4 Pages Essay Samples

Literacy in narrative of the life of frederick douglass

The instruction that Douglass received from the mistress of the household where he was a slave in the knowledge of the language is a turning point in his life. It is the literacy that impels him to question the ways of the world and the organizing structures of southern society that believed in the inherent β†’

An occurrence at owl creek bridge

One of the last messages that he tries to get through is that of the basic survival instinct of man, and this is shown as Peyton Faraquar says if he could only free his hands and try to get away from the soldier and try and avoid the gunshots from the guns of the military. β†’

Witness film essay

Because of this the relationship between Rachel and Book could not work out, their cultures and beliefs are too diverse from one another, and she could not go with him to the city life and Book could not stay with her in the Amish world. Rachel was a stranger to the big city life and β†’


In the story it is a symbol of the trivial live in the suburbs. It in the end it shows that Stopped is completely incapable of escaping his own life.

A qualitative study on technology and its effects

To be able to get through with the study, I aim to present the ideas supporting technology's effectiveness in education through addressing the question " How is technology able to improve the learning procedures and progress of students of the present modern generation?" The qualitative approach has been proposed for the completion of the paper β†’

Wit: how are you feeling today?

Margaret Edson's play Wit, devalues the question ' how are you feeling today?' by the lack of emotion and the harsh clinical empathy that ruins the effect of the query in order to highlight the professional, physical, mental, and spiritual connotations behind the meaning of the question. She assures the audience that this is not β†’

How does the media negatively affect the public and celebrities assignment

The desire to feed the hunger for celebrity news is driving overly aggressive paparazzi tactics; the paparazzi pursuit causes danger to the celebrity, to the paparazzi and, let's not forget, the public. The media and magazines are ultimately to blame in the process.

Hewlett-packard: the flight of the kittyhawk analysis essay

HP was trying to use the Kittyhawk project to propel the company into a higher profile position within the disk drive market. The market was not ready to embrace a product of this nature at a $250 price tag.

Essay on classical greece and the city-states

Greece was not a united nation at this time, even during the wars against the two Persian invasions of Darius and Xerxes, which had ended in total defeat of the would-be conquerors at the naval battle of Salamis and the land battles of Marathon and Plataea. So were the playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the β†’

The roman culture in society

In the Ancient Romans the men would dominate the family and would be the bread winner of the family, while the women stayed at home and did the house work. Outside of the city there were the farms ran by the farm manager, sometimes the owners of the estate would retreat to their countryside to β†’

Readability of news papers

The level of comprehension is very important in sending the message to a reader. This is very hard to achieve in a general audience media and the best example here is newspaper.

According that over 400,000 americans succumb to

The research paper seeks to explore the new trend in research on smoking behavior by race/ethnicity and gender over the period 1992 to 2003. The research paper has discussed the new trend in research on the prevalence rates of smoking among the population racial/ethnicity groups and gender for the 1992 and 2003 time frame.

The demographic transition model essay sample

The Demographic transition model is a model used to explain the process of shift from high birth rates and high death rates to low birth rates and low death rates as part of the economic development of a country from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economy. The DTM of the UK The UK went in β†’

Case study 2

Status of the Sales of Delissa in Japan Based on the projected sales of Delissa in Japan prior to the launching of the product and based on the feasibility study undertaken related to the distribution of the yogurt products can be considered in an unsuccessful state. Evaluation of the Present Position of Delissa Based on β†’

New product development argumentative

According to Kotler/Armstrong new product development is defined as the development of original products, product improvements, product modification, and new brand through the firm's own product development. Samsung is also systematic; as mentioned in the case, the " new management" of top-to-bottom strategy for the entire company.

Graphic design as it relates to constructivism

Graphic Design as it Relates to Constructivism " We do not need a dead mausoleum of art where dead works are worshiped, but a living factory of the human spirit in the streets, in the tramways, in the factories, workshops, and workers' homes". After the Bolshevik Revolution, Tatlin worked under the employment of the new β†’

House of the scorpion essay

In the book, The House of the Scorpion, Matt shows he gets through life's struggles and grows up when he accepts his identity, makes his own choices and gets through his problems with Maria. In the book, The House of the Scorpion, Matt shows he gets through life's struggles and grows up when he accepts β†’

Dealing with the present via the past in the lone ranger and tonto fistfight in heaven

The aftershocks of 500 years of Native American persecution, oppression, and neglect continue to haunt the world of the reservation, in the form of alcoholism, poverty, and familial dysfunction. When Thomas speaks of the past in his stories, he speaks of past Indian glory, of acts of bravery and sacrifice, and in such a past β†’

The four elements of a valid contract assignment

I will try to explain why the court held that there was not a valid agreement between the company and the Seattle man. The objective theory of contracts states that if an impartial or neutral third party such as a jury judges believes there was a plan to contract and not only the subjective intent β†’

Thanksgiving: then and now essay sample

The first Thanksgiving was not considered to be a holiday by the Pilgrims or historians, but rather a one time celebration to commemorate a positive event. This picture of a modern day Thanksgiving is a sharp contrast to the first Thanksgiving involving the Pilgrims and Native Americans.

A journal in family and consumer science

The article assessed and determined the use of technology and higher order thinking skills among Family and Computer Sciences teachers, as well as the support and training rendered to teachers. The application of technology standards are created by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the International Society for Technology in Education and β†’

Mid-term break by seamus heaney and the lesson by edward lucie-smith

In ' The Lesson' symbolism is also developed towards the end of the poem, however, this time to convey how the persona finally gains control over his grief ' in school assembly' and the ' Lesson' he has learnt by the end of the poem.' Some goldfish in bowl quietly sculled', the persona notices the β†’

Abercrombie and fitch mission statement

The brand focuses on lifestyle, thus ensuring growth and stability of the company in the long run as well as generating high revenue Importance of Mission, Vision and Values: A business must develop vision and mission for the organization that focuses on the long run aims of the organization. Strategic Management Components: Once, mission and β†’

Importance of critical thinking in nursing practice

In this essay, the main topics that discuss the ways in which critical thinking enhances the professional practice of the registered nurse are the levels of critical thinking, the critical thinking in decision making and the critical thinking in problem solving and the attitudes that nurses need to be a critical thinkers. The attitudes of β†’

A beautiful mind film analysis

About in the middle of the story it was revealed that this secret life of his was all just hallucinations, except for Alicia; she was the one real thing he had in his life. After he returned home from the mental hospital it seemed like he was making a lot of progress although he was β†’

The jaguar by ted hughes

The fact that they are in the sun adds to the sleepy air and the dull feeling of relaxation that was deliberately used to convey the monotonous, boring lives of the animals in the zoo. It is said in the final line that most of the animals in the zoo are " fatigued with indolence", β†’

Case study cyworld creating and capturing value in social network

Comparing it to the other mediums such as emailing, messaging or calling the reason for the preference of thesocial networkingsites is because that the audience in the social network is large enough also it gives the opportunity to socialize with other peoples around the globe and making new friends and connections and getting to know β†’

Tma02 k101

Ann feels it is her duty to look after Angus and it is her role as she promised her mother before she passed away that she would look after Angus. The sense of achievement that Ann feels from taking care of her Stepfather are rewarding, as she is reassured that she kept her promise to β†’

Leading cause of death and disabilities health essay

The objective of this study is to review the role of health and social care sectors in reducing maternal mortality in Bangladesh and identifying gaps for informed program design in future. Primary Health Care is served through domiciliary and facility-based service delivery points are one of the core action to reduce MMR.

Land pollution assignment

The best way to avoid land conversion is to make efficient use of the available land. Using a piece of land to its maximum potential is the key to eliminate many of the causes of land pollution.

Iris module

Why the school personnel should be held accountable for the performance of students with disabilities on those assessments It is the responsibility of every teacher to ensure that the student get the required knowledge in the classroom. The teachers work under the principal who is the head of the institution; therefore, the principal and the β†’

History test

The Small farms of the northern colonies did not need slaves" Republicanism" in the 18th century Anglo-American political world emphasized the importance of ______ as the essence of liberty. He believed that the free individual in liberty thought was the propertied white manWhat major event first led the British government to seek ways to make β†’

One flew over the cuckoos nest

Last, but definitely not least, is an example of an imagery appealing to the sense of taste that is present in the Chief's description of the drink they mixed: " The syrup had a taste like a kid's drink but a punch like the cactus apple wine we used to get in The Dalles, cold β†’

Slogans on poverty

Poverty is not a curse but it has power to down the development in a nation. Poverty is enough to hinder the growth of a nation.

Neutral curriculum

After saying all of this, my main concern from the moment I began to ponder this concept has been that while I am a Christian, not all teachers share my same beliefs. I can not miss an opportunity to share with my students, in a non threatening way, the love that he has given me.

The green mile by stephen king

Throughout the entire novel the reader is forced to question the characters and the society in which they live. This " spirit" that Edgecombe describes is a biblical allusion to the Holy Spirit that goes against the evil of the devil.

How does bad content affect the success of your marketing strategy?

The differences between sophisticated and unsuccessful marketing campaigns are that customers do not feel exposed to marketing efforts from the side of brands. Content marketing pursues the following goals: brand promotion, communicate the company's mission to customers and reaching the new audience.

P’s of marketing assignment

This product will also require extensive research from the consumer, confirming and underlying Its specialty Involvement with the use of the application. Because the application is a new and innovative type of product on the market, brand awareness must be fairly high before wholesalers, retailers and consumers will be interested in purchasing the product.

Juvenile crime essay

In this report I will: define juvenile delinquency, give the extent of juvenile delinquency, give some suggestions on what causes juvenile delinquency, and what is being done in various communities to deal with this growing problem. Many studies have been made in an effort to determine the causes of delinquency.

The hunchback in the park

The answer to the second question is something that I just have to live with. I just wish I could gather up the courage to finally talk to her.

New approaches to attracting & acquiring entry level workers

The saturation and competition in the workplace has increased the demand for high skilled talent and thus companies must work harder to assimilate novel and creative ways of attracting and retaining talented workers into their business. As the war for talent wages on, it is essential that organizations strategically and effectively manage to attract and β†’

Literary analysis of “give me the splendid silent sun” by whitman

While living in Manhattan, Whitman heard " the sound of the trumpets and drums", " the rustle and clang of muskets" and witnessed " the soldiers in companies or regiments" and " the dense brigade.with high piled military wagons", all examples of the on-going struggle between the Union and the Confederacy over state's rights and β†’

Racism in “american born chinese”

The Monkey King is perhaps the most ancient protagonist represented in the book, almost a deity, his story resounds most clearly as a personification of the beginning of the theme statement. In the beginning of the story, the Monkey King is detained by a guard under the grounds of being a monkey, and is denied β†’

Need and children

They would also be enjoying what they are learning and finding out whether it is something they want to continue to do in life. If children feel accepted, comfortable and are learning things they are interested in what reason will they have not to come to school?

Importance of links and relationships within the retail travel environment essay sample

How make committee degrees benefit the client?-Benefits client as committee enables them to book otheradministrations merchandises and services through one administration. Affects on agents as they are limited to what they can sell.and besides tied into bureau understandings.

Hunger games essay

Yet in Panem the desire to be beautiful is taken to a higher level. In some ways violence is the same to Panem and the United States, but in others it is nothing alike.

Expatriate management assignment

Expatriates who come from a country of higher standards of living are likely to have a base pay that is much higher than that of the local staff, in addition to the various allowances and incentives awarded to the expatriates for taking on the assignment. The steps a multinational company should take in order to β†’

Transcontinental railroad complete

Huntington was the fine soul who watched themoneyend of the deal, while Crocker, full of pep, saw to it that the rails were properly laid down across the Sierra and the deserts of Nevada and Utah. The power of these men is being stripped and the people will be all ears, when they have their β†’

Comparison between donne and wit

The exploration of connections instigates a process of reflection whereby the inspiration of the known reflects upon the new, while the new resonates with the known. The subversion of traditional sonnet structure, juxtaposes personal doubt within the octet to religious revelation within the sestet, the transitory process of the rejuvenation of faith, reflecting both the β†’

The artist’s quest: real truth beyond real life

James writes " The Real Thing" to validate his theory that art is not an exact copy of life, but a reproduction that goes beyond to reveal the ' truth' in reality. The narrator of the story expresses " an innate preference for the represented subject over the real one: the defect of the real β†’

Pamela or virtue rewarded

B, to take advantage of her for the whole length of the novel. As a woman she was expected to give in to the urges of a man, let alone a nobleman.

Brand identity prism of raymonds and arrow essay

Modern theories say that a brand identity provides not only the personality of the brand but also the erection, purpose and meaning for the brand. Right Side of the prism: This side of the prism The 6 facets of the prism refer to the following attributes: 1.

African american history in book navigating distant shores: a historical overview

The overview opens with " The foundation of the history of the United States rests on race as a social construct". Dorris' use of many historical facts and examples from the past, all pointing back to slavery, insist that he is persistent in evaluating and observing slavery as the center and foundation of the United β†’

Strategy and operational effectiveness in perspective management essay

The lack of a detailed and structured plan that coordinates the multiple available resources, within the frame conditions, such as time and cost, it is often the reason why many companies fail to successfully deploy and implement strategic plans. It is important to outline the importance of both, strategy and OE.

Steve sustainability program includes policies and changes that

SBIC has an opportunity to stand as aleader in the legal charge to " Make Water Conservation a Way of Life". As lendersto the agricultural industry, SBIC has a moral duty to lead in promotingresponsible use of our water resources.

Instilling a particular knowledge

Negative reward involves removal of a particular favor after behaving in a particular manner e.g.if the daughter refuses to do the cleaning, the father should not permit her to go out to watch a movie or visit her friends. The advantage of cross-sectional research is that it is very fast as the data to use β†’

Chapter 10-12 questions

The first lesson that can be learned about Jackson regarding his sweeping victory is that he was a very tactical person, since he used his wit and tactics to convince the electorates despite being the underdog in the race. The invention of the cotton gin was important in the sense that it enhanced the speed β†’

Design – college essay

Denatures Is the third largest dental benefits administrator In the united States, but we are one-of-a-kind In the approach we take to Improving oral health. The government side of the business focuses on the Medicaid and Medicare programs In the several states that we serve.

The product proposal for enhancing and re-designing a chef’s uniform

It summarizes the project proposal providing clear highlights on the ethos of the new available designs, involved technologies and the garment geometry techniques with the purpose of preparing, developing and creating a new garment afterwards. In conclusion, the paper presents recommendations on the best methods for the successful implementation of the product giving validating the β†’

Editorial: post-translational modifications in plant nuclear signaling: novel insights into responses to environmental changes

The aim of this topic was to point out how nuclear post-translational modifications play fundamental roles in the signaling pathways initiated in response to environmental changes. PTMs on histones are also of major importance in the response to abiotic stresses.

Critical analysis of james baldwin’s sonny’s blues

There was a preference in the story that depicted what happened in light of the way that the battles that Sonny needs to involution and the shade of his skin are an obstacle to the movement of society. We would in all probability all get a kick out of the opportunity to induce that Sonny β†’

Photosynthesis test questions essay

Photosynthesis is basically the production of food from water and carbon dioxide by green plants using the energy from the sun via sunlight which is absorbed by the chlorophyll located in the surface of the leafs. So at this point light intensity cannot make the rate of photosynthesis any faster even if we were to β†’

Good girl gone bad and then good again

It was the most beautiful, most artistic, coolest piece of jewelry I ever saw and I did not have it. I was the new me now.

The protagonist victor in “this is what it means to say phoenix, arizona” by sherman alexie

When they are on the plane and Thomas is talking to the gymnast, " Victor was ready to jump out of the plane. The old Victor would be too afraid of what others were thinking about him to stop and listen to Thomas tell a story, but now he accepts who he is and also β†’

Antigone as a typical tragic hero

It's important for Antigone to do what she believes in and that she acts on this because she wants to be satisfied with the outcomes of her actions. She is fearless and has the courage to face her consequences even if it means it ending up in death.

Similarities and differences between the us gaap and igaap -two accounting systems dominating in the global financial market

Measurement of acquired intangibles The principles under iGAAP and US GAAP suggest that the value of any separately acquired asset will be considered as equivalent to the fair value of the consideration that has been paid on the date of acquisition. However, in US GAAP, detailed guidance is provided only related to cost that has β†’

Review of: the rise of christianity

A big part of his teachings that was not a liked thought by the Roman government, was the idea of God ending all wickedness, and the idea of the...zternal kingdom. If it is the citizens of the government, than there is no hope for the government, and that was exactly what the Roman government had β†’

Two concepts of society are functionalism and marxism

Both concepts differ in their views of how society operates for instance a Marxist would claim that there are only 2 classes and it is very hard to progress up a class whereas a functionalist would disagree and claim the harder you work, the more you achieve and the better your social position. Athough the β†’

Using an appropriate framework of analysis, briefly summarize the effects of change

An analysis of the reasons for the growth in the ready prepared meals indicates the effects of broader factors in the market environment on the size of a particular market. Mintel reported that the tradition of family meals together remains stronger in many continental European countries than in the UK, which may help to explain β†’

Save our forests essay

Forests affect the earths great cycles of nitrogen and sulphur; they affect the color of the earth and therefore its reflectivity and its temperature, they affect local and regional water supplies; they are the major reservoir of plants and animals; they are the home of millions and the livelihoods of millions more. The reality of β†’

Autobiography free

When I was about 1-2 I was still living in London we had a fire in the living room at this time I had 2 years of watching my mum and dad poking the fire with a big metal pole that used to make the fire bigger when you poked it I went to pick β†’

Similar themes but dissimilar fate

The mere mention of the myth in Act 5, confirms the playwright's attempt to imitate the theme of the story. However, a twist occurs in the end, giving the play a happy ending, thus departing from the real context of the myth.

Physics paper; acid rain

It is very dangerous to plants and forests as well as bodies of water and the sea creatures that reside there, and the infrastructures of buildings. One of the causes of acid rain is the burning of fossil fuels.

Generational distress: jonathan edwards and aaron burr

Jonathan Edwards straddled two definitive eras in American history: the hardline beliefs of the Puritans he was raised by in the Connecticut Valley and the freethinking, logical reasonability of the Age of Enlightenment. In his Personal Narrative, he begins talking about his childhood views on religion, the reawakening of the spirituality of his father's congregation, β†’

Dodd vernon

What are the benefits to Apple of outsourcing the assembly of the Phone to foreign countries, and particularly China? China Tech and manufacturing industries are benefiting because of the need to use highly skilled workers for research and development and to be innovative as they produce products for Apple.

Why americans hate politics assignment

A very interesting fact I took from the article was that: " The 1994 National Election Study found, for example, that 77% of Americans under 30 said they trusted the Federal government to do the right thing only " some of the time" or " none of the time"; 79% thought that Washington was run β†’

Nature versus nurture

Nature versus Nurture From the beginning of this essay, I believe the best place to refer to is the bible for what it says about the human being nature as well as how development plays a part inside the life of an individual. When we refer to the bible to know more about human nature β†’

Oia of cat muscle essay

Pectoantibranchialis O: Manubrium I: Flat tendon on the fascia of the forearm A: draws the arm toward the chest 2. Xiphihumeralis-beneath 3 O: Xiphoid process of the sternum I: humerus A: draws the arm toward the chest Muscles of Neck and Throat 1.

Puritans and perfect utopian society

Thus the name the Puritans was given as they set out to purify the church and simplify the faith by preaching the new testament and giving the simple man the knowledge of the bible. A blow to the Puritan movement was the revocation of their charter in the form of the Dominion of New England β†’

Good essay on life in ancient greece

The civilization of ancient Greece centered on the Aegean Sea, the region that today includes Greece and the western part of Turkey. The Spartans became concerned about the power of Athens, and the war broke out between the two states in 431 B.C.

Challenging behaviour in healthcare

The employees will use different strategies to resolve the conflicts and how to handle the challenging behaviour. It is essential to be direct about what you want and need to do, nevertheless consider the rights, wants and needs of the person.

Why teenager rebel their parents essay sample

But most of the time teenagers do not want to talking about their life outside home, and most likely they will feel their parents very irritate. The lack of appreciate make them very irritable and not respect their parents as they suppose to.

Project leadership skills

The director, who was the projects leader, was also producing the film and was at the forefront of the leadership team. The first phase of the project was to employ all the relevant cast and crew needed to complete the project.

Theodore “rex” roosevelt

He loved the nature for tons of years before his presidency he was a rancher and also served in the National Guard. He said that no one would shoot the bear for sport, however, he still knew it was in a lot of pain and suffering.

Hamlet conflictassignment assignment

Hamlet's inner conflict is a major driving force in the play despite the fact that his personal struggle with morality is the thing that holds IM back and causes his delay in taking action against Claudia. On the one hand, he has a duty to avenge his father's murder which means killing King Claudia, however, β†’

Tourism in the czech republic assignment

The country is bordered by Poland to the north and northeast, Slovakia to the east, Austria to the outh, and Germany to the west and northwest. The Czech Republic Joined NATO in 1999 and was approved to become a member of the European Union in 2002.


Janus is the of a Roman god and the role that the protagonist of the play, Andrea played is very similar to the legend of the Roman god, Janus. The emptiness of the bowl also shows that Andrea's inability to forget her past is the reason that she could not cope with her current life β†’

Psc 2302 final

Brutus #1Year: 1787 Author: Brutus was a pseudonym; probably Richard Yates Summary: Antifederalist paper saying that constitution provides for an unchecked power for the federal government, so that eventually the states will be stripped of their power and not needed. Jefferson's Opinion on the Constitutionality of the BankDate: 1791 Author: Jefferson Summary: The establishment of β†’

The administration of theodore roosevelt essay sample

"...the man who really counts in the world is the doer, not the mere critic- the man who actually does the work, even if roughly and imperfectly, not the man who only talks or writes about how it ought to be done".-Theodore Roosevelt Such is the belief that defined the twenty-sixth president of the United β†’

Business law: the good, the bad, and the ugly

To understand these boundaries, it is essential to first have a basic understanding of the law and how it affects businesses and business practices. To understand these boundaries, it is essential to first have a basic understanding of the law and how it affects businesses and business practices.

A fine balance by rohinton mistry essay

The main focus of the passage is the economic and financial conditions of Ashraf and his so called " family" which have now split. There is a lot of reference to time in the passage.

Application architecture – essay

The application architecture is the blueprint that defines how the software application will interact with servers and components within the domains of application layers. Application architecture is the process of defining all of the components within the design and how they will communicate within the application.

Population growth

One of the major problems of population growth is world's disability to support people by food, and society has responsibility to find some ways to solve that problem." Rampant population growth and its effect on global food supplies and nutrition are among the most significant challenges for the next century. One of the possible methods β†’

The boeing 777 case

First step of calculating cost of capital for 777 project is calculating Boeing's levered beta. From the calculations of WACC we can see that the major contributing factor to WACC is Boeing's cost of equity.