4 Pages Essay Samples

Space exploration assignment

The question of why we should spend money on space exploration seems to always be the first question posed. We do have the ability to continue exploring the Earth, however, the next step in the progression of mankind would be to explore space.

Education outline and rationale assignment

Teaching and learning should feel rewarding and should create a sense of educational growth within the students as well as the teacher. I feel that all students should have the right to a proper education.

A pilots life for me: life on the mississippi essay

Mark Twain's Life on the Mississippi is a book about the experiences Samuel Langhorne Clemens had with the Mississippi. Another way the Mark Twain's Life on the Mississippi does a good job show peoples lives back in the 1800's is it the book showed the social life of people.

The inexperienced marketer

English is spoken all over the world as a international language but if see culture and environment the same language English have different meaning in other countries.for example if in one country people speak a word like yeah to say yes.in the other countries same word in speaking people take as rude and offensive. Both β†’

Types of plants and animal cells

The nucleus is an organelle that is in the center of the cell and acts as the control center of the cell. It contains the DNA of an organism, which " governs the construction and operation of the cell..".and also holds the " blueprints" of the cell.

Introduction be having the expected knowledge. there

This will reduce the work of the supervisors as well as the fear of damages in the organization for they will be having the right person in their organization. In addition, if you fist go to college before going to work, you will have the chances of promotion opportunities in your work place.

Business strategy case study

The mission of Biddy's Bakery was to produce a variety of baked- goods with old fashioned style and taste. Elizabeth " Biddy" and three of her friends worked in the facility from 6 am to 2 pm making and selling the pies.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is a type of cancer where the cancer is located in the breast of females or males but most commonly for the ladies. Treatment for breast cancer is determined by the type and type of stage you are in.

Discuss if the product diversification of the walt disney corporation has gone too far

Diversifying in known and related areas of business therefore has been the major strategic focus of Disney since it started to diversify into related business segments. The overall nature of Disney's business model therefore is such that it requires diversification and firm does not seem to gone too far in this regard.


The prevailing pattern of same-sex relationships in the temperate and sub-tropical zone stretching from Northern India to the Western Sahara is one in which the relationships were and are either gender-structured or age-structured or both. Israel is considered the most tolerant country in the Middle East and Asia to homosexuals, while the Israeli city Tel β†’

Important terms in cultural anthropology assignment

Culture-The body of beliefs, social forms, and material traits that together constitute the distinct tradition of a group of people. Custom-A repetitive act of a group, performed to the extent that It becomes characteristic of the group.

Larkin’s portrayal of place in “i remember, i remember” and “places, loved ones”

This is shown by the lexical choice of the word " line" in the opening of the poem and the later reference to a " whistle" both of which have connotations with the railway environment. The use of the negative to portray this area of Larkin's life is characteristic of Larkin, bestowing a typical melancholic β†’

Gabriel garcia marquez and human nature

Although the plot revolves around the character of a winged man who has fallen to earth, the story's true focus is not on the angel, but on the people surrounding him. The story's characters, with the exception of the angel, lack the ability to think clearly.

Marginal female roles and the development of plot in “the winter’s tale” and “gawain and the green knight”

The sense of injustice is compounded by Hermione's pregnancy, and it is out of Leontes's disposal of their baby that the main substance of the later acts emerge in Shakespeare's deviation from the tragic model of Pandosto. Hermione's dignity is in absolute evidence when she details the wrongs committed against her: the loss of Leontes's β†’

Risks and benefits of gmo foods

The way GMO foods are produced is from the kinds of organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA that utilize the different methods of genetic engineering. The different foods like apples and corn are two of the healthier options in our world today.

What influence the contemporary ceramics design?

But, the modern ceramics must have it own direction, Direction of ceramics design is very important in the whole design process, it is always through the whole design, So if the industrial civilization provides a broad market, and material premise for art sign, The contemporary art is large extent provided the inspiration for modern design. β†’

Social media private privacy issues assignment

Trade of personal information is so common that it reveals the doubt that no information is safe between the site and user and these incidents undermine the trustworthiness of the social networking sites. To overcome these problems, both he users and the operators of the sites must realize that the consequences are serious.

Child trama 5

The main objective of this study is to shed more light on the matter subject besides warning people about consequences of child trauma and repercussions of indulging in risky sexual behavior. The main finding of this research was to find the history of adverse childhood experiences and risky sexual behavior, their cause's effects and consequences.

Press releases & networking – the background and fact sheet

This necessitates any reader of the articles to know who is behind the growth and achievement of the company. The main aim of the Company is to develop websites that would aid in efficient marketing of products and services on the web.

Demonstrative communication

Demonstrative Communication The objective of the paper is to present a of demonstrative communication which includes nonverbal and unwritten communication and involves such things as facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, and so forth. Likewise, the following elements would be included in the paper: a provision of examples showing how demonstrative communication can be β†’

Palfinger ag case study essay

The equipment would include all equipment that is necessary to make the inventory that they sell such as the cranes.b.) This number represents the total of the plant, property, and equipment that Palfinger has. This total number also has the total sum of amortized depreciation subtracted out to get the net amount of PP&E that β†’

Reflection on the book narrative of the life of frederick douglass

The author accomplished his goal and motive of bringing awareness in the readers regarding the manner in which the society of America was influenced by the concept of slavery and the hardships that the slaves had to face in order to earn a living in those times. This very book shows the hardships and the β†’

The effects of blindly obeying orders in the farmer’s children

In this narrative, Bishop contrasts the pureness of Cato and Emerson's hearts and the evil characterization of their parents to convey the theme of how blindly obeying orders can be treacherous. Bishop inspires the reader to question seemingly logical decisions and behaviors of their parents.

Chapter 3 inss

A shoe manufacturer's use of information systems in selling custom, made-to-order shoes directly to customers Which of the following illustrates the use of information systems to strengthen customer and supplier intimacy? A PC manufacturer's use of information systems to facilitate direct access from suppliers to production schedules Which of the following illustrates the use of β†’

Decoding social marketing strategies assignment

Planning steps: Defining preliminary behavioral objectives Conduct a rapid situational analysis Define the behavioral and communication objectives Design an overall strategy Develop detailed plan of action and a budget implement and monitor your strategy, identify trends and adapt if Necessary Evaluate Will Parks and Linda Lloyd presented a Step-by-Step Guide for Planning Social Manipulation and β†’

6a: business segments e-mail memo

Your e-mail memo should answer the following questions: What type of information should be analyzed with respect to the online courses and in class courses to determine if the online courses should be reported as a separate business segment? A Business Segment is a part of the company that has operations that can function on β†’

Poverty in america

Despite the efforts made by the American government to reduce the levels of poverty in America, according to the New York Times millions of Americans are poor. According to an article by Edelman in the American prospect, many of the poor people will work hard to get out of poverty but with time they find β†’

Midterm review flashcard essay

Tangun: mythological first king of the Koreans, the grandson of Hwanin, the creator, and the son of Hwanung, who fathered his child by breathing on a beautiful young woman. Before Hideyoshi the daimyo had a lot of independent power and Japan was decentralized spirituality of Japan and the people of Japan.

Ideal education

As an electrical engineering student at the University of California at Santa Barbara, I have been exposed to a curriculum that gives students more exposure to other areas of the field. The best curriculum differs for each student depending on their major but it is vital that they spend no less than five years in β†’

Barack obama and vocal orchestra

Through the formation of the vocal orchestra, the uniting of the group is portrayed which further allows the breaking down of the ever present social class distinctions. On the other hand, the loss of hope causes some of the women to drift away from the rest of the group and cause a division.

Book report on the beauty myth naomi wolf

The talks about the problems faced by women that arise from the beauty myth such as work, culture, religion, sex, hunger and violence. The transition from the stereotypical housewife to the news making beauty myth has resulted in lessening the status.

Renaissance dbq

Renaissance was a time of rebirth of the studies of the Greeks and Romans, as well as the start of new ideas. Individualism was the concept of the individual and the belief to be able to reach the best of its abilities.

Why are geographers interested in marston vale?

Today, the extraction of clay and the brick making is still busy, and the Stewartby brickwork industry is one of the biggest industries formed in Marston Vale. Improving the countryside around towns and cities by planting woodland is the main aim of the Community Forests, especially in the areas of the derelict land.

The power of image in “the lion and the jewel”

In the first order, the image requires a real to represent, in the second, the distinction between the real and the image blurs, and in the third, the image precedes and determines the real. In the first chapter of the play, when the girls enter and deliver the news of her images being published in β†’

Youth gang culture and publics perception of gangs

It is the intention of the following literature review to focus upon the gang and focus in detail on youth gang culture and look in detail the media coverage in relation to knife crime, the public perception of the ' gang'. While disturbing, the number of such crimes is relatively low and in a general β†’

Job performance

Job performance in the workplace is a broad subject, and it is associated with various factors in the organizational context. Relationship between Job Performance and Motivation Job performance has been defined as the degree to which a person performs his job well.

The one were opposed to slavery. alcott expresses

This paper highlights the abolitionist views on race and change since the civil war to the year 1900 and how they affected the American view on race. Alcott as an author turned nurse serving in the civil war shows some mixed views on race in the extracts from one of her works at the hospital β†’

Unit 49 – dementia

It helped the carers to recognize the wants of Mrs E with her food and gave the kitchen staff the list she is having and the kind of drinks she is taking. It helped us in the care we give her and the food she's having.

Sweden culture and cuisine

SWEDEN CULTURE Of all the places in the world Sweden is the most caring of their environment. CUISINE There is a handful of food that a favorite to the Sweden people.

Irony sophocles’s story of antigone

Irony is the killer of the Creon and Antigone. Irony is the killer of the Creon and Antigone.

An innocent baby cries out: abortion and the roman catholic church

The Role Of The Church In Minimizing Abortion In The Philippines IV. Purpose of the Study Despite all the intrigues in the church and the government, abortion is a non issue in the Philippines and the less said about it, the better.

The division of chromosomes while, second division involves

The meiosis maintains the constant number of chromosomes in each species by reducing the diploid chromosomes of germ cells to haploid chromosomes of gametes. First division is accompanied with reduction in chromosome number without any division of chromosomes while, second division involves separation of chro matids of the chromosomes.

Conflict in close quarters assignment

At one point a colleague hid the knives in the station's kitchen because of fears that the two Russians were about to stab each other. The next day the international crew complained to IBMP about the behavior of the Russian cosmonauts.

Ctva fi

As one of the TV series aiming to be bought into by the common market of Goth vampire dramas just like Coke among its contemporaries, the series developers and producers have opted to function around the concept of youth empowerment by designating strong characters to the cast that are made to portray ordinary students of β†’

Describe your favourite hang-out place essay

In the first month I was taught how to clean a stable in the correct manner, feed and groom a horse. The first time I have to admit was rather terrifying, but as I came over my fear, the enjoyment could be seen in both mine and Moody's eyes.

Coping with loss

I remember the first day I got Blackly he was so small and cute. Blackly getting up and walking around the yard was such a shock to me.

Taking control of fate in chinua achebe’s civil peace

In this land of unrest where it is every man for himself, Jonathan uses his understanding of the post-war situation to not only survive the thieves, but keep enough money to continue providing for himself and his family. This is very similar to the way that Jonathan believes that fate is responsible for everything, whether β†’

The fascination of flight: symbols of liberation in β€˜o pioneers!’

The fear of the unknown is apparent in Alexandra as well, as her future is just as abstract as the seagull's distance to the ocean. In contrast to the duck, Alexandra is both uncomfortable alone and craves the company and comfort that Emil and Carl provide to her.

Has the accounting profession lost its way?

I have to agree that the accounting profession indeed has lost its way and is no longer helping the requirements of various users of accounting information in a way which is suitable and important for the worldwide commerce setting of today. The dark days of accounting which has also affected the accounting profession here in β†’

Decriminalizing marijuana

The views of the native and the continental cultures were ignored and instead the government, media and the society assumed that the weed was a narcotic that caused crime and insanity among individuals. Questions about the impacts of marijuana need to be considered in order to establish the validity of the current law.

Bifm training essay sample

Introduction to your organisation The context of the problem: Help the reader to understand the context of the problem by briefly describing your organisation, what it does, and your role within it. Investigation and identification of possible solutions to the problem Briefly describe possible solutions to the problem.

Social discrimination analysis

Privileges inaccessible to me before such as acceptance in social functions and in the products I would be able to purchase for my physical appearance were now accessible to me because of my conformity to the norm of physical attractiveness. In this case, I was treated negatively and even experienced discrimination because of my social β†’

Who dares to compare essay

Douglass states, " The plan which I adopted, and the one by which I was most successful, was that of making friends of all the little white boys whom I met in the street. 6 Apr.2011.

Rehetorical analysis in ‘the necklace’

The twists and the astounding end enable the reader to better understand the earlier hypothesis of the story. The character of desire coupled with the perception that objects can change life lead Mathilde to her downfall when she borrows the necklace and misplaces it.

Assessing product demand issues for mrs acres pies

Acres has several options to solve this dilemma which every option will cause the changes in supply, demand and price of the product: maintain current production level and raise the prices; expand the faculty and staff while maintaining the current price; contract the production of pies to a national restaurant chain. In this situation, the β†’

A christmas carol

The Portly Gentlemen and the rest of the community show no mourning for Scrooge's death and this confirms Scrooge's need to connect with the community. Dickens shows the difference between Scrooge and Fred's attitude outlook on life at the beginning of the novella to illustrate to the reader how important redemption is for Scrooge.

Traits of adolf hitler

He drooped out of school at the age of 16, spending a total of 10 years in school," Even though he did not have a normal amount of education, he still became the leader of Germany. He would get the audience by telling them what they wanted to hear, then he would manipulate the people β†’

Chapter 8

Discuss the factor that influence the number of facilities that a firm chooses to operates The numbers of firms facilities decide to operate often depend on the successes of the business. One disadvantage to this situation is that the company will have to pay for the assembly of a new facility.

Review of aids and stigma by gregory m. harek

The current literature as of 1999 is reviewed regarding the stigma that attaches to people with AIDS." Stigma" refers todiscriminationand prejudice directed at PWAs and PWHIVs as well as those people associated with them or caregivers for them. The existence of stigma has had a bad effect on the response to the AIDS crisis and β†’

Dr. lindsay

In the position of a nurse instructor at Carmel College Dr. Lindsay had to act as a clinical instructor, lecturer, and with a member of the committee that assessed the whole nursing program.

The fame of death in a. e. housman’s to an athlete dying young

Due to the ever-present social media, reality TV shows, and the general public's ability to reach out and touch the 1% through Instagram and Twitter, the world now a day runs on fame. In the next stanza the speaker snaps back to the present and says that in the present, they carry the athlete shoulder β†’

The concepts of anicca and anatta

The concepts of anicca and anatta make up two thirds of the three marks of existence, which is the fundamental basis for the Buddhist world view, and essentially, it is that everything in our world is conditioned, impermanent, causes suffering and is dependent on everything else. The Buddha came to the conclusion that there is β†’

Birmingham city council harvard

In addition, the department's existing computer system was inflexible, was unable to provide the management information needed, could not be developed to meet the government's requirements for Best Value and was not Y2K compliant. The SAP R/3 software met all of the functional and managerial requirements, and with ITNET's proven implementation capability and its approach β†’

Developing a problem statement and questions

What is the role of government and human rights officials in regard to human sex trafficking and how they can improve the overall situation? International Sex Trafficking of Women & Children: Understanding the Global Epidemic.

Gm hedging essay

The company's passive hedging strategy is reflective of GM's policy to focus on its underlying business rather than speculate on the movements of FX. GM utilizes forward contracts to hedge 50% of its exposures in the first 6 months and options to hedge the other 50% in the following six months.

Entrepreneurship development in malaysia

The call is clear and strong, reflecting Malaysia's aspiration to turn agriculture into the third engine of growth and to make the country self-sufficient in food by 2010. This programme adopted by successful agropreneurs in the process of transformation from farmer to agropreneur is the creation of more added values to the products in terms β†’

Nazi germany and the soviet union in the novel anthem by ayn rand

As the contradiction to the genre of utopia, the genre of anti-utopia became very popular among the writers. In the novel ' Anthem', the author criticized the ideas of socialism as the ones which make all the people equal and ruin individuals and their personalities.

Uncle tom’s cabin

Uncle Tom's Cabin Tom as the main character in the story of Uncle Tom's Cabin is said to be a slave; literally, and by heart, he has no other intention of being something else but is contented with what he is until the day that other slave buyers tended to purchase him from his owner. β†’

North korea’s death camps

Deep within the Rangrim Mountains of North Korea, hidden from the watchful eye of the world, lie some of the most atrocious human rights violations that have ever existed. Once North Korea had acknowledged that the camps existed, the examination of these camps would be soon to follow.

Osha standards essay sample

Furthermore, unions and employers should be able to devise an accommodation for the employee that is consistent with the provisions of a collective bargaining agreement. According to the EEOC Guidance, the determination of what is an appropriate accommodation is to be made on a case-by-case basis, tailored to match the specific needs of the disabled β†’

The theme within the rain clouds essay

The story illustrates the Father Paul's struggle to create a mutual respect with the Native Americans on the reservation. A third theme present is culture, particularly the Native Americans and their way of life as they adjust to the newer modern ways of living.

Chemistry lab: hydrolysis of salts flashcard

In this kind of hydrolysis, the water molecules actually react with the action from the weak base. In this kind of hydrolysis, it is the anion from the weak acid that actually reacts with the water.

Consequences of atomic bomb on hiroshima and nagasaki

There were lots of consequences of the bomb being dropped the biggest one being the number of casualties caused from the bomb, also how it completely destroyed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and lastly how it ended the war quickly and saved American lives. One of the consequences of the dropping of the bomb β†’

Sound and images, the culture and the role of media

Due to the fast evolution of thetechnologyin the society, there has been an increasing integration of sound and images in the media that people are exposed to. Given the joining of these disjointed features of film that may be generated in different times and in different locations, such an interaction of sound, space, and image β†’

β€˜tony kytes the arch deceiver’ by thomas hardy and β€˜tickets please by d h lawrence

' Tony Kytes The Arch Deceiver' is set in the nineteenth century and is a Short story about lust and indecision. H Lawrence on the other hand is set in the twentieth century and tells a story of one man's lust openly, for many women and his inability to show commitment toward anyone.

Chemistrypsychology flashcard

A metal consists of a lattice of positive ions surrounded by a ' sea' of mobile ideological valence electrons; Metallic bonding is the electrostatic attraction between the ideological electrons and the positive ions in the metallic lattice. In a solution they are separate ions Solubility The positive ion will break away because it is attracted β†’

On-the-job training narrative report

Pilar Lampa, orient me for the duties that I have to do like updating clients accounting books and answering telephone calls and how I will going to approach and entertain the clients. To provide for the present and future needs of our company in ways that are sensitive to people, use wisely and are in β†’

Hemingway’s legacy in literature goes beyond his grave

While it is true that he never managed to reach beyond his perceptions of a world that served merely as the solar system to his sun, he still managed to capture an important slice of Americana with his portrayals of an era of decay and hopelessness. Like Krebs, he loses his romantic notions of the β†’

Daisy miller as the subject of a study, and the object of a narrative

The third person limited omniscient narration of the story and the way Daisy Miller is portrayed in Winterbourne's thoughts makes her character not only the subject of Winterbourne's study in the story, but also an object in the overall narrative. Towards the beginning of the narrative, it is said that he went to Geneva to β†’


The most overwhelming and terrifying aspect of the Second World War has got to be the ghettos, concentration camps and of course the death camps. The Nazis established Auschwitz in April 1940 under the direction of Heinrich Himmler, chief of two Nazi organizations-the Nazi guards known as the Schutzstaffel, and the secret police known as β†’

Who has the right to counsel another person

D, in Counseling Psychology, which is a field that is concerned with the practice of counseling. Apart from the professional aspect of a person performing counseling, the ethical issues are of high relevance and importance to an individual in the field of counseling.


This form of trade and negotiation has served to ensure the smooth running and flourishing of the Narcoterrorism in the country and it is, therefore, a difficult war to fight. The death was received differently in various parts of the world and it had different significance to individuals.

10 ways to lose weight without dieting

Establish a time when you will stop eating so you will not give in to the late-night munchies or mindless snacking while watching television." Have a cup of tea, suck on a piece of hard candy or enjoy a small bowl of light ice cream or frozen yogurt if you want something sweet after dinner, β†’

Stages in responding to disasters: floods

The following intervention strategies, marked with stages, would be applied to the victims of the flood disaster. This also helps in determining the kind of intervention model applicable to a victim.

Organisation cultures

Capon agrees with this and adds that these cultures are identified by two factors in the marketplace and they are the Degree of risk associated with the organisations activities and the speed at which organisations and employees receive feedback on the success of the decisions or strategies and their performance. Business organisations like Manufacturing and β†’

Inaugration speech analysis

It is in this incredibly volatile environment that the President used the stage of the inauguration to speak to the American public, In an attempt to pacify his friends, and to attack his foes as well as to bring countries abroad together In the spells of friendship and togetherness. It Is with this backdrop of β†’

Utilizing online social networking sites

They announce the meeting, the venue and time within the group page or the discussion forums. That is why LinkedIn is the best tool for a business and a professional.

Traditional grip: why it should never be used

Instead of using a harness, the snare drum players would use a device that would allow them to march with the snare drum, but it would force them to play with their left hand upside down and with the stick weaved under the index and middle fingers and over the thumb, ring ringer, and pinky. β†’

Training for hrm assignment

Topics Employment Laws and Applications Job Analysis and Job Design Planning and Recruiting Selection Orientation and Solicitation Training and Development Evaluating Employee Performance Compensation Administration Incentive and Benefits Administration Labor Unions Negotiation and Collective Bargaining Health, Safety, and Appease Turnover, Discipline, and Exits Social Responsibility and Ethics Course Goals/Objectives The objectives for this course are β†’

Application of enzyme in organic chemistry assignment

The major interest in these enzymes for organic synthesis is due to their high-region and stereotypically. Despite the fact that numerous oxygenates are known, their application in organic aesthetes is limited due to a number of problems.

Cochlear implant rst

In the movie Sound and Fury a young girl's parents restrain her from getting a cochlear implant in the fear that it will change her identity in the deaf world. If it is so import tan for the parents that their child be part of the deaf community, while still being in the hearing world, β†’

Regression of the human race

At the rate in which the human race is depleting its natural resources, future generations are going to struggle living at the same standards of the current human race. This weapon provides several articles and studies concerning sustainability of the current human population as well as the effects of human resource depletion.


I have decided to come back to school to further my education as well as wanting to start a new profession. So to find a job to support my family I have to have new job skills.

Os x support essentials 10.7 chapter 6

If the destination IP address is not on the LAN, then it's assumed the destination address is on another network, and the client sends the data to the IP address of the local network router. However, all network traffic that is not better handled by a local connection is sent to the primary network service β†’

Sap case study

Avoidance is the biggest telecoms company around the globe, who is serving the customers in Middle East, Asia, Europe and United States, with the company Joint dentures, partnership, undertaking and speculation. The market development chart of Avoidance defines about the new markets and the open products in the existing market of India as an aimed β†’

The impact of the lasers technology on society essay sample

In this paper, we can view the impact of the lasers technology on society from four perspectives: the strength, the weakness, the opportunity and the threat of Lasers Applications. Since laser light can be focused to a very small point of light, lasers are used in CD players, in surgery, in communication, in welding, in β†’