4 Pages Essay Samples

The role of evaluation in vocational education

Eze Date: 10th August, 2010 Abstract Evaluation in education involves the collection of data and the use of such data to assess the effectiveness or quality of a programme or performance. Programme in education is established for some purpose and it is the function of programme evaluation to determine the extent to which the purpose →

Nfl rule changes – football

In this speech I am going to share with you the new rules implemented into football, the type of fines you get for playing football and how I think football will be ruined in the next 10 years. The NFL says they are looking out for the future of the players and that's why they →

Twentieth century thinkers

Among his many accomplishments, Martin Luther King was adoctor, writer of five published books, a member of the executive committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, president of the Southern ChristianLeadershipConference, and at the age of 35 he was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize. Martin Luther →

The damage to life and property. the challenges

Easy, quick and wide access to information in combination with the ease of communication between individuals interested in the same fields, the rapid advance in and simplification of many technologies- have all led to the empowerment of the individual. Without decisive policies in the area of education and training, the gap between the knows and →

Mamma mia! the musical: history and music

It includes over 20 original ABBA songs, the most famous of which is Mamma Mia, which lends itself to the title of the musical. The original idea for the musical was conceived in 1989 by Judy Craymer, and was to use popular ABBA songs in the new context of a musical.


According to the article, atheism is the belief that God is nonexistent and that there is no greater power in the universe. This further shows that atheism is not just absolute disbelief in the existence of God as the essay " Atheism-Shattered Faith" claims because other atheists believe in existence of specific gods.

The persian wars

The name Iran derlves trom the word " Asyran," and durlng the first half of the first millennium, the Iranian-speaking people moved gradually Into the area of the Zagros Mountains, the largest groups known as the Medes and Persians. Darius l, he was the king of the Persian Empire during the first war.

Questions of science

His work on the basic laws of motion and the law of gravitation marked the culmination of the scientific revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries starting with his publication on the Opticks. The basic laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation have been the cornerstone of many scientific disciplines making it as →

One to one initiative

At the end of the 2013 school year, the school district came to the decision that they would enroll in a one to one initiative program. Although the one to one initiative is new for both teachers and students, the laptops seem to be a waste of money since students are rarely allowed to use →

The causes and effects of a brain aneurysm

Because of the bleed in the brain and the leak, this also caused a stroke which affected his right side, he was also being treated for this. After being in hospital for a total of 5 months he was discharged into the care of my mum and family.

Cognitive psychology assignment

Info can still be processed in the neglected field indicating that attention is not necessary for some aspects of complex cognition. The late selection model states that info is filtered the parietal lobe shifts spatial attention around the scene; damage impairs ability to pay attention to the opposite of space.

Element in writing

Parallelism in writing refers to the repetition of structural elements in order to create a balance in the writing. Is a balance in the structure of the sentence.

Othello and henry v essay

These lines bring the sounds of war to life paint a vivid picture of war; the language in these lines and in the whole of the speech is archaic. In Flanders Fields the experience of war is bought to life by the description and the honesty of the poem.

Analysis of the castle by franz kafka essay sample

The factor that Kafka chose to use allegory could be to taken to mean that, he saw it wise to use a style that could force people to think in order to come up the inner meaning of the story, since such a style brings out two meaning that is the outer meaning and the →

Marks & spencer promotional activities

This is a brilliant idea to get customers to come to M&S. I will be using some of the greatest promotional activities used by big stores like Sainsbury's, Tesco and Asda to campaign for this cut on wastage.

Lux beauty bar soft touch marketing essay

As Lux is popularly known as a well brand it is also one of the reason the consumer has a perception in mind that product is good of quality. The brand or the logo of Lux helps in the identification of products and it is a hint about the product quality for buyers.

Informative speech organ donation and transplant

As a result I felt is necessary to inform you about the history and facts on organ donation and transplantation.C. Organ donation begins with a person who recognizes an opportunity to help others, enrolls in a state donor registry, and shares the decision to be a donor with family members and friends.

Resident aliens

In doing this, the paper will depend on the " Gospel of Matthew," Paul's " Letter to the Romans" in the Christian Bible, and the book, Resident Aliens by Stanley Hauerwas and William Willimon. In the exposition of the Christian doctrine to all humanities, Paul's " Letter to the Romans," has an assumption that the →

Platoon verses the things they carried exploring the men of vietnam.

In both the novel and the movie, the men were shipped off to a foreign land to fight a gruesome war. The men in Platoon all had something in common, a want and a need to stay alive.

The impact of global economic crisis on the job market for young indonesian

However, the effect of the global economic crisis to the job prospect for young people is felt in Indonesia, indirectly and softly. The micro-business also employs a lot of young Indonesian to work in and to implement their knowledge in micro- business.

Securing america and protecting civil liberties

The text American Government: Roots and Reform, explain that " the Bill of Rights was intended to limit the power of the national government to infringe on the rights and liberties of the citizenry". I would call upon our national leaders, with great input from international heads of state, to formulate a new more nondiscriminatory →

Canadian plays – einstein’s gift

The climax of the play is the realization experienced by both scientists Einstein's doubts and moral questioning forces him to renounce his German citizenship and migrate to the United States in 1933, but finally it is his theory of relativity that was made use of to make the atom bomb by the America he had →

John updike- a essay

The mood of the story is informal/rebellious that it illustrates that the " A; P" is an uptight supermarket and everything has to be done the right way. Lengel the manager at the " A; P" was the first to mention to Queenie and her friends that their attire was not acceptable in the supermarket →

Sir thomas more’s utopia: a text of universality

It is the novels use of Utopic/Dystopic conventions, intermingling of fact and fiction and comparison, which heightens the believability of Utopia, in that it arises on the emphasis of his concerns on the concept of the rich vs.poor, and religious tolerance. Additionally the injustice of the rich to the poor is expressed in the law →

Plagiarism and academic dishonesty

In the internet age, understanding the concept of plagiarism as one of the manifestations of academic dishonesty is a complicated issue. In conclusion, plagiarism as part of academic misconduct is a difficult concept to define.

Malaria disease lab report essay sample

Doxycycline is also considered to be the least expensive material used for anti-malaria, so even people that are living in poor areas with Malaria can afford to buy it. It is one of the cheapest anti-malaria medicines to own and many people living in poor areas and is infected with Malaria can afford it.

Understand the process of startegy planning

LOreal Beauty Company was founded in 1909 by Eugene Schueller and has grown to become one on the leading companies in the beauty and cosmetic industry. The hair color products of the company are in high demand, in India.

Single sex education analysis

Now there is enough evidence in the form of high profile studies and researches that point towards the benefits of single sex education. If we start accepting the need of single sex education and investing in single sex schools then the wastage of money and level of underachievement can be controlled.

Abraham lincoln s assassination essay

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the U.S.and entered office before the Civil War. He wanted to take Lincoln to Richmond, which was the capital of the Confederate.

Underwater electromagnetic communications

As the electromagnetic waves would be more attenuated in water than that of the air. Conductivity of the sea water would be 4s/m were in fresh water its mille-s/m range comparatively less than the sea water.

Advantages and disadvantages of socio economic development assignment

Preconceptions which create difficulties for researchers Development theories and practices cannot be separated from the individual perceptions and biases and because of this biasness of researchers; sometimes the results of the research do not show the reality of particular research area. Furthermore, most of the researchers have their own social, cultural and educational orientation and →

Evaluating essence of an entrepreneur is supplying what

The food we serve is of the best quality of the bar and grill industry. It is important to do an analysis of the competitors in the field and the demographics of the business.

Closing case google

Google's mission has enabled the creation of a comprehensive, search engine capable of providing information at the stroke of a keyword. As a result, Google aspired to open its operations in China; however, the information provision did not coincide with the company's mission to provide uncensored information.

Allegory of the cave expository essay sample

The characters Truman, the prisoner, and Montag in the three stories who escaped the " cave" were better off in their world prior to escaping because they were happier, they suffered pain exiting the fake world, and they were not in as much danger. They did not have to rely on the other people in →

Sociology – karl marx

He criticized the social-economic form of the society which was purely capitalist and run by the upper class hence he predicted that internal societal tensions would arise which would lead to self-destruction of the capitalism and replacement of socialism system in the economy. His conflict theory stresses the importance of stratification, class, conflict and material →

Powerful women

Two of the most powerful women of this era were Queen Elizabeth the first of England and Catherine the Great of Russia. She also had members of the clergy ready to ordain her as the sole occupant of the Russian throne.

Benjamin franklin autobiography assignment

You may remember the Enquires I made among the Remains of my relations when you were with me in England; and the Journey I took for that purpose." Franklin was sixty five when he started his autobiography and wanted to pass on his family history. Franklin claimed to be a Deist but if you read →

The briefcase essay

The protagonist finds the man's briefcase and in desperation decides to adopt the man's identity by using the content of the briefcase to learn more about him. This is shown in the story when the protagonist's desperation leads him to steal the imprisoned professor's briefcase and ultimately adopt the professor's identity as his own.

Purity and purifications of solids using melting points.

Using Melting point technique unknown H, was determined to have MP in the range from 73. Conclusion Melting point is a technique used to identify pure substances by observing ranges of melting points as it was done in mixtures of Naphthalene and Biphenyl.

Integrating traditional medicine with western medicine

Abstract: The practice of traditional medicine among the people of Nigeria in the Western region of Africa transcends the advent of Bio-Medicine and occupies a prominent position in the delivery of health care. Medical system in Nigeria: An examination Whereas health is the most precious of all things and it is the foundation of allhappiness, →

The applications of content marketing marketing essay

Several companies use content marketing channels to have consumers like the content, comment on the content, and share the content. With the expansion of social media, companies have had great success on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to market their products' content.

Scatter diagram

The process steps to compile a scatter diagram are the following: collect and construct a data sheet; draw the axes of the diagram; plot the data on the diagram; and finally, interpret the diagram. This is a two-minute timed event and the total number of correctly performed curl-ups at the end of the two minutes →

Bose environmental trend analysis

On a flight to Europe in 1978, Amar Bose, the founder of Bose Corporation, put on a pair of headphones supplied by the airline, only to find out the sound emitted by those headphones was not loud enough to mask the loud roar produced by the airplanes engines. Economic Factors In regards to the Bose →

5 tips for coping with smaller business competition

But, what do you do when you are losing a large chunk of business to the smaller companies that do a fraction of what you do? If you are having exactly the kind of itch I am referring to then this means, you are a considerably bigger business than the competition.

Specific strategy in italian market marketing essay

Its necessary for Starbucks to sell espresso in Italian market, but there are thousands of coffee houses in Italy sell the same products. Membership: In Italian market, the first step of Starbucks is to expand customer groups.

Productivity and support

When choosing an operating system for the server or workstation, one will need to think about a number of issues ranging from the cost of hardware, software licensing, support and reliability. The research proves that Windows operating system seems to have a higher total cost of ownership compared to the other operating systems.

Marketing strategies psychology persuasive flashcard

The marketing strategy is considered to be an important element in the arsenal of every organization and that is the reason why the TP bowling must focus on their marketing strategy in an effective and an efficient way. Marketing Mix Product: The service that is offered is of bowling and high quality pins and balls →

Things fall apart 7

Many factors can be attributed to the cause of Okonkwo's demise, But the three most drastic ones are: hisson's conversion to Christianity, the change in daily life the new religion brings, and his frustration caused by his apathetic clansmen. And Idemili and Ogwugwo too?'; The missionary goes on to tell them about the Holy Trinity.' →

Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

Human trunk and limb bones of Homo antecessor, recovered from the Gran Dolina site in Spain have been dated at about 780, 000 years old and are said to represent the last common ancestor for modern humans and Neanderthals. Phylogenetic analysis of Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA leads to a date for the common ancestor of the →

Hills like white elephants by hemingway, a&p by updike and hell-heaven by lahiri essay sample

In this essay I will begin by showing the similarities and differences between Hills like White Elephants and A&P followed by Hell-Heaven and A&P and finally similarities and differences of Hell-heaven and Hills like White Elephant. In A&P the irony came when Sammy decided to step up to the plate and quit right in front →

Managing acquisitions or mergers

However, the merger enabled both companies to obtain $11 billions in combined stocks of Kmart and Sears. The stock price went down to $12 in September 2002, and gradually increased to $19.

Northern renaissance art

The epoch of Renaissance in general was an age of humanism characterized by a new spirit of freedom, a new sense of the individual, a new realism in visualizing nature and the emergence of the artist as an individual creator. Though the Northern Renaissance displays some differences from that of the South, it shares with →

Importance of both financial and non financial motivation commerce essay

Figure 1 In order to motivate employees in higher levels in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it is necessary for business to consider more in non-financial rewards such as job enlargement and team work quality control circles. In summary, it is necessary for a company to make sure what the employees really need and choose financial →

Treatments for alcoholism

The strategies to enable the treatment of recurring alcohol dependence and the role of health care to effect delivery of treatment.DATA. According to the article there is a new approach to treatment of alcoholism problem through a community based primary care for detoxification of the people in alcohol and drug use.

Quiet hero

When Rita was a teenager her father left her and her mother to start a new life. Rita was able to arrange for her father to visit Poland and the camp where he was held prisoner.

Ideas, attitudes, values, and beliefs about education

At the end of the last stanza, we see how this person is ambitious and has hope for the future, opposed to those who have grown up here. The Play Way is a literary piece, written in first person narrative and scripted to be read aloud.

Neoclassical theory on downward sloping demand curve economics essay

The following are the major factors that influence consumer demand of a commodity:- Price of that commodity Price of other commodities The income of the consumer Taste and preferences of the consumer Future price expectations Advertisements among others A demand curve can be described as a line joining different points that depict the relationship between →

Compare barak obama’s and martin luther king’s persuasive speeches

The result of his speech and the movement he led was a direct turning point and change of law, which soon lead to the end of segregation. He uses this because it gives the speech a rhythm and makes it more interesting to listen to.

Constructing a multi storey commercial building construction essay

This is to ensure the pore water pressure in the soil is in a safety range hence it does not affect the building.1. Warning signboard and guard house should be equipped to ensure the safety of the site.2.

Romanticism in frankenstein

The populace was moving into cities, and people were disillusioned by the destruction of nature and the living conditions in the cities. The Romantic Movement is one of the most important literary periods in history; affecting the literature, music, and art of the period.

Impact of bollywod on society

He corruption In the government and higher authorities, the cover up of the companies not to let the public know about the inferior quality of their products or how they pollute theenvironmentand the autocratic nature of the landlords. Some movies also bring out the evils ofterrorism, how a nation should stay strong and united and →

Depiction of dysfunctional family in oconnor’s novel

And the Misfit is a wanted criminal who stumbles upon the family when they crash their car in the woods. Suddenly she is put in the situation of trying to answer her conscious by falsely trying to convince herself and the Misfit that he is a good man.

Essay on the case study – the effective manager

Make her children and husband prepare their breakfast themselves and use the public transport to get to school and work, she would be able to get to her workplace on time and could also have more time to sleep and recover from her previous dynamic day. Furthermore she would have had more available time to →

A raisin in the sun an analysis of characters essay

One of the major themes of the play A Raisin in the Sun tackles on the value and purpose of dreams. Karl Lindner who offered to bribe the Youngers to not move in the neighborhood because of their color threatened the Youngers strength as a family and their values.

Parenting styles

Parenting Styles of Reasons to Become a Parent While debates continue on the importance of becoming a parent, the side of the debate that supports parenting is far much ahead in the debates, given the many benefits and joy one gets from being a parent. Since the permissive style leads to lowly ranked self-regulation and →

Amer and nasdaq comparison

AMEX or the American Stock Exchange started out as a stock exchange in the streets, or in the curb to be more precise, dealing stocks of companies that are not important enough to be a member of the New York Stock Exchange. There are on-going plans to merge AMEX and NASDAQ in the quest of →

Family life can create considerable stress

You love them both, so you do not want to say no to them, you do not want them thinking you are choosing sides, one over the other so what do you do. Now there are those situations where you do not have two rooms, you do not have to deal with both parents and →

Review of the book the price of glory history essay

For quite a long time the battle of Verdun has been considered as probably the best illustration of the Great War." The Price of Glory" which was first published in 1963, is often referenced in several other books that address the wars of the 20th century. According to World Peace Newsletter, the title of the →

The hunger in sudan photo project essay sample

This story is about how one photo first led to a photographer's triumph and then became an unbearable burden, under the weight of which he was forced to cross the line between life and death. Moreover, this is the approaching death of a child, and there were thousands of such children in the entire Sudan.

The native americans economy history essay

The agriculture really determined much of the economy because the products that were grown by the Native American's were used to trade with others. The bone length of the Native Americans was used to determine the standard of living amongst the tribes as well because the longer the bone length of a person meant that →

Marketing strategy for a skin treatment cream

The marketing mix, otherwise called the 4P's of marketing, which include product price, place, product and promotional efforts; are varied accordingly to suite the specific characteristics of the consumers in the identified market segment. Once this is done a proper and appropriate strategy is chosen and applied in introducing the new product to the target →

A case against apathy

In a country that values democracy and governing through the consent of the people, it must be understood that the pandemic of voter apathy which pervades American society is unpatriotic and deleterious to the nation's values, on both a national and local level. Not only does the attitude of the voting population have to change; →

Discuss the extent to which international trade assignment

Development is probably best described by Michael Toward as when the following three conditions are met: an increase in the availability and distribution of basic life sustaining goods; an increase in the standard of living and an expansion of the economic and social choices available to people. This helps development as following the growth more →

Advertising company assignment

One of the popular trends of advertising is using the celebrity to endorse a particular product. The advertisements are shot in a manner where it convinces the buyer to follow the celebrity and buy the product.

How community based tourism can gives jamaica tourism

The importance of nurturing the environment; a responsible touristry which is needed in order to prolong a finish and the diverseness that it has to offer in the present and the hereafter. Former touristry curate, Edmund Bartlett said, community based touristry has the possible to significantly hike employment for individual in rural Jamaica, while farther →

The voice from the wall: exploring isolation in the joy luck club

In her short story ' The Voice From the Wall' Amy Tan explores a child's relationship with her mother and how it alters her understanding of the outside world. By leaving China the Lena's mother enters a world that does not attempt to listen to her, and the displacement and fear she demonstrates on her →


Until its involvement with ntl, the Mercedes-Benz network consisted of a shared Token Ring linking the administrative buildings at the Milton Keynes headquarters, which then fed out to the satellite offices from Barnsley to London via a Bay Networks router. The upgrade to the network infrastructure began with the installation of a Nortel Networks Centillion →

Nucleic acids and the rna world essay sample

2 DNA Structure and Function * The primary structure of nucleic acids is somewhat similar to the primary structure of proteins; Proteins have a peptide-bonded backbone with a series of R-groups.* DNA and RNA molecules have a sugar phosphate backbone, created by phosphodiester linkages, and a sequence of any 4 nitrogenous bases.* The secondary structure →

How environment affects humans? essay sample

Environmentalism is a social movement that tries to protect the natural world from human changes Promoting change in behavior Can be radical Natural resources are substances and energy source needed for survival 1. Oil, coal, natural gas Ecosystem services arise from the normal functioning of natural services Regulating climate Purifying air and water Cycle nutrients →

Collections burger business plan flashcard

Collections is established in Penang to give Malaysians who are always fans of burgers the chance to try out different types of burgers for the satisfaction. The reason for them to dine in our shops is to try out new foods as we are near to their homes and having a unique concept which differentiate →

Explore models of disability

The Social Model: The social model of disability sees the issue of " disability" as a socially created problem and a matter of the full integration of individuals into society. Hence, the management of the problem requires social action and is the collectiveresponsibilityof society at large to make the environmental modifications necessary for the full →

Han china and classical athens dbq

Even though the two are very different, they also have some similarities like the peasants and the slaves are both the highest percentage in the population for both Han China and Classical Athens. A third of the Classical Athens' populations were slaves and 90% of the Han China's populations were peasants.

Good research paper about heat transfer: convection for the external surface of a building

Therefore, this property allows the air velocity to pass through the surface homogenously; thus, biases in terms of air passing through a given part of the surface will not be experienced; this s due to the convectional currents of the air that allows a smooth flow of the air over a given surface. This provides →

It marriage is considered as a contract

Legally, a Muslim marriage is considered as a contract because the elements which constitute a marriage and the manner in which it is completed, is almost similar to that of a civil contract. The contractual nature of a Muslim marriage has been explained on the basis of the following facts: Like contract, the parties to →

Reaction paperconclusion essay

Resulting to the lost of Jamal and Salim's mother. Because of the need and greed for money, he chose the worst decision in his life, to be a follower of the wrong and the bad.

Airlines industry in the asia pacific region tourism essay

By talking about the strategic planning, it is related to the organizations long terms goals, the development and implementation of plans to achieve these goals and the allocation necessary resources in order to realize the goals. There are some reasons why AirAsia started focus on the strategic planning and the first reason is because the →

Questions and answers on employee motivation

Answer: Expectancy theory[1] states that the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. Cognition plays a role since Alex is aware of his environment and →

Kerouac’s style in “on the road”

It is this search that serves as a catalyst for the majority of the action of the narrative, as the protagonist Sal Paradise travels across the country with a host of companions, the chief among them being Dean Moriarty. Sal and Dean are also endlessly seeking meaning in their journeys, and Kerouac compares the promise →

Break talk swot analysis essay sample

In order to remain competitive in such a knowledgeable and health conscious market, Old Chang Kee needs to diversify and incorporate a new range of healthier food products as an alternative to go along with the current food menu and practice healthier methods of cooking. Overseas Expansion: Old Chang Kee can expand into the business →

Writing to review a film: the 51st state essay sample

Playing for the away team is American pharmacologist Elmo McElroy who has fled to Britain in order to sell his genius invention however on the mighty home team who are shooting towards the Kop have Felix Desousa on side, he is a simple guy involved in petty crime who will do anything in order to →

Hiv/aids proposal for change

Moreover, it has been identified and reported that youth generally lack proper tools to address the public health issue; therefore, the number of cases of HIV / AIDS within this group is on the rise. Without a cure, it is most likely impossible to completely rid the world of HIV / AIDS; however, with the →

The six hour d essay

They just believe if they read the material and answer study questions as they go that they will perform well on the exams linked to the material. The best strategy to implement the two main ways to prevent a D while self-testing according to Dewey is, " Read the material, trying to understand the underlying →

Article: the archaeology of “plague” by daniel antoine

According to the text there is no evidence of the winter months stopping the spread of the disease. In the article Daniel Antoine discusses the role of archaeology in the investigation of ancient plagues.

Development of glass ionomer cement: 1980-2000

But due to difficulty with mixing fibres with glass powder and a decrease in abrasion resistance because of the absence of fibre and matrix bonding, FRG are not used in dentistry 6. The added silver increases the radiopacity of the GIC 1, 2 which allows the detection of marginal micro leakage and inaccuracy 3 as →

The curious case of benjamin button – college essay

Using the four psychological degrees of account to depict the life of Benjamin Button The short narrative of Bemjamin Button by F. The biological procedure is said to be unstoppable1.and in the old ages of his life he went from an old adult male to a immature adult male.