4 Pages Essay Samples

Art history & philosophy essay

As the law stands at the moment, smokers feel they are discriminated against because of the choice they made to start smoking and to carry on smoking following the introduction of the ban in public places and the fact that the majority of the country are in favour of the ban. 2) What formal and β†’

How significant is symbolism in a novel

This is also the case with the relationship of Marian and Ted. The gun is an important symbol in this novel as it represents violence and death.

Standardized testing: not the correct answer

The air is tense with apprehension and stress, and the only sounds are the scratching of pencils against paper, the clicking of fingers against calculator buttons, and the occasional tapping or coughing. One of the largest arguments in favor of standardized testing is that some tests, namely the SAT, are easier for colleges and administrators β†’

Criminal justice

The law enforcement agency will be required to buy and install several copies of the mapping and provide it to the crime analyst. Albert, GIS in law enforcement: Implementation issues and case studies.

Experiencing travels

Perhaps, it is for this reason that there are several kinds of transportation that are always trying to improve their services for travelers to have the best experience and to cater to the necessities and wants of pilgrims. One cannot stop when using the airlines as compared to travelling in cars where a traveler may β†’

Character analysis: upton sinclairs the flivver king

In this way, Sinclair works to show what the effects of such a form of management have on the Shutt family as a function of the father, and his children. In this way, the reader is presented with the realization that Ford Motor Company was growing and had the potential to offer a better life β†’

Disease report

Healthcare providers will usually suspect the presence of Q fever in people who are suspected to have been exposed to the pathogen and who develop pneumonia, hepatitis, flu-like symptoms, and endocarditis. Symptomatic forms of Q fever are predominant on males, which accounts for approximately 77% of all cases of Q fever that result in the β†’

Survival guide: rules to live by

I do not want to be hungry while I am reading or typing and I want to avoid snacking while on the computer to avoid weight gain. If you have to transfer any material to another file or program, you can use control A to highlight all the text, then control C to copy all β†’

Cultural tourism in newcastle uk as a part of urban tourism

Cultural Tourism in Newcastle UK as a Part of Urban Tourism Table of Contents Introduction 3 Key Rational Factors 3 Aims and Objectives of the Essay 3 Aim3 Objectives3 Structure of the Project4 Discussing the Contribution of Cultural aspects and Key Developmental Facts of Newcastle4 Conclusion6 References7 Introduction Urban tourism has been recently identified to β†’

Strength and weaknesses of dutch lady malaysia

As the market leader in the dairy category, Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad has a rich heritage of more than 130 years of dairy experiences, a legacy we enjoy from being part of one of the largest multinational dairy cooperatives in the world called Royal FrieslandCampina. At Dutch Lady Malaysia, we truly believe that the β†’

Role model and the presidential election

In the ad Role Models tries to persuade parents to vote Hillary Clinton for president by appealing obviously to the negative impact on children views, but more subtly to the values of behavior, and leadership. White also mean safety, and cleanliness, which means that Clinton is looking out for the safety of the children affected β†’

Organisation structure design

In spite of the good purpose of the change, some may resist to change and become antagonistic and spiteful.1. They are more in harmony with the requirements of their managers, colleagues and consumers.

Artificial a fraction of data that a convolutional

The spark of AI revolution is finally dazzling and flood of data is unlocking its power. The capability of learning of the capsule approach to achieve the state-of-the-art performance requires just a fraction of data that a Convolutional Neural Network uses.

Operation management assessment of tesco malaysia flashcard

Further to this, the ability to control operating cost and drive for efficiency in their operation management is a requirement. Five Objectives of Operations Management Quality The Tesco Homebrands are exclusive and made to match-leading brands in quality, value and reliability.

Media studies

The stereotype of blacks being incompetent in professional work is shown in the movie while hailing the whites as the great problem solver and savior of the blacks. Though the movie aimed to show the struggles of the lovers in the process of fighting for their love, it only magnified the discrimination experienced by the β†’

The design argument

The design argument is the argument for the existence of God based around the idea that the universe is designed and if it has been designed then there must have been a designer and therefore that designer must be God. The second part Is that a God must be the designer of the universe and β†’

Provided per section 436(2) of the code,

As per Section 436 of the Code, notwithstanding anything contained in Section 436 of the Code, where a person has failed to comply with the conditions of the bail bond as regards the time and place of attendance, the Court may refuse to release him on bail, when on a subsequent occasion in the same β†’

Ethnography of cruisers biker bar assignment

We sat up at the bar and talked to the bartender some, it was the same lady that we had the first time we went, and there was also a male bartender there at times as well. There was a noticeable difference between how we were responded to on he first visit and the response β†’

Magic muffler assignment

The students can be given the opportunity to assist the experienced mechanic and learn automotive work. This can attract a pool of experienced mechanics and technicians to apply to his business.

Critical hinking skills

The teacher is going to be the one responsible for determining if the quality of the critical thinking as an outcome is going to fit within the educational parameters or content that is being taught. An approach to teaching critical thinking in health education.

Utilitarianism essay sample

The principle of utility is often expressed as ' the greatest good of the greatest number'. That which is good is that which equals the greatest sum of pleasure and the least sum of pain.

The elements of a good credit policy, implications of increased receivables, the amount of annual expense to the firm as a result of the delay in collections

It also includes industry benchmarking statistics as well as various metrics i.e.days the sales are outstanding, collection effectiveness index, aging performance, bad debt write-offs, etc.iii) A credit evaluation and approval process; iv) Credit continuation procedures to support continuous monitoring of receivables portfolio and overall appropriate risk; v) Collection procedures Modern Farm Equipment's credit policy i) β†’

Reallocation of costs in information technology

Reallocation of Costs in Information Technology Reallocation of Costs in Information Technology Introduction With the rapid technological advances in the information technology sector, businesses have gotten confused as to how costs for IT can be allocated in their books. Process of Allocation of IT Costs When information technology is implemented within organizations, it is important β†’

Metro cash & carry

Metro Cash & Carry? s key competitive advantages were that it was often the first mover as it was the first wholesaler that worked with the cash and carry system, offering a wide range of products and having a non-traditional marketing approach that makes feel the customers as they were a member of a special β†’

Brief summary & thematic analysis of “a midsummer night’s dream

The " love-in-idleness" flower which is central to both the mismatched lovers and Titania's sudden infatuation with the ass-headed Bottom, can be seen as a metaphor for how the disorder and craziness that run rampant in the forest affect the perception and thoughts of the characters, as the juice of the flower causes them to β†’

Development of speech perception

Thus, both visual and auditory leads to speech perception, and this even started when they are still fetuses, inside their mothers' womb. When the mother tells a story and sings to her unborn baby, when the baby is born and hears the story and music he hears he becomes familiar to it, and prefers to β†’

Trade between native indians and spaniards history essay

However, this was quite on the contrary as the native tribes had developed techniques to make essential use of the world around them. It was the techniques that the natives had acquired in farming that proved crucial in expanding farming and feeding the large populations.

Eco100 discussions

This is the case because a monopolist can manipulate the market as he wishes due to lack of competition. It also offers a larger mileage than that of Texas in order for it to be removed from the lemon law rule.

Business system analysis

In software engineering, the utilization of a use case diagram thrush UML is a kind of behavioral drawing described through as well as shaped as of a Use-case investigation. 25 08 2009.." UML 2 Use Case Diagrams".2009.

Bonnier’s approach to establish a centralized research essay

The nature of digital innovation for Bonnier was to build a new digital business modeling the top of traditional publishing industry. As Orwell said, in a presentation tattle; University, the following constraints or problematic need to be addressed, especially in a traditionally conservative business contexts and industries: Firstly, you need to be not only the β†’

Devry university act

Based on a system of internal checks and balances will be Just in my recommendations to the president of the company, since most of the internal control systems provide for independent internal control; This principle involves the review of data prepared by employees. Recommendation: Align the specific obligations to employees to limit access to authorized β†’

Thesisproposal essay

The causes of poverty in rural areas in the Philippines vary widely from island to island. Scope and Limitations of the Study This study was limited to determine the causes of poverty in Batac City, Ilocos Norte.

Sleep deprivation of college students

The three major causes of sleep deprivation in college students that need to be aware of are caffeine, alcohol consumption, and the use of electronic device before going to sleep. In addition to caffeine, alcohol consumption is also one of the contributing factor that causes sleep-deprivation among college students.

Tejas a clam, as it is two halves

Nanomachines are mechanical devices, which are measured in the nanometers, which is a millionth of a nanometer ), hence the name Nanomachine. 5 nanometers Area of a Circle? r2Area of a Circle? x 83.

Financial assets are made up of securities

Fundamental analysis was the method used to pick the stocks. The type of assets to be held was first determined.

“ethan frome” by edith wharton

Due to their lack of courage to pursue what was self-fulfilling, Ethan Frome, the protagonist, had to constantly repressed his urge to do what he was once passionate about. Here, Ethan Frome challenged his desires: the ability to love another woman while he is married, aiding his family instead of pursuing a possible career, finally, β†’

Edgar allan poe’s the cask of amontillado: a analysis and comparison on the movie and book

In the below paragraphs, I will explain what I think are the differences between that versions and then the similarities which I will follow with explaining the effectiveness of the filmmaker as he set off to transfer the classic Poe story to screen. This being stated by Montressor before the conversation about the coat of β†’

Lessons from college football

At the time, I was still in volleyball season so I kind of just kept the idea in the back of my head and thought that I would not have to act on it any time soon. We did not win that championship game that day, but the excitement that I felt before and during β†’

A declaration of existentialism

This idea is expressed through an assortment of Rand's main characters, though none quite so explicitly as Hank Rearden." The public good be damned, I will have no part of it!" In Rearden's bold refutation of ' public good' at his trial, Rearden is dismissing the core ideology of socialism and declaring himself an existentialist β†’

The code hammurabi

The Code of Hammurabi is set to keep the Babylonian society safe and is not too harsh for the citizens. The purpose of The Code of Hammurabi is to punish the criminal in a manner that they committed the crime.# 229, if a builder has built a house and not made his work strong and β†’

Santa fe school district vs doe

Both the school and the Does appealed to the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. For the means that private dialogue to me is not announced and reviewed.

Personal leadership development plan assignment

Some of my barriers were revealed In the different self- lower scores in the categories of Conflict and Negotiation, Developing and Mentoring, and Change. To expand my leadership opportunities in my current position, I plan to pursue Job reclassification with the following steps: a.

A mini micro analysis of the opening scene in die hard essay sample

The camera then cuts to a close up of a woman's face as she works on a computer and talking to a man who is also working on a computer. The camera then goes into a shot reverse shot of the computer and the man and the music starts to build up again as he β†’

Case study analysis: oakbrook medical systems

Senior managers need to address the concerns of the director's colleagues and subordinates regarding her objectionable communication style, as well as the strategy director's concerns about possible racial and gender discrimination to make appropriate long-term strategic choices for the division and company. A senior manager would be in the best position to communicate the division's β†’

The federal reserve

The Fed controls the quantity of money in circulation by the purchase and sale of US bonds to increase money supply, and the selling of government bonds in the nation? s bond markets to decrease the supply. In conclusion, the monetary policy of increasing money supply is positive for economic recovery as inflation is sure β†’

Is technology really good?

Now that you can go out and buy the CD of a book instead of having to read it would be a lazy way of using technology o benefit you. There are many benefits to technology that we do not even think of, that we can have it around us all the time in a β†’

Analysis of annie dillard’s memoir “an american childhood”

Each page of the novel contains literary devices presented in the form of figurative language that spring forth from the page and engulf the reader with superb examples of imagery that remain in their memory far beyond the moment of reading the text. The story of the Polyphemus moth is a central image for Dillard β†’

The use of ict in teaching education essay

Consequently, the aim of this study has been to focus on the factors which encourage the uptake of ICT by teachers as well as the barriers which prevent teachers from making full use of ICT in teaching. Many factors influence the use of ICT in teaching and one of these factors is teachers' attitudes towards β†’

A civilized community

The conformity being taught is for the sake of an idea of a civilized community, however, this is a flawed idea. It is because of this that conformity in schools fails to create the intended result and also why individuality should be promoted.

Zappos case study essay

It was the goal of the organization to empower their employees and make them feel apart of something bigger than themselves" an organization that went against the grain of; normal" corporate culture. I believe that this " aggressive" sales culture has led to a very successful organization as we are currently on pace to surpass β†’

What is an essay?

The introduction is intended to lead the reader into the topic and clarify what the essay will specifically deal with. The conclusion brings the reader back to the purpose of the essay and draws all the points together before making a final comment on the result of the discussion/argument.


Giving positive remarks as the reinforcement every time the student performed better, finished a task or cooperate in the school activities are helpful in strengthening the students behavior or the possibilities of the repetition of the same positive behavior. Positive reinforcement is a powerful principle and can be applied to great advantage in the classroom.

Strengths and weaknesses of the command economic system

The three most basic economic system are the; command economic system, free economic system, mixed economic system. IDENTIFICATION OF ECONOMIC SYSTEM COMMAND ECONOMIC SYSTEM: A command economic system is an economic system in which the government state owns and controls all resources within its jurisdiction; this means that no individual has any authority over the β†’

The different characteristic of mixed economy economics essay

Economic system is the branch of economics, which studies the method and the institutions by which societies determine the direction, ownership and allocation of economic resources. Free market is the decisions left to the market to forces of supply and demand, and to the price mechanism.

Should mobile phone usage be allowed in schools?

In the end, it should not be a problem for students to keep in touch with their parents via cellphone. Of course, this job also extend to the parents, but it's the teachers that should have been guiding the students to appropriate usage of their devices in school.

Macbeth – assignment

No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas in incarnadine, Making the green one red." The fear of Macbeth is that Banquo's children will end up with the throne. I tell you yet again, Banquo's buried; he cannot come out on's grave." Lady Macbeth This above quotation reveals to the Doctor and the Gentlewoman β†’

Robert not he should let essay

I asked the duke what was the duchess like and he said that the duchess was a kind, happy person, who found joy in all things. He now has his eyes for your daughter and I say do not give it to him.

Evaluating the speed accuracy tradeoff

As the participant progressed through the conditions, a decrease in movement time was observed Condition 6, with the smallest index of difficulty, corresponded with the shortest average movement time. The data also demonstrated a positive correlation between the index of difficulty and the movement time.

Social disorganization theory

The first core element of the social disorganization theory to be discussed is Poverty, which can be defined as the state of being extremely poor. Despite its early origins, social disorganization theory continues to be prominent in the study of delinquency.


In addition, most of the studies done investigating the effects of the smoking ban on the profitability of this sector found no relationship between the two. The smoking ban involves restricting the act of smoking in public in public places.

A thousand splendid suns assignment

Later in the novel, Miriam makes a request to watch a movie in her fathers' cinema with all her brothers and sisters for her birthday; her fathers' vow ultimately fails. Leila did anything and everything to keep the secret about her baby that was not Rehashed.

Book discussion smashed by koren zailckas essay

The only real problem with this is that she needs to find a new way of getting over her shyness. This is a crucial point in her life where she could make a change in her habits and lifestyle to stop the inevitable barrel roll downhill that is soon to happen.

Doing a business through the internet

The fever of doing a business through the Internet began in the late 1990s when the businesses decided that the Internet was a unique channel that was not used by many businesses. Symptoms Faced Due to the mismanagement or the misallocation of funds by Pets.com, the company was unable to prosper in the manner that β†’

Analysis of the human cultural identity

Analysis of the Human Cultural Identity This paper is intended to contain the analysis of the human cultural identity, as seen in the following five historical cultural periods: Enlightenment Culture; Greco-Roman Culture; Judeo-Christian Culture; Renaissance-Reformation Culture; and Industrialization-Modernism Culture. It displays the release of traditional religion and the movement to worldly learning and the rise β†’

Tivo marketing case analysis (hbs) assignment

Analysis TiVo's potential goes beyond the introduction of an innovative electronics product; it has the power to change the habit of how Americans watch television. Most consumers are aware of what a VCR is, so positioning TiVo as the super VCR would make it easier for consumers to associate it with a familiar product and β†’

Character analysis of eva duarte de peron – she was a saint essay sample

Evita Peron was the paradigm of the political and revolutionary woman in the twentieth century, she was deemed a saint by her people and her character gained her world recognition. She was given the opportunity to flee the dusty town, and she grabbed it.

European union debt

Notably, the composition of the European zone as a monetary block governed by one currency that lacks a fiscal arrangement to harmonize the taxes and public pension requirements accelerated the debt crisis The European Union debt crisis was a fusion of complex elements in the world market. The increased capital and savings in the global β†’

Scarface analysis essay

The movie is focused around the life of a man by the name of Tony Montana and depicts his rise to power from a political refugee from Cuba to a drug warlord. In the course of the movie, Tony Montana also known as Scarface, is able to go from a dishwasher in a small restaurant β†’

M statistics

14 at 5% level of significance.* The true proportion of red candies is equal to 0. 13 at 5% level of significance.* The true proportion of brown candies is equal to 0.

Nissan case study

In 1993, Micra was awarded the European car of the year and in 1996, New Primera was released. Cogent aims to shift the bulk of the resources back was at the start of the process.

Auditing(control activities and related assertions)

The above is A 2 because it controls physically the inputs to the system, that is, the voucher needs to be approved before any checks are processed by the system. The assertion here is existence because this verifies the physical existence of the cash as of the date of the count.

The different forms and styles of essay writing

Classification and division Classification is the categorization of objects into a larger whole while division is the breaking of a larger whole into smaller parts Compare and contrast Compare and contrast essays are characterized by a basis for comparison, points of comparison, and analogies. Understanding how the movement of thought is managed through an essay β†’

Chesapeake petroleum

Additionally, Solo attempted to hide the embezzlement by, falsifying the financial records of the many; destroying records of the checks; and hiding the fraud from outside auditors hired by the company to review its finances. Solo also had the power to create and authorize checks, which made it easier for him to fraud the company β†’

Management midterm study guide

Technical Skills The abilities to use the processes, practices, techniques and tools of the specialty area a manager supervises. The Social System Contributes norms and value to organizational culture, including the set of employee relationships that relate to a power affiliation and trust.

Zebra mussels

We need to find ways to control the spreading of zebra mussels which are drastically affecting our ecosystem and environment.zebra mussels are affecting our lakes in many ways. The zebra mussels also cling on to pipes under the water and clog them.

Gun control policymaking

The majority of citizens favor a variety of controls, but many Americans get confused between a belief in the abstract right to bear arms and the desperate hope that gun control will help reduce the violent crime that permeates American society. As a result, gun ownership has increased and has spilled to the wrong hands.

Stephenie meyer, inside the twilight saga essay

Born in Connecticut, Stephenie Meyer influenced the reading of teenagers and their imaginations through her works The Twilight Saga and The Host. In the book Twilight, Bella's mother lives in Phoenix, and this shows how Meyer incorporates her life into her books.

The thin red line

As the reader gets a sense of the characters looks, personalities and thoughts, the persons in the story only get to see each other from the outside. Denise's thoughts of the two indicates the dramatic irony in the story, because we as readers know that Berto is the naive and innocent one, while the nameless β†’

The burial of the dead

The quotation is followed by a dedication to Ezra Pound, Eliot? s colleague and friend, who played a major role in shaping the final version of the poem. Eliot shifts from this vague invocation of time and nature to what seem to be more specific memories: a rain shower by the Starnbergersee; a lake outside β†’

“computer in the fest by enrolling our team

I believethat the Masters in Computer science will help me in abridging the gap between what I know andwhat I need to possess so as to build my career as Software Application Developer. This interest further drove me to opt for microcontrollerbased system design as one of the elective in the successive semester where I β†’

Red bull

Also they use the highly voluble aluminum window sucker to Indicate availability, and limited the SE of posters, shelf talkers and ceiling hangers in the store. They created effective advertising to keep clearly communicated product benefits without promising specific physiological results, continued marketing innovation, and do the product innovation to appeal to a broad range β†’

Planned change

Thella Bowens; a senior director of the Aviation Division, was selected to oversee the transfer and was selected to become the Executive Director of the SDCRAA and oversee the transition. Due to the broad participation of the employees within the organization and Bowens structured approach to the transition.

Analyse the titles and opening scene of halloween

We get a slow tract on the pumpkin zooming in closer and closer until eventually we get to the eye of the pumpkin, and then as the screen goes black we hear the sound of children singing:'It's Halloween! We then get the picture of a house with most of the lights on the screen then β†’

Teach us about autism!

I think that people, teens in particular, need to be more accepting and accommodating of people with autism. Another reason to be accepting of people with autism is because it is honestly a great learning experience for you.

Whose speech is better?

In the beginning of the essay, Napoli describes her assertion with simple and plain speech but as the issue of the topic goes on, the author discusses relevant information, arguments, debates, and claims of two sides especially in the construction of " It's me" and " It's I". As I searched for the full citation β†’

Instructional design theory according to m. david merrill

Merrill has been cited as being among the most productive Educational Psychologists, among the most frequently cited authors in the computer-based instruction literature, and ranked among the most influential people in the field of Instructional Technology. Prestige and influence in the field of educational technology.

Literature: epic poetry and ancient china assignment

As a more urban culture developed, academies provided a means of transmission for speculative and philosophical literature in early civilizations, resulting in the prevalence of literature in Ancient China, Ancient India, Persia and Ancient Greece and Rome. In ancient Greece, the epics of Homer, who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, and Hissed, who wrote β†’

Critical analysis the welsh hill country

Therefore it seems that the central tension of the poem is the contradiction between the preconceived notion of the Welsh countryside and the reality of the landscape. In the first stanza of the poem, the poetic speaker talks about the sheep on the Welsh Hills.

Final draft assignment

In sharing her the event of her sexual assault, she opens her readers up for a different perspective on her academic struggles. That she is very capable of putting all efforts forth to her education.

Monetary and time costs

Following the consumption of the service, price is one of the costs perceived by customers, and contributes to value assessment of the service. It needs to convince customers that a reduction in price is accompanied by a reduction in the quality of service.

Impact of bullying and interventions

In the article, Low-Level Violence, A Neglected Aspect of School Culture, David Dupper and Nancy Meyer-Adams bring attention to the issues that students face due to bullying and harassment. In this essay, I will aim to demonstrate the different types of bullying, the impact it has on students and steps that can be taken to β†’

Liberal and realist theories: international arms

International organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union are most important in liberalism, as they represent the success of cooperative organization of international relations. Retrieved 9 8, 2019, from https://cambridge.org/core/journals/review-of-international-studies/article/hegemonic-stability-theory-an-empirical-assessment/35f5aeabbdbd10636e80ca3e4ce5e288 Yemen and the Global Arms Trade.

An lushan rebellion and the buddhist persecution of 845 | comparison

As he was rising through the ranks, he was also gaining the trust of the soldiers in the Tang-Dynasty Military. Second of all, the An Lushan Rebellion was able to happen in the first place because of a lack of loyalty to the Emperor in the military.

Pane bread company case

The core competence of fresh bake items proficiently performed is the internal activity that is central to a their strategy and competitiveness. The rival chains with international operations are the competitors that Pane needs to address in their strategy.

Managing communications knowledge & information essay sample

Charles needs a team to take responsibility for the setting up of the company and the communication media to be used to promote the badges. 1: Report on existing approaches to the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge in this organisation.4.