4 Pages Essay Samples

The inevitability of world war ii essay sample

Germany signed the Versailles Treaty, which demanded Germany to pay reparations due to the costs of the war. During the worldwide depression, Germany induced hyperinflation as a way to pay the forced costs of the war, thus impoverishing the middle class and increasing resentment over the Treaty.

Impacts of incivility in nursing

As a result of the powerlessness and frustration, nurses often are faced with incivility in the workplace. The best is to resolve the issue between the people exhibiting the behavior and the person effective by the behavior.

Promotion mix strategies of mahindra scorpio

It was banking on Scorpio to help it shed its image as a manufacturer of vehicles for rural use and to break into the urban market. This also is a promotional strategy by the company to attract more and more customers for its product.

In suits will attract article 64 and

The burden of proving date of dispossession is on the plaintiff who, in order to succeed, must prove that dispossession was not prior to 12 years of the date of filing of the suit. 64, it must be shown that the suit is in form as well as in substance based on the allegation of →

Christianity and islam

Whereas the Catholics believe that the authority of the church lies with the hierarchy thereof, the Protestants believe that the believer has the authority of the church. The Muslims on the other hand believe in the Quran as the most holy book that guides the morality of the adherents both in public and in private.

Our treatment of non-human animals

It is necessary to think that way in order to continue mankind's place at the top of the species of evolution. All beings need these things and should not be deprived of them as a result of not measuring up to the standard for humanness.

June class essay

Before you work on the Common Application essays, make sure the common application is used by the colleges on your list! What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores?

Concepts of religion and spirituality

Role of the Nurse Their role in health care covers a broad spectrum such as the coordination of care, promotion of health and wellness, prevention of disease and palliative measures. Their knowledge in health care is invaluable to the creation for improved health care policies.

John browns raids and helping slaves

Before his raids he was with a group of people that did that were anti-slavery they did protest in kansas. Another thing that he did before his raid to help people from a quote from a website The reason why the stuff before his raids is important is because then you know that his raid →

The ideal society in utopia by thomas more

The capital which is located in the center of the island is Amaurot because it is the seat of the government and the senate; hence, public affairs and concerns of the state are always discussed in council with the Prince. They simply postulate two dogmas: the immortality of the soul and the government of the →

Green chillies

However, a series of studies claim that the addition of green chilies in foods provide a lot of health benefits.benefits of green chillies Green chilies have high Vitamin A and Vitamin C content: The fresh green chili is rich in Vitamin C, while the dried version is rich in Vitamin A. Harvesting The Chillies should →

Comparing domestic violence, traumatic bonding, stockholm syndrome

Domestic Violence, Traumatic Bonding, Stockholm syndrome Comparison Stockholm syndrome is a term used by psychologists to describe the irony in the way the captor relates to the hostage. Stockholm syndrome is related to domestic violence the difference is that in domestic violence, the abuse takes place between intimate people unlike in traumatic or Stockholm Syndrome →

Gender division in annawadian society

The book Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo demonstrates a society in which the quality of life for women and girls is much poorer than it is for men and boys. Having the constant fear of rumors threaten the women's everyday interactions indicates that the gender constructs created by the slum's community are not →

Good example of essay on sam houston and the american southwest

He fought hard for the rights of the Native Americans especially when he was the President of Texas. When he became the senator of the United States of America, he was also seen to always try to fight for the justice of the Native Americans in the country.

Ethical case of dr. carl klutzklind, ph.d.

Principle D; Justice: Fairness and justice entitle all persons to access to and benefit from contributions of psychology and to equal quality in the process, procedures and services. Principle E; Respect for People's Rights and Dignity: Psychologist will respect the status and worth of all people and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, and →

The mount pinatubo case study

case studymount pinatubo THE MOUNT PINATUBO ERUPTION 1991 the mount pinatubo eruption was the second largest eruption of this century and by far the largest eruption affecting a densely populated area.the eruption occurred at mount pinatubo in the philippines on june 15 1991.in march and april 1991 magma rising towards the surface from more than →

The critical period

5 years and had no language.unlike genie, isabelle made remarkable progress.by age 9 she had learned an extensive vocabulary, had acquired complex syntactic constructions and was scoring in the normal range on IQ tests.why was genie unable to learn language but isabelle was? the difference appears to be a difference in age of first exposure →

Pompeii and herculanuem economy

What does the available evidence reveal about your topic in Pompeii and HerculaneumWhen discussing the economies of Pompeii and Herculaneum, it must firstly be considered that on the grand scale, neither of the towns were major centres of economic activity. However, due to the carbonised preservation of many objects in the cities, we are able →

Editorial: how plants deal with stress: exploration through proteome investigation

A significant portion of the research articles included in this Research Topic investigated proteome level alterations in diverse organ parts of the plant body upon exposure to abiotic stress factors such as drought, salinity, and submergence. Overall, this Research Topic has provided a wealth of information in the field of plant stress biology from a →

The dominant arguments and debates about mega-mergers in the world of business

It would involve a critique of the different arguments for and against the practice of mega-mergers in the current dispensation. You are required to critically evaluate the arguments of the pro-merger and anti-merger schools and take a conclusive position on whether global mega-mergers are a good or bad policy to undertake in international business practice.

The factors of production in land politics essay

It has the largest national economy in Europe, the fourth largest by nominal GDP in the world, and ranked fifth by GDP in 2008 Since the age of industrialization, Germany was the world's largest exporter from year 2003 to 2008. Germany is the major producer of wind turbines and solar power technology in the world.


Especially in the second and fourth paragraphs while Hamdi Koc used O, Mujde Dural used kad? n in order to avoid any misunderstandings of the the pronoun she. Unlike Koc, she omitted some phrases of the sentences.* When her father died, it got about that the house was all that was left to her; and →

The azores

Sao Miguel is the most populated of the nine islands, and has an area of 297 square miles and a population of 250, 000. The settlement of the island took place during the course of the 15th century.

Sluggish cognitive tempo (sct) overview

The United kingdom, the Netherlands, and Germany have been more liberal in accepting the ADHD concept, to the point that some estimates of diagnosis rates in those countries have reached about 5 percent. Unfortunately, most pediatricians were taught about ADHD and stimulants for only a few hours out of the entire seven years in medical →

“looking for alibrandi”: changes in the character of josephine essay sample

When she is caught with the magazine, she is able to skilfully talk her way out of trouble." I brought this magazine in today, Sister, to speak to everyone about how insulted we are as teenagers and how important it is that we think for ourselves..".. Josie comes to accept that her culture is a →

Storm on the island essay

The poem is structured in nineteen lines and one stanza in blank verse, this gives the effect of the size of the storm. The sibilance reinforces the way the houses are built to withstand the storm There is personification of the earth on line 3 ' the wizened earth' to show the earth is also →

Market, industry and competitive analysis of yamaha indonesia industry analysis

Furthermore, due to these restrictions, the increase in demand for locally produced parts has led to numerous suppliers in the market, allowing ease of switching from one supplier to another, especially by the major players in the market who can afford to be more selective of their suppliers. Bargaining Power of Consumers/Distributors: Moderate While the →

The floating exchange rate system of malaysia economics essay

Floating exchange rate is an exchange rate regime where the value of a currency is allowed to be determined solely by the demand for, and supply of, the currency on the foreign exchange market[1]. When this happens, the value of the ringgit will depreciate and it will now be worth 0.

Internet protocol

Encapsulation is the process of wrapping the data while the decapsulation process is a process of opening packs. Encapsulation The process starts from the uppermost layer to the lowest layer while the decapsulation process starts from the lowest layer to the uppermost layer Internet Protocol version 4 is the fourth version in the development of →

Cultural language

This is possible because speakers of a given language in a society use their language to pass across their culture thus expressing the worldview in that given society. An individual, therefore, describes their worldview by the use of the same language that has been shaped by their culture It then suffice to say that a →

An underrated character

The thing that was the most impactful was the romance between Lancelot and Queen Guinevere, King Arthur's wife. Guinevere and Lancelot's love is more dynamic, genuine, and more believable than her and Arthur's marriage from the start.

Why does a consumer buy an ice cream?

In the first place we have to see in general why people buy ice creams, and what value it has to them this type of product and then we have to analyze the different types of markets because the reasons will change accordingly with the type of and product. The important thing that we have →

Reflection on personal learning needs

Using the Gibbs Reflective Model, I reflected on theory and practice occasions, and achieved the following conclusion about my learning styles strengths, and weaknesses My strengths: I am flexible and open minded; adaptable to change; keen to put ideas, theories and techniques into practice; and think through problems in a logical manner. Taking into account →

Pimples: skin and pimple free face

Causes of Pimples According to Wikipedia, pimples are caused by the accumulated dead skin cells and sebum that contain bacteria. Effects and Complications of Pimples According to Wikipedia, pimples can lead to significant swelling and may appear on the back and chest.

The killer angels book review

The general who saw the confederate army, General Afford, was under the impression that the two armies would start to battle inside the town. His way of thinking was that the higher ground the Union army was, the better it was to fight the Confederate army.

Slavery and indentured servitude

Slavery and indentured servitude set a path for the New Colonies of America by creating a large workforce and helping to grow the economy of The American Colonies. Slavery and indentured servitude set a path for the New Colonies of America by creating a large workforce and helping to grow the economy of The American →

What is business analysis?

It is more effective to understand the business needs before defining the scope of the project. It will help the business improve and lead to additional projects.

Islamic ethical teachings on sexual ethics assignment

The concept is to remain pure through prayer and rituals and not to disobey the restrictions of the Curran. Islam encourages marriage, and sex within the context of marriage is seen as a gift from God; Male-female marriage and the birth of children are central to Islamic life.

A review on the book-to sir, with love essay sample

In the story, Braithwaite begins with a set of preconceived notions about his students. It is uphill all the way for Braithwaite as he counters the cynicism of his impressionable students and, now and then, that of his colleagues also.

Hr management quiz 1

In terms of EEOC, U.S.companies overseas are required to comply with the law if they also have American employees.3.a) A hostile work environment is where an employee is confronted with unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other physical or verbal behavior of a sexual nature to a point where it changes the conditions →

Tim winton and zohra saed essay

In this, she is trying to express how, in the same way as freedom is taken in an arranged marriage, freedom taken in the rest of their lives as well. In this poem, Saed is expressing her opposition to the denial of freedom for her sister Muslims in the most basic areas of life and →

Lovings v. virginia

The mixing of races was done in the rustic King and Queen County of Virginia; however the marriage of Richard and Mildred Loving would be brought to the fore front and eventually all the way to theSupremeCourt. The Loving Couple was forced out of their home to be arrested and were sentenced to a year →

War is peace freedom is slavery ignorance is strength

Winston is an insignificant official in the Party, the totalitarian political regime that rules all of Airstrip One the land that used to be called England as part of the larger state of Oceania. Winston thinks about the other Ministries that exist as part of the Party's governmental apparatus: the Ministry of Peace, which wages →

Tattoos in the world of business analysis

What is not realized is the fact that there is a ton of time and effort put into the sketching and placement of a tattoo. Most people have the tattoos that they have because tattoos display some sort of personal meaning to them.

Global urbanization and development

The plotted graphs clearly show that the high the level of urbanization the high the level of pollution. The congestion will prompt the increase in the cost of living in the urban centers.

Reflection paper argumentative essay

This Is the type of facts people have to add to this myth. As, you can see many people use this as a way to prepare for the real disasters in the world, to have emergency kits and plans on how to survive.

6 steps to getting business analysis certification

If you want to earn the designation of Certified Business Analysis Professional but are confused where to start, you have come to the right place. The basics steps involved are: Step 1: Understanding BABOK Step 2: Meeting the requirements Step 3: Earn required amount of PDs Step 4: Submit the application and schedule the exam →

Andrew jackson and the cherokee assignment

This being the basis for the meander of my discussion of the Cherokee tribe, the faulty leadership. He also was the main voice behind trying to resist the government even after the two years was over, not to mention the whole two years they had to leave.

Elements of a contract

Once the offer is made to the offeror, the offeror gains the authority of either accepting or rejecting the offer. Consideration The third most important element of a contract is consideration; consideration refers to the promise made by the offeror to the offeree and the promise accepted by the offeree.

Maximum megaherzt case study

It is said in our case that this project is not the first one Olaf and his company as difficulty with. Also, before accepting any new project, Olaf should make sure he understands all the parts and that his Telecom Company is fit to fulfill the project.

Compare & contrast – a daughter leaving home

The tone of " To a Daughter Leaving Home" differs from the tone in " At the San Francisco Airport". Winters' " At the San Francisco Airport" is a closed form poem that uses images and tone to convey the attempt of this father to keep his composure as he sees his daughter off to →

Home style cookies

After production is scheduled, the first step is the delivery of an order list to the person in charge of mixing who determines the ingredients that are needed to complete the order in order to get the quantity. The company is showing its commitment to the community and investing in the employment of the community →


The action research project will describe a problem that is foreseen in relation to the identified topic, how it is known to be a problem, why it is significant to study this problem, the existing and pertinent strategies of enhancing the way English language learners are taught, and providing probable research questions that may help →

Assess the view that religion is a source of instability and conflict

Whilst some sociological theories such as functionalist sees religion as performing a positive function in society as it can lead to social solidarity, integrating people into society, other sociological theories such as Marxist and Feminist totally disagrees with this and would argue that religion leads to instability and conflict in society. Karl Marx a Marxist →

Personal ethics in nursing assignment

Ethics provides a language, along with methods, and tools for evaluating the components of personal, societal, and group morality to create a better path for yourself and others. Values, Morals, and Ethics are often thought of as interweaves and to have the same denotation when each of solely have a different meaning for themselves.

Colgate max fresh: roll out brand essay

Burton needed to assess these plans from a global standpoint, and he wondered if the benefits of adapting the marketing programs in each country outweighed the costs. In the U.S.and China the market shares are very close.

Main idea of transcendentalism

Transcendentalists like Thoreau, Whitman, and Emerson believed that the American Dream or ideal life is one that can be reached by being self reliant and not controlled by conformists. What it fails to realize is that the American Dream is personal and not strictly being wealthy.

Salem witch trials assignment

Family feud, religious extremism, teenage boredom and curiosity, selfish jealousies, and blindness of the judicial system of the time brought about the imprisonment and even death of innocent men and women. In the case of the Salem Witch Trials, so many men and women were accused, there was not enough time to try them all, →

Impact of corruption in ssnp in the context of bangladesh

Corruption is one of the reason to make the local government inefficient as well as anomaly to distribute the social safety net provisions. Social safety net is a measure taken by the government in order to prevent the vulnerable section of its population to fall beyond a certain level of poverty.

Evil and gender archtypes in macbeth

The principal evil characters in the play, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, are both evil, but the manifestation of evil is different in each. It is interesting to note the importance of gender in the personifications of evil in Macbeth.

5 ways to increase your sales and make your products easier to use

The objective is to make the product a joy to use, first and foremost, easier to use, then, if possible, more useful and more aesthetically appealing. Step one: easier to use The essential first step - make the user experience easy and simple - is more than the sum of its parts.

Causes of low birth rates

Some proportion of that will be due to infertility, but there will also be those women who make the choice not to have children. You might think that it's the mothers that have all the problems, considering they are the ones who have to work flexi hours, coming in late after the school run and →

Nclex blue print

For example, protecting a client's health information by avoiding the discussion of the information in front of anyone who is not in direct involvement of the client's care. The idea is that a patient's emotional, mental, and social well-being is part of the treatment of that patient.

Price of progress

For the purposes of the investigation, their effects will be observed in the context of this country, and will represent a microcosm of the world lumber trade. However, in the states of Sarawak and Sabah, both on the island of Borneo, logging remains a powerful and profitable industry.

He adventures or huckleberry finn and master harold and the boys essay sample

Mark Twain and Athol Fugard wrote the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and the play, Master Harold and the Boys, which are parallel stories. He has not had the kind of attention that a middle class child would have because his mother is a poor working woman and his father is a crippled man →

Lord of the fliesexample

Josie finds out how hard Nonna's early life was, with her husband Francesco who took her out home her home in Sicily and away from her family in to Northern Queensland where was and outcast Josie's Nona was often treated badly " He treated like one of his farm animals". However after hearing Nonna's story →

Sources of personality development essay

This debate has been a controversial issue since the beginning of sociology, the study of society and its impact on the humans that live in it, and it will remain controversial due to the inability of humans to comprehend all of the intricacies of human nature and the origin of life. The results showed decrease →

My chosen sport is hockey

I play hockey because it is a sociable sport that can also come along with other positives like having the chance to exercise and become more fit and healthy, also helping with a positive mindset to others and own mentalhealth, I also enjoy the range in skills that can be learnt and put into a →

Practical psychology for everyday life

I think one of the most important concepts I learnt from the lecture is the effect and influence of the non-verbal behaviors and language, but the people mostly lack of awareness on them and create misunderstanding even discontent among all of us. Despite this, some of us may omit it and pursue the ideal self, →

Strength of indian heritage

Residential schools of the 1800's did a good job of suppressing the language, heritage, land, and spirit of native people of North America. Furthermore, it was admitted that " ingenious children were understood as eminently concrete embodiments of a culture that......was intent on aggressively expunging from a newly emerging Canada." The idea was to manage →

Enrollment system high school

The School was conceptualized by the Division of City Schools of Cabanatuan through the leadership of the late Cabanatuan City Mayor Honorato C. Once they heard that the school uses a computerized enrollment system, it catches the attention of the parents and they are willing to enroll their student in that school.

The good the bad and the ugly essay sample

The world of movies presents us with positive emotions and feelings of other reality. Nevertheless, this exciting and entertaining type of art helps us plunge into adventurous world and discover new phenomena.

The three components of community policing

Thus, community partnership aims at the " collaborative partnerships" between the law enforcement agents and members of the community such as the community members and groups, other government agencies, providers of services and non-profit organizations, private businesses and the media. Organizational transformation refers to the changes to be made to the structure of law enforcement →

The red wheelbarrow

This essay critically analyses The Red Wheelbarrow as an essay written in the form of a poem to highlight the significance of subsistence farming to the pre-20th century success of the US as a nation. The poem indicates the faith of the farm owner towards simple tools and equipment such as the wheelbarrow, which have →

Introduction: four types of discursive writing

But part of it is a simple strategy for writing you essays and articles quickly and expertly, a strategy that allows you to plan your entire essay as you write it, and thus to allow you to make your first draft your final draft. Whatever way you decide, this will be the structure of your →

Evidence based screening case study

J says that the stresses that come with her career path as an actress and writer along with the people involved in the same has most likely caused her to do so.Miss. One of the facilitators that allowed me to participate in a conversation with Miss.

Contract law problem questions: breach of contract and contract termination

In addition, the modern understanding of entering into a contract requires that the parties entering the contract are clear on who is involved in the contract, the topic of the contract, how much money is involved in the contract, and finally how long the contract permits for the specific good and/or service to be provided. →

You can’t fire me assignment

As a general rule, in termination cases for absenteeism, the seniority and past work record of the employee have been factors influencing the decision of labor arbitrators to either uphold or modify the discharge penalty. The nurses that are being recruited to work in the U.S.

The justification of the food prices to its nutritional value

No matter the price, or what we have to do to obtain food, we will pay the price for it. The cost keeps climbing due to inflation, the increases in the price of gas and oils used to ship or produce food, the recent growth in population and the supply v.s demand.

The role of fear in hobbes’ political thought

Hobbes postulated that in order to maintain safety and peace, the people would need to sacrifice a number of freedoms and liberties, and to respect the authority of the Leviathan. However, the fear of chaos and anarchy outweighs that of tyrannical rule, and therefore, according to Hobbes, it is logical for the people to support →

Chemical compounds

The number of atoms of each element is denoted by a subscript, a small number that is written to the left of the element. In certain situations, the molecular and the empirical formula can be the same, but in other situations, the molecular formula is a multiple of the ratios of atoms indicated in the →

Holden caulfield’s insanity

Early on in the narration Holden discloses that he is a victim of childhood trauma: the death of his younger brother Allie. Holden is constantly in the pursuit of security to avoid being a victim again, and he disregards the fact that he is victimizing others in the process.

What should be done with the canadian senate? essay

The book " How Parliament Works" by: Bejermi, John, Published in 2000 describes the legislative branch of the Canadian government, and explains how the Canadian Senate has 105 seats in the Canadian Parliament, and each Canadian Senator is recommended through the Canadian Prime Minister, and is appointed through the Governor General who represents the Queen. →

Inquiry brief

Hellsten " Metaphors and Diaphors in Science Communication: Mapping the Case of Stem-Cell Reseach" in Science Communication examine the term " stem cell" and how it varies in different contexts of research, applications and policy debates. Metaphors and diaphors in science communication: Mapping the case of stem cell research.

Email etiquette

There are a few important points to remember when composing email, particularly when the email's recipient is a superior and/or someone who does not know you.* Be sure to include a meaningful subject line; this helps clarify what your message is about and may also help the recipient prioritize reading your email * Just like →

Resilience: problem solving and child

Resilient children: find ways to solve their problems xercise control over negative thoughts and takeresponsibilityfor choosing how to act and feel are more likely to have people to talk to and confide in when something worries them have inner strength, social and inter-personal skills, and skills in communicating effectively require parents and carers to model →

Softball vs baseball

The similarities are what groups the two sports together but the Intensity on the passion for the game of softball far exceeds that of baseball. Why? The grass is the same, so Is the equipment and uniforms of the players.

Is lying under any circustances righ or wrong

Second, if you were to lie, you would be following the rule ' It is okay to lie.' Also this rule could not be adopted universally, because it would be self-defeating: People would stop believing one another, and then it would do no good to lie, therefore, you should not lie. If you ask me →

Editorial: big data, pharmacogenomics and real-world research in pharmacology

In this topic " Big Data, Pharmacogenomics and Real-World Research in Pharmacology", we aimed for studies of pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics using big data approaches, studies of real-world registry or cohort studies in therapeutics, claim-based health database, and omics-level big data studies. Overall, we believed the topic, " Big Data, Pharmacogenomics and Real-World Research in Pharmacology", →

Erikson’s psycho-social crisis confronted

I was too poor to be part of the group of kids going to college and to intellectually curious to fit in with the kids, who did not want to go to college. In the end of this crisis, I realized that I had to be my own person, a stronger person, someone who had →

The mind of a serial killer

At the time we were living in the house, we did not notice the similar traits because he would rarely leave the house when there was a lot of traffic in the neighborhood. Most of the serial killers murders happen back to back or in a spaced out period of time.

The rise of joseph stalin assignment

As a reward for his help, Stalin was appointed by Lenin to become General Secretary f the party, and following Linen's first stroke in 1922 it was Stalin, more than any other party member, who became the link between Lenin and the rest of the world. Stalin went on to create a cult of personality →


GEE has already established a large part of its manufacturing in China where it leads the top tier company market share. Over the last years it has demonstrated to possess technical, technological and managerial skills to become a relevant player in the medical healthcare industry also possessing most of the Men's competitive advantages.