4 Pages Essay Samples

The during field work, several factors were put

According to Christian, " an intentional community is a group of people who have chosen to live with or near enough to each other to carry out their shared lifestyle..".. One of the main lessons learnt was their effort to bring gender equality in the community.

Gattaca analysis of the movie for biology

The movie is trying to emphasize the significance these four letters, each representing a base pair in the human genome, will have in the theme throughout the movie. If we could have that without all the genetic defects, would not that make a lot of people's lives so much easier to live?

School readiness and later achievement review essay

Purpose of the Study and Hypotheses The researchers of this study wanted to estimate links between key elements of school readiness-school-entry academic, attention, and socioemotional skills-and later school reading and math achievement. Data that was used was collected from direct achievement tests and surveys of parents, teachers, and school administrators The Children of the National β†’

The internet is america’s villain essay

Contrary to Goldwasser's opinion and her call to action to stop regarding the Internet as a villain, I would argue that the Internet and cell phones are indeed what is wrong with kids today. Kids no longer have to look up a word in the dictionary to see how It Is correctly spelled and get β†’

Technology in schools

The education community has seized the opportunity to make teaching and learning more fun and productive with the beneficial addition of learning tools such as video chatting, the Internet, Smartboards, and computers. In addition, computers also engage the students in learning and make them able to connect to the lesson immediately.

Why could the medieval period be called the dark ages. why would the period be called an age of progress

Life conditions of the Europeans badly deteriorated as the people felt that advancements and research in the field of science, art, religion and culture were not progress but only magic, and any such progress and advancements were forbidden. The people made a great deal of contribution to art and culture and made their heritage rich β†’

Popular culture anaylsis

Having a church in the mall and the discussion about the relevance of religion must sound familiar to some of us by now is not it? " To Say Nothing of the Dog" has a tremendous following among the fans of Mrs. Perhaps the existence of the book in 1998 had some influence over the β†’

Human weaknesses in hamlet essay

Even though he is the son to the late King Hamlet and the nephew to the present King, he has weaknesses. Even though he is the King of Denmark, he has weaknesses that take away everything important to him, even his own life.

Value of human life in utopian society

In Utopia there is a curious emphasis placed on the lives of their citizens as a collective and, to a certain extent, as individuals. Though when it is said in the book it sounds as though this is out of regard for the people of Utopia, yet in many ways it represents more the contempt β†’

Socioeconomic profile of hypothetical patient

It will be in the best interest of a diabetic patient to consult the American Diabetes Association http://www.diabetes.org which outlines health insurance coverage on a State by State basis. It also offers a Taking Charge Diabetes program for its members that support the doctor-patient partnership to control diabetes and educate on such issues.

Development of tourism cause pollution assignment

Solid waste and littering In areas with high concentrations of tourist activities and appealing natural attractions, waste disposal is a serious problem and improper disposal can be a major despoiler of the natural environment rivers, scenic areas, and roadsides. Solid waste and littering can degrade the physical appearance of the water and shoreline and cause β†’

All that you need to know about guns, germs and steel by jared diamond

In this book Jared Diamond is outlining and trying to tell us that the conquering and reconquering of countries is not based on the ingenuity of certain people but rather the adaptability and of opportunity of a group of people or a dynasty. To do this the dynasty, ethnic group, or colony need to have β†’

The arguments for the legalisation of marijuana for medicinal purposes

The problem with opioid painkillers is that they can cause addiction, and although they are extremely effective in alleviating pain, there have been cases of death due to overdose. However, in the case of marijuana, there might be exceptions given that it is prescribed for medicinal purposes, and under the control of a doctor.

Free essay about smart mother

The typical American woman stayed home and ran businesses, agriculture and raised their families while the men fought a war. On many occasions, the young woman would go to the keyhole and gather any information Women demonstrated and formed a political involvement in American society.

Property in the ideal state

For the sake of argument, Aristotle assumes that Plato is correct in declaring that unity is best for a city-state. Aristotle continues to argue his point against Plato, but is relying on a flawed assumption: that the citizens of the ideal city-state will not truly share all property.

Experiments on authority and obedience

Throughout the rest of the examination, the independent variable varied with; the closeness of the learner, the compliance declined the closer the learner was appeared to be, gender differences; it did not seem to affect the compliance much, the ranking of authority, and conformity. But it's up to you and me to question authority when β†’

As upon the nuclear powers to stop the

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India called upon the nuclear powers to stop the tesljag.of nuclear weapons.U.S.A, U.S.S.R.and U. The Cubah missile nuclear war in order to reduce the chances of nuclear war, U.S.

How the concept of democracy has been perceived and implemented in america versus england

The opening words of the Declaration of Independence lay out the colonists' desire to be given the same rights of free Englishmen. Both England and America evolved into democracies, and the expansion of their rights has led to the assertion of rights over that of civic duty.

The civil engineer

He made his triumphant entry into the engineering field when he supervised the construction of the canal between the Schuylkill and the Susquehanna Rivers. In this capacity, he became the chief engineer of Chesapeake and Ohio canals of 1828 to 1831.

According help the young men and women

Role of Latent Functions in Relation to Manifest Functions: Latent functions of an institution or partial structure may- support the manifest functions, or be irrelevant to, or may even undermine manifest functions. A function may appear to be ' manifest' for some participants in the social system and ' latent' for others.

The crucible

Here he had become the Reverend of Salem and finally finds himself in a position of power. With her desire to power over Elizabeth, Abigail cries out against many people of the town in this demented attempt to become powerful.

History of electronic dance music

The asses - The 'Birth' of Electronic Dance Music Some people say that the early usage of electronic instruments and electronic manipulation in music was in the asses, where the boom of funk and soul required the use of the bass guitar and a couple of synthesizers to get the groove going. The asses - β†’

Vegetarian narrative essay

The history of vegetarian and non-vegetarian In the prehistoric times, man was a hunter and gather and his diet was majorly consisting huge quantities of fruits and vegetables. This group of Hindus believes that any non-vegetarian food is harmful to the development of the mind and to spirituality.

A sticky proposal

If you swallow gum, it can stick in your throat which can cause you to choke. In conclusion, gum can help you relax and concentrate.

Weimar society and culture

The Cabinet of Dr Caligari was directed in 1919 by Robert Wiene; and is the story of murder and deception set in a small German town of Hols enwall. The school reflected the issues going on in Germany and rejected the older more traditional styles that were seen in the dire times of the country.

Are we too dependent on technology

I agree that it is in our best interest to continue to use technology in the future. If we were to lose all of this, I believe that we would all be left in discontent.

A battle that never ends?what is necessary to fight injustice as a reuslt of class oppression

For Luis, Chente is the influential mentor who offers him a better life, one without the drugs or violence typical of the streets, and is the inspiration that allows him to engage in conformist resistance in his personal life." Students today often identify transformational role models and mentors as influential people who inspire and socialize β†’

Evaluation of structural family theory

Structural Family Theory Introduction β€œ Is primarily associated with the work of Salvador Minuchin” (Gehard, 2014, p. 125). Salvador Minuchin was trained as a pediatrician and child psychology and is the originator of Structural Family Therapy. Minuchin was born and raised in Argentina and lived in Israel for two years....

Led zeppelin

The group was one the more popular hard rock groups that performed in the seventies, and even had some hits in the 1960s. The record company told Page that the group, Led Zeppelin, was the biggest selling group in the world and was making the most money at the time.

A proposal to freeze illegal immigration

The flow of illegal Canadian immigrants into America must be stopped: it's time we deport them all to the North Pole. Instead of merely patrolling the border and sending the Canadians back to their squalor, we need to eliminate the problem permanently by sending them someplace even colder and more depressing than Canada itself.

Mass media assignment

In conclusion there is little to no evidence that shows that the mass media sparks violence in today's society. The primary cause of violence today is social upbringing, not what people listen to in the media.

How i view the nursing profession? essay sample

These are various areas in which a nurse can work depending on the area of specialization Nursing career is diverged in different fields where one chooses the field to pursue depending on their interest and capabilities. With the emerging technology and advance in medical field, there is a probability that there will be new fields β†’

The three works, blakes london , arnolds dover beach (1867) and joyces araby

The three works, Blake's " London", Arnold's " Dover Beach" and Joyce's " Araby" are interrelated in their mood of exile and a labyrinthine journey through the cityscape that is fraught with a strange alienation for them. But with the onset of Araby, Joyce launches the consciousness of a boy and his artistic doom, which β†’

Comperative study of antony cleapetra and all for love essay

Notable authors: Ann Radcliffe, Bram Stoker Lake Poets A group of Romantic poets from the English Lake District who wrote about nature and the sublime.oNotable authors: William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge American Romanticism Distinct from European Romanticism, the American form emerged somewhat later, was based more in fiction than in poetry, and incorporated a awareness β†’

Lit analysis of smokers, inc. essay

Kick the Habit, or Kick the Bucket Stephen King's short story " Quitters, Inc." involves a smoker trying to kick the habit, and getting results no matter the means. After that Morrison passes on the Quitters, Inc business card to a man known only as Crony, and tells him they changed his life.

Ethos, logos and pathos in john saul’s and miller’s articles

Both of these articles provide arguments that appeal to ethos, logos and pathos, but it is my opinion that John Ralston Saul makes a more convincing argument to his audience in ' Listen to the north' than Jim Miller makes in ' Which ' Native' History? While both articles make strong points using the argumentative β†’

Competitive advantage at nike

By altering marketing to the customer needs, Nike has been the most successful player in the past and continues to be today. The main players are Nike and Adidas.

Social justice: glory fields assignment

Their second mistake was assuming he was involved in drugs because he was in the military and he was previously arrested for the possession of weapons and drugs. What happened to Tom Robinson does not support what Caldwell writes because Tom Robinson was in the wrong when he was shot and had nothing to do β†’

Hrm240 week8 checkpoint

The second is, the company may choose to hire native locals from the host country to manage an international site, and these employees are called host-country nationals. The last or third is, a company may decide to hire people from other countries outside the home country or the host country, these employees are called third-country β†’

Belief and culture

The framework of psychology presented by Schneier dictates that security managers must realize that the response to risk of security by users and management in stead of them could be extremely irrational. Open source in my opinion can be a great way of offering security, although there has been criticism in that open source renders β†’

The outcast essay

In Celia Behind Me, the author Isabel Huggan, through a sensitive and blunt retrospective first person narrative, perceptive characterization, extensive use of ironies and compelling images, illustrates the excruciating mischief and distress caused by the psychological and social confinement imposed on us, as we persistently attempt to integrate with the bourgeois, or the majority. As β†’

Christi case study analysis peer review essay sample essay

Writer inquiry: List the alterations made based on this feedback. Besides list those that were offered but that you did non do.and explicate why you did non do the suggested alterations.

In general: rbv competitive advantage

Also, in this essay, the link between a firm's resources and sustainable competitive advantage and the characteristics and strategic implications of the resource-based-view of a firm will be discussed. The key resources that valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable resources are very important for a firm to achieve competitive advantage.

The glass making and rubber industry. both sphalerite

In addition the probable and possible recoverable reserves of lead and zinc in the district have been estimated at 69. In the district of Darjeeling 2.

Figurative vs. literal language: which is more beneficial?

Figurative language may urge a customer of handcrafts to purchase because of the stirring description, however, literal language must be written for the consumer to know what they are buying. On the other hand, Misty's was more detailed, explaining why figurative and literal language is important to include in a description: I use both figurative β†’

Great gatsby retorical analysis essay

In other words, it is the filter that is in between the wealthy and the poor classes of society. I think Fitzgerald uses the name " The Valley of Ashes" to make it sound like a dark, dreary, and boring place that is hard to be in.

Rizal first trip abroad essay

There were allegedly three eye-witnesses to his retraction: Fathers Balaguer and Viza of the Society of Jesus and Captain Rafael Dominguez, who claim that Rizal had signed a document of retraction and conversion before he was executed. With that, I can say that he truly had the sincerity of delivering the message to the young β†’

Hr performance issues and motivation analysis

Once the problem has been assessed the theory of motivation will be used to explain what actions can be taken to change the disruptive behavior. This did not happen however because the worker claimed that the patron is the daughter of a coworker and she meant no harm.

Speech for formal ambassadors meeting

Indeed, I am very confident to mention that the new initiative of TIF in each of the country members of our Federation will strengthen the impact and the value of its work. Massive threats to the stability of the social systems and public health care and to the general access to healthcare services come in β†’

Unmotivated at risk readers in elementary school

This is because it is the teacher who spends most of the time with the learners thus able to promptly identify the at-risk learners. Teacher and parents should always be in touch with regard to the welfare of the students.

Diaspora by joanne hyppolite essay

The previous paragraph serves as an illustration of Intersectionality " The examination of race, sex, class, national origin, and sexual orientation and how their combination plays out in various settings." Something most individuals have a problem with is conforming to an environment in which live when they know that they are different, this result in β†’

Beyond belief

The author stresses more about the endeavors to refute the Nazi extermination of the Jews which is one of the crucial messages of it that is being disregarded. The authors' purpose is to speak to the public through presentation as coherent a manner as probable the history of the beginning of the arguments of the β†’

Homeric parallels of greek and trojan culture

The Parallels of Greek and TrojanCultureHomer's The Iliad paints an epic and gruesome picture of the Achaeans and Trojans civilizations warring over a ten-year p. A final irony is the fact that Apollo is considered to be the " most" Greek of all gods, and yet he fought for the Trojans.

In area. it is applicable for finding

It helps the biologist to learn the behavior ofanimals and also predict the actions of animals. Afterthe segmentation of animal from image the next step is feature extraction.

The rights to speak up in a new society

Given the evidence, some conclude that freedom of economy is important, and, therefore, needs to be the priority for the new society. Nevertheless, this argument fails to consider the fact that while freedom of economy is important, it's a step to be taken after the priorities.

3 important marketing communication tools

It needs to be clear the first time a customer sees the ad. The right customer: You need to know your customer.

With 5 sources

The focus of the book is narrowed to the work of Wilson making it concise and important in the evaluation of the various characters in the play. The works of Wilson focus on the impact of society and perception in the changing the attitude of the people.

Development stages: adolescence

This stage is affected by the structure of the society in which the individual is raised. Adolescence is marked by changes in the physical, emotional, social and cognitive aspects of the individual.

Personal case study: workplace experience in the hospitality industry

This study focuses on my personal workplace experience in the hospitality industry back in India and addresses the problems faced by the employees in various areas of the hotel and the impact it makes towards the organization in general focusing on the general and psychological behaviour of the staff. By the end of this 6-month β†’

The history of guam and why it is a us territory

The History of Guam and Why It Is a US Territory The History of Guam and Why It Is a US Territory General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To describe to my audience how Guam became a US territory.I. Statement of Relevance: According to the official website of Guam, the history of the island dates β†’

What is asthma

What is Asthma Irregular contraction of the bronchial tubes within the body is more commonly known as Asthma, this is one of the most distressing ailments of the present era. Chronic Asthma " The Beta Adrenergic Theory of Asthma" This theory isconsidered to be a classic and is used in most of the citations used β†’

The pudsey railway was a particularly difficult line to build??? to what extent is this view confirmed by the evidence you have studied

The reason why Pudsey needed a railway was that Pudsey was a growing town and was still getting bigger and the closest railway to Pudsey was Stanningley but even that was to distant to meet the requirements. Another is that they had to purchase 4-5 acres of land to buy for lowtown station and they β†’

The four voyages by christopher columbus essay

On their way back, the Santa Maria was wrecked, the captain of the Pinta left the Island alone with the aim of ensuring that Columbus and his men could not find their way back. In the course of his expedition, he discovered and named the Island of Dominica, this was in the year 1493.

King of macedonia alexander

The young Alexander, leader of the Greeks, and the pharaoh of Egypt became known as the great king of Persia at the youthful the age of 25. His Death Alexander the Great was thought to have died of Malaria in Babylon on June 323BC.

Manipulation of individual citizen motivations in the federalist papers

Working by the assumption that people prioritize their own selfish interests and want to ensure the highest possible standard of living for themselves, Madison, Hamilton and Jay appealed to the public's self-preserving nature in their famous Federalist Papers to convince citizens to ratify the Constitution. He reveals this insight in his definition of a faction, β†’

Society and collectivism

Realizing the superfluous amount of conformity and consistency in society, Steinbeck utilizes his characters to stress the importance of self-reliance because it broadcasts the benefits of collectivism while igniting the development of original ideas that could change society. He understands his failure in allowing an unknown person to control his life, accepts his mistakes, and β†’

The marketing strategy of etisalat

Etisalat today has the largest LTE network in the Middle East and is also on the verge of introducing 4G technology in the UAE. Etisalat is one of the best companies in the world undoubtedly the best in the UAE.

Graffiti art

Disagreeing with Ford's view that you have to consider graffiti is art, because the definition of art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. Most people would agree that graffiti is a type of art artists can express his or her feelings, inspires today's generation of youth, and accessible to the β†’

Week the marketing mix assignment

For a business to be successful, all four items will need to reach out to the customer and appeal to them in order for the product or service to be purchased. Promotion Promotion is needed to allow the public to know of the company and find more information about the product or service.

Common employment traps

If you find that the job involves hierarchical sharing of commission and the prices of the goods are higher than the market prices; or participants have to pay a large sum of money to join the scheme and make profit through recruiting scheme members as your lower-tiered staff rather than selling products, you should decline β†’

Analysis of fuji xerox co joint venture

Fuji Xerox Co, Ltd.is a joint venture between the Japanese photographic firm Fuji Photo Film Company which holds approximately 75% of the stake and the American document management company Xerox 25% to develop, produce and sell xerographic and document-related goods and services in the Asia-Pacific region. 1 Document Printing and Copying Company in the country β†’

General motors and ford motor company

The Board is made of the chairman, who is the CEO of General Motors Corporation and the headquarters. The advantage of working for General Motors and Ford Motors is that the salary rates there are relatively higher than in other automobile companies, e.g.

Critique on is your job an endangered species assignment

The author also Uses the word " heck" to demonstrate personal frustration, and to shock the reader. To call a doctor, one of the most respected jobs, a " sponge" makes his argument UN- effective and disrespectful.

Issues in sports 2

and Number of the Teacher's ISSUES IN SPORTS PERFORMANCE-ENHANCING DRUGS An issue in sports is performance-enhancing drugs, related to medicine and sports. The ways in which the above management action will affect the sport and society at large is an important aspect of the issue of performance-enhancing drugs.

Elias van rooyen essay

By Elias denying to himself that Lukas might not be coming, the reader realises that Elias is worried. Through the use of negative definition, the reader can see Elias's worry and anger beginning to show, " Not Lukas,...believed it of Kristoffel even, but not Lukas".

6 things sales professionals should never do

The best way to control a sales interaction and take the lead in the sales process is to ask questions. I suggest creating a checklist of all of the information you will need, and reviewing it before your call or presentation.

Summarysteven vogel assignment

Money, Vogel states, is in fact the definition of grades, and that our entire grading system is based of reaching the needs of a course syllabus rather than actually trying to gain the knowledge that is provided when learning the content. Pays lip service to the idea that the point Of education is, well, to β†’

“the epic of gilgamesh” a story by maureen kovacs term paper

The story of Gilgamesh and his achievements in the Epic of Gilgamesh portrays him as a true hero of the people. The fact that Gilgamesh is ready to die for the sake of his people, also shows that he is selfless, a character of a true hero.

Labor markets

This paper tries to expound on them and to analyze ways the member countries are coping with the challenge and also how the block as a whole has set policies to deal with it and the wider business response. The European market is growing and has grown in a monumental way.

The filipino family confronts the modern world essay sample

Overall patterns of similarity are discernible and merit consideration as crucial to an understanding of the family in modern Philippine life namely: 1) The Roles of Men and Women; 2) The Parent-Child Relationship; 3) Extended Kinship and the Nuclear Family. First was the Role of Men and Women, the stereotyped view of the Filipina's role β†’

Situation ethics analysis

One of Fletcher's main arguments in ' Situation Ethics' is that Christians are meant to love people not laws and it is an argument that is grounded in four working principles and six fundamental principles. It is also possible to act selfishly, in the name of love' without being aware of it some people believe β†’

Culture and management

The research methods of understanding the functioning of Aldi were obtained through a brief review of the relevant Organisational Behaviour Literature during the lecturers. This differentiation strategy is achieved by buying the products in large quantities thereby giving Aldi the authority to control pricing of their products.

Report on strategic capabilities and growth of fedex

" Strategic capabilities are the abilities to perform at the level required to survive and prosper, and includes resources and competence". FedEx Corporation delivers strategic path and combined financial tasks for the operating companies that compete jointly under the FedEx name worldwide: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, FedEx Office, FedEx Custom Critical, FedEx Trade β†’

In process greatly helps to improve productivity.

The purpose of this study is to analyze and indentify the process followed by the British Petroleum company in its transformational process and how this can be used by other companies that seek to incorporate information systems technology in their bid to undergo transformation. How To Measure And Improve The Value Of IT.

Sample business plan cofee shop

The first thing you will need to do in respect to starting your own coffee shop business is to write a coffee shop business plan... Are you going to buy an existing coffee shop, or are planning on buying a franchise or are you going to start your business from scratch.

Regional integration assignment

Caribbean Single Market Economy West Indian Federation This federation was established in 1958, but originally was established by the British Caribbean Federation Act of 1956 with the aim of establishing a political union among its members." The West Indies Federation consisted of Jamaica, the Caymans and Turks and Caicos Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Antigua, β†’

Juvenile crime issues in the criminal justice system assignment

On the other hand to this, an adult is viewed as set in their ways, they do/ should understand the differences in right and wrong, and would more than likely be reluctant to go through rehabilitation in the same manner as the child, and less successfully. A juvenile in court is called a respondent with β†’

Market failure and government policies assignment

Taxes such as changes in VAT and excise duties can be used to raise the price of demerit goods and products with negative externalities designed to increase the opportunity cost of consumption and thereby reduce consumer demand towards a socially optimal level. Five approaches have been taken to solving the problem of externalities Government-imposed taxes β†’

Preparation for policy proposal

The preoccupations of the drivers with electronic and non-electronic devices are major reasons and causes of accidents in various parts of the world. These failures are not necessarily the reasons of road accidents, but the aftermaths of the final malfunctions of the driving systems which are the road, user, and the vehicle.

The woman in black sound analysis

Sound is very important in this production as it creates tension, makes the play nerve-shredding and really helps to tell the story as the stage is set as a minimalistic stage so the sound is vital to the story telling. This is clever as it builds tension because it is bringing the audience deeper and β†’

Napoleon and snowball are characters who represent stalin assignment

The main source of conflict between Snowball ad Napoleon, especially during the first half of the novel, was due to the fact that these two were never in agreement' and this is shown through the way they utilities their power over the other animals'. Napoleon abuses this which is noticeable in Squealer's speeches when he β†’


The key drivers of competitive advantage included: use of new production techniques not easy to copy hence the only beverage category in the market; the brand image was unique; well qualified management team, and production capability. The founding team which included the generator of the idea and his professor were qualified and well connected and β†’

Differences between adult and teenage brain

The brain of teenagers is in the developing stages as found by the recent researches. The balance of functionality of the areas in the brain would be in accordance to the use of these areas in teen ages.

Values and ethics: midterm exam assignment

This story is taken from the idea of parables, which is nothing but a story about our self and what we ought to do in that situation. It is not enough for the neighbor to be kind man who wants his neighbors to be comfortable; he must imagine it to be a good thing for β†’

Things fall apart essay

The novel depicts the rise and fall of the Umuofia tribes, culture and society, as it conforms to the onset of White Europeans descending upon the continent. The death of tribal life is foreshadowed by the Okonkwo's multiple homicides, the locusts that annihilate the tribes crops, and his banishment for beating his wife during the β†’