4 Pages Essay Samples

Beauty pageants

Pageants judge only the external aspects of a child rather than their inner beauty and beauty pageants are very time consuming The atmosphere of a beauty pageant can be considered negative. Judging criteria of beauty pageants is based on the contestants' external beauty.

S. high: josten’s manchurian candidate

Students cannot easily go anywhere else for senior pictures, and are simply not allowed to if they want their picture in the yearbook, so it is hard to avoid the hundreds of dollars J.seems reasonable. These prices are truly despicable, and many reasonable parents are unable to buy the products their children would like not β†’

Toyota recall

The reason for the recall is mainly attributed to the management which was not able to keep up with the increase in sales that in turn affected the quality; while at the same time the scale of the company continued to grow. Thus in a way the recall has definitely helped the company to redefine β†’

Homage to my hips essay

Homage to My Hips Clifton's " Homage To My Hips" is a wonderful poem that has themes of feminism woven in each and every line, specifically emphasizing the woes of being a woman in a patriarchal society and the strength women have the potential to wield. Clifton believes women do not want to be in β†’

A good man essay

The grandma is also funny, when John Wesley asked " where's the plantation? " she responded, " Gone with the wind." The grandmother is respectful towards the earth; she did not let the children throw the box and the paper napkins out the window. I do not reckon he meant to talk to you thataway." β†’

An acre of grass

The language moves to the abstract in the second stanza: " temptation", " imagination", " the mill of the mind". The imperative - " must I" echoes the " beat upon the wall" in the third stanza - this is an overall 'violent upheaval' stanza, the climax of the poem.Tone.

Conformity assignment

This type of conformity was called perceptual conformity which is the extent to which humans tend to conform to another's perception of the world. This article focused on the two main causes of uniformity, which are informative and normative conformity; and how this information can be transferred to the individual." Informative influence is a reason β†’

Importance of deadlines assignment

One step toward reducing the stress and work we create for others, and ourselves, might be to take more seriously the deadlines that often accompany our work, but that are sometimes neglected when faculty perceive, often quite wrongly, that there are no negative consequences for missing a deadline. A whole other set of the deadlines β†’

Environment pollution argument assignment

The exhaust from automobiles is generated by the chemical and mechanical process that occurs in order for a vehicle to work, this exhaust is what pollutes the air. The leading cause of smog comes from the releasing of Laotians in the air from gasoline and diesel-run vehicles, industrial plants and activities, and heating due to β†’

Rostows theory of economic development

Rostow is historical in the sense that the end result is known as the outset and is derived from the historical geography of a developed beaucratic society.2. Rostow's model does not apply to the Asian and the Asian countries as event in these countries are not justified in any stage of his model.6.

The sexual response cycle

The term sexual response cycle is used to describe the changes that occur in the body as women and men become sexually aroused. Pleasure is said to be related to the strength of the contractions and the amount of seminal fluid.

Dry september as depicted in chronicles of a death foretold

Minnie, who held the town in the palm of her hand in her prime younger years, may then be attempting to reclaim her relevancy by starting a rumor that something happened between her and Will Mayes. Because Will Mayes is a black man, she knows that he is the perfect man to use in order β†’

Report kimpalan mig

Place the workplace on the table and set the appropriate flow and pressure plate and adjust the current in MIX machine.4. Weld nails need to be done to fix the position of the metal plate before welding is done completely for a solid connection and easy to carry out the welding process.

Biotechnology lecture assignment

A hypothesis that does not generate a testable prediction is not useful b. Is a necessary part of the scientific method d.

Becoming new yorkers

Due to the difference in cultures of the immigrants as well as the native born of the country that they went to, it cannot be prevented that an assimilation ofculturewill take place. The phenomenon of immigration and the situation of second generation of this type of citizens are discussed in the book entitled " Becoming β†’

“east of eden” by john steinbeck

A clear extraction from all of his narrative decisions is the idea that goodness is only a virtue when it exists in tandem with bad, only when a man composed of equal measures of malice and benevolence wills himself to abide by the latter. As extreme of a conclusion that might be, it shows how β†’

Spiritual journeys: dante and st augustine

Dante's journey begins with the poet being portrayed as spiritually lost in sin, in the darkness of woods, when a guide is sent to him in the form of the ancient Roman poet Virgil, who represents human reason and wisdom. Virgil tells Dante that the only way out of the darkness is for Virgil to β†’


Brand structure, brand family, and how the product will improve the brand family The current brand structure which the new product will belong to is as follows: It is a new make of a car joining the General Motors Company. But this is not a problem because the company will take advantage of the buzz β†’

The education system exists mainly to select

Functionalists developed the concept of secondary socialisation viewing the education system as playing the role started by the family of integrating children into society and the future working world by setting rules and norms to follow in order to succeed in the educational system. In addition to this the sociologists challenge the ideology of the β†’

Due to the inherent advantage of mg metal,

Traditionally, the conduction mechanism of polymerelectrolytes is based on the transport of the metal ion which is closelycoupled to the polymer chains. The lowionic conductivity at ambient temperature limits the SPE's for severaltechnological applications in which the dynamics of polymer chains is criticalfor the ions transportation.

The advantages and disadvantages of discounting goods

Since Black Friday leads the Christmas shopping season which is right before the end of the year, most of the retailers view this discounting holiday as an important opportunity to push for a profitable year and break the sales records. The growth in profit of the retail stores is advantageous to the economy.

This old. justin has a wife and two

It was seen In the movie that he wanted to attack his wife and kids because he kept hearing weird voices in his head. In the movie, it showed that once Justin had retired from football he started to deal with highs of mania.

Scientific method of research

Components of a scientific method of research The following form the major components of a scientific method of research: 1. The following are some of the factors to be considered: What you want to know from the research question The purpose of the research question What the answers will tell about the research question Can β†’

Jealousy: it’s a killer!

The proof that Iago provides is not double checked by Othello and Othello does not try to find more information about Cassio and his relations with Bianca and how she might be involved in this mess. The line, " But to be free and bounteous to her mind", shows that Othello respects Desdomona's mind, and β†’

Applying ethics in an ethical dilemma assignment

In Demonology theory, an individuals or organizations code of ethics is not supposed to be situational but they should be constant and always followed, to ensure that in when facing adversity their morals remain the same. They should make decisions that are fair, ones and above all in keeping with the company's policy on ethics β†’

Race matters essay

One related to the white race and the internal problems of crisis of leadership and affirmative action amongst the black race. Analysis: The ideal situation, an attainable reality for the people of America is, the dawn of realization with the leadership of both the communities, that blacks and the whites are alternative beats of the β†’

Mary wollstonecraft vs. jean jaques rousseau

In terms of education, he believed that the instruction of a woman " must be planned in relation to man." Rousseau stated that rather than anacademiceducation, women should partake in an education that would help to train a man inchildhood, and to please and console him in adulthood. She believed that women should be able β†’

Perioperative management of neurosurgical patients receiving chronic anticoagulation therapy

In certain circumstances increased risk of thrombosis in a previously placed vascular stent, deep vein thrombosis with a history of pulmonary embolism, neuroendovascular procedures, acute cardiovascular insufficiency, and a risk of acute thrombosis, therapy with anticoagulants and antiplatelet medications is crucial. The risk and efficacy of anticoagulant therapy in the treatment of thromboembolic complications in β†’

The concept of new world order and america as its star exponent

I believe the U.S.will continue to hold the world leadership role. I think one of the main flaws hindering the UN is the organization's struggle to maintain a totally impartial involvement in world affairs.

Comparitive analysis – poetry

The poetic genius of these two poets lies in the fact that their works bring ' live' the life of people living in that era. In the poem Factory Jungle, the poet describes the daily ordeal of a factory worker who by the end of the day would like to break the ennui of his β†’

Adam smith and karl polanyi

Question four Karl Polanyi denounced the " economist prejudice" found in both the market liberalism of Ludwig von Mises and the communism of Karl Marx, Polanyi and Karl. Such a dichotomy is, in effect, merely the restatement, from the point of view of society as a whole, of the existence of a self-regulating market, Polanyi β†’

Health policy

The individual mandate provision has been and will continue to be one of the most controversial elements embodied in the ACA. The Individual Mandate and the entire ACA will impact the health of all Americans.

The role of the family in conan doyle’s fiction

Despite the fact that each story is individual in the aspect of characters, ties, and plot, it is possible to define the tendency in the way how the author introduced the family ties in his fiction. The way how Holmes perceived the notion of family might be contrasted with the common one, and this contrast β†’

Tunku abdul rahman

Tunku Abdul Rahman was elected as the first Chief Minister of Malaya. 8 Tunku Abdul Rahman passed away on 6 December 1990 at the age of eighty-seven.

Introduction as the only option available for

Homeschooling refers to the form of education that takes place in a home setup and usually without the restrictions that are found in a traditional education system. According to Lyman, the continuous rise in the number of home schooled students is a clear indication of the amount of dissatisfaction with the quality of education delivered β†’

John lennon: a study in leadership flashcard

Through his rebellious personality, dedication, and music, John Lennon acted as a leader of the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War? One of the photos was of Lennon and Ono's Bed-In for Peace in Montreal.

Scarlet fever essay

In Frankenstein, the scarlet fever plays a big role in the plot of the story and puts a lot of extra stress on Victor Frankenstein, the creator of the monster. When Elizabeth gets the scarlet fever in Frankenstein it puts a lot of stress on Victor.

Impact of lincoln’s assassination

During the war, the United States was bitterly divided between the North and the South. To begin with the nations failures were the fact that all fighting took place in the South.

The rites of passage and liminality essay sample

The preliminal phase is where the participant was the same person as when first born, then passed through a " death", which propels him into the liminal phase where he waits until the rite of passage and initiation is completed before being in the postliminal phase, the phase where he is reincorporated into society as β†’


While in the hospital, the narrator's baby was attached to a million dollar's worth machines and equipments that helped the baby to breathe, feed and even pass out body waste. The narrator cannot possibly figure out if the whole of his extended family can raise the money equivalent to the value of the equipments in β†’

Resonance tube experiment

This can be used in combination with the wave basic equation to determine the velocity of sound, using the expression below.v 20020601 2-7-2 English Activity: Operating the Equipment i Measuring the Resonance Points u Record the sound on the Audio Measurement Setup, display the waveform, and observe the amplitude.u Lower the water level, and find β†’

International satndard essay

I/ International Standards: deflation and objectives Definition of the Concept International Standard' in the TAB Agreement, by Humblers Gauzing Schroeder provides an interpretation of this concept whose no definition was never really given by the TAB Agreement, whereas Improving Regulatory Governance: International Standards and the WTFO TAB Agreement Schroeder, Humblers Gauzing, Definition of the concept β†’

Organizational changepsychology

As the leader would be able to change their leadership style in an organization that is in continuous change. In order for a leader to be successful in a change, a combination of theories would include trait theory, path-goal theory, and transformational theory making this the best practice.

Business ethics assignment

Competition may cause legal and ethical Issues In business; however, the check and fairness should be the outcome of actions in regard to public conception. This is a DOD move to help implement ethical strategies in the advertisement and labeling.

Evaluation of intermediate level training in sma of pakistan

The Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority was established in 1998 with the purpose of fostering the development of SMEs in the economy. A lack of market access Suggestions of improving the probability of success have been made by SMEDA; geared towards stabilizing the unstable political and economic forces which negatively affect SMEs in Pakistan.

Keys to success for effective project planning

One or more of the keys can be found in the articles written to emphasize the key components to an effective project planning. Overall, the key to a successful project plan is communication and feedback.

Leadership style assignment

He was very determined to achieving the goals and his followers were behind him to accomplish that with him.Dry. He is a person who thinks positive from the get go and motivates his followers.Mr.

The old view of slavery in the u.s. was that it was economically ine

The analysis considers the work done by the slaves and compares them with the free men. According to the thesis of this study, there is a proof that slaves could work more and at harsh weather conditions thus, their productivity is higher than that of free men.

Discuss the role of social networking in tourism marketing

Through the social networks that exist, marketing in tourism is achieved, especially with the use of social media. Social media and social networking work closely together in the realization of the goals of tourism marketing to potential clients and other interested parties.

Lost moon: the future of u.s. manned spaceflight

Manned Spaceflight The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, more commonly known as NASA, was founded in the midst of war. Success in the 1960's was determined largely through technological advances, and manned spaceflight was viewed as the pinnacle of technological and political superiority.

Finance midterm

A corporation is a legal entity created by a state, and it has a life and existence that is separate from the lives and existence of its owners and managers. Although the stockholders of the corporation are insulated by limited legal liability, the legal status of the corporation does not protect the firm's managers in β†’

Effective group communication

The use of charts and graphs to demonstrate the requirements for the group is also used as this allows for the better understanding of the information being conveyed to the members. To further the effectiveness of the group, through communication, it is ensured that all the members understand what they and the others need to β†’

Corporate finace solutions essay sample

The market value of equity and the market value of debt of the comparable firm are $400 million and $200 million, respectively. The firm is contemplating selling $50 million in bonds and using the proceeds to repurchase shares of stock.

Fanta – college essay

0 1 0. 20 1 0.2.

The mask of melville’s lawyer in bartleby

Before the appearance of Bartleby, by the narrator's own admission, he has not struggled with the ethics of justice, of good and evil; rather, he makes his way in this world comfortable by dealing with the physical, the tangible, that which he can know. In the words of Mason, " The lawyer gives Bartleby a β†’

The religious life of planet earth

According to my personal view that religion refers to some predetermined set of beliefs and practices, exercised by individuals, who believe in the existence of a supernatural power that needs to be worshipped and respected, I gathered some facts concerning the planet. The third behavior I observed during the tour on the planet Earth was β†’

Joe louis and fish cheeks

In Maya Angelou's " Champion of the World", she recounts a scene of a boxing match between Joe Louis and Carnera in which the outcome of the match was very important because it would determine whether the blacks would be subjugated to the whites or not. And, since Angelou's story represents a serious issue in β†’

The history of patron saint theology religion

John the Evangelist is a really of import saint that genuinely made a difference in the lives of everyone he touched. John the Evangelist is the frequenter saint of different things.

Little incident narrative essay

The little episode reshaped my understanding of work ethics and helped me become a better friend, able to realize the needs of others and come to the rescue at the time of need. The day of the concert, we were discussing how we will get there, what to put on for the concert, and whether β†’

“the other wes moore” by wes moore review

The book The Other Wes Moore written by Wes Moore himself, is based on real life challenges that two boys ironically with the same name and hometown were faced with and how their decisions on overcoming them lead them to two completely different places. The way Wes Moore does not judge the other Moore for β†’

Born this way

Okonkwo was a hero in the Ibo society because; he was devoted to tradition, religion, and the rules. Even though Okonkwo said that he was doing what was best for his society, he also was fearful of the change to a newcultureand a new tradition that would change his high stature in the society, "[a]n β†’

“fahrenheit 11/9”

This movies intention was not to get Trump supporters to recognize they were duped, but instead a reflection of how the Democratic party is as complicit in the president's rise to power as the conservatives who blindly supported him. However, the most interesting issue to me that Moore brought up in the documentary was Governor β†’

Women on the front lines

To not allow women the right to fight on the frontlines would be a disgrace to all progress made by women's rights activists since the nineteenth century. Taking away women's rights as American citizens is downright degrading to the female gender considering how far we have come over the decades in the movement of female/male β†’

Oxford insurance

If we fast forward to September when the numbers were falling short, Mary receives an email from Michael telling her that the holiday weekend is over and that she needs to start paying attention to the numbers. It also does not help the situation that Michael Is half the age of Mary.

Research project on abraham lincoln

By the time the Civil War had ended Abraham Lincoln's term was over, but he decided to run again for a second term in which he won. Abraham Lincoln's legacy was being able to save the union and free the slaves.

How technology has changed

First of all, imagine attempting to live the way we do today, to the way we use to live a decade ago. While it might seem that technology today has reached its limits, it is actually Just starting and we are going to see new technology in the future that we never thought could ever β†’

The views of piaget and gesell on how development occurs assignment

Gel's theory on developmentally said that the child's growth or development is influenced by two major forces: The environment and the action of the genes. His concept of maturation allowed him to see that Just like a baby learns to run by first sitting, then standing, then walking, the principles of maturation also have a β†’

Intermet con-nection essay

Imagine It Is 5 am on Monday morning, a regular day when you have to get to work for an important meeting, and your car has getting you to work at the top of IOF4 does not want to wake you, but it is concerned about the low level of fuel, which might be a β†’

Snowboarding history

In 1980, he left the snowboarding business, but was still known as a very important pioneer of the sport. It was finally accepted as a real competitive sport and was first seen in the 1998 Olympics in Nagano, Japan.

The reality of greek wars conflict history essay

They viewed their lifestyle superior compared to other countries and they viewed the independence and power of the Greek civilization as one of the major priorities in the development of ancient Greece. In such a way, they won the war using deception and treachery that contradicted to traditional cultural ideals of ancient Greek, who preferred β†’

Reviving ophelia – saving the selves of adolescent girls

Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls The book reviving Ophelia is among the most amazing books that Mary Pipher has ever written. From the content of the book, it is evident that the book has a wide audience.

Benchmarked productivity

The research of the benchmarking exercise on the occupational nursing unit was carried out to launch the present space and standards of performance in the delivery of occupational health nursing services across the United Kingdom as well as to determine the competence of the occupational health nurses in their bid to deliver such services to β†’

Carols gambino

Never becoming a citizen of the United States, Carlo was on the rise to the top of one of the most powerful American Families. The loss of his wife was devastating to him.

Methods of research essay sample

Another way is from the component of the word itself: Research is composed of two syllables: re, a prefix meaning again, repeat, or over again and search, a verb which means to examine closely and carefully, a quest for something, that is research may mean a continuous and recurring studies. The systematic and objective analysis β†’

Organization impact of e-business

Since the customers log in, order the food, and pay from their credit cards, several risks both for the business and the customers are there. Not only this, thecommunicationshould be there between the customers and the food company, where customers would be required to make a call for the confirmation of their orders.

Dry shampoo

The idea is to think creatively about your product to determine what set of customers are going to give your business the cash flow, profit and growth it needs. Dry shampoo is a powdered substance used to clean the hair when you want to extend the length of a blowout or when it is not β†’

Developing a corporate strategy

The purpose of strategy is to establish the corporate position in the market, compete with competitors successfully and meet customer needs, achieve superior performance of the corporate. Based on the external analysis and internal analysis, the strategic market management is made, the external analysis includes customer analysis, competitor analysis, market/submarket Analysis and environmental analysis; the β†’

By a sentiment of common mass-consciousness or like-mindedness.

By ethnic unity he means a population having a common language and literature, a common tradition and history, a common custom and a common consciousness of rights and wrongs. It is in the minds of the people that a nation is fonned and created.

Critical analysis

Explanation of my reaction to the way that the cross was used in " The Dream of the Rood", are any of the aspects of this personification troubling or especially effective, examples of instances that make an impression on me and the reasons for my actions. We all have friends, and if you are a β†’

Compare how women are presented in 4 of the poems you have studied

He says that the mother is at the zero end and is therefore not moving and staying where she is, as for the son has the spool of tape is his hand and is moving away from the mother to measure the length. The poem is written in 1st person and none of the other β†’


From having the latest iPhone to having the trendiest clothes, materialism and the American dream go hand in hand. Materialism stabilizes our economy, allows us to compete in the changing world and gives the American people instant gratification that they want.

Jaguar or bluebird assignment

Mark and his family held up on their part of the deal by staying the whole time in England, and Energem did not have a plan for Mark and his family. With these new skills the expatriate could give valuable insight to the company and a possible new position that would suit the expat the β†’

Critical analysis of the oral testimony of maya rani on the partition of india essay

In Urvashi Butalia's " The Other Side of Silence" the oral testimony of Maya Rani, a Punjabi woman who was a child living in Pakistan during the Partition is particularly important to the histiography surrounding the event as it is told from a different perspective by a person not directly involved in the conflict that β†’

Physical and cognitive development

Cognitive theory is the development of a person? s though process and it influence the way people interact with the world. Cognitive development is influenced by many different factors and these are just a few of the many that influence cognitive development.

How gender roles play a part in the holy bible

This is the ultimate display of the patriarchal takeover; Rebecca literally performs a traditional man's duties because her husband is unwilling and unable to. In addition to examining Rebecca's patriarchal roots, it is also essential to understand Rebecca's character and the significance of her actions through the cultural context of the time.

The similarities and differences between rosa parks and emmeline pankhurst

After Emmeline established the Women's Social and Political Union in 1903, they adopted the militant methods to attract the attention of the press and society. Although Emmeline and Rosa influenced the world in their own ways, they both contributed much to the development of history.

Issue of drug use in high school athletes

Despite the common use of drug testing in professional sports, Canadian high school athletes are not subject to drug testing. Drug testing opens the door to early detection and intervention of drug use.

Why i believe euthanasia should be banned

The main argument for the legalisation of euthanasia is that it is the patient's choice to end their own suffering. She described the experience as " sheer torture" and remarked that ".when Michael said that it's painless for the patient, he was wrong." Now another argument for euthanasia is that if this is a terminal β†’

Honor killings essay

Denigration of the social status of women and to the misconception and misunderstanding of women and their sexuality, and which, in turn, are conducive to the creation of an environment in Muslim communities that contributes, in some sense, to the practice of honor killings." In other words the interpretations of certain Craning verses give Muslims β†’

In plaintiff suffered damage as he/she was not

3 In Malaysia, the elements to provefraud is quite similar to UK which are suggestion of fact, the fact suggestedis untrue and it was made by one who does not believe it to be true. 6However in Washington, fraud will beproved if there is false representation of material existing fact, the defrauderhas knowledge of falsity β†’

One-two-state solution

The theory will be used in portraying the sufferings of the Palestinians in the Israel-Palestine conflict, and calling for a moral judgment in international law. Research design The research objective is investigating the possible solution to the Israeli- Palestine conflict and the challenges that would be faced in the process.

Story on gattaca essay

When Vincent found out he was a suspect of the murder, he lost hope in his disguise and threatened Jerome that he would get caught. Vincent is the one who stands out most in this movie, and this is because he looks to achieve as much as possible out of himself and achieve his dream β†’

Standard chartered hong kong marathon

Marathon 101" targets the general public, the online community and local primary and secondary school students with the objective of helping people across every age group better understand the importance of engaging in healthy activities like the Standard Chartered Marathon.1. The Marathon changed from just a local event to an international event, and a branded β†’

Out-of-control accounting systems

Before a company decides to hire this type of accountant the company should look at the array of services this kind of accountant can provide to the company. Operational Audit If a company hires an internal accountant for an operational audit the accountant " measures the effectiveness and results of certain business procedures" within the β†’

Impact of westward expansion in the united states

The westward expansion toke place between the years of the 1860s and 1890s this was considered to be one of the most critical and properly historical events that toke place with in the United States, and most important historical event for many Americans but a tragedy for many Native Americans. With the newly found cities β†’