4 Pages Essay Samples

Following the rules?

As you grow up, the way you look and the way you carry yourself is very important. There is the option of putting it in the student handbook and actually enforcing the rules to everyone that walks through the doors.

Kohlbergs moral stage theory

At this stage, the sense of morality in me has bloomed to its full development, where I have attained the constructs of " social contract" and " legalistic orientation" and I perceive right action in terms of the alignment of citizens' right with the behavioral standards as prescribed by the society. This article by the →

Executive summary memorandum

In relation to the activities of the wastewater organizations, certain ascertained degree of responsibilities can be identified with regard to preventing the escalating form of water pollution within the environment. The wastewater districts within the region are also learnt to conduct few definite unsatisfactory operations regarding sewer cleaning and quality of the water.

Distillation of alcoholic beverages distillation of alcoholic beverages

In distillation, the vapour temperature which is in equilibrium with the boiling liquid is the temperature recorded rather than the distilling flask temperature. In test tube 7, the temperature is 88.0 C.

Datalogging experiment (4)

Likewise, total number of moles of NaOH and Na2CO3 in the solution mixture can be calculated according to the volumes of HCl added at the end point Vol.of HCl indicated by the colour change of the phenolphthalein indicator. 2 M HCl added and hence the number of moles of Na2CO3 in 25 cm3 of the →

Genetic mapping of cystic fibrosis and huntington’s disease

At the presentation, a graduate student was mapping a gene that happened to be sitting with a gene that existed in many easily identifiable variants. Botstein's technique was crucially dependent on the association between a disease and markers: the more patients, the stronger the association, the more refined the genetic map.

Extended shelf life of foods

The purpose of food preservation is to eliminate any possible microbiological harm to the people who eat the food, to maintain the quality of food, and to preserve or protect the nutrition of a safe food product. Water activity is the measure of the activity of the water in a food.

Historical perspective of abnormal psychology assignment

Historical Perspective of Abnormal Psychology DeVonne Peeples University of Phoenix July 19, 2010 The study of the mind and behavior is the core or basic concept to the school of psychology. Brief History of Abnormal Psychology Hippocrates of Cos, a Greek physician who lived on an island called Cos, off the coast of present day →

Marketing plan for a new business assignment

Mostly the trucks will be parked near the race course and near Majestic city where the concentration of the target market is high.1.1. Strengths Window of opportunity- Wrap it up' sells vegetarian and non vegetarian food wraps in a food truck which is a new concept to Sir Lankan which delivers the customers, on- the-go →

Business financing and the capital structure

Whichever source is chosen; the following should be noted: Debt finance is a source that earns a fixed return to the lender. Second, the cost of debt is fixed regardless of the profits made by a company and due to that, under high profits, the cost of debt becomes lower.

Seatbelts in school buses

Seatbelts in School Buses Aura The usage of seat belts in school buses has been a topic of discussion and great debate over the years. The usage of seat belts in school buses would make the usage of them a routine in the lives of students.

Cardio vascular activities

Cardiovascular fitness refers to the ability of the muscles to be supplied with oxygen from the respiratory system while ensuring that the oxygen is absorbed into the body muscle system. Muscular endurance refers to the ability of the muscles to withstand a substantial amount of force over a given span of time while muscle strength →

Film analysis of “billy elliot”

The father and brother of Billy work in the mines and are a part of a strike. This helps to show the tension that is between Billy and his father.

The memory will haunt you

You can? t leave me in here? he shouted, the sound echoing off the walls, to a passing nurse? When he didn? t reply the dad got to his feet to get the phone, but the son stepped in the way?

Memento anterograde amnesia

Anterograde amnesia is a form of memory loss that affects the ability of memories to become transferred from the short term to the long term memory. For example, Lenny's inability to remember anyone that he has met since the onset of his amnesia, is very accurate to those who have anterograde.

Gun control

The issue of constitutional rights to bare firearm may need to be revisited in other to control the flow of firearms in the hands of criminals. Gun crimes are on the rise in the United States and stricter policies need to be implemented to, curb crime by doing intensive background check, differ penalties for illegal →

Audit quality control standards

The ISB, in a 2000 draft, identified the fact that auditor's freedom from dependence is endangered by the familiarity of the auditor with the client. The study will also help clients determine the extent to which clients can rely on information provided by auditors depending on the type of auditor is providing the audit to →

Term project literature essay

For example, a mixture of polycarbonate which is biodegradable and acts as a matrix materials used to manufacture a scaffold for producing a mixture of bone and cartilage and then implanted into a rabbit in one of the studies. Also should not be toxic to the cells and the surrounding tissue which is considered for →

Is marriage a dying institution

The legitimacy of marriage between two people often depends on the degree of authoritativeness carried by the derived definition of marriage. Few believe in the traditional words of the Book of Common Prayers that marriage is meant to last till death part the two partners.

Aig case – college essay

Macro level openness of the economy in order to build FSAs in China AIG set up a joint venture with PICC, this contributed to the development of the relationship between State Council members and AIG and between deputy prime minister and AIG.3. How did AIG combine the use of its location-bound FSAs and non-location-bound FSAs →

Communication campaign on fevicol

None of Fevicol's communication has been over-the-top or bizarre, In fact, Fevicol's communication proves that involving communication based on understanding the consumer as a person and not just as a professional, a housewife etc always strikes a chord. In the early years of Fevicol advertising, the effort was to demonstrate physical bonding.

Police science,, 2 page criteak

The article tries to probe the rightness of the legal system where the profiles of the children as young as ten year old are published on the internet. The article has also researched the chances of the child sex offenders turning out to be adult offenders later in the future.

Pike river mining disaster

On the 19th of September 2010, what was to become known as the Pike River Mining Disaster began in the close proximity to the town of Greymouth. Pike River Mining Disaster Nature of the Change The Pike River Mining Disaster was not predicted and therefore led to unplanned changes in the Greymouth community and Pike →

Critical thinking paper draft and self-evaluation

Smoking is injurious to health and this is a well known fact, I have been smoking for quite some time now and I would like to quit and in order to do that I need to have a lot of discipline. I am completely motivated and geared up to stop smoking, I remember I smoked →

Cennection between power and motivation

Connection between power and motivation The power to motivate others and lead an organization is in the hands of the top managers of a company. In an organization or in a company, managers are responsible for getting the work done and the quality and quantity of the work done by the employees depend on how →

Restoration period

The Restoration period was marked by an advance in colonization and overseas trade, by the Dutch Wars, by the great plague and the great fire of London, by the birth of the Whig and Tory parties, and by the Popish Plot and other manifestations of anti-Catholicism. Charles II returned from The Hague, where he was →

The reasons behind the decision to authorize irs with company taxations

In the case of a company employee, the company is liable to tax returns to the IRS on behalf of the employee. They are allowed to choose the number of hours they will work and the destination where they will go to market the company's services.

The presidential election trump’s shocking triumph

In 2016, during the Presidential Election, the political Blue Wall was breached in the Great Lakes, granting Trump a series of critical, razor-thin victories in Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Wisconsin. One of the most outstanding results of the presidential election was the geographic domination that President Trump enjoyed in Michigan.

The terrifying traits keeping harry potter from being a positive influence in a children’s curriculum

Unfortunately, this lesson is not applied in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as it partakes in a number of double standards, exempting the main characters from consequence when they break the rules. This message, if taught to young children, can be toxic and is one of the reasons why Harry Potter and the Philosopher's →

Challenges faced by indian paints

So, the prices of paints are very much dependent on raw materials and any fluctuations in the price of raw materials will eat up the margin of the company. Import policies The import policies plays a very significant role in determining the prices of paints because around 30% of the raw materials has to be →

The contributions of frederick douglass

Frederick Douglass contributed in many regional and national suffrage organizations by touring Europe while lecturing about anti-slavery, convincing Lincoln to allow African Americans to serve in the military during the civil war, and preaching about women's rights all over the country. This, and the fact that Frederick Douglass helped push the Emancipation Proclamation, led to →

Internet addiction disorder

Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Internet Addiction Disorder Introduction Internet addiction disorder refers to a behavioral malady that affects computer users who tend to engulf themselves excessively in computer usage to a point that disrupts their normal lives. Scientists who believe that internet addiction disorder is a fad argue that the addiction is not necessarily caused →

How successful were the liberals in dea essay

They came to the conclusion that over one third of the population was living in poverty, and that most cases it was not their own fault. In conclusion, the success of the liberals tackling the problem of poverty by introducing the children's charter was a success although it was harder than most of the acts →

Assess the relevance of pages 58 – 63 in the history boys to the rest of the play

He is now a 'personality' presenting a programme upon Rievaulx Abbey and life in monastic orders which he brings down to the level of 'toilet arrangements' stating that he believes this to be the way to bring history to life and the Director reflects upon how he sounds a 'tad schoolmasterly'. We see that Irwin's →

The development of psychology as a scientific discipline philosophy essay

One of the most notable figure in the development of psychology as a scientific discipline is Rena" Descartes, a French philosopher and mathematician. Despite Descartes' emphasis on the rationalism which is the pursuit of truth through the process of reasoning, John Locke, the British first empiricist, suggested that empiricism which involves the pursuit of truth →

Potential value to managers of it

I fully agree with the article that database should be meticulously chosen because a lot depends on it and the choice of the database affects the performance of the ERP system. The purpose of ERP technology is to support the business processes that support the company's strategic opportunities.

Triumph of feminism like water for chocolate

Laura instills the traditional role of the women in Tita as a symbol of her feminity and strength. Through her protagonist, Tita, Esquivel shows that the traditional role of women can be turned to a source of strength, identity, and influence.

Great expectations

At the beginning of the novel, Magwitch forces Pip to bring him several necessities to help him survive, and Sue makes the students perform errands for her. His violent tendencies show when he fights the second convict and threatens Pip at the beginning of the novel and when he attacks Compeyson in the marshes.

Sight and blindness in oedipus rex assignment

The seer is physically blind and is the character we feel most benefits from it, because he is the one chosen by Apollo to relay his message to the people of the earth. In this statement Oedipus tells the reader that his blindness is a punishment he inflicted on himself, but also that it will →

Agatha christie: life and career essay sample

She followed this with a third novel, once again featuring Poirot, entitled Murder on the Links, as well as a series of Poirot short stories commissioned by Bruce Ingram, editor of Sketch magazine.[32] Agatha Christie's first novel The Mysterious Affair at Styles was published in 1920 and introduced the long-running character detective Hercule Poirot, who →

John locke

To Locke, the earth and the fullness therein is property which is to be used by people in common, to the benefit of these people and to these people's existence. Because of the foregoing, value in the form of property or money that has been acquired through the labor of an individual should be proportionate →

A rose for emily reaction paper

It is not until the death of Emily and the end of the story that the reader comes to know just how far the heroin has fallen. The thorns created by Miss Emily do not come to light until after her death, when the body of impossible lover is uncovered, which, " once lain in →

Impressionism in conrad and joyce assignment

This might be the one most outstanding feature of Joyce ' s descriptions in Edibleness. In the following passage of Arab, we can find this references to receptions: " It was a dark rainy evening and there was no sound in the house.


The courts jurisdiction over the defendant is justified by the fact that the police department is domiciled in the state and the officers were undertaking their duties within the state. What is the legal standard that will be used to determine whether the plaintiff has met the burden of proof in this case?

Final exam

Since the better part of the war took place in the southern states, they suffered the larger loss. Reconstruction of the South In the political realm, southern leaders came back to the Washington capital and the federal government controlled each of the southern sates one by one.

Moon outline

Lunar Module to take two of the crew to the lunar surface, support them on the Moon, and return them to the CSM in lunar orbit.xx. Apollo 11 fifth human spaceflight of the Apollo program, the third human voyage to the moon, and the first manned mission to land on the Moon.xxviii.

A science of sociology

In order to gain a sociological perspective an individual must have to ability to understand the relationship between our particular situation in life and what is happening at a social level, they must also approach the world without any misconceptions in order to see things in a new way and finally they must create in →

Louisiana purchase and exploration assignment

In April of 1 803, France offered the sell the Louisiana Territory to the Americans. Blackest Indians tried to steal from Lewis and his men, and two Indians Were killed in the resulting conflict.

Museum paper anubius essay

The dominating feature of the piece seems to be the head. It would be easy to say that the head is the strongest part of the piece.

The zoo the lion king essay

David and decided it was time to plan a family trip to the Toledo Zoo. A visit to the zoo would be an exciting and thrilling way to let her see and interact with all the animals she loves within the movie.

Haiti earthquakes

The Haiti earthquake occurred on the boundary between the Caribbean plate and the North America plate.2. What was the magnitude of the earthquake?

Market structure

Explain how labor market equilibrium is affected by the supply and demand of labor According to Rittenberg and Tregarthen, the demand and supply of labor is dependent on both the marginal product of labor MPL and the price of the product or service the firm produces. Equilibrium wages in the labor market is determined by →

Spanish national anthem

The current battleground in theillegal immigrationdebate concerns the recent release of a Spanish version of the United States national anthem. This song is not a celebration or even a mere translation of the national anthem.

Corporate events in intramuros

Locale of the study The locale of the study is Intramural which is suited in Manila City. The researcher conducted a random walk-in sampling on the number of events in the hotel on August 27, 2014 and August 29, 2014.

The lives we lost

Through, The Lives We Lost, Megan Crewe illustrates determination through Kaelyn's willingness to help society from the deadly virus, brings Kaelyn's and Gav's relationships closer, and the survivors to survive the Virus. As the first proof, Kaelyn is determined to help the society to survive and destroy the deadly virus.

Young mania rating scale

Gracious et al.evaluated a parent version of the YMRS in which the custodial parent also completed the rating scale and found an acceptable internal consistency. Each item on the KADS is scored on a scale of 0 to 4.

Race matter essay sample

It should also be noted that the book was written in the context of the end of the Cold War, the Persian Gulf War, and the beginning of the Clinton Administration. West had some very interesting thoughts on the threat of nihilism in the black community during the late 1980s and early 1990s, where the →

What is attachment in childhood and why is it important

In the second stage, after the infant and the mother have adjusted to the new environment, a stranger gets into the room and joins them. In the third stage, the mother exits the room and the baby is left solely with the stranger.

River energy essay

Describe and explain the factors that influence how much a work a river can do The work that a river does is erosion, transportation and deposition. The amount of work a river can do is dependent on the energy it has and this energy is determined by many factors.

Second punic war could have been avoided history essay

In conclusion, I believe that the Second Punic War could have been avoided, as the Rome general, I was ready to hold peace talks with Hannibal but he was not willing. The nullification of the Ebro Treaty between Rome and Carthage was the main cause of The Second Punic War.

Homework: a u.s. crisis

Actually, students will become overstressed about homework and school, it wastes time that kids could be having fun and playing sports, and students that have hectic schedules never have time to do their homework. You have to start realizing all the bad effects that homework has on kids and get rid of it.

Force and perfectly elastic question essay sample

If the person knows that the monkey is going to drop from the tree at the same instant that the person launches the food, how should the person aim the arrow containing the food? We denote the forces on the crate as follows: P is the upward force the man exerts on the crate, C →

Juvenile drug abuse

The issue has been a concern to different academic fields with each of the field trying to establish facts on the patterns of substance abuse. According to a fact sheet from the United States Department of Health and Human Services that analyzed facts surrounding Boys and Substance abuse, young boys are prone to developing the →

Atanarjuat: the fast runner essay

The feeling of togetherness that comes with belonging to a group of people that believe in the same ideas and a central entity defines a person and the way they see the world. They can influence the men's actions individually and in terms of the tribe as a whole.

Internet marketing assignment

I) Wide reach-The internet reaches a worldwide audience of millions of consumers and enables small companies and entrepreneurs to be transformed into global entities instantaneously.) Convenience-The Internet is almost like a global trade show that is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and any time of the day or night. I) Consumers →

A comparison of the ethical value of characters in the apology of socrates and socrates’s evagoras by socrates

Isocrates stresses towards the end of the prose that the young men should study the life of Evagoras and philosophize about it in order to find what the " good life" is. The main reason I say this is that I feel like Evagoras was more of a humble man who cared for others, and →

Indoor flower arrangements tips

Arranging flowers can give peace of mind and can also lead to the attainment of patience and strength in adversity. The flowers used can be sweet and traditional; with masses of character in a different kind of room can seem strong, up-to-date and vital.

Pros and cons of the electoral college assignment

He praises the 1987 Immigration Reform and Control Act for granting legalized status to many undocumented Hispanic immigrants, who had resided continuously in the United States since 1982.ccording to the author, the reform freed the immigrant the need to hide from the authorities.it also give them a chance to vie for a better-paying jobs, built →

Informative essay essay sample

This is the only time you will be allowed two class sessions to work on a peer edit. This is the only time you will be allowed two class sessions to work on a peer edit.

Free research paper on is abstinence-only sex education morally justifiable

It is very difficult to achieve the goals of abstinence-only education in the society. The institution of abstinence-only education minimizes the incentives among the teens of engaging in early sexual activities.

Impact of water intake on muscle recovery and performance

Print This research report looks at the impact of water intake on muscle recovery and performance Why you are interested in this topic I want to discover and highlight the importance of water intake on muscle recovery and performance in terms of weight and cardiovascular training.l believe water is often overlooked. Description of the aims →

Psychology human development

According to the theory of Piaget, the development of the child's cognition undergoes different stages to include sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete, and period of formal operations. Consider the development of language and explain how that might influence the development of the concept of the self?

Apple’s iphone: calling europe or europe calling

Mobile Telecommunications in Europe Wireless and mobile services made up nearly half of the $1. In the United Kingdom, the top five operators had these shares at the end of 2006: Telefonica's O2, T-Mobile, Orange, Vodafone and 3UK.

Whether it was a joy that killed louise: analysis of kate chopin’s the story of an hour essay

All of those descriptions suggested to me that Louise was very unhappy in her marriage and as a result she felt free and relieved that it was over. Mallard died of " a joy that kills." It was actual joy that Louise felt when she realized her husband was dead, and pain so great that →

Essay on my forbidden face essay

The both discuss, in detail, the overwhelming circumstances women had to overcome to life their lives, and how they were crippled, both physically and mentally by the Taliban. Soon after the pass them, a group of Talibans screech to a halt in a 4 x 4 vehicle, and beat these women.

Principles of management suzuki

The major Tata companies are Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Power, Tata Chemicals, Tata Global Beverages, Tata Teleservices, Titan, Tata Communications and Taj Hotels. Tata Sons is the promoter of all key Tata companies and holds the bulk of shareholding in these companies.

Government: beneficial or damaging?

The poor governmental structure of Macondo mirrors the governmental structure Libya of in regards to the civilian uprisings and a presence of a dictatorship. The absence of a stable government greatly posed as a threat to the future, prosperity, and well-being of Macondo because without one, the village would likely fall into chaos.

Public school satire

Walking on the dirt-ridden carpet, listening to the melodious caterwaul of the smoke alarm, and smelling the pungent taste of today's school lunch represent the august feelings that public schools produce. Not only is a good show for life skills, it also shows the advantages of public school and the effectiveness of learning in one.

Group comparison in favour of ingroup identification

The findings support the outlook that ingroup favourability bias is stimulated by a need to maintain or enhance a positive social identity and that social categorization involves fundamentally a distinction between the group containing the self. Through the abundance of work using the minimal group paradigm, it is clear that arbitrarily dividing individuals into groups →

Personality psychology

Personality Psychology The young man who came to Vienna to learn visual arts in the waning days of the Austro-Hungarian empire and had to stay in jam packed hostels of the city, learned his oratorical skills and got the political awareness that later mesmerized his audience from the same city. Social cognitive theory in this →

Nobel memorial prize – milton friedman

Like mentioned before, Friedman won the Nobel Prize in Economics for, " his achievements in the fields of consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and for his demonstration of the complexity analysis, monetary history and theory and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilization policy".[2] He was married to Rose Director in 1938 and →

The changing of the atom

Based on the information that atoms were known to be electrically neutral and the electrons are negatively charged, Thompson developed a model of the atom that had electrons interspersed in a mass of positively charged material. Instead he concluded that the positively charged particles were concentrated in the center of the atom, the nucleus, with →

The “state policy on railway transportation” of mongolia

However, the parliament of Mongolia decided to build the horizontal route of the railway from the Tavan Tolgoi deposit to the Sainshand where the industrial park projected to build. In other words, the routes projected to build in the first phase is not towards to the border, instead, the plan is to connect deposits to →

The wife of bath: analysis from the biblical viewpoint

In an exploration of both the Prologue to the Wife of Bath's Tale and the Tale itself, and through detailed references to the text as well as to Scripture, it will be argued that the Wife is using Old Testament and New Testament texts and values to, essentially, deconstruct the paternalistic Church. Later on, in →

Argument paper on the safety that comes with seat belts

Seat belts are intended to reduce injuries by stopping the person that is using it from hitting the hard interior things of the vehicle or other passengers also by preventing the passengers in the mid section and next to the driver seat from shooting out of the car's windshield. In my opinion I feel that →

Bal case study

The main idea of this short-term Improvement includes, achieving supplier consolidation by 2006, with a total of 600 suppliers approximately; 10% cost deduction in two years by implementing supplier feedback system and managing supplier relationship; and introduction of new system or function such as Credit-card Purchasing and materials Management Process council to benefit BAL in →

Compare how poets present the effects of conflict assignment

Compare how poets present the effects of conflict in ' Belfast Confetti' and one other poem from Conflict." Belfast Confetti" and " Yellow Palm" " Belfast Confetti" and " Yellow Palm" are both major set around the imagery language used, and the effects of the devastation happening to the communities. Seen in the quote:" As →

Developing a supportive learning environment

Lastly, the nature of leaning curriculum should be design in form of structures or modules that offer the most appropriate and also effective environment towards learning success in nursing. Models of Nursing Learning Process and Activities An importance should be attached to the most appropriate nursing activities in modeling supportive learning environments.

The chemistry of natural waters flashcard

I expect the water from the residence halls to be softer than the water taken from the apartments off of the Penn State University Campus. To continue this experiment I performed EDTA titration to find the hardness of the water and used this to compare with the Atomic Absorption concentration of magnesium and calcium.

Anne sexton “cinderella”

In the poem the father is distant and the step mother is the cause of all of Cinderella's hardships. In addition to adding her own personal history to the story, Sexton modernized that fairy tale with her critique of current culture.

The comparison of sigmund freud and b.f. skinner

Skinner is often referred to ask the " the father of operant conditioning." B.F. Both the ideas of Sigmund Freud and B.F.

Nature view case study

The core focus of the case for us is to look at alternative strategies for going to market, which are the issues raised in questions 1, 2, 4, and 5. Natureview would also have to negotiate with supermarket chains and obtain favorable conditions for the retail of their products.

The power of objectification in salome

Through the depiction of her body as a glorified jewel, Salome accepts her innate sexual power and becomes the embodiment of carnal wants, allowing her to manipulate her father into presenting her with the head of the play's antagonist, Iokanaan. The moon is referred to as a " she", furthering this representation of Salome's body →

Premarital sex: right or wrong

The topic of premarital sex is the catalyst that sparks inquisition and interest. Premarital sex is a very difficult situation to resist, no matter what age, and the consequences will be severe if one is not prepared.