4 Pages Essay Samples

The runaway slave

Esteban's hated his life, and he yearned to break from the yokes of slavery and this is revealed by his own words, " I cared for myself as if I were a pampered child. And he flourished in the forest, where he had everything he needed to live, except for the warmth of another person's →

Explorers vacation essay

It is bordered on the north by the South China Sea, all of the east, the west and the south by Karakas, Malaysia which divides Brunet into n. Brunet has one of the highest per capita incomes in Asia, and the sultan is believed to be one of the richest men in the world.

Geronimo a great american leader history essay

He wrought fear in the hearts of Americans and Mexicans with his great leadership, courage and deadly skills as a warrior, the aspects of Apache values.[1] He was believed to be impervious to bullets because of supernatural beings granting him their powers so, he had a certain tenacity on the battlefield combined with his courage →

Carmex case study

Advantages and disadvantages for the Carmen Marketing Team in collecting data to narrow the flavor choices from three to two using an online survey of a cross- section of internet Households are: Advantages Disadvantages. The Advantages for the Carmen Marketing team in collecting data to narrow the Flavor Choices from three to two using an →

Keep student metrocards!!

If a student's family just cannot afford it, and the kid wants to go to school, children will jump turnstiles as a desperate act to get to school. Student Metro Cards are a privilege to young teens and children everywhere.

Plastic pollution assignment

The food we eat is wrapped with it, the toys our siblings or children play with is made from it, the television we watch is made with it, we play video games with plastic controllers, we listen to music with plastic head phones and the shelves we use is made with plastic. Most of it →

Human performance technology

It stresses a rigorous analysis of present and desired levels of performance, identifies the causes for the performance gap, offers a wide range of interventions with which to improve performance, guides the change management process, and evaluates the results. Human Performance Technology Process The human performance technology process begins with a comparison of the present →

Overview of the political activity of the exponential figure of communism, leon trotsky

Trotsky helped found the South Russian Worker's union in 1897, and because of his participation in the Union, Trotsky was arrested in January 1898. Because of the Bolshevik Party's success in the Revolution of 1917, Lenin had become the new Soviet government's leader and Trotsky his second in command.

A college education: a fight for a no caste system, a fight for the american way of life assignment

A Fight for a No Caste System, a Fight for the American Way of Life In " The Privileges of the Parents", Margaret Miller says, " With their sense of entitlement, more highly educated parents are more likely to fight for their children in school, and they know what privileges to fight for". Also, it's →

The advantages and disadvantages of tilling as a technique in plant breeding

This paper, therefore, seeks to establish the advantages and disadvantages of TILLING in plant breeding. The method combines a standard and an equally effective technique of mutagenesis with the use of a chemical mutagen such as Ethyl methanesulphonate that contains a sensitive DNA screening method to which identifies point mutations in a target gene.

Performance appraisal at darby gas & light

There are few disadvantages of the method which are listed below along with major problems observed in the form: 1) The form does not provide the depth of information about a particular facet. 2) The participants can be evaluated for what they have learnt in the form of holding tests at the end of training →

Peter skrzynecki belonging essay

The speaker's cultural alienation from the father is decisively explored in the final stanza of the poem in which an extended metaphor is implemented to show the shift from adopting his father's heritage to embracing the Australian culture. Essentially, this final stanza sums up the general message of the poem and leaves the responder with →

Bivariate coursework is to discover whether there

The aim of this coursework is to discover whether there is a correlation between the heights of people and there shoe size. If the value of ' r' turns out to be close to 1, then I can deduce that there is a strong correlation.

Raising children in tomorrow’s world narrative

Today, the problem has manifested in our modern world and parents still face a load of challenges in raising their children and these problems are set to worsen due to the rapid modernization and globalization of values. On the contrary, the advancement in technology has also done a great part in making parenting more convenient →

Training methods

Finally, research shows that maintaining a balance of the above measurements is the final key to success in measuring the effectiveness of management training and development. A recent literature review of the summative evaluation on training noted.effective management training and consequences of ineffective training programs.

Editorial: advanced thermoplastic composites and manufacturing processes

Editorial on the Research Topic Advanced Thermoplastic Composites and Manufacturing Processes The growing concerns about the environment and energy have driven the widespread adoption of new lightweight materials such as polymer composites in many industrial sectors, crucial issues being performance, cost efficiency, and multifunctionality. Among them, thermosetting matrix composites offer not only many advantages such →

Westward expansion in the u.s. 1860-1890

So we can now concur that westward expansion was necessary as the population increased in the east and ambition created the drive toward the west. Retrieved fromhttps://search-proquest-com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/docview/217925744? accountid= 8289 Henkin, D.M.

Inflation-deflation and macroeconomics objectives

During inflation the purchasing power will rise as well as the standard of living of the people but the value of money will fall mainly, there are three types of inflation and are: Creping inflation: inflation is between 1% to 10%. There are many causes that affect the rate of inflation and they are: Demand →

Coca cola the company | commerce essay

The company is committed to refresh everyone who had touched the business of coca cola. Coca cola is in struggle to Connect with more employees; this has created some communication problems for the company.

Management and case study

This will be done by highlighting the social influences that influence the G Premiums Words Pages Strategic Management and Policy Case Study of Harley-Davidson Inc Strategic Management and Policy Case Study of Harley-Davidson, Inc. Describe the advantages and disadvantages associated with each Premiums Words Pages Case Study: Radio One, Inc.

Regulaton and the long term

According to Olsen, these rules have become a challenge in selling of the financial products by failing to deliver the outcomes intended. Further, the regulations as set by FSA should not only target to streamline the process of selling the financial products, but also lead to the desired outcomes.

My experience research paper examples

Commitment to High Practice Standards Commitment to the highest nursing standards is in the interest of my patient's welfare. Schiemann and Moers underscore the importance of embracing high standards in nursing including hygiene, adherence to patient and caregiver's safety requirements and other standards that relate to acceptable practices.

Differences between competing internationally and competing globally

The Difference between Competing Internationally and Competing Globally A company competes only in a few foreign markets, It is an international multinational i.e.competing internationally, A company competes in virtually the entire world's major countries and global competitor is pursuing a market presence on cost continents. In this case, a manufactures can establish its own distribution →

Apples and oranges – comparative essay

Around the world apples and oranges can be found as two of the most common types of fruit. This is believed, because of the appearance of oranges, which are both " golden" in color and similar in size and shape of apples.

Emotional development critique & gender stereotypes

Complying to gender stereotypes is a big factor in the development of children and teens. With the results found in Mulvey and Kellin's study, it displays that at a young age, a majority of children and teens are all exposed to gender stereotypes and are likely to abide by them.

Dancing house essay

The building consist of two sections, the left section of the building that appears to have a feminine feel to it, and the unusually haped cylinder section of the building that has a more masculine feel. The second section of the building has a more masculine feel to it, leading us to believe that it →

Sociology of crime and punishment

In Elijah Anderson, Code of the Street theory, " code" referring to a set of informal rules that influences someone's public behavior, he categorizes people who live in the " street" and the " decent" families, to formulate a sense of inner-city life. The " decent" families are hard working, has mainstream values and instill →

This is it…

This is the book about the life and sufferings of Jesus Christ. This is a presentation of the search of the Virgin Mary and St.


She was a ' mod' in the 1960s and a hippie in the 1970s. Barbie is hardly a high-tech product, but has Mattel been innovative in how they have developed the product and extended its life cycle?

The wrong stuff

In the book, The Wrong Stuff, by Marcus Stern, Dean Calbreath, and Jerry Krammer, a sad story is told about a man that fell from grace as one of the truly great Americans and went on to become one of the most publicly lambasted figures of a generation. The main idea of the book is →

The affects of the media on society

As far as teen behavior in general goes, it is common that society blames the media for the actions of the youth even when they as a society are the ones that create the media and the guidelines for it to be presented to the youths. Overall, when all media, including video games are taken →

Dental insurance plan

If it 's excessively bad that requires you frequent visit to the tooth doctor so this type of program is best for you. Unlike other dental solutions that have a limited figure of tooth doctors who are included in the web, this program provides you with the services of any tooth doctor across the United →

Personal educational philosophy statement

Whereas I see the world from an eye of an experimentalist where it is ever changing, and change opt to be openly accepted together with other a fore mentioned attributes of experimentalism, I also hold the opinion that personal growth and individual development will result to the new ways that seek to expand and improve →

Reduce usage of plastic bag essay sample

The disadvantage of the plastic bags are, it is not renewable, which means they cannot be easily recycled like paper bags. Reusable bags are a great way to reduce your use of plastic bags and overall consumption of wasteful items.

Problems publlic schools face across the nation

In the documentary, " Hard times at Frederick Douglass High school," it is emotional, disturbing, and depressing to watch as video unfolds the challenges that public schools in America are facing. For the success of American public schools, it is the duty of the parents, students, and administrators to restructure the educational system of America →

Apollo 13 research paper

The Lunar Module was named Aquarius; and its purpose was to transport astronauts from the Command Module to the surface of the Moon. While back at home, mission control came to conclusion that the moon was out of the question and ordered and the crew to shut down the Odyssey to save power for time →

Pepsi entry into india essay

The per capita consumption was only 3 per annum * Foreign brand name could not be used * There was no liberalization and this not even 1% FDI was allowed.* Sensitive political and social problems in the country like terrorism * Cola concentrate the major ingredient to make Pepsi soft drink could not be imported →

Characterization of walter in a raisin in the sun

First, he of course loves his family, but he feels the house is too small, so he is willing to take risks to change it. Walter is ambitious with his dreams and he wants his dreams to be put in first priority, but the reality is not like that.

Carbon nanotubes and the environment: a threat or a savior

CNTs may not be a widely used substance for now, but there is no guarantee that in the future it is going to be in a variety of products, and can potentially cause harm to people in the way that asbestos used to. It is true that carbon nanotubes pose risks to living organisms lungs →

Promotion and place

This first purchase was a major purchase because it required me to spend a great deal of my savings on one item and therefore threatened my ability to meet some of my other needs, for instance, whether I would have enough money left over for groceries for the rest of the semester. That a computer →

Real resonance

The trip started out with one of the instructors explaining how to properly wear the mask and snorkel, how to breathe through it, and such. There was no concern of our safety, the situation they left us in, and not a single apology.

Civil rights movement

The credibility of the piece itself springs from the credibility of the man, and of the response to the speech by those who were present as well as future generations who followed in their wake. Relevance: The primary source is central to the investigation of the fundamental guiding philosophies and principles of the Civil Rights →

Business information

Information is knowledge/data that is specific to a purpose; information is presented to give meaning and relevance that can lead to an increase in understanding. A business may wish to change the way it operates and it must have the support of its workforce.

Innovation and changes

Such a forum will allow employees and colleagues to discuss problematic policies in the organization. In this respect, the managers attempt to solve a scenario by the addition of new rules to the organization.

Define the term micr

Answer: MICR, or Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, is a character recognitiontechnologyused primarily by the banking industry to facilitate the processing of cheques and makes up the routing number and account number at the bottom of a cheque. The advantages of a laser printer are it is an accessible and efficient office document printer.

Macroeconomic environment for united states of america analysis

It is a suitable tool used to understand the " big picture" of the surroundings in which the Airport Industry operates and it also allows the organization to benefit from the opportunities and diminish the threats faced by their organization. This will benefit from the availability of retail services and restaurants and cafes available in →

Equals sign and expo class method essay

In one-way selection, what happens if the condition is false? What is the essence of understanding, and using, control structures.

Social media in communication management assignment

Attendance is expected at BOTH lectures and tutorials Academic Integrity Academic Integrity is a critical value of the University Community and integrity violations destroy the fabric of a learning community and the spirit of inquiry that is vital to the effectiveness of the University. Use of social media to help the organization attain goals and →

Is physical punishment effective

Adults who support corporal punishment believe that it is the only way to instill discipline and respect in children. According to the opponents of physical punishment, it does not in any way instill respect and discipline in children.

The role julius caesar played as a leader of rome that caused his assassination

of the of the Julius Caesar Role, As a Leader of Rome, Which Resulted In His Assassination Julius Caesar ruled Rome wisely and displayed great vigor in protecting the kingdom. He supported the rebellious members of the Senate who dissented with Caesar and planned to prosecute him in the Court.

Locating topics of interest assignment

Almost one fourth of the female student athletes admit to having a serious eating disorder and would like to receive help to resolve their negative weight control issues, but due to the negative pressures around them to stay fit, most of the female athletes fall prey to some type of eating disorder. The author examines →

The relationship between critical thinking and ethics essay sample

It is used to describe thinking that is purposeful, reasoned and goal directed the kind of thinking involved in solving problems, formulating inferences, calculating likelihoods, and making decisions when the thinker is using skills that are thoughtful and effective for the particular context and type of thinking task. The Relationship between Critical thinking and Ethical →

Alive assignment: the miracle in the andes

These two persons in peculiar had become leaders in the rescuing of the group.and in the thought of eating fallen companions. I have come to this decision through the fact that it is a life and decease state of affairs.and that while the group was in adversity and desperation.they needed to lodge together.

What is psychology?

What is psychology? = it is the scientific study of the ' mental processes' and behavior What is the mind? = the mind is the means by which people perceive, think, and feel = mental processes. This approach looks at how the mind organizes info into a coherent whole our mind/perception attempts completion." the whole →

Workforce diversity: samsung electronics assignment

Throughout the course of this spring 2013 quarter, I have conducted a project on the financial management of Samsung. CICS of the research and a publication devised by the corporation itself and delivers their perspective.

The ideas of transcendentalism and its development

It involved the combination of European Romanticism and the lifestyles of the United States. In the first section of his essay, he states that " the first in time and the first in importance of the influences upon the mind is that of nature".

Analysis of in tenebris ii

This frisky rhyme scheme is in sharp contrast to the mood of the poet and the feel of the poem. The pattern may reflect the optimism of society, which is in fact, hollow and full of grief.

Complementarity between the employees skill level and technological innovations

The study results imply the following: first of all the companies that operate within the service sector overall possess positive attitudes towards utilization of technology innovations and the effects of the robotics and Artificial Intelligence. This is due to the fact that improvement of productivity performance of service industry is imperatively able to enhance the →

Trends and events today

Business environment has significantly changes in the recent past, contributing to a large part in the formulation of strategic plans to cope with the increasing competition. The aspect of gender in organizations is contributing to largely in recruitment and selection of employees in the society.

How policies and procedures promote essay

I am going to be talking about Health and Safety at work, Manual Handling Regulations, Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995, The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 and Food Safety Regulations 1990 and also the Child Protection Policy. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is a piece of →

Common racial themes shared in faulkner and morrison

Race and Ethnicity Claudia and Frieda encounter the phenomena of racial aesthetics with the introduction of Maureen Peal, a fair-complexioned black girl who, despite being born with an unusual amount of birth defects, is preferred by the black boys and girls. However, Faulkner is more fatalist in tone, evoking a manner of apathy and helplessness →

Ethical considerations in research methodologies

In their professional actions, researchers seek to safeguard the welfare and rights of those with whom they interact professionally and other affected persons and the welfare of animal subjects of research. Researchers should report the incidents and ethical issues encountered in their studies to ensure discussion, analysis and prevention of future mistakes.

War. but the sound of the bar was

This was the life in the wasteland, when not plagued by raiders, the various settlements and cities would be under different threats; everything from " Would the crops be good this year?" and " Need to fix that lousy water purifier"., to " Are Deathgators, and Deathclaws gonna try and break down the gates again?" →

Analysis of letter from birmingham jail essay sample

In his letter he indicates that he is purposely in Birmingham, AL because of the injustice that is occurring with the Negro people living there; " But more basically, I am in Birmingham because injustice is here". King, Jr.is convinced that if the Christian, white, middle class Americans along with their Christian leaders would get →

Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding essay

Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people. The roles and responsibilities of different agencies and GP's The role of local safeguarding children's boards The processes to be followed when there are concerns about a child The action to be taken to safeguard and promote the →

Kmart, sears and esl: how a hedge fund became one of the world’s largest retailers

The problem lies that more strategic buyers are in the same industry and experience the same business cycle, so timing of a rivals bankruptcy often found the survivors in a weak position and unable or unwilling to commit cash for an acquisition. This deal created significant value for each company, and Kmart, a struggling chain, →

Why did the first world war end when it did?

The Government ordered the Royal Navy to immediately cut the flow of raw materials and foodstuffs to Germany, which would not affect the German offensive, but it was the launch of a war of attrition which would ultimately play a major role In the Allied victory. Another factor that contributed to the end of the →

The mathematical learning theories education essay

As an example, in teaching a student to round a number to the nearest 10, the student needs to use their understanding of place value and their concept of number magnitude to the learning. For example, in teaching the definition of what a triangle is, the teacher should change the size, the angles and orientation →

Mom and dad

First is accommodation, we need to make sure of where we going to sleep, second we need to look at food because I mean we all have to eat, third we need to address the financials of us living there. It is a very secure place and the area around it is very vibey so →

I experience, therefore i am: a case for an evolutionary view of self from plato to blade runner to arrival

Instead, one should prescribe to an amalgamation of the evolutionary and dualist view of self, which says that the self develops in the brain as a result of past experience and genetic inheritance in order to differentiate self from other. It hinges on " the ability by the brain to coordinate new sensory information in →

Without happenings of the painting “the fall of

H Auden puts a voice to the happenings of the painting " The Fall of Icarus". The narrator that Auden creates is one that delves into the realm of human suffering, wasted lives, and the plights presented in the painting.

How did the government try to hide the effect of the blitz essay sample

The government did not always want the public to know the full scale of attacks, because they feared talk of defeat amongst the British people. The most important measure was the set up of the Ministry of Information in September 1939.

Birds of feathers stick together

Miss Kay, Phil's wife is the head of the family. Duck Dynasty also features the family being a little out of the ordinary to most of its viewers tuning in.

Looking for mr. right

Whereas in India they rely on the parents guidance, they decide if the match is suitable and only then will the bride and groom have a say. In India if someone in the household was divorced it puts the whole family in a negative light and it makes hard to get re-married.

Health hazards for seniors

However, much of the problems among older people can be reduced or prevented by adequately addressing specific risk factors, which includes: Heavy traffic: Now a day'scities and towns heavily dependent on transport for the movement of people and goods which result in sharp growth of urban traffic so as with the terrace downtown also facing →

Aristotle’s views on the purpose of life

Thus, it can be understood that what makes people different is ideal of life which is what he always wanted to do, which lacked it, he was just a lifeless creature in the form of a human. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the conclusion of Aristotle about the nature of happiness is that →

Primark: shareholders with limited liability

As stated, Primark has shareholders with limited liability and its shares are not offered to the general public, it is therefore a private limited company; meaning that a contrary to a public limited company, the shares of the company cannot be trade on the stock exchange and the legal disclosure requirements are lighter. Different types →


The success of the experiment will depend on a number of controllable and uncontrollable factors. A Megabit Training Systems representative will be arranged for the duration of the experiment and in-house training on SPIES will occur prior.

How pest analysis helps with strategic planning

Internal and external factors are highlighted in order to properly understand the complexity of the business environment and challenges. The analysis offers a wide and broader aspect of the market with options and alternatives to select from.

Assesment business administration assignment

I am sure that you will find the work interesting and enjoyable, and that the course will help in building your knowledge and understanding of Business and Administration. This will enable both you and I to monitor your progress at a glance.

Impact of media on politics

The four documents included criticisms of Bush's service in the Guard during the 1970s. The Air America Radio network was founded in 2004 with the promise of being a " progressive alternative" to the conservative talk radio.

Science and technology | homeland security

Homeland Security Presidential Directive 24 Establishes a framework to ensure that Federal executive departments and agencies use mutually compatible methods and procedures in the collection, storage, use, analysis, and sharing of biometric and associated biographic and contextual information of individuals in a lawful and appropriate manner, while respecting their information privacy and other legal rights →

Make a decision

We then moved the to the total refurbishment cost.were we multiplied the cost of refurbishment by the shopping floorspace available sqft which gave us the initial investment of the company. And then to find out the NPV we summed all the present values of all the quarters.

Editorial: the role of microenvironment in the homing, maintenance, and release of glioma stem-like cells

Editorial on the Research Topic The Role of Microenvironment in the Homing, Maintenance, and Release of Glioma Stem-Like Cells Among brain tumors, gliomas are the most common primary tumors in adults. One of the challenges in the treatment of GBMs is the presence of a subpopulation of treatment-resistant cells with stem-like properties referred to as →

Role of commercial banks in economic development assignment

Detail role of commercial banks in economic development is given below: Trade Development The commercial banks provide capital, technical assistance and other facilities to businessmen according to their need, which leads to development in trade. It increases the production capabilities of the economy by strengthening capital structure and division of labor Development of Transport The →

Informative speech assignment

Now that the speaker has chosen the topic the speaker needs to determine if the informative speech is going to describe, explain, or instruct. When making the outline a speaker needs to know how to organize the body of an informative speech.

Choosing comes to cooking, having a bone-in

Chances are if you Ggoogle" How to make pulled pork", you will find a lot of columns and articles by BBQ afficiandoesaficionadossinging the praises of their smokers. When cooking with a Crockpot or other slow cooker, placeyour cut in the cooker with the rest of your ingredients (we will get to thoseshortly.

A crippled teenager

I almost looked forward to it every evening because it was a way for me to release some of the energy and anger I was not able to release in football. I never knew until then how important it was for a son and a father to have a good relationship, but I would not →

Critical analysis

McCabe and Timmins point out that Gibbs model can lead the practitioner to just reflect on the negative and search for a change of outcomes when one is not needed? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? →

American reconstruction period possible due to the imperialist foreign policy

The foreign policy of the United States allowed the superpower nation to control the threat of communism in Asia and Europe. Although the United States was trying to fight with the Soviet Union to prove the stronger party between the two, it was serving the interests of several countries that were being influenced by the →

“to autumn” by john keats

The fruit of the land is filled with " ripeness to the core," indicative of both summer's triumphant conclusion and autumn's own commencement the harvest. To Keats, autumn is nature's primary example of the coalescence of life and death.

The symbolism of children in “leaving the motel” and “after making love we heard footsteps”

The hollering is an alert, that someone is outside there, that they are still in the danger of being caught; the kids outside represent the real world, that the lovers would have to end their " world" within the motel room. On the other hand, in " After Making Love We Heard footsteps", the child →

Chapter 2 part 2

90/PAGEOrder NowPET scanbrain-imaging method in which a radioactive sugar is injected into the subject and a computer compiles a color-coded image of the activity of the brain, with lighter colors indicating more activity PET scans are often used to see how effective an ongoing treatment is MRIbrain-imaging method using radio waves and magnetic fields of →

Are you in it alone?

Even though you might argue and bicker in a group, being in a group is better when trying to change something because it is more likely to happen if a number of people want the change as well, you get input on new ideas on how to make the change, and you have more support →