4 Pages Essay Samples

Rhetorical analysis of the fault in our stars

Hazel, the girl, has cancer and is bound to die soon and has lungs so week she constantly needs to have oxygen tank helping her and Augustus, the boy, is in the late stages of remission and has a prosthetic leg. This is how John Green makes the reader fall in love with Augustus with →

Ancient egypt and ancient china similarities and differences

There were four main ancient River Valley civilizations: the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia, the Nile River of Egypt, the Indus River of India, and the Yellow River of China. Many of these differences and similarities showed up in the three categories of the technological advances, the types of government, and the geography of the civilization.

Rhetorical analysis

I choose this song for a couple of reasons, one it was stuck in my head the day the assignment was announced, two I really do like the song and I think that people can relate to it, and finally a friend of mine said that this song defines me. It's almost as though he →

Software programs of the three branches of criminal justice system assignment

Inside of the courtrooms many computers are used, you can find computer monitors in the Jury box, witness stands, the Judge's bench, and the counsel tables. Using computers the officers can keep track of all the inmates and their information.

Environmental organizations are necessary essay sample

One of the largest independent direct-action environmental organization in the world is Greenpeace, which " defend the natural world and promote peace by investigating, exposing, and confronting environmental abuse, championing environmentally responsible solutions, and advocating for the rights and well-being of all people". Green cross mission is to respond to the combined challenges of security, →

Analysis of the poem acquainted with the night

He is familiar with the geography of the city; the second theme is loneliness; the third theme is the speaker's sadness. The overall tone of the poem is sad and apathetic." Acquainted with the Night," means he has come to terms with the night.

Compare the representation of women in mulan & crouching tiger hiden dragon essay

In the Disney film Mulan, Mulan dresses up as a man and goes into the army because her father cannot as he is injured from a previous War. Another negative point to women in Mulan does not want to get married and wants to be a free spirit but has to give in and marries →

Editorial: how can genomic biobanks provide the bridge for implementation of effective clinical therapy?

We turned to Frontiers in an effort to help all interested in establishing a biobank to share some of their challenges, possible goals and standards for unification that might be taken into consideration globally if we are to develop systems that are truly comparable, translatable, actionable, and most importantly, take into account the ethics, safety, →

Separation of the past and present: malamud’s integral use of setting in the fixer

Through his use of a foreign setting and different time period, he reinforces the confusion and anguish of the protagonist, Yakov Bok. The harsh climate of Russia and the conditions of his confinement continually challenge Yakov's tenacity and will to survive.

The birthmark by nathaniel hawthorne

Aylmer's obsession with the flaw, that he believed to be a " symbol of his wife's liability to sin, sorrow, decay and death," eventually drove Georgiana to agree with his perception, and towards insanity. What was finally exposed was how one man's arrogance, and the desire to transcend and control Nature, led to the destruction →

Self-discipline: success in school

I would sometimes unplug the television and internet so that I would have to get up to turn them on and catch myself before I got the chance. I also learned that managing my time, and putting the important things first is a big life lesson.

Policy of president roosevelt essay sample

He went on to instill hope in the minds of the gazillion people of the nation with " The New Deal" that promised to deal with the impediment. The President of the nation also showed the grit to take the country off the gold-standard so as to focus on the domestic issues only.

The whistleblower: julian assange

The website as well as Assange started to gain fame in most of the houses all over the world since Chelsea Manning contributed in the leakage of data about the American army. In addition, these documents were leaked and released after the spread of Collateral Murder video and the documents related to Iraqi and Afghani →

Cutlery: its origins, uses and its role in society

Cutlery as we understand it now is knives, forks and spoons - sporks, chopsticks and kebabs can also be seen moonlighting in the cutlery arena, though almost all food can be eaten simply with a fork and a spoon, and most food can be eaten with no cutlery at all - I will address this →

The holden says, “quite amusing and all.”

The language, though, is extremely necessary in order for The Catcher in the Rye to be as effective and get its point across. The language, non-grammatical and obscene, is appropriate for the time and the theme of the novel, not to mention the main character.

Overview of personality theories

On the other hand, the humanistic theory is based on the assumption that humans are driven by the need to achieve their full potential as individuals. Theory of Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud According to Nye, Freud believed that the human personality is made up of three states of mind: the conscious, the preconscious and the →

Israel and palestine conflict

The only way the two-state solution will come about is if the international community exerts more pressure on both the Israelis and the Palestinians. The only real solution is for the international community to bring both sides to the table and force them to agree to the two state solution.

Skydiving college essay

As bad as two and a half miles up in the sky is, try doing it traveling at a rate of one-hundred and sixty miles per hour with just a parachute to save you. Actually, the parachute part is when you sit there and realize that you just jumped out of a plane, fourteen thousand →

The first design drawings

The American General Contractors defines BIM as: Building Information Modeling is the development and use of a computer software model to simulate the construction and operation of a facility. When using BIM, you focus on creating a building model and then the drawings can be generated from the model.

The symbolism of hailsham

The conscious ignorance and innocence of all the children at Hailsham, particularly Kathy, is one of the major representations of what Hailsham comes to represent for her. Moreover, the importance of her occupation as a ' carer' symbolizes to some extent how Kathy's identity and existence is very pragmatic, as this is one of the →

The 10 most sacred places in the world

This place holds a significant value in the history of Islam and is the birth place and home to the last prophet and the most important and influential figure in Islam, the beloved Muhammad. The most unique and differentiating fact about this place is that although it is a sacred place for Muslims in particular, →

Impact of the lapedo child discovery

The Lapedo Child, with its mosaic of early modern human and Neanderthal features, was the result of interbreeding between early modern humans and Neanderthals over an extended period of time. The Lapedo Child skeleton turned out to have a mixture of Neanderthal features and early modern human features, making it impossible for the skeleton to →

A non recursive filter

The impulse response of an Nth-order FIR filter lasts for N+1 samples, and then dies to zero The difference equation that defines the output of an FIR filter in terms of its input is: where: x[n] is the input signal, y[n] is the output signal, bi are the filter coefficients, and N is the filter →

Pride and prejudice assignment

Despite the fact that Collins and Elizabeth would have been a better match, at least socially ND financially, it is Charlotte who is tied to Collins In the end. Earlier In the novel when Elizabeth begins to consider Hickman as a suitable partner, she Is reminded by Charlotte " not to be a simpleton and →


The latent stakeholders are those who must be kept satisfied regardless of the undertaking of the company and in this case the category is comprised of officials at the Town council as well as the residents of this area. 2004, The encyclopedia of work-related illnesses, injuries, and health issues, 1st ed.

U.s.a constitution and same-sex marriages

Within the context of all underlying conflicting legalities and policies, Federal Courts of the United States experience pending cases, which seek to address the contentious issues affiliated to same sex marriages and the provision of the governmental recognition thereof. The reason as to why the County of California introduces this lawsuit is that the county →

Karenia brevis: ecological effects of red tide essay

Anticipating the blue waters of the Gulf and hoping to enjoy a nice sunny day, but instead it has been ruined by the reddish-brown color that now appears on select areas close to the shore and there are dead fish floating on the surface. The occurrences of " Florida Red Tide" have resulted in serious →

Buncefield disaster in uk

In addition, over two thousand victims of the fire were to be relocated, and the southern part of the country suffered a great environmental pollution from the emitted smoke. The Impacts of the Buncefield Disaster on 11 December 2005 The disaster had a lot of effects on the life of the city dwellers.

Bhavnath case solution assignment

PROBLEM The problem of government is to take decision which maximise more all round economic development and hurting people sentiments or to settle down with less economic development, and accepting people's demand of saving the temple. To maintain the credibility of government by taking decision which is in within the line of people sentiments.

Business ethics and social responsibility

The episode of using Melamine in the baby milk in China is one such occurrence of unethical behavior where the firms producing the baby milk deliberately compromised the health & safety of the children using the milk. The use of such ingredients in the manufacturing of the milk therefore creates strong ethical issues as it →

The over diagnosis of adhd and the abuse of ritalin essay

The Over diagnosis of ADHD and the Abuse of Ritalin Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder was unheard of in the generation previous to us. Which has resulted in discussions about the over diagnosis of ADHD and the abuse of Ritalin being one in the same.

Commentary: effects of als-associated tank binding kinase 1 mutations on protein-protein interactions and kinase activity

We would like to point out that the genetic link between TBK1 and neurodegeneration is largely based on Mendelian dominantly inherited deleterious loss-of-function mutations, which are enriched in ALS/FTD patients and result in a loss of expression of one TBK1 allele. Association of mutations in TBK1 with sporadic and familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal →

Study guide on mole fraction assignment

66 mol total Mole fraction of NaCl = 0. 34 mol / = 0.

Adolf hitler assignment

He blamed the surrender of the war on the betrayal of civilian leaders and the Marxist. The people of Germany heard what they wanted to hear and ignored the violence of the Nazi party.

Analyze the following passage in terms of the nietzsche’s account of aesthetics in the birth of the tragedy

Analyse the following passage in terms of the Nietzsche's account of aesthetics in The Birthof Tragedy: Nietzsche's " The Birth of Tragedy" takes a somewhat different approach to the exemplification of the then " modern" art that was beginning to come to prominence in the world in which he lived. What is peculiar and interesting →

Gender inequality in the elizabethan era

Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, employs the use of conventions to portray female characters as more dominant and controlling compared to males, challenging the naturalised notions of masculinity and femininity. It is clearly shown in the play that many of Macbeth's immoral actions are due to him being easily manipulated by Lady Macbeth and the Witches.

The antisocial personality disorder psychology essay

Antisocial personality disorder is one of the most difficult personality disorders to treat due to the fact the cause is still unknown. People with antisocial personality disorder are often hard to diagnose due to the fact these symptoms fit the guideline for other disorders such as bi-polar disorder or schizophrenia.


Jan hired Steve in accounting position in JOLT Cincinnati but In the first place she's aware that the leader of JOLT Cincinnati will transfer the local accounting operation to IL T Wichita for a cost-saving move and they might only accept seniors because they are the major factor in downsizing activities tacit and that is →

Gang in most cases they do so to

The risks involved to members of a gang will vary based on the kind of activities the gang is involved in. A child involved in a gang will in most cases withdraw from the members of the family.

Today paper. review report are different from

It is further categorize in toseveral types one is Journal Articlespapers: It is the permanent and transparent form of representation it is basicallyrepresent by two ways one is called peerreview means in this type the paper are check first thenpublished paper are check by experts and written by experts and approved by an expertthe experts →

Technological advances and their effects on media of art

Particularly, the media of art changed through the many technological advances that were introduced into the public. The invention of the computer has encouraged artists to use it for art purposes.

Determining operating systems and software applications

The consumer's computer is considered the input device and the server is a storage device. Once a purchase has occurred the website will use the stored information to input the customer's credit card information into a card reader which automatically debits the funds from the customer's account.

Opposition to the break with rome

Source C on the other hand describes the enforcement of the reformation to be subtle and over a long period of time. Both the sources seem to propose that the enforcement of the Reformation was purposeful, it was not only Henrys desire for adivorce, and the break with Rome was in Henrys full intentions.

The importance of theories in the social world

There are few functions of theory which helps the researcher to get an entire sense of what a theory is and how it is useful for him in advancing his research in his field of study, And they are as follows: General explanation of the concept Acts as a guide to empirical researchers Provides a →

The crisis of enron corporation

The Enron Corporation began bartering natural gas commodities, and by the early 1990's, the company became the largest natural gas merchant in North America and the United Kingdom. The leaders of Enron indeed crossed the line by executing this scheme and would have to be punished accordingly.

The impact of banksy’s artworks on society

The creativity of his art can be compared to that of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein which are some of the most well known artists of the 21st century. According to the article, " The True Counterfeits of Banksy: Radical Walls of Complicity and Subversion", the author Eva Branscome states, " Banksy understands his market, →

Challenges in classifying normal and abnormal behavior

Most of the psychological disorders affect the individual and not the society especially when the disorder is at early stages. When the anxiety disorder is at mild state, these forms of treatment alone are sufficient.

Reebok case on postpnement

Comment about the nature of the product, market and demand seasonality of the replica jersey as discussed in the case.Ans. So the demand of jersey for players which is less frequently purchased are finished by Reebok and then the jerseys are supplied to retailers.

Macroeconomics and grocery stores industry assignment

As can be seen in Figure 1, the GAP growth is in a contraction in the recent year and it seems to be difficult to expand in the future a few years. The upward interest rate will increase the finance cost of the stores which will reduce the stock price of the WOW.

Canto i

Canto VI -Gluttonous are punished-when they are alive the do nothing but indulge in food and drinks and produces nothing but wastes so they are punished to be in filth for eternity.a mythological creature who oversees the punishments of the 4th level of hell Canto VII -4th circle of hell-punishes the avarice and prodigiality -encumbered →

Federalism and somalia assignment

Things have looked up pretty well and the hopes of a re-birth of a new Somalia come to the edge. The draftsmanship of a new constitution? which is meant to bring the Somalia's stability and on track as a nation was among the important events took place earlier in Somalia.

Miss assignment

We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it at hand when working through the study material, preparing the assignment, preparing for the examination and addressing questions to your lecturers. This tutorial letter also provides all the information you need with regard to the prescribed study material and other resources and how to →

Training and development

Within the needs assessment, the analysis of the organization is done so as to find out where the employees are lacking and what the organization can provide to them as a result of the same. Then after, the learning principles under the aegis of training and development are given out to the employees through the →

Social media impact on society: social media and the news

The concept of news has also changed with the appearance of social media: journalists, as well as papers and channels, started using social media for spreading the news, for forming opinions and for initiating public discussions. This news is the future of the media but still, it is necessary to create regulations that would make →

Crime scene preservation

From the moment the first responder arrives at the scene, he/she should exercise a pertinacious attitude to insure that curious onlookers and personnel who are not involved in a task related to the scene, remain outside the cordoned perimeter. Photograph: Taking photographs of the crime scene creates a pictorial record of the area where the →

China – the aims and effects of the one child policy

During the second half of the twentieth century, the Chinese government became concerned about the population growth; this is mainly due to thephilosophyof the government under Chairman Mao, in the mid-twentieth century, which was that 'a large population gives a strong nation' and so the government encouraged people to have more and more children. This →

Theory of knowledge

We can say that a proposition is justified on the foundation of facts, yet the problem of induction shows that knowledge can be fallible as perception is used to validate this. We use the theory of Knowledge is Justified True Belief in an attempt to define Knowledge and make it a definite concept.

Introduction to postmodernism – about the main in brief

The prevalence of postmodernism is a reaction to the flaws of the modern world since the 18-th century Enlightenment. The indeterminacy in postmodernism is a reaction to the dangerous consequences resulting from the belief in the truth and determinacy.

Who you want to be

In the story, Ni kan's mother encourages her to play the piano, but because Ni kan does not believe that she can be something great, she decides not to try. Eventually at the end of the story Ni kan learns that she has talent and that she could have been good at piano if she →

We need coral reefs

The algae gives color, structure, and food to the coral, and the coral provides shelter and protection. 05 Feb.2013." Lionfish Invasion Threatens Coral Reefs in the Atlantic and Caribbean".

Ict327 assignment 2 questions

The strategies that they can be applied in resolving the conflict would be first to organize personal meeting with each one of the members of the team and try to figure out the problems and then with the whole team. Then, a meeting with the rest of the team and the member would be set →

Managing conflict and negotiating

Question Elements of negotiation What are the core emotional elements of negotiation that need to be addressed in the process of conflict management? The following are core emotional elements of negotiation that need to be addressed in the process of conflict management: appreciation, affiliation, autonomy, status, and role.

Rhetorical analysis of an advertisement essay

This company gets the male side of the equation by getting their attention and interest drawn to the attractive woman on the right with bright colors drawing your attention there as well as the bottle of whiskey which is right in the middle of the page. Then a way that they try and get the →

Magnificence: short story and vicente essay sample

After the meeting, Vicente told the mother that he is willing to tutor her two children the boy who is eight years old and the girl who is seven years old. The mother took the girl a bath before the girl slept and asked her to burn the pencils Vicente gave to them.

Bolster electronics: dealing with dealer demands

It is imperative to increase the market share in northern Alberta, since it has a potential of one third of the total market share. Since neither Bolster nor National have the presence in northern Alberta, it is wise to give a distributorship to Victors such that they can capture the 90% of the market share →

Online education vs. traditional education

Attending school at a traditional school is not as flexible as the time schedule is set in place and the student must arrange their schedule around school, work, and family. In order to be successful attending school online, the online college student must practice self-discipline.

The professional interview questions

In this technological age, the power of the engineers in shaping the society and environment is all pervading and can profoundly affect the lives of many members of the society. Discuss the needs and consequences of observing these regulations with special reference to the particular industry you are involved in?

Social welfare assignment

The goal of social welfare Is to fulfill the social, financial, health and recreational needs of all Individuals In a society. Social welfare involves a system of programs designed to meet the needs of a people socio-economically and social well-being 4.

The question of ethics in medea

This system falls short in Medea, however, as Medea is forced to decide a course of action which both ways will harm her friends and help her enemies. Medea is in a situation where regardless of her actions, she and her friends will suffer and her enemies aided.

“utopia” by thomas more critical essay

The name of the utopian land is the Green Spit; its inhabitants refer to it simply as " The Spit". Most people in Barrel work at forestry, maintaining the rainforests, or zoology, looking after the animals in the forest, and many also work in finance.

Fellowship in the epic of gilgamesh

These two concepts eventually lead to friendship a token cherished by all of us, including the main characters of The Epic of Gilgamesh, Enkidu and Gilgamesh. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the relationship of Gilgamesh and Enkidu starts out rocky.

Boons and banes of internet analysis essay

This also ensures that maximal learning takes place during the course of learning as the Internet allows the users to easily compare across various articles to look out for the different perspectives of the research topic. This shows that Internet can cause less interaction between the family and how it can make even parents to →

Diagnosing and treating problems with tracheostomy tubing nursing essay

Priorities of care: Assess the patient's respiratory status; respiratory rate and depth, O2 Sats, breath sound noting area of decreased ventilation and abnormal breath sound to establish a baseline of patient's status and to monitor for the effectiveness of the intervention. Assess the patient for the symptoms of fear and anxiety and its level to →

Personal narrative assignment

The only novel I would like to own needs to impact both my mind and if successful my own writing. Reading the novel Fahrenheit 451 gave me a direct view of a style of writing I wanted to adopt, inspiring to think clearer and truer to myself.

Job experience narrative

I applied to Kinko's because I am fairly computer literate and able to run copy machines, and two old friends worked for the company years before and told me enough about it that I figured I knew what to expect. The high-speed, high-stress environment did not suit me in the least, and I was glad →

The importance of understanding differences in a business setting

The understanding of these differences therefore influences the harmonious relationship among the employees and, in the long run, the overall status of the organization. To be sure, it is not always the case that the understanding of cultural, ethnic and gender differences lead to sound and ethical business decisions.

Realism or romance

The speaker uses tone and free indirect discourse as a means of revealing the minds of the characters, who are arguably more important to the realistic novel than the plot. Catherine's exploration of Northanger Abbey sets the mood for the second half of the novel; she views the dark and mysterious mansion to be the →

Determine the macromolecules present in an unknown solution essay sample

A positive outcome of the test results in a colour change; blue-black in the presence of starch and a red-brown in the presence of glycogen. A positive indicator of the test is the formation of a coloured precipitate of the blue solution, ranging from yellow-green to red-brown.

Etiology of eating disorders

The main arguments that the author is making are.[Determine the main arguments the author makes to support their position.] The author says that the eating disorders were not common in the early days and only prevailed in the late 1960s. Cultural influence is more common in females than in males and is a major cause →

Gender roles in european culture

This creates a cycle of poverty for the woman and her children, who, growing up in poverty, will be more likely to be stuck in poverty throughout their lifetimes. Therefore, from a symbolic interactionist perspective, there is not yet a true solution to the problems of gender inequality and resulting poverty.

The halfling’s gem prelude

And Sydney, the female mage that Harkle had so dearly loved, had played a part in the dwarf's death. And he himself had played a part in the disaster, unwittingly revealing to Sydney the whereabouts of Bruenor's party.

Cross cultural

Throughout the years wrestling has been a source of entertainment during the Civil War the troops wrestled each other to past the time on both side of the war. One of the most controversial issues in wrestling is women who perform in the ring many culture outside the United States believes that women in the →

Public square with caesar history essay

He struggled with thefact that Caesar had to die, but I believe he truly was fighting for the people of Rome. He sent Brutus thosefake letters and led him to believe that the Romans wanted Julius Caesar dead.

Corrigendum: digital storytelling in early childhood: student illustrations shaping social interactions

The original article has been updated and the new Author Contributions statement is: " RS and MW taught the study context. This classroom is part of a larger early childhood development center that is facilitated and associated with a small, public university in the southeast of the United States.

The fit in with the beauty standards of

This could be to make the man looking at the image tofeel connected to the woman, as if she is playing up to the male gaze andtending to his needs. I think the female view of the story is a verydifferent one as she shows that women do not enjoy the male gaze and ifanything, →

Uti (uninary tract infection) essay sample

Define UTI A urinary tract infection is an infection in any part of your urinary system your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Unsweetened cranberry juice and cranberry pills may decrease the risk of getting a UTI.

Self reflective course concept

Self Reflective Concept Instructions Introduction Business is defined as the process of identifying a need in the society that could be measured in monetary terms, gathering the necessary resources inform of labor and capital and other resources that are required in the production of the said product or service, implementing the idea by starting the →

Corporate culture of walt disney

Some of the management practices common in the corporate culture of Chinese firms are as follows: The One-man Show: the Chief Executive makes all the decision; highly personalized flexible and mobile; decisions are quick and clear cut The Team Leader Style: The Chief Executives seeks advice from subordinates and weighs it with his own experience. →

The reason to open sweatshops

Most of the critics of the use of sweatshops argue that the use of sweatshops mark a growing instance of poverty in the developing countries. The other factor that has greatly impacted positively on the rights of individuals working in the sweatshops is that the companies that owns these sweatshops do not want to earn →

Nature’s role in american literature

Each of these assertions can be evidenced in the works of Mark Twain's " The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", Ann Chopin's " The Awakening", and Zora Neale Hurston's " Sweat". For Edna, the ocean is the great unknown, it's depths contain the woman she desires to be and in it she feels a taste of →

Rules of expository writing

In the introduction, the problem, relevance, practical significance of the research is fixed; the object and subject of research are determined; the purpose and objectives of the study are indicated; methods of work are briefly listed. After determining the relevance, it is necessary to determine the object and the subject of the study.

Law: conflict and negotiation

Both human relation and interaction view that conflict can lead to effectiveness of an organization while traditional view argues that conflict in an organization leads to negative impacts in an organization and it detrimental. Functional conflict and dysfunctional conflict Functional conflict exists where opposition and disagreement support the achievement of the goals of an organization.

Portfolio reflection essay

Thanks to the portfolio that my teacher handed out at the start of the school year, I was able to realize that my writing can change and believed that if I put time and effort through the year, my writing may become a flower one day and bloom beautifully. Now that almost a year has →

Several factors contributing to starbucks success marketing essay

Not only they kept their customers preferences and needs in consideration but also they designed the product mixes according to the size and location of their stores. The satisfied customer is of much value to Starbucks.

Vietnam war assignment

Admittedly an incomplete record, the Pentagon Papers " were written almost exclusively from the files in the Department of Defense, and did not involve interviews with the key decision makers or consideration of documents in the files of the White House, the State Department, or other government agencies. He then uses the resources of the →