4 Pages Essay Samples

In rajan (2014) signifies that financial inclusion encompasses

Definition ofFinancial Inclusion and Index Formation Existing literature on financial inclusion hasdifferent definitions of the concept and the notion of financial inclusion attracteda mounting interest from the academia. It was difficult to determine the minimum and maximum for anydimension of financial inclusion.

The warfare state and the hardening of everyday life: an overview – dissertation example

Admittedly, as the writer argues, the nation has become ' a culture of war', and the war culture has engulfed every aspect of US society. A probable solution for the reduction of violence in young children and adolescents are to avoid watching violence.

Marshall mcluhan and his ideas

Another interesting claim in the book is the concept of " hot and cold media". This is due to the wide and varied methods and modes of transmission that is manifest in the medium.

Consequences of consumer spending falls

According to Griffiths one of the factors that determine the economy is the decline in consumer spending. One of the most important determinants of consumer spending is the amount of disposable income of the household.

Liberalism: islamic worldview and the effects on society assignment

In the 20th century, the idea of liberalism won against another two major ideologies which are fascism and communism-2 Islamic worldview is defined as a belief f a person on seen matters and unseen God and to be responsible on whatever doings that a person did. Islamic worldview somehow relates the life of this world β†’

Umayyad vs abbasid dynasties essay

The Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties can be compared: culturally, through religious tolerations and cultural blending; politically, through bureaucracy and misuse of government powers; and economically, through trade and advancements of technology. Economically through trade and the advancements of technology, the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties can be compared.

The dilemma of prying

This idea is further supported by the mise-en-scene, that Jeff is always on the right side of the scene which is closer to his windows, showing his endless curiosity and desire to explore the outside world. Viewers are swayed to share Jeff's confusion, as the evidence is presented.

Principles of systems design and engineering

A decent systems designer ought to consider the majority of the practices of a systems overall in the connection of its surroundings is the systems viewpoint. They need to consider and see the systems in a " comprehensively" approach as opposed to decaying the systems into separated parts consequently verifying collaboration among the systems and β†’

Crito a good friend of socrates

Therefore, in order that Socrates would not make any violation of the contract agreement between him and Athens, he must obey the law and convince the Athens that he is unjust by not to escape from prison and the coming death. To disobey laws is to do wrong, and by doing wrong, I am not β†’

Essay on gnosticism

Demiurge and his slaves the archons know that most people are unaware of the spark. Almost all of the books in the new testament were written by then, and several gnostic texts allude to them.

Electronic communication

With this mode of communication, the recipient receives the message within a few seconds of the sender sending It. A majority of technological workings in the world have their pros, and cons.

Outsourcing information technology

This is quite rampant at present in countries like US and other western countries not only because outsourcing saves large amount of the companies economy but also the time gap which exists between the countries like India, china, Philippines and other western countries forms a major advantage to the company which out sources the Information β†’

Why all people should have debating skills essay

Sometimes we simply lack the ability to express our opinions, but by learning the basics of debating, we might finally be able to fulfill the need to have a voice that is heard. Instead we should all learn how to effectively debate with the people around us to make our lives easier on a day β†’

Personal values and decision making

To discuss personal values and decision making, we need to know the definition of decision making is ' A principle, standard, or quality considered worthwhile or desirable.' " Values are a major motivating force for people because they categorise how people attach meaning, worth and importance to things. Now detect the personal values, yes maybe β†’

Editorial: visual timing impairments in developmental, acquired, and age-related neurological conditions

This theory is called the temporal sampling framework and can extend to developmental dyslexia, such that inadequate temporal sampling of speech-sounds in people with dyslexia results in poor theta oscillatory entrainment in the auditory domain, and thus a phonological processing deficit which hinders reading ability. They delineate the considerable evidence that indicates that visual deficits β†’

The banning of the harry potter series

The Harry Potter Series had been a controversial topic sense the first book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone that came out in 1997. Some people find the Harry Potter books to be inappropriate reading because of the way Harry and his friends behave.

Performance management and the law

To approach these situations, the organization should follow certain steps to be fair to its employees and meet the U.S.federal regulations laws for employee personnel actions. It is the organization's responsibility to provide every employee the policies and procedures related to federal laws such as the standards of conduct, nondiscrimination, benefits, etc.

Don victory, and then of course, claim its

Although he believes that his battles help solve situations, what it comes down to is that he wants to be famous, to be in love with his woman, to be accomplished, recognized, and adored. Sancho and a girl who works at the inn, Maritones, have a knight errant conversation, in which he realizes he needs β†’

Existential psychololgy- rollo may

Kiser touches upon the application of May's theory to psychotherapy stating that the goal of a therapeutic session is the appreciation of a client's existence. Article 3 The article by Merwin is a representation of the life of Abraham Lincoln within the context of Rollo May's conceptualization of the destiny of an individual.

The service of three different discriminatory practices in health and social settings essay

Initially, no one was arrested after the attack which then led to questioning about the handling of the case by the Police and the Crown Prosecution Service who were then themselves accused of institutional racism. Hari Sewell An account from an individual who is of ethnic origin and was in a Director's position with the β†’

Logical mathematical intelligence essay

With the intelligence of logical-mathematical, logic is key part of this intelligence showing the ability to reason deductively or inductively which operate in two opposite directions. In conclusion, someone with logical-mathematical intelligence has the ability to calculate, think scientifically, reason and link information together.

Firm history

This paper will focus on Gateway's performance in the personal computer segment because it is the core focus of the company and profitable industry. Rivalry is a threat to Gateway as there are several computer manufacturers in the PC market.

Angle of repose – summary

Next, when Oliver and Susan moved to Leadville, Oliver informed Susan that he would be gone a great deal of the time at the mine. Ward recalled a time when he had to write a report on Mexico for an assignment, and his grandmother, Susan, told of her time in Michoacan.

Process of gathering and interpreting information education essay

It provides a detailed assessment of a learner's skills and abilities and the results are recorded in the learner's individual learning plan to agree on goals for a set timescale and are negotiated with the learners. The teacher and learner agree goals and targets that reflect the results of the diagnostic assessment, the learner's particular β†’

The main causes of the world war 1 history essay

There is also the tension of lack of establishment of the international standards which were acceptable to all the states. There is also the concept of assassination which provoked states to engage themselves in war.

Permanent vegetative state: the case of terri schiavo essay

In the case of Schiavo, surgical insertion of a feeding tube is not natural; a feeding pump which is an electrically operated machine is also needed to get the nutrition and hydration through the tube. In case of Schiavo she has lost autonomy in every sense of the term, if that is the case, there β†’

The four reliances

The first reliance, which majors on the message and the messenger mean that when making a decision on which principle to depend on someone should not get satisfied with the reputation or fame of a Dharma but should examine what the Dharma teaches. For instance, the first reliance, which focuses on, the message and the β†’

Marketing and logistics flashcard

First of all, one of the major objectives of both logistics and marketing is to maintain or strive for the lowest cost. In 1998, warehousing is defined as the part of a firm's logistics system that stores products at and between point of origin and point of consumption, and provides information to management on the β†’

Police and law enforcement response

Checkpoint: Police and Law Enforcement Response A police officers role in society is to effectively enforce laws, arrest offenders when a crime has been committed, prevent crime to their best ability, preserve the peace whenever possible, and provide services to community citizens in their time of need. Exploring being a proactive officer, instead of a β†’

General douglas haig butcher or hero

After the Battle of the Somme, Haig got the nickname " Butcher of the Somme." However after examining the battle in more detail, some people decided that he was a brilliant general who miscalculated, " a hero of the war". It is also not true that he did not change his tactics, as on 15th β†’

The changeling

It is the story of a school child Tom Curdie, living in the grim slums of Glasgow in the 1950? s, and his teacher Charlie Forbes who genuinely wants to help Tom and improve his life, but, is ignorant of the best way to go about this. Charlie decides to invite Tom on his annual β†’

Keystone pipeline

Another reason for the Pipelines is to meet the needs of the American consumers. TransCanada, who is the lead producer of the pipeline, has applied for a Presidential Permit, which is required as the pipeline will cross the Canadian/United States border.

Growth and imperialism assignment

Growth and Imperialism With the growth of the industrial revolution and technology in America, the desire for imperialism became more evident. The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 broadened the ideas of imperialism to increase the power of the young United States and prevent Europe from interfering in any of the affairs of the Western Hemisphere.

Proposal for corporate social responsibility

I would like to know how the company incorporates CSR and the factors that have contributed to the success of Starbucks Coffee Company over the years with regards to CSR and how it enhances the lives of its stakeholders and partners of the company, customers, coffee farmers, community members, shareholders, suppliers and other company affiliates. β†’

Freud and erikson

This might have gone smoothly when he was at home with the help of his loving and supportive parents, but he probably does not trust in teachers or aids to help him if he needs it. Just being around a lot of kids that can walk and do things he cannot is probably the main β†’

The pdp act 2010 in malaysia law company business partnership essay

Due to this, the critique of the author is instead of safeguarding the interests of data subjects but the PDPA is being enacted to legitimize data processing practices of the government. For example, if the employer is processing the personal data of the employee, he must give written notice to the data subject to inform β†’

The flaws of prometheus and the wrath of zeus: major figures in hesiod’s theogony

Evelyn-White, the reader sees that hot-headed Zeus' reactions to Prometheus' practical jokes symbolize the severity of the ancient Greek government, the intolerance of disobedience and overconfidence, and the fear of the wrath of the gods' power in ancient Greek culture. Zeus' drastic punishment for Prometheus in reaction to the theft of the sacred fire signifies β†’

How to write an assignment

For example, to write an assignment, you need to gather information from more than one different sources and analyze it according to the purpose of the topic. You have to take into account the required structure of your assignment and keep in mind the technical character of the paper.

Bmw case study (marketing) assignment

Combining the ideas of producing a series of short films and using the Internet in an advertising campaign, short films for the Internet was born with BMW Films. The campaign highlighted the many strengths of BMW...just watch the short films for yourself and see why.

5-color theorem

Five-Color Theorem The five color theorem, also referred to as the five color map theorem, is a mathematical theoremthat was developed from the graph theory. The theorem states that for a given plane divided into adjoining regions, such that it results in a form of a map of countries, no more than five colors are β†’

Two by jim cartwright essay

The play is about a night in the pub, the different customers and the fragile relationship between the Landlord and Landlady. The Landlord and landlady open the play be taking orders of the audience and serving them, straight away evolving them and setting them up for the rest of the play.

Strategic analysis of reader’s digest essay

The power of the buyers are high as they will be more empowered to exert additional pressure on Reader's Digest to publish interesting issues and tend to be more demanding towards the products and delivery services rendered. This will eventually lead to the decline profitability of Reader's Digest.

Book review: epigenetics (second edition, eds. allis, caparros, jenuwein, reinberg)

In summary, the second edition of Epigenetics by CSHL Press has met and exceeded the expectations for a reference book or a textbook. It targets a very broad audience including undergraduate and graduate students, university professors and researchers in the field of genetics, chromatin structure, or epigenetics.

Editorial: reaching to grasp cognition: analyzing motor behavior to investigate social interactions

Interestingly, this suggests that the emergence of an interference effect is affected not only by the motor properties of the observed action but also by the available social information. Gianelli et al.extended the investigation of action observation with the use of linguistically described actions and reported the results from experiments in two languages.

Editorial: advances in time-dependent methods for nuclear structure and dynamics

These worldwide efforts were a strong motivation to curate this Special Topic, which was conceived to draw together a snapshot of the current state of the wider field of time-dependent methods and their application in a broad range of problems in nuclear physics. The topic of fission is covered in a review by Bulgac et β†’

Bistable flip-flop experiment

The R and S inputs are at logic 1 level. If logic level of Trigger input is 0, the R and S inputs are no effect for the outputs.

Modernist writers and the the dilemmas of the modern man

Her husband is a disappointment owing to the failures he put the family through. That is why the story returns to the snail, which is squashed by a couple as they leave the flowerbed.

Transformational leadershippsychology flashcard

Transformational leadership aims to change and transform people to be able to grow and have a connection between the leader and the follower. For Harold this would be listening to the employees needs and showing effective change as well as implementing a clear vision statement and setting goals.

Evaluation of a video prompting and fading procedure for teaching dish washing skills to adults with developmental disabilities

For each of the three participants, the lack of developmental abilities was assessed by the author with the help of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, which is one form of an interview. Measurement of the Independent variable The independent variable in the article was the withdrawal of the procedures implemented and analyzing the effectiveness of β†’

Anger by gender

These assumptions are reflected in the research literature, which focuses primarily on male-to-male or male-to-female hostility and aggression, rather than hostility and aggression on the part of females directed at either at men or other women. The review article by Brody and Hall cites research by Brody that found more anger on the part of β†’

Company and customer profiles of core finland ltd

We are new here it's a weakness for us but our strength is we are providing healthy and natural foods. We provide them healthy and natural food so the price is higher here.

Responsibilities of an educated person

These various attributes affect the direct but also the suggested responsibilities that an educated person might hold, the latter being implied and not related to any concrete school of thought That being said, the main responsibilities of an educated person are: to contribute to the development of the global society, impart their knowledge on to β†’

Mission, vision and values

Microsoft plan to monopolize the software industry through patent laws and manufacturing software that obey the command of the manufacturer rather than the user. Microsoft Company desires to dominate the software market through provision of products that will have positive impact on people and the world in general.

The psychological disorders

If disorders are diagnosed, the juvenile court system is mandated to recommend psychological treatment for the juvenile offenders found to be suffering from any given psychological order. Lack of proper psychological treatment in these centers was among the issues found to curtail the effectiveness of the systems.

The chronicles of narnia

If one has a desire and passion to gain more knowledge and be a respected woman, she is just doing her best to succeed her goal and her siblings do not understand. He is given such a character and is so important to examine and learn from.

Public administration assignment

Understanding Public Administration Meaning of Public Administration From a very broad perspective, public administration may be viewed to refer not only to those activities involved in carrying out or in implementing the policies and programs of the government but also the processes and contents of these policies and programs. Deeds) Introduction to PA in the β†’

Heating the world

Introduction: The community considered Tucker very fortunate for his marriage, and so did Tucker, nevertheless he had no knowledge of modern women and the marriage had bought changes he had not predicted. At the beginning of the short story we get an idea of where Tucker is in his life.

Character analysis of creon from the oedipus

Creon has the highest prominent presence in the play other than the main character and the reason for that is the power that his character is vested with and how through his acts and reasons he proceeds onto achieving his goals and mission. In fact, he has strong inclination towards human law and social order β†’

To raise awareness of opportunities for nurses to promote health and well being

To Raise Awareness of Opportunities for Nurses to Promote Health and Well Being This essay aims to raise awareness of opportunities for nurses in promoting health and well-being by identifying one's contribution to the assessment of health needs, opportunities for health promotion, as well as the networks or agencies involved in health promotion. In 1984, β†’

The son’s veto essay

Randolph, the son of Sophy and Mr Twycott is refined by the high class of society he is involved in. We find him devoid of affection for her and he is ever so shameful about her lack of lady-ship, her incorrect way of grammar and speech and even the little mistakes she makes now and β†’

Terror of maximalist religion essay

Jerry Falafel, a Catholic maximal's states about the September 1 lath attacks, " l really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the says and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the UCLA, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to β†’

It is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends.

Sample Response 1: In the following essay I would like to express my opinion in regard to the thesis " It is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends." On the one hand, you could always say that making new friends is a lot more entertaining than keeping β†’

Components of frito-lay’s plans that need review

One component executive summary which details the scope the size and scope of the organization's market potentials as well as the way the strategic positioning of the of the organizational management is uniquely poised to implement the organizational plans. This component describes a strategic perspective of the organization in terms of the way in which β†’

What teaches williamson ether synthesis

The melting point concludes that the unknown cresol that was used in this experiment was in fact the meta-cresol. In identifying the unknown, which was the cresol used at the beginning of the reaction, a logical thought processes was used in that collecting the ether and determining the melting point of the ether would indicate β†’

Pollution and main body section assignment

The reasons behind all this are the consumption of goods at a higher rate; the economy is being criticized for the methods of production and selling of goods. The gross national product is the sum total of goods and services produced for a specific period at a specific mime, the most purchased goods are eventually β†’

Discussion 9

In the first article titled " The impact of internet usage: A case study of delta state tertiary institutions" the objective of the study was to investigate and evaluate the impact of internet usage in institutions of higher learning in Delta State in Nigeria. R, Nelson, J.

The role and functions of law

The Role and Functions of Law Insert Insert grade Insert Insert Introduction Law play a vital role in the interactions within the society and the business operations. The other functions of law are determining the government power, ensuring peace in the society, ensuring there is free competition in the economy, protection of citizen freedoms, enhancing β†’

Accounting & finance, information tools

The ratio indicated company strength to efficiently utilize its strategies to boast sales. Connectively, the rate of return on total assets indicated the strength of company G in utilizing its assets to create wealth.

Jessie edmond

In order to better understand this concept, let us first take a consensus of the many definitions of what a metaphor is, so that we can agree to what a metaphor is not. While the metaphor of " time is money is not bizarre to think, to place an actual value on time, as if β†’

Countrys i will visit

I made my bucket list and the three countries I would love to visit the most would be Mexico, The Bahamas, and Brazil. After visiting Mexico I would love to go and visit the Bahamas.

Editorial: neuroendocrine disorders after traumatic brain injury: past, present and future

Long recognized as a potential cause for pituitary hormone deficiency, TBI is also increasingly emerging as a research priority given that, in this setting, the prevalence of PHD, the pathophysiologic mechanisms and the response to hormone replacement have not been well-established. Also, in this issue of Frontiers in Endocrinology, Quinn and Agha provide an excellent β†’

Genetic cloning

Cloning, at long last, may be the key to understanding differentiation and cancer, but little do they know that with the interference of nature and the processes it takes to continue with it will cause overpopulation and disrupt the balance of natural selection in mankind. The practicing of genetic cloning and selection is a practice β†’

Art from the ocean by ben lawson

The use of lines has created a clear outline to the image and incorporated a significantly large amount of detail and movement. I believe the meaning, the detail and the action of the organism causes many to have this perspective of the piece.

Economic and demographic potential of bricks nations

China and India are the major contributors of the growth not only in the BRICKS group but also In the World. Throughout the article we will try and understand the major factors that undistributed to the growth of the China In comparison to BRIM nations.

Example of buried treasure by pythagorean theorem essay

The treasure is buried and finding it by saving the time of digging is the solution to the problem. When we sketch this out on scratch paper we see that it forms a right triangle with 2x + 6 being the length of the hypotenuse, and x and 2x + 4 being the legs of β†’

Self -study

Chapter 2 descendants ni la I do not dare want to touch.but it's not wrong if we do a difference in the family.if you want to learn maths, kat Malaysia pound 1 +1 = 2.you choose you can! and 2 Sub Okay, let's continue this discussion by reviewing some of the advantages of continuing their β†’

Bp management

Some of the board's oversight activities include both the SEEAC and the audit committee to have a meeting together to help the board assess the company's risk management and internal control risks. BP's system of internal control The board delegates the maintaining of internal control, management and establishment of the BP system to the chief β†’

Orwell’s use of foreshadowing in novel 1984; “crystal balls and the psychic hotline” essay sample

A third example of foreshadowing is in the two scenes at the Chestnut Tree Cafe with Jones, Aaronson and Rutherford, and with Winston, not long after they were released. Three examples of this are Winston's last memory of his mother, the rats in room 101, and when Winston is in the Chestnut Tree Cafe.

Le corbusier, the modernist

The International Style of Architecture The international style is characterized by three basic principles; the marked influence of volume rather than mass; balance rather than applied symmetry; and the total expulsion of ornaments to the composition of the structure both in the facade and interior spaces. The Columbia Encyclopedia sixth edition.2007.

Ancient greek love magic by christopher a. faraone: erotic magic representation

In the modern world where lesbianism is more accepted and common, it would not be out of the ordinary to see more and more love spells cast by women to be directed towards other women. Furthermore, since it is possible for many women to achieve a higher social status than men, it also would not β†’

A hipaa-compliant e-mail solution

According to Tom Grynovich, network administrator for La Rabida, the hospital recently redid its infrastructure to provide gigabit speed between switches and fiber optic connections to desktops where speed matters." The award is basically for using technology in the workplace in every aspect of security and speed and accessibility of software and documents," Grynovich says. β†’

To kill a mocking bird-character description essay

Attic's practices the ethic of sympathy and understanding that he preaches to Scout and Gem and never holds a grudge against the people of Macomb. Ironically, though Attic's is a heroic figure in the novel and a respected man in Macomb, neither Gem nor Scout consciously dollies him at the beginning of the novel.

Biological magnification essay sample

Biomagnification, also known as bioamplification or biological magnification, is the increase in concentration of a substance that occurs in a food chain as a consequence of: * Persistence * Food chain energetics * Low rate of internal degradation/excretion of the substance The following is an example showing how biomagnification takes place in nature: An anchovy β†’

The theme of identity in three poems from different cultures by agard, bhatt, and nichols essay

The motives of the three poems differ, where Agard addresses the problem of racial prejudice and discrimination, while the other poems express the power of ethnicity. The fifth stanza is reminiscent of an action of worship where she tries to connect with the spirits in questioning the meaning of the hurricane.' What is the meaning β†’

Ernest hemingwayexample persuasive

In this study, the use of Visual Basic.net and SQL database will help to improve the efficiency of the computerized enrollment system of the Newville Heights High School. This study will be beneficial to the students, teachers, and staffs of the school.

Bar coding

The mitochondrion of most eukaryotes contains the mitochondrial DNA, and the rate of mutations is faster that are responsible for a significant variation in the DNA sequences of the mitochondria between the species. DNA bar coding: To characterize the species of the organisms a novel technique exists termed " DNA bar coding", and the technique β†’

Discuss how education as a social institution impacts on caribbean society and culture

Therefore, if education is to be seen as a form of social institution, it means then that education as a social institution would an important and influential organization in a community in which people are also able to interact with each other. One of the disadvantages of the education as a social institution is that β†’

Report on successful academic piece of writing

This report offers useful improving tool for writing Academic piece of writing skills for a successful Piece of academic writing and also develop academic writing and gather knowledge on academic writing for a successful presentation and to build a perfect report. The approach enables students to engage in academic piece of writing and also allows β†’

Proverbs as the collection of national and international features

The proverbs are the " code" of the people, expressing the individual way of life of each nation. At the same time, it is also important that the population of the nation and the size of a social group in the society.

Black american artists

My documentary will show this in action by exploring black American artist as it relates to the token effect and marketability, social network and the greed of white America. And to understand the factors that a black American artist must overcome in their pursuit of equality in the Art Industry.

Foucault and criticism essay sample

In his view criticism helps to provoke the thought process by creating uncertainty and difficulties when trying to make the subject reflect on the past, and brings to light inadequacies of the present. In addition the main purpose of critique is not the evaluation of those objects, but to highlight the framework of the evaluation β†’

Albatross unit 3 assignment

Buying in bulk means they can get discounts from the suppliers on their purchase.c) Cost of Raw Materials Sitting Idle in the Warehouse: The increased amount of goods stored in the warehouse means that Albatross Anchor also needs to incur higher amounts of holding costs of storing the large amounts of inventory. Holding costs refer β†’

April fool day

I dressed myself and went straight to the residence of the District Magistrate and told him all about my intentions requesting him to help me in securing a passport for going to the U.S.A. I returned to my room in a contemplative mood looking at the building, which I was to leave soon.