requirement record contractual arrangements and agreements keep contact details of employees provide documentation in the event of a claim against the organisation The most important reason for collecting →

Border crossings and their impact on the surrounding society: how breaking the boundary of race poses a bigger threat to others than a crossing of class or gender would

Du Bois in The Souls of Black Folk, class, as Dalton Conley in Honky, or gender, as Jenny Boylan in She's Not There is viewed as a threat to the surrounding population. In The Souls of Black Folk, Du Bois states his belief that education would be the key for African Americans to join the →

The significance of courting anne in richard iii

This dramatic change in Richard's self-image is critical to his confidence, which drives his character for the rest of the play. The passage in question denotes a key change in Richard's confidence, which shapes his character for the rest of the play, and arguably causes his downfall.

Differences of the psychodynamic and behavioural approaches

Freud, the founder of psychodynamic approach to psychology, suggested the psyche consists of the following three parts: the preconscious, the conscious, and the unconscious. In term of methodology and testability, behavioural approach is more encompassing for the following reason.

“common he said that a ship can

Paine is considered to be one of the " founding fathers" of America, having a large impact on the American Revolution. A point that I would stress more then Paine did is that as a colony grows in population, the amount of representatives should grow accordingly.

Problems with managing software development

On the other hand if the software has not been defined properly, it is likely that it will not be able to meet the customer's requirements and will contain a lot of bugs. This is another critical problem faced during development when the team does not have the resources to complete the tasks.5.

Are we free, or are our actions determined

Determinism eliminates entirely the existence of free will and freedom of individual choice. That said, it is likely that human behavior is guided by a mixture of things, biological imperatives, unconscious instincts, and the choices that they make.

Walmart’s marketing strategy in china

After one decade of operation in China, Wal-Mart has provided continuous negative returns to the headquarter in the US and was ranked only 20 in the top 25 chain stores in China at the end of 2004 according to China Chain Store Association. While how to do business in China is another, and trying to →

Theories of motivation argumentative essay

It is s simple as this: If a person put a donkey in a pen full of carrots and then stood outside with a carrot, would the donkey be encouraged to come out of the pen? Learner's who show a lack of motivation, encouragement and recognition when the work they have complete is to a →

Tess of the d’urbevilles – hardys view on industrialisation essay

This is shown when a ' feeble light was beginning to assert its presence' used to describe the train and this is in contrast to the ' expanse of shade' which represents the countryside. In conclusion it is clear that Hardy intricately portrays and depicts the implications of industrialisation in various ways.

Study of titanium and its alloys engineering essay

On the other manus, elements dissolved in Ti diminishing the allotropic transmutation temperature are known as -stabilizers which by and large comprises of the passage metals and baronial metals. The belongingss of Ti metals are attributed to debase elements composing, metallurgical processing status and comparative proportion of the phases/ microstructure formed.

If integration order of is . solving the

The need of using the levels and not the firstdifferences of the variables " created" the meaning of cointegration. The perfect case wouldbe the residuals to be This is the case when the variables are cointegrated.

John steinbecks style essay sample

This shows symbolism in that the dream farm of George and Lennie could represent the American Dream and at the time this dream was disillusioned with the idea of the Great Depression and how many could not in fact achieve their dream. This book's use of profanity and the obscene ending was burned when it →

Reading analysis of poor richard’s almanack

The saying generally concerns the lazy and idle people who used to complain of the government taxes. Just like the Fox that has to wake up and run after chicken to have a meal, so should people stop being lazy and idle and instead work and earn a living".

Strengths and weaknesses of leasing (outsourcing) a firm’s activities

The client also gets to focus on the more important and strategic aspects of the firm or business, while leaving the simple and routine tasks to the hired personnel from the outsource agency. Leasing or outsourcing poses strengths and weaknesses to firms availing of the service.

This way to the gas

Memoriesare short stories like the beginning of This Way for The Gas, A Day at Harmenz, The People Who Walked On, and Silence. In the beginning of the first story This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen Borowski starts off with supersizing details " all of us walk around naked".

Behavorial traps

I would like to define and give an example of each of the behavioral traps, before I discuss which I think is the easiest to fall for and the easiest to avoid. Those are the five behavioral traps, I studied and read because to a point they all are easy to fall into, but one →

Editorial: phytohormones and the regulation of stress tolerance in plants: current status and future directions

Editorial on the Research Topic Phytohormones and the Regulation of Stress Tolerance in Plants: Current Status and Future Directions Stresses, either abiotic or biotic, severely affect agricultural productivity and world agriculture is facing the challenge of increasing the productivity in order to pace up with the increasing food demand of the growing population. The role →

Looking at the life of al farabi religion essay

He does points to God as ' Lord of the Worlds' and ' God of the Easts and the West's'. He become the real challenger to the philosophies of Aristotle, platonious, Al-Farabi and Ibn Sina.

Business case: the coca cola case

The main strategic issue in the coca cola case could be considered the fact that they ought to consider what it is that most probably could be needed in the market. They analyzed the situation in the sense that the consumption of soda could be rated higher than any other of their products.

According a well-known british scientist in sociology. oakley’s

In a wide range of books Anne Oakley has proved that the understanding of person's gender role comes not from biological matter, but from a social one. In conclusion, Anne Oakley has made a great benefit in the development of social science.

Things you need to know about conjoint analysis

After you are done with the conjoint analysis, you are left with a result. Since it is getting into the minds of the consumers, you need to run the analysis on a huge sector of people.

Plans for the future: renewable energy is our savior assignment

Solar energy is energy from the Sun in the form of radiated heat and light. Hydroelectricity is a form of hydropower, and is the most widely used form of renewable energy.

Mark twain used his writings to condemn hypocrisy because he feels that people should be able to tell the truth at all times.how

It was actually in the writing of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer that Mark Twain tried to free the human mind from societal values and norms. This is just another way that Mark Twain tried to show the extent at which people, especially the young ones tried to question the importance of societal norms and →

The wichita contamination

The " Wichita Contamination" The Wichita located in the of Kansas in the United s of America was faced with the problem of contamination in the year 1990. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment recommended two major options in the cleanup of the Wichita City and the first proposal was that all the businesses →

Preparing african american female graduates for the workforce

The independent variable in this sense is the education, which is the cause in this research methodology whereas behavior in the workforce is the dependent variable as it is influenced by the former. In conducting this research, we analyse the differences between two groups, that is, the female graduates in the work force and the →

Tangible and intangible elements

The environment in which the service has been delivered is important as it makes the tourists boost their satisfaction and attracts the tourists for more frequent visits. The brand image of hotels and resorts help a lot in the marketing of the destination.

Institute of medicine report

Abstract The purpose of this essay is to discuss the Institute of medicine report and its impact on the future of nursing, nursing is one of the fastest growing professions in healthcare industry today, there have been ongoing changes to the way we practice, and to keep up with these changes we need to educate →

Bias in political media assignment

The Obamacare Rollout discusses how the public is upset with the federal government mainly because of the turn out of the Obamacare website. I will respectfully point out that I did not get the answer to the question I was looking for.

Nestle’s international business strategies

In addition to nutrition, health and wellness, Nestle products bring consumers the vital ingredients of taste and pleasure Nestle's mission statement comes to life through the company's global executive team and key officers, led by its Chairman and former CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmath, and current chief executive, Paul Bulcke, who set the company's main thrust of →

The the corresponding recommended calorie norms by

To quantify the extent of poverty and measure the number of poor in the country, professional economists have made use of the concept of poverty line. 3 percent of the total population in the eastern region in 1983 lived below the line of poverty.

Making time regularly assignment

I would change my ways to show that I am credible and responsible. I would know my change is successful by keeping a Journal and by making time regularly to engage in self-analysis.

Refelctive marketingmercedez benz assignment

The brand stands for innovative, quality, modern and comfortable automobiles which have redefined the automobile standards In the luxury cars segment In the world. The overall market of Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz global target market Is the upper class and the upper middle class.

The products of maple leaf foods inc. essay sample

Providing High quality, great tasting, nutritious and innovative food products to customers is the aim of Maple leaf Foods Inc. All in all, Maple Leaf Foods Inc.is a leading Canadian meat, meals and bakery company committed to delivering nutritious and innovative food products to consumers around the world.

An exploration of the ways shakespeare dramatises the teenage experience in romeo and juliet essay sample

Shakespeare's portrayal of teenage experience in Romeo and Juliet is one of the most well known and often imitated in existence, and this is because of how well he captures some of it's aspects the idea of first love, isolation and rebellion but with enough melodrama and exaggeration to make it the basis for entertainment →

A synopsis of the movie this is the end essay sample

Seth and Jay are the best friend in the movie's setting but Seth dumps Jay because of the others. Eventually, two main characters of this movie ' This is the end', Jay and Seth, go to the heaven together.

Data search and referencing

Discussion: Books and journals from the library on the topic of Exercise and Physical Activity were found. The determinants of physical activity and exercise.

The yellow wallpaper & hamlet essay

To Be Or Not To Be In The Wallpaper: Insanity in The Yellow Wallpaper And Hamlet Madness, psychopathology, craziness, derangement, and lunacy are all terms that have a definition that is similar to that of insanity. From the onset of the story, the main character in The Yellow Wallpaper is portrayed as genuinely mad, with →

Hands that help are holier than lips that pray essay

The lesson is to get your Spirituality out of the clouds and get it down to Earth! We are here to be integrated and balanced in all Four Faces of God-spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Material!

Ethics assignment

An analysis of the research used to identify the actions in the matrix. The completed matrix allows you to weigh the different issues involved and assign a rank as to the importance of the actions based on the effect on the stakeholders.3.

Supply chain management

Unilever's Supply Chain Management Structure Unilever's supply chain management can be termed to be a collaborative one. Partnership in the SCM of Unilever and their role Unilever believes that partnerships in its supply chain management are essential practices because it is a powerful technique to deliver customer experience and value proposition.

Case study of bg group

For instance, the Capital Assets Pricing Model is employed in the calculation of the Cost of Equity. Thus, the value of the firm before synergies is expected to be approximately $4.

Dbq christianity and islam assignment

Most Christians and Muslims do not have a chance to form their own opinions on merchants and trade because they are already born Into a life where it is all laid out In the book. In the sass, there was a positive influence on trade and Christians even evoked God in it and said that →

Defined causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods, complications, treatment, and management of systemic lupus erythematosus

After years of advancing research into the causes, symptoms, and treatment of the disease, the health system seems to have identified a potential solution to managing the fatal condition. Complications of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Research has revealed that this autoimmune disease contributes to the development of certain serious complications for patients.

Competency mapping analysis essay

Competency mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for a particular position in an organisation, and then using it for job-evaluation, recruitment, training and development, performance management, succession planning, etc." The competency framework serves as the bedrock for all HR applications. From that, the organisation can learn about the process of competency modelling, and →

Sufficient sexual education free essay example

The explicit effects of lack of sexual education in the school district have left a lasting impact on the state of Mississippi and the entire nation. To a group of high school students growing up in the era that is infiltrated with sex, the concept of abstinence should not be the only information a student →

Initial temperature essay sample

Ice cube trays are filled with 1 kg of water at 18 C and placed in the freezer. The initial temperature of water is 25 C and the ice is intially at -15 C.

Electronic voice phenomenon essay sample

There are some critics of EVP who presuppose that EVP is merely a cross-modulation. Critics of EVP make a supposition that the voices are simply random white noise.

Review of maus

Artie Spiegelman proves with " Maus" that the graphic novel is also capable of dealing with " serious" issues by becoming a legitimate art form beyond being a part of popular culture." Maus" sets a new example for comic books by introducing innovative elements and methods that affect the comic positively: substituting human faces with →

Jesus and the quran analysis essay

They are similar in that, the book and Jesus both claim that if one asks, one will receive from God, and those who follow God, will receive a great reward for eternal life. However, Jesus and the Quran differ in that, Jesus describes how to treat one's enemies and those who do not follow God, →

Why do i exist

We exist because we have different purpose in our life and it's important to know the purpose why God created us. Everyone should be reminded that, we are not living Just to enjoy life but we are existing because God created us for a reason and it's up to us on how we can find →

Thomas hardy’s the return of the native: literary review

She spoke of her loneliness and Wildeve s unwillingness to walk through the heath with her. Finally, Thomasin and Clym discuss the possibility of a marriage to Diggory Venn.

Double standards and stereotyping in the wife of bath by geoffrey chaucer

In the entire story, Chaucer discusses about life of women in the 14th century and some of the challenges they faced that nobody cared about. In this century too, this deceitful nature of women is a common stereotype in the society.

Comparing societies with reference to social organisation

This essay will look in to the similarities and differences in the norms, values and inequalities of social stratification, between Communist Russia and modern day Capitalist Britain. This is very similar to modern day Capitalist Britain The social structure of Communist Russia was characterized by self-perpetuation and limited mobility".

The soft rains have fallen

The voice repeated the date over and over again, and the man of the home became annoyed." Yeah, yeah, we get it," the man said out loud." Why is our house set on repeat," the man asked in an annoyed tone." I am not sure. He was in control of everything, including the cleaning mice →

An essay on the influence of an author’s era expressed in their literary works

Whether they are set in the time frame that they were written in or deal with events of the past, the writing still contains, to some degree, the mindset of its author which is shaped by the ideology of the world they live in. The tale progresses to the rage of the vindictive, hateful Jews →

Ethnomusicology: developments of māori music

For this essay I will be focusing on the M ori people of New Zealand, and looking at the changes and developments in both their traditional music and that of their modern popular culture, much of which is adopted from American and European sources. The missionaries were accepted to a degree by M ori curiosity, →

Pro capital punishment argument

However, the crime rate seems to be rising and the world seems to have more ignorant and brutal people than the civilized and educated people. Although the Holy Bible and Quraan believe in the deterrence effect of capital punishment, many do not believe that capital punishment has a deterrence effect on people.

Importance of communication

Effective communication helps you in bringing desired results out of the communication.communication that involves words in cues is known as verbal communication. There is need of adaptation in code selection in accordance with the situation and the audience.

Physics for presidents

What are the advantages of the " Metric" system of units over the " English" system? Another advantage of the metric system is the simple vocabulary that is easy to use.

The dilemma of tony stark essay sample

Now that the researchers has explained the background of Tony Stark, they would like to address a psychological theory that is known as the Self Actualization Theory by Carl Rogers. In this study, the researchers would like to tackle the two important things to consider, the actual self and the ideal self.


While many say that the gift of reading lies in being able to learn more, that statement is more a function of the imaginative aspect of the mind. A scientific mind would say that reading is merely the term used to describe the process by which the optical sensors interpret the images to form words →

Eng 121

Fear is one of the emotions and is alwaysunpleasant. It is observed that children remain more interested to learn swimming but they feel nervous and have fear of water.

A descriptive study of food tourism in the philippines

In this research, we tackled various significance of food tourism particularly in the Philippines, how it will help to attract tourists and how food shows or describe the culture of the place where it is originated. The study is limited to students and educators of Food and/or Tourism Industry.5.

They can remember it for you wholesale – memories count

Everything we claim to be true and real about the physical world, we know through the things we see with our eyes, taste with our tongue, touch with our hands, hear with our ears and smell with our nose. One only needs to look at society, science and most importantly themselves to see that our →

Organizational psychology paper psy 428

OrganizationalPsychologyPaper Shanna Brookins PSY/428 12/12/2011 Organizational Psychology Paper Introduction Organizational psychology is the study of a formal organization and how individuals and groups act within that organization; in other words, the scientific study of the workplace. Two Sides of I/O Psychology The industrial side of I/O psychology concentrates on organizational policies and processes that affect →

Review of the anti-federalist papers

The introduction of the book is written by Ketchum, however, the resources in it was published in the period 1787-1788 in Philadelphia after the Constitution Agreement. Additionaly Ketchum shows us a trailer about the contents of the book; about the debates on Constitution and the efforts, Federalists Papers, for example, made to resolve it, and →

Napoleon bonaparte rise to power

In 1792 Napoleon was prompted to the rank of captain. In 1793 he was chosen to direct the artillery against the siege in Toulon.

Han china and classical athens dbq

Even though the two are very different, they also have some similarities like the peasants and the slaves are both the highest percentage in the population for both Han China and Classical Athens. A third of the Classical Athens' populations were slaves and 90% of the Han China's populations were peasants.

Challenges in the wine industry

The record for growth of wine industry and nature of product shows that country of origin plays an effective role in this industry. 4 Industry transformation: The concentration and formation of alliance with spirit industry players as well as acquisition and joint ventures in wine industry has led to consolidation in wine industry and are →

An exception for smart people

Currently, large numbers of legal migrants allowed into the U.S.and are now permanent residents dominate both the public and private sectors of the U.S.economy where they contribute heavily to the future development of the great nation. Whereas the Congress and White House think of these legal migrants and permanent residents as the real cause of →

The collapse of the east coast fishery in canada essay sample

In 1992, the devastating collapse of the fishing industry on the East Coast of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia forced the Canadian government to take drastic measures and close the fishery. A Groundfish is a fish that swims close to the ocean floor, Pelagic fish are fish that swims near the top of the water and Shellfish →

What is the scientific method ,and how is the theory applied to fingerprint analysis? essay sample

The complete friction ridge identification process involves using the " identification philosophy and scientific methodology" in determining whether or not an " unknown friction ridge impression" came from the same source as a " known inked print to the exclusion of all others. The actual identification process involves analysis, comparison and evaluation of the latent →

Selkie girl and the secret of roan inish: similarities and differences

Once the pelt is found, usually by one of the selkie's children, the selkie will return to the sea leaving her husband and human life behind. Eventually the Goodman managed to make the selkie his wife because she could not return to her kin in the sea without her skin.

Records stored on a computer system

The database Is one of the cornerstones of Information technology, and Its ability to organize, process and manage Information In a structured and controlled manner is key to many aspects of modern business efficiencies." This paper will define database uses, advantages, and disadvantages as well as recommended changes to an Internet database I currently use. →

Alternative media assignment

Take for example the coverage on the Boston Marathon, on that date everyone was looking for the fast facts like the date and all the victims; but the facts that did not come under the radar were the facts about what the FBI was not doing. Even on the article by Truth-out they wowed us →

Tanglewood case assignment

You will develop a recruiting strategy and a recruiting guide for the store associate job. Assignment Specifics Analyze the information from the recruiting data and prepare a report showing the results of the analysis for your director.1.

17th century europe: crisis and resolution

However, in the later years to come, the prices of grain and other necessities for the population rose to increase famine in major parts of Europe. The political and economic achievements gained in one part of Europe were not the same as in the other parts.

Unit 27

Down syndrome is caused by a chromosome defect which involves having an extra 21st chromosome, long term effects of down syndrome is a shortened life expectancy and heart problems, another example is a person who suffers from Down syndrome are more at risk of contracting cancer the most common being leukaemia which is the cancer →

How cristal oscillator works engineering essay

The rate of expansion and contraction of the quartz is the resonant frequency, and is determined by the cut and size of the crystal. The sampling frequency should be at least twice the highest frequency contained in the signal.#include #define F_CPU 1000000ul // 1MHz#define LED PORTD0 // define PORTD0 as LED#define SW PORTD1 // define →

Review of the man who was almost a man, by richard wright

However, the cruel and comedic irony of the story is that, at the end, he is in trouble with his parents and everyone is laughing at him, despite him owning this gun that he was sure was going to be good for his image and give him respect. Of course, neither the characters nor the →

A research paper on the memory process

The last part of working memory is the episodic buffer, the episodic buffer integrates information through the phonological and visual stores, operations of the central executive and the information that entering and retrieving from long-term memory. Declarative memory is a part of our long-term memory and where the information is stored.

Hodkinson and macleod’s argument & gage’s paradigmatic war

The strength of the method is that in such complexity, it was comparatively easy to estimate the importance of formal and informal learning. The method has two-way links of learning in common with anti-naturalists' argument.

The role of memory in the onset of depression essay sample

Ineffective coping methods have a role to play in the onset of depression, as they can leave the person with encoding difficulties of events arise from emotional disturbance which can in turn lead to over-generalised memory and the faster retrieval of negative memories. Depression and the specificity of autobiographical memory.In D.C.

Legal system

The person standing trials in a civil and criminal case are usually called defendants and this is one of the similarities that exist between civil and criminal case. Another basis of comparison for a civil and criminal case is in the burden of proof.

Dynasties in chinesehistory and political science

The greatest contribution of Zhou Dynasty is the feudal system. Qin Dynasty Qin was regarded as a barbarian dynasty and played a supporting in the power struggle of Chunqiu.

Eurodisney – american conceit on french soil

Confidence of the Disney management in the global appeal of the Disney products was a key factor in the decision to enter first the Japanese and then the European theme park markets. On the financial side, multi-cultural problems also propped up in the Americans' misunderstanding that their work remuneration packages would be amendable to the →

Stereotypes: race and people

If you do not know what it is let me explain for a bit: Stereotyping is the act of presenting a person or group in a certain way, through simplified and biased media, for example all asians like rice. In this entry I explain what stereotyping is and how it affects people, as seen in →

Factors influencing customers to choose supermarkets

I have identified some triggering factors like- Product Quality, Price, Brand image, Availability of product, Convenient location, Environment those may create significant influence on the customer to choose supermarket." Factors Influencing Customers To Choose Supermarkets" Does product quality influence customers to choose superstore? Does Availability of product influence the consumer to choose superstore?

The hunger games book review

Collins contrasts the poverty-stricken, subservient world of main character, Katniss, with the affluence and power of the people of the governing Capitol. In the beginning of the novel, the reader is introduced to Katniss, a girl who has to hunt in order to provide food for her mother and sister.


The Bahai-Faith affirms that soul is a rational and invisible quality that signifies God and that the soul will continues to live even after the physical death of the body because it is very distinct from the body and the mind. While most Christians believe in existence of soul through, some Christians believe in mortality →

Computers in today’s world essay


Teaching philosophy michael cohen education essay

Health, acquisition, self-respect, independency, and originative enterprises are defined as little more than the public presentation of the establishments which claim to function these terminals, and their betterment is made to depend on apportioning more resources to the direction of infirmaries, schools, and other bureaus in inquiry." Ivan Illich Deschooling Society The pupil is finally →

Personal education philosophy paper

The curriculum is the diagram that encompasses the philosophy into the objectives of the lessons. For the realist, the world is as it is, and the job of schools is to teach students about the world.