4 Pages Essay Samples

Social significance of lohri essay sample

The fundamental theory behind the festival of Lohri is the sense of togetherness and the culturally rich legacy of the people of Punjab. History of Lohri: Lohri is essentially a festival dedicated to fire and the sun god.

Round characters and flat characters in a story essay sample

A round character is a major character in a work of fiction who encounters conflict and is changed by it. Personality of the Character When you write a character analysis, you will be expected to describe a character's personality.

7 habits by stephen r. covey

The first step to become proactive is to take initiative and to act or be act upon. The last of seven habits is to sharpen the saw.

Workshop report: incf short course on neuroinformatics, neurogenomics, and brain disease, 14–21 september 2013

Funded by the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility and the University of Tennessee's Center for Integrative and Translational Genomics, the aim of the meeting was to introduce participants to core neuroinformatics and neurogenomics data sets and tools. The bulk of the program, however, was devoted to applying these tools and to learn how to mine the →

Profile of faye glenn abdellah in nursing

Her first role as a professor landed her in Yale University School of Nursing where she taught the class " 120 principles of nursing practice", using a standard textbook from the National League of Nursing. Nursing care of the aged in the United States of America.

Introduction to computers by peter norton 6e

A) B) C) D) CPU bus RAM register 8. A) CPU B) bus C) clock D) RAM 10.

With or by a simple click of

With the millions of websites, apps, and other platforms for groups to communicate through media all over the internet these days, this is truly the era of social media. That status got a lot of response, and it felt good to be able to reach out to people and share something important to them, with →

Disney and marvel

The following were the terms of the agreement that Disney made with Marvel during the negotiations; firstly, to remove the force of what was referred to as " force the vote". Secondly, Marvel was to allow Marvel to end the terms of the merger in favor of the established superior proposal.

Hurricane katrina

However, the worst storm of the season was Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans. The lower ninth ward was the most badly damaged neighborhood in the city.

Human sexuality assignment

Org/get-information/effects-of- sexual-assault In this newarticle14 the website lists a variety of different psychological effects of sexual assault. Org/learn/sexual-assault-rape/effects- sexual-assault-and-rape In this newarticle14, all different types of psychological affects of sexual assault are discussed.

Memo format – marketing – management. proposal

MEMO To From The US market and Fiat 500 The Fiat 500 is the newest car in the motor industry and it has had to compete with newer models like the Toyota. This memorandum recommends that congruent with the specific strategic business intentions and the desire to make an immediate impact in the American market, →

Bass reeves

Reeves disguised himself as a man in rags and knocked on the door of the outlaws. First thing in the morning, Reeves woke the outlaws and brought them to the camp where the rest of his posse was.

Informative speech outline

Today I am going to talk to you about the crime rate in Kalamazoo and how it matches up to the rest of the nation and I will explain some factors that influence the statistics, and tell you about the most common crimes in the country. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the →


Undoubtedly impressive figures for this company; However, what most interesting felt us, in the communication of their six Strategies, thanks to which Bimbo has managed to keep the focus, consolidating the leadership that characterizes it. In Mexico, Bimbo has managed to place their products to an average of less than a kilometer away from each →

Babylonian captivity – nebuchadrezzar ii

In the last Kassite years the elamites had renewed their inroads from the east, penetrating to the very heart of the land. When Nebuchadrezzar II stood at the borders of egypt and a messenger advised him of his father's death in far-away Babylonia, a crisis had come in the history of a new empire.

Case houses, where one has more of

The leader of this partybecomes the prime minister of Canada, the Prime Minister also chooses theminister of the crown mostly from the members of the House of Commons. The type of government in Canada is a constitutionalmonarchy which has the monarch as the head of state.

Case study chapter 3 essay

Bono urged people to buy products, explaining that a portion of the proceeds would go to The Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa. Product was the brainchild of Bono and Bobby Shriver, who designed it as a commercial initiative that could change the way causes are marketed in the future." They did not want →

Closely the role of raleigh essay

The dramatic intention of this character is to symbolise the youth and naivety of the many young officers who died during trench warfare. In turn, we can see that the role of Raleigh in ' Journey's End' is to symbolise the tragic truth of war and highlight the youth of some of the men.

Narrative essay (life is full of mistakes)

In fact, the mistake I made was not concentrating on myeducation, which led to a warning letter from the school Principal that I would not be allowed to return for my last year of elementary school because I had not maintained 5 passed subjects. They loved the level of my participation when I was in →

Theories regarding the tourism industry

The purpose of this chapter is to review the key literature and the related theories regarding the tourism industry. The key findings are based on the applicability of the literature to the purpose and scope of study.

The therapeutic alliance in family therapy

Researchers have referred to this alliance as the quality as well as strength of a collaborated relationship between the clients and therapists in a therapy session. This was in respect to the information based on the research conducted to show the relationship between therapeutic alliance and its outcome in a family therapy.

Schipol case study

In 2004, IBMCorporation, bandleader Industries and later Greenback Automation Systems, Jointly took up the challenge of renewing the Baggage Control System for one of the biggest airport hubs in Europe, and one of the busiest in the world: Siphon Intentional Airport, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The pursue this goal the network must perform several key →

What is stock? essay sample

Bonds Bonds are a debt investment, meaning the purchaser of the bond is loaning money to the company or government for a set period. Department of the Treasury Bonds require a minimum amount of money to purchase and a minimum length of time to hold on to the bond.

Reading summaries

A Review of the World Bank's Economic Growth in the 1990s: Learning from a Decade of Reform This article has been authored by Rodrik and in this article the researcher states that policy reforms are not the only tools that can help a developing nation in increasing development. World Development Indicators: 2008 World Development Indicators →

The change of david lurie

He likes the country side and starts to help his daughter on the farm. And then he seems to fall for his old ways again with Bev in the clinic.

Realist theory argument

Here come the applications of the theories of international relations where not all states in the world are in a good relationship since there also wars happened against each other. The current version of realism in literary and cultural disciplines emerged as a response to postmodernism as an epistemological position.

‘control’ film review – a.s film studies

In personal opinion ' Corbijn's' film traces how a sensitive young man with poetic dreams and a literate tongue got trapped in the divide between the person he wanted to be and the realities of a humdrum existence of work and marriage. The film coveys an unusually realistic feeling too, and not just in the →

Paideia proposal

It is also to be noted that most of the intelligent students are unable to apply calculus to solve the problem if they depend on it. In dealing with the teaching and learning process, the Paideia proposal imagines that one can divide the things to be learned into three classes and for each of these →

The merchant of venice by william shakespeare

In The Merchant of Venice, the friendship between the rich merchant Antonio and Bassanio is central to the development of the plot. Antonio lets Bassanio borrow the 3000 ducats on his own credit and Antonio does not care if the loan will stretch his credit to the limit because his aim is to get Bassanio →

Breaking the vicious poverty cycle

Constant poverty rates do not necessarily mean that the same number of people is in poverty compared to the past. Poor families usually take children out of school and put them in the work force so that they can contribute to the family's income.

Chapter 1-financial statements

Usefulness of information Financial position Success of operations Policies and strategies of management Insight into future performanceVolume of infomation Financial statements Notes to the financial statements Auditor's report Five-year summary of key financial data High and low stock prices Management's discussion and analysis of operations Other materialAcronyms Generally accepted accounting principles Securities and Exchange Commission →

Gas station uml diagram assignment

Some of the requirements that needed to be met were: the ability to control gas pumps, keep track of in-store inventory, and provide communication between station employees and the head office management. My Role in the Team My team for this project consisted of three other classmates, only one of whom I knew prior to →

Moore river native settlement essay sample

The people in charge here claim that we will be better off once we are integrated in the white society. If the operations terminate in the middle of the night, we are left to find our own way home in the dark.

Cruel and unusual. the end of the eighth amendment – dissertation example

" Cruel and Unusual: The end of Eighth Amendment" Joan Dayan analyzes the severity of pain suffered by convicts throughout their period of confinement and a relief brought to them in the form Eighth Amendment. The dream of the society is to have a world with peace and harmony, and not war and violence.

A separate peace

In the novel the proof of this statement can be found in incidents like Gene's visit to Leper's home, every ones personal attitudes towards war, experience of the war, and from the Winter Carnival. Firstly, Devon seems to be a place of peace, where the boys are removed from the war, but Leper makes the →

Network website

82 % of the people on the site believe it's important for a business to be present on social networks.2 4. This way the businesses that operate on a small scale can make their businesses more attractive by giving it a more cultural feel and more appealing to the local customers of the business.

Community college argument

Pros Cost of Tuition The most obvious reason that students attend community college is for the financial advantage. Attending community college gives students the chance to prepare for the financial demands of a 4-year university if they plan on transferring.

Framework of ethics

This essay focuses on the Six Sigma model and Triple Bottom Line model, and how a company can use these to enhance ethics and business performance. It is the role of the relevant managers in the company to integrate this model into the company's ethics program.

British – american essay

The main things the British and Americans disagreed over in the 1840's were borders and ownership of territory. The issues included the Creole affair in 1841, the Caroline Incident of 1837, and the Oregon territory dispute.

How the sun affects the weather

Since the sun is in the neighborhood of the earth this gives the results of a greater gravitational effect on earth." Warmth for the planet is provided primarily by the sun's energy. Most of the clouds you see in the sky are found in the troposphere, and this is the layer of the atmosphere we →

Employment assignment

A preliminary trip to the host country provides a preview to assess their suitability for and interest in the assignment and country. The following are criteria that should be used to select the appropriate candidate: I-Use of a selection panel which consists of a manager from the function being recruited for, staff who have detailed →

Dissolving binaries in sula and fences

The characters of Eva, from Sula, and Troy from Fences have many similarities, both in backstories and in the way these backstories affect the way they parent. It's with Eva and Troy's characters the Morrison and Wilson try to break down binaries about good and evil.

The life of lady gaga

From performing in locals clubs in New York, Stephanie shot up to the top of the billboard charts sweeping the nation with the Gaga fever. At age seventeen Stephanie was one of twenty people in the world to be granted early admission to New York's University's Tisch School of Arts.

The ideal roman ruler essay sample

Virgil wrote The Aeneid in an attempt to bring back traditional Roman values and to legitimize the rule of Augustus Caesar by connecting him to the origin story of Rome through the descendants of Aeneas. Aeneas displays moderation when he leaves Dido, he shows his forward planning by putting all other interests in his life →

The greatest obstacle to solving the irish question in the years 1874 – 1886 essay sample

The violence resulted as a result of land issues, which is indicative of the fact that it was this issue which the Irish people felt most strongly about: this is evidence for the land issue being the greatest obstacle to the resolution of the Irish Question. In this way, then, solving the issue of Home →

Frida karlo essay

And the accident had a big impact on her and her family, her mother was in shock for a week and her farther was ill with grief the only family member she had by her side the whole time was her sister. Her pain that she had suffered in the accident is very prevalent in →

Internal auditing concepts for small and medium enterprises

The purpose of the study seeks to evaluate the relationships between internal audit proficiency and internal controls; internal controls and corporate governance; internal audit proficiency and risk management; internal controls and risk management; and risk management and corporate governance in Uganda's SMEs. The study is expected to boost the literature gap on internal audit and →

Overseas employment

The study and research of the process in which to follow in order to gain graphic design employment in the United Kingdom is of significance to me because I wish to do so in the future. After researching the visa options applicable to an Australian citizen, it is learnt that to be eligible to work →

Business ethics issues in the movie boiler room

Business ethics issues in the movie " Boiler room" Business ethics issues in the movie " Boiler room" Business comprises principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business. Ethical issues related to ownership include conflicts between manager's duties to the owners and their own interests, also separation of ownership and control of →

Juggling and indian jugglers

It is the utmost stretch of human ingenuity, which nothing but the bending the faculties of body and mind to it from the tenderest infancy with incessant, ever-anxious application up to manhood, can accomplish or make even a slight approach to. The utmost I can pretend to is to write a description of what this →

Analysing the political effect of the olympics politics essay

The tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union as well as their boycott of the Olympic Games in the 1980's will be analyzed in this report. The United States, in the midst of the Cold War with the Soviet Union, denounced the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Literature review: the impact of legalized abortion

The publication of the controversial paper on legalised abortion and its affect on the rate of crime by Levitt and Donohue has resulted in widespread condemnation from a variety of sources, for example, Joseph Scheidler, executive direction of the Pro-Life Action league, described the paper as " so fraught with stupidity that I hardly know →

Briefly the unrest in britain 1815-21

Luddites were a group opposed to the use of new machines in the factories. The march was peaceful and was in defiance of government legislation.

Training centers in india and jordan

In the National Electric Power Company-Jordan Administrative and support services: * They show low concern regarding the HSE as they have not provide us with any HSE induction/orientation, but we have seen a lots of poster around the building taking about the safety.* Their training method is varied from technician to engineers: * For technician →

School hours

Adults will see changes in people like back talk; being late I hope because us teens have the tendency to be late and if we get a break from school like limited hours it would be less pain and trouble.and we would have time to get ourselves together and organized. So it will be less →

The disneyfication of beauty and the beast folklore

For example, there is a battle in the end of the Disney movie instead of a journey. Disney tries to return to the archetype and in the end, as the Beast lay dying, she does declare her love for him and he transforms into a prince.

Critical review of william harris’s wide sargasso sea criticism

William Harris's Carnival of Psyche: Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea, an analysis of Rhys's 1966 postmodern " prequel" to Jane Eyre, Harris attempts to evaluate the significance of " intuitive myth" on the novel's psyche." Attempt," however, is the operative word here. This allusion is not difficult to recognize; Rhy's description of the burning tree →

Impact of social isolation on mentally ill individuals

Absence of meaningful relations is common in mental health settings which significantly impacts recovery and wellbeing of the client Hence, the significance of this issue should not be undervalued. The model explains the environment as the situation and circumstances surrounding the individual, while health is defined as the purpose of the person's performance and adjustments.

Alibaba group

Alibaba.com for the business to business platform for the SME in China; Taobao.com for the customers to customers platform, an auction site which similar to eBay; and the Alipay for the online payment system, which similar to the eBay Pay-pal system. He discovered the business opportunities of the internet in China.

Personal journal assignment

After a lot of research, the evidence was found that proved that there was a gap in the market for Irish cuisine and being a first Irish luxurious restaurant in the Islington town. It was very challenging and concept of the research was clear to me.

Criminal activity

Judicial discretion is defined as " the exercise of judgment by a judge or court based on what is fair under the circumstances and guided by the rules and principles of law". The efficiency in the operation of courts is not only affected, but impacts as well on the judgment of a court administrator's discharge →

Five year career development plan

But, as time passes and I not only further my education; but, I also further my knowledge of all aspects of our transit agency then I will be able to apply for the positions that I am not currently suited for. The second step that I would take is to always stay up on the →

One current event reaction statement pertaining to psychology in the news

The results of the survey suggest that these cases of suicidal attempts are very common to ages 6 to 12 and 12 to 18. Further, it is also during this stage that children develops the attitude of differing to any instructions and they become disobedient to any commands be it coming from their parents, elders →

The rise of china, international civil order and un peace operations

The military in China is still not on the level of the United States the U.S.has 11 aircraft carriers whereas China has only recently commissioned one. Its economy is over half the size of the U.S.economy and looks to overtake the U.S.in strength by the year 2018, something which would place it firmly in the →

Education history

Education is far more appreciated, and the pursuit of learning and the acquisition of knowledge when under Socialism. Human capital is related to good education and strong health, it is defined as the knowledge, skills, and experiences of people that make them economically productive.

Colonial america to modern america

Although the governor of Virginia was friendly to the Indians, the Indians still attacked the people f the colony. The colonies of Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut are three colonies that contributed the most to modern America.

Self-definition on mango street: short description

Esperanza must characterize herself both as a lady and as a member of her family and her view of her personality changes through the span of the book. Esperanza depicted a distinctive picture to the readers of spectators of her environment, the individuals she experienced, and her elucidation on the occasions that occurred with her →

Decision support and business intelligence

A stakeholder can be individual person, group of people or organization who has specific interest in the company or the business they are doing in the market. If the stakeholder is owner of the company, will be the decision maker to set the objective, aim of the company, but there are other groups or organizations →

Week 1 personal finance plan worksheet

The process of creating a detailed plan to meet your financial needs and prepare for the future is called b.personal financial planning.2. To reduce the affect of inflation is to save and go on a budget.

Brave new world government assignment

This being said, it becomes logical that the right course of action for any leading party is that of the interest of the people; the interest of the people has been touted by many famous political icons throughout the ages as the most vital of a nation's concerns. In fact, one can say that by →

Coca-cola company on the international market

In the US, Coca-Cola is the leading company in the production and distribution of soft drinks. The Coca-Cola Company is keen about the two models of international trade and marketing.

The problem of enviromental refugees

Therefore, the states signed numerous international documents regarding the status of the refugees and the methods of their protection. The first recommendation is to make a change in the definition of a refugee in the Refugee Convention in favour of environmental refugees.

The concept of “home”

Butler complicates this concept of home by using the conflicting emotions of the characters Dana and Kevin to show how having sharper experiences somewhere affects their idea of what and where home is. He writes that " By the time Dana's time traveling finally stops and she is restored to her Los Angeles home in →

Judge rules that suspect can be required to unlock thephone with fingerprint by the wall street journal

The law: The article addresses the components of the Fifth Amendment Act in the United States constitution. The Supreme Court decreed in favor of the plaintiffs citing that the targeted government employees did not require to pay any fees to the unions that represent them.

Landfill analysis of quillicom, ontario report example

The analysis was made in the Quillicom city, which was the beautiful town.it is the perfect location for the landfill analysis. The Lot 18 is located at the northeast of the town and where as the Lot 47 are from southeast.

Describing trace decay theory of forgetting essay sample

Trace decay theory can be applied to explain forgetting from both STM and LTM.* It is based on the idea that information creates a neurological trace in the brain, known as an engram, when it is encoded. This means a change has occurred in the structure of the brain.* Hebb proposed that whilst learning is →

Physical, mental, and emotional freedom in ‘room’

Ma knows that she and Jack cannot leave Room as Old Nick will not allow them to but she is hopeful for the day that she and Jack will be physically free. Ma is still haunted by her memories of Room and everything that Old Nick did to her, and in a way, she is →

American foreign policy in the middle east

Strategic interests have forced the US to build the relations with Middle East including the competition with the Soviet Union U.S.has been provoked by the Soviet Union for its interventions from diplomatic overtures of war and friendship. The aim of this paper is to discuss the United States' ideological and physical presence in the region →

The lottery a true to life story essay sample

There is so fine and nice weather in the very beginning of the story that lead the story in the positive ideas and the story well went on that ideas just hide what is the real meaning of it specially the title of it The Lottery when people hear that word we all knew that →

Personal factors that can influence children’s development health status essay

They may need to take time out for hospital appointments or when really bad they may have to stop in hospital, this in turn may lead to them spending a lot of time without their friends and may lead them to find it hard to socialise. Being a slow learner means that educationally the child →

Kennedy doctrine essay

Containment was the United States foreign policy doctrine that proclaimed that the Soviet Union needed to be contained to prevent the spread of communism throughout the world. During President Kennedy's time in office he was faced with the Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961, the Berlin Wall Erecting in 1961, the Cuban Missile Crisis and →

Evaluation of teaching practice development

Therefore, I have a desire to impart a love of learning to the students and to empower them with the cognitive and social skills that they will need to be successful. Yet, I benefited greatly from the mentorship I received at the college to help address the balance of transition and the change in culture.


Tulak is a story of a boy named Tikboy who grew up in the slums of Manila City, introduced to drugs at an early age, got addicted to it, and realized in the end what was wrong from right. There are so many children that have a case like Tikboy who grew up in the →


All the needs of the organization should be known by the contractor before supply of the computers so that computers that meet the needs of the organization are supplied. In case the computers fail to meet the required needs of the organization, it means that the contractor performance is poor.

Darfur genocide essay sample

The ten years of carnage became known as the Darfur genocide and represented one of the worst atrocities in the modern era, that still rages on today. Khan, Urooj." Darfur, Congo, and the Aftermath of Genocide Daily Gazette".

The ransom of red chief essay

Bobby Langan Red October 5, 2005 " The Ransom of Red Chief" " The Ransom of Red Chief" is a truly ironic story.O. The two friends expect a ransom of $2, 000, but " Red Chief" causes so much chaos and havoc that the conmen are willing to give up the ransom just to get →

Truman capote: a child’s true nature in “miriam”

In multiple aspects, Miriam's distinctive character symbolizes the rising of a mental illness, schizophrenia, that leads to the destruction of Mrs. Miller and the sensible, insistent Miriam, but Miriam is actually a representation of her a personality.

Unit 2 m1

Asda organise this is because management monitors supervise attendance daily is to stand on top of all unreasonable nonappearances, some staff members may continuously do it over and over again, this could upset and distress the performance of the Asda business as well as giving the rest of the employees a bad example, if a →

International competitiveness essay

In order to improve the international competitiveness the firm can raise productivity and the government can imply a variety of supply-side policies. In addition, investing new technology can also improve the efficiency of productivity and reduce the costs of labour, therefore the price of products will be decreased and then lead to the increase in →

The exploitation of biotechnological inventions

In addition, the fact that the second biggest applicant in this field, Syngenta, owns 26% of the tomato varieties, 24% of the paprika varieties and 22% of the cauliflower varieties[9] does not bother the EPO to apply Art 53 in order to compel an alteration of the present filing strategies, but illustrates that for these →

Batang pusit

With the children in the film, " Batang Pusit" they are encouraged by their parents to do well in their work as squid catchers for them to have a brighter future.II. Reaction Children do the work of their parents to provide their needs for themselves and to give expenses to their families.

Commentary: clinical approach to the differential diagnosis between behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and primary psychiatric disorders

This highlights the importance of considering bvFTD as one of the key differential diagnosis in treatment-refractory forensic patients with progressively worsening cognitive functioning and high rates of violence as well as in patients with new-onset criminal behavior. For example, during the course of treatment and as reported previously, we re-evaluated the utility of medroxyprogesterone by →

Promote person centred approaches in health and social care essay sample

The interdependence of the society and the individual is increasing, including in terms of health. The essence of this value lies in the fact that it is health as a state of the individual or the socium allows a person to realize a certain set of physical, spiritual and social opportunities, to some extent realize →

Competitors’s derm care essay

Key Competitors' current and future objectives Derm Care Clinic Wuttisak Clinic Nitipon Clinic Current to provide a caring of the customer's benefits the most to provide high quality products and professional services to be a clinic that provide all skin services Future to improve the technique of service to be better develop its treatments and →